I THE/ SELL THEMSELVES I Durring the winter of 1893, F. MBM Those who are troubled with rheumatism should try a few ap plications of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm, rubbing the ¡»arts vigorously at each application. If that does not bring relief dampen a piece of flannel with Pain Balm and bind it on over the seat < f pain and prompt relief will surely follow. For Bale by druggists. • zu— A O/CX TWO FOR ONE CELLULOID LAPEL BUTTONS of the nboveem- tilein. in rl«-h colon«, (with »tar» In gilt), will I* »ent uoatHgi- |>UK1 iiiH.n receipt ot the fo' lowing price» : ALL MIZE ¡H rer hundred; |7U.OO tier Uiouttand. Ordertlwwebutlonaat once and dlMrlbute them for theg«»odorth«caime. Every word iaa text; the whole aaerm«»u eio«iueutan3 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y< Send for free sample .and judge thereby. The E. O. H erald and Cincinnati Weekly Ei quirer, both one year for $2. The Enquirer is a 9 colurn.8 page paper, issued each Thursday. I Largest in f-ize,cheapest in price, most reliable in news,all large type, plain print, good white paper. If our readers want another live paper, I I the Enquirer is that paper Call or send orders to this office. MM AMJMM _ — ~~ rHUtllS small investment I" him with a cough. In speaking of i how he cured it he says: “I used Returning prosperity will make many rich but nowh several kinds of cough syrup but make so much within a short time as by successful SnecX?- C8n found rm relief until I bought a bot­ Provisions and Stock. ' Cl atlonmGrain tle of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy <£|n 00 f°R EACH DOLUR INVESTED CAN BE MUlFnini«. which relieved me almost instantly | CpIU. = Systematic Plan f Specnh J Bt 0M and in a short time brought about' originated by us. All succcessful speculators operate on , a complete cure.” W hen troubled It is a well-known fact that there are thousands of mm?“ ^n78**® with a cough orc-old use this remedy of the United States who, by systematic trading through (' ’ “ part8 and you will not find it necessary j ere, make large amounts every year, ranging from a f«»- thoue.'X'i?1' to try several kinds before you get for the man who invests a hundred or two dollars in. t? ;' ..' ollar’ «$100,000 or more by those who invest a few thousand. ™°-000 to relief. It has been in the market It is also a fact that those who make the largest nrotits ft- for over twenty years and constant­ parativelv small investments on this plan are nersons win r COnb ly grown in favor and popularity. from Chicago and invest through brokers who ‘thorough).» ,»!?T m-v “ -’ Und*T8tand For sale at 50 cents per bottle by systematic trading. Our plan does not risk the whole amount invested on ativ trod t druggists. covers both sides, so that whether the market rises or fa'ls it i e,but fittriy profit that piles up enormously in a short lime "'g8 1 WRITE FOR CONVINCING PROOFS, also our Mamml successful speculation and our Daily Market Report full nf °n making pointers. ALL FREE. Our manual explains m? 0 - STOCK BRANDS. trading fully Highest references in - gard to our standing i.'!! .Success. lor further information address g nd THOMAS & CO. Bankers and Broker« 2 -1-242 Railto Building Chfcago W! ■ ■■■ w ■ W ■ well begun 1 h half done. Bei well by getting Ferry'» Sr.... Don't let chance deterinh your crop, but plant Ferr Heed». Known and solo everywhere. Before you plant, get Ferry's Seed Ann* for lMtti. Contains more « r tlcul Information for fa« and gardeners than ninny priced text books. Mail«-<1 i i n. a. riKKt' b « <»., »itTHoiT, ait - FORTH-: PRICE OF ONE. Cattle brand JU on left hip. horses same on on 'eft shi ulder. John McNulty. Our Premiums Horse brand bar ten on left shoulder; Cattle bar ten on left hip and upper clip on boti ears. T. A. McKinnon, Burns Ore. FOR THIS YEAR. a ! y» THE S N FRANCISCO Our Ottii'e is Opm . «,. tf«cs. . r -«■ I’KICB •I.X.5 PF.Ii Yi AK. Mid we can »«-curi patent lu lesa tin« i in those -emote from Washington Seud model, drawing <>r photo., v tescrlp- ion We iu K ihc . if patentable or free of barge. Our fee not due t ill patent «-cured. A P..mnhl«it. “How to Obtain Pat« with uanu-H of actual clients In your Stali unty.or I town, sent free Address, Opposite Patent Office. WuShirqtui ¡HE SAN FRANCISCO -r*UIE SAN FRANCISCO (I < WEEKLY CALL rj*f* Is a liandsome eight, page paper. Il is issued every Thursday, sod contains all of the important news of the week, gleaned front ever-y quar­ ter of the globe, complete up to date of publication, It fur- nishes the latest and most reliable financial news and market quotations, at d gives special attention to Itorlicul- tural and agricultural news, and is In every respect a first- slass family paper, appt-aii ,g to the interest of every member of (lie household. ------ ------------ is HE MOHMNO CAI.I, the E ditor :—1 have an absolute remedy for Consumption. By its timely use tlK>usands of hopeless cases have been already permanently cured. So proof-positive am I of its power that I consider it my duty to Mwd two bottle frtt to those of your readers who have Consumption,Throat, Bronchial or Lung Trouble, if they will write me their express and postoffice address. Sincerely, T. A. SLOCUM. M. C., I«3 Pearl St., New York. The E.lit.irlnl and Bualiie»« Management ot Uu I'aper l.uaraulee till, geueroua fropoaitioa. On receipt of ten centa, rush or stninpa, a gene roll» stinipl« will be nmiled of the nioi.t |H>|urltir Catarrh and Hay Fever Cure (Ely's Cream llttlin 1 sufficient to demon­ strate the great merits of the remedy. ELY BIIO I'll EPS, fit» YVarrvu Kt., New York City. Key. John Heid. Jr. < f Gr- -it Fall».Mont., Tncontnu-iided Ely’s < t. .«tn I’uhu to me. I can emphasise his alntem. nt, ”lt is a posi­ tive cure for catarrh if u>ed as directed."— Rev. I'rancisW. Poole. I ustor CeutralPres. Church, llclemt, Moul. Ely’s Cream Palm ia the acknowledged cure for catarrh and contains no mercury uur auy iujunoua drug, Price, 50 cent*. • ' K *«, - W»—• - « • »4 • I LI* I-RATED Mi«» Rotia Dickenson Horae brand anvil ot. left etitie. Cattle branded barIR on left hip. P O. Lawen Ore. I | □ 'A’!s: < iv"' i \ ) I Horse brand on left shoulder 8 ’~J AIA INCK. WEEKLY GALL S, 1 ampshite and Son cattle brand g connected. Esrinark swallow fork in right eiv underbit in left. P.O. BurnsOre. Horae« and Cattle branded J P on left shoul­ der s.iiiie b h tided JP connected. Mary J Price, Burtts Ore Herman Ruh cattle bran«! on t .<.« er crop « tf Hint swah >w fork in left ear ear under s«o|>e, P. O. Lawen. L’JB Cat* le brand. )-( O. on 1-f; hip, t right enr aid a crop and split in I- )-( o on left shoulder. A. Hem star Everybody 'lieft ds Cattle and horse brand T with half eir cl der G. W. Thompson, I.awen O Advertise in it. TEE EEEA L D. I And This Pip'r, P r Year, IN > COPYRIGHTS.^ ADVANCK. h < JICAL MLRCHANDiaE. VihSt..New York. Tit»- sruerros >\ ST. K ami I.VSTRl’MFXTS Mint rK>MHtNr mesa »«*>.»« *>*• C« **•«>«« pa*. . * like' »leJ « «>*«••• •'A', TTN > dal -«.«• X O $ OIÏLY ca VEATS.I HAUL MARK?5f Lri- -r> ■ m « » '* l*r»;«r tn «it kind« of u Miss I.aura Horae bratul 3 on left shoubler an«i same on mnscle of right hind leg. Phil Smith Burns Ore. Pili YEAR, L TIMES HERALD Stanclift, Burns Ore. DAILY CALL IN Subscribe for the Horse brsnd bar in on left shoulder; _ Cattie bran«! bar-ni on left hip and ribs. Catherine Marshall P O Narrow«Ore. Is a live metropolitan daily. It is the MOST REL1A- BLK. and is recognised as being the LEA 1>1 NG NEWS- PAPER of the Pacific Const. Either of the aboie i aper» we will send po-to « id as a pre­ mium on receipt of the follow, ing subscription prices tor the combination : AMD IHB J. P. Dickenson cattle brand J P connected on left hip. Horae brand anvil on left stille. P. Q I.awen Ore. Cattle brand figure 7on either hip; mark light crop off each ear, slip in each ear, and watt on left jaw. Horae brand figure7 oji either hip J. H. Bunvard Bums Ore. Geo William«, horse« mitl mule« » . rounding w, on tight »Hile. P. O Rill (Havaa tsavna a W ckk ) Till* la Your Opportunity. I Horae brand 3t> on left shoulder, also th re« dots.-, in ahapeof triangle,cuttie branded same 1 E. E. Grout Burns Or. --------- -+---------- AND ITS ^CURB ’ Horse branded P on right shoulder, cattle F on right hip. R. A. Hendricks. P.O. I.aweu Or PRICK «6.0 t PER YEAH. I Riley Or. Horses branded )-( on left stifle. Cattle brand ’ ed )-( on left hip. Marion Bunyard, PO Burns . CitUe liantn Ion left hip; h»r sh »aller. Carries H. Voed.n/. Bur «» > Morning Call! >. C ronsumplion W • - I ----- OR----- C.A.SNOW&O. !f yon have anything You want to Sell Let People Know it. Cattle brand, IL. on left rib under bit in left ear, tinder slope in right ear Horse brand 71 on right stille. R E J. A. Williams P, O. Weekly Call! ul Pai- ■ - s. Caveats, and Trad«- eut business condili t If you are in a position To do Busiu ss Let Peoub Know it- J. C, Foley, cattle brand = on rignt side f Horse brand — on left shoulder. ----- WITH------ Ï i* fl Hardin «St Riley, cattle branded V on left side Horse brand T leftside, r. o. Burns,Ortgou —THIS PAPER I I J’il ^¿er^DO YOU KNOW A GOOD ADVERTISEMENT MEANS INCREASED,’ BC s Ì n Ì^T FREE BRAND COLUMN. -------- !*•----------- «a* r-*s* 1-1 ■»t»a*ltaO«n.llw,'« » m. • f KIVtiCAL MfcRCMANDIS Val' in. Cattar*, Berios. A.-rcre eas 1 acts .u CAM I ORTAIN A PATENT» Fora frmnpt answer ami an boneet opinion, write to dl I N N A <"<>., who have had nearly fifty years' et|>en,-nee In the patent bueineM. Conimnnica. tlona »trl«-tly con Aden I lai. A Handbook of In­ formal ion eoneemina Patrnti* an<1 bow to ob­ tain Ibem sent tree. Also a catalo«ue of meehan. teal an«1 ar ent in« books sent free. Patent« taken tbronsh Munn A Co. recetwa apeeial notice m the «iclrnlllic American, and thus ara brought widely ben-re the public with­ out o>et to the inventor. Thi« »ptendld paper. ie«ued wwklv. eleaantly lllastrnted. ha» bv far tha largest inrculation of any acrntiSc work in tha •'•eld. B.T a rear. Sample copiee «ent free. Building Edition monthly, gl.'ata vear. Singla cornea. -¿4 cent«. Every number contain« beau­ tiful platea in colors, and pl n-vn.-tu of new bouse«, w th plana enablin« bui Ider» to show the taceat ira.k-n» »nJ wure contrxcia Addree« MUNN * cd- Naw Yuna. Art 1 Bnoai>w*Y. THE HER.ALDDOES THE BENT JOB PRNT AT LOWEST-RATES. LL tj WHKS YOU WANT GOOD JOB PRINTING DORE. CONSULT THE HERALD ci*