y I î BEST GOODS, MASON & LONDON f I k I I j ths Foundation of tbo Wonderful cure» by Hood’s Sarsapa-i?a. That is Why the cures by Hood's Sar- unan.la are C vhes . That Is Why Hood’s Sarsaparilla cure« the »-jst cai-.-s of Se-oiaia, o-ii iLieuin aa 1 o.h?r blood diaeaocs. I That is Why it overcomes That Tired Z* ITe-linj, streugthens the nervts, gives 01 in pi ice of exhaustion. That Is Why the sal s of Hood’s Sar- BS'pa.-b’.a Jure increased year aLer year, un'.il it now requires for i:s proda.tion the largest Laboratory in tho world. I I Oregon. o Burns, I : I i I k We Carry a Complete Line Clothing, Dry oods, Dress Goods, Furnishing Goods, Boots & Shoes, and Groceries. « I . I Rich Red Blood o Sarsaparilla ♦ I i JAMES DALTON, Proprietor. I Meat u» alwavs fresh and fat Vili. vr__ i j l ’-* i - j j i- 1N.1118 on Monday, delivers Kills on l’ndav, delivers on Saturday, ..... . .. s *‘>wdav Twice a week. Remember ¿e ¡delivers meat right at your door. « Is the only True Blood Purifier promi­ nently i i the public eye todiy. Be sure to £ - I* n J's uni o~.!v Hood’». I Ì b’.JLLi Additional Locals. O*’fc .. .13 **■» v tn h-v. < ! _>,• lu eiltìi-t. MEAT MARKET. D tn take- 25cento. For Sale Or Trade. I —The jail is about completed. — Remember the Bryan Silyer Club meets tomorrow evening. J — Bill Wooley was here on busi­ ness several days rince our last issue. i i « « I I I ill jl i i I 1 I * I ♦ I I« I i I * I I i i « *• I Í i ♦ i « I I: » 1 1 i- r ( I i I jl —Judge Caples has arrived and speaks to our citizens this evening in the court house on the political issues of the present presidential campaign. —Misses Gorham and Williams, of Harney, made us a pleasant call yesterday. Miss Gorham takes charge of the primary department in the Harney school, which opens next Monday. Transient Rates $1.50 to $2 Per Day. Bathes at all hours. ¿W Parties desir-ig regular board are requested to consult the Landlady. A Vlarveloua Discovery Free AN OLD AND WBLL-TKIBD R e M ED Y. — M r8. Wlndiilow’» Soothing Syrup tin» been used f r over fifty years by niillious ofmothers for their children while teething, with perfect success, i It soothes the child, sof er.» the gums, alia s all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best rente edv for Itiarrheoea. la pleasant to the taste Sold by l>r igg'.a s in every part of the world. Twenty-fivecenl» a hottie, its value is invali lable. Be sure ami ask for Mrs. Windglow’e SoothingSyrup, and take no other kiud. 1 GEO. S. SIZEMORE, ATTORNEY, B urns , ............................ O regon . CoHec.ions, Land business, and Real Estate matter proiuptlv attended to. ERR AT HICKS, How’s This? j. w C anyon C ity . I BIGGS, B urns . Hicks & Biggs I BRICK MASON, PLASTER ER and VENEËRING. t We offer One Hundred Dollars ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, i —Our public school will open Reward for ai y case of Catarrh Offices at Canyon City and Burns i Burns, Oregon. b d M c I ntyre , next Monday with Mr. Peebles as that can not be cured bv Hall's Ca­ i principal ami Mrs. Dr. Marsden tarrh Cure. Brick Always on Hand for Local Custoir. assistant. Miss Hope will also be F. J. C heney , A Co. Propts., here and open the kindergarten on Toledo, O. the same day. \\ e the undersigned, have known Veneering box, or frame houses almost as cheap as rustic and riiysician a ourge'',n. —Prof. Chas Leonard arrived F J Cheney for 15 years, and be­ much more comfortable—makes a solid wall, durable, very warm in A graduate of the Iowa State winter and cool and pleasant in summer. here from Drain Oregon on Mon­ lieve him perfectly honorable in all day’s stage. He will take charge, business transaction and financially University and College of Physi­ • I’artiesnot conversant with the Veneering process and want a as principal of the Harney school; able to carry out any obligations cians and Surgeons. nicelv finished wall in residence, will do well to consult Mr. Mclutvre T . . • made bv their firm. Office at residence in Burns. before finishing with rustle. next Monday morning. Mr. West and Truax, wholesale drug­ Le< •nard is an enterprising, atuhi- i gists, Toledo, O. I tious young man and we wish him I \\ aiding, Kinnan A- Marvin. F success I NEW YORK WORLD. Wholesale druggists, Toledo, O. I I The Weekly Oregonian and T he Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken in­ The Twice-a-week Edition of the H erald for only two dollars a year. ternally, acting directly upon the \ Subscribe or renew at once ami se bio'<1 and mucous surfaces of the -»ew Yo.k World has been convert­ cure your county paper and the system. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold ed into the Thrice-a week. It fur­ nishes 3 papers of 6 pages apiece, uiOHi newsy weekly published in by all druggists. Testimonials free. or eighteen pages every week, at this state Every intelligent read­ Hall’s Family Pills are the best the old price of One Dollar a year er cannot help but see the advan­ Arrives at Ontario in 42 hours This gives 156 paper a year for One Laves burns daily at 6:30 p M. tage of getting two papers for the Dollar and every paper has 6 pages, price of one. We hope our sub- Fare One way $7.50. Round trip $15.00. eight columns wide or 48 columns I e ribers will see the point and give in all. The Thrice-a-week World ; us a call. Through freight 34cts. a pound. g is not only much larger than any Two dayr nt ice at any P. O. on the route and covered coaches •■• V weekly or semi weekly newspaper, 1 H. A. Williams. Proprietor F but it furnishes the news with be furnished for passangers, Huntington, (»re , March 21, 1*96 much greater frequency and CAVEAI\IKAUtMARKs^ D ear S ir ;—We are now starting COPYRIGHTS.^ in the new year. Computations CAN 1 OBTAIN * PATENT» Fora I promptness. In fact it combines Prompt an.eer amt an honest opinion, write to all the crisp, fresh qualities of a for last year arc completed, We Ml NN A CO.. Who have had nearly fifty »«an* aiperienoe In th. patent business. Communica­ | daily with the attractive snecial strictly conHdenilal. A llundlinok of In­ find that our firm sold during 1895 tions formation comvmlna Pntenla and how to ob- features of a weekly. them sent free. Also a catalogue of mechan­ the enormous amount of 167 car- tain ical and scientific I hm A s sent free. rsteigs taken thmuali Munn A Co. receive Arrangements have bee. ade loads of goods, equal to ten train •penal notice In the Mclentlfie American, and thus are brought widely before the public with- by which we can furnish thn per ——* - ' the inventor This splendid paper, Iwb -jubt think 10« cars—ror ...... Issued weekly, elegantly illustrate,!, has by far the and the Thrice a Week N • fork circulation of any •ciennllc work In tha this we thank our patrons,an.I prom­ larveat world. S3 a rear. Sample conic« »ent free. Worldboth for $2 2.5 a vear. fake Huildlna edition, monthly, »i.Ma »car. Single Proprietor ise the same generous treatment in «UM. 45 cents. Every number contain« beau- advantage of this ofler a J get H M. HORTON I plate«, ill colors, and phoio«rtob« of new B ousm . with plana enablm« builders to show Ute the future. During 1*96 we will tele«! deslans and secure contracts. Addres« your own loe«l paper and the st II closer than ever, ami no honest MUNN • CO, New Y umb . 3«l B wuauwat . Thrice a Week World at this special rate. T he H erald . competitors will l>e allowed to do U^^DBAl-KBS t DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICINE more fir you than ourselves. We I JCHM F. STRATTON’S r evo ¿i» •»rao» i -,. v . r «*• vy » »>«»«»• t are here for your business, we must STATIONERY. DIAMOND DYES. CHOICE PERFUME« b : »’•’* '■< Musie ai iU i/ u*A i •»< «tir« '■'» •< ixk have it, if honest count, weight,and Celebrated Russian Gut A’ FANCY TOILET ARTICLES. TORACCO, CIGAR« ETC. Ni-w Y >ri;. _»i . T k 4 I L » i U treatment and Lew prices will do M« »» " J h > F. Struttoti Violin Strings 1»«ir Mr. — l h . va » Kh on )-■ er I il « tolti 1 he Finest in he " orM. it Call or write u« Fine Wines & Liquors for Medical Purpe • -r.-l vT» a t’.i.irt i.ja tri„ Bums Ontario 1 i — Louie Staticlift, after an ah- aence of about 1* months, returned home last Friday. BURNS, —100 acres of fine fruit land in OREGON TONSOF.IAL PARLOR, 10 acre lots 5 miles south of Eugene ROBINSON * WALTON MRS. R. D. SCHEIBER Proprietress. Oregon, 1 mile west of Spenser Butte. Lots at $400 each Horses «: P roprietors , The Hotels are now under ene man igen e t. The proprietress hv and cattle part pay on each lot if tew equals and no sup-riors in her vocation. the purchaser so desires. For fur­ ther information inquire at this Everything in their line guaranteed to be done satisfactorily. office. if: 1 ”• •i « ■ »1 4 I 'erv Stvfajl W«rr»».let! Jr! ii F. S’rattM,^^ • .tM.V R» apt. O C. Co tli'ii th«r uro th« |. . uuiuiii- -rr i.«« I h«> ■<,»» - i Gu,. r» v • I mi w t. * Stage Line. 1-4 >1 M3. 81.1. 817 E. 9’.h St m . w cr... Prese ri ption s accurately compounded. First Class Dental Work Done.