The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 03, 1922, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    PAbB 4
TheJBend Bulletin
raVlUhfd bj n BtvA D.lUlIn (Incrprtc4
BllftMlUlM 1J
1 , j ROBERT W. SAWYER. Mntr
An Independent Ncwpatr, lUndtnff for
u Nun drJ. clean butlne, clean politic
and th bmt IntemU of Dead, and Central
On Year ..
BU Month ..
Thre Month
SobMtlptUn Rale
..It. CO
In Its first comment on the Ku
Klux Klnn, The Bulletin asserted
that In spite ot the order's nssump
tloa, of Americanism, It was actually
most un-Amerlcnn in Its nttltudo to
ward tho foreign born cltltcn, the
'Jew; the Catholic and the negro. Wo
said then and we repeat that lndl
vidunls of these classes might bo In
Tieart and conduct just as good Amor
leans as any to whom the klan was
open. America stands for equality,
The klan conceives, it has a mission
to enforce- law and order and at;,the
same time It stands for things con
trary to the very constitution which
Is the fundamental law of the coun
When organiied, too American
Legion stood for true Americanism
and we believe that It continues and
will continue to do so, an American
Ism In refreshing contrast to that ot
the K. K. K. This belief is given
renewed force by remarks madeby
the state commander for the past
year at the recent meeting at The
Dalles. Wo urge the reading and re
reading of Mr. Goodell's remarks and
vc ask It the fellowship ot service, to
onr country need be limited to the
Mr. Goodejll .said:
"Ono other thing, an4 I am going
to tonch on. a inbiect that Is v very.
delicate, bntH'mituf'tb, WjSfabtjld
09 loucnea on.. tom- nr.' or yions
have been split: poislbly'not&penlyT
certainly underneath. Lifelong
friends will hardly speak. Wc more
or less look askance at each other,
wondering, is he or isn't he? It
strikes me as a terrible thing In our
organization, an organization whose
membership has the fellowship ot
service to our country. We had no
religious lines, wc bad no lines ot
birth in the army. We did not have
until about a year ago. Now we
seem to have. I am sure it will not
live, t know the Legion will live.
To m'e my buddy means much more
'thah'so'meone who was not a buddy
who Jiappens to belong to the same
church that I do, and I cannot be
lieve .that a true Legionnaire would
belqng, to any organization which
would Influence htm to put his buddy
of a different religion on the other
One of the interesting sights" In
the Broad street station of the Penn
sylvania railroad in Philadelphia,, is
a huge , map of the United States,
painted, on a wall and showing rail
.jrpads, ttqwns and certain natural fea
tures of the country. The tourist
I: ,(rom pregon who notices this map,
,,, .naturqlly, lo,oks taseje it the old home
.tpwn 8:there,,and If from Betid
ho gets quite a jolt, -Bend is not on
the map.
In it he Willamette valley the South
ern Pacific Is shown and these towns
are Indicated, Grants Pass, Glendale,
Roseburg, Oakland, Yoncalla, Cow
tage Grove and Eugene. In Central
Oregon there are four lakes shown,
Silver, Summer, Malheur and .Har
ney; but there's no Deschutes Ireland,-
as we say above, no Bend.
Now this would not bother us so
much if It were not for the fact that
a rail line and two towns are shown
that have not been beard of since
before Philadelphia last won the
The net was not tho official net ot tho
synod but of tho 25 Individuals who
signed. They arc to bo commended
for their wisdom and truo American
ism. Anything short of the tolerance
which they display must road harm
fully on the state.
Their resolution Is as follows:
"Whorens, there has been proposed
to tho pooplo of Oregon legislation
abolishing all privately controlled
schools ot primary and ' grammar
grades: and,
".Whereas, much of tho propngaudn
In favor of this bill has been con
ducted In the name of Protestantism,
we, the undersigned Protestant min
isters, members of tho Presbyterian
church, beliovo that the proposed leg
Islatlon is Inimical to tho highest hit
man welfare for the following rea
"1. It proposes to abolish one sys
tern ot religious education and offers
no substitute for It In any plan of re
ligious Instruction In connection with
the public school system.
"2. It Is based on tho philosophy ot
autocracy that the child belongs pri
marily to tho state: It is an unjustifi
able, Invasion of family authority and
threatens ultimately the guarantees
of our American liberty.
3. The proposed legislation in Its
conception, promotion and execution
violates what we conceive to be tho
spirit of fraternity and brotherly love
taught by our master."
(Pendleton Tribune)
July and August are the months
for tourists and camping. This being
an ago of questionnaires, It may not
be amiss to present a tew queries for
tho consideration ot the prospective
tourist, as follows:
Are you a careful driver.tor'
minimize the enjoyment nini'qudan-
r"i-B-f, . LrJJ.-'
Bcr ab lives oi your own -dMciy ana
.TgjTyOW Jellowmen by thfjtorcjcas
aoaiinR-;yi your can Tji , ,,.
uo yon camp on private jiiuuuas.
eat your lunch on people'stdoorsteps
and get water from their wells with
out asking permission?
Do you rob gardens, hen roosts and
fruit trees as you go along, or pay
decently for tho food you consume?
Do you trample fields of grain and
hay in your enjoyment of rural
Do you destroy trees ruthlessly to
provide firewood?
Do you build fires where they may
do damage, and' fall to extinguish
them perfectly when you leave them?
Do you leave tin cans, old papers
and refuse strewn around when you
leave camp, or do yon dispose of
them neatly and in a sanitary man
ner, so that the spot which tempted
you by Its green freshness when you
came upon it may offer a like pros
pect to those who come after you?
Are you courteous in your Inquir
ies as you expect courtesy In answer?
In short, aro you the kind of per
son who deserves the hospitality and
happiness which you seek along the
highways, or are you the sort of
person who puts the wbolo race of
summer tourists in disrepute?
Annual Picnic Will Be At
Todd Lake August 23
Plans Are Made.
Todd lake will bo on August
the scone ot the nnnunl merchants
picnic, It was decided at last week
meeting of tho Merchants' assocla
lion. n. O. McPhcrson was named a
general chairman ot tho committees
which will arrange for tho picnic,
Transportation for tho clerks and
their families, who will bo guests ot
tho employers, will bo arranged by
committee consisting ot C. T. Terrll
It. S. Hamilton and Dr. E. K. Gray
All who attend aro asked to tnk
n basket lunch, whlla refreshment
consisting of Ice cream and soft
drinks will be provided by the mer
chants, arrangements being In charge
ot a committee consisting of- J. M
Chllders and J- T- Gagou.
A progrnm of sports will be out
lined by M. P. Cashman and II,
Power. Music will bo arranged by
McPhcrson. A finance, committee will
bo appointed by President Frank In
abnlt ot the Merchants' association
That tho telephone lino which will
connect the summit of Bachelor
mountain with headquarters of tho
Deschutes- national forest in Bend is
now within one-fourth ot a mile from
tho top is; learned 2 from Suporjisoj,
iu.Li. ninno.-i juBi-Tcinrocu! irom a
trip to the mountain.."! Timbdr rprtho
flro. lookout station) which Is jo hp.
tonstntctodron tho'tatmintalit' can. al
boibronght'to tho top on pack horses
Plumb believes.
A new road location which will
make It possible for the Century
drive to avoid the marshy stretch
through tho hemlocks shortly before
Todd lake Is reached, has been found.
Plumb said. This will be built this
year. Another location which would
connect Todd lake with the road to
Broken Top will not be taken advnn
tage of until next season.
The department of agriculture has
Just issued a pamphlet entitled "Tan
ning Hides on the Farm." Next we
sball have one from the bureau of
education called "Tanning Hides in
the School Room."
Fifteen Years Ago
(From the Columns of The Bend
Bulletin of August 2, 190")
L. H. Gray, one of the Seattle
capitalists who visited Bend last
week to look over the country that
the Oregon Trunk line would tup if
Residents of towns south ot Bend
are discouraging tourist traffic
through Central Oregon by declaring
that the roads are closed or Impass
able, II. C. Ellis declares. Ho sug
gests that some remedy for this situ
ation be found, and also that more
road signs are needed In all direc
tions from Bend. Few but advertis
Ing slgnB are now to be seen, to tell
the tourists that Bend Is ahead of
Vern Lowell, charged with carry1
ing concealed weapons and with use
of profane language In n DUbBc re
sort, and Frank Lowell, agalnst
whom only the latter charge is made,
have, retained counsel and will ap
pear in Justico court voluntarily, it
was learned today In the district at
was learned in the district attorney's
baseball pennant, and worst of aU, j built, has granted an Interview in the
one.of these upstarts is about where! Seattle Post Intelligencer In which he
Bend should be. The line runs east , says that the Oregon Trunk line will
from Cottage Grove. It passes certainly be built and will be built
through S,tar, and the eastern ter-' Independently of either Hill or Harrl-
minus is at uisston, up to the nortn- son
west from Silver lake.
We are thinking of offering a Prize
to the first person who will locate
Star and DIsston for us. In the
meantime there's a chance for the
At a special meeting of the city
council last week, the liquor license
ot A. I). Estebcnet was revoked for
tho reason that certain parties had
imtnrnH ftnmnlnlnt thai , It nrt tmrl oAon
town., to get some good publicity by , . ,
,11 i.i. .i. i ,, liquor sold to minors over Esteben-
fnlrlnp lin with Ihn Pnnnavl vnnfn mil.' i
et's bar. Estcbenet is circulating a
"I visit your city every year, and
each time I am astonished at tho
improvement," was the statement of
John J. Rupp of Saginaw, Mich.,
lumberman, here last week for a
visit. He owns considerable timber
here, us well as In Idaho and Cali
fornia, Ho has spent three, weeks
visiting in the northwest.
taking up with tho Pennsylvania rail
road the question of changing the
map to accord with the facts,
' . , OPPOSE
Tho other day we said that wo ex
pected to find the majority of tho
newspapers ,of the state opposed to
the compulsory education bill which
will come before the people at the
next general election. A resolution
ndopted at the recent editorial asso
ciation meeting deploring the Injec
tion of religious Issues Into our state'
politics serves to confirm our expecta
tion. Wo bolieve that In the coming
weeks the spirit of tho resolution will
be' expressed In editorials opposing
the measure.
Today 'we wdulrt rail attention to
the announcement of the opposition
-of Born'o' 25 'Prcsbyterfun ministers In
ri resolution sighed at tho tlmo ot tho
jueotloc' ' of the synod in Corvallis,
petition asking that his license be1
i '
Another Ice cave has been discov
ered in the yiclnlty of Bend, this
tlmo on Jack Ferguson's, ranch,
Carlylo Triplott has returned to
Bend for a visit of several weeks.
C. B.' Allen is in the midst of hay
ing and will huvo about 100 acres to
Joo Tagijart spent tho week in
Bond from his homo In Rostand.
Tho report of a government Inspec
tor based on Investigation recently
made, will be against opening tho
lands of Ci'duo Pralno to entry.
Clmrlus Stunburrough has resigned
his position at tho pumping sta'tlou
nnd will go on his homestead where
ho will build a flumo to divert water
for power purposes. ' '
Finds Tacks Numerous
On Silver Lake Road;
10 Hours Making Trip
Seven long, large headed
tacks wero found by W. H.
Frantz of tho Economy grocery
on a trip homo from Silver Lako
Sunday night. They wero discov
ered at points well distributed
along the route, Indicating that
someone had a quantity ot tacks
lying loose In his enr, and that
tlioy had dropped out at Intervals
along tho way. Frantz spent so
much tlmo changing tires that
ho did not reach Bond until 4
o'clock this morning, having
been 10 hours tfn theroudj
There was a li'eavy rain at
Silver Lake ' Sunday, Frantz
reported. On' the wuy back he
drove 'through tho flro on tho
Clilnn Hat ropd. P. A. Erickson
acfqnjijaiiled. hltn, pn tho trip, , ,
O. A. ('. Uvti'iiilmi i:perlN Mnki
urvi'V of Oops Hofmv !
eldltiK ' Time.
An agricultural Held day will bo
held In Deschutes county within a
short time, It wus unnounred Inst
week by F. I,. Billiard, George It
Hyslop uiut W, L. Powers, of the ex
tension department of O, A. C, who
wore In Bond on an Inspection trip of
tho farms of tho county, with n vltiw
to suiting tho date nt the time which
will show most clearly tho results of
tho experiments being conducted and
tho general agricultural conditions.
They will leave for Lake county,
to hold ii Held day there utter com
pleting their survey hero. The busi
ness men tit Bend nnd all others In
terested will bo Invited to attend tho
demonstration, l order to become
acquainted with the, work that tho
extension department and the county
agent nro doing.
News of tho death of his father,
Omar Koiklns, more than DO years
old, as the result of heart failure,
was received Monday afternoon by
C. V, Hosklns of Redmond, while on
n visit to Bond. Hosklus started that
night by the McKenile pass for Eu
gene, where his father had lived.
Falling off a water tank while
hauling water to bis ranch Sunday,
n,H.IJrniU,ey,ot Drothorn: syfltnod a
uronon icr., ji.o ws prouROiuo uena
for trratmojit .Monday. . Ills wlfo
cams . wjthMpv Whllo .Jifljffcoverli
,fjrpmJ,tho1Jnju'ry thy w.HmiVo 6ti
East Fourth street. - -(. .1
Charged with purchasing n car nt
the Central Oregon Motor company
garage with n $525 check for which
there were not stiltlclunt funds de
posited locally, Willis II. Chase was
arrested In Klamath Falls last week
by the sheriff ot Klamath county. He
was released when a bank In Dlnuba,
Cal guaranteed tho check.
(iiru Ihiini Plead (lulltr Hut
Hilys Ho Isn't Afwuinrs
Alt ItoM'oinllilllty.
A camp Mro left tunning nt Elk
lukw nearly a your ago caused George
Evuns of Moxler to bo imenttnl Mon
day and to bo lined &0 and rusts
nmniintliiK to about $2f hy Judge E,
I). Gllsoii In JiiNtlco court. Tho com
plaint named Ray Ilalley iih well us
Evans t hut Evans agreed to tnkn re
sponsibility ut tho sjimii tlmo de
claring that ho was not In charge of
the party and therefore not culpable
so thut It Bailey reimburses Evans
to tho extent or halt of tho line, fur
tlier charges will bo dropped,
Allan Wlllcnxon signed tho com
plaint ngiiliiNt tho Mosler men, the
date of the alleged offense being Hep
tembnr C, 1021, Evans was urn'iloil
on Information from forest employes
at Enst lake, where ho had bcoit lust
week on his tlrst visit to Central Ore
gun slnci! (he complaint was isstieu
A chaiiKv In dates for examinations
to creiite eligible lists from which
new postmasters for Tutnulo and
Powell initio will b picked, Is an
nounced by L. C Coleman, head of
tho local civil service. Tim tests will
bn on August 5 Instead of August 7
as previously given.
TO JOIN I). O. K. K.
REDMOND, July 28. Nearly 40
candidates for tb D. O. K. K. cere
monlal to bo held In Bend August 1
under tho auspices' of the Bend
Kn.lg"hts ot Pythian lodgo, have been
signed tip hcrv aMurlriit'tno support
of the local Pythlans for tho occasion.
Bend's schools wilt open on Mon
day, September 11, It was announced I
today by Mrs. Horace Richards, presi
dent of tho school board, In response
day, September 1 1, it Is unnounced
by Mrs. Horace Richards, president
of tho school board, In response to
numerous Inquiries.
Ktiilo Hiiperlntemleiit Hlaleil I'orfc
Tliii'ii Aihlri'Kxes At Inntl.
tutu In Heptciiilier.
Of tho speaker who will nddri's
Deschutes county teauhnis at tho an
mini Institute (u b held hero Kp
temtior 13 to 15, Inclusive;, (wo lint n
already been socurod, County !,'iiht
Intomlont J. Alton Thompson an
Iintioi'tuut change III tho course of
study will bo explained to grade, and
to high school tonchors by male Ku
nerlnlemlent Churchill, who will alv.
give mi ussnmhly room addn-nn
County Superintendent H, H, Duncan
of Yamhill county will also bn here
ho has written Thompson, k
i ni.-ii immnm iiiii.ici
A meeting of the commercial c,
ganlialluii secretaries of Oregon, i,t
which L. Anile Is secretary, will be
suggested to bo held dltrlngjthn Irri
gallon congress hern In i4plnmbT
or October by Antles, hn states, The
date of Ihn irrigation congress will In,
announced In a few days.
PltlNKVILLE. July 2d. Th
Spallnicer and llecnu buildings will
be reudy for occupancy by August ;
uunouncrs contractor K, J, Barrett
A new building, to bo occupied by
Mason's men's wear shop Mint I'rltv
confectionery, will b built on
street, It was announced this wrrk
1 -tM y
Oliver Krleksoa ,pldd, guilty n
recorder' court today to a charge ot
being drunk and disorderly. He
went to jail, falling to pay the $ Jo
lino Imposed, Krlckson was arrested
Saturday night,
PRINEV1LLK. July 28. A nw
cash groenry w bo oputiiHl hero fair
week by Fred Oilman and ltobnrt I.
Ireland, both residents of Prlnnvllle
Bulletin Want Ads bring results
try them
Is Your GAIN
Saturday, July 22, fire broke out in the Bend Garage.
Efficient work of the volunteer fire department prevented the
heavy losses which might otherwise have occurred, but a large
amount of
and Accessories
Were slightly damaged by smoke. As a matter of fact the real
value remains the same, but they must be disposed of
At Reduced Prices
, Repair kits, top dressing, body polishes, radiator bar caps,
spotlights, motometers, pliers, Shaler's five minute vulcanizer,
screw drivers, tire pumps, cutouts, and a full range of tire
sizes. These are among the many articles which can be pur
chased at prices which mean a big saving to the auto owner.
The guarantee is the same
as if they were new
While we're cleaning house is the time for the autoist to
fill his present needs, or to prepare for wants which are bound
to be felt in the future.
Bend Garage
Open Day and Night
Buick, Chevrolet, Studebakcr Motor Cars
Goodyear Tires
L.AlltlO!ttMM J
...,. , .,,-.., ..,. ..... - - .g.,.M...iW1puu,CTiTOi,,mMmnlu,mPawu,IH()OTJlllwll,J1ii3l