I tiKNU bulmvtin, amt, okbooh, Thursday, jvsk 22, loa-i PAOR S RAIL CONSTRUCTION TO LINK CENTRAL OREGON POINTS, U. P. ANNOUNCEMENT MAKES KNOWN New Lines Forecast With Bend Connection EARLY PLANS REVIVED InlrrMnlo Commerce (,'ommlftnliin ItulliiK On Central i'jiclflo Hltiiulloii llecliireil lin. ' porliinl Fur tor. Itiillnmi! construction plans to Unit up l.ulcovlow, Klamath Kalis, Crano, ll ml anil OtI oil with ICiiroiiu for llin development (it tho long (lormnnt Central -f!cKn country, hove boon drafted by tho Union Pacific system and It In Indicated that such ii plan will bo carried throiiKh followlm: not- Moment of U10 Central Pacific rail road controversy, says tlio Oregon Jiiurnnl. It continues: n "Thin nniiniincuniunl coiiium from official channels and follows Intima tions to tho Mi 1 no effect iniido In ad dresses by (J, W. Morrow, general right of way agonl for tlin Union I'n clllc, In Coulrn I Orcein lout week. "Further corroboration In given In n statement from A, 0. Hpunccr, gen rnl counsel for tho system, In which ho iiald that ho wus unauthorized to r.inkn a statement on any construe linn program hut that a public do main! and satisfactory settlement of thu Coutrnl I'aclnc cosh doubtli'im would result In favorablo consldora- llou of these extensions, which woro planned yearn ago. Plan Link nlth Valley "To link up Eastern, Central and Southern Oregon with tho Wllhimotto valley would necessitate thu building of COO mile of trackage und tho Union I'aclflc hat tuch n construction program outllnml, "Thin program Include a lino from Crano, In Harney county, where thu Oregon Hhort Lino intension from Vulu ends, to Oil ol I Junction In north ern Klamath county, "Anothnr provision. In inn do for a lino from Ilend to Odoll Junction and thou to Klamath Fulls. Tho Odull Klnmntli Knlln part of this lino, f course, would bo contingent upon op eration of tho Central Pacific Intcr 'sls by tho Union I'aclllc and conso 4 qiiont coiiatructloti of tho Natron cut off from Klamath Knlln to Odull Junction and thou over tho Cascado mountain to Eugono. .S'mt Ktlrrtnlon Likely "Htlll a further extension In planned from tho Crano-Odoll Junc tion link, In northern Ilnrnoy county, to l.nkiivlow, whoro connection could bo mado'wlth tho Nevada, California & OreRon railroad, a narrow guugo Una tappliiR tho Contra! raclllc. "This Hanio construction procram wan being piuhed by Ilnrrlman whon tho Central I'aclflc controversy start ed, llurrlman'n plan wan to open up thin sparcoly settled country and push a lino over tho Cascades to tho heart of tho Wlllainolto valloy. Tho Central I'aclllc was planned to bo romo a part of thu Union I'aclflc, but whon tho fiouthorn Pacific absorbed It tho plans of tho Union I'aclllc woro nbandonod. This came at tho tlmo whon thu Sherman net divorced tho Union I'aclllc und Southern I'aclllc systoms. "Tho roason Union Paclflc officials hnvu been withholding announcement of thoso construction projectn Is bo causo tho company docs not know whnt restrictions will bo mado by tho Interstate commorco commission on tho Coutrnl I'aclllc situation. "This IntorlacliiR of railroads In tho custom and control sections of tho Btato would bo a part of tho gon-i-ral p.'jflrani for ontry Into tho southern and wostorn sections. Court Decision Important tcrstato commorco commlslon would , permit, tho Union Paclflo would ob Korb tho Central Pacific, and through Its linos mid tho construction of tho Natron cut-off would plan to.bccomo a competitor In the Willamette val ley. "This Willamette valloy compotl- lion would bo oasllx accomplished slnco tho Central Pacific ownn a lino to Fresno from tho Oregon lino. In- dopendont Southern Pacific lines would oxtend an far north as To rmina, whoro Joint operation would 1st to Wed. From Wood tho Union Paclflo would como north through Klamath Falls to Eugono und In ox hnngo for pormlslon to tho Bouthorn Paclflo to bocomo Joint usor of tho lino botwoon Tohanin and Wood -would In turn nBk for n roclprocnl ogroomont to uso tho Bouthom Pa lflo tracks from Bugono to Portland. Fncttt Mado Plain "All of tlioao facta havo boon laid beforo local Intoresta which havo "boon considering Uid possibilities 'growing out of tho Contral Pacific disposal, mid urn not more hearsay, "And yot unothor nxtoiiHlon pro Rram has beun planned by tho Union Pacific In tho evmit It obtains control of thu Central Pacific linos. Thin lino would bo from Klamath Kails to Husanvllln, Cal., which In nt tho end of a branch running north from Kornloy, Nov., on tho Ogdon lino. "With tho Natron cut-off complete and tho Klamath KalU-Sllianvlllo noctlon complotod, tho Centra! I'nclllc under Union I'aclllc operation would huvn a complete lino from Kuroiio almost to Los AiiroIos via a direct rond through Nevada, "The official eyes of thu Union Pa clflo huva noun other possibilities In addition to development of Eastern, Central and Hoiitliern Oregon, for thu distance for transcontinental move ment between tho Willamette valley and Granger would bo considerably shortened by extension of a lino from Cranu to Odoll Junction und then over tho Nutron cut-off lino to Ku Roiie. "Ily thlH now routu thu distance between theso two points would ho 934 lulled, whereas tho present dist ances nru lOGt miles by tho O.-W., 1H3 mllon by tho Husnnvlllo cut-off and 1300 miles of Itosovlllu and Or dun over tho present lino of tho Southern Pacific. "Commercial clubs of Ilend and Klamath Kalis havo heard this plan outlined und throiiRh resolutions havo entered with outlitislusm Into support of tho Union Pacific." NO APPEAL FOR MOORE LIKELY Hoard Not Expected To Fight To Pay Balance of Salary. I.lttlo likelihood exists that tho llcud school board, an Its own inltla live, will appeal from tho decision of Circuit Judge Itobort J. Morrow granting n pcrmaiiout Injunction re straining tho district from paying salary to 8. W. Moore, for m or city school superintendent. This Is tho opinion of It. B. Hamilton, at torney for tho board, who states that tho district will hardly duslro to con tliiue a fight for tho privilege of pay ing out money. It Mooro wishes to carry tho caso to tho niipromo court, tho board will appeal, but tho cost of further legal proceedings will havo to bo borno by the former superintend out, In Hamilton's opinion. That somo legal action Is probablo was Indicated by Mooro shortly bo fore ho left Ilend, whon ho stated that tho money was duo him for serv ices rendered, and that ho Intended to get it. As to whether this action will tako tho form of an appoa! of tho Injunction case, or as a suit agnlnst tho Individual membors of tho board for payment, there is as yet no Indl cation. Contract Valid, Thru Void Tho validity of tho contract Under which Mooro had served for two yoars wan mndu tho chief Issue about which ovldonco and arguments In thu caso wero grouped. On Juno 10, 1921, tho board then In ofilca de clared Mooro's contract Invalid, pro claimed tho ofilca of superintendent vacant, and oloctcd Mark A. Paulsou, then high school principal, to tho po sition, continuing Paulson as princi pal. With tho nnnual school elec tions -two new members nppcarod on tho 'board. Tho action of tho old board was disregarded and Mooro continued In offlco, Paulson making no protest. In deciding tho injunction suit brought by L. F. Orroll and others, Judgo Morrow held that Mooro had had a valid contract, but that ho bad lout it on Juno 10, only continuing to sorro theroaftor from tlmo to tlmo In accordance with the wlshos of tho board. BRICK WALLS GOING UP AT NEW CHURCH Brick construction on the now Mothodlst church Is under way this week under tho direction of A, E. Frleborg, who holds tho contract on this part of tho work. Plastering was flnlBhod last week, COUNTY GETS $622.51 FOR FAIR PURPOSES Doschutes county's apportionment of Btato monoy for fair purposes this year Is f 022,51, according to state ments sent out from Salom, Vanning Of Worthless Checks Decreases In Bend, Reports Attorney Greater prosperity and groat or caro In accepting checks drawn In payment for goods aro Indicated In tho fact that tho number of worthless checks re ferred to District Attorney A. J. Mooro has fallen off 7C per cent In tho last nix uionthn. As tho result of porslslcnt Iohsch from thu acceptance of worthless papor, merchants und others aro ncccptlng with less alacrity chock payments from now customers of unknown standing, Mooro states, and In addition thero nro now fower buyers who need havo rocourso to tho dubious method of the N. II, K. check to procure goods. INNES BLOCKS LEVERETT PLAN Will Slay Away From Coun cil Until Finley Ma jority Restored. For luck of a quorum the Ilend city council was unable to transact busi ness Friday night. And that's only half of It. Tharo won't be a meeting until Councilman N. II. Gilbert re turns from his six -weeks' vacation, unless Councilman J. 8. Innos receives acsurunce that tho question of the removal of Dr. Anna Kels-Kinlcy ns head of tho woman's protective divi sion will not bob up again. Inucs considers that tho cards aro stacked against him, and ha Is strenuously opposed to sitting In tho game when Councilman Lovcrett duals and Mayor Ollsoii holds a pat baud. All of which Is merely ono way of saying that tho head of tho protective division remains on tho Job, although Just beforo tho time sot for tho coun cil meeting It seemed certain that sho would be dropped from the payroll. Up to now, tho council has polled a majority to retain Dr. Klnloy's serv ices. With tho departure of Gilbert, howover, und tho absence of Lon L. Kox, the council stood ovonly divided. with Mayor Qllson known to favor re moral of tho present head of tho dl vision. I.overett had planned to inovo that Dr. Klnley be dropped from tho payroll, while 0. II. Uaker was to second. With Inucs and II. K Nordcen opposing, a deciding vote would havo been left to the mayor. Inucs did not show up, however. "I stayed away Intentionally, and I'll do It again at tho next meeting. After that, Gilbert will bo back," he said uoxt morning. EXPECT RECORD CROP ON DESERT RANCHES Lato Hnln Means Proiperlty For Dry Fnnnent Jackrabblts Aio Fewer. IU'ceut heavy rains will result In record crops on tho high desert ranches, according to residents of that soctlon, whllo tho Jackrabbtts, tho worst foes to agriculture on tho doscrt, nro far bolow normal in iium bers, many thousands having died last winter In tho doop snow. In the vicinity of Ilrothors, how ever, there nro still plenty of "Jacks," who survived at tho oxponso of sev eral haystnckB, owners of which failed to build protecting fouccs. PRELIMINARY SURVEY MADE FOR THEATER Preliminary surveys wero mado yestorday on tho lots purchased on Wall street as the site tor tho D. T. Carmody theater, Tho property was secured from Mrs, M. 0. Coo and J, M. Lawrence. Construction of the theater, to havo a seating capacity of 700, is to start in tho near future SEPOL The World's Greatest Hair Wash and Beautifier. lUcterlnlouUt. medical authority Indorse tht womWful clMtniinir and gtm dcttroylnz proiwrtit ol 8hc?p Dip. A chrmUt after many yrari of cUntifle tiporlrnrnlin to obtain tha exact require ment! Itai formulated the combination of vegetable oil and Tonle uronertlea of Seitol 8heep Dip Hhampoo. It ffermlelde action nroteeta the train from serin life, Ineurlnx healthv tcalii, which U neceaaarr for proper hair growth. It leavea the hair toft, thick, uloaiv and full of life) prevcnU Dandruff, ttopa Itchlnx Scalp and l'olllnir Hair, Deliiihtful to uie. Thousands now nraUa thli wonderful Hair Waah and Beautifier. You will appreciate thla real aealn elraiuer. whteh can be obtained at all Drue 8torea at a little coaU Ksiiiiiiii;iii;iiiiin;iiiiiii;iii;ii LIBERTY QUEEN Big Two Day Celebration July 3 4 in Bend Every girl in Bend should enter in the contest. In addition to the selection of the queen and her two maids, valuable prizes will be offered. The first prize, a $175.00 Diamond Ring, is now on display in the window of Symons Bros. Jewelry Store. The second prize will be $50.00 cash arid the third prize $25.00 cash. ENTER YOUR NAME AND GET VOTES AT FIRE STATION GET BUSY GIRLS. This Is Worth Working For SPECK WOODS GETS DRAW WITH GARDEAU Joe Gorman UlxplayN Old Time Form, GettliiK Decision Over Spokane Featherweight. (Ur United Preea to Hie Dend BuUetln.) PORTLAND, Juno 17. Joo Gor man defeated Iiakcy Morrow of Spo kane -In a sizzling 10-round bout to a decision last night in tho armory. Gorman displayed his old-tlmo form In beating tho Spokano feather weight, was cool throughout, boxed carefully, and had considerable steam behind his punches. Ono of tho 10 rounds went to Mor row, two woro even, and Gorman got seven. Eddie Richards fought battling Or tega to a draw. Rofcreo Gruman gave Speck Woods a draw in his fight with lillly Gar- Thirty Million People Made Happy There is now six million Ford cars in service. With an average of five people to each car, makes a total of thirty mil lion people getting pleasure and diversion from the Ford car. Nearly one-third of the population of the United States. No other one article in the whole world occupies stfeh a distinctive position. The Ford car is lowest in price; lowest in up-keep and has the greatest resale value. "Buy a Ford and SDend the difference" is good common sense that is making its impression. We have a carload due to arrive about June 22 nearly all of which are already sold. A deposit on a car now will insure you one on arrival of the next lot. Central Oregon Motor Co. J. L. Van Huffel A. G. Clark iTiTiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiii,i,iii,itiniiiiiiiitiiiiiiitiiriiiiiiii,i,i,iti,iii,T.i,iii,iii,iiiiiti.iiiiii FOR THE Will Be Chosen By Popular Vote. Contest Opens Tuesday, June 20th dealt, although Gardeau was the ag gressor and seined to have the edge. Johnnie Wade beat Boyd Gulgham, and Jack Griffith and Art Fatnoe boxed a four-round draw In the cur tain raiser. CAMP FIRE STARTS BLAZE IN TIMBER A small blazo In tho timber within the national forest boundaries In the Metolius section, now under control, was caused by campers falling to ex tinguish their Are. WILL SURELY HELP OTHERS Rheumatic pains, swollen aching, stiff Joints and muscles, dizziness and blurred vision are symptoms of kidney trouble. Mrs. A. Lechner, 1129 Main avenue., Clifton, N. J., writes: "Foley Kidney Pills helped mo and I gladly givo permission to uso this as a testimonial for they will surely help." Sold Everywhere. Adv. Bend, Oregon m a- m PIONEERS OF BURNS HOLD CELEBRATION William Hanley, Sunday Visitor la Itcnd, One of Early Settlers of Harney Valley. One of the contral figures in the "Pioneer Day" celebration at Burns Saturday was William Hanley, who was in Bend Sunday on his way to Portland! Harney valley was first settled In 1S72, following tho passage of the fence laws in California. Han ley didn't arrive in Central Oregon until 1879, shortly after the Bannock war, In which the power of the hos tllo LiUlan tribes was broken. The celebration at Burns Saturday consisted mostly in reminders of the early days, and self congratulation on the part of the pioneers and near pioneers that they had brought tho country to the state of development It now enjoys. Ford Sales and Service