BBND BCMJCTMt, BKWP, OMWUN TlUtRMHAV, OOTOltWR a, 1021. PAGE 2 What's Doing GRANGE HALL SCHOOL WINS PRIZE AT FAIR GRANGE HALL, Oct. 20. Mrs. Glen Slock took licr daughter, who has been 111 for some tlmo to Port land Saturday (or treatment. Mr. and Mrs. Krod Reynolds and daughter, Elizabeth attended the Redmond fair Saturday. Students at tho Grange Hall school wore much pleased to learn thnt their exhibit received two ribbons at tho Redmond (air. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Rnsmusscn at tended tho Redmond (air Wednesday and Saturday. The Sons of Norway had a surprise party on George Erlcksen Stlturday, night. The occasion was Mr. Erlck Bcn's birthday. A pleasant time was reported. Julius Pedersen and family visit ed at the Fred Hcttman home Sun day atternoon. Mr. Hardwlck arrived Sunday from California to look after his ranch In this vicinity. Steve Pavlck and son Martin took a load of potatoes to town Saturday. The following from this neighbor hood attended the fair at Redmond Thursday: Mr. Scott and family, Mr. Coffman and family, Mr. Grimes and family, M. J. McLain and family, Mr. and Mrs. George Erlcksen, and daughter. Esther. Mr. and Mrs. O P. Dahle and daughters, Bert Torkel- sen and family, H. Helgesen and fam ily, P. J. Young, Dennett Young, Chris Stock, Mr. Doardmnn and fam ily and Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Young. R. M. Chase and son accompanied Otis Davis and family to the (air Saturday. Mr. Chase engaged (our Indian helpers (or harvesting his po tato crop. Mr. and Mrs. George Erlcksen, Mr. Carter and Mr. Peschka helped Mr. Bratt dig potatoes Monday Mr. and Mrs. Inabnit of the People's store called at the Le May home Sunday. Mr. McClellan is helping R. M. Chase with his spuds. Fred Reynolds went to town Fri day. K. A. Nelson and family attended the Baptist church Sunday. Helene Selde and Dorothy Young are taking music lessons (rom Mrs. R. S. McCIure. Mrs. F. Hettman went to town Fri day. Otis Davis and (amiiy spent Sun day at the R. M. Chase ranch. Esther Erlcksen was shopping in Bend on Monday with her (other, George Erlcksen. K. A. Nelson is plastering his new tank. Anna Smith called on Dorothy Young Sunday. Mr. Grimes had a number of high school boys picking potatoes (or him Saturday. F. J. ionng and family attended cnurcn in town Sunday. Mrs. Moan left Mrs. J. Pedersen's home where she has been working during Mrs. Pedersen s illness, on Friday. W. D. Bratt was in town Saturday atternoon. Mrs, Henry Selde called on Mrs H. Hlnes In Bend Friday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Helgesen attend ed church in town Sunday morning. Katharine Helgesen who is attend ing high school in town visited at her home Thursday. Mrs. C. W. Jensen and daughter Luclle accompanied Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Rasmussen to the fair Saturday. Clyde Smith and father, Chris Stock and O. M. Swanson are helping Charles Williamson with his potato crop. Mr. Walter, his mother, his daugh ter Josephine and Mrs. Gertrude Mc kersen of Bend spent Sunday at the William Reynolds home. Mr. Howell dug potatoes Thursday and Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Dickey, Mr, Pierce and Mr. William Reynolds helped Fred Reynolds dig potatoes Friday, Mr. Dickey worked on the ditch Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Baker drove here this week from Condon to look after their property. Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Dahle, Mr. and Mrs. II. Helgesen and Mr. and Mrs, E. E. Butler visited at the George EricKsen home Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Barclay and Mr. and Mrs, Linley attended the fair Sat urday. Mr. H. Selde, wife and daughter. lleiene visited at the Adolph Kotz man ranch Sunday. Mr. Reims is helping M. J. McLa.-n harvest his potato crop. PERMITS THE USE OF HER NAME Rachell Walker, 53 D. St., Way- cross, Ga., writes: "I suffered with kidney trouble for four years, and Foley Kidney Pills is all that gave me relief, so you may use my name as one who recommends them." This safe remedy for kidney trouble and bladder aliments relieves backache, rneumatic pains, etc. Sold every' where. Adv. DESCHUTES PARTY HONORS BIRTHDAY DESCHUTES, Oct. 19. A very pleasant evening was spent at the Deblng home Frlduy honoring Mr. Deblng's 48th birthday. The evening was spent in dancing. Those present were: .Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Cooley and children, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Nelson and children, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Swalley and children, Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Holten, Jack Brula, Port Scott and L. Scott and Miss Wright of Bend. P. B. Gilo ot Bend was a visitor In this neighborhood Sunday. Mrs. W. Lowo and children visit ed Mrs. E. M. Swalloy ot Deschutes Sunday. Mr. 0. M. Swalloy lost one of his milch cows (rom bloat Thursday. Ellxetta Deblng ot Deschutes apent Saturday In Bend returning borne Sunday. ::t::::::::i::::!:::::nm:i::::m:m:::i:::!::::m:im::m In The Country E. J. Conley of Deschutes was n business visitor In Alfalfa Friday. Don Slaughter of Deschutes Is painting E. J. Couloy s houso. C. W. N'olson of Deschutes is dig ging potatoes (or N'ols Anderson In Bend. Milton Rogers is helping Mlko Merga dig potatoes. Tho Tumalo school children nt tended tho fair In Redmond Wednes day. Miss Cloey Wright of Ilend spent Saturday with .Mrs. Dcblng. Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Stanley attend cd the fair In Redmond Saturdny Deo Lowe of Prlnuvlllc wns a vis ltor at the W. L. Lowo liume in Dea chutes Friday. CVT THIS OVT IT IS WORTH MONEY Cut out this slip, enclose with 5c to Foley & Co., 2S35 Sheffield Ave, Chicago, HI., writing your numu and address clearly, iou will receive In return n trial package containing Foley s Honey and Tar Compound for coughs, colds and croup. Foley Kidney Pills and Foley Cathartic Tablets. Sold everywhere. Adv, HORSES RUN AWAY, DRIVER INJURED PLEASANT RIDGE, Oct. 19, While going to Redmond on Thurs day Harold Cook s team ran away The tug came looso and the horses became frightened by tho buggy run ning up on them. Cook was finally thrown out and was bruised but not seriously hurt. Tho horses got looso from the buggy and ran a consider able distance but were finally caught O. E. Anderson went over to the Spaugh ranch west ot Tumalo Tues day after the rest of his cattle which he had pastured there this summer, Rasmus Petersen took some of his purebred sheep to Redmond Wednes day to exhibit at the fair. A crew of men are working on the Swalley ditch this week. A large crowd attended the Des chutes County fair at Redmond on Saturday from this neighborhood. Among them were: Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Chase, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wood, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Armstrong, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Armstrong, Mr. and Mrs. Jennie Boehl. Mrs. Catherine Johansen, Rasmus Peterson. Antone Ahlstrom, Miss Hllma Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Peterson nnd chll dren, .Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Hutchins and baby. Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Andcr son, Harold and Paul Cook, Mr. and .Mrs. Allen Grant, Mr. and Mrs. II T. Mikkelsen, and son Alfred, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Pedersen and son Os wald, and Andrew Nelson. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Swalley attended the fair In Redmond on Thursday, Alfred Pedersen is building a po tato cellar on his place. Harold Cook was a Redmond visit' or on Thursday. Antone Ahlstrom end Mrs. Alfred Pedersen went to Redmond Wednes day to enter some things at the fair, Mrs. O. E. Anderson made a bus iness trip to Redmond Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Gray accom panied Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Anderson to the fair at Redmond on Friday Mr. and Mrs. Ed Swalley and chll dren were callers at the Mikkelsen home on Sunday afternoon. WAS HURTING ALL THE TIME Kidney trouble saps vitality and strength. It causes backache, head ache, stiff Joints, sore muscles shooting pains. John F. Brooks 712 S. 17th St., Omaha, Neb., writes: "My back was hurting me and I had a pain in my right side. Since tak ing Foley Kidney Pills I feel no pain at all. Sold everywhere. Adv. CATTLE BROUGHT TO CLOVERDALE TO FEED CLOVERDALE, Oct. 19. Mr. anil Mrs. H. Kilgore and two children were dinner guests of W. F. Harri son's Sunday. E. M. Ralston went to Grandviow Monday for some of his cattlo which lie heard were there. F. M. Lantz Is In Redmond this week putting up a garage for R. M Doty on his lot there. Mrs. Doty will live In it temporarily whilo her daughter, Mabel, Is attending school there. Miss Comegys, home demonstrator held a meeting at the F. M. Lantz home cn October 7, and a dress form was made for Mrs. Lantz. In stead of a meeting here. Miss Comegys has arranged to hold a Joint meeting In Sisters October 27. ot Sisters, Plalnvlew and Cloverdalo communities, where we will have the advantage of one day's sewing lesson rrom tno instructor (rom O. A. C. Dean Van Matrc, o( Redmond, camo over to Cloverdalo Sunday, returning with his wife, who has been helping take care ot Mrs, 11. C. Miller. Mrs. Miller was so far recovered from her recent automo bile accident as to be able to ac company them home, where sho will visit tor a short time. E. E. Hesse brought In a small bunch of cattlo rrom Prinevllie on Wednesday to feed. Cap Heaiy, of Culver, spent the weeK end hero visiting relatives. H. Kilgore, B. C. Kline, F. M. Lantz and R. O. Androws went to Torrebonno for fruit last week. A. GIpson, of Plalnvlew, was a business visitor in our community Monday. R. J, Skelton and wife have re turned from Brownsville. Mrs. Skelton has been away all summer visiting in valley points for the benefit of her health which has been much improved. Whilo away they attended the stato (air at Salem. Rev, Hlllls. of Tumalo. and Rev. Walter Hlllls, o( Denver, Colo., o n owner guests at tho R, O, me Monday W, F. Arnold and wlfo woro Sun day visitors at Sisters. Tho county fair In Redmond wiih well attended by Cloverdalo people, especially children's day, when our school was closed and tno children went over to enjoy tho sights. Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Henly of Cul vor, spent Thursday visiting nt tho homo ot Mr. uoniy sister, Mm Thomas Arnold. Mr. and Mrs. John Ililloary went to tho high desert Monday on busl noss. lllllonry expects to loavo for tho valley soon to spend tho winter with his mothor. PLAINVIEW SCHOOL EXHIBIT HONORED PLAINVIEW, Oct. 10. Tho school wns dismissed on Wednes day, In order to allow the scholars to nttend tho (air at ucumoiid. Mr, lUakesly being engaged to take them In his truck. The school exhibit was awarded second prize, and suveral ot tho children received prizes on their work. Kenneth Hallowoll received second prize on chickens; Ida IIosh, first and second prize on cookies, first on randy, second on drawing work; Wll ma Dennett received second prize on bread and cake. Mrs. John Staehll roturned homo Thursday from Portland. William Morfltt and A. O. Morfltt returned home Wednesday from a trip to tho Willamette valley. Mr. Fryreur was a visitor In Plain view Sunday. Mrs. Louise Chnlfan spent Sunday with Mrs. Staehll. Miss Jo Burgess was a visitor at tho Hartley ranch Sunday. AFTER EFFECT OF SCARLET FEVER "As an after effect of scarlet fovor," writes Mrs. J. McCullough, 236 Snydor St., Euston. Pa., "my throat wus always dry nnd I had a hacking cough. One bottle of Foley's Honey and Tor guvo mo relief. Checks coughs, colds, croup: slops tickling In throat and bronchial Ir ritations. Sold ovorywhoro. Adv. OZONE AND THE SAND MAN Tho Two Are Quite Closely Delated, Though Probably Few People Could Tell How. People who spvnd their vacations at the seashore at this time of the year usually tlnd that their nights arc dreamless uml restful. They say that the sea air makes them sleepy. Wheeled along In a beach chair, one Is likely to feel drowsy or een go to sleep. It Is the ozone In the air that does It. The air ut the seashore Is full of ozone, which might be culled n con centrated oxygen. Ozone Is a power ful and healthful stimulant. Whence, by the wuy, comes the nursery Idea of the Sand Man, herald of sleep? The nnswer Is that the approach o( sleep checks tho flow from the ear- ducts which keeps the ejes moist. There results a dryness nnd slight uncomfortnblcnes.s of the lids, causing one to rub the eyes. The Snnd Man has come, and It Is time to go to bed. Philadelphia Record. Man Who Builds Own Fortune. It Is certain that the first Vaniler- lillt. the old commodore, who begun as a skipper between New York nnd Staten Island putting dollar upon dol lar and thought upon thought, plan upon plan, became Ilnnnclal king ac cording to conditions In his time. He built ruIlromlH, developed Industries, lived a fuller, happier life, with more variety and enjoyment In It than the third Vunderbllt. He was not burn In to wealth, but acquired It; to him wealth and millions were new things. It Is certain that a man who sturts from the bottom, without the aid of any one except his own hands and bruins, and nc'ulrcs well being nnd health and happiness by self-denial for 111 in pelf nnd for n wife and children, will enjoy much more pleasure ami variety In life than a man born to riches, who was not Inspired by any particular ambition. Amerlkul Mug- yur Nepszavu, Hungarian Dally. No True Century Plant. There ore no true century plant"! In the sense thnt It tnkt-s them n hun dred years to bloom. A number of plants, however, do not bloom until they huve lived for n long term of years. The cIiikhIc example of such plants Is the talipot palm of India which lives for CO yenrs or more nnd becomes a toll tree before It blooms. A(ter It has sent up Its Immense flower-stalk the whole plant dies. Our American "century plants" o(ten fruit at the end of eight or ten years under natural conditions, but In the house they may refuse to bloom at all. Many of the bamboos act like the cen tury plants and bloom but once after long period of vegetation. Such species are known us monocarplc plants. Champion Pig State. It mny be surprising to ninny east erners to learn from tho census that Iowa is the champion pig state, with a ount of 7,WH,:ilH. The second In rank, Illinois, fulls to around -l.OCO.OOO, while the il.OOO.OOO class Includes only Mis souri, Indiana, Nebraska nnd Ohio. Kansas, which used to boast of Its great droves, now bus fewer than 2, 000,000, u drop since 1010 (rom 3,000, 300. The Sunflower fanners have re cently been going In strong (or wheat or oals, In pre(erencc to corn, the great pig (ood. Providence Journal. Sun Aff4 Only Whit Ricm. Only the white races inn or hii.t (rom the action of the sun. ANCIENT TAVERN A LANDMARK Conttrueted In ISIB, It Standi ai Monument of Good Work Done by Iti Builders. One of the oldest and most historic places In l'lilnesvllle Is Rider's tavern, located one mile west of the town hull on Mentor avenue,, m)s tho l'lilnes vllle (Ohio) Telegram. The old land mark was built In ISIS by Joscnl) Rider, who Is thought to be (ho third Inhabitant of PntiieMlllo. The tav ern Is located in the old l'le eland ItulTiilii road, mid was it stopping place for tho stage couches In the old days. The building, us one can Imagine, vuis built to stand the wear and tvur of the weather, Tho old place Is iiitule of hniid-hewrd beams whose per fection and durability show the urt i,f the man who iniide them, both In ability ii mi tiMiinii nnd us u woods man. The tuveru was noted for Its hos pitality, dunce hull, cooking and bur. Many ii Joyful euut took place wllhlu the walls. There were other'tnn'rns In unit about the locality and Mr. Rider had to be on his toes In order to capture nil the trade he could. To better Insure his business Mr. Itldcr built n road which Is now Walnut street, and which brought the weary travelers directly to the tltor of the building where they weie sure ot be ing shown to u good bed. The building, ns It stands now, al though In good shape tor the lime that It has been built, Is beginning to show the elTect of age. The Uueni has been nil heirloom, as It were, ot the family since It was built, four generations having lived within thu protection of Its sturdy walls. WISDOM OF JOHN CHINAMAN Instruction and Advice That Have Been Current In the Eait for Many Centuries. The following bits o( wisdom were writ en ",700 years ago and have been wry highly esteemed by the Chinese people down through the centuries. They are selected (rom the Chinese "Four Books." If a mail himself does not wulk In the right path. It will not bo walked In by his wife and children. If ho dix-s not order men according to the right way, he will not be able to get the obedience of even Ids wife and chil dren. To nourish the heart there is nothing better than to make the de sires few. Here Is n man whose de sires are few; in some things he may not be able to keep his heart, but they wlll be few. Here l.s a man whose de sires are innny; In some things he may be able to keep his heart, but they will be few. To huve faults nnd not to reform them, this. Indeed, should be pronounced having faults. The philosopher Tsung said: "I dally examine myself on three points: Whether I may have been not faith ful; whether, In Intercourse with friends, I mny have been not sincere; whether I mny have not mastered and practiced the Instructions ilf my teach ers." When we see men of worth, we should think of equaling them; when wo see men of a contrary character, we should turn Inwards and examine ourselves. Explaining Is Accuilng. Tho man himself Is Ids own best ex planation and exculpation. If we lire not lit to be taken ,,n trust for what we are, nil that we may say about oursehes will not help much. When a prisoner l.s iirralgned upon n charge of crime, the llrst effort made In his defense is to procure character witnesses. They tell of him iih they have always known him, to establish the antecedent Improbability that such u man ns his nets have shown lilm to be would do tho thing ot which he stuuds accused. "Muny doubts deserve not to be cleared," suld wie old Samuel John son. Public men, nttucKed for things they never thought ot doing, hnve learned to be patient nnd keep silence under n running tire of censure from those who would lie well pleased If they could pull them down. Philadel phia Public Ledger. Credit Brahma With All Songt. Hindus believe that llnilimii, whom their scriptures say is the creator of tho universe, also is the father of music, lie Is described us wearing n "form of sound," and bis followers teach that he has delegated the su pervision ot the music he evolved to '.he goddess of learning, Kuriiswntl. To Kuriiswntl Is attributed Invention of the complicated musical Instrument the "vlnii." Vocal music In India dales buck to the chanting of tho Shnm Veda. The Vedas were written about LTiOO It. 0. and contain references to several musical Instruments. The Hindu system of notation hns seven notes and was perfected about 3S0 IS. C, passing from India through Persia to Arabia, und Introduced Into Europe In 1022 A. D. by Guldo d'Artz- io, a Benedictine monk. Rivers as Airways. Just so long as we luck suitable airways and airdromes, It appears Hint the safest practice Is to follow our leading waterways, such as rivers, canals, lakes, coast lines, and sir on, us ing staplnnes (er the purpose. In this manner a pilot can always make a relatively safe landing, us compured with the , airplane pilot Hying ver rough country devoid of landing fields. A number of 'rivers and other water ways have been surveyed with this object In mind. Scientific American. DESCHUTES CLUB AT O. A. C. MOVING SOON Organization Inclutllnn 17 Men First To Irf'nto Men's Dm iiiltoiy At Stole College. OREGON AGRICULTURAL COL LEGE, CORVALL18, Oct, 15, Tho Deschutes club, mi organization (it Puling hall men, will iitovo Into u homo of Its own the first of the year. Mumlmi's huve leased tho CoiviiIIIh hospital building which will ho vacat ed as soon as tho now hospital Is com pleted, This Is tho first organized group of men to move out of tho men's dor mitory. Tho club was organized In 1918 nnd has a membership of 17 men. William Waxmiith Is tho pres ident nnd Edward Ryiiu, mnmiKor. Colonel Partello Is tho faculty ad visor. Advertise ..i The Bulletin, rosulti. It gets Respect Your Money WHEN you buy tt Chevrolet, you treat your money with rcspivt. You do not spend too imieh and you secure a ear capable of doin all you want any automobile to do. The Chevrolet is the ear of the hour. Low in price, and absolutely dependable, it meets today's needs for economy. A safe car to buy. "Foui-Nlncty" RoaJstct $675 JtlloereJ in Bin J A carload of Luick "Fours" will bo ready for delivery next week. BEND GARAGE BUICK CHEVROLET HUPMOBILE Automobile Owners Quit Cranking Your Cars ! Is Now Priced Below Pre-War Figures Ford Buick Dodge Special Special Special $27.00 $32.50 $41.00 Genuine Diamond Grids Quarter Sawed Hard Wood Separators Guaranteed One Year Bend Battery Station 140 Greenwood L. M'. King, Prop. f r - H i if"" TWO PLEAD GUILTY ON BOOZE CHARGES it L, II. Poole Anil Joe Hush Enili Fined Pino In Pollen Court For Having: Liquor In Possession L. 1). Poolo und Jim Hush, hiilli uf tills city, appi'iiriMl In pollen court Friday pleading gullly to charges of having liquor In their possession, and piiylng fines (if $50 each. Poolo was n nits ted nfler small hoys, found III u badly Intoxicated condition Sunday, told police office that they had stolen tlo beer for tholr spreo from Pnolo'n woodshed. J Hush, It was alleged wan the owner of it bottlo of miniiishllio seized nt tho boxing siiiokor at the gymnasium Monday night, While enduing a pica of guilty Hush states that ho did so merely to end tho rase. The bot tlo wus not his, ho declares, Bulletin "WANT ADS" Bring Ho suits Try Thorn. armor r V