ItlWtftftlTlfltrtfttfTffrtfrttfttTtTTlTfTnttffft TttftwfH itjftiTTftttfflrfttifffinitiiiTtfiititifTntMttffiTfiWrtBff What's Doing In The Country :iinntnimtmfmiitmttmii?mti)itmmmmimmminnfmtrmmitimmn!tntiii? ! Mt ml Ht W If Uutthtn muO tit UntUnM t Heml lnKlncM mII fiahf wer Itemf vMMorrt Wedntisdny fM Uniting f(eriwioit nflernonn MIm Mildred flunk of 'fiimnfrt Mf nncf Mm (. P AnnVfutin nt wit confined nl IW hrnnn lf week (ended (he K nf I' 1infr In llond on wllli a bad fold. Wednesday ninhl MIM lllNMfhrt fllWer nf Tilitmlft I Mr. find Mm. Frank Hfebhoff of went In llond Monday In hnffl soum Redmond rlnllrd llio llitlchln' on denial work dotm Sunday. ( Mm. II Wnfil of Tnmitln, who W Mr. and Mr Mugttlro nf Redmond. Kip teneher of Iho primary depart pnrenl nf Mr. Jnn l.lltlo. visited n( menf In Tumnlo, I runf lnod (it her tho homo oflhelr dfltigtiler Hitmlriy I homo with nn nlforntod (oolh Mr Mr. nnd Mr. O. H Andermm made Carrey l lerltlng In her plum n htislne trip In Hend Wedneday I llnrry Mcflulro of Tiininln wa F. T. Lawrence wn n business via- hauling onl 11 week from lie Kof In llond Saturday, 'chute to Tumnlo for Mr Dunn Rnmu Peterson nml II T MiW .Minn Edith Hwallov In ronflncd n( wero present nnd the evening wa I Mr. Jesse Hechman loft Tuesday kelsen lind their sheen Mien rod Oil her homo In tlcficti iitfn with n ovoro spent principally In dancing. An bp- 'or her homo In I'ortlnnd nfter n week. cold. pollxlng luncheon of sandwiched, Ico pleanl visit with her husband's W. II. Itutchlns wont to Redmond . MIm llornlco Elder of Peschulo cream, cako and coffeo wa served, parent hero. Saturday to do aomo trading, spent Friday night wllh MIm Allien Everyone reported a good time. I Helen Snydor was called homo Alfred I'edoriion nnd II. T. Mlkkel- Wallace of Tumnlo. Mr. and MM. Loul AUImnn, Hen- irom nign cnooi over mo weon-emi on maun a ousinos trip to Redmond sum .Mary i.ognn and nnr uncin or -,4 ... farm only hi own Innd hereafter. PARTY 13 ENJOYED, Mr. wiort quite hi ii week, necessitating a trip lo lled- i mo ml for medical aid, PINKIIUR8T, April fv A party ' , Mat Wurweller w a recent vl wa given at tho C. II. flpaugh homo Ijor at the hom of hi brother. Ar Saturday evening. (Julio a number nur vtiirzwoiipr or roweu mine. FOUND BEND PEOPLE EVERYWHERE SAYS L D. WIEST, ON RETURNING AFTER 13,000 MILE AUTO TOUR ry Aulman nnd Ml Eunice Catlow. on account of tho accident that bofell all of Hend, attended the party at her mall brother. Ituell. tho C. If. Spaugh home Saturday cve- Grandma Spray, mother of Mr. Bin j. I Mary II, Charlton, la confined to her Mr. anil Mm. C. II. SDauch and bed altogether now. While not III, daughter Oladys and Alice were her strength seems to bo leaving her. UOnu TlSllOrS ounuay. imiu ouu is ,uu iccuiu iu nut nuuut. Earl Wells was a IJcnd visitor Sat- Sho Is nearly S7 year old and ha on Monday. , lloml were visitor at tho Dcblug O. K. Anderson nttondnd n nicot- liomo Thurvdny evening. Ing of tho Shorthorn breeder at M K- Uodger nnd son Milton of Tumnlo on Monday ovonlng. ,Tumalo sheared sheep Inst week for Mr. and Mrs. Joo I.lltlo nnd ehll-.W. K. Mcl'ormlck In Desrhules. dron were Hodmond visitor Hatur u relay ovenlng. V. L. McManmon made n business trip to Gist Wednesday. Misses Violet and Myrtle Spaugh returned to Dend Monday to resume their school work. C. M. Phelps Is plowing this week for D. li. Ladd, who lives near Itcd mond. Mrs. T. Brannan and Mr. C. M. rhelp called on Mrs. C, -M. Heed Wednesday. Bend visitors this week from this community were: Mrs. C. M. Beed, C. II. Spaugh, John Bollman, Walter Andrews, Mrs. C. M. Phelps, Will Root and P. L. McManmon. Mrs. F. V. Swisher was a caller at the Robert Smith home Sunday. Louis aless was a business caller at the McKlnley mill Monday. Roy Wells was a caller at the C. M. Phelps home Sunday. Mrs. F. L. McManmon visited with her mother, Mrs. G. W. Snyder, Thursday. Cut TbU Out It I Worth Mono)' Cut out this slip, enclose with 5c to Foley & Co., 2835 Sheffield Ave., Chicago, III., writing your name and address clearly. You will receive in return a trial package containing Foley's Honey and Tar Compound, for coughs, colds and croup, Foley Kidney Pills and Foley Cathartic Tablets. For sale everywhere. Adv. BEND PRICES BETTER RANCHERS DISCOVER POWELL BUTTE, April 5. Many Powell Bntte poutlrymen are mar keting their eggs at Bend, where they get better prices, they say. Mrs. Marela Foster and Mr. and Mrs. Jake Criteser of Redmond visit ed at the George Shobert home in Prlnevllle Sunday. Sheep shearers are at the Dominic Verges ranch. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Klssler are bcon remarkably strong and nctlvo until recently. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Bayno spont Sunday In Bend, whero they visited Mr. Bayno's parents, Mr. and Mr. Frank llayno. Will Pauls, eldest son of Mr. and Mr. Peter Pauls, Is seriously ill with inflamatory rheumatism. Fay and Floyd Bus&ctt visited friends in Prlnovlllo over tho week end. Grandma Brown continues to bo a great sufferer and at tho present writing is much worse than usual. The Powell Butte Community as sociation will give its annual ball April 15. Everybody Is invited. Good music and good eats aro promised. PRAISES THEM TO IILS FRIENDS Backacho is a symptom of weak or disordered kidneys. Stiff nnd pain ful joints, rheumatic aches, sore muscles, pufflness under tho eyes, aro others. You need not suffer. Bon Richardson, Wlngrove. W. Va., writes: "I praise Foley Kidney Pills because they sure have helped me." For sale everywhere. Adv. FIRST BIRTHDAY OF CHILD CELEBRATED PLEASANT RIDGE, April 5. Mrs. Alfred Pedersen, Mrs. H. T. Mikkelsen, Mrs. O. E. Anderson. Mrs. Cathrlne Johanson, Miss Hilma Nelson, Mrs. W. B. Hutchlns and son Bobble, Mrs. J. W. Peterson and sons. John and Lloyd. Alfred Mikkelsen and Oswald Pedersen attended the birthday party given by Mrs. Ole Hanson at her home near Deschutes Tuesday afternoon in honor of her daughter Elizabeth's first birthday. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Gray expect to arrive in a few days from Vancouver, Wash., to make their home here. They will occupy the Petty house, now ocucpled by Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Hutcbins, who are making prepara tions to move into their own homo naintlnK and cleaning their home. Mr. and Mrs. Williams, relatives of the J. J. Flints, hare brought 40 .at -once. acres adjoining the Flint property Mr. and Mrs. 0. E. Anderson at and will improve the land and build tended the dance given at the home a house. I of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lowe on Sat- Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Stewart and urday night. "Dad" Jackson spent Sunday evening 1 W. J. Shannon returned from at the home of Roy Roberts. Hampton Buttes, where he spent a day. TRY THIS KOU INUHJKNTION Foley Cathartic Tablet aro Jut the thing for headneho, biliousness, irlu. li,.!... if-,i ui.. i . "My two children had tho whoop- b,0,,t nKl Bn! '''J!1 braUl '","7 lug cough," write Mr. J. C. Hess, ;y'ltom of Indigestion. Mrs. It. J, N. Baltimore. O.. "and I think Foley' Mnrchnnl. 3f. Lawrenco St., Snleni, rinnnv t,.-i,)...i , Mnss.. write: "I lined Foley fully. My 11 months' old baby had' Cathartic Tniilola for constipation It bail." Volov' iinnnv nmi .t i.. with good result. I will never bo pure, wnoicsomo una saro tor chll urun. winy iiko ii. wuicHly re lieves cold, coughs, croup. Sold every whoro. Adv. FLAMES DESTROY PLAINVJEW HOME PLAINVI.EW. April 5. The resi dence of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. W. Scog gins burned Thursday uftornoon. Tho causo of tho flro Is unknown, as tho upper floor was In flames when tho flro wa discovered. Thoy wero able to savo very llttlo of tho boddlng nnd clothing, everything elso being lost. Mrs. C. F. Chalfnn spont several days visiting In Redmond this week Mr. and Mrs. Sam Burgess aro tho proud parents of an eight-pound baby girl, born Sunday, April 3. M. Vaughn was a Redmond visitor Monday. A. G. Morfltt was In Sisters Wed nesday. Mrs. Hubert Scogglns spent tho week-end on the ranch. Warron Chalfan was a Redmond visitor Tuesday. Airs. William Morfltt and son Ash ton and Roy Henrtt wero callers in Redmond Friday. Mr. nnd Mrs. H. Mnmcro. Mr. F E. Hoss. Mrs. C. F. Chalfun, Mr. nnd Mrs. Warren Chalfan and family wero shopping In Bend Snturday. Heinle Coltelt delivered somo cat tle In Bend Saturday. Mrs. P. Van Tassel spent Monday in Sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hartley were dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Harry McGuIre of Tumnlo Friday ovonlng. Sam Burgess and Paul Scogglns were callers in Bend Monday. WAS IX BKO THREE DAYS. Mrs. Joslo Reed. 217 N. Exter St.. TUisa, UKla.. writes: "I was In bed without them." Adv. Hold -everywhere,- APRIL FOOL PARTY PROVES A SUCCESS GRANGE HALL, April C Every body enjoyed tho April fool continue party given at tho Urn iiko hall Fri day evening, Mr. nnd Mr. Naff visited nt tho P. J. Young homo Friday ovonlng. Mr. and Mrs. Miller and children. Mr. nnd Mr. Beebo and daughter Irono nnd Miss Alt ware dinner guests nt tho 1C. A. Nelson homo Hun-day. Mrs. C. M. Rasmusscn spont Mon day evening at the Nelson ranch. Mis Gladys Dahlo I tho happy possessor of a fine now piano. It. Chase was busy shipping seed potatoes last week. Anna Smith accompanied the Young family to church 8unday. Mr. and Mr. Pedorxcn nnd Mr. Hottman wero Bond shopper Satur day. Several bond of cattlo havo died of bloat in this vicinity recently, Mr, and Mr. Llndtey were busy moving off tho old Wornstaff ranch Saturday. Mr. Wornstaff will occu py his proporty. GIRL'S DEATH CAUSE OF GRIEF TO MANY CLOVERDALE. April 6. A feel Ing of sadness gwopt over our com munity Wednesday when word wa received that Mis La Dona Cyrus had passed away that ovonllng. La Dona was a Junior In tho Redmond high school, where she was known as a bright and studious pupil. Ow ing to ill health sho had had to glvo up her Htudles for scvoral month threo days with my back. I took during tho winter and had Just ro Foley Kidney Pills and in two day ccntly returned to school when sho was at my work again." They holn. contracted measles. Pneumonia dc- elimlnato from tho system the oolssns volopcd. causing her death. La George Hobbs is moving his home- week looking after the seeding of rye that cause backacho, rheumatic' Dona will bo greatly missed hero. stead house onto the Haven ditch on a ranch which he recently pur land, ownetl by him, and will take up chased there. his residence there soon. He has' Antone Ahlstrom was a business occupied the ranch owned by Walter "visitor in Redmond Friday. pains, stiff Joints, sore muscles Sold everywhere. Adv. CHILD HITS CAP, MAY LOSE SIGHT Springs Is Here Now come the Pigs the Calves the Colts and the Lambs. TIME for your work horses and mules to shed their winter's coat TIME to tone them up give their systems a Bpring house-cleaning and drive out the worms. Dr. Hess Stock Tonic A Spring Conditioner and Worm Expelier Your COWS that have long been on winter feed need the system-toning, bowel-cleansing, appetizing effects of ' Dr. Iless Stock Tonic Puts them in fine condition for calving. It means more milk. Your BROOD SOWS will bo relieved of constipation and Sut in fine fettle for farrowing by a course of Dr. Hess tock Tonic, which means healthy pigs, and a mother with nn ample milk supply to nourish them. Your SHOATS will be greatly benefited by a course of Dr. Hess Stock Tonic. It drives out the worms stimulates the appetite nnd makes them thrive. Feed it to EWES before lambing time. It prevents fevered udders and scouring lambs. Feed it after lambing time to stimulate the flow of milk, insuring lambs for the early market. Dr. Hess Stock Tonic contains Tonics for the digestion. Laxatives for the bowels, Diuretics for tho kidneys, ana Vermifuges for tho worms. Why Fay the Peddler Twice My Price? MAGILL & ERSKINE (BEND, OREGON TcUaihoto matKtlock yoa have. We hare a package to tult. Dr. Poullry PAN-A-CE-A ulll htlp racis jour Iimjs Ir.y now. j ti i leixm i n 1 1 1 irvi i L-rta m rtna in i r an sra . ... . . -, POWELL IIUTTE, April C Rus sell Snyder, young son of Mr. and airs. Fred Snyder, found n dynamlto cap on the road homo from school and, not knowing the nature of the harmless-looking thing, carried it home, whero ho exploded it, tearing off the end of his thumb and two fingers and badly injuring one oyo. It was nt first thought that the sight of the eye was gone, but tho attend ing physician holds out hope of Hav ing It. The boy, with his mother Is at the Redmond hospital, whero lit was taken for treatment. THIXK8 THKHK IS XOXK IIETTEIt Moses Richardson, R. V. D. 1, Box 78, Ramer, Okla., write: "I had a hurting in my chest and coughed un til I gasped for breath. Foloy's Honey and Tar relieved me of my troublo and did mo so much good I don't think thero is a hotter medi cine for colds, coughs und hoarse ness." Good for children and safo. Sold everywhere. Adv. BIG DANCE ENJOYED AT DESCHUTES HOME J- DESCHUTES, April C. A danco was given at tho Walter Lowo homo Saturday evening. A variety of mu sic was furnished. Mr. Lowe played the Vlctrola, Qeorge Claton tho gui tar, Ed Swalloy tho mandolin, and several other took turns on tho vio lin. Tho "broom Jig" was given by Georgo Claton. Jamen Winnlngham wa tho caller for tho danco nnd Ev erett Johnson was tho iiuudrille lead er. Thero wa a largo crowd pros out from Hend, Deschutes, Tumnlo, Orango Hall and whlto Rock dis tricts. Refreshments wero served consisting of cako, coffee and Hand-wlchos. F. K. Dnhl of Redmond was a din ner guest at the Deblrig homo In Deschutes Saturday. Miss Evelyn Cavauaugh of Des chutes, who ha been staying with Mrs. It. W. Stankey, has gono to a training school In Portland. Mrs. II. Ward of Tumalo, who has been confined at her homo In Tuma lo, Is improving. Sho taught school Friday. All her pupil woro glad to her back ngaln. Hal Cooke of Deschute wont to Powell Rutin Saturday night, whore ho und hi brothor Paul will work on tho Mustard ranch. Georgo Kano.'f and Mr, Van Allon The funeral wa hold Friday from the Redmond undertaking parlors, burial being In Prlnovlllo cemolory. Tho many beautiful floral offerings told of tho high esteem In which shu wa held. MIbs Fay Miller of Redmond pcnt Sunday at hor homo here. W. Mill has traded hi Oakland car to E. M. Peak for n team of hors es, form Implnmout. hay, etc. Mrs. Ruby Parberry ha bcon tak ing caro of tho sick at tho G. F. Cy rus homo during tho past wcok. W. F. Arnold nnd wlfo were shop ping in Sister Thursday. Dlack Bros. & Harrison purchased a couple of milk cow from R. O. Andrus Saturday. Vern Skelton was a business visit or In Torrobonno last Monday at tho John Mocch homo, Mr. and Mr. J. L. Parberry wero Sunday visitor at 11. Mamcro'a homo In Plnlnvlow. II. C. Miller I In Hood River tills week on business. B. C. Kllno delivered a veal in Bend last wock, R. O. Andru and W. Mills are hauling hay this week to Oroweilcr's mill. R. M. Doty and G. Rolling wero business vUltors In Redmond Thurs day. W. T. Harrison nnd on Thomas and Burr Black wero in Bend Saturday. Ellis Edglnglon and family of 81- tar were business caller at tho W. T. Harrison homo Thursday, Completing n 10 ruonlli' lour, tluf I nit which they circled Iho I nile.l Hliile nnd (raveled 13,100 mile In thefr Ford sedan, Mr. and Mr. I I), Wlesl, (,'entrnl Oregon pioneer, returned to their homo In lloml Huu day, Everywhere they went, Mr, Vlet romnrk, they met former lletid resi dent, or peoplo nrquillntod hero, nnd wero cnllod by union In Iho most unoxpecled plnces, o that they never felt a though they wero In n bImiiko plnco. Mr. Wlest kept n logbook record of tho entire Journey, nnd ha written n number of nrtlclo on hi observation whllo touring tho coun try. Tho afoty of nuto travel under modem condition nnd tho unsiip posed prevalence of prohibition throughout the country nro remark ed by tho returned tourist, who at tribute tho former to the laller con dition. Automobile travel 1 fully a afo n travel by train, and during the ontlro trip ho did not niitlcn moro than 12 case of drunkenness, nor did ho seo moro than n very fow uutomoblln accident. Twice tho pnrty passed scone of recent disunities resulting from nil tomobllo accldonts, but they saw very few nrrldetil pofsnmtlly. Thfffl fourth of Inn aerldeiil Ihey lid or rnsliiu In nhservn wern In fxllfiirhfn. Now York nnd I'oinylvnnln, stale where In Mr Wlosf opinion, llttlo effort I made In enforro prohibition. In southern Cnllfornln, described by' Mr. Wlest Iho "Alllolst' I'arn dlse," they knpt roiint for ID mile of t tin number of car met. counting 1 100. Tim tourist business there is Immense ami It netting tbn resident largo profit. Florida also I com lug to Iho front a a tourUl rodou, but I nowhere muir California Whllo In New York rlly, Iho Wlesl called on Georgo I'nlmer Putnam, formerly editor of Tho Ilullotln. at bin office. Another former resldeit' of llond, A. M. Drake, nno of tho pioneer In development linro, wa vlsltud In Pnsndoim, Cnl. Tho Wlest proceeded about I tin country In n leisurely fihlon, slop ping for a day or longer nt n num ber of town In eiicli Rtnto visited. They carried wllh them n complelo camping outfit, but stayed n hotel a much of th llmo a they camped. Some difficult piece of rond went negotiated, jtay Mr, Wlest, but thero wero praclkully no exciting events on tho trip. Ing through Iho country district, Miss Clock ha several time boon called for consultation by person who saw her enr nnd tins been nblo to render orvleo. No charge I mndo In nny cno for tho ervlco of tho county nuro, al though payment, whon offered, I ac cepted and tho money turned Into tho county health fund. WAY FROM CRESCENT TO FORT ROCK OPEN OAIU) OF TIfANKH To our many friend: Wo wish to express our nlncoro thanks and ap preciation for tho mnny Kindncsse extended during our lato berenvo-mont. Cc MR. and MRS. GEO, F, CYRUS. NURSE ENTERTAINS BELIEF IN SIGNS Plainly Marked Car Help MInn Jiillu Clock To Give Special Hi'rv Ico To DoHchutoN County Peoplo Miss Julia D, Clock, tlio now coun ty nurso, Is suporstltlou. At least sho bolloves In signs, Tho Hlgn in this cauo aro tho ncnt threo dollar onos sho had painted on tho side of tho official county "Llzzlo," Slnco vorynno cannot Judgo a per son's occupation from appearances, Miss Clock finds that It assist hor lu her work to ndvortlso In tho mod- cJt fashion montloned abovo. Pass- The rond between Crescent and Fort Rock Is now open and passable by automobile, nccordlng .to Super visor II. L. Plumb of tho Deschutes national forest, Just returned from u trip In that region. Tho Fort Rock Mllllcnn rond via Fox butto I also passable, but whoever attempts It must buck two feet of snow nt tho summit, ho declare. Snow will not leave that region for a month yet, Plumb believe, a tho ground I still frozen. Other road lo tho south aro In good condition, ntthough thero I moro moisture than usual nt thl seaKon. Between La Pino and Fort Rock tho road I rough, but muddy only in a few place, and nowhere I n car In dan ger of being itoppcd by mud. Tho China Hat cutoff between Hand Springs nnd Fort Rock will not bo open for a month. LUMBER JOYRIDE ENDS WITH FINE liulillnriir In lUtrnrU rolnt I". (.'. AIIImiii To Hpenl Willi Tenm Friend fill Penalty Speeding on Bend street last night with a team of horse and n load of lumber brought F. C. Alli son, of Alfalfa, Into pollco court Inst Saturday. There ho Informed Judgo Ros l'orntinm that vanilla extract I moro pleasant to take and moro productive of result limn moonshine. Tho latter I evidently Iho case, for Allison had with him n bottlo of a well known brand, plainly marked 40 par cent alcohol, and ho Imd'drunk not mora than a Quarter of a pint. Judgo Farnham assessed a fin fine, which wa paid by one of Alli son's neighbor. Advertise In Tho Bulletin, result. It gel Brand Directory A Right (Ida; right oar crop ped; wattle right bind leg. II. U TONE, HUter. Or. dr ion. THE POTATO MAGAZINE will nsiiit you to get more money for your potatoes. It will tell you how lo combat dlteasc and iiriti, nnd now to secure more bushels of quality potatoes wr acre. It will help solve yaur market problems and is cliuck-full of valuable Information from cover to cover. I SEND 25c FOR THREE MONTHS' TRIAL SUBSCRIPTION I OR 36 MONTHS FOR S2 j On all 36 months' suttscrlptions, money will he returned nt tho end of six months if you don't feel that the J6 copies ol Tun Potato Mauazink are worth $2. POTATO MAGAZINE ZffiftVS Business and Professional Cards R. S. HAMILTON iim I4 ATTORNEY-AT-LAW T,,0MAHi A. A. IA. Room 18-18 First National . M Ixhltft,, Bank Bldg. Tel. 611 Bnlla'" (Dr. Co.'. Form., Ofll.) BEND - - - OltlCaON II. II. .Armond Ch. W. Enkln. 0 p NIBWONaHIl, Bond, Ore. DcArmond & Erskine undehtakkb LAWYERS UwnMrt Knmer, Vwewl O'Kano Building, Bend, Oregon Phone Rod 421. Lady Asst. Z'tSJH DR' "' D' BTOWBLL . 'A , . N.prpaU.lo Pl.y.lcla. United HUtea Conimlloiier OTOr 1, Furniture Co. First National Bank Bulldlnr Wall Htrcet Hour t lo I BEND, ORKGON 1'hono lied 4HS DR. A. LESSING ' j RpaJ 1.L- p l f PHYSICIAN AND BUItaEON 1X630 Cne DLUietin bkndI'oregon ! Classified Ads Phone: Office Rod 41; Ros, 12S