flKrw nrutrffrf, mnu, tmmtun, tuvmu.it, stAuvil n, MjL fctimmtwmtifnmrtrtffltmfflmtwmitwmmnmmmnmimftniwmmmmtmmm What's Doing In The Country &mnnmmimniMiimii 'UVUMM Ct.AtiH A'V ( mrma vovvlau NEWS NOTES FKOM DESCHUTES FARMS DEflCHtfTEfl, March 16. Mis Margaret Deblng of Deschutes wa confined at her home this week with a bad cold. Velnora Fhlllys of Tumalo spent Tuesday night with Jessamine John ton of Deschutes. Chris Nolson of Deschutes wns OTor at tho Tweed ranch In Tumalo Monday after a seed drill. Dob Mooro of Deschutes Is trim ming trees for Henry Anderson. George Clatson of Deschutes was a business caller In Tumalo Krldny. B. J. Conlcy was a business caller In Deschutes Tuesdny. Mr. and Mrs. S. Doblng and baby of Deschutes were visiting at the Anton Ahlstrom home In the White Rock district Tuesday. Miss Edith and Lois Swalley of Deschutes wcro visiting Eunice Nel son, who has Just como homo from the hospital In Bend. Milton nodgera was a business caller In Tumalo Tuesday. Antono Ahlstrom and Mrs. O. E. Anderson were Bend visitors Wed nesday. Ed Swnlley of Deschutes was a Bend visitor Wednesday afternoon. Ed Swalley and Everett Johnson were business callers In Deschutes Wednesday. Walter Lowo of Deschutes was In Tumalo on business Tuesday. Miss Elzetta Deblng of Deschutes spent Thursday night with Marvel Cooley in Tumalo. Miss Frances Thompson of Bend was a visitor In Tumalo Thursday. Harold Cooke and Geoge Clatson of Deschutes wero visitors at the Deb lng home Thursday evening. Harold Cooke and George Clatson of Powell Butte are busy moving on Mr. Cooke's ranch near Deschutes this week. Mr. Cooke has been employed at Powell Butte, but is now going to farm his land. Earl Grogan was a Deschutes busi ness visitor Friday afternoon. . J. R. Benham of Deschutes was In Redmond on Business Saturday. Port Scott of Deschutes took a load of alfalfa hay to Albert Wright In Bend Saturday. Mrs. C. M. Redfield and daugh ters Katherine and Charlotte of Des chutes were Bend visitors Saturday afternoon. Mrs. George Kanoff and son John of Bend were visiting in Deschutes Sunday. LITERARY PROGRAM GIVEN AT PINEHURST U, i.. f.ndd ami family of Redmond spent Sunday at tho C. M. I'lielp homo. d , Roy Well wan n business caller at tho Ilolmon homo Wednesday. C. M. Phelps has been quite III tho past week. 0. II. Spaugh delivered some fat lambs In llend Friday. Rotclln Phelps visited with tho Rollmon children Saturday nftor noon. Tom Ilrannon, who has been living on. the 0. W. 8nyder placo for tho past year, has moved on the Maynard place. F. (1. McManman and family nre now ocucpylng tho Snyder placo. The Spaugh girls have been out of school this week on account of Ill ness. Homer Cosncr has been sorting po tatoes this week for Robert Smith. Iln Was In Had KluiM. Any person who Is suffering with rheumatic twinges, backache, soro- ncss, lameness or other symptoms ol kidney troublo can profit if ho wishes, from this: ".My kidneys wcro Inl such bad shape that I could hardly stoop down. Foley Kidney Pills made mo all right. Samuel Holt, Greenville, Pa." Sold everywhere I Adv. SURPRISE PARTY IS GIVEN AT PLAINVIEW PINEHURST, March 15. Literary exercises were held at the Pinehurst school bouse Friday and will be con tinued to be held thee every two weeks. Business visitors to Bend this week Included: C. H. Spaugh, Mrs. C. M. Phelps, Mr. and Mrs. John Bollman, Mrs. Mary Garner, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wells, Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. John Troutwine, Tom and George Micels, John Barnes, Mrs. James Levy and Walter Andrews. PLAINVIEW, March 15. A sur prise party was given at the home of A. W. Armstrong Saturday evening for Ray Armstrong, who left Sunday evening for Tncoma, Wash., for tbo benefit of his health. About 30 friends and neighbors were present. Tho evening was pleasantly spent In games and dancing and a splendid lunch was served. Miss Hollis Swingel Is confined to her home with measles. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Llvesay wero shopping In Bend Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Morfltt wero callers In Sisters Tuesday. Miss Julia Clock visited the school Wednesday. A number of tho par ents were present and plans wero made to start a class In home care for the sick. Miss Clock will meet with the ladies at the homo of Mrs. Frances Hoss April 6. Ed Anderson was a visitor in Red mond Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Fox and Mrs. PVan Tassel were shopping in Bend Friday. Jim Pulllam is spending several days on the ranch. Ray Armstrong, Roy and Edgar Heartt attended the wooden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Scoggins in Bend Thursday evening. Mrs. Howard Hartley spent sever al days this week visiting at the Scarth home. Ray Armstrong was a visitor In Bend Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Chalfan were callers in Redmond Tuesday. Mrs. Elma Smith spent the week end on her ranch near Tumalo. Several local farmers attended the farm bureau meeting in Redmond Wednesday. Jim Pulllam spent Sunday with Roy and Edgar Heartt. Mrs. Herbert Scoggins spent the week-end on the ranch. S7 Spring Is Here Now come the Pigs the Calves the Colts and the Lambs. TIME for your work horses and mules to shed their winter's coat TIME to tone them up give their systems a spring house-cleaning and drive out the worms. Dr. Hess Stock Tonic A Spring Conditioner and Worm Expelier Your COWS that have long been on wlnter.feed need lho system-toning, bowel-cleansing, appetizing effects of Dr. Hess Stock Tonic. Puts them in fine condition for calving. It means more milk. Your BROOD SOWS will bo relieved of constipation and put in fine fettle for farrowing by a course of Dr. Hess Stock Tonic, which means healthy pigs, and a mother tvilh an ample milk: supply to nourish them. Your SHOATS will be greatly benefiied by a course of Dr. Hess Stock Tonic. It drives out the worms stimulates the appetite and makes them thrive. Feed it to EWES before lambing time. It prevents fevered udders and scouring Iambs. Feed it after lambing time to stimulate the flow of milk, insuring lambs for the early market Dr. Hess Stock Tonic contains Tonics for tho digestion. Laxatives for tho bowels, Diuretics for tho kidneys, and Vermifuges for the worms. Wby Pay Uie Peddler Twice My Price? MAGILL & ERSKINE BEND, OREGON Till vs how much etockyouhave. We have a package fo tall. Dr. Hess Poultry PM-A-CE-A ttUI help make your teas lay now. MrtTMIItf. Mar eft Id. An unusual ly IrtfRrt number1 rttlendml lho (udr class conduced by Ml Clock nt Mr Halloy homo Inst Thursday after noon. Tho nigh ennoi gin wcro e.tcued from their classes in attend this lecture. At lho conclusion of tho class dainty refreshments wero served. Tho nett class will ho held tho second Thursday In April nt (ho homo of Mr. P. N. Horonsen, A largo number of out of town i peopio niicmirti 1110 unuro in in" Farthing hall Friday evening. Tho evening was spent In dancing the old fashioned way. A number of Sisters people attend ed two dances last Saturday night which wcro held out of town, One was nt Lower llrldgo on tho Metnlltis and tho other was at tho Swamp ranch. Evoryono enjoyed a good tlmo at J tho Christian Kndonvor party at mo Slstors hotel Inst Saturday night. Tho evening was spent In playing giimes nnd singing, after which a box lunch, furnished by tho ladles, was served. A play ontltled "Tho Poor Married Man" Is to bo given thu night of April 9 under tho auspices of tho high school, tho proceeds to go to ward a plnno fund for tho school. It Is a roaring farco all tho way through and not an Idle mlnuto In It. It Is tho story of a young, unsophisti cated college professor, who marries a charming girl, but tho plot In cludes a mother-in-law who upsets everything nnd causos tho brldo to tnko a hurried trip to Reno. Tho professor marries ngnln, and this tlmo his fnthcr-ln-lay marries tho mother of his former wlfo, tho pro fessor gaining for tho second tlmo tho samo mother-in-law. Charles Griffith and family wero Bond visitors last week. P. J. Lelthauser & Son aro Install ing a filling station In front of their storo. Urn! Hirlf nifi nRflfftsl f(in &; fi-mpiof fn HiM wr "r no (iirtrmgi'd ( hrtfff fery rlrijn iii" , fiilnmenf at (he null mm ' "in tupefimenf it suefM ' A flti I'nlflek' dn enterlninineof will l.o hold n( (Irmigfl hH Thursday evening, ainrru if a rmrn.Mi nor will Im sorted and n number of mutest ami game will litf Introduced. i.ii. mliM will ln awarded Alt enjoyable evening I promised by I he Oranger. who nro giving lho eve ning ' entertainment. Mr. I'eschkn was out for a drlvo Sunday. , Mr. nnd Mr, notimnn aim airs. Nlrknrsnn railed at tho Dickey homo fliiiidiiy afternoon. William lloyiiom sum a irurn lood of polnloo Inst week. Mr. J. l'edorsen and sou t'hlllp nnd Mr. Fred Hetlmnn visited Mr. Htonsolh In llend Snturdny. Mr. Jackson, who I working on tho highway norlh of Redmond, wn In Ihl vicinity Saturday loomug oi inr his farm, which ho has rented to Mr. tlrlswold. Mr, t.. C. Young visited with Mr. P. J, Young Monday and Tuesday nf tornoon. Mr. C. M. Riismussen called on Cut This Out It Is Worth Money. Cut out this slip, oncloso with Be to Foley & Co., 283G Sheffield Ave, Chicago, III., writing your name and address clearly. You will receive In return a trial packago containing Foley's Honey and Tars Compound, for coughs, colds and croup, Foley Kidney Pills and Foley Cathartic Tablets. Sold everywhere Adv. WOMEN PATROLING AT RURAL DANCES GRANGE HALL, March 1C. In a number of communities where dan cing is allowed in the community halls, tho mothers have formed "pro tective clubs," and appoint two moth ers to patrol tho lawns surrounding the halls on evenings of entertain ment to protect their daughters against learning the clgaretto habit IN THE DAYS OF KINGS The dandy of the time of Charles II wore expensive pinnies in his hat, often set off witli Reins of extraor dinary value. In this age when kings have been thrown into the discard the Gordon Mat gives the particular man all the dis tinction any hat can give. There arc some unmualty attractive colors shown in Gordon Hats this season you'll like them. CASHMAN CLOTHIER F-R-E-E! For your benefit us woll M ourfl, we want a record of every kodak In Central Oregon, it you will send tin the number, size and make of your kodak or camera and one of your favorite nega tives, we will make one 7.xl2 enlargement for you free of charge. SYMONS BROS. Central Oregon Photo Co. East man Kodaks Films and Supplies Developing Printing Enlarging Mr. Chnrle Williamson, who has been under tho doctor' cure for sumo lime mnnd visitor on Tuesday. Mr. Alfred Pederson wont to Dos chute Wednesday to work fur t' M . v.... I. il... i...u, llrni.llir fill-' limillPIII. nil mi n 1 1 II ll K I M' '"' ?"' 1 Tho I dle."' Aid had It regular tram oiilorlnlned Mio following meeting at Mr. K, K. lluller' homo guet at dinner at their hom on S of i t tho homo of Mr. Wll- Sunday: Mr and Mr. CnrMlnn.r.i.w am Ueynolds. a wa previously an- of Tumalo. Mr. and Mr, J. Alton o need, on account of Mr. Itey- Thompon. Jlmtnlo Thmpin an-l o ' Illnes i Frances Thompson of llond, Mr. nrro Mr. and Mr. II. llelgeson called at Mr. Die Hanson and children. Kllta- and Cluisu homes wco win " , .Mr, rtlirou irnrrnii "im wn lho duller H...1.V Hfli.rtinntl. I Gcorgo Krlcksen purchased hay In wald. Mr. Mid Mr, H. T. Mlkk.Ueii Powell llutlo !Bml nn Alfred, ltamus Peterson. Mrs. Dickey called on Mr. Wll- Mr. Calhrlim Johanen. Mr. and Ham Heynold Thursday afternoon. Mr, O. K. Anderwri. Mr. and Mr Rho also attend lho meeting of thoiW. II. Hulch n and baby. Mr and i .u i... i.n, nf Mm K. K. .Mr. J. W. Peterson and on John Duller. Frank Nelson has returned to school slnco recovering from mensle. ChrU Stock and lroy Hmltli called on Herbert Nelson last Sunday. Fred Ueynolds sold his potatoes last week. Harold Pcderscn wa a visitor nt tho Hetlmau home Saturday after, noon. Kverctt Chaso visited with Krling nnd Howard Helgcsou Saturday af ternoon. A meeting of tho Orangu was held Saturday night at tho hull. Mrs. Chnsa Is assisting Mrs. Dav is with her moving this week. Mr, and Mr. Ncff called at the Ilasmussou homo last Saturday. P. J. Young ha added shock an nuel Lloyd and Mr. Dokken, Mr. Dokken I visiting at lho homo of hi niece, Mr. J. W. IVteron. Mr Dokken formerly lived near BUter. After telling hi ranch there h left for n trip to Norlh Dakota to visit relntlvn. Ho ha Just lately re turned. Alfred I'ednrsen wont to llpdmoinl on Tuesday to get repair for hi wa gon, Mr. II. T. Mlkkolsen and Mr. O. K. Anderiou worn shopping In lied. motul Tuesday afternoon, Mr, and Mr. J, W. Cabeen of Red mnnd have been spending a few ilay nut hero on their ranch. W. II, Hutchln ha purchased a now cream separator. A mooting wn held at tho Teeter SALE OF Used Phonographs $120.00 Columbia, Oak or Mahog- QLHtL flft any, with 20 records, for.-. VV $120.00 Sonora, Oak, with 12 $75 00 records, for $175.00 Brunswick, Mahogany, d1 1 K Hfl with 15 records, for. p A 1 J.VU $140.00 Pathe, Mahogany, with 20 &QQ QQ records, for ifJJJVJ $50.00 Pathe, Oak, with 10 $26 50 records, for pu.uu $75.00 Victor, Mahogany, with 12 $49 50 records, for tpTi.ov These machines are guaranteed to be in good mechanical condition. TERMS IF DESIRED 150 new Pathe Records, priced to close 3J) Bend Furniture Co. norlinra to his nlrpfi.lv woll ouulDiiod . homo Rnturday evening for tho pur- car, Tho absorber wcro Installed by poo of deciding on a location for tho O. M. Hwnnson. community hail and electing a board Mr. Davis and family are moving jof director. It wn decided In on tho Studcbakor ranch In thl vlcln- build near the highway on tho Heaver Ity this wcok. Wo aro glad to wul-lptacn, Tim director elected are: I., como them to this community. A. llrnndnnburg. Mr. T.tr. Mrs. Keroy Smith Is tho proud mu Pleron, Mr. Heaver and Milan mother of an Infant son. Whlltemore. (lien Co wn elected Kunlco Noff luft for Coour d'Alenc, secretary and treasurer, A Inrrn Idaho Inst wuok to visit her sister crowd wn present nt th mcelltig Myrllo. Maliln Dahlo has entered high school, having recovered from an at tack of measles. Gladys Duhlo Is taking music !' sons from Mrs. Itiismussuu. Vou C1111 I'erl Ilrttrr Timiornv, If you suffer from ImllitcHlnn. constipation, headache, biliousness. bloating, sour stomach, gas on stom-"" nch, bad breath or other condition caused by dolayed bowel action, take a Foley Cathartic Tablet tills evening 11 ml tomorrow you will feel better. ! Clcanso tho bowols, sweeten tho stomach and tnno up tho lirnr. Sold every wiioro. Adv. nnd n lunch consisting of doughnut, enko and coffen wa served by lliu ladle. Mr, O. K. Anderson vlHted Ml Nellie CJrlffln at Deschutes Baturday afternoon. Mr. and Mr. I.. A. Ilrandonburg and Dan Day of Long llutln rnnrh were visitor at lho homo of Mr and Mr. O. K. Anderson Huudny nfier- SWALLEY CHOSEN TO HEAD DITCH COMPANY PLEASANT It I DO K, March lfi. Antono Ahlstrom and IM Swalloy at tended a mooting of tho directors nf tho Swalley ditch In llend on Wed nesday afternoon. Mr, Swalloy wa elected president of tho company. (icorgo Hoiton of Deschutes wa working for J. W. Peterson several days Oils wcok. Mrs. O. E. Anderson wa shopping In llond on Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs. Wagennor and son Imvo moved to Iledmond, whoro thay will mako their homo. Mr. and Mr. J. A. Chaso wero lied- I'nnil I lir. Itriictlrlliin Hl.lrrx. The following from lho Ilenedlr tine Sltliir. Holy Nnmn Convent, Hon Antonio, Fin.. I of value to omry mother: "Wo hovo Just received shlpmunt of Foley' llonuy and Tar It I a household remedy. Wn havit used It slnco wn know of It, for our children oRpeelnlly, and always found It beneficial," Hold everywhere Adv. Msny Optclss of sts. There aro about 1.10 sWCic of bats, and tbewa are distributed over nearly every qunrlrr of tho globe. Tint Inrger lint nro fnund lu lho wanner region. Brand Directory night ldo; right oar crop ped; wattle right bind teg. II. l TONK, HUter. Ore. adv.JOO" Business and Professional Cards It. S. HAMILTON I nuek im 1 ATTOHNBY-AT-KAW J'E8 A.'TIIOMAH, A. A. IA. Ilooms 13-16 First National .A,rehMtft..i. Dank Hldg. To). 611 n DulldteB (Ur. Co.'. Kor.r Om..) "BND ' ' ' OnEOON " "'A""0"" Chu. W. Er.kln. 0 P( NIBWONOEIt, llend, Oro. DeArmond & Erskine undkhtakkh i, a w v i' 11 h IJcensod Kinbalmcr, Funeral i. u n Director. O'Knno Iiulldlng, IJcnd, Orogon phone 21 La(Jy Aist. AUoniey-.t-Kaw DR- "' 18TWL United Stat, Commissioner OrorTog': First Nsllonal Hank Iiulldlng Wall Htrcot Houra 9 to I fiUND, ORICOON " Phono lied 4 Ha DR. A. LESSING RaJ fL p ll physician and suiiouoN ieaa tne Duiietin HKND, OnKOON Classified Ads ."lionci: Ofnco Ilcd 41; lies. 123 j s