The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, March 10, 1921, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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    nnnu, ami, trnmiti 'tmmuA i, mahcu ta, lint.
VAitti 1
Mnrller Opening, llcdiirtion In Hftfn
tiny Unit Limit, Hotnllon of f.nkrit,
Ami Protection of Npnwii, Alms
1. II. People New President
llnenmmcndiitlon, which If cut
rled nut will Hull affect tho future
of Central Oregon ns nil angler' par
adise, nro contiilned In resolution
iimnvil Friday ntnlit by tliu llend Koil
mid (Inn Club. Tho rcxolutlitiin nro
to ho til ken tin with slulo atithurlt
If through M. A. Lynch, of Iti-d-tiionil,
member of tho gnma commls
Moil. Tho Run cltih, In Itn recommend
TloVn, seeks to have tint season for
fishing In tho Deschutes unit Metal
Inn river stnrt on April 1. lusicnd
of remaining closod for thn first
half of tho month n Is now prnvld
ml. Investigation of tliu feasibility
of closing corlnln lake to make pos
sible system of rotntlon, In nlso
asked. Tho dally Iiiik limit of 20
pou nilii Ik not contested, lint tho
resolution would not SO pound -on
tho maximum for any seven ronso
cutlvu day.
Would Protect Hpmui.
An Investigation aimed at tho
trout' greatest enemy, tho white
fish, I nuked. Thl Investigation
souk would hnvo In mind tho head
water of tho Deschutes, lucludlm:
lllg and Little I.avu lakes. Olio of
tho fnvorltu Item In the dial of thu
whileflsh, It Is pointed out hy sports
men, I trout spawn,
F.tecllon of officer wn held. I).
II. People being chosen president
to succeed N. 0. Jncobson. while It.
N. lluchwnltcr wa linmi'd vice-president,
It. 8. Ilnmlllou decretory, and
Dr. W. G, Mniiiilni: tronsurer.
You tinti Fe-I llrttcr Tomorrow.
If you suffer from indigestion,
constipation, hoadacho, biliousness,
bloating, sour tomach, gas on stom
nch, bad breath or other condition
caused by delayed bowel action, tako
n Foley Cathartic Tablot thl evening
mid tomorrow you will feel better.
Cleano tho bowel, weeleu tho
Momncti and touu up tho llvur. Bold
ovorywhoro. Adv.
Superior team work was shown
Friday night at tho gymnasium when
tho llend high mcIiooI bnaket ball
tnnm defeated tho city All Star 81
18. The name wa played to ralio
money o that tho IiIrIi school quln
let. now tho champion of Central
Oregon, might miika the trip to
Salem to enter tho content for the
Rtnto c)uimplonhlp. Twenty-six dol
lar wa cleared,
Tho high school toam with II sup
erior trnlnlng nnd team work play
ed a faxt and remarkably cloror
gnmo literally running circle
around tho All Star. Thu town
team wa hnndlcappcd by Ineffi
cient prnctlco.
On tho II. II. S. team every man
scored, but tho main tar of tho
gamo wa Drostorhous, who person
ally mado forty-two points, Orroll,
Johnson and Coynor wero nearly
equally tied for socond placo. I.oohr
playing guard did not have many
chance to score It Is duo perhaps
to tho guarding of Loehr that tho
scoro of tho opposing sldo was hold
down to so low a figure
On tho .town team, Ilyborg mnda
most of tho point with both for
ward sharing second honor.
Tho crowd at tho gamo wa small
er than usual but wa a fair repre
sentation of tho basketball fans of
tho city.
I)roBtorhouB(42) C (8)Dyborg
Orroll (13) F () Curtl
Johnson (12) ....P.... (4) D.Tuckor
Coynor (12) a (2) Clnrno
Lochr (2) 0 K. Tuckor
Great StcrsL
A business concern In lloston hni
this pungent innxlm prominently dis
played In Its front window: "A com.
pleted transaction In an asset; u min
ified btiHlncss Is n liability." A mod.
crn cfllclency expert could wrlto n
CO.OOOword bonk on Unit text, nnd
then renlly not sny much more. Tho
world Is full of "starters" who never
get iinyw hero, Tho big Idea Is to
cIiposu only worth while objectives
end then flnlsh what you start, Al
bert Sidney Gregg.
Brand Directory
A. Right ilde: right oar crop
AsV pod; wattle right hind log.'
D. L. TONE, Blatern, Ore.
hum mtiiM wiia, mi miomii.v
iiirriiiu iio.vm ihhuk o.v ju.v
timl nvuAitsu in urn,
Thn school district No. 1 sinking
fund, amounting nt present to f 1.100,
1 to bo Invented In tho highest In
terest 1en r I iik securities which will
allow tli ii district tho uso of tho
money In I92G. Thl wa docldcd
by tho llend school director at
their regulur meeting lust week, In
tho year specified tho CG00. Issue
flouted to finance Ilia construction
of tho Central school building, torn
down last full, will mature.
Tho report of thn school nurse,
submitted last night, showed that on
February 1 1 there worn 12 case of
iiiotinlen In tho school, and that on
March 1 tho number had been re
duced to 40.
pihi: ciiii.p ami ttv i'Iivhi
ci an nun: elimination op
IN KAItl.Y HI'ltlNO.
Spring time Is cleanup time, nnd In
the brief lull which Is preceding tho
resumption of Industrial activity,
llehd has the best chanco In tho world
to "doll up" for luinmor, Plro Chief
Tom Carlon point out.
Much work of tho kind Is be
ing voluntarily dono by property
owner, and mora will bo undertak
en under tliu direction of thu flro
chief and the city physician.
Not only doe tho carting away of
refuse Improve tho appoaranco of tho
city and eliminate flro hnsarda, but
It also means that tho fly may bo de
prived of the flying start which ha
mado the pest unconquerable In past
years, city health authorities point
Mrtnl Pound In Hiiltrnc of Pml V,
liniiii'inwilt To lie I let ii rued To
If 1st When lie I'inex City.
Whllo Pred W. Zlmmcrnian,
rancher south of Deschutes com
pletes arrangement for tho salo of
his form proporty, a coll of now cop
per tubing and a small sheet of cop
per will remain In tho otflco of
.Mayor K. I). Gllson. As soon a Zim
merman finishes his business In this
section and starts on tho return trip
to Anncortcs, Washington, ho may
havo his hnrdwaro, tho mayor say.
Tho copper wa taken from Zim
merman' sultcaso Prlduy night when
Officer Carlon and Pox, and tho
mayor entered tho owner' room In
tho Lawrence building on Wall
street. Tho sultcaso studied Btrong
ly of moonshine, tho officer stated.
Tho tubing nnd shoot motnl had been
purchasod to bo used on n launch
which Zimmerman Intond to run
from Anacortes, ho told tho officers.
Cut This Out It Ih Worth Money.
Cut out thl slip, oncloso with Co
to Poloy & Co,, 283C Sheffield Avo
Chicago, III., writing your namo nnd
address clearly. You will receive In
roturn n trial packago containing
Poloy's Honey and Tur Compound,
for coughs, colds and croup, Poloy
Kldnoy Pills and Poloy Cathartic
Tablets, Sold ovorywhoro Adv.
Appeal unco of Fry Itctimled Ily Low
Temperature of Water Kalnbow
KgKS To He Houubt lly Olllclnl.
Knstorn brook trout oggs nt tho
Tumnlo hntchory hnvo progrossod
llttlo boyond tho "oyolug" stngo, nl
though a million or so of spawn
tnkon nt Elk lnko at tho samo tlmo
havo already boon hatchod at tho
McKonxlo plnnt. Wnrmor water at
tho hatchery on tho west sldo of tho
mountains Is tho ronson nBslgnod by
I'onrl Lynos, suporlntondont at tho
Tumalo plnnt.
Mr, I.ynca will sook permission
Intor In tho season -to socuro rain
bow trout oggs from Diamond lnko.
ho statos.
IH NO fl.VI) IIIIHT !!!, HAVH V, M, tllA'Mvnit'.Vr tll AtltlK fltCHU
I'l-nriMHis hiuii t HHit witu nmr hvcvmh
nv svAuiimm, ih Aiivici; oivn.v,
Afler llm potillrymsfi ha mndo up
hi mind to buy nn Incubator, tin I
confronted with (ha tlesllon of
make nnd sites, A a general rule,
ii cheap machine I a poor Invest
went, requiring mora attention than
n good one nnd wearing out quicker,
helde being less dependable, Tlio
vnliio of tho mnchlna Is small com
pared with tlmt of the egg used dur
IiiK tho normal Ufa of an Incubator.
It I poor economy, therefore, to
buy n machine which I not Tollable.
Whenever posslblo It I well to select
tho klmVof Incubator that ha given
satisfaction In your neighborhood, so
that you may get tho benefit of tho
nxperlonco of other operators noar
Vnrle Willi Need.
Tho best size of Incubator to buy
vn r I en with numerous circumstances,
say poultry specialist of tho United
Stutc department of agriculture
(liven tiitrlllKent rare, whhI Incubator
About as much tlmo Is required to
euro for n CO n for a 3C0-cgg mn-
chine; It Is usually advisable to get
Electric Service Station
H. N. RILEY, Proprietor
We Repair Generators, Starters, Magnetos
and all Electric Wiring or Equip
ment on Automobiles
pnelty per hen, provided that about
f)H-hlf of the flock Is to bo renewed
yearly and no outside hatching I car
ried on. The larger machines cot
I In proportion to their capacity
than tho smaller one,
Oixxl Itrftiilt In (';(irn.
Incubator are operated In n great
variety of place with success, Whero
only a few small machine nro used
they nro usually located In a room
or the cellar of the house, A special
cellar or Incubator house should bo
provided If tho Incubator equipment
I extensive, or If mammoth ma
chine are used. It I Important to
have a well ventilated room not sub
ject to wldo variation In tempera
ture. If built abovo ground, tho
wall should be double and thu en-
tiro building well Insulated.
Good results In hatching are se
cured In Incubator cellars and In In
cubator rooms entirely above ground
Mill turn out a hurcmsful liatcli.
lovel, but tho cellar la more common,
ly used. Incubators may be operat-
Jed In buildings with single walls, es-
That the first successful Starting and Lighting Battery used on an automo
bile was an Exide?
That Exide Batteries are made by the oldest and largest battery manufac-.
turcrs in the world?
That the Cadillac Motor Car Co. have always used Exide as regular equip
ment? That Buick Automobiles are again equipped exclusively with Exide after
two years spent in trying other makes?
That 90 per cenfof the electrically equipped Fords use Exide Batteries?
That 44 manufacturers use Exide as regular equipment, among them are:
Cadillac, Hudson, Locomobile, Essex, Buick, Dupont, Rolls-Royce, Ford?
That the average life of an Exide Battery is from 50 to 300 per cent longer
than batteries of other makes?
That there are Exide Batteries in Deschutes county over six years old?
That 75 per cent of the Batteries sold by us replace other makes?
That the man who has owned several cars, invariably stops at the Exide
Station for service?
That 80 per cent of our repair work is on other makes of batteries?
That we have the equipment and ability to give prompt and efficient service?
We will be pleased to have you drive in and get acquainted.
oftfl nl t lr la wt "fiprti'Ifr" fp
ntl Mnfanm. Miwigh". (ttixn Mnf
winMf ftK imtit mrtcfiifti vul
imhlo A nmnll miMfffnA w oftert mod" In
h-tnniU)tt with h iHffM linn, nil fg
h"lfig plAfd In fhi Intri" mn(HU)
ntlfit Ihfl first of seeond tt, Stnnf
poiiKfymen lellevif ihnt it py to
hum an Incubator Irg enough to
fiflteh (ho hulk of their stock In (wo
or three hatches, no that much time
f saved In tending to the Incubators
and brooder. In addition (he
chicken are mors uniform In slie
than thnso hatched when (ho Inrti
bating period extend over a longer
time. A fair estimate for a poultry
farm I an Incubator of one egg ca-
' Arrangement arc being made
whereby Dcschutc county wjll ob
tain the service of n homo demon
stration agent without cost to the
county. This Is mads possible
through tho cooperation of the O. A.
C. extension service, Mrs. Jessie D.
McComb, Oregon home demonstra
tion leader, and the peschutes Coun
ty Parm bureau.
Tho success of the dress form proj
ect In the county last year Is largely
responsible for tho favor shown this
county by Mr. McComb.
Tho ultimate aim of the home
demonstration agent Is the develop
ment of better farm homes.
Prom llio Ik'nedlclln filtrr..
The following from tho Benedic
tine Sisters. Holy Name Convent, San
Antonio, Fin., Is of value to every
mother: "We have Just received
s'hlpment of Poley's Honey and Tar,
It Is a household remedy. We have
used it since we knew of It, for onr
children especially, and always found
It beneficial." Sold everywhere.
"Acnes Is fifty If she' a day, bat
she gives her nee as only thirty."
"Well, you can't blame her In a way.
time tins told on her and she's getting
even by wiping off an old score." Bos
ton Trnncerlpt.
Mahogany a Fast Grower.
The rate of growth of mahogany la
shown In southern Nigeria, where the
site of .a town destroyed 00 years ago
fins been covered with a forest con
taining mahogany trees some of which
are more than ten feet In diameter.
pMldil in 'urtiofi wnMn nrf it mlf.f
-flftrnf", fwf if well inftiifaffd. foftnl
M pttitiftnWi,
fn iiMttbHfflf tfitm (if celMf
itftmifrf Im fg riigh frt UW thn
nttrtulnnt to notk mmtfiH (he m
Unm MiMntttii Many Ineithalof
wltart r provided wllfi tomti
(em of venllladon In nddKlon to thn
window. Thl I not alway nee
sary, however The chief point I to
keep (ho air In tho room fresh. Mil
tin screen on (he window prorldo
good ventilation without draft and
at the same time keep (he sun from
shining on the machine, Man In
cubator cellar have cement floor,
which are easier than dirt floor to
keep clean and neat.
Cl4MlArl ftdrftrtlntn fhf.rv Wf tun, 20
tnU tor 20 word or Im, On ttnt pr
woM for ll nrtr 29. All clMriSd unttlmtit
trktlr rub In Mtsm
FOH SALE Team of mare mules, 3
year old, weight 22C0 pound. L.
O. Reed, Bend, Ore. 83-2-Gp
FOR SALE Thoroughbred Black
Minorca eggs tor hatching, call
Hagan'g market, Black 21C1.
FOR SALE Your choice of my
bunch of milk cows. J. P. Young.
Phono Rural 85. 8-G2-2p
FOR SALE Good alfalfa hay, $15
per ton, baled. Phone 2G22. B.
L. Rennolds, Powell Butte, Oregon.
FOR SALE Everbearing strawberry
plants for spring delivery. Apply
or write Chauncy D. Becker, Tum
alo, Oregon. 83-47-C0.
WANTED To buy or rent 3 or 4
good hot water Incubators; stato
price arid size, condition, amount
used. J, II. Lovett, Redmond, Ore-,
gon. ' 95-2p
WANTED Want to hear from owni'
er having farm for sale; state cash,'
price and full description. John J.
Black, Oregon street, Chippewa
Falls, Wis. 44-1-3P
borrow J700 on my close In homer
the lot alone Is worth the money;!
in fine neighborhood; will pay 8 per
cent. Call at 1412 Hill street, after.
5:30 p. m. or on Sunday, or at Tho
Bulletin office between hours of 8 a.
m. and 5 p. tn. 31-tfo
Bulletin "WANT ADS" Bring Re
sults Try Them.