The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, March 10, 1921, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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    PAhH A,
utnn!wmmummmimiimmMummimmmmmminmmmmm'mmtmiiK minmiiwtninMiHHniiiwitwiy
ttMII MlM.tittM, UHtitl, UHMHM 'tltitmltAV. UAIU'lt Kt, Uri.
llnljih Curd ("ft till morning lot
Vnfctu Wash., I" l l'rmi(.
(Iliif Olsrni, S2fl Colorado nvwiiin
will spend llm romlng wok wllli
friend In linker.
II. J. Klel, 331 Cnjorndo firemic
loll Inst night for I'ortlnltd to utimiil
ii moil III wllli friend.
Mm, W. K. Hmltli, 1705 Fifth
street, will spend tlio coming week
with friend In Itoilnionil.
Mrs, Mllllo 1 1 11 ri 11 returned to he
homo In Portland lam nlitlit ufter
upending tlio winter In Ilend.
Hid liny Conklln, 318 Tiimnlo nyo
ii no, left tlilii inornliiK for Porthin
to spend a week wllli friend.
Tlio annual spring bntnnr of the
Methodist cliurcli wilt ho hold April
214 'ii lid 39, In linn been decided.
- ' N. II. French of (ho Tutniiln fish
liatoliiry will spend tlio ramnlndar o
tlio week ( CorvnllU attending tu
hllHlniten matter.
Ted Mnndrono of tlio City Shoo
Shining parlor will upend tlio mixt
two days attending to business mat
tor In Tlio Pillion.
H. W, Dolterlch loft last nlKht for
Motollin to engage In wheat raising
having secured ft half Interest In n
ranch In Hint miction.
Mm. J. :, Purdy will entertain thu
Women's Foreign Missionary iicluty
of tlio Methodist church at tlio par
pounce at 2:30 o'clock.
After n hrlof visit of Inspection
hero. Dr. I). F. llrookH, president o
tlm Ilrooks-Scnnlon Lumber Co., I
on hln return trip to tlio Kant,
Mr. Jennie Ktonu anil daughter
Vlvlnn wero passeiiRcm on'tho nlKht
train. They havn been callvd to
Oakland, Cut., by tho serious 11 1 lie
of Mr. Htono.
Dr. C. F, Bloom resumed hi prac
tlco thU morning following hln ro
covory from tho effect of an opera
Hon undergone snmo 10 day oro u
tlm Bt. Chorion hospital.
Dr. Owcns-Adnlr will address tho
girl ami Instructor of tho llotid
high school at thu school ImlldliiK at
3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon, Moth
iti ara Invited to attend.
Chorion i:. Wnllaco. 434 Federal
street, left Inst night for LawUlon
Idaho, to attend tu buslncsn matter
DurlnR hli nbsenco .Mm. Wallncu will
visit with her (Inter at Ciintrnl Point,
Throdoru Sprague, who wan scald
ed early lunl month while workliiK
on a cminlrtictlon kiuik for Thu Shov-
lln-Hlxnn Company, In recovering on
courngitiRly and In nlilo to ho out
for a short tlmo each day.
A, It, Tipton of Itonch & Munnor,
MtiNcatlnii, Iowa, and J, Moon and F.
Miller of tho llradloy-Miller com
pany of Hay City, wero guest of
Manager T. A. McCann.nt Tho Hliov-
lln-lllxon Company plant today.
f, I, I........ t... ..ii., ..
I. I JJV lull mm iiikiii u ii ii
short business trip to 1'ortlnnd.
W. B. Davidson loft last night on
n short business trip to Vancouver,
Mth. C. I). Ilnrmnn of Hampton
will visit with friend In I'rlnavlllo
during tho coming wook.
I'. M. Condon was a business vis
Itor In Ilond during tho pant faw days
from hla homo In Condon.
F. O, Minor wnn a pnsseiiRcr on
tho mornlnR train for I'ondlotoii to
uttend to business mutter.
0. E. Alloy, who tins boon visiting
hi sister, Mm, Frank Ilrobort, loft
Innt nlRht for hla homo In Portland.
Mm. 12. 0. Stndtor, who linn boon
vliltlnR frlondR In Portland for tho
pant 10 daya, roturneil thin morning
Mri. Fred I.ovonburtt arrived on
tho mornlnR train from Portland,
whom Hha apont tho pant two woekn
with frlondi.
H. J. Hamilton, who linn boon visit
tf? t rlundH In Ilond during tho pant
wook, rottirnod to hla homo In Mnd
rnn this mornlnR.
Mrs.. I, H. BtrnBburRor rottirnod to
her homo In Ilond this morning aftor
apoiidliiR tho pnHt 10 days vIhIIIiir
frlnndn In Portland.
M, J, Mnrcham! of Mndrnn was In
Ilond lnflt nlRht to Ncctiro medical
treatment for n badly kwoIIoii Iir,
catiBod by n tick blto.
Mm. I'orcy Smith nnd dnui;htor,
who hnvo boon vIhUIiir with Mr, nnd
Mm, Dr. John Dohhoii, roturned to
tholr homo In Portland Innt night.
J. L, Van lluffol was u Portland
vlHltor, roturnl'iiB thla mornlnR nftor
nttondliiR to IiiihIiiohh mnttors In con
nootlon with tho Cont-Oro Motor Cot
Itoy Southworth wnn n paRHOiiRor
on tho nlRht train for Portland to nU
tond to IhihIuosh ninttora In connec
tion Vllh tho Hlilppiont of now curs to
Coach M, II, Hortan nnd thq monjr
bors'.ofjthij bjnihlBij (f0 baBkot
ball i9ajn io'kt.l3is mortilu'sfforrrdrt-.
land lot n r.nmn wllfi lllll Mininry
nmidnffir, I" lit plnyml IoiiIkIiI
.MIm CnlliHfliif! (Irlnwolrt, wlm
nfient llii wfiilr In llnnil, left hint
night for hr homo In 1'orlfMid Hlii
wnn iireoiiipniilfd by lior nlnler Delln,
who hnn htwn h tlnllor hr for Iho
punt faw da yd,
Harvey (I. Iluinplirlen rnttiriicd to
lliind ypnli-rday from Walla Wallii,
iiccompaiilcd by hla lirldo of a faw
dayx. Thxy nro makliiR tholr homo
on Third utri.ot. Mm. Huiiiphrlcit
wan formerly Minn I.ettlu Itoborla of
Walla Wallii.
.Minn Mary It, Jucobn of I.on An Ro
len, Cal., vlco prenlitiint of the Clrli'
Frliuidly Hoeloly of America, who
wan a npenker at u meotliiK of Iho no-
duty, In Ilend yentorday, left thin
inornliiK for Pondloloii. Ho In on n
tour of tho varloun brunchon of tho
noclnty throiiKhoul tho country.
Chiirl"fl HuwkliiH loft thin morning
for Pondlolon after upending tho pant
two dayn In Ilend making arrange
mentn for Iho placing of two truck
on tho freight haul between Ilond
and Hllvor Lake. Mr. Ilawklnn will
return tho firm of tho month with
tho truck, which nro now being une'd
at ICcho,
Mm. K. M. Rpeaknr wan a vlnllor
In Mndrnn today. ,
Krmal Olio will npnnd tlio comliiR
weoli with frlond In Opal City.
K. J. I.sutr wa n biinlneHH vlnllor
In (lend Saturday from hi ranch at
Mr. nnd Mr. Chorion Hiuhoii of
Dunchuton, npont Uaturduy with
frlundn In Ilond.
Mr. II. A. I.nrnbeo arrived Sat
urday from Detroit, Mich., to vlnlt
with relntlven In Ilend.
William Klttredgo, Mockmnu of
tho Silver l.nku valley I a bunlnens
vlnltor In tho city today.
Itv. U. W, HUH of Tumalo, aup-
piled tlio pulpit of tho Pronbyturlau
church at Prlnovlllo Sunday.
Tbo Irlth ladle of Ilond will glvo
their third annual ball at tho gym
nnnluni on tho evening of March 17.
Onu KmmotiH and Oall Hooves,
teacher at tin) Prlnovlllo school,
wero visiting friends In. Ilend Sat
J. O, b'oder, of 4 43 Ilroadway,
roturned from Portland thl morn
ing following a week's visit with
8, W. Dlelcrlch loft Saturday for
his homo In Portland aftor spend
ing a wook attending to business
matter In Ilond,
Mm. Melissa Norton, of Wllla
inlna, Oro., I visiting with her
sinter. Mrs. C. O. Mym. of 35
Hawthonio street.
J. C. Wright returned last night
AKE YOU PLANNING to make your E8ter Frock this year? Then you BholcJ start
now because Easter comes early this year March 27th. We are particularly well
stocked on yard goods this year In cottons, wools and silks. We have attempted to
price them in ai Inviting way. Exnuisite tafFetas, dainty georgettes, stunning crepe
de chines, smart satins, handsome Canton crepes and fashionable trlcotines beauti
ful creations, artistically enhanced by touches, new color combinations.
Black Silks
Kino qnalltlefl at tho remark
ublo low priced of, yard, I.H
Tho assortment comprises!
black chlrfon talTota, black
satin Diicbessc, black satin do
chine, black satin silhouette.
Sport Skirls
Wo don't know which I tho
most popular this season tho
plnhl skirtings or tho striped
one. They seom to bo oqually
favored, If ono judges by the
umount of ouch that Is being
bought. Yd. Ul.7r. to Xf.lJiO
Swiss Organdie at 59c,
85c, $1.15 a Yard
Thl Is a crisp white organdie,
domestic and Imported from
Switzerland. It has permanent
finish, and I marked special
at, yard .(', nr,c anil 91. Iff
Ginghams at 19c and
27c Will Go Fast
They aro soft finished, and
will wear wonderfully woll.
Such cheery colors they are,
In pretty plaid effects, 27 In.
wide, at, yard 10c nnd H7c
Spring Coatings
Wo have a flno lino of Coating that will make up Into beautiful
spring wraps; 64 In; yd..92.n, 9tf.fl, 92.08, ij'l.Tff, SJJ.Off, $1.30
Mannheimer Brothers
tho Klks lodge. Knjoylng n brief
secret session, card and dancing
will bo enjoyed. Vlnltlng members
of tho order uro Invited.
Used clothing is badly needed by
tho Ilend chapter of tho American
Itcd Cross, Mr. V. A. Forbes, homo
service secretary report. Contri
butions muy bo mado at the homo
survlca office In tho Deschutes In
vestment Co. building on tho comer
of Wall nnd Oregon.
Frank Knowles, proprietor of tho
Dugout pool hall, loft this morning
foV Tacoma to rcoclvo treatment at
tho government hospital for Injuries
sustained durlnR tho world war.
Hex Haines will bo in charge of tho
Dugout during tho absenco of Mr.
from Tlio Dalles vlicre;tio had gono
o meet his mother who will spend
the summer in Ilond.
Oncur Hudalsan, missionary from
tho Phllllplno Islands, guvo n Ice
turn Sunday at tho Methodist church
on reconstruction work.
Miss I.ydla Zysntto, who has been
employed at tho Kllto studio for tho
past five months, loft thl 'morning
for her homo at CorvnllU.
Mrs. George Trlplow, who has
boon visiting lior son, Josnu Day,
for tho past ten days, left this
morning for her homo at Wolsor,
Tho Ladles Aid socloty of tho
Christian church will meet with Mrs,
Oeorgo Stokoo at lior homo at 1038
Milwaukee, at 2 o'clock Wednesday
J, II. Sparks loft Saturday for
hi homo In Portland, aftor spend
Ing a faw days attending to IuihI
ncss matter In connoctlon with tho
thoators hcro
Clinrlos Durnoss, socrotary of tho
Ilrlcklayora union of Ilond, ltt Sat
urday for Klngsburg, Cal., to secure
employment with his brother, a
building contractor.
Mm, J. II. Morton, of 418 Stoat
Htrcct, loft Saturday for Portland
to moot her husband who drovo
tliero from Soattlo. Tliey will re
turn to Ilond over Tho Dallos-Cull-fornla
Mrs. Kdnu Kvann nnd linby, r.f
tho high dosort, spout tho woolc end
nt tho A. J. Wolsoy ranch near
Ilond. On Saturday Mr, nnd Mrs,
Wolsoy nud Mm, Evouh woro ruchIb
of Mrs, Floroncu Huntor of Ilond.
Clalro J, Douglas nnd Miss I.uuni
Hollo Ilohlnson, both of this city,
woro married Saturday night, Ilov.
ndgnr Purdy, pastor of tho Moth-
odlst. church, performing tho coro
111011. Mr. nnd Mrs, Douglas will
innko thor. homo In Ilond,
Momhara of tho Arcadia club nnd
tholr frlomlR spont n pleasant rvo
nliiR ut n thontro party nt tho armid
Soiolai oyenlg will bu obs?rvod
tdmorrnw. (light by tho niomlmrs of
Mis Catherine Hnyden will spend
tho week-end with friend In Port
land. "
Mrs. It. M. Myles left last night for
Spoknno to spend tho coming two
woeks with friends.
Mrs. Cassia Flynn and Miss Celln
Doll will visit over Sunday with
friend In Prlncvlllo.
Mrs. Kola Orlnstead of 324 Hast
Irving street Is spending a fow days
with friend In Ilcdmond.
K. M. Thompson returned this
morning nfter attending to business
matters in Portland during tho past
Mr. S. Stookoy will visit over tho
wok-end with her daughter Jcsslo
who Ib attending high BChool at Red'
A 10 pound boy was born to Mr,
nnd Mrs. Albert Vaughn yesterday
at their homo at Drooks-Scnnlon
enmp No. 1.
Tho body of Mrs. Oraco Tull
daughter of J, J. Kllno who died
Thursday nt tho St. Vincent's hosp
Hand this morning.
Mm. Emma Olscn of Forsythc,
Montnna, arrived In Demi this morn
Ing to visit with Mrs. K, Llndcburg
durlnR tho summer.
OIo Ilud, an omployco of Tho
Shevlln-lllxon Company for the past
two yearn, loft last night tor Spo
knno to make his homo.
Mrs, Aloxander Thompson left
last night for her homo In Portland
nftor n two weok'a visit spont with
lior daughter Mm. Charles W. Era
Miss Eunlco Neff was a pasongor
on last night's train for Coaur u
Alono, Idnho, to spend tho summer
with lior sister Myrtlo who Is a re-
sldont of that city.
I.. W. Wells, formorly employed
nt tho CnHhmnn Btoro loft for Mad
ras this morning to assume nctlvo
mnnngoment of n recently Installed
mon'a furnlalilng storo.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Lloyd Mercer of Los
Angolea, who hnvo boon vlaltng tholr
dnughtor Mm. Perry Hnrtoon of 810
Nowport nvonuo for tho past two
woks, loft tills morning for Wnrdnor,
Idaho, for n short visit boforo re
turning to tholr homo.
P. II, Wall was n Ilond visitor
from Deschutes yentorday.
K, O. Itourk, morchnnt of Crescent,
is spending tho day in Ilond,
W. P. Morrlslon nnd E. T. Hardley
left last night to spend a week with
Tho county library wilt bo open as
usual tomorrow night, it is an
Mm. C. S. Hudson left last night
for Portland to spend tho week-end
with friends.
W. II. Hudson returned this morn
Ing from Portland following a short
visit with friends.
Mrs. Ilcssie M. Kroncnborg has ac
ceptcd a position as nurse at the
Mountain View hospital.
It. W. Nicholson of 323 Lafayette
street will spend tho coming week
with friends In Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. II. F. Wlckner will
spend. tbo remainder of the week vis
iting-with friends In Portland.
It. H. Smith left last tilght for
Portland to make his home. Mrs.
Smith will Join him at a later date.
E. P. Hopwood, circulation man
ager for tho Portland Oregonlan, was
In Ilond yesterday looking nftor tbo
nffalrs of tho local agency.
Mr. and Mrs. A. 1!. Ilcdmonil of
1724 Division street will mako their
homo In Ilcdmond, Wash., having
left for "that city last night.
John Thomas roturned to his homo
at Madras this morning after spend
ing tho past two months visiting with
his daughter, Mrs. Grace Jackson.
Mrs'.' N. O. Davis returned to her
homo Ut Prlnovlllo this morning fol
lowing a short visit with her son Lo
land at his home at No. S Division
James Drown of Terrebonne spent
yesterday In Dend attending to busi
ness matters and visiting with his
daughter, Mrs. W. T. Ray of 2218
Awbrey road.
I. D. Hoymau, who has been visit
ing with his brother-in-law, C. L
Mannholmer. for tho past threo
weeks, left this morning for his home
In New Orleans.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Summers, who
have boon visiting their son at the
Drooks-Scnnlon camp for the inst
two months, returned last night to
tholr homo In Portland.
Mrs. John A. Rungo nnd baby hnvo
gono to Denyor for a month's stay.
Dr. John Desson left Inst night on
n short business trip to Portland.
Tho Ilond-Durns "stage loft this
morning on tho first trip of the
It. II. Long Is In Oregon City to
visit with friends during tho coming
Wnltor Nelson of Pnlsloy was a
passenger on tho night train for
T, A. McCann returned to Dend
this morning from n short trip to
Mr. nnd Mm. Paul Dnmett loft
last night for Portland to romaln n
month with relatives.
Mrs. S. I, Daugbonbaugh will spend
tho coming week visiting with
friends in Portland.
Mrs. B. F. Hartley will visit with
frlonds In Redmond during tho ro
mnlndor of tho wookr.
Mrs, E, L, Iloppor was called to
Ornnts Pass last night on account of
tho illness of hor slstor.
E. L. Vina! returned this morning
from nn ostonded visit throughout
tho various eastern states.
Miss Martha Dechen returned this
morning after spending the past two
weeks with friends In Portland.
L. D. Charles, editor of the Silver
Lake Leader, Is spending a nrwdays
in Dend attending to business mat
Mrs. J. E. Mason returned last
night from Hornbrook, Cal., where
she spent the past five weeks with
M. W. Pettlgrew of Redmond was a
Bend visitor yesterday. Mr. Pettl
grew was formerly owner of the Red
mond Spokesman.
Mrs. R. W. Llttlefield of Shevlln
Hlxon camp No. 1 left last night to
visit with friends in Portland during
the coming month.
J. D Donovan, who has been - in
Portland for the past few days pur
chasing X-ray equipment for a local
hospital, returned this morning.
Mm. A. W. Dayn of Powell Butte,
who has been visiting with relatives
in Dend for the past several days,
returned to her home last night.
R. P. Newland, In charge of state
highway work In Deschutes county,
was a visitor In the city yesterday
from his headquarters at Redmond.
W. II. Moore left this morning for
his home at Notus, Idaho, after
spending the past few days visiting
with his sister; Mm. G. C. Snodgrass.
The Episcopal guild will be enter
tained by Mrs. J. P. Keyes tomorrow
afternoon at her home on Louisiana
avenue. A large attendance is desired.
Mm. A. J. Loewer arrived In
Dend this morning on her way to
her home at Paisley following a visit
of two months' duration with friends
In Portland.
Mrs. Maud Hodge was called to
Madras this morning where her serv
ices as trained nurse are required
during the Illness of the daughter of
Mrs. C. E. Roush.
A. E. Otis, New York buyer for
tho J. C. Penney stores, was visiting
in Bend yesterday. He reports busl
ness throughout the Penney chain of
establishments to be most satisfac
Mr. nnd Mrs. R. II. Beck nnd
Luther Weymouth, who have visited
with Mrs. Beck's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. W. A. Rice, for the past week,
oro on tho return trip to their home
at Prlchard, Idaho.
Bob Fulton Defeat W. 8. C. Op
ponent In Mat .Meet, Aiding Col
lege to Victory over Washington
A Bend blgb school boy. Bob Ful
ton, played no small part in the re
cent victory scored by tho O. A. C.
wrestling team over the. W. S. C.
grapplers. Of his work, the follow
ing is reported in a Corvallis paper:
'Bob' Fulton started the ball
rolling by winning a decision over
Logan of W. S. C. In the first bout of
their match. The second bout Kent
to a draw, but Logan barely avoided
a fall by scrambling off the mat every
time he felt himself slipping. Tho
third was clearly Fulton's on aggres
siveness. Tho little Agglo Is not ex
perienced in the art of catch-as-catch-
can, but certainly showed that he had
tho stuff."
Literature of the Czechs.
Czechic literature has voluminous
nnd Impressive accomplishments to
show. Take, for example, Bohemia's
three great writers of the nineteenth
century, Dobrovsky, Junginann nnd
Pnlncky. Juugmnnn compiled n dic
tionary of tho Czech language In flv
volumes, Pnlncky wrote a work of 0,
000 pages on Czechic history, nnd Dob
rovsky wroto ii grammar of CzeclUc.
The most Indefatigable writer, how
ever, was Jaroslnv Vrchllcky. He
translated Dante's "Dlvlno Comedy,"
Arlosto's "Orlando Furloso," Cnlderon,
"Fnust," Walt Whitman, as well as
works from French, Hebrew, Yiddish
nnd Chinese. No ono knows bow he
found the time to do It. 'Among the
lending Czech writers of the present,
Frnnn Srnmek, Toman Kudlcek, the
Cnpek brothers and Theer runk high.
New York livening Post.
Put It in The Bulletin,
John Griswold, charged with hav
ing liquor in his possession, plen'd
ed guilty when brought before Jus
tice of the Peace E. J). Gllson Fri
day afternoon. He paid a tine
of $200. Griswold was arrested as
the result of a raid conducted Thurs
day night by Sheriff S. E. Roberts
and Special Agent L. A. W. Nixon,
when parts of a still, a quantity of
mash, and a gallon of moonshine
whiskey were found on drlswold's
place six miles from the city.
PORTLAND, March 9. Hill Mili
tary academy took an early lead over
the Bend high school in last night's
basketball game on the floor of the
local institution and emerged the vic
tors by u final score of 37 to 24.
Brostettious, center, was high point
roan for the visitors, tallying 12. Or
rell also starred.
Believing that the present year
will be one of the best that Dend has
ever seen from the standpoint of tho
realtor, Charles Carroll has opened
offices on Dond street tinder tho
name of the Denbam Falls Realty
Co. He will handlo city and farm
property and timber lands.
Mr. Carroll was formorly associ
ated with J. S. Inncs in tho real es
tate business in Bend. '' '' '
$23,000 SAVED BY
SALEM, March 9. Oyer $23,000
bns been saved "by Marlon county
school children (n 19 districts, ac
cording to thrift roports rdcelved at
the office of tho county school super
intendent,) mado out by tbo teachora
In tbo YQrjQUs districts.. ,.