vAmk muti mUMttn, mutt, tnmmm tm'Mii.iY, Si.iht u a, ttui, WINTER S RAIN IS NEW RECORD ld.COItfCHES FALLS IN Hrnson oflOlfM? Cmi-i Chwe't In Thh Vcnr-Totnl For February iliat No h Iteconl. I'rocTp'ltntlona for tho Inst winter month show Iho wet season ot 1820 1021 to have boon easily tho wettest in tho history of Bond ns far back as nnthentlc records go. The rain, plus tho rain cqilralcnt falling In tho form ot snow, during tho months from September to February, Inclusive totaled 10.39 Inches. Tho nearest approach to this was In tho winter of 191G-1916, when 7.97 inch es was recorded. Tho precipitation for tho same period of 1919-1920 was 6.49, that for 191S-1919 was 6.S0, for 1917-191S 5.57, for 1916 1917 4.50, for 1914-1915 4.24, and for 1913-1914 6.43. The present season contains one month's precipitation record, that for February. the total being 2.2 4 Inches. The closest to this amount Is for February, 1918, l.'Sl Inches. - . - With fow exceptions thero have been no unusually heavy "24-hour falls ot snow or rain this winter, but tho large proctpltatlon has been due to tho many storms ot short duration Reports from tho mountains show that the condition hero has not been local, for trappers declare that more moisture is stored in the upper altt- 'tudes than for many years. Tho channel ot tho Deschutes leading from LIttlo'Lava lako has been run uing a full stream for weeks, at a time of year when there is usually -no flow; Range prospects for the .coming season were never better, do clare stockmen. LETTER WRITERS ASKED FOR HELP l'ostnl Ctcrkx' Campaign Featuring Early Hailing Endorsed By -"-'"'IlCTid' Postmaster. Cooperation from all letter writers of Bend, particularly from the-busi ness and professional men ot the city, Is asked.'by Postmaster W. H. Hudson In connection with the cam paign inaugurated by tho National Federation ofPostoffice Clerks to distribute work in the office more evenly over tho working day. In the neighborhood ot 7000 let- tcrs a day arc sent out- from' tho Bend otfico dally, Mr. Hudson says, and ot these, - more than half are i mailed between the hours ot 5 and 7 o'clock In tho evening. Practical- fly the same amount of east-bound 'mail as that directed to western points Is sonf out. To eliminate the rush hour, Mr. Hudson endorses the suggestions made by the federation", of clerks, chief of which Is the request to let- rtcr wrlters(to mall in tho morning instead ot allowing-1 the mall to'pllo up during the entire day, An hour's delay In mailing, it this delay comes at the rush period, might result in fa 'day's1 dolay In delivery, it is point ed out.- Frequent depositing of mall matter is suggested. PRICE OF GASOLINE . GOES UP ONE CENT r ( L-.r- tir The new state gasoline road tax means ono cent a gallon more on pur chases In b'arrel lots, W. R. Speck, manager ot the Standard Oil com pany's interests here, has announced. .The company's price now in effect Is 3G& conts. 4 Tho 158,000-gallon tank recently Installed here Is being' filled, lacking only 18,000 gallons of having reached Its capacity, Mr. Speck states. It wlU be full In nnojlier month. The' other tank's, bringing tho total storago facilities up to'217, 000 gallons',- are kept ' constantly filled. There will be no gasollno famine In Bend this summer, Mr. Speck predicts. WOULD SJMPLIFy TEACHING PUZZLE In an effort to, simplify the teach ing problem In tho district schools of Deschutes county, superintendent J. .Alton Thompson Is Bonding out no j$icesto bejlns,tructprs. askjngjibat ' beginning, pupils be admitted' at no pother ilrao (ban ot.the opening of the BEND HAPPENINGS Moriday Mfl MiUlhfl Fill! Itfflted HlM morning from Portland, whero hn nulled with friends during tho past two week Mr. find Mm. O. C. Cummins of Msdra spent Sunday In Bend with Mrs. C!inimliiKs'parcnl, Mr. mid Mr. A. fy Dyer. Mr. and Mm. t. 8. fltrnsbnrgor wore passengers on tho train' Inst night for Portland, where they will spend tho week, Mrs. Mln.i Kennedy, matron In ehnrgo of tho hospital at Prlncvlllc, spent tho past two days attending to business matters In Bend. Mrs. Emerson Stockwoll and Mrs. V. A. Forbes spent tho day In Mad ras nttendlng to matters In connec tion with tho Bed Cross. Mrs. May Phillips, accompanied by her brother, Virgil Spencer, left Saturday to spend a week visiting with relatives In Portland. Mrs. M. Berg left Saturday for hor homo In Elamclaw after spending the past two weeks visiting her daughter, Mrs. S. E. Stcnseth. John J, Blow was called to Junc tion City this morning by tho denth ot his sisters. Mrs. Martha Mulhol land, which occurred Saturday. The Misses Jcssto Stookcy and Grace Mitchell returned to Redmond this morning to attend school after spending tho week-end In Bend. J. L. Luckey, ot Portland arrived In Bend Saturday for a short visit Mr. Luckey was formerly director ot athletics at the Bend Amateur 'Ath letlc club. Mrs. E. M. Speaker was called to Madras this morning to attend to business matters In connection with the estate ot her father, who died hero recently. Mr. and Mrs. V. M. Durland, who have been visiting their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. L. E Durland ot 1132 Milwaukeo avenue, left last night for their homo at Car ter, Okla. A. N Lyons, a resident ot Bend for the past 10 years, left this morn Ihg to spend two weeks with friends at American Falls, Idaho, following which he will go to Idaho Falls to make his home. Mr. and Mrs. George Gabriel re turned to their home In Madras last night after a short visit In Bend during which Mr. Gabriel acted as a -Judge at the debate held Saturday the high school. Mrs. William Pattlson has just re turned fronwjj- visit In Seattle, Tho Dalles and Portland. On the trip back to Bend she was accompanied by her brother-in-law' and ulsterMr. and Mrs. F. J. Layden ot Rocky Ford, Alberta. Mr. and 'Mrs. L. W. Baker are on their return trip to Bellefontalno Springs, Ohio, after a three weeks' visit with Mr. Baker's brother, Wil liam F. Baker, 71 Shasta place. The return Journey Is being made, by way ot Salt Lake City, Denver and Col orado Springs. Saturday Mrs. Merle Miller has gono to wyetn, Oregon to make tier borne, F. B. Peterson, spent yesterday attending to business matters In Redmond. warren Topping- --ana Howard Hodges returned to their homo at .Culver this morning. Mrs.. J. M. Lawrence will spend the coming week visiting with friends In Portland. Dr. 'P. Worner of Portland ar rived in Bend this morning tor a short visit with Dr. A. Lesslng. E. E. Llllle, superintendent of the Oregon Trunk railroad, was In Bond yesterday on an Inspection trip. Lewjs Swonennpn left, last .night tor his homo at Tacoma aftor. a short, visit spent with' friends in Bend. ' , - Mrs. Francis Mitchell will spend the coming two.. weeks at, her homo In Eugeno, following which she will return to Bend. Mrs. Lane Casselberry left this morning for Lewlston, Montana, to' make her home. Her husband wIlL Join her M a later, date. G. W. Ingram who has been at tending to business matters In Bend for the past few days, returned last njght to Ills homo In Portland. . Mr. and Mrs. II. K. Brooks and children roturncd this morning from Coronado, California," whore they spent tho past three weeks. R. Johnson, accompanied by his sister, Susan, were passengers on the night train for Hoqulam, Wash ington, where they will mako their home. Mrs. Chas. W. Ersklne was able to bo out this morning after hav ing been 111 for tho past two weeks. County Agent D. L. Jamison is making his weekly visit to Bend today from his headquarters at Redmond, Perry South, ranger In the Sisters district, was In Bend today tbat tend a stockmen's meeting at Des- Bend Become Campaign Headquarter In Sterilization Fight Dr. Adair To Move On Washington Next, She States Tlio cninpnlgn for popular fall flcatlon by referendum election of her bill passed by Iho Inst leglnln turn will lid carried on from llend, Dr. Owens-Adalr, champion of slor lllcntlon legislation In tho north west for many years, declares. Dr. Adair Is ranking hor homo In llotid for nt least a month, seeking to regain her health after her Inst strenuous session In the legislative halts In Salem, but by malt and telegraph she will conduct her campaign which, If successful, will mean physical and mental exami nation ot both men and women as n pro-roqulslto for marriage In Ore gon. "Then wo will orgnnlxo, moblllxo nud movo on Washington," Dr. Adair declnrcd, after disponing ot the stato situation, Whvthor sho will tako up her headquarters In chutes national forest headquarters. A pormnnont charter -was receiv ed this morning from National Head quarlora ot tho American Legion, by Percy A. Stevens Post No. 4 ot Bend. Bishop Paddock, ot tho Episcopal church, will hold services at 4 o'clock here tomorrow afternoon, Instead ot S o'clock In tho ovenlng, as was formerly announced. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Lnckoy loft this morning for their homo at For est Grove after spomllng tho win ter in Bend, In, tho hopa that Mrs. Lnck.ey's health would bo Improved. C. A. Stevenson, n' resldont of Bend for tho past 18 years, left last night with his family tor Springfield, Oregon whoro ho will mako his homo having purchnsod a' ranch In that section. Mr. nnd Mrs. H. E. Stovons ro turncd to their homo at Tho Dalles this morning nfter a short visit spent with friends'. Thoy expect to return nnd mako their home In Bend In tho near future Mrs. R. II. Hopkins, and children, left this morning for their homo In Portland, following a visit ot six weeks duration spent with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fair banks, at their homo 718 Arizona street. , ..Thomas T. Gordon, traveling rep resentative ot tho General Electric Company, with headquarters at Lynn, Massachusetts, arrived In Bend this morning on an Inspection tour ot tho various district! offices ot tho company. Mrs. C. A. Stanburroiigh return ed last night from Tho Dallos woro sho spent tho past tin . dayR visiting hor daughter Mrs. B. Were Icln. Sho was accompanied, on hor return by hor mother Mrs.- E. J. Smith and her sister Mildred, who will spend tho summer hero. Friday Frank Zumwalt of Sisters Is n vis itor In the city today. . Horace Wright was a Bend visitor yesterday from Prlnovlllo. Ed Berry will visit over tho week end with friends in Prlnevllle. JB. W. Brown has returned" from a visit to his ranch at Lower fridge, Joseph Plval returned last night from a two months' visit with frlonds In Spokane. Mrs. H. E. White was called to Shanlko this morning by tho sorlous Illness ot her sister. t REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF The Central Oregon Bank 1 AT IIKNI), IN THE STATE OP OREGON, AT THE CLOSE OF IIL'HIMXS FEBRUARY 21, 11)21. JtEHOUHCEH lyuuna ........ .y.M.....,................................,,.,..,.,.,. f 1UUI ni.1V Overdrafts, secured and unsecured 1,073.38 Bonds and warrants 1 8C.601.07 Furnlturo and flxturos ., 3,800.00 Duo from approved reserve 'banks...;. 07,079,49 Checks nnd other cash Horn's 884.05 Exchanges for clearing house , 907.17 Cash on hand 22.C4C.71 Other resources .1 Total .'....I..,.:........... $688,491.04 ' LIABILITIES Capital stock pnld In Surplus fund . uiiuiviuuii jiruuiH, iuhh uxijaiutcs una Individual deposits subject to chock Demand certificates of deposit Cashier checks outstanding Certified chocks i Tlmo and Savings Doposlts Notes and hills redlscounted Totnl rt Stato ot Orogon, County of j Deschutes ss. I, H. M. Stephens, Caidilor of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that tho abovo statement Is truo to tho best of my knowledge and belief. ' CORRECT Attest: E. P. MAHAFFEV, W. L. O'DONNELL, Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before j - My commission expires December tho national capital while seeking In put through u federal law em bodying Iho salient features of her Mil Just passed nt Sitlem. I n point on which sho Is not decided. "Thoy are drilling for nil near my home,' shq remarked, "nmt If oil Is found I'll go In Washington. Otherwlso I'll hare to stay In Oregon." Dr. Adair firmly believes that a national law of tho kind alio do sires will he In force within n dec ade. Other physicians of the stnlu hnvo cut this llmo limit In half, sho says, Tho success pf her pro gram will mean "n rnco of thor oughbreds," sho declares. Central Oregon weather has beon kind to Dr. Adnlr, for aftar a fow days spent In Bund she was iililn to bo on tho street this morn ing. On her arrival here she was suffering Intensely from rheuma tism. Duffy Knorr arrived this morning from Terrebonne to spend a fow day with friends In Bond. Tho ladles ot tho Catholic church will hold a food salo nt O'Donnoll'a meat market tomorrow. A. J. Mann, a resident ot Bond for tho past five years, left this morning for Portland to mako his home. Georgo Parkins loft last night for Portland to attend to business 'mat tors. Ho will return next week. Miss Vora Mooro roturncd to hor homo nt Madras this morning nflor spondlng a wcok with friends In Bend. Dr. L. W. Gatcholl prfrchnsed a lot yesterday on Fifth strcot, River Tor race, and Is planning to build a rest dunce. Mr. nnd Mrs. A. W. Cook oro spondlng tho dny with Mr. and Mrs C. E. Parks at their homo In Des chutes. Miss Kunlco Nelson ot Deschutes undorwent a successful operation for appendicitis yesterday at St. Charles' hospital. William Styless, Redmond busi ness man. Is a visitor In tho city to day. Mr. Styless was tormorly a rcsl dent ot Bend. Edwin Burko will spond tho com Ing week visiting with his father, n conductor on tho S. P. U., with headquarters In Portland. Miss Helen Manny was a passenger on tho night train for Portland, whero sho will spend tho coming week visiting with frlonds. Mrs. Mary Mlttolholtz, who has beon vlBltlng with relatives In Port land for tho past week, returned to her home In Bend last night Tho degree of Follow Craft was conferred upon Robort J. McCunn, Carl Austin and Paul Frcdorlckson by Bond lodgo No. 139, A. F. & A. M last night. Tho ladles of tho Methodist church will hold a cooked food salo tomor row at the Heyburn hardware storo. Tho salo will start at 10 o'clock tho morning. I" H. V. D. Bangs, special agout for tho Continental Flro Insurance Co., spont yesterday In Bond. Whllo horo Mr. Bangs placed an agency for his company with J. O. Rhodes. Mrs. L. R. Robertson ot Lakevlew, who has been visiting frlonds In Bend for tho past fow days, left last night for Portland, whoro sho will romaln during the coming six weoks. A mooting ot tho advisory board of 7C8.C8 RO.OOO.OO 20,000,00 iujuh jiaui ;i,zii 338,GC0,.13 7.00 4tCC0,G0 874.00 134,CCG,32 30,080,00 $088,491,04 II. M. STEPHENS. Cashier. ' me this 28th day of February, 1921, MARIE' FOX, Notary PubfTc. 20th, 1922. F - R - For your benefit n well jih oui, wo want record of every koihik In Central Oregon. If you will send tia the number, nlzo.nnd make of your ktlak or camera and ono of your favorite nega tives, we will make ono 7'xl2 enlargement for you free of charge. SYMONS BROS. Central Oregon Photo Co. Eastman Kodaks Films and Supplies tho SIstorS'Molollus Cuttle & llorso Raisers' association Is nchedulod to bo hold at tho offices ot tho Des chutes National forest hero tomor row, J, A. linger, traveling representa tive of tho Vltiigrnph Film Co., spout yesterday In llend with O. M. Whit tlngton. While hero Mr. linger closed a contract for tho latest Vila graph serial. Mr. nud Mrs. R. fl. Beck and L. Weymouth of l'rlchnrd, Idnho, who hnvo been visiting frlonds lit Los An geles, arrived In Bond lust night to spend a fow days with Mrs, fleck's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Rico, nt their homo nt 1CS8 Awbrey road. Thursday Miss Alice Bush left last night for Portland to spend n short visit with her parents. J, II. Mblster returned this morn ing from a vacation spoilt In south ern California. Mrs. E. H. Brandenburg returned this morning from a visit spout with relatives In Portland. Mrs. August A. Anderson ottondod tho meeting of tho Order ot Knstoru Star nt Redmond- Inst night. Miss Helen Johnson of Portland arrived In Bend this morning to spend u few days visiting frlonds. Ben Morse arrived In Bond Inst night on his way to Prlnovlllo, whero ho will visit with frlonds for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Morton, who have been spending tho past weok In Portland, returned to Bond this morning. Mrs. R. II. Murrow returned to her homo nt Redmond last night fol lowing a two-day shopping trip to Bund. Mrs. Percy Smith and daughter Marjory ot Portland arrived In Bond this morning to" visit with Dr. and Mrs. John Ilcsson. Percy Luto, who has boon visiting his undo, John Luto, for tho past two months, returned to his homo' at Tho Dalles this morning, I Mrs. J. II. Bahhisor loft last night for Portland, whero sho will spend tho summer with hur parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Jacobs. M. J. Truboy bus gono to Astoria to tako charge of tho Orcgoulaii agen cy, Mrs. Truboy will Join hor hus band at n lator date. Mrs. E. M. Speaker was a passen ger to Culver this morning to uttuud to tho settlement of tho estato of her fathor, who died yesterday. Dr. C. F. Bloom will bo engaged nt tho St. Charles hospital for sev eral days during which his practice will be carried on by Dr. John Ilcsson. Mrs. M, F. Buuors of Lnkavlow was u Bond visitor, leaving this morning for Portland to uttoud to business mnttors during tho romnlii dor of tho wouk. Mrs. S. Crosby relumed to hor homo In Portland last night follow- The Four Big Hits of The February Records Remember, All Victor Records 85c Each IHTSil-A Down By The O-III-O. Illlly Murray & Victor RohortH Marimba .'. Billy Murray 1H71H-II Somebody Molody One-Stop Boiiboii Orchostrn Biddy Fox Trot Benson Orchostrn IN7(i-B LoulHlanu-Song Sterling Trio Beautiful Aniiabollo Loo....Chos, Hurt umj BIMot Shnw IH71U-A Honoydow Modoly Waltz J, c. Smith Orchestra Honoydow Molody Ono-Sto? J. c. Smith Orchestra Hortori's Drug Co. E - E ! Developing J'rinting Enlarging Ing n visit of two weeks' duration spoilt with Mr, nnd Mrs. R, K. Kutou of La Pino, L. M. Foss, who hns been holding n confureucu with (ho financial rep resentative ot the t'lilou Central" In surance Co, of Portland, returned to llend this morning. , Tho rank of Knight of Mnlta and Order ot the Temple were conferred upon Jupthn i:. Huillh nud Bruno (1, Huso nt it special convocation of Pil grim coiuiuniidury No, 18, Knights Templar, of Bend Inst night. Bishop Puddock of tho Kplscopal church will conduct services nt Bath er's hull Sunday, February 27, nt 1 1 o'clock In the morning nud nt 8 o'clock at night. Ilecuiuo of tho church services, Sunday school will bo held at 18 o'clock In tho morn ing. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS ClaulRxl ulrrrtUin chrg xr lua tt renli fur 20 wunl or ! On nt r " lC Bit VWWT W. All TIMII)U KvvriMinv tfltllr cub In !nt KTIt.Vi:i STRAYED Ono dark brown gelding. white hind feet, whllo spot on fore head, branded 81 on left shoulder. ono black filly, 18 months old. whllo spot on forehead. Reward for Infor mation or recovory. O, B, Anderson. Redmond, Oregon. 3-SS-lp KOR H.U.n. FOR 8ALK 12 largo Whllo Leghorn cockerels, 3; from good layers, full sisters laid CO per cent last three months, now SS per rent. It, F. Mo del, 3 miles south of Bend, on Carroll Acres, CC-lp FOR SALIC Buff Orpington eggs for hatching, Phnno Black 092 3G4 K. Greenwood Avo, 31-lp FOR BALK Your choice of my bunch of milk cows. J, F. Young Phono Rural SS, 8-S2-2p FbOALKOooT"nlfnTf7th"nyr'$ IS nor ton. hnlod. IMinnn 2S22. II. L. Retinoids, Powell Butlu, Oregon. 47-B0'S3p FOR 8ALB Kverbonrlng strawberry plants for spring delivery. Apply or wrlto Chniincy I), Becker, Tum nlo, Oregon. 83-47-CO, WANTED. WANTBD Want to henr from own er having farm for sule; stato cash price nnd full description. John J. Black, Oregon strcot, Chippewa Fulls, Wis. 44-1-3P WANTED TO BORROW I want to borrow $700 on my closo In homo; IIia Int fitnun l urnrtti llm mmmv! In flno neighborhood: will pay 8 por cont. Call nt 1412 Hill street, nfter &:2u p. m. or on riunu.ty, or at Tito Bulletin offlco botwouit hours ot 8 it, in, nnd C p, m. 31-tfo Brand Directory A Right side; right oar crop, ped; wattle right hind leg. II. L. TONE, Hl.ters, Ore. aav.iuut