TIIH HKND BULLETIN, REND, ORE., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 181 1. PAGE 8. M'KENZIE PASS : WORK ASSURED .MONEY IS AVAILABLE NEXT YEAR On Crwfc Cuunly Hldo tfiWOO Will Be Hpcnt In Spring riiw Now llclnjc. Mndo for Rond Improvement Forest Ofllclnls Mnke Plnns, (Special Correspoudonco) S BIBTKRH, Oct. 10. If tho .irosont ' pinna do not miscarry oxtonsivo Im provement work will bo carried on during 101C on tho McKonxIo rond. t ,t... I4A AAA lL..illl.a lit. itll.M tllMAil by tho Govornment for tho construc tion of tho McKomln Highway, 10,000 U nvnllablo nt thlH tlmo nnd tno expenditure of this amount will , hu started nit onrly In tho spring n wenther condition will permit. It In iKimMfxl ilml nil viirvnvs find or iv. llmltiary work will bo completed thin ran no mm actual construction worn will not ho delayed whoa condition 'will penult In tho spring. Jntnoa T. Schuyler, of tho lltircnu .or Konds, Washington. O. O.. In com pany with M. L. Morrllt, supervisor or tno ucsciiuica nnuonni i-vmm, u. i E. Vincent nnd 1'. Austin, local for- ntry oitlcurtJ, npont Inst week doing recontinlsiinnco work In connection wljh tho proposed work on tho east sldo of tho summit. Thin work wum , for tho purpose of dotormlnlmr whether tho surveys already msdn nro Ilia most toaslblo nnd also to deter' nilno on pi " no for other work In con nection with tho rond that had not boon otttod before. . 0. It. Bolts, suporvlsor of tho Cns ondo Nfttlonnl Forlost, with head quarter In Kugcno. has been nt thu rond enmu nonr tho summit on tho wont nldo nt tho rango for the pust month making surveys, running out lovcU nnd doing other preliminary work necessary heforo actual onn Rtructlnn onn Rtnrt nt thnt point. Mr. 'Bolt states thnt work will ho unshod on lKth kldBH of tho nummlt ns noon n weathor condition will permit In IIIO "JirillK. ir. nrauiui nw.. the cntnp atRlitlng Mr. Sottt with tho , work. Iftulnr tirnsnnt nlnns 12800 of the 110,000 nvnllnhln tbr use nt Uio , prcisent tlmo win no spent miring mo next your on tho rna aldo of tho rnniA HllOtll.l Crook COIIOtV SCO fit , to put up n llko nmnunt It will glvo fundR sumoioni in insure mo cuanK l n nf Hi n rnnd in m In avoid nil . Rteep grndeM nnd glvo n comparative- y good mountain rona in time lor miT, iniiinnr'a trnvitl with Q IIIBXI- ilium of six por cent on tho Crook county awe , , ... The Importnnco of thla highway wnn moro fully demonstrated during tho pant Reason than over before, tho number of atitomntillr tiling It hav- ' Ing rcnohed far Into thn hundrcdii. With tho proposed Improvements , Orook county will linvo nddod mater ially to her assets. A Inrgo majority of tho travel through tho northwest Will uro thin pnss n their outlet or lolvt to tho Wlllnmettn valley, and will spend much time nnd inonoy in sldo trips to tho resort nnd natural nttraetlona or Crook county. Try tamo of those dolloloua buok wheat cakes with maple nyrup. any tlmo during tho day, nt tho Coxy Restaurant. Adv. ai-JHp Foley Cathartic Tablets. You will llko their positive action. They hnvo a tonic effect on tho liowola and giro n wholcsomo, thorough cleaning to tho entire boWol tract, ' Vir tho liver to healthy nctlvlty nnd koep stomach awoet. Constipation, , headaiho, dull, tired fooling never nffllct thoso who nso Foloy Cntharlle Valiel. Only 25 cents. Patterson , Drug Co. Adv. THE WHITE IS KINO '. Tho BEST nil-round Family Sowing: Mnchlno thnt can bo produced. Mndo In both ROTARY nnd VIBRATOR styles. Tho rotary makes bph-LOCK nnd CHAIN Btltch, Tho latest up to tho mlnuto steel attach rrientB with each machine. i - Sold on easy payments. Send name and address for our beautiful II. T. cata- ' Ioruo free, ' White Sewiig iachiie C. 510 Merchants National Bank pldjr San Franclsci, California MARXIST REPORT. NOllTH PORTLAND, Oct. I good ntoers arriving which command-' wook with n email run nnd contlnuod lO.- cd n nromlum. Hlnor tnnrkiiL cUitoa I nimrJ until Mm n.i ..t u..ii ,,..- Kocolptn for tho wook hnvo brant I Iimhor than Inst wook, showing nnlkot dtstlngulshod by nn ndvnnco of C crttlo lltlC, cnlvos 11, hogs 3183, ndvnnco or about IB contn. Cows' to 10 cents nnd much better ounllty or nrrlvnls. Uhonp contlnuow steady and firm for tho week. Bomawhat In- hoop HliM. Cnttla run abort com. nnd holfors weak, All other classes I'nrod with lant wook, Homo very I steady. Hog mnrkot opened for tho l - 1 ai Si Real Leaders in the Churches United in Con demnation of Prohibition Prelates, Priests and Pastors Raise Their Voices in the Cause of Temperance, Not for "Reform "" by Law" Read What National Thinkers Say: "To drink Is no sin Jcu Thrift drank. To kop a saloon Is no sin. And any policy that claims In tha rmma of Christ, or dot not claim Ills name, that deals with th well nlKh unlvuraal tail of man for alcohol ON THK HAHIH OV l.AV AND OllUlUt AIX3NU, rannot commend Itaalt to the lre InlrlHvearr, and i doomed to fall." itGV. nil niNsw)nD, 0L 0ore Kplieopsl Church. New Tork City. "la It rlaht to drink wine and bearT It la rlsht for each Indlvldjal to decide that question for himself, and for the community to put aueh regulations on tha sa.s of wins and beer. AND ONI.T MUCH, aa are neceeeary to tirvvral iMDimlar xrtara and publle dleorder." ItBV. LTMA.N AIIUOTT. "Tha church of Qod hai never declared tha moderate uea of alcohol to be a sins this seems to be left, with other things, as open matters of Chrfatlaa iJbHr. THK rtUV. CAWON WEST, D. D.. "Aa for thoe who endtavor to enllat Rcripture en their Side by malnlalnlna- that tho wins mentioned In Bcrlptura waa not an Intoxlcatlner liquor, they muit either be them selves very Uaeraoi and IHr If they really oalleve IL or muit ba foiterlne ft plena fraud In the hope of deluding the alnple , , aaoer fale prelrnrra. AltCIIIltHIJOP W1IATCL.T. "All trvv Amerlraaa, It eeema to me, ouchr. to strive to maintain and perpetuate Amrrlraa prlnrlnlr. Blate-wlde prohibition vlolalea and, leral optlen aupport thN prlarlplr. therefore I am eppoaetl tealate-wlilr praklblllon and In lavor of local option." I1IHIIOI' UANICL. K. TUTTI.K. Treeldlns: IlUhop of the I'rotcstanl UpUcopal Church In the United H IJ tee. "I am oppoeed to prohibition by statute. I would rather ea America fr flrat, and than have Ita cltlieiis Ita free 4m far Mural rude." II KV. tf. 1AUKB CAOitAN. UrokUu, N. T. "Under the pretent law (countr prohibition) the inloon, whSre the traffic e-ould ba roKUlatwl, hta iclven way to tho ilrURtterr, where mlaura and nadralrablra o.italn all tbe Mklakr Sr Meet. The liquor bualneoa aliould be ronducted vpa and above board, and not over the bars of eeeret deaa." ItUV. KATIIHIt T. J. UYAM, I'ontUc, Mlcb. "1 cannot see the beneflta to be derived from rmpnlMrr abetlaeaie. UldllOI' ailAVTON. of WlecorMln. "Abeolute praklbltloaj hss proven Impracticable, If not a eUeaeal failure.. . THU IttailT ItKV. THOMAS V. UL.UB. lltihop of keavenworth. Kanasa. 'The use of alcoholic liquors Is and always ba been con sidered not only lesiUlmats aa a. beverata, but It Is rae rated and fcaitewe In the most sotsmn and welshty rite of tha CartaltaM Chareta. You cannot, br aar law, eiadlcate s sentiment and deetroy an Institution that haa stood for aces and that Is so deeply rooted In our social Ufa." ItGV. W. A, WAttBON. New York. "Kvsryona knowa that there are many saloons that are perfeotly orderly and laW'Abldlna. Have I, aa a minister, any more rluht to Interfsre with tho business of such a place than the saloonkeeper would have to disturb th peace of my congregation while at worship" VUIIY ItBV. D. V. J. HAUTUSY, Uttla nock. Arte "I consider prohibition vroaa; becauta It Is destructive. manor cHAiti.ua o. wiluamii. Michigan. "Tha establishment of prohibition would be Impractical and would put a premium ea tbe sale of Inluslratlaa; drlaka." CAHDWAL, aillUONU. 'Trolilblllnn drives uaderxronnd tha mtschlof which It seeks to cure." IUHUOP HAUV Vermont. ProhlbltUs) hss boon disastrous to tho cause of tern, peraure. JIISUOP CtJkUIf, ntioda IiUnd. B 'It Is ft rud Interference with tha personal liberty for tha law to tell ma what I shall eat or how much I shall eat. It a Just aa rudo an Interference for It to dssorlbe what . shall or shall not drink, and how much." HUV. Dlt CHAB. PAMCIItmsT. New York. "My ayes were opened to the great evils of prohibition In a very tew yearn. The clubs organised by rouug men, tho lelllntr of vile derovilone by women aad rbltdrea, the hroocrUr and corruption arrested my attention." ItKV. Dn. UUANCIIAIID, Tortland, Ms. "Many people thought state-wide prohibition U ba the Ideal rcinedr. It la Impractlral, and Ita violation Is pro ductive of bidder and abaueful vIct." UIS1IOP OAlLOn, Tenneeeee. (Paid AdvertlssmentTaspayers' and Wags-IEarns'rs' League of Oregon, Portland, Or.) "WET" LEAGUE IN FIGHT OVER COIN Only Two "Taxpayers and Wage Earners" BREWERS PUT UP FUNDS created nrrlvnls. Yonrllnfr wothoj-s rro In oxcollont dotnnd, whllo look out for lamlrt declines. Prlmo lnmhs fr.8G to 0; owcb $4 to $4.3G; yoarl Iiirs $C to fC.CO: wethers f4.7ii to $6.40. Ono cont n word Is all a Uttla wont Ad will cost you, HUp TIioso Knrly lironclilnl Concha, 'lhoy linnu on nil winter If not chocked, and jmvo tho way for tor loun thront nnd lung tllsonscs, Oct a bottlo of Foloy's Honey nnd Tar Compound, and tako It freely, Stop coughs and colds, heals raw inflamed throat, loosens tho phlegm nnd in mildly Inxntlro. Bent for children nnd grown persons. No opiates. Pat terson Drug Co. Adv. Try tho Altarnont for Bunday dlu nor. C to 7. p. m. Adv. BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORV. ItOllKKT II. CJOUM) Civil Knglntcr Ik-nd Oregon KHOWnfO THAT OBEaON DEY MEAN8 BETTER BUSI- NESS FOB ALL LINES SAVE ONLY SALOONS. BY OltTON C GOODWIN, Publicity Drpartmmt, Commlltce of Ono Hundred. Tho great campaign to mnko Oregon "wet" lias failed. The exposure by Dr. Cora Talbott, secretary of the "Taxpayers' and Wage Earners' League." tlmj the organization consisted of two Sirsons. Mrs. IJuniway and r. Talbott, and wTas fi nanced by the brewers and distillers to make Oregon "wet," threw the fat into tho fire. The brewers and distillers know that all lands of busi ness save theirs is better in a dry town. They know this has been proved by figures and facts from Salem, Oregon City, Rojcburg, Albany, Ncwbcrg, Ashland, Corvallis, Pen dleton and many other towns. Organisation Spreads Untruths. So they organized tho "Taxpay ers' nnd Wage Earners' League" to spread misinformation about Ore gon dry. They know bank deposits in dry towns have increased in number nnd nmounl. They know bad debts nrc almost unknown in all dry towns. They know collections nro better. They know arrests from drunkenness aro almost unknown. They know every dry town In Ore gon is prosperous. So, they became desperate. Taxpayers' League Is "Joke." Then they ontanized tho loko "Taxpayers' nnd Wage Earners' League." Dr. Talbott was secre tary. Sho became disgusted when she learned money was being col lected by the brewers and distil leries by tho use of her name, nnd she resigned. Then Mrs. Duniway advertised lavishly, announcing that the money ' Ik. "l.f!m.uM ...... ...I-- ..... ' vldcd by the brewers. The campaign of misinformation carried on by employes of the league, who arc also employes of tho breweries and distilleries, Is now known all over Oregon. Drawers Spending Your Money. Every man, woman and- child has to spend ?20 a year with'Uie saloons. If you do not drink, some one elso has to pny YOUI share. So, it is YOUR money the Ore gon brewers and Eastern distil leries have been using to persuade YOU Oregon wet will do YOU gqod, It is believed they expect to spend over $200,000 of YOUIl money. They know Oregon dry will put them out of business and help avery other kind of business in tha state. Although the breweries and dis tlllcrics know Oregon dry is for better business, prosperity and moro work, they nre fighting it. No Saloomi Dettcr Business. We hnvo had bad times with tho saloon, haven't we? Why not try no saloon? It can't make things worse and is certain to make things belter. Tho reason is: Money spent on tha saloon can not be spent for groceries. Money spent In tho saloons much of It goes East. Money spent for dry goods and groceries stays In the towns nnd mokes bettor buitness. Tho members of tho Committee of Ono Hundred aro all Oregonlans, Most of them nre business men. They ask. you to voto Oregon dry, because they know, ns the brew ers also know, thnt Oregon dry means better business, lower taxes, more work and a return to pros perity, Por the experience of all Ore gon dry towns has proved this to be the case, rsid s4rrUia)tnt Toy OommltUe ef One Ktuxlrta, 78,Morstn Hit., rerUuid, Ore, ItODBRT W. SAWYER NOTARY PUBLIC Dullotln 001 co, Bond, Oregon J. U. Bell A. W. Slm CROOK COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY (Incorporated) Successors to Tho J. II. Hanor Abstract Co., Prlnevlllo, Ore. Almtrncls Insurance H. II. Do AHltOND jVAWYKH Oregon Street, Rond, Oregon I 1 W. W. FAULKNER, D. M. D. DENTIST Office Over Postofllce Bend, ... Orogon ". C. ELLIS AUorncr-flt-Lflwr United State Cornmlwiloner First National Bank Bulldlne; BEND, OREGON DR. J. II. CONNARN DENTIST Offlco in Sathor Building. Ilouro 9 to 12, 1 to G. Sundoyo nnd ovenlngs by appointment. WILLARD H. WIRTZ LAWYER Prlnoviile, Oregon. O. P. N18WONOER, Bend, Ore. UNDERTAKER Licensed Enibalnicr, Funeral Director. Phone. Lady Assistant. O. S. BENSON Attorney At La it Bonson Bullatng, Wall Street Bond, Oregon. VERNON A. FORBES LAWYER Flrat National Bnnk Building Bend, :-: :-: Oregon QHOIIOE 8. YOUNO Civil nnd Irrigation Engineer. City Engineer of Rend. Room S First National Bank Building Fraternal Societies I. O. O. P. Bend Lodge Ko. 218. Regular meeting every Mon day night at 8 o'clock In Bath er's Hall. Visiting brothers cordially welcome. BERT 8IIUEY, N. O. GEO. P. GOVE, Scorotary. ROYAL NEIOlIItORS OF AMERICA. Banner Camp No. 0031. Regular meetings second and fourth Tuesdays, Bather's Hall. MRS. J. II. CONNARN, Oracle. MRS. A. ORCtJTT Recorder. SIGNS FOR SALE. "For Rent," 'Tor Sale," "Rooma to Let", "Iloosckeeplnj; Rooms," "No Admittance," "No Smoking," etc.. etc.. Placards printed In large typo on heavy brlstol board, IS cent each, less In quantities. Bulletin Office. 12tf Tk THE UNITED WAREHOUSE COMPANY 1 Storage and Forwarding General Commission Merchants i. ww T-i A vm c. rrr . n a sot t vi?. ct rn at? .r , , VV.H FLOUR, SALT, HIDES FRESH and SALT MEATS HAMS, BACON AND LAUD Tht United Warehouse Co. A. M. Pringle, Mgr. Bend, Oregon O'DONNELL BROTHERS UNION MARKET J