u INSTRUCTIONS TO FIRE BOYS HOW TO CAL USE CIIEM1-ENQINE Ai 1. Ijchik nnye I'lrciiicn Hliould Unto l'nirlT In I'IkIiIIiik l'lnine ;v1Vltli TIiIm Apparatus, (Jnlnluc Tlirreby Confidence and Hklll Instructions for chnrnlnn and operating the chemlcnl engine have broil aciit to tho City Council by A. t). I-oiik of 1'ortland, from whom the oukIiio was bouaht, as tha result of u recent editorial In Tha Ilulletln bnyliiR thnt thoro wore fow persons hero who understood how It works mill who enn .direct lis operation, In I ho loiter, n copy of which wns out Tlio Ilullolln, Mr, IoiiK anyn l Marl: "Another UK.etlon I would tiinko It thnt tlio boys occasionally hnul n few boxes to tlio outskirts of town, mill where thoro In no pos Mlblw dmiKor or sparks HCttluK flro to property. I'llo tlitiu up, with thu open sldo of tlio lKut' nil fncliiK ono W, so thnt you cnit direct tlio choiulrnl stream lusldo; or butter ftlll tillo theso boxes In tlio form of n Hollow munra win uiair openniKH nil fncltiK luwnrd, so n to nearly m possible roprouonl n room, cay 10 fiHit tiiinrt nud porbnps 10 foot Irish, Knturnta theso boxes with kerosene nnd fire them, putting tho lira out with tho cliomlral onulno, ThU lll kUo them ood prnctlco nnd fnmlllnrlto tho boys with tho hnndlltiK of tho undue, nnd iclvo them confidence In what It wilt do, tlrt CliMic to I'lrtliim. "In riKhtliiK lira with a chomlcnl wngliif, one must not n close to tho flro ns pomIMo o thnt an llttlo km U lost from tho slrenm m possible. Turn on and shut off tho noulo oc casionally, Instead of throwing a Heady stream. Thin, or court o, nftor you hnva mndo tho first sweep at tho fire with a continued stream. r.nd sot It subdued somowhat. ."In connection with thU, I mutt nay tho greatest tower of tho clieml. cat ( ream, imnll aa it la, will uot bo nhown la extinguishing 0Tn nuch a fro aa I bate described out of doora; that It, In the opn nlr. Tha ctfl lency of tho chemtenl onslno la on Ijtldo work; within a room or build ing, nod for this reason tho chemical engine will do a far greater volume it, work Inilda a bulldlug than It vlll out In the oeu air. However, tfter tho men have extinguished a fire of thla kind, In tho open, thoy will have experience aad. confidence rind It will bo good prnctlco mid give them experience In rocharKlng tho iitllno nn well. Keep rkMlit Air Tllit. '1 presume you have n ntock of AI-enrlMinnto of soda nn hand. I do not remember Just whnt ydu ordered from Ui nt tho time, but probably uqo or two kegs. "This soda "should bo kept In a tin lined bos, an. It loses Ha atroilRth If It Is allowed to I ntnnd around oiien, or oven In all woodon box whoro It mny nhsorb Uiu moisture from tho air." ROOSEVELT HAS HAD SOME HARD BUMPS H!s Recent Campaigns Show Ho Has Fnllod to Mustor Votos. Cnn n man who disregard tho wholo toiirno of Amerlcnn history mid trndl lion, spurred on by bin porsonal ambl lion, overcome tho tremendous hnndl :np of the third term precodent nnd land himself In tho White llouseT This la a question all Ilepubllcanti re asking. All agree that no Ameri can line over been able to do It and they can count on ono finger the num ber who oven had the hardihood to try It, and that only when spurfed on by self-steking politicians who posed as friends, l'eople are asking themselves If this Is not the condition In the pres ent campaign. Past performances aro as valuable In tho case of candidates as of race horses. How a candidate will run Is best determined by liotolng how he has run. Not a Strong Vote Oitter, Despltn a tremendous popularity In the past, lloosovolt has never been a retiiarknblo voto-gotter. Mr, Ilryan loo, Is remarkably strong all over tho country and has been for years, but everyone known how he fnllod to mus ter the votes. Whon Itooievelt wan elected to tho presidency, he ran against n weak opponent Judgo I'nr ker did not hnvo the support of his own party In thnt election. Hut whnt Itoosovelt bus done since, and Indoed very recently, In vote getting Is moro significant than his former campaigns. Jtcsultn of tho Inst election speak louder tbnn any thing elso. In New York, where (ho personality of tho ex-proaldent actually overshad owed that of Mr. 8tlmpon, the repub lican candidate for governor, a demo crat was elected by a majority of 07, 000. In Indlsun, where Mr. Itoosevelt made a whirlwind campaign In his effort to savo the state and re-elect aBBBBBBBBBBBBBCBBBBBBHsBBBBBKe BBBBBBBBBBBaBBBBBBBBaHHsBBBBBBmSA bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbHbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbViV' 0 1711 t Airrtn Vtv AMoelsllon. PRESIDENT TAPT. his Intimate friend nud would be run nlng mate, Smi-tor lleverldge, the democratic ennd't to wan elected by a majority of 1S.UQ, His Attseb.- Helped. In C octlcut. . r.ocrcrclt at- Cheap Fruit Tree. 1 hato 1000 first class upplo trees, vur. l,l. utniiilnril vnrlnllix. worth V."- w ... . - ........... 36c oneli. which I wilt sell nt 16a or tnrknd tho democrntlo rnndldnte for $12.50 pir 100 If tnkon boforo April J govornor. but ho wns i-lected by n ma- 16th. WJII soil ontlro lot nt 10e.Jrlty of 3.700. m purchaser to dig thorn. Call ft.id ox-' ,n N,Mr HmpBhlre, whero Mr. iii'-pu' iriuuu nnu cnnmpion, Itobort l. IMkb. Wan fleeted, thn vote amine, mid If they uro not x ollont stoak, will glo thorn to yuii 92 3 II. HIM.N'INO. In order to Introduco their n traory stuck In tho llund district, tha Hun- ntslona Nursery Comnany ot llukor. OrvKou. In offorliiR to doltvor tliolr Vroducts during tha spring of 1012 to Jiemi nt vory low nguros. this luck be I nil rnlsod lit nn olovatian or ap00 foot mnkoa It well nccllmntod to tlio Ilend district. 1'artloa con tomplntlug plnntlng orchards will do well to got their prce lists, which can bo had by writing thorn at Ilakor. Oregon. - - 1-4 lflll off 13,000 as compered with tho majority jjhou to Mr. Tuft In 1008. As further evldenco that Mr. Hoose velt's star.le waning, may be cited the r?'t. tWMho announcement of tlio noc-r't xnd!d"ey for the third term did nut evoke throughout tho country nnywhoro near the predicted enthus iasm. In fact, the big shout that wan nupponed )o follow the throwing of T. It' hat Into the ring wnn noticeably absent, from Massachusetts to Ore gon. In many places It ucver rose above a whisper, 1'IIOVIHIOS'H AT COST. Having' sold my bakery outfit, I hnvo a quantity ot flour, baking owdor, tlnwnro and granltoware which I will soil nt wholosnlo prices. First to coino gets this bargain, Mrs. Nclllo Wright, Uoyd building. Why got up In the BlhUo Ml the. utoveV Ilauk It with coal at alUt, and you dco1 not (ear that tho pipes will frcc Billiards and Pool Fine and Popular Lino of CIGARS Silvis & Blackweli .11 street, Bend, Oregon COMMENT ON ROOSEVELT A Day of nsptntance Ahead (From tho Daltlmore American, Rep.) Some day Roosevelt will be sorry le aver want to Columbus. As Inconsistent aa He. (Ftom the Detroit Free Frost) It looksBow aa though the colonel U apt to learn that many people do not voto as they cheer. Refeuttd His Honor And Word. (From tho Durllngton (In.) Catette, Dem.) Ilia ambition has made mincemeat 6t any common sens he over owned. Hli honor and his word are befouled. A Hsavy Handicap. (Fro tho Detroit Free Press, Ind't.) Tho third term Isua la a tremendous Raaataa for tha republicans to as suae. It U our owa bouest toilet tut M will wtwelffc all lble fain Mr, lUMMTtlt 9 bW H M, tm l ar sthar ra BOON TO SETTLER Auto Tt'iickn Curry (2oh)k for If, II. File to Jfiirncy County Tho niilrt truck lino to Hums Is provlss to ho a boon to tho homo ntnndora, nn II, II. Frkm of Hoattlo found out Inst wcok, Mr. Krios han n clrtfm nt Iron Moiintnln, In llanuty county, nnd shipped In a Inrgo (junn tty ot household nud otlmr goods, Including two portnblo hotmo. It would hnvo taken him mora then n wiuk to hnvo reached his claim by tonm, but Inst Friday tho wholo out fit wnn loaded on tho auto trucks and taken to Harney county for him. Ho nccompnnlod them, and will bo Joined Inter by hln wife. Tho trucks got out about noon Friday, both loaded with alt tho freight thoy could haul, nearly 12 tons, Thoy wora driven by Klmor Morrill and John I.lnstor, tho old drivers having been discharged after tho last trip to Hums. The fxt of service make lime & ItaTidKOii' bnruf-r shop tho inot pop ular ono In Ilend. Tho host and most up-to (Into nvip of tho county Is the blueprint imp which Tho Uulletln line for sale, it shows all tha now roads and towns. NOTICE flWE BEG TO ANNOUNCE TO THE PUBLIC that on and after April 1 , 1 9 1 2, we will condudt our business on a cash basis, this being made necessary by the reduced prices for which we will sell goods. All those indebted to us will please make arrange ment to settle their accounts at once. THE STORE OF QUALITY S.C.CALDWELL, BentJ, Oregon. KENWOOD ACROSS THE RIVER BP Bend's Most Desirable Close-In xx ...-. -, Mv J Km RESIDENCE PROPERTY. J? ' i W!. , Lots from On Easy Terms. $70 $150 a ',ij:qc: .s ' Water will be piped to every lot, and special inducements offered'to people who will jld'. -.... . i w 6 t : ki. rtt? y & 10 ' Ryan . MGILiVRAY i H r OWNERS AND AGENTS. , t We Do a General'Real Estate Business. Si:: , .UM . t i nS