1 ft It 1 ft i it BRANCH OFFICE HEFJD Portland Architect See Field for Their Work In llcml. II. J. Hockonbcrry or Portland wo In Dend last Thursday looking over tho town with n view to ostab lirhlng A branch architectural ofllco here. Ho 1 n morabor of tho nrm ot Hockonbcrry & Sons, architects ot Portland. Mr. Hockonborry was to well itloascd with tho town that ho may liulld n nunimor homo hero. A branch oulco ot tho Arm will bo established, In chargo ot J. W. Dlmlck. Mr. Hockcnbcrry's -ton, M. 1). Hockonberry, was principal ot tho Crook County High School several years ago. Ho Is now living at Im perial, Cal., where ho went tor his wife. health. It has not Improved any. Mr. Hockonbcrry Is principal ot the Imperial High School, having a few weeks ago been re-elected for two years at a salary of J2500 per annum. Ings until ten o'clock, so that tho many now comers can go thoro to get Information, It they desire, attor tho train gets In. This action Is be lug taken at tho suggestion of rail road officials who aro anxious to mako things as comfortahlo an pos sible for tho location seekers. You will Unit that ono ton of coal Mill Rlvts you more, heat than threo cords of mow!. Figure tho economy. Tho OvortnrM)avlnMU ler Co. LOOKS QOOD TO BURNS (Concluded from pago ono.) DASkY COWS COMBK5 Saak's Bayer Leaves for Illinois to Get Two Carloads. On March 21 Georgo Dates left for Elgin, Illinois, to buy for the First National Dank of Dend two carloads ot cows, which aro to bo vsed In building up tho dairy possi bilities ot this territory. The cows will number about 40, and will bo well bred Holstclns. All will bo fresh this spring. When they arrive tho Dank will sell them at public auction, for cash or on credit TO RECEIVE NEW COMERS While tho cheap colonist rates are ta force on tho railroads the Coramcr del Club will bo open In the tven- Dcnd-llurns road Is level, and Is open to traffic all tho year; as a matter ot ract, no equally long stretch ot territory In tho stato offers such ro markably advantageous grndo. Tho road between Vale and Durns crones throe ranges ot hills that aro prac tically mountains. It lss tho hardest kind ot a wagon freighting proposi tion most of the year, and Impractl cal for auto trucks. Dobo mud and dimcult grades restrict ita possi bilities." New Route l?r Quicker An Interesting comparison of tho speed of tho two routes from rort land to Durns by way of Bond and by way of Vale was made by mem bers ot the warty. From Portland to Vale, they said, about tho best railroad tlmo made is four days. From Vale to Durns the tlmo for wagon freighting re quires all the way from eight to 18 days. Of course when tho roads are In tho beat condition, a tow quicker trips are made, but the avorago Is probably moro above ten days than below It. Freight leaving Portland Monday morning reaches Dend Tuesday night. Loaded into an auto truck Wednesday morning It can get to Durns very comfortably by Thursday night, or four days from shipment FHiT 7 . 101 123 130 80 104 103 70 KB 64 00 73 ' 73 r.l 01 00 01 01 00 41 40 48 31 37 30 SO 31 30 30 34 34 ndvantngo over Vnlo In jT ..c . Hotel Oregon ' STEAM HEATED CLEAN and SANITARY. RUNNING HOT WATER IN EVERY ROOM. ALL ROOMS AS REPRESENTED. STRICTEST INVESTI- GATION INVITED. $1.00 a Day arid Up. i 7 . w. Rates to Permanents. Two blocks from depot. Jj La Pine, Crook County, Oregon, date. Allowing five days, says Mr. 8awhlll, that means an Improvement ot about a week, at the very least, ovor tho best that can bo dono by way of Vale. Merchant has Difficultly. An Incident Illustrating tho diffi culties Durns merchants now con tend with was recounted by members of the party. Goer ft Cummlngs, hardware deal ers, ordered In Portland 6800 pounds of Iron pipe last autumn. Ono uuudred days alter the order was made the plpo was located along the road between Vnlo and Durns. The company needed pipe, so It wired Portland on Dccomber 19th, to have 7500 pounds more startod In by way or Dend. Tho last ordor arrived In Durns on December 26th, on auto trucks, soren days after ordered, dcsplto tho fact that lato December Is ono of tho hardest seasons for roads. Tho Original order showed up ten dsys later. As plpo Is paid for In sixty days, tho lesson of tho experience Is oVt dent Tho first order was paid for practically two months before it arrived. Tho second order .was sold some six weeks before tho merchant had to settle for It JUterf Favor Rnf A comparison of tho railroad rates from Portland to Vale and to Dend Is given below. The wagon rate from Vale to Durns varies from & minimum of lHc. during a very limited period, to Co during the winter months. An average seems to be about 3c. However, for prac tically four months, and sometimes moro, tho freighting Is discontinued, except for very light loads at ex orbitant rates. Tho auto truck price from Dend to Burns U. on an average, less than two cents, all-the-year-around. On many articles, during most of the year. It will bo about ltfc. Class rate In cents per 189 powaiU Portland to Dend Vale Ontarlg Class 1 3 n 4 5 A 11 0 1) K lloud'a cents per 100 pounds. Class 1 , 31 cents ClnB 3 , 18 cents Class 3 10 cents Class 4 ,, , , ,13 cents Class & ., .. ...10 COIIlM Class A. 10 runts Class 11. .,...,..,....,.. . H couts Class C 0 cents Class l 5 cents Class K. 4 cents Ileckontng tho freighting cost front tho two railroad points to Bond as Identical, this means an average advantage tor Dend of a trlflo over 10 per cent. However, tho advan tage on tho classes ot freight princi pally transported. Is even greator. Granting a lower rato of from U of a cent a pound to oven as low as two cents a pound on the Bond Durns routo as compared with the Vale-Hums route, the percentage of advantage leaps to anywhere from 35 per cent to over 300 nor cent or 13.00 a hundred pounds, In favor of tho Dend route. When tlmo saving Is taken Into consideration, with the resulting economy In Intorest charges, and business convenience, tho advantages of tho Dond routo over tho other ore almost beyond reckoning. nuo, thonco castorly along Vermont nvomto to 13th street, thonco south erly along 12th street to tho point ot lutortectton tif tho alloy In block ilfi ot Bond nnd anld 13th ntroet, thonco wcslorly along tlio alley In blocks 38 and 33 ot Bond to 10th Htrooti thonco southerly tilling 10th stroot to Hawthorne iivontio, thonco westerly along Hawthorne nvoiiuo to tho point ot Inlursoctlon with OrcRon street, thonco southerly along tlio alley lu blocks 10, 10 and 17 of Bend to Kentucky street, llioncn wotttorly along Kentucky street to tho point ot beginning." rlliteunlka ot IViurut, A now alilownlk ordlnnnvo was also passed at tho sntttu iiieullntt. It timvldcs that all sidewalks which aro hereafter constructed, repaired or aitoreu on jsovaua. urogun. .Min nesota. Ohio and Kentucky streets botwoen Bond and wall, on wan ami Dond between Novada ami Kentucky, aud on Urennwond avenue uetweun Bond and 18th streets bo In accord ance with the nrovlslons of the ordinance. On 80-foot streots the walks must lis 11 ttinl wide and on 60-foot streets, 10 feet wide, nnd constructed 001. '. n ii f ritiiiniit ami rnuoiflto on iir estnlillshad liy tho city engineer "All such BiunwniKfl niiuu imvo 0-Inch curb constructed with mini minh mirli sin I in constructed pmirrntn nnd C'Mlllllll mill 1)0 111! wlili l Iia Ion nf tho sidewalk nnd n tend down 18 Inches, sloping townntf tho renter of tho stroot nt I Inchon to tho root." Tim Mldownlk ordination will f Into nffect mi April 38, 30 days nftoi Its npiiioviil by tlio tnnyor. r BUILDINQ RESTRICTION (Conctudcd from pago one.) ordinance Is a fine or not leas than 135 and not moro than 8100, and oach day a building erected In viola tion ot tho ordinance Is allowed to remain will bo a aoparato offense. Fire Limits Boundaries Tho boundaries of tho district Rre: "Beginning at the point of inter section of Kentucky street with the alloy running north and south through block 5 of tho original plat of Dend, thenco In, a northeasterly direction along tho ceuter line of the alley In blocks 6, 4, 3 and 3 to the point of Intersection ot ssld alley In block 3 with Nevada street, thonca northerly along tho west lino ot block 1 ot Dend to the northerly line of said block 1, thence easterly along the north lino ot said block 1 of Dend across Wall street, thence easterly along the" north lino of block 13 of Dend to the alley bo tween blocks and 7 of North Ad dition to Dend, thonco along said alley to tho east lino ot said block 7, thenco easterly along Fir avenue to 11th street, thenco northerly along 11th street to Vermont ava pyrap drugs A Sick Child in tho homo Is going to mako anxiety and worry for tho mother,. It)s n wlw plan to keep a stock of simple remedies In tho house nnd we havo tho best nnu purest. But If you find It necessary to 'call In a doctor he will most probably send you to us with a prescrip tion. You will get tho best service hero and at tho smallest expense. Patterson Drug" Company "& I RIVERSIDE LYTLE - AUBREY HEIGHTS ADDITIONS BUSINESS PROPERTY FARM AND TIMUBR LANDS FIRE INSURANCE My Agency Consists of the r-otlowioff Well Known CompanUs fAUTNA Continental J IIOMUofN.Y. new vorx im derwrlMra' Agency HARTFORD I. PELICAN Umpire State Surety Bonds J. A. EASTES Oregon St., Bend, Oregon. J r M V J 151 THE BEND COMPANY r i Has a Message for the Home-Makers of Bend , i , a ""IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF NEW TOWNS tho proper upbuilding of Uio residential districts often is I neglected. One sees towns with prosperous and handsomo business centers whoso residenco districts I are a disgrace to the community shoddy and unattractive buildings In cheap looking surroundings, I BEND IS DIFFERENT. BEND has tho moat attractive residence section of any town in Oregon, PARD ADDITION, property of Tho Bend Company, is the best of Bend's beautiful residenco districts, Some of Park Addition has building restrictions which insure purchasers protection from everything that is not first class. You pay a littlo more, but In return tho value of your property Is permanently assured. The unrestricted portion of Park Addition Is as beautiful as the other. Tho lots sell for less and offer splen did opportunities for homes to suit the purses of all. Practically all Park Addition has water service, both for domestic nnd irrigating u&o. Park Addition has electric lights, sidewalks and water. Its homes are unsurpassed for attractiveness. Its scenery, its trees, views and surroundings are ideal. It has lots of every sire, situation and price. In short. PARK ADDITION IS BEND'S BEST RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT. It Will Be a Pleasure to Show You the Property at Your Convenience ssl lisssMsa 5&j i' i v4