w 1 . M I --.-fc A Oood Investment. When you can pet good deeded Jand for less than $10 per ncre, it's a good buy. These lands are lo cated In Crook nnd Lake counties and can be bought now at from $5 to $8 per acre on easy terms. See H. D. TRUE. 31tf Motlce to .the Public. Wo. the undersigned are prepared to do papering, painting and deco rating in very superior style. No job too largo or too small. First class work guaranteed. Paukeii Paint & Decorating Co. H. F, Hansen, Mgr. Oregon Lodging House. W-H-Y Put Off Seeing These New Suits Until Tomorrow, When You Can I Just as Well See Them Today. They are simply fine fabrics of quality, expertly cut and tailored into perfect fitting garments of superb style. You'll be just as enthusiastic about them as we are, when you see them. There's no time like NOW to see them and try them on Come! $10 to $30 We are all ready to show you THE BEST VALUES IN TOWN Merchandise of quality at fair prices.. L R. M. Smith Clothing Co. Everything to wear for men who care. "i NOVELIST NEAR PART OF MANUSCRIPT FOUND Who tho Author In, or What Ills Pule, Not Known Several Persons Known Hero diameters In Thin Unfinished Story. A novelist is now, or lias been, in Hend, it seems. The evidence is it ! shoot of utier found a few days nKo not far from tho hanks of tho Deschutes Ilivor. Whether it was dropped there by the author or was whirled out of some window by a ' gust of wind, is not known. Neither is it known whether the writer is still here or fell into the river and i added another to Head's list of " SIRES AND SONS. CMet Homier, the Philadelphia Ath. Mien' pitcher, has n hobby for ilia tnoml. Lord Kcnyon, who In Mr fret four Inchon In hclKht, In tho tallest Kvr In tho llrllluli house of lord. Uarl HlntiRhtor llnidford of Amnion (Into, Mil., who itriuliinted liiNt Nirlnit from West Point n n second lleiitcn nut. It n Krvut'KmuOI.on of Praucls Soott Key Joiotli IX llalpli, head of tho bureau of eiiRnnliiK, which print nil the Htiunp niul pner currrncy for tho trovornuieut. ttnn uit IiiuI n nIiu:Ii Nttiiup iiiitieeoiinted for In nil tho bil lions prodiired by hln department. Sir (letillle t'nvo llrowne-lVvvo, Hart, of Htrvtuwi Mull. l.elrestendilre. Kuk In ml. heir to one of the oldest estate In llrlliiln niul tho cowboy hero of ninny Arliotiu adventure, now U un envoy In (lie Snlviillon Army bend ipmrteiN. Ilrooklyn, where ho pne- hymn lunik. Lord Stnithconn, IiIkIi commissioner of Cnnniln since IStHI, who announce thnt ho pnipoio to retire from hi uvtlvltle. worl.ed Id way up from tho milk. hnvliiK neither frleml nor fitni- lly Influence when n tilnln Poiinlil A. IACK TO CANDLES Political Quips. 1 HOPE' THE SECOND HAND MAN- HOUSEHOLD GOODS BOUGHT AND SOLD. Smith be pnleriMl tint emnlov of th mysterious disappearances. At any i Hudson liny company n n hid. Ilo rate, the sIiikIo sheet of paper gives i wna liorn In Scotland In 1S20. evidence that a story, ossiuly a novel, of this section of OreKon, with several people well known in Hend as characters in the literary work, was started. If the author has no other copy of his manuscript, The llulletin would be glad to have him call and get what was found and complete tho story. The un finished tale is ns follows: "We sat on the porch of the Wickiup Hanger cabin, smoking our piKs in the cool of the evening. In front of us ran the Hig Deschutes, still iu time iUolf, its mirrorlike surface broken here niul there by the leaping trout. Down in the willows below the bridge a crane crouKCiia nnran nccuiiiimiiiuioiH. 10 , TJ0 ., )lf , ,,,,. Bvlnfor.a tho rattle of the tin super dishes career U u fortune or n funeral. that Dan wna stowing away in the VVmhlriKton Slur, i i. i f i ti i i.. . i, I The "ninn hlKher tip" Rrnenilly kitchen, tor awhile nobody sjmko. B0,nw , ,H. 0 lRb p thalhtbe ,nw For my part I was too happy, tho eunnot n-mli tiim IMttHimric Pott, change from the noise and heat of A St. l.oul JimIko sayt he Muds news- o L,.,. ...... .-.. ... .1... ..!.,. ..r i... paper men n honett a lawyer T1ip-o an Eastern city to the quiet of the J cm vtMf mnn'mmvlluiM, Cascades, with tho prospect of a -Uxrhnnire. month of trout fishing, made mere Vtintecr ilurtuntlon we niny suffer conversation seem in cunm, '. 'r I mm fit Mint f htilf itrTiM't nil Mist tirtVt lit before I had i tMvf nl away be tho unic.-.New Vork Pot. "Prominent WnxliliiKtonlnn Keep i:v." MijN n hendllno In ono of the untloiinl oHpllnl'M iiohhihiihth. !'re ilflitlnl one, no doubt. Denver lie inlillonn Numerout leMntor will Imru o eud tln'lr lliulied nriitloiii In e rhiiliKlinc imrrnltvi-s ntxnit Hie bli; bllU tbey nerl. pnxttM for flh nlnrlitt Wnnliliik-lcin Slur. It N beiomliii; n mure dlltb'iilt mnlter nil the time for the Amerleiiu Ixiy to become pretldeiit. The reitl'l'rtloiimeni bill make II nw"Hnry for the kih-iv-fill eutidldiilu to nielve "i'jI nii In ihe eleclornl colleite where nt pnont only 'JI'J nro nectwmry. (iitlvniton Tribune. Kerot one and (laoollne Supply In Town Rum Untlrcly Out It has been back to old-fashioned candles for those who do not have electric lights In their homes, In Huiul, tho past week. Tho coal oil supply ran entirely out. There has been a greater gasoline famine here, however, for Ihe last ten days. Auto owihts and those using gasoline engines have been "up against it." The local merch ants have a large uautlty ordered but it could not be had till freight trains arrive here. Tho supply of gasoline at Redmond and Opal City was hooii exhausted and none could bo had there. I'rlntor Attention. We have for sale a second hand Challenge ll inch paHr cutter. Hig bargain. The Hend Hulletin. tf NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. lfMittmffiil f Ihe Ihtrrlur, V H. I. ami Oftirr nt 1 he lUr. Off un, tittf .Hi ign Nt.tkf U hrffliv Klvrtt (hat I'frlrritV l.rvrtrni. ul lumala, iitrnti, h iniiiHulwt Ulli tvA, mlr iUMt Utt rlill N ' artul fs uiui, fur ri W. t ? ' 11114 hi( iimIi '. thtH . Umiiihltt in Miuili I imIirt 11 rait, MUUttirlte MpihIuh h hint 1 tttilk i( inlriitltHi iiHitokr H1 itfftril iirHr to rUltUh cUlm ttilhrUH'l ntnttr itftlt1 tr I Imr II C Itllt I n H'Himuoitfr i hn .Jh.- jut llfMtl, tlfrKOll till lltC Jlt tl ul SutlllitHTf . ii 1 ' 1 UlHIfttlt ttNHir N Mlttrr ,tor 1. t 1 i tim ji'hn M MiKumr ) h Ur.i tt l .-ii nc IIKi;itiiii tl ul liiitittln inr((.n i U MimiHI K-k r HIGH CLASS BUILDING OK AM, KINDS. UMlmntcA I'urnlslicil on large or small conlrai'ls, forcar penteriug alone, or including arch Itectuio, plumb ing, painting, etc. J.W.Dimick New PALACE MARKET Clmrlen llod, Prop. MEATS Vegetables, etc. 00 YCAflO' nxpnniENCu Current Comment. Palace Restaurant Rooms for Rent Confectionery, I'rtilt Picnic Supplies, Clgnra J. F, Taggart & Co. ijTjjTjra AmMR Ti iadc Mark COPTMIQHTB AC. Anr w'Mi g tkftiai i 1rfflll n mie St t1 &(- t ) f , !! I. !! it ntn I'tlaHil ll 1 llirfii IHftl f I U VIT , in inv i.ll it 4 t 1 tial t , tftftftt let I .... ..i-- - -- r . .... i.lJ. ........ mnupvv M i"iif "? .tl iMt t rfl f f .f M-Wltlltf )ll tft.Uti .MUI. ilT" utelf. Scientific flmcrienn. ( hanH -M fr tttral ulAlkHt tf attf Hlfi 11 A liui.. ft? UlB.ir.iM -..Hr miimi nr IH. Ik PnMijaiint"'..wi in,....,. Mmy York IT HI W..Mflu U . O'DONNELL BROTHERS UNION MARJCET J lend jylachine hop All Kinds of Saw Mill and Farming REPAIRS We Carry a Large Stock of Auto Repairs and Supplies Wall St., next to Opera House Alntilni nro to lie liullt of tho iipit metal, known n Mcko irn-tnl. wtilcli Ik -10 per cent IiIkIiit tlinn nliiuilnluiu. The Culled Hlnti-i cnvfriiinent I the fourth to i"liilillli nn nvromiutlnil lain oratory. Ilelcluin. l-'nincu and Itimitb Imve nlrcmly ilono no ft,... I ... I, ...... .H.t l.k. porhaiwa longing for MnM n VI)r(IU, Br fntvH , ure Htntiil Ity n I'nrN ni'wpaMT to Imi riU0.0ui) fninnt nml LW.txK) frniiM r" Hpectlvely. (liirriM linn won lu0.(J00 franc niul VIiIhiiI lui.000 frauc In the uniiic mtIiI. If you care for the BEST GOODS at the BEST PRICES trade with H. J. Eggleston Manufacturer of Harness anil Saddles Dealer in Wagons, Buggies, Farm Implements Hay and Grain for sale. LUMBER OF ALL KINDS Irrigating Lath and House Lath A Specialty The timber we cut from Is the beit in the coun try, mill 4i miles southeast of Hend. Pine Forest Lumber Com'y BEND, OREGON commonplnce sacrilege. Two years met big Dan Forsyth, 'Shaniko Dan,' forost ranger in the Santa Ynez mountains of Southern Cali fornia, while on n hunting trip. The acquaintance, tho a short one, had ripened into a wholesome nwect and admiration for the woodsman, on my part, and, I thought, an amused toleration of the tenderfoot, on his, with an occasional chat with someone frosh from the softer city life. Dan's invitation to spond a month with him came nn a bloated relief in the hottest month of the season. A conservationist nt heart, this oppor tunity to see the forost ranger at home was not to be pawed up, and now I fountl mysolf comfortably settled in a new frame cabin with Dan and Carl Stevens and Hilly Hrock, his two forest guards." TIMBER TO BE SOLD (liiveinment Will Dlxpuso of Large Ktflmitlh Tract More than .100,000,000 foot of 1 sugar and Western pine timbor on the Klamath Indian Uowrvation will be placod on th market early 1 next year, according to announce- ,mont made by C. S. Wulwtor, j special agent of the Department of I Indian Affairs. The minimum price l por 1000 feet will bo $a.'Jfi, one of I the conditions of the wile being that I the lumber shall be manufactured ! on the reservation. The timber to be marketed is located in townships 20, 30, 31, 32 and 33 south, range 7 east. The timbor will bo wold on oasy terms and buyers will be given from oight to teryeara in which to remove it. Aviation. r The Royal Box. The Khali of IVrxIn will not Kit at n table on which vltltvr (ulinoii or lob ter are plaitil. Afler tho Novorelim, the wlilto olo plinnt 1 tin- itiiHt liiiMirtnnt Indi vidual In the SlnmoNo court. tnUni; prertHleiire of the liflr apjmn'iit. MarKln-rliB. mother of Queen Hel ena of liHly. lias Im-ooiiio ho ciiptlruteri Willi liiotorlinc thnt hIio Iihn replaced her nlHhlt to n coniddcrHhlt) extent with exp4nhe rnr nml inuy ho hwii dully (IrlilliK hImmiI IIuiiib. A Bargain in Lumber OUIt KIHST AXNTAI. CLKAKANCK SALK For thirty tlays we will sell our rough lumber at $10 per thousand. We have contracted to move a million feel of tim- lr by Nov Ut 11 nd inuit lmo riMim. Nut the mlv IuiiiImt unl jiiitiillix cliiv, pliu-i- tu uIih1ii n Idll of IiiiiiImii- Our iii'iin. hulili (,'ihkI A Hule In-tler IuiiiImt (or u lutle It mom " BEND LUMBER CO. Facts From France. I'HfU liHtt 11 lllllfelllil of pliotletlON. Ttio niiiriKtliii of the I'srls IhiiiIo vnnU win commenced In I ."WW. IfHlhitoriiiM In 1'rHine cHUNtf nn ottl miiii'd iiiuitml low to fnrmuri4 of irX), WKi.000 frsncH. In iwrts of franco slieplierdx keep their Hheop under olwerviitlun on Ntllts. Tho city of Purl owiih n inuchlno that ciiii crlml ntmrly 11 ipinrter of a million pnvliiK hlixk'K In n day. raffil ANNUAL WOOL CONVhNIION The fourteenth annual convention of tho Oregon Wool Growers' As sociation will be held at Uaker City, Nov. M and 15. A number of sheepmen will attend from Crook county. Foun IUWIEU8 (every ono skilled) now required to servo the many patrons of tho Innes & Davidson barbershop. You'd better join the throng of pleased clients of this shop. The Writers. Chnucrr hrcnlhed hlx hint wlilto com posing 11 li.'ilhid, I'etrnrch whm found dead In hli li brary leaning over 11 book Iliiylo. rrench plillotophleal writer, when dying pointed to tho plnco where IiIh proof Nheet lay. ItoHcoinmon, KiikIIhIi poet, while ex piring (MioKil from IiIm own tl'HiiHlu lion of "Dies Inio." "DIQNIrTINQ THE INDUSTRIES" Tnls Is tat tltl of btuttful et ! book, wnlcb will itiow any boy or Klrl how to SUCCEED Mop t lioiUI In Ui. mill TODAY niul ll will It unt I IICE Tti slm pf tbs Collx Is to illiRtry inil uopulsilit tlis industrUs. srni to mn ALL tti inopl 11 oittrt courmln Aerl'-ultur Civil Endntsrluc CIsctrKsl Eodnstrliif, MtclnnlcUnln.rtu, MlnlugEDjln orlnr, I'oivstry, nomtatlo. acinic and Art, Com intrct, Phsrinacy ami Mutle. Tbs OolUc oiitns Btptsmbsrlid, Catsjog tint. Address, nrolBTRAIt. OUEO0H AOMCULTUBAL 00LLEUE, CorTsllli, Ortoa, English Etchings. A peer may Hit with IiIh hend covered in n court of law. Thero nro over 12.000 dulrles In Lon don and HiihiirhH. Tho KiikIUIi ppstofllco tnnltes $.V),000 n year 011 poHtal ordoru that uro not re duoincd. Tho now dock which tho port of Lon don Is n hoii t to mako will com between 110.000.000 mid 115,000,000. will pro rfdo for orer a million tons of ship ping and will be comploted within Ore years. Star Restaurant AND BAKERY. Meals 35c. Newly Furnished Rooms 50c anil up. BREAD 5c. 21 TICKETS FOR $1.00. Lare Pies 15 cts each Doughnuts and Cinnamon Rolls 15 cts Doz. Cookies 10 cts Doz. Cakes 10 cts to .15 cts each MRS. NELLIE WRIGHT BOND STREET, BEND, OREGON I 1 Hli ait 1 .1 .1: 7 '1. A