DON'T FORGET TO VISIT THE DEMONSTRATION TRAIN HERE TOMORROW THURSDAY FROM 5:30 A. M. TO 12:30 P. M. EVERYBODY IS INVITED. THE BEND BULLETIN. VOI,. IX. IJKNI). OREGON, WKIJNESDAY. NOV. 1, 1011. NO. 31 JOLLITY GALORE YOUNG PEOPLE CELE BRATE HALLOWE'EN I'rl.cllU Club of Olrli Have Much Tun t l.ticm llimie Columei Worn Sattt to Have lleen Mtut (lroteiue Mlgh School Studenta Have Carly Tho Ilnllowo'vn in'iuton in Hcml riMiidiir to iiukns "lllll" llanlcy of HurriH Iiiih wired to Itcnil that ho Iiiih a itlilpniunt of freight for IiIh riincli which ho wnrilH loiulcil out on thu llrHt mito-ti u -kit that leave hero for tin) lltirncy county wnt-. There Ih a largo amount of Kootlit on the way hen which him been tied up awaiting vxtciiHlon of norvico to Hfiid. ntylu. I'lutcH were Inlil for 1810 wan onu of much hilarity nmonir tho ScouDt. Mr. Ijirnnnd AUVrt Dorrln, Another Joiiy iiniinwewi nllulr wait given hy the girlit of the 1 1 fkrli FIRST REGULAR TRAIN LAST NIGHT i Daily Passenger and Freight Service In auguratedTwo Roads Use Same Train-Fast Freight Tonight. held young irmipIc, purlieu bulng hint night and Monday night. At tho homu of Mih. A. C. I.ucax Monday evening the i'rincilla Cluh, ctnnpowil excluitlvely of girlit, held high jinx, iviteh of tho eighteen young women who attended cauiu in I'imtiilue, and it Ih wild that Home of Ilium wero "K'ifect flight," meaning that they wero .more comical looking than clovvnit. MIwwh Anne Markel and Marion Vlcnl niado (he grunti'it hit of the even ing. It In retried, in their make-up iw Mm. Wlggit of tho t'ahhngc Patch and Iivuy Mary. Other churacterH rupnwontttl included an Indian npiaw, gyiHliHt, wltchwt, little girlit and even u hridu and groom. Who the groom wiui In a profound "necrot." 'file uvuiiing' unttirtulnnumt wan varied and every moment there wait ttoinothlng new to make thorn; prtwfiit laugh. 'I'wo hoy In gluwtly attire made thlngit lively hy dipping into tho forbidden precinct. Tho rrlncilln Cluh wan recently nrgnnixtsl and meeU every Tuuwlny ovonlng it the home of a mumlier. I'mliroldery work, rowing nd chat ting make up the ovonlng's pro Krain. It in unlil that more mention of mere man by unyono of the girl. lirlngit "lH her head a enulty in the r-lmtH of a fine. It Is reported, however, that a man wan given the honor of naming the chili. Tho following voting ladled are memlieni: Kthel Itorilon, Kara Shouite, Kthel HolmeM, KatherineTroutner, Mnudo Vandevurt, Martha .Sidner, Cornelia Wlliton, Angle Young, Anne, Nell and (iertrude Markel, Marion and Pauline Wlnnt. Metln C'nutle. Arrie lllnck, Pearl Cornett, Iva Wont and (iertrude Morton. On Monday evening nlito the Hoy ScoutH had an evening of fun. They met at the lodge and played games and ttiok part in varioiiH content till about H::i() o'clock. Then they adjourned to the homu of Scout MaHler Ijira for refreshment. The table wan ilerorateil in Hallowe'en .School hut night at the Wiet home It wan nttt'iiiletl by tho boyH and girl of the High School. The eve ning' entertainment comdHted of game, fortune telling, mini c and general jollity HefrehmenUt were nerved, and after the party nearly all attended the Hallowe'en ball given at l.innter' Hall PRANKERS LOCKED UP Several lUiya Malting 1 rouble (let Into I rouble llicninelvci. 'Hie iinual Hal low e'en prankcrs were abroad hint night, making trouble. Some of them found trouble themitelvo'i, however, being taken Into cuittody by Night Olllcer lirown and given n chance to reent their miiichicf-maklng in the lockup. The only apparently mallciou work no far ruinirtetl wan the cut-1 ting up of a net of hart) on for L. C. Fleming and n net for Frctl Van Matre. A few olwtructlontt were placed in the ntreet at various placu and other like mlnchief done. TWO FARMS NAMED The flrt regular pawtenger train Into Head arrived lust night at 8:G5 o'clock, and wa greetetl by n crowd of novernl hundred people who had gathered at the depot. Many other would have lieen there hut for the fact that Agent Cornell had received a mcivuige in the afternoon Portland, $7.IC; Spokane, $12.GG; Shnnlko, IC.C5. Contract for building the freight warehouse and roundhouse here wo let Saturday to Peter White of Portland. Several Bend contractor put in bid. The warehouse will be 208 feet long and fiO feet wide. It will be a KliOUCriONS MADI!. IteductionN were made on the amumwl valuation of real estate in all the largest town of the county by the Board of Equalization, which concluded it Remions at Prineville lust week. Judge Ellis, a member of the board, nay the reduc tions were on the land and not on the improvement. Several person appeared before the equalizer to ask that changes be mode. The approximate valuation figures for the four largest town are: Prineville, $1 00.000; Bend, $85,000; Itetl mond,$7e,000;Madras, $50,000. i U.JUaJBBOESSESP. !........ USUI B 0 JURY ACQUITS McCAL LISTER'S SLAVER that the train would not come through until tonight. Thl wiw HiibHtnntially built frame Btructure, G. P. PUTNAM MARRIED changed later and It got In only '20 witli maple lloor. There will bent minute later than nchedulutl time, large room for freight for interior iUend ,Man and Connecticut (llrl Wed- The run wa made from lUilmond town, which will be handled by the1 , Ucd Lant Ihuisdny. In fit) minute. Engineer Dixon Jone Warehouse Co.; room for At Sound Beach, Conn., the home wiutntthe throttle and Conductor local good, and neveral other de- of thc ori(lc' G- ' Putnam and Miss Ceorge Burke in charge. The train ' partment. It and the roundhouse j Dorthy Kinney were married loat wa pomptt4tl of nix coticho. It I j will cost about $11,000. jThurhday, October 20. Mr. and a joint Oregon Trunk and Deschute Coal for fuel in Bend will now b.iMr8- I'utnam will start upon their Itnilvvuy train. Both road will ' pomihlv. The rate from Kockreturn iourny t0 1nd early in operate In thl manner between j Spring, Wyo.. the bone of most of November, coming to the Pacific Oefeme Establishes Plea of Self-do-feme Riley (liven Indeterminate Sentence of One to TKleen Years Longest Term In Court's History the Oregon supply, will bo $6.60 n p-nsi wy 0I nama, Air. rut ton to Madraand $Cnton to Bend.,nam MnK commissioned to prepare From Centralia. Wtuh., to Bend the.nrticlos rKarding the Panama Canal rate will be $1.75 n ton. for thc Portland Oregonian and 'Die lumber rntes from Bend to olher publications both on the Coast here and MetoliuH, and from that ntation on each using it own track. The first regular train out of Bend left at Ii:l5 this morning, carrying -12 paatengers. Thc first ticket sold here wa to J. J. Hi ley of Portlantl and it wa to Portland. No United State mail wa brought in on the train last night or went out tills morning, and it is ' "dice has been let to the Wenandy i of letters dealing with the canal and ntill unknown vv hen the change will I Livery Co. , '? 'wn , .I'ac,fic . Eiuttern Kiint will lie the name as ", ine f . ' ... , t, ,, i ,. , . . , In connection with the Bouthern from Portland, it i stated. !trpt e Bu,etI1 of wWch M. The contract for carrying the Putnam is publisher, will be sup mall between the depot nnd tiost- plied by him with n complete series Crook Rancher Have Not Taken vantage of Stale Law, Ad- go into effect. The mail car wo brought on through and Icttum can be droped in and go out a day quicker than by the stage. The Oregon Trunk train will leave here at (1:110 a. m. and arrive at Owner of rnnche In Crdok i-wiurWKo at IMS p. m connecting county have not yet shown muchim, w"n wo'u init irain no. Interest in tho Slate law under I" - c"ck, arriving nt Portland at ivhlrh th.-v mnv ntrlstvr the mime . ( P- "' Poshenger may leave of their tnjrm and thereby have ex clusive use of that name. Inuuiry of the county clerk at Prineville re- iT- nt FnllbrldRo at 1:10 p. m. Me- Not only will auto-trucks haul frnltrlit In Ttlirna frntn ILiml )inf In ? ' ...... ..V... v...., UMV ll other interior towns as well. The Silver Ijikc Leader says F. F. Finn nnd C. B. Melnne have nbandoned a route in Nevnda to try Oregon nnd will oonite a cars between Silver Lake nnd this place, using two car. They expect to make two trijw a week, carrying two tons to the trip. They have specially prepared for this paper. Portland on the return nt 8:20 or promise of enough freight to keep 9:66 n. m.. connecting with the O. t w,im U"S "" W1.nar '.l B!nle!,! ine iii 8i. treiKin iniiii 13 uue nerc tonight nt 8:45. The schedule calls nurs nvii-YUAR curtificatu Miss JIartha Sidner, primary teacher in the Bend school, last week received from the State Central I Superintendent Alderman a five- I .. a 1 f .!. r. . line of u-'ucneni ceruncaie. ane uiu nui naiv 10 nuinu uny examinations, her record in Nebraska standing in lieu thereof. Miss Sidner is re garded as one of the best teachers the local school ever had. LOSG MONEY ON FAIR According to the Prineville veals the fact that only two farm tnu will be reacheti at u:0 nnd n for it departure at 12:45 a. m.j Journal, a trial balance of the books names have no far been filed. Those -'"lnut stop made for supper. 'daily. Both roads will use the of the First Central Oregon Agri arotheUonita of M. A. Lohrman ' e train is due at Bend nt 8:35 aune freight train to Metolius J1'1"1 r,eVi!l,S the f1 , ., , , 1, , . 1 n m I T" "rat express package billed that the expenses of thc recent fair and Council Bulge Band, of Dan .P-"- 'out from Bend was by H.J. Egglos-, at the county scat exceeded the re- Catlow. I Whenever there nre passenger ton, it being nddrossed to MrsJcelpta by nearly $1000. Premium Many owner of farm bnve given for the East, North Bank train No. Eggleston's father, Gus Bartnmn, 'checks and other bills are being held them nnmmi, but utile they make - for SKikane nnd jwinta fost will t Portlnnd. j up until the nmount necessary to registration with the county clerk ' be held to connect with the Oregon I There will Iw two telegraph opcr- cover the indebtedness is raised. , . ... iv..b ntor8 here, Messrs Nicholson and Homo one else may apply the name Trunk. ICorrigan. The telegraph ollice will START WORK ON UUILUINO. name to his farm and hold it ex-' The local passenger fares from be open from ti a. m. to 9 p. m. for Work on a new building to occu clusivoly by registering it. The ' Bend will be a follows: Deschutos, ' commercial business. The freight py the site of the one they lost by advantage to bo derived from a 20c; Bcdmond. 60c; Terrebonne ' 0,lico wi" lw 1en from 8 n-' to fire three weeks ngo has been started distinctive name for a ranch are fr.,-m..-K. . ni n. p. m. Agent Corbet t nnd Assist-' by Myers & Wilkey. on Bond street. many, but a yet It muiim that .. . Piil' tl ,.'.,',,,' -. , t Brown will have charge of nil It will be n frnme structure of about Crook county farmer are not alive . .', " ' 1,l:. , .' 'l,"ft' the ticket, express nnd local freight the same dimensions as the building to thi fact. Mniira. $1.85; The Dalkw, $-1.95; I businow for both roads. detroti. Prikeviixk, Oct. 31. After be ing in session more than two weeks, thc longest term in thc history of thc county, the Circuit Court ad journed Monday. Thc Biley and Robinson murder cases consumed nearly a week. A verdict of acquittal was rend ered in the case charging Ernest Bobinson with thc murder of Lewis McCallister. The chief witness for the " defense was Bobinson' sister, who was the only eye-witness to the shooting. Self-defense was pleaded by Bobinson. The jury was out sixteen hours. Judge Bradshavv sentenced J. L. Riley, slayer of Louie Long, to a term of from one to fifteen years in the State prison. B. B. Gould, who brought action against Henry Linster to collect on a note, was given judgmont for the full amount, $310.30, with costs. Vernon A. Forbes represented thc plaintiff and Judge A. S. Bennett of The Dalles the defendant. Mr. Forbes received many compliments in winning over such an able attorney as Judge Bennett. The case of H. J. Overturf vs. Henry Linster, to coliect on a note, was taken under advisement by tho court on a point of law raised by the defendant. The attorneys are to file briefs and the case will bo heard next May if the court sus tains the defendant. On motion of Attorney Forbes for thc defendant, thc case of J. A. Elliott vs. Harvey Winslow, appeal ed from Bend by the plaintiff, wa3 dismissed. White Motor Car Co. vs. D. L. Peterson of La Pine continued till May term. OI'UN BOND STREET Hunter & Staats, owners of Des chutes Addition,' have had Bond street opened ontirely through the addition. This gives a more direct route to that part of town. The street has been cloared of rock and a smooth trail made for vehicles. Sidewalks have been laid recently for several blocks along this street, HE GOT THE JOB A young man having applied ton wholetwilu Iiouko for a poilioii tecuntly found himxolf before the managur for examination. "Have you n bank account?" wa hi first quostion. "I have," wa tho reply. "IajI mo nee your bank book," wa the next lcquont. After gh'ticing over it and noting the long lint of regular, though munll deposit, he mild: "Young man, you are engaged, nnd I want to compllmunt you on your wiving ability. I always insUt upon employing only men who have the good houko to navo their money." We invite ovory young man in this community to open 1111 account at thl bank. Full Stock of j j BUILDERS' SUPPLIES MJ- M2 TO. IKe First National Bank OF BEND, BEND, OREGON The Deschutes Banking & Trust Company of Bend, Oregon "Conservative Banking for Conservative Peoplo." !,. II. IIA1UI), (I'retldent) J. W. MASTHRS, (Vice I're.lilcut) V, O. MINOR, (Secretary) I) t h it C T o r s; L. n. DAIIII), 1'. O. MINOR, S. V. ilAIRD. Yon Will Always Find Here CHARTER OAK STOVES, RANGES, HEATERS. The kind that litis been sold to SATISFIED CUSTOM E H S for (1 Years. llefore Yott Uuy Hardware See awMiutKHMtvaaflai Or. U. O. COE HroU.nt E A SATHtH, Vlc PrIUnt O 8 HUDSON, Cthl.r Capital fullr paid . . 5S.OOO bliKkhotU.r liability tJS.OOO 8urplut .... . $0 000 N. P. Smith Wall Street We Have Money To Loan on Cattle. Why not feed your hay nnd grain to stock, thereby getting the proiit on both the hay and stock? .T. J. II ill xa.vs tho fertUUoi' kept on tho farm by homo feeding I woith ontMhlnl of tho value of tho fuqd eon burned. Our now luml uouls this fei tll'.ut'. Km mors who ni'o propuml to properly caio for cattlo can obtain tho money from us on six numtlw' time unit so euro u lenowal for an mldlUonnl six months If tho stook hits hud proper attention. Think it over nnd consult us us to tho details. TEe FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BEND DIRECTORS: O. C. COR K. A. SATHER C. 3. HUDSON ' P. F. SMITH H. C. BM.IS