r- 4" V EOT G 1 IE s Homeseekcrs Land Co. After Settlers With Another Leaflet Telling About Biff Southeast Territory N Below la published the nrnjor pnrt of the text of a new leaflet beinjr prepared for the Uomesoeker'n Lnnd Co. Homesteads in Central Oregon. The New Klondike of the West. This U the District that U now receiving the undivided at tention ot every limn mid nonuia (rum one end ot the countiy to the other, who hiu any umhltlou to secure n choice piece of Free Government Lnnd before It Is nil gone. Kvorjono who )ioh Investigated thlt tiulilect lo any extent liu dUcoveivd Unit deal ru bio tlumestends, like the lUitTnloei nud Antclons thai wore onco so plentiful lu the Went, are rapidly becoming a thing ot the pint. In fact, whn this Great Ucntiul Oregon Empire has been settled up n It will hu within the next thtee or four month's, tln last of tlu Free Goverunieiil Lund will have been exhuutteil, and this account for the present unpre cedented rush ot people Into this dlsttlet, making a continuous stream of people ttavellttg by teams, nutomobilt, bucks, stares, livelier, on liorselack uud even ou fiwt from the ncur est 1UU road Station to this famous Valley nearly 100 mile distant, reminding one of the Klondike Hush of 'l7 and 'IW. The Valley an old Lake Bed. This attractive Valley which Is at present the Mecca of all these Homeseekcrs, Is located In Central Oregon, 35 to 76 miles beyond Uend. It Is about 20 miles wide and 40 to W miles long, and was originally a large Inland lake which has been filled up by the erosion of the surrounding hills and mountains and high plateaus for many miles lu extent during all theso ages of development. The Soil. Thin process of transforming an old lake-bod Into a beauti ful and fertile Valley has guno on for ages until the mjII Is now 15 to LM feet deep all over the Valley and is a Sedlmun tary Deposit of Hicli Sandy Loam mixed with u sulllclcnt blending of Volcanic Ash from the Cascade Mountains and ex tinct Volcanoes to make It exttvmely fertile foryeurs to como, as Indicated by tho enormous gionth of Sage Urushand Hunch Gross which tt product's even in Its present ruw condition, both of which are invdtlve proof of lu exceptional fertility. The Climate. The Climate Is more uniform and Ideal In this Valley than In any other Miction of Oregoii. Theiulsan average of '20 days of Sunshine each year, u.td 111 to 13 Inches of mln-lull which will increase with the cultivation of the Soil. Tho Valley Is not subject to exctsscof brut or cold. The temperature during the warmest days of tho Summer usually ranges from 00 to lu decrees but this Is nearly always counteracted by the cool brctues Coaling down from tho numerous snow-capped mountain peaks, dotting the horizon on the West. Tho temperature lu the Winter occasionally falls below zero, but on account of t..e dry, clear, atmosphere even this temperature does not seem nearly so cold as 32 degrees above zero in the damn, foggy, and cold, rainy Winter months in tho Willamette Valley and Western Oregon and Washing ton. Fuel and Building Material. The hills and mountains surrounding the Valley are covered with Timber, the , Forest Reserve reaching down to tho edge of the Valley, from wnlch the settlers are entitled to 20 cords of wood, posts and building material every year free of charge. Also two sawmill In this same vicinity furnish ample supplies of lumber and bjlldlng material for tho numer ous buildings now under construction. Cost of Living. With tho advent of the railroad the cost of living will bo as low as In any similar territory In the Northwest. The cost, of course, depends largely on the size of tho family and tho amount and character of Imptovements desired. Game, Hunting and Fishing. There Is plenty of large (June In tho hills and mountains surrounding this Valley, such as Hear, Deer, Antelope and Coyotes. While in the Vallej Itself there is an abundance of smaller game; such us Wild Geese, Ducks, Swans, Sago liens and Jack Itabblts. Rainbow und Mountain Trout from U inches to 22 Inches in length are 'plentiful In the headwaters of the Deschutes River. There are no rattlesnakes or other poisonous reptiles or Insects in this entire district. The Reason Why. You may think it strange that such a Paradise has laid vacant for so many years, but the lurk of railroad facilities explains the whole situation, us it was more than 200 miles over rough mountain roads to the nearest railroad point. Rut now that two of the large Tramcontlnenial Lines aru headed In that direction, each one with a main trunk lino surveyed directly through the center of the Valley, onu from the Co lumbia River on tho North and the other from the Knako River on the Hast, and each one coming as fast as money, men and teams can build them, It is no wonder that there Is now a greater rush to secure these 320-acro choice Homesteads than has over been witnessed In any other section of Oregon; for within a few months more, tiulns will be running through to Bund und these urut lands will then bu worth money in their present unimproved condition, for they ate the same in soil, climate, etc.. as the famous WhoatSectfons of "Umatilla" and the "PuIoumi1' of Haste rn Oregon and Washington, which produce from 30 to 50 bushels of wheut per acre und ore held at $70 and 9100 per acre. There are about 1500 claims In this Valley, and from In vestigation during the past year, wo believe these to be the only desirable lands still open for Homesteads anywhere in the Northwest. RECENT DEVELOPMENTS. Railroads. Among the more Important things that are at present In areas within our borders, there are. according to tho Port Evening Telegram of recent date, six new railway systems, employing a total of 2u,G0U men and teams, building with all possible speed into this vat new undeveloped region, which has so suddenly sprung into lmportunce on tiie railroad map of the world as to be almost Incredible to one Who has not been on tho ground and actually seen tho real net-work of railroad grades, roadbeds and surveys which cover this enUro district In all directions. This means, according to Jumes J, HID, the great empire builder, that his trains will be running into Rend about June 1st, as the Oregon Trunk Railroad has lu grade work completed to this point. Water. A good supply of jmro water lias boon found In the valleys at depths of from 10 to 50 feet 50 toot being the deepest well at this time. Scientific or Dry Land Farming. Dry land funning without irrigation is the plan most generally adopted in this vutley , tho same as in the vast wheat belt of Eastern Oregon and Washington und tho Palouso country, where tho largest yield of 30 to 50 bushels of wheat per acre is often hurvested on tno highest and dryest ridges without Irrigation. The ground is plowed in the fall after tho crop Is harvested and lays idle' us summer-fallow one year. The next full It Is aguln plowed und sowed In grain, thus re ceiving the moisture 61 two successive fall and winter seasons, which Is alwuys sulllclent to curry the crop through to ma turity without additional rainfull duiing the luto spring and summer. Pumphlets and books on this method of sclentlflo arming can be procured from tlie Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C, free of charge, for tho benefit of fanners not familiar with mis mode of farming. Tills Is why Congress passed tho Enlarged Homestead Act of February 10, 11WJ, so that each homesteader might have 320 acres of land und put 100 acres of It In crop each year und "sumin,er-fallow" tho othor 1(10 acres: but ofuomso, those who ure preparing to irrigate their claims will be uble to put the entire 320 acres in crop each year. Enlarged Homesteads and Desert Claims. After making your selrction of a claim in this valloy you have four different options for tiling on It. 1. If you lmve never used jour homestead right you may file on 320 ncroi under the Enlarged Homestead Act above mentioned; moke your homo on it or livo years, cultlvuto W acres of It for four years, mid receive patent from tho govern ment w Ithout additional rest. You cuiiiuit commute u xMnoro claim, but tiro allowed six month from date of Ming lu which to establish your residence on the clulm, If tun nl ready own more than Ilk) acres uf land. thooNctws nUivo the UK) acres must bo deducted from the XVitcro claim, us you are untitled lo hold only 4t0 acres all told, Including the homestead. 2. You limy still II lo on the old utile ItUMicru homcxtcml If you have not ulrcndy used your right, and after fourteen months residence you may commute It nud buy It at 41.115 per aero, or live on It the full live v ears nud receive our patent without huvlng It. 3. If you are a rewldeiil of Oregon, or will declare jour Intention of becoming such, uud have never acquired title to any government land, you may take any 320-ncro vacant claim In the valley, as a desert claim under the act of March 3, ISM, whom then are no rivets, running streams, springs or other natural mentis of Irrigating w 1(1 sin face water. on are not required to live on n desert claim, hut must expend one dollar per aero on It for Improvements, each j ear for three years, part of which must bo spent In procuring water nud irrigating nil the Irtiguhlo laud on your claim. Tito total improvements for the three years, amounting to $3.00 per aero may all Iki made lu one year, If desired, und 40 acres put Into cultivation, and you can then receive mtent for sumu from the govern ment uhiu paying 1.2A mu acre for It, or you may hold It for seven years liefore xtlng the purchase pi Ice to the govern ment and receiving Kiteiit. thus saving seven eais taxes. It um have already hud a homestead or other government laud, the number of acres to which uu acquired title must Iki deducted from the 320 acres, us no one tuny acipiho title to moie than 320 acres from the government under all the laud laws. 4. If you desire, you iniiv file on WO acres as homestead and another W0 not es adjoining asudeoeit claim, and may commute the homestead in fourteen months and buy It for (1.25 Kir tune uud mn also ucpdie tltbt to the desert claim the first year, If desired, ns explained ulsive; thus giving you title to tlio entire .120 acres wltnln the fourteen mouths. The advantage of this over taking the whole 320 acres as n desert claim Is that you save the additional expense of M.U0 per aoio Improvements and cost of Irrigating one of the claims by tak ing It up as ii homestead. ReuicmlH'rthal either single or married women can take up land under a recent law. Locating and Filing Pecs. The customary locating fee lsKW per eluliu, paynlilo after you have seen the lands, and substantiated the fnou herein contained, and made jour selection of it eluliu. This fee ulso covers the cost of survey lug jour land, locating the govern ment corner stakes und inotiumenU heiitlng the original num bers and descriptions. Tho government llllug fee on WOacre homesteads Is $10.00. and on a 320-acre homestead $22.00. Ou desert claims tho tiling fee Is 25 cents jwr acre, which Is deducts) from tho purchase price of $1.25 pr acie. leaving tl.00 portiere pa) utdii when jou prove up on the claim. How to Get to These Lands. liny your tickets to Madias, via the Oregon Trunk Hall way, which connects with the North Hank Railway nt Clark, Wash. One can also come over the Oiegon Short Line to Deschutes and from there over the Oregoii Trunk Railway to Madras. Then take stuge or automobile to Rend, u distance of 45 miles. Stave fare ?5. Automobile faro $i. We will meet jiurtles of three or imire If you will ultolliodatc jou ure to ntioh Madras. Steel Is Mug rapidly laid letwevn Madras und Rend. Hotels $1.50 to $2.50 nr day. We then take our teams or autos and drive to the lands. If you locate, tli fees ntuled above will lm charged, but If you do not lake land the exme of showing It will Ik- $15 to $25, including all oxenses after you reach Rem). You can now see jour ticket aent and figure tho exact amount of jour oxenses to these lands mid return. ROBERT Ii. aOULI) ClVII. KNOINItltlt AND SUMVKVOK. lltillctlu HiiIUIIiik llciul, Oii'KOit. W. W. Fmilknor, D. M. D. DENTIST llnlltttlii llntMInc,. II e n d. Oregon F. S. SANDBORG, At. I). May Aiwutmknts iioni) hthickt II It N t) , OKIIOON. . U. C. COE, M. D. Physician and Surgeon H'l'ICK OVItk I'lHST NATIONAL UK. iJllicc I loins: lo to t j u in.; I In J mid 7 to H p, m. IlltNl), : OKIKION IDr. A. A. UUKKIS.r,TSML, llralrr. hsr. Mn,ilitll Tlstln4 Wlllitful the Utuf iHutf-sw Suisl). hy Ihf Natural MttlwWuf IImUh. I'KtwH Ic I)Imw. a rtalljr "OtHHtllalhiii I'rt MrtuUr ufllit Male mHA NaOun.1 .Nalulu"lt N.sll. DRlcr In HoltllhK IIIJ . if ml. OirgPh Vernon A. Forbes LAWYER I'm ST NATIONAL MsNK IU.IMI., IIKNII. nWUJON Bend Steam Laundry FIRST CLASS LAUNDRY WORK at Moderate Prices. If You Have a Bundle Phone Us MRS. MAZO LOCKWOOD. A. B. STRONO General Blacksm ithing nud NVngoit Work. AUTO KK PA IK I. NT. ami HUKSI-: SilOKING are my Njiecialtics. MllincMila Ktirrt. Peter Lehrman GKNItUAI. III.ACKSMITIIINO. lorcshocliig n Spcclnlty, Corner lloiul mid Oiegon StrcetH, F. H. MAY CIVIL It N O I N 1 I II SURVKVOR II end. Orci: o n . C. S. BENSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW IKCICIt IN 1'IHHT NATIONAL HANK HUM), IlltNl). OKIMION AVP MflNFY Xty )lac!"K y,n,r QATl IllUillil jirc liuiifuiKd WIIM tMN llorticullurnl lire Ncllcf of Qtcgw (MtVrt'Ai. ) lluine nllicf, .SiIciii, Ore. I.et iik explain. s. Ii. SNYDKK AkciiI, UcihI, Ore. F. O. MINOR i-osTorriCK nuiLiiiwo I.I I'K 1M KH-ACCI DI'.NT I N S U K A N C K S'otnry Pul.llc mid Cif.ejiiclii All l.eHl 1'iipfia Oirivt'tlv liil. FIDELITY BONDS Crook County Abstract Co. NCOMIt)HATt. AIISTKACT.S OP 1tTI.lt tdall land mid lunil lots III L iwoW cdiimx. II P" Wvi.iih, Secy I'fllirvlllir. Oirc,on. Ve phiitoKtuph tlit record". lllt.N I)' 1.01)01? No. I y, A. I:. & A. M. Cijky.Mecli on TliurMlay on or liciotc the lull moon olcucli motilh. Visiting hrothciit iIwuvn welcome. o riLia. o m iiroriiiu. w m. Moore Auto Co. DAiLY AUTOMOBILES BETWEEN MADRAS REDMOND AND BEND Weiandy Livery Co. Bend Agents I lmvc on hunt! it utxxl stock of LIQUORS Diamond Mill Whiskey llannisville Rye Braiulies in IJulk--- Blackberry Apricot and Peach Many different Brands of Straight and Bonded Whis kies in case lots. In fact ALL KINDS of BAR QOODS J. R. WILLIAMS Bond mid Oregon Streets, O. C. HENKLE LOCATOR ON GOVERNMENT LANDS. MV I.INH OH LIQUORS IS COMI'l.miL IF YOU WANT A GOOD DRINK DROP IN AND SEE A1E. I Mike Dragich lloiul Street, between Oregon nud MinncHotn. I liave locuted .settlers on over Four teen Thousand Acres in this vicinity during the past nine months. I am in a position to show you the hest uvuiluhle lands. Locations Guaranteed The Home Land Company Real Estate and HOMESTEAD Insurance LOCATIONS. MMMMMM Timber Lands, Irrigated 'and Dry Farm Lands. .. O'DONNELL BROTHERS UNION MARKET gjtejJI iwmmiiMMiiiMiiftMi A- M.,'..