Mica Axle Grease Helps the Wagon up lhc Hill Tito load seems llRhler Warjon and team wear lonp.er Ynu make mora money, nml havo tnura tluio la mala money, whoti wheels to Created with Mica Axle Grease Tho loiincat wearing ami most satisfactory lubricant In tlio world. STANDARD Oil. CO. , l.rl.4 liiarNi Meiha-ae, Horn wen break Into a hank lljr Tloltnc ami with Itiitlilrr) And some mtn Hud an sailer way It? wrddlnr a kinker'a i1aiihtr. MOWAIII) K. HUIITOW -At.artf aM Ch.mt.l. I.J ilia, roliii.au hpmi.n il..i iii,l Ml t.r. leJ, 1 1 1 "U. nllt.f, Iwi tJ.la, tut i yiM vi oilr,I, OanMe litte. Ntliliif taaita aa full ii,- Ul .nl ea ei'l-ll'etliiri. Loawal anil t'lif MlKMk tulWllfri. ll.l.ltatel lUllillU II liLual H.aa. Mortgages SiffSSt tics purchased. LOANS made. M. C. NOBLE Commercial Mock I'OIUIAND, OKCGON ENGRAVING Write Us PLATES rOlt PIIINTING IIICKS-CMATTEN Portland Oregon 0.r Mulo 4J Team BORAX If unfit llootlrt md fjuUTtnl; fliai, I0, fa tino lout Aoiai to 1 OlYlami, l at. MADE FOR SERVICE IN Tilt nOUOHCST WEATHER AND GUARANTEED AUSOLUIELY .J2p WATERPROOF MTV crWCJ.i rTlbakaitaO i DAM M Pi. Vc.1 IfKFDt 3&o This trade nvatk nml lh vnml TUVtU on the buttont ditllrv mildithli hlah qiodetlkkerffra vjn at oooa bra ruU r.v C. Gee Wo Tke wall keeea rllalle CHINESE Reel Mil Herb DOCTOR m,4 iiM m'! in 'M'." 3 tHMftn4 hri-, iil In Jfc 14 mil. oft4 liUwv4r ;fM Mi...., N Mrury. rt.n of 0,ui Uwd lit turn WilhoMl 0frllon,rYl1heuMttflAldiirKnlf Urn . 1( 'Uiih. Atthfc, 11.. TttrtMl UhBtMi Kmou,, Nfuu prMmi, (HKMintt I 1 r K(4ny ltvul ImiUi UftAtM4. tottl TkbMli 1 All 1111 .Jl.- A DURE CANCER CURE Jett Ktceltcd Irom I'tUnf, China-Salt, Sura ami lit Habit. b&Yr,ilr-.llArl(IIJlOllH. CrtIMMI II .TAI'irtN Ifllltlt If rMlrattOlrall, willartirrtaH1llkakaad tlm , Tin- c W.KCT AiiPrSinrfnifiKK n. Bit rail, . Mt 1mI Uito. 1'Imm XIbIIm ThU I'kfr TripstoCalifornia OVER "TheRoadofaThous and Wonders" From Portland to Los Angeles Through San Francisco An aillilla book wllh III iulllul rnlornl rlrlurra liai Uau rubllihixl bjr Ilia Hollllicf 11 I'arlllo Cnniianr llluMial; Itii ami Ueicrlblnr tbt atliatlloni ol IliU wnnilcidil road ami Iba cu inlry lliti)Ul) which It panti, ran ol taliiclliy icmllnjc IS ranli to Chat. H. Kkc, ratitngor Tiafflo lanctr, rponi Wl, Kluo.1 llullilliiK, VaiiKrandltoo,Cal., or ilia timlaiiliimnl. S lie 11 you iti reaily to 1 oXut rtiaoni Iwr tliatyou raimyalwolMrultla Jar ami enjoy a llirouih trip rttrvot ta t'hl eaiio wliliout chaiut, flrtt or iteomt clan. li)f rurchailra your llcittoTtr llit 11. II & R , Nhort una, Union I'ariflo ami (lilraio A NorthwitUrii, Aildrru or aily lu any U, H, A N, aaant tor inoto ciiii'lil Intorniitlon. tu. Wo Muriar, lltnoral i'at tu.tr Atiil,l'oil land, Oiriioiii r.N.u. Na. 44-07 xv;.Hv WSrVV ltof,7r ' Vrv.'TrMX T C c v a 1 'nm; .r) iw 4.?",$ -f ' 4mKLIxg Hi KN wrlllav to ailvortltara vital luanllon thla papar. hWEBPfWT PACWR riCaSa i r It la n fuel of liiiniiinii olmiTWitlon Hint not nil KrHHm urn nllki In tlii-lr Kiir to ri'Kiitt iIIm'iiw, Tor pxiimiili, wlicn t 1 1 1 1 1 1 fuitT or imiMiiiioiiln la r- iilcnt, 111111- 11 fim, 11 a tiiiiiinrcl with llii' lolnl miulnlloii, iiciiilri) llm illwiiNii, nlilioiiKli nil limy In- IUIiik mi ller llll Hllllll1 COIIllltlollH Mllll lilt itinlly I'Hmihi to tin) IhfiHlloti. rilalulilim any, In k-ihtmI ti'mm, Hint (Iiom) who iwnHi limn Kri'iilcr nwliitliiK Mmir, which ini'niia tlmt llicy hint aoino nv it within tUi-iii to iliwtmy Hm Ki'rtna Hint Kit Into tin' Niily, nml no to iri-i-nt t'lHr iiiiilllillciilloii nml tlui iiiiin lifiii'luro liy thiMii of tint iiuiiih w It tell rnilan dm IchIoiim 11 nil n)inKollil of lint lllni'llKI. Kor n Ion it time It una iiiiknimn how tin' ylt-m wiia t'linliUit lu iti-atrny tho mlcrol- of illniHixii rr to niMitnilUo tlM'lr I'lTiiiN. A dilution of tho prole liwu wna, himi'tiT, rccoKiilinl nH i-mu'Ii-tint If iloali-lnn ttcro cut cuing to li- nliln to tri'in lufiriloiiH iIUimimh In tlm only rntliuinl uny Hint la to any, liy iliilni)lnK tin rniiM; or to iri'riit with cvrtnlnty their wcnim-nm In tlxiMl m0 llfUM IXI'll (XMIMll to tin In- fitiliiii, Hncti'rlolotilatN nil ocr tlia worltl ili-olcl t Iihii ah lit with crtit iiMlitiillv to ilm atmlr of thla timlili-lll. wllh thi n-nult Hint tlmy nrn imhv If?- Kliiniiic in iiiiiii-niiniiii 1110 nuiiji-ci, ni thoticti thcro nr atlll uliactira iMilnta wlilrh tniiat ln ch-nrtil up xfor the fiiinilmwit of rnatt-nr'it ropln-)- tlmt thn tlliio will oinin whrli It will Imi poa. all.lr to i-xlirinllinto nil Infvctlotia ilia enaon. Thorn nn two tln-nrli-n ri'cnnllni; tho wuy In which the lly rflla nil In. nMon of lli ImWi-rln f illwao Ihe rlirnilenl, mlvnmi'l hy lliirlleh, n d-r' ninii ImdrrlnloKlat, nml the nicohnnlcnl, illminirnl liy tho ltumfnii aoli'litlat, Mi-titinlkotT, now nt tho 1'natcnr In atlliito In I'nrK AritinlliiK In llui tint, wlwn the ikv rlnl iMilmin I'lnlMirntol hy 'tho Imcti-rln Kt'tM Into tho lilotxt, thla lliiltl nt onco U'Klua to iuniiiifiirtiir nliolhcr aiib atHiio which net na nil niilliloto, mm hliilm; with I Ik- toxin nml fortiiliut nn Inert, tioii-iilaonoiia auliatmuv. Tho illminery of Ilm ntitltoxlli tlnil III Hip llenlnient of illptitlierln wna tho n-atilt uf thla thiiin'. The aoinwl thttiry la Hint crrtnln (vIN, ntmiiii; which nr mhiio f tho while I'W'l corpuwIi-H, nclHiia nn nnuy of ilefeliw. M'UIni; IIhiii tho Imctcrlrt nml tlenlrtijliii; thiiti. Tln-w two thcorliit nrv imt rt-nlly tuiilrmlli'tory. nllhoiiph thny ncvui o, nml lurili tiriKtwiii 1110 prolmhly nt wtirU In -i'r)- i"MM' of mhw11'"' alalnlirt to nil llltnck uf lllfi-tlmia ilia ciiw Hitvntly It Iihh Ut-n fountl tlmt tho whllo hlomli-nriniKcli-H. cnllttl pirn. pM-)li or "cnllnjt tvllH," mill nltt niiw to t-nnlilo them to tlt-atroy tho line tcrln, nml on thla illatxni'ry I" foiimliHl tho tipwiulii thttio'i which will Iti ilia niMattl In it fiitum nrtlcle. Ytmth'H Companion. M Iiiiintia Nrrtterr. Mra. Orliiica, tho Inmlhiily, wna try Idk to llml out tho nntiirt) of hor now NmrtlcrV iKuimllon. 1'lrat alio nWil him If ho wna-In IiiihIih-kh. Ilo tolil hor Hint ho wna not. Then alio hiir-Kt-atttl Hint laiwlhly ho wna n aiiloaiuuii, "No, I'm not n atiloimiiii, exactly." Tnni'llnj; JimnV "Vch. I inn n aort of trnvolliiK limn." "MnUu n-Kuliir trlpa, I mipiKiaor "Very rcKiilnr." "Well, I ahouhl think you'd like Hint. Thcru'11 Homo inrli'ty nlwut It." 'Thcro Uu't much vnrlety nlaiut my trlpa. They're ulwnya throuch tho Mimu territory." "Tlmt kuIn kind o' tlreaome, does HV "Very." "Htlll, If IhihIiioah Ih good, nml jou mnku plenty of wilea " "Hut I don't mnko nny mIi-h. Tho fnct la, Mra. (IrlmcH, I nm n eonduo tor." "I'm tho tMiiductor of nn clovntor lu n MR depnrtinent atoro." "Oh I" YouHi'h Companion. Too IitilulicrHt. "I don't eo wliy you sneer at Mr. Mnrkloy," alio wild, "liccnuso Iio'h ho Bhnhhy. CJotlioH don't mnko n num." "No," repllod her liualmml, "hut his wife's clothcH often hrenk n nmii. I Hiii-er nt Mnrkloy hivnuao ho's fool enoiiRh to lie tlmt sort of nmn." I'hlla. dolphin 1'ivsrt. A Kreilitriit I.nmeiil, Of nil tho wonU of toiiKU nml men, ' Tho nisdileat nro llicaot "You'll pay mo wlic-Hl" llnltluioro American. Htnv ninny opportunllloa tmro nro to spend money I And how few oppor tunities to uiuko It I KKVftM GVNNVfe. HSfir mM aee,we.eVNi',V'e Catarrh 'n coiiillltillonal dlacato orlitltiallnr In linpuro bloodnnil reijulrhiK conitU'itlonal treatment actinic through ami purifying tho hlood fur Its radical Anil permanent euro. The crcateit oomtltutloual remedy la Hood73 Sarsaparilla III usual ll'iuld form or In chocolated tabled known aiSnrantnbs, lOOdoaeill, Naial and other local forms of catarrh aro rrllnved liy Catarrlrti, which allay In flainmatlou anJ dewlorlta dltcharga. Wo. ' A Cineaa, "Vn," anld Willie. Ihoushlfiilly, "I think I know now wlmt the tuliilter nit-nut wlini ho anld 'It la more blcsavd to ulve Himii lo rccelre.' " Vest" replied his pa, "well, vrhnl did lm mi nn 7" "Csilor oil." riillmlclplila rrcst. Wrlnhlea, A aninll boy of nn litrjttlrlnc; turn of mind, auya thu Philadelphia1 Imjulrer, looked at his father c-uruettly and a ik ed: "I'nHier, whnt nrc wrinkles?" "Kretwork, my win fretwork," ro plletl patrrfnmlllna confidently. Sneratlo llrportrr, I'lato wn Jotlilnf Hocralea about Xan tlpH.. "You mutt hare a itronr. affection for her," lit atld. "It Un't ptatonlr, anjliowr," aniwerrd K'x-ratri, lili Irritation cettlnc the better of bit ruttnmary lmfrttirliabltlty for tbt motnant (Tilrato Tribune ffirnMK rant. llscon I a eo It Is anld Hist a roan la rrsnrded sa of crentrit tbIuo to bis country st the cr of 21. fbert And yet Ibnt Is about the time of his life that he coca nlmut with ! a hnnk of aoine Rlrl'a hair In his watch caas. Youkera Waterman. AArlrr. "So you are anxious to co Into pub lic life," anld the Influential man. "Yea. I low would you odrlie me to Co shout itr "Well," If you are personally sin bltlout I should auiet politic. If your wife la aoclnlly ambitious I ehould urce.t diplomacy." Wnahluston Utar. A llur Uaarrilau. The now Hlnser liulldlsg In New Tork la now up to Its thlrty-alxth floor and hsa only alxteen more Doom to ad'l. Of course It la n little early yet to select an aerial whltewltiE. but It will hare to be done pretty won. The duty of, thla Important ofllclnl will be to push the clou Is off tho roof, Cleveland I'laln Dealer. Nntliin Btraiis, an eaatorn plillanthro phtit, has e.tahllilipl in Now York City n aorlea of milk Uxllii where pure iter Hired milk la sold to tho -oor for onn cent a liottle. Almoluto antiseptic clean liness la require) liy him In all branches of tho enterprise. In clesusluu' tho milk bottles lio uses two thlnRS hot water and IIOHAX. Tho KlislenlnR bottles tes tify to the olfcctUcncta of thin method. Mora About It. (Conrrrnlnt the fair maid of Nantaa ktt, who put tilt marked ret In ht bit ket, a corretponileot tells tbt rett of the story.) A younc man In old Varratsnsttt, On HndlDK the e. aaldi "I chanct It" Hut tlecliled quirk not to, r'or the rcr, when It tot to Old 'daniett, bad addled In transit. ktaauy louipmiy, "I snpiiose," said Cltlmnn, "you mid the ride homo to Hnnmphurat srery dny prwtty lone nml lontuome, don't jour "Well," replied Subbuba, "of course It's lonR, but I can't say It Is lone some. You see, I usually hnva n new servant i;lrl with me." Philadelphia Press. Ilia Iilea at II. Here Hit locomotive fireman spoke up. "It makea me tired," be aalil, "to hear (be batscs talk about klllln' off the tmoVo nulnuce by 'Intelligent firlnV If I waa runnln' tlilnts I'd do a little Inlelll.ent fir 1 11 tnysclf. You can bet your lift on Ibtt. I'd Art toiut of tbt botsts," On ICactpllon. "Yon cau't set s money order "for more than $100, can youT" asked Qrlu der. "Don't you believe It," replied Hatch ellcr Hall. "I cot one the other day for 1250." "Through the postofflcer "Sure. It was from my wife. She said; 'Send mo I'.'OO at oiice,' " rhlla delpbla Press. A Bon Diplomat. CJinraaatr Oood morntns, mscUta. I'm Introducing a polish for cloaolnj silver. It Is superior to anything aow on the market and the pries Is oaly CO cents a box. Mrs. Smart (sharply) Don't wunt ny. Canvasser Sorry to bars troublsd you, madam. I sea the lady next door fna rujbt. Mrs. Bmort Khl What did she sayl Canvasser She said I needn't waste my time calling hers, aa you had no silver. Mrs. Smart The tapudsct tklact aiv" six baxs. UNCLK flAM AITD FIBIl. A ffovrl l'riiiiiat-,l ISileiitlon nt t'ril rrnl Aulliiirllr, Willi the stock of foNl Ilah lu tho Pulled Hliilca Krowlnc lens I'lirh yenr tho proiMiwil of th Amerlcnii I'lahvrli-M Koilety, Hindu nt Its im-etliiK nt I'rle, Hint control over tho rltera nml lakes ho kIvi-ii to the I'lili-rnl koutiiiiil-iiI, Im n inn Iter of timely Interest, anys tlm Phlluilelphln llei-onl. "Hhnd In hj Delnwaro nro less plen tiful Hum ter, nml the record of othir rhers where they onco nlxiunded Is (ho Mine," anld nn old flaliermnn Hid other dny. "(Vunplnliit Is rife from tho Pofomnc to the t'Otineetk-ut. The ih' plelloii of the jcrent Iskea In deplorable. They nro crowing leas nml less capable of furnishing their former supply of flail. "Of course Ihe extension of Federal control la not twiptilnr, but I here seenm to ho no oilier wny of meeting tho alt 1111II011. Where n rher, ns tho Deln wnre, flows between two Htnli-s neither hns nhaolute Jurisdiction, nml Inws rarely dmetnll tut ns to effect n sillier rlslon worth tho iinme. Moreover, nrtl flclnl propagation must cnrrled on on n great scnlo ami under the direc tion of some nuthorlt.v ndeiunte to se curlitg Its full resultic "Tho bill now being drnftcd hy Con grmamnu HhlrnH of Pittsburg to bo Introduced nt tho next session of Con gress will doubtlessly bo opposed by strict ronalrucHonlata of Htnte rights. Hut Its iirotlslons will Ik! for tho gen eral good, and there appears, to lie no other wny of securing tho supply for future generations." A Joint commission f 'bo Htntes of New York and New Jersey Is now working 011 laws to bo pnsattl by ttinsa commonwealths. Pennsylvntila hns n coiutulsslon which Is nuthorlxed to co operate with It 1 ALL DAY BEFORE HER. l,Qr1JrUrtJrttrtOX?-tJ In no other town than Dublin Is the traveler so Imprest-cd by the fnct that tho tiuhljc vehicle are really servants of the public A writer In MncmlUan's Mngnxluo declare that In Dublin arc a people who refuse to be dlctnted to. No white posts, registered stopping place, nm ivmddorcd. PasK-ngers gel lu where they will and out where they will.' Occasionally, of course, conductors, being, after nil, only mortal, deem It necojwnry to hurry tho leisurely iiedes trlon, who clumbers slowly ami majes tically Into tho cur, but his urging Is nlways resented. Ono evening nn old dame's feelings prouit too much for her. She hailed tho oar too late; we had paned, nnd by the timo wo pulled up she was sev eral yards down the road. She wnt becomingly arrayed, I re memlier, In n siwtlessly white mob cap and n blue check apron, that cou'red her nmple iiettlcont to tho ery hem. She had a big basket on her nrm. nnd enmo trundling nftcr the car In a very ncgrlcted fashion. Perhaps the conductor was In n hur ry; ierhaps he thought her paw un necessarily slow; nt nny rate, ho clang eil tho bell oclferously. Jerking her basket on to the foot Iward nnd cntchlng the brass rail In ono hand, she stood on tho roud nnd trtntetl him to a Hood of eloquence, while ho tried vainly (o mnko her eith er enfer the enr or relenso her hold. Tlio driver was growing Impatient, nnd tho other cxvuiwints were so openly nimiMtl th.it the eonductur lost his tern ler. "Will jo get on or will ye not!" ho thundered. "Oct on? Whnt clso would 1 bo do In', If je'd only glvo mo time." Then alio did condcuivnd to get on, nnd filially seated herself with a genial junllo that euibracetl tho eiitlro com pany. "My," she remarked, "what a hurry wo'ro In I Surv, wo hae tho day be fore us" It was 0 m tho evening "nud that young man ramiwRln' and clatterln' aa though Ould Nick was af ter him." Hard lo Ananrr. Tho golfer had a very good opinion of himself, says a writer In tho St. Louis Post-Olspatch, and after making a fairly good drive Im turned to hit caddie. "I suppose," ho said, "you have been round the links with worse players than roe, eh!" Tho caddto took no notice, and ttw golfer begun again. "I say," ho said, loudly, "I suppose you'vo been round tho links with worse players than mo, eh?" "I heard you tho first time," replied tho caddie, calmly. "I'm Just thinking about It. Mlimml Scheme. Traveler lu Parlor Car Porter, that mou in front will give you n quarter for dusting blm off, won't ho? Porter Yeaalr! Traveler Well, I'll glvo you half a dollar to leavo U10 dust on him and not brush It off ou to unv Souiervlllo Jour RHEUMATISM I CAN NOT BE .RUBBED AWATT I It 13 perfectly natural to rub tho iirwt that liurta, nnd when tlio tnticcJcff, nervcfl, joints and Ixincs are throbblnjr aid twitchln,'" with tho paint of IUicuraatistu the nutTcrr h apt to turn to the liniment bottle, or come other , external application, In nn effort to j;ct relief front the disease, by producing , wuntcr-lrritatloa oa the flesh. Such treatment will quiet the pain tempo rarily, but can have no direct curative effect on the real disease because It I docs not reach the blood, where the cause 13 located. Rheumatism Is more , than akin deep it la rooted nnd p;roundcl In the blood nnd can only be reached by constitutional treatment IT CANNOT DIJ KUllDED AWAY. ; Kheumatism h duo to an excess of uric acid in the blood, brought about by the accumulation In the system of refuse matter which tho natural nvennca of bodily waste, the Uoxvcla nnd KIdneya, have failed to carry off. This ! refuse matter, coruinjr In contact with the different aclda of the body, forma , uric acid which 1 absorbed into the blood nnd distributed t? all parts of tho I body, nnd Khcumatism rcta possession of the oystcat. The aches and palna nre only symptoms, and though they may be scattered or relieved for n timo J by surface treatment, they will reappear tt the first exposure to cold or I dampness, or after an attack of Indigestion or other Irrcrrularitv. Rheuma tism can never be permanently cured while the circulation remains saturated with im'tallnrj, pain-producing uric acid poison. The disease will shift from muscle to muscle or joint to joint, ccttlln on the nerves, causlncr Inflammation nnd cwcllintr and such terrible pains that the nervous system is often shattered, the health undermined, nnd perhaps the patient becomes deformed and crippled for life. S. S. S. thoroughly cleanses the blood nnd renovates the circulation by neutralizing the acids and expelling all foreign matter from the system. Jt warms and invJjjoratcs the blood no that instead . of a weak, sour stream, constantly deposit- S)B affMj '"? ncriJ an1 corrosive matter in the mus- ajj Vfe cles, nerves, joints and bones, thebody Is fed. feM ItS nn( uour,'sI,cd by rich, hcalth-sustainlnt; W JaJ79 p9 blood which completely nnd permanently cures Rheumatism. S. S. S. is composed. PURELY VEGETABLE of lx)th purifylnjr and tonic properties just what Is needed in every case of Rheu matism. It contains no potash, alkali or other mineral ingredient, but is made entirely of purifying, healing extracts and juices cf roots, herbs and barks. If you are suffering from Rheumatism do not waste valuable timo trying to rub a blood disease away, but begin the ksc cf S. S. S. and wrlto us about your case and our physicians will give you any information or advice desired f rco of charge and will send our special treatise on Rheumatism. Yli SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. ATLANTA, CM. ot In Slock. Customer (at bookstore) I'd like to tet a cheap ed.tlon of Bbskspeart'a playa. New Salesman (after an txttnded search) Sorry, air. but wj hain't cot nothloc but bit works. LrtllHtr lllm Dona Oenllr. Archie (deeply morllGed) You prefer to dispense with my vlslta hereafter. Mist Pinkie, do you? Mlis Pinkie Why, yes. Mr. Feather top. In these depressing times one uiuit ilspentt with one's luxuries, you know. Tlio Klnil Von Htivo Always SSalalacarvvTaalaMPvXX'-fca.VVxVXVN.VVv CvvXSrVV -jgN. . .'vVVSaW tnro or Clins. II. rietclicr, niul bus been mailo iiudvr Ills personal supervision for ocr IH jenra. Allow no ono to deceive you in this. Counterfeit, Imitations nml " JiiMt-ns-gootl" nro liutKxiicrliiu-ntH. iin I endanger tlio health of Children Kxpcrleuco ngnlust Uxpcriiiic-ut. What is CASTORIA Cnstorin is a harmless substitute for Cnstor Oil, I'nro Rorlc, Drops nud Stiotlilnp Syrups. It is l'lcxisnnt. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Nnreotlo substance. Its ago is its gtinrautco. It destroys "Worinn nnd allays Fovcrishness. It cure Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic. It relieves Teething- Troubles, cures Coiistlpntlou and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho Stomach and Jlowcls, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children's Vauucca Tho Mother's Friend. The Kind You Have Always Bought Boars the C&U2J In Use For Over 30 Years. twc etNTftua eoMaanr, rr Muaaae aractr, new voaa city. Every bit of Preferred Stock Salmon is spring-racked Royal Chinook from the Columbia River the belt salmon in the world and the pick of them, the choice run of the seaion, caught before they leave the salt water Preferred Stock Canned Goods fait. Wamnr U Su art ilm are guaranteed to be of high quality. A pound of Preferred Stock Salmon Is a pound of concentrated nutrition, extra rich In proteiJi) a most wholesome food for the workeri delicate feait for particular eaten. Inl0-tinii(aHtPrifimJSttlfiiinsrttri AUML.li,ValMt!eMrt,rwUaa,Or.fa,V - W. L. DOUGLAS $3.00 & S3.bo shoes ,;;'& lOj-r-SHOlS rOR CVcnY MEMBER OF THI FAMILY. AT ALL PRICES. $28,000 fftZ&n&ttJ&mlSik Pa.noa.fJ l moraMan'B0X&t3.&ahamB jianrewj j ttinmnyothmrtnmiuteturor. THE IlEABON W, L. PoucUi shoet an bm by more people. la all valkaoflifa than aty othtr make It Urauto of tlielr TCellcnt tt)l. oav-llUlnt, nnd superior weiri g quauttaa. Ihattleclloaoftbtttalhtrt and other materials for eae-t ixtrl of tho tlaoe id every iltiall of Iht maklnilttoo edatlcvr tiv CbeinaioomiltitonranUallonotiu?ariatiadtnti,tormenand tallledaSoemaktn, ubortotivalhe nlghtit v.agos iwldlnlba ahotiiuluitrv, aiklwno workraaaaip cannot 1 f I oould laia you nto myl arn f aatorlea at Urock ton . Slai indthoie you how carefully w. t, Doualat sheet art maAi jvu rDuKlthan unileratanil ubv thav hola thalrahara. fit batter. wear' onrar and are of graattr value thai anv lv 4M.M lawtf .W milT rtSfWets emttiMt km mammthd f auty iu4mm. QAUT ON 1 The aenulaa hava tv. L. Uaiutaa name and nrlcu.iamiM.tAB liAttis.- l'i. Nu Hub.titute. Ask j-our dealer tor W.L.Iouglu thbet. If Lo cannot tupplv ou. itnj sVetlto factory, 8toetatrtrywUrtbymall,Ctakigtrt, W, U Iu.Ut( tkMkwa, Meaa. Sureeetlei!. New Contributor I try to write with s free, unhampered a:yle. Hdltor (looklnr over bis manuscript) Well, you succeed. I neter saw any thing quite ao nugnlSeently independent of the rules of grammar as this It. Ilraannnlile nnoasih. "I'm told," said tho rector, sternly, "that you plsy golf on the Sabbath." "Yes." replied jjlss iert, "but I only ie the clubs that I won at our cburca :alr." Philadelphia Press. llouslit hns boruu tho hIitiui- Signnturo of -VJ, Sl loetrtlwii. other make. yjaik . 1 ' ' It ' f BaaaVTify1 11 I J Hl SJaWNaV " ZiSvTjla-Msaiast -J3aaSHaa9afjTu- eHa?7yaieeeeaF v.