-tyPt"BWHPr, V I Is Sure to have Rapid Development the com ...j? year. IRRIGATION ENTERPRISES And tho Building of the RAILROAD Assure Litis. 7 THE .EN Bulletin I the KcprcKMitmive Paer of tiilf. Growing Section NO OTHER COVERS THE FIELD If you are at all interested in the Upper Deschutes valley you cannot afford to be with out it. (tt J CUJKOVMKN'S HALF-FAKR. COI.UMIIIA KOUrtilMN RAILWAY 100.1. For the year tool, tfic custom of uaoraiirg Aaaoclatloii and olljur Imiim of Clergymuu'N Half-Pare Parnilta, rendering them acceptable on the Columbia Southern Railway will Mt aboliahed, nlid thla Com jwiiy will iwiim Clerienl Order to oiduf tied clergymen having regular charge of cliurche located on or near iu liuu. Clergymen desiring wtcli orders nhoiild make written iipfilfciitiou to nen rent Columbia Southern Railway Agent for hi endorsement. Application should be made liefore December a$ih, ao mat orders may De mailed uuiorc December 31. C. It. Lvri.K. 0. 1 A. Tho 'I Mihicm of I'opul.irity. OW Uetgea nnlMM iu Ms ten, 'Hie flrat Iwimna, skin which a lot of fallows step on la a deaire to be jrujHilar. Of courire it's n nice thliiK to lw jKipuInr. but that's A biwiiiea iu itwlf. When a mnu pandtt time trying, not to make uiittinica he hnan't any left to attend to btifrinttMi. Whatever line of con duct you Htlont you're bound to makecuemica, but .so loin; as there's a choice I want you to make yotira by being straightforward and juat. You'll have the sat infliction of knowing that every enemy you make by doing the smtnrx thing to n rascal at heart. TrwMf UimI. AM J mm j, . K0T1CK 1'Olt 1'UBhlCATlON. D. B. Uurt (Mm, 7hw Dalian, lWw, MvnMhrr it, if. Katie U hatajfar itata that la umnptlam-a with tkf pavrtakni ortiw Art of lom of Jihm y ftf. ntU4. AHviikiMjUimhtaAB MlMMMr at California, Otvaoa, Waaaia.axl Waaltl(tuM TatrHery ' rtrajd4 to all tax MMic tana MUa lar Act f AaiMt 4, it of Aaamw 4, laaa, la ba JM lit thta oaV amuwlu-ajaaant iitraiwa have imai Irt I tkvtr awuraj aUtawniU lo lo-wh: IWrrt llahar afTovrMr, ciWMty at Malltnrir, UI of North IMu4a, awwn autrtnat Ma iflo. AMI May n aaai, tor law wicht f tha nK . tp) a r 1 . mt m. fraak Oreall f The llallaa euual) uf arawv. atl af rMvaoa. atwra xalvawwt No iu, aird May ia, !'. fur the i'iichar f la lata j ami 4. h4 H null aa t. iji ia, r , w m WllbftHi CfaU afrbOllBa.aaamtr of rrksa, tUVr f WIowa' axon Maiaiaiai we tan, ara May i. iws. mr tha aorrhaM mt IIm lata 1. 1 awl 1 ad aaVawar aaal vi K c a. i i. r it a. w m. A lata it IHrr.r uf T Jia DalUnt, CMuiiy of Waaoa, autt af Ofafoa . um titUMt Ha iau, fe1 May I. ltj. far tar pawcliaar uf llw af( m h. Ip H . r w e. Tbatibay wM WlVruuW'ta.hiw that UmIimI m ware raluaat atr lla ItaiMr ar Mric tnaa a aarKMUjtal twitiaMar aHa la aalaMMi lhlr rlaiara to Mai UihI Ittotr the UakHr arnt Hctwlvrrat The IUW, Drtgati, oti Ttmnaa), rlraary nlh, iau4. TtMrjr HHe aa mhkm. J SI IttwlHa. It A tnamlaa, Chartaa II MriaMa. JtiliH MTurt. WIIIUM OawnlMe. W W OrealtaHil UUtn Turarf. ufThr IMUra, or, JyhH MrMll, Outtar Mluutti aad Uu KriMMi, of Hratl, Or, llaai Ihrtioa, AaaaM Prryat and Wilhelm Crtarara. of Phi In. Wlacuuia. UmI. llaMtcn, of laachuta, Or Aa ami all ikinhii daimluu atlrrrMrlv tka abunr-aVvcrlbrd Uh4 air rn)urKrl la HI thrfr vlalaw In that oUt un ar UfcH the aaal 1 itti day or rawaary, ivm 44f iit CIIAKI. T NOLAN, HrgMar. Tlatbar Laa4, Act Juae J. itjd. NOTICK FOR PUHIjICATION. U. . UihI OMka, Tlw 1M!. Oraajaii, ucior 7. iaj Mattat l baraaur Ktn Hut Ih auii4iHc with llwpwrt.hin' 01 11 IM Alt f Cniiie of June 1, wra, anuuati . "All ad lw the MMull hium-I An wet far the MWuTllHilrUii C MW Ul IIHIUfT MIHM la th Mtaof Calllwnla, otriron, Ncvaiia, mnl WMkiactati Tattltary," aa ekteiidad la aH the tUk laud atata by Art of Auut4, 1S0, HIcImiiI It Cauitron. ofllawl Kloer.cvuiity ofWaMu. atal6rorttan. haa lhl day AkU In thl ulhor hi. i.uh (al MMal No ja, (or Hie jwrclio uf the iK "h awl M 1 ami 4 of arc 1 and lot I, e 1, li i a, r ia t , w w, Ami will ulftr xof to ahow that the UimI aua(hl la awr valuable fur lla tlaitter or Mane thaJi for BarkMltaral urjoa, aud to atabUaa) liU ataliu lo aakl UihI IwAmc the KrMar aad Kaeaivar at The IMttea, Oryioti, on Mmtday, the day of December. iaj. Me Maaaa aa wllaraaea ItdmHUd K White, Charles I Mater, ltoy.1 K Unreal, T Ho4l River, Oirinm; A K ltl., oTHcimI, Oreaon. Any and all iiecwwia cUiwlHg adversely Ike ahaea ilaietlbad umh ar leuueatad to Me Ihelr Wore ilracrlbed Uluu la thla iM eUltaa la tal. iMftec oi or Ucfure Hie Mht 11. 1 day ar Daserabrr lU'it ltd MICIIAKl. T NOI.AK. UauUlar. Columbia Southern RAILWAY. 1'AaaMNOKK TRAIN TIM1I CAR II. llrfilc fvatitary is, ! North buMud NU. I. IIAILV ra STATIONS. UUHIVK A.H. una ..- 11 J 11 oo ! l4 10 ja 10 tj ia 11 10 11 10 o 9 i" S 40 ( ao ! ! ? i 1 IS 4 oo i ' k ..Jtiaba.. .....AVaaottM,, ...RleMdTk. ...Jauwuit 1 Jiitiftttoii.. louauauU. .DaM(U ..... ....miho .. Mrakiuvnie drui Valley ,..,,. llouiljoii Keat Witoox... . 8IIANIKO .1 II 00 ,lAK AHK1VI Dally aUM cuuntctlyua at atunlku fur Alltel- R'iibu.iVr.A,'l?i: CHIi 1, Iftiievtu, iitiui, imnit, aiirer uiMi.i.ima V. AttlC) hilHfll. hiitwi nv. twtw le. Alitnna. Aaliwoan. Can yoiil gity, JOlin m; Ffty. ami I'lW'ill. It. D.WOODIIUKKV. bucrliittiU,aiit. KlianlLo, Or. C. . iATI.lt, O. V. nml V. A. blmnlku, Or w. BAH.V CAJHa. LUVt I'M. ' Timber Mini, Ait June J, l"7l. NOTICK FOR, IMPLICATION. V. ft. LiiU OIIIm, The Dalit, oiegon, November 11, ipj. NoUe Is l.ifhy tltcii thai In txmilM"c with OHtMVnIMsiltcrOttAM of Congrva, of Janet, IM rrtHU4. "An ftdTW the talc ofllmber lamb In lit state if Califitriils, Oregon, Nevada, and waabiugioti f tttUmy," ciien4l to all the uwhUr land slDUtfiy Art of Ahch1 A. Met. lh following named mh aii have fikal In I Ms ofm iweir sworn ttairwent. k Orate. L Holm ofKverrtt, ermiity ertohomiri, .talc of Wash itiKluti. "tn ltTiit Nu leaf, fur the pttr- Hr of iIm h( act l, l a a, r M , w m. filMJt&j CrovN If im4ac! of I'.vetvtt.emiiity ofSeiuh.milsb, atatr of Ween lugton, worn aUletocnl No 190s, for I he pur rhaseofth HH jand 4 ami H w JI. t Mi a, r h w "' (irg. I' ItaiiK WftlK, NMUla, eamiity of King, Of III Hurbe Mil -.lale of WtilniW; awom Utewtlit Nil IWI, for the twrcnate m Ih aw u, a ij Clark Aleaander oTIlealiierd.coHMty of Crow H'laji, atate of Mia nrAm. error H aletttrnl No laaa, nieo May A ai, for lh wrefMM of the m arc at, tp la, That they wtll nattr (rtoof l.nlHmthal the Uint anahl la more mlHablr fir lla timber f atotie Ibaa far agricvllarel rpur. and la eelaldMi Ithrfr elalars tojmtd larld hefur e the Healeter aad Receiver at Tlir Inll irifH, 01 Tueklay, 1'ebruarv it 1. in Thryaawrat w(iHrM-' Henry W lloltaea. Ilarl W llttMad, Hrulah Cora llatrd, Oraer I, llolmea, of llretett, Waah, WIIIUM llawha, .if rMiiami, iireBon, a. j uuiieaH, mkiumi Lonaar, N Mralth and C A 111, of The Uellr. ot. 1. 1! AltlMahaM, Ifarl Orwitr and Oay rteorgc, of aaaier, w. u J uray, 01 imcnatea, urroori. Any aad all rf"ti ctalialiut adrerarly the ahowKkvcrtlMlil UiHlrarr faaaoMM la AW tlirlr rtaimr (a till, olltec ou or Urtire the aafd lath iy otrebruaiy ivt. d4-f 5 MICIIAKl. T. NOI.AN. Keot'ler. Timber Mad. Act Jan 1, itr. NOTICIS FOR PirnMCATION. I', ft. I .awl Olfkr, The llaltr. Orricoti, Novemtier 11, iau. Nutfr I hereby elren lint In onatillaBar Willi llw orwlakiMi T tfir Act of CofiRrrM of Jaa 1. 7a, rmnien, an aci ror ine paieoi timnerHiiMi ia Ibr aUkleaoCaliritiiU, Otrumi, Nevada, and Wabin(aa TetrMory," aa eattarfed to alt Ibe Mbfic land atatea by Act of Aajurt 4, itw, tkr bUuwiaa-iMieiarl fieTMirM have Aled In thta oAJee Uatiraworn atalrmeata. to-wH l.uvlrla Wir. af Bkukaav, eoonly of aaWoa. rtate af Wh- ataian. tea) uuiwte Ari. awrara awrairm no 774 Bled April ia, iJ, for the ) of the H'). ijiiamr we, w m. Kaaiert aoerttiaOH. Ooaaral b-Hety. apoliaa. aaaaly af aiokaae. aw ui waaainajiaa, awer n awetawm no 177. tied A aril 1. luai. (ar the tHircha af the M awlfaadeM "H area, lp wa, r ie, wm. Jeary I. apeacor, of aaa CaelM Ave. bpoiaan. awttity at ajaoVane. rtau of Waatr)Hleti. rwern aUtratarat No 177. urfrd Aunt 1. iom, for the perch of the hK mc r, lp 1 a, r ia. w m. MktMrl II 1ttvfl. of Th Itatlaa, county of Waaee, aeale ofOraeon; warn tataneol No 17a!. AM April aa, lyaj. for the parcheoftheawi( we , tp ija, r ia e. w w. Thallbry wtll effrr Hrouflv ahow that tbeUnd aouf at I mar valuable lor It limber or Hwr Ibaa for anloillMrl purpiec, awl to ratablrah lawtrclalmaloaaw laad brrorclbe Ketr at The Dalle. Oreron. on Prntay Jaauary jth. H- Tfcey aaincaawftMraiwa JolmHteldl.ef Head Orayoa, Albert ChiMianen, Kolnrtt Tboainon minon, rnUH, alar L Mwacer. I.uwtlla nnewcr. of mki Waaklnaten: ilkhart Conner. Koaa Iec rVinivan aad Martin Ontewuwalrr. of The OalhM, orewoa NeHa Mrlnlyr, of Hannah. N. ItaVota, Arbart ChrtlcrM, of Spokane. Wa.h. Any bad all iwtmwf raalmlnc adrerarly the abgve deacrrbad land, ar rqaafeil to Ale their dalma In thli airier on or before the Mbt yth day of Jaauary, ivf. mij-jU MICIIAKL T. Xpi.AN, Krglttey. Timber Iind, Art June 3, 1 17. NOTICK FOR PUMilCATION'. V. 8. Land Office, The Dalle. Orvesn, ovctniHr u, 104. Notice I hereby glrrn that In cow (ill nc with the nrovtaion 01 11 IM Act Ceecre of June 1. tK,calllrd. "An 'K. catliwd. "An act I ar be aal of Umber land ih lb autca of CallPMHW, Oregon. Nvvada .M.I Wa.aiagtoH Territory, aa extended to all the uubkc lead atatea by Art of Aunt 4. !. thr Mtowtng named peraon have filed In thla enV inetr aworn atatenaanta, ta-wit. Ouit W. Maholin of Morcbead, coanly orCiay, atate of MlnReaeta; aworn atatemeut No iMf, bled May 11. loaj, fbr Ihe parchaaeof thceefc; ae it.tp if a.r Mc.wm. Jjou J. Ilrrgrtrn of Netum. euuiity of DohuUi. Mate of Mlniie- nu;arora atalemvat No ibai, Bteil Jun 1, leal. fur the putchaK of the nej awf. & nwi( and aH rH arc it, tp 17 a, r le. w ui. Simon htelJI of Alexandria, omiBty of DougUa, atate of Mlnnc mm, .Morn .tateiHti.t No 1(01, filed Jane 1, 191, for Ihr fHircltaw of the ncK "H U. H Hiiwiiiaiwii aw ac 75. lp 19 a, r It e, w m. I'ird UiMin of Nrlton. cuunty of IkMulaa, atalc cf Mlniif ota aworu atalcineul No lia). filed June t. wj. for the narchaie of the ill e( arc 7. ar) nw)( and nwU U aec as, tp 10 a, r He, w m. That they will olfrr wnuf to ahow lint the land auugbl M hmwc valuable for It. tlmlier or alone tbau Ar antb-ullural (mriMn, and to caUbUth tbetr cMaw to aakl laud before the Kegtaer and Kcertirr at Thr ltallcn. Oregon, oil Thuraday. Pabtuary iMh, it. Tit) nam at wttii. John llrauti, Anton HrauH. hlU Tlur awl 11 M PhltUM. af Spok anr, Waah, l'ml Laraon ami Lout J Itcigatcn. of VeUou. Mum, hlwoii Slrldl, of Alcaaudria. Mian; John Meull. of Dcacbutea, Oregon, J aim llarur, of llliuvllla, Dirgon Any ami all MToeia ehtltulna adrerarly th bovMrciiUdUitdaarcraflu(ilta Ale their claim ia thia oiftc on or berate lb aakl ih day of Pebyuury iv"4 M-I MICIIAKL T. NOLAN. UcgMcr. Timber Umt. AM June 3, 17 NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. U. 8. Uwl OffkM, Tin Mall. orgu, ot la berrbr given tlwt la cowpUauor wilh avlekw. i-fth .tot of Ceugr of Juur J. ftllUed, ".uactmrttMtlcof tluibrrUuda atatea of Call (tonii, Oneguii, Nevada, aud naremurr , ij iraMotMaM lb DCwrlekMi ia. anlltled. ia IB atatea of Cli(Wnll, Oragun, Nevada, aud Waahhaglwi Trtfilury." a. ekteudail to all the peblk laml atatea b net ar Auttiat 4, in4. th rtdtowiHg-aaiuad per4M have I1 In tbi uAWc lltcii aworn MalrnwHta, lartvh: HrriMrd A. Shtlbere. of NelaoH, county of Uaejtal, Mali of Mlaue- aotaiaivoru aifHaaeui naaai, nuwjHiie 1, ibj, tor the purcaaa- ofthecH 'K awl aw k' aac , lp iv r 10 e. w m. Ouv 11. Maiiiiln ol Uowlliig, COMUty of Ikrry, Hlalr of Michigan. aworn atutdwriu no neat, Ulol JUy a, 1013, for lb purcluM uf the 11k) tti and 1 H n H kc ij, lp lea, r la, w u. John Nkliolat llrouu uf AUmiulrta, county af DeiiaUa. atatgqf Mliine- mh, orn ttaletMiil Ka lo, ntnl May m, ajaj, rnrlltcmiAofltii!e lie.'f andrlt aeli " , tp M a, r It V, w IU, Tbat they will "llrr jirojifto aliuw that tlieloml aouglit Un.orc vnlualit for ftn timber or abine tlwn tor agrWiutuml riHa, and la cabibilab llirlr claim to auin lain! IwDirc the Kegtiter aad HecrivtH- i rue ixuiea, urtgou, oil wetuieajay, I'ebruary 171b, 'vt Tliei name Iiiiob'ii OuyK Manning, of wiiug, Mtculgan; JolUL N llrouu, 01 Airxan A. Minn, loll 11 IIUW. ortiUtera. Or. Mnlliuia J lint, uf DcMliulea. OnllcnurdA hliclliefg. of . Nal.on. Mlun. Any mid all iicrauua linliiilin; nilvernl- the nUivc-ileaci ild taiiiU ore rVqncaled to Ale then claim In tin ullice on qr licfarc the auld ijlh day of I'ebruary, iU, (Ufa MICIIAKL T. NOLAN, UcgUUr. Timber Mini, Art June j, 17.. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. I. B. Land Officr, The IMIlea, Oregon, imoiKT , ivj. No! lor l hereby Itfren IImI In cumiillanee wild in pfumtewe i wie act hi uoiire 01 June 11. erlMtod. "All act for the Mir of Umber Un 4 III lb latw of California, Otrif"", Neva.ta, am) War4ila(tu Territory," or rxtenlrl to all tlir imbtle land atalai by Act of Augul 4, ii, the loiMiwinf namea rn iwrr iumi 111 tiiieoiKce Ihelr attorn atalenieiiU, lo-wll: rMt c. umilami. nf llachly , rounly of Mete, .tale of Washington: worn auirmmi pi. niei ioren to, 19), Air lb purvhaneef thenwiaecii, tpi; a, r 11 e, w w. Anlrpw II. Ortclar, ofliaaaah, coantyaf Cavalkr. aut of N Da kota. eworM MaUment No 1717, fileil March 1, if.j, Air trie tmretmae of the lK e 77, lp 17 a, r 11 e, w m. of MUcblaek, aaoNty oflltrHil,.uirof Mlnne- enta. arrorn atal taamil no imi, hii March i, it, for I he paratWae of III nr ar J. If I7.r laiM Mnrhy, of Newberry, eotmly of ,oce. rfate of Mleblgun: worn atalemrnt No lot, Aled Peby ti, ioj, for thepurehaat of the iieKCM,lpi7a, r it r.wm Nellie Ofary, of Mvealdjl, county of Xaltranil, alatr of Minne aota. awofH atatement No tifl, filed I'eby at, laej. for the purcharr of the nej ace I, tp 17 a, r 1 e, w in. William T. Murphy, of Newberry, roomy fl,uce. UleofMlelilrii; aworn Halemrtit Ne i7, filni I'rby. 11, 199), for 11 porcna. w 111c 1W ace 77, IU 17 a, r II C, w m. Thatlhfy will offer proof lo allow that I lie la ml aonaht hi More valuable for lla Umber or atone than for agricultural tmrpwa, and to cotabtMh ibrlr dalma lo aahl laml before the Ktgfeler ami Kecciver at The llallm, Oregon, on rialurday, Jaaaary ath. ivm. They name aa wltnraae. Mark Maynard, Pred n and It M llaaae, of Bumner, Waah iaalon; Aadrew II OrMaea, of Hannah, N Da kolai Nlohota Amltli. of The Dalle, Oregon; Lowly C WlUlami. nfllockly, Waihbjglon; I'cter Hptlman ami Tboitiae Tweet, of The Dalit., Ore gon. John Ookkcn, of Deaehulra, Oregon; Will Wei T Murphy ami lltlra Murphy, of Nrwlrry, Midi 1 gaii. NHllrOlary.of licmhljI.MIiinraoUs William N ttowacr, of Urmldll. Minnesota. Any and all tiermna daitnlng aderely Ihe abnve-deacrlbad laml are rra,Me4n to file th'lr rtalta in Ihlaofbee on or before Ihe aaldylhday of Jaaaary, 1004. oaj-dat MICIIAKl, T. NOUN, Krgliter. Timber Land, Act June s,ttjt- NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. 0. h. Land Office, The Dallea, Oregon, November H, tvi NotkM hi beteby given that In compliance with Ibe umrteioaw oftb Act of CBtigrea of June 1, 17, rattUed. "An act far the aatcef limljerUmU la Ibe Mate of Calrfornbi, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Tctrllary," aa eltended te all the pabtlc laml Male by act of Anjtn.t 4, i, the follow tHgnat paraona have filed In IbuiolMc Ibclr anorn atatcmenta, to-wtt: Harry II. Thomas n ,b Ml, fliMi IImIUm Mual.llBllHnnal. atate of Oregon; aworn atatenwnt No Iy9, fried Jan 1, iej,forlhe (Hircbaae of the aK aec la, lp 17 , r 11 e, w hi. Ole K. ChrMrnaon of 417 If Tt S'rrt, Oreen Lak. county af King, atal of Waablnaton; aworn atatctacnt No ii, bted Jnecs, iuj, fortaepurcbaacofthe w awK, nV awK and al, hK m-c 17. tp a a. r 11 c. w in. John O. Johnaen af 417 K 7it Mreet. Oreen Mle. county of King, Mat of Orcfcoti; awerti Matement No laij. filed June j. ievj, for the puicbaK of the aK awt(, aH awk and actf nwjj aec ia. tp aa, a, r 11 e, w m. John llteli of lairth btrrrt, PertlaiHl. county of Multnomah, tale afortajoM; aworn atatemeut No MVi, Gled lni.i. for the purdiaae of thcuwkfarc I), fi 17 a. r 11 e, w in. Tbat they will elTrr proof to ahow that theland ongat Is more valuable for it Umber or alone tbau for agricultural purtw.ee, and to cataldlab Ourir dalma to aihl land befarc Ihe KraUteraud Rclvr at The Dalle. Oregon, on raturday, Pebruaty aoth. 19A4. Tbey name aa wltnrra: George W Morrow, Jobn Pitch, Prank W Pox and Harry II Thorn., of I-ortUmi. Or, C Kobiuwn. of WalU Walla. Waah: O llewaon, hleita llewwin, John O John ton aad Ofcrli CnrLleaMHi, of Green Lake, Waah; John Otoaa, of Mend. Or. AN) and all persona claiming advencly the abcnr-dercrlbed land are rrau(ed lo file their claim I11 ihU erne on or before the eatd th dy of I'ebruary, teat, diift MICIIAKL T. NOLAN. Kcgtater. Timber LBd, Act June 3, iaj. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. U. 3. Land Office. Lakevlcw, Oregon, October 14. Mjoj. Neticc la tnralgr given that Iu complunacc with the prevWetaa oftlie .Vet af Cengrena of June j. 170, mmai, -aa an rur me aaieoi tunnrrianua In the atate ef Callfornln. Oregon, Nevada, and WataiHtjteti Territory," a extruded to all the public land atataa by- Act of AuguU 4. iSa. the MUewiBB-aantcd MiaiHia have tula dav filed In thla oil.ee their aworn statement, to-utt It A. Martin. of The Dalle, couuty of Wn.ce, state uf Oregon, aw urn atalement No 7$. for the purchase oftlie nwl aec ia, tp ji a, rii e, w 111. Mar Xu.wll. of 7JK IhtrnsWeSt, ortUnd, county of Mult- nomaii, ataie of Oregon: aworn statement o J051, for lb purchase oftlie llVa awW, ala uwU aac 11, lp ai a, r II r, w m. fraud. M. Horn. of Olivet, county of ItatoR. suite of Michigan; ewora atatetmrni No 754, for the imrehasc of the aw nK. nwlf st(, seb, uwjf and ton j and 6 a, tp ji a. r u w 11, fleor ce W. Kevea. of tHiv-et, count)- of Italott, state of Michigan; sworn statement Nu 745, for the imrclwiscurthe rta awK. tot 7. aec i, tota 1 aud 1 aec 7. tp ai a, r lie, w at. That tbey will oAvr tmMftoatiotr thatllwtaml aougUt ia more ralaabic for it timber or stvn than for agricultural ptwyuac, aad to ortablub their ctoinia to said land hefoe Ja II. DeVMoll. County Clerk, at Klawatb falla. Oregon, on Saturday, tnr atb day of Pcby, lyaf. Tbry name witne. Ira A Martin, of The Ualbra, Oregon; May Kussell and Prcd 1' Whlttea. tH Portland. Oregon; tleorgc W Key-. 1'rucia M lloru. of Olivet, Michigan An) and all peTMHi cUlntlug atl abote-dcacrtbed tandaarc rmucatod t cUimala ihiaufAcc ou or before the adversely the 1 lo file thru claims la thUufnc ouor before the said Atb cia ofPrtiraar) im at?-)J n. !. ukahaia, Krgtsier Timber Land. Act June 3, vft. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION'. U. a Land oAVc. IUevlew. Orcgvn, IKtober 17. iwjj Notice I hereby given tlut In complianre wilh the tirovtaioiHi orthe Act uf Congrea of June 1 1H7, entitled, "An act for III sale of timber laud lu the state of California. Orcgou, Nevada and Washington TerrltoT)." cxtctidnl lo ull Ihe public land ttAla by Act of Augii.t 4, ivJ, IjHituti M. Marah. of lvbiit, eauttty uf Crook, slrlc of ()rKou, lia filed la lhb office hay sworn autenwat No 7V. Tur tbe purclutM of tlic WM uw)j tec 7. H as l sec 17, tp tt t. r 9 e, v in. Ami will ofler 11 roof 10 show that the laud nought is wore valuable for it Umber or atone than for agricultural ixirpos, aud to establish her claim To said land liefbrc U. 11. Ward well, I' . Cviuiiuissiuner, at Mleer Iikc, Oregon, ou , Tliuiwuty, the mil day of I'eby, ium. : ttbc nautv aa wltuctsca: Ufcbartf King. WU-' Ham Marah. J N Hunter, 1'raJ Marsh, ull ori)s ebulca, Oiegou. 1 Any and all prue claliiiiiig adrefwly tu ' nbovc dcsvrilied laiid arc requested to flic their claims In this office ouor before thcfcUilth duy I of l'eby, 1944. UI7-I9 . M. 1IRATTA1N, UtsWor. Timber Mini, Act June J, lAtt. NOTICK FOR PUBIilCA'J'ION. V. fl. Laud Office, The Dalle, Oregon, Oetuber 11, ' 1 Nolle (a hereby given llw I In conipMan with omnMrn nnd reel nf f ..it- 1. ofttiM . '.iida a, S .."l.i uad vl'il !. nil 1 be lie prBvuioiiaoi tnc Act 01 Lonarcaf r,i IR7. eiiiiu.i, --ah act for iMMHrorum In Ih stale of California, Oregon. WaiMnetoii Trrritorv." a rslrnt pubttCMnd slalea by AH of AnanM 1 -, Ha foUowlng-mnieil person hare filed in this uftnhr ineir aworn taiemenia, to-wit: Charlea K. Mot rlo, of Monmouth, eouHlyol folk, ata"- of orfg-.n: aworn aUternent No 1741, filed Aonl 1 the purchase of the L0U1 and land ', ., ace 6, tpmi, r ije. wm. lame Mabon, of North Itfancn, cuuHty of Uli' '' I Mbrlilgan; aworn statement Noi;m !'' Unn h 74, nkj, fsr the purchase of Ihe iiw k i, if a.r lie, wm. Chart H. Downer, if North ..ranch, cwinty af Upai state i,f Mu h . fan; awern atalement No rfj, lilr.l M.r h .-( leal, for t be parctwae of the Lot 1 an-la-ndai lieK aec s. lp M a, r ij e, w m William Mabon. of North IJranch, eMnlyef I.apr atau 4Vi-ti-igna; swor M statement No 175. l'. M ,r, u i, ia. for the purchas of lta j ami 4 and e'l iiwli aec 4, lp jo a, r ije, w m. That they win offer ruof la abow that thr Und aought I mote valuable for It tlaibrr m stone than for agricultual purpose, and to .tnl,nk Ihelr claim to aakl land before the krgtai.r and Kecciver at The Dalle, Oregon, on iursiiay. January jth, s14. They name a witness: Wittlaui Mihn, iame Mahon ami Charlet II IHwnrr, l N.rih ancfc, Msdilgaii. Albert a anol.u. Uu . .h fit , Portia lid, rrgvn; C K Morrison ..1 1 ,t barm, Washington; Amos tk-adshaw uf 1, it land. Oregon. Any and all rrsnt etalmlnr adrrrariv the bore-described landa are reiutfeil to Glr tlKir claims In thla office on or before the aiM 5th itiy of January, ifn. ol-d.j MICIIAKL T. NOLAN, Kegiaier Timber Land, Act June j, 1711. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. U. B. Land Office, The Dallra. (: ,'n. Oelebrr u, iqnj Notice la hereby given that in eutnplia.i: with lb prtrrtalou of the Art of Congers .rf jun. i. i7, emitted, "An act for lliemfeutllinl.-r ,un.n in the atate of California, Oregon, No.... . ,1 Wetbingieti Territory." at extnvuM 10 j.I ihr nbU bind aiate by Act af Angnst 4 xj C'R swowtnjt-named peraon bat on int . , Atetl In thla office their anern atalcmenw. v. w.t: Oertrudc Olson. of IritUrd, county of King, atate of VI ln.ig1.,n awtirn atalement No isi, for the ar ) . ( 'i. njawj( eecTyanacM aejj aecy. iptva rue w in. OlcCbrlstcnacn. of IWllard, county of King, state of Wash ngt-.n aworn statement No iaja,torthr pur-hasr of thr K nJ, nK i aceie and seH n''t m y tp so a, r 12 c, w m. Marv A. I'rtaraon. af Daltard. county af King, atalc of W ,.hin.tu aworn atalement No lis), for the purchjs. uf the M nwU andcH wjscc ti, tp ia. r ne win lohn Kramer. of Seattle, county of King, state of W. ahir.gtun awern atalement No upx, for the pun. base ( 'ti. H nw( ace 11, ami CM ne aec n tp ... r 11 e, w m. That they will offer prof to ahow tb.it the land aought i mere valuable far Ha timber w si.re tbau for agricultural purpose, ami iu sut,'ih their claim to aakl land before tbe R-vt..e fid Receiver at Tbe Dalle. tHegon, 01. Munt.. December Ji. iy). They name aa witnesses. CeTtsmlr i',sn, Mary A Peterson and Olr Chrlstenaen of Italian. Washington; John Kramer uftrtle. Wahi"ir ton: O lUwson of Seattle, Wathiatton. J,h Hies, of Ilend, Oregon; Andrew t irtw.ii f Aaolph Peterson. Andrew Jehnaon, Lcui. j hn son. Andrew Anderson of Minneapolis. Mnu Any ami all persons clslrulng adversely Ihe alwvt-descrlbed lands are rratieated iu ale ihnr dalma In tbi office on or before taeaaid list day ei imemiKT, iw. ui6-dlS MICIIAKL T. NOLAN. llrgWter Timber Land, Act June j, llT- NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. V. S. Labd Office, The lUHc. Oregon. November 9. 19J Notiec I hereby given that In eampbance with the provisions of the Act of Cangrea of June 1, iM entitled, "An act fur th. sasvef tlmlier Unci In the state of California. Oregon. Nevada and Washington Territory," aa extendeit to all the politic land state by Act of August 4, its,; th mllosrutg. named person have aled in tins off cc their sworn statement, to-alt: lltrman Dumke if Medford, county of Taylor, atate of Wisconsin; worn ataiaiueHi ro 114, inea May it, xa. lur live purchase ef tbe nw aec it, tp 19 a, t 11 c, w M. Levi W. Olbsan of Medford. county of Taytor, stale of Wisconsin awern statement No list, uleu May 1. 1903. for the purchase ofthcaM nw) and aK ncli aec 17. tp 19 a, r 1 1 c, w in Mlkkel A. Laneolen of DKhutea, county of CrooC state of Oregon; sworn statement 'No 177. filed April ct 1903 for the purchase of the wKaw( aec 14 and eS sef sec IJ, tp 16 a, r le e. w in. Keinhart Peterson of Deachutet, county of Crook, state of Oregon; sworn statement No 17M, filed April 13, lyn for the purchase of tlte wK sell and cH " c if. tp is a, r I e, w m. That thev will offer woof to ahow that the laud aought i more valuable Air Us timber or stoa than for agricultural pajpascs, and to es tablish their claims to said laml before the R. Uls ter am! Receiver at The iMllc. Oreaon. ou 1 it- day, I'ebruary yh, 1904. Tbey name aa witnetMC. Lrvt W OilMoa and llernun Dumke, or Medford, Wiscotisln. (.ustsr Miaalh, liul. Netsen, Tbonias Johaaui. and John Steits!, el Dcbuta, Orxgon. Wiltum Critusail. of 1'billitM. rbtcoaaia. lohn W IUi ne. of iHtHeville, Oregon: Rtinbart Peterson and Mikkcl A Langosen, of Lake Park. Minnesota Charlea Wilson, uf Morcbead. Minnesota Any ami all tnr sou. ctatwitu. udtersrlv the above-desrilK.-l Uuds are requested to hU- their ileim In tbi once ou or hfer the aakl 5th day orrraruary, lea u7ir MiCllAliL T. NOLAN, Re.iUcr NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. Department of lb Interior . Land UDtt at The Dalle, tirrgon, Isrcemnt , 9 i9i Notice i lierrl.v tni that the foUowttiit natacd settler nas lib 1 notice of his Inl. otiou to make commutation uioof m suuport of in . l..ui , and that said proof Mill har made belorr ) M Lawrence, V tt I'utnimsdoiicr at lx -chuus. Oregon, en Prulay Janutt iyth, 1904, ii tMiver Jvihasou of Dmcbutc. orcgou. II H. No I17K1. for the w', n i, nwK wK arc 1 aud c)( ucl4 ace 1, t w r 11 1, w in He name the folio lug whneea to pro.. Ins t-umiuueua rcaideuct uuou and cultivation .t .t 1 1 latsi, via Aral Auue, Joseph N Hunter, Theohilr si Vh-rwl aad Mas.m LcPagr, of Dewcbutv r diS)t MICllAhL T NOLAN, Ueti.ler NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. Departuteut oftlie Interior, tnd office at The lVsl.es, Oregon Nuvcnilier 13U1. ivi Notk-C I hereby given that the fallowing named wKtler has filed notieanr !.i luicutiuti t make coaimiitiititiii proof iiiatviiportaf but cluuui, anil that ld proof will Iid usade before J M liurencc, I' K Cuuim-.aoaser. at iMscfniira uregott. on ulurdy D. v. tnbVr J6th. 1703, mi JibuJ IMSkwi, 6f Deachule. OrcgMi. It- It Mo 1135s, for the c '-, kU tec ty. tp 17 a, r It e, w m. tie name Ml folUnvliig vvilacaw to pro c bis coatioivou fe-ttJtve upon and cultivation of said laud, vli. Ollbcrt Macau, Ole Hricksou, William 11 gtuul, Joliu msenior. of Deschutes, Oregon tuu-dij MICIIAKL T. NOIVN. Register