l K 11 h WW ElkiM (h King, PRINEVILLE, OIUSGON. WE WANT THE TRADE Ofuvuryoncnt Ilund and its vicinity, mid arc willing lo moot you nil more tliiin half way to got it. Wc know that after trading with us once there will be no rouble about securing your sulmquuiit orders. Wc will give your MAIL ORDERS The same attention and prompt shipment that wc would were you pros out in pantou. Wa will Mil you nothing but first-class goods nt as low a price as it is Hwibl6 to make, ipiality boing considered. .Send us a trial order. Yours SUHSCRIHF. FOR Till? WEEKLY OREQONIAN ANI THE BEND BULLETIN. BOTH PAPERS $2.00 PEI YEAR. You Cnti't Atlss M. C. AWBREY'S SALOON IN MWCIIl'TIIS, OKItUON. Stonewall, Monogram and Kentucky BOURBON WHISKIES, Olympia Beer and Fine Cigars. City Heat Market. j. 1. wiwt. rrp. MEATS OP ALL KINDS Mutter, Hggs, Poultry, Potatoes, Vegetables in Season. Nonrly opposite Pilot llutte Inn Wnll Sticot. MILLARD TRIPLE'IT, BLACKSMITH All kinds of wagon work done. Horseshoeing a Specialty Shop Opposite Sclioolhotno. HUM). ONIIOON. J. Al. LAWRENCE, U. H COMMIHtUONHK. Nolnry PutillCi Insurance, Township Plain for Upper Deschutes Valley. mum OKKOON. ). !'. IIMLKNAI' M I) ClMS. 8. MllWAKIM M. I). Drs. Belknap & Edwards, PHYSICIANS AND SURQIK PRINUVIIXU ounaoN. Offlff nt Hear of Wlnne V' Drug Wore. AUstmy ami Notary. I Will practice In all coiirla in the Hate, M. R. BIGGS, V, H. Coium(lonrr. PKINItVIU.lt OKKOON. I.aml illinjt and proofa uf all VliuU, office on Irccl leading to umrtlimi.c. Irish Chipmunks. John Bloss reports that the chip mucks out in 1 5-n arc Irish; at least they have a great liking for jiotatoes and dig the tubers out of the ground with great thorough ness. The small rodents like the potatoes young and tender and do not wait for them to mature. . Mr, Bloss planted- oir his' homtstend this for biniue.11, ELKINS m KING. season jottttocs, carrots and turnips. All grew well but the harvest of olntoe.i went to the chipmunks. They didn't seem to fancy the other vegetables. However, it is pre sumed that with larger clearings the chipmucks will cease to trouble the vegetables. Thin is Mr. Moss's first year on his homestead uud he has only about two acres tilled. He will have about five acres in crop next season. He smys he has the Iwst homesteader's cabin in Crook county, of hewn logs put together so tight that they bafllc even mice. This makes a warm and comfortable house. Mr. Moss has groat faith in the agricultural productiveness of this country. He says it has not had a fair show yet and nobody knows what it will do, The fine crops of grain raised on farms a few miles northwest of Heud this year show that projwr cultivation of the soil ' will bring results. Of course water is essential in some places but it may le hud. To stir the soil and take care of the crop is the main thing, however, for many localities that arc not popularly regarded as promising. Nature will do its part if the farmer will do his. Tito School Rhetorical, For the rhetorical exercises at the Heud school last Friday the following programme was followed and it was in all respects creditable: Nellie Iiarnes, "Mary's Bird"; John Dorrance, "The Happy Fami ly"; Cecelia Cottor, "The Sun beam"; Anncta Cottor, "The Snow storm"; Margaret Wiest "The Mrd"; Lynn Marsh, "Pictures of Memory"; Fred Lucas, "The Last Day". The next exercises of this charac ter will be next Friday afternoon, and all school patrons arc invited to attend. Harry Broker spent half the week in Prlneville. He now wears glasses to' help his eyesight. CI.IJVU l)ONKI!l. ACOUIITIH). Circumstantial Ijvldcncc Did not Con vince the Jury. Ah was forecast by The Hullctln lost week, Clove Donkcl was ac quitted of the murder of his father, the jury Ixilng out eight hours be fore agreeing ujwii a verdict. There was no direct evidence to connect the sou with the murder of the father. The circumstantial evi dence, though strong, was greatly discounted by the well known character of the old man, which was brought out in the testimony nt this trial. The possible doubt its to the main fact, coupled with the probability of justification if the main charge wore true, Mcmtd eventually to carry the day with the jury, and a verdict of acquittal was filially agreed ujk)h. The verdict was rendered Friday night. AccomtKinicd by his broth ers and sisters, Clcve Donkcl came out from Prineville Saturday and Monday he went up the river. It is said tlmt the young folks will soon build a house mid establish their home on their claim a short distance below Heud. Indian Who Values Ills Tlmo. Jackson Kulps, n prosperous Indian from thu warm Springs agency, spent Saturday stud Sun day in Heud on his way back from a hop-picking visit to Lane county. He was accompanied by his wife and two young sous. They had 14 horses Along with them and found it not an easy matter to rustle forage for the animals, and they were duly grateful for free pastur age in the Drake field on the west side of the river. Kulps says his visit to the valley this year was a waste of time. Too man) persons were engaged In hop- picking, The pay per box was good enough, but the term of pick ing was too short. Kulps got in but four days, a ico-acre hop yard being clcuued up in that time. His earnings were $n. He says he could have stayed at home and sold $100 worth of stuff from liis ranch 111 the time wasted by going to the Willamette valley. It is a decided novelty to find an Indian regretting the waste of hit. time. Kulps has a ranch of 300 acres a dozen miles to thu northwartl of the Warm, Springs agency. He has 100 acres under cultivation and good building. He intends to get a lot of cattle and graze the laud not actually under plow. He raises hay, grain and vegetables and sells chiefly to the agency. He likes farming and says he can make much money by it. However, his frugul sjwuse hud gloves to sell here. Improving Snow Creek Ditch. The Snow Creek Irrigation Com pany, of which M. C. Awbrey is president, Thomas Arnold secretary and William Fryrear treasurer, is about to make considerable im provements in its irrigation plant. The lake at the head of the Throe Creeks ditch, which originally cov ered 160 acres and has been given an additional iirea of about 30 acres by n dam eight feet tall, will probably be added to and the head gates will be rebuilt and Improved. A good deal of general repair work along the course of the ditch will ulso be done this fall, This irri gation enterprise serves an import ant district that is as yet not much developed, but there is a notable movement that way. Uenil-Prlnevlllo Road Change. It has practically been decided, subject to the approval of the county court next week, that the Priueville-Bend county road will be changed so as to run west into1 Hrondwny, in the Lytlo townsite. Than from the vicinity o( C. J. Cotter's ho'usc, it will pass south ward into th present county road along the river, Instead of ascend ing the hill to Wall street, in the Heud townsite, on the present route between the Pilot Butte Inn and the livery barn, it will mm up near where "Dad" West's cottage is and join Wall street a little to the north ward of the sclioolliottsc. This will give the desired room for the Pilot Hutte Development Company's irrigating ditch. LOCAL NEWS John Bios is down from his claim for a few days. Mrs. A. M. Drake and Mrs. J. M. Lawrence and Marion were in Prineville Tuesday and Wednes day. Mrs. Glen Marsh left Tuesday morning for Weblake, Wisconson, her husband joining her at Spok ane. The coldost of the season was last night, when the mercury went down to 18 above zero. Hut the air is dry and there is no discomfort. Horses that put up at the Pilot Hutte livery barn now have their choice of timothy, clover or oata liny, each the best of its kind and plenty of it. J. N. and Harry Hunter return ed Wednesday night from their week's trip up the river. They re port that Forestry Agent Kent is now camped near Roslaud. Work on the Pilot Hutte Devel opment Company's flume progresses satisfactoilry and it promises to be completed by Thanksgiving day. That vill get the water to Heud lwfore Christmas. J. F. Moore, the laud attorney of The Dalles, registered at the Pilot Hutte Inn Monday. He came in to look at some land out south but was misled by his guide and did not get to see it. "Dad" West now runs a deliver) rig in connection with his market. He alec takes orders and delivers for the Heud Mercantile Company and he finds the growing trade keeps him pretty busy. Mr. Drake will reach home to morrow after an absence of over two months, most of which time was spent in Portland. He went to Ogdcn to attend the irrigation con gress and ran up to Seattle to visit a cousin a day or two. R. F.. Warner, of Browmsville, who spent some time as n guest of the Lucases a few weeks ago, is likely to return and take a ranch iu the Sisters neighborhood next summer and he will probably go into the sheep business. Charles A. Stauburrough left Wednesday morning for Portland, where he will spend about two weeks with relatives. He goes at this time to le present at the wed ding of his sister, which will take place next Wednesday. Misses Nola and Grace Kever, daughters of John L. Kever, arriv ed Wednesday from Hakersville. N. C, to join the family here. They had a pleasant journey, though they were 1 1 days on the road. All the members of the family are now here. The three Roberts boys, Thomas, Hlwood and Millsou, expect to leave In a few days for up-river points. Milson and Elwood have claims they wish to prepare for win ter. Cyrus J. Sweet and Nels Rasmusseu will also go on a simi lar mission. All will return in a week or two and stay with the P IJ. D. Co's. flume work until it shall be completed. Then they will go up to their claims for tlnJ winter. Mr. and Mm. F. W. Dustan, b( CIarksf.011, Wash., arrived 1W day night to look after some land interests In this section. The Dus tans arc old friend of John Moss, both having come Wast from North cm Wisconsin. Mta Maud Vandevert, who has been visiting with her friend Miss Bertha Jory, during the past two weeks, left Thursday on her return to her home at Lava. She will stop on Willow creek to visit friends a few days on her way homo. Ashwood Prospector. Harney Lewis and Kd Brock left Tuesday morning, the former for a mouth's visit with his people frt Portland, and the latter for The Dalles, where he expects to get work. They went out with Freigh ters Bates and Lytic and formed a sociable company. The Dultilh News Tribune of October 4 published a portrait of Neil Smith, of Superior, as one of the pioneer curlers of this country. Mr Smith visited Bend last sum mer and is interested in land claims in the Deschutes valley. He is n brother-in-law of James Hunter. He will soon return here to go on his homestead. Mrs. Harshman's residence at the Lytic townsite is ncaring com pletion. It is 20x24 feet on the ground and two stories high. Rena West and Charles Brock Iravc the foundation laid for their saloon building. Stcidl & Reed arc put ting up an office building 30x60', which will also be used for store room. John Tingman is preparing to open a feed yard there. Chauncey P. Becker says the second surveyor of Great Northern railway antecedents has been ex amining the country on the wesb side of the Deschutes recently. He did not intimate that any railroad significance attached to his visit, but he admitted that he was look-" ing for desirable property to buy. George and Frank Bogue came down the river Tuesday and left next day for a load of winter sup plies. Tbey were accompanied by their uncle, William Bogue, who recently came over from the Willamette valley to spend the win ter on the Deschutes, where there is good health to burn. J. N. Moore and his nephew, of Long Creek, arrived In Bend Mon day night with 30 horses, which they horded at Pilot butte. In the morning the horses were gone, having taken the back track to Prineville. They were mostly marcs bearing the box x and J 4 brands. They had been started for Southern Oregon but it had been concluded to take them across to the Willamette valley for market. Last night immediately after ar riving at the Bend Mercantile store and while the driver and others were engaged in unloading the stage of its express and freight, the stage team sudden ly started on the run at break-neck speed down Wall street. It did not stop its gait un til it had come squarely against a small pine about a quarter of a m He south of Mr. Wiest's. Here it was caught up with by the driver and prevented from doing further damage. Timber '.and, Act June j, 8;8. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. V. 8. lAUi Office, '.nLcvlcw, Oregon, September aS, ijoj. Notice U hereby given that In compliance with the ptovhloiu 01 the Act of Congre of June A, 1&7H, entitled, "An net for the note oftliubcr land in the atatca of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Waahlngtou Territory," a extended to all the public laud tatc by Act of Auguat a, 1891, Albert tt Pnraon. of Duckley, county of Fierce, atate of Washing. ton, na nicuiuimaoiocc jita a worn atatcmeui N01&61, for the purchase of the awqr aec 31, tp 1) a, r 16 e, w m, And will offer Droof to allow that the laud aought It more valuable for ita timber or atone than for agricultural purpoaea, aud to catabtl.lt hla claim to aald land before J. J. Smith, County Clerk, al rrjueville. Oregon 011 WcdncaJ bay, the 16th day of December, liWJ- 11c iiamei a wttneaieai Kobcrt I. McMurtrey, llyrou Cady, 1. 1 Alllugham aud Ora 1'olndexUr, all of 1'rlnevllle, Oregon, An) and alt peraona claiming adversely the abovedeicrtbed land are reoueated to file their claima in thla office ou or before the aald 16th day of IXciubcr,'i90J ... .v. . . oirdtf .'M.tlR.VTTAIN RtgUter. K M