& JCiU- &uiA- XY y THE BEND BULLETIN. VOL. I. JIEKD, OREGON, JTIUDAT, OCTOBER 10, 190. NO. 31. NAVAL IIATTUJ I'KOIIAIILU. Jupun and liussta are Assembling I'letts Off Coast i Core. Purls. Oct. 1(1. Olllclul liifiirtimtioti ri'iilf)l horn hIhiwh tlmt it formidable Itiiwlun Heel, coiimrlHliiK III) wnrnlilpM o( hII cIhwok, Iiiin fort I'ort Artlmr mid Iiiim nrrlod nt Mil Fun Pho, ninth of ( Niriii, u!inn tln ,liimiim llrnt hu nli'iiily arrived. The Itmoiluu hlilpn have anchored within lli Mu Hun Pho linrlmr, iiIoiikhIiIo the Juhiiii'W tdilp. Hovenil brlpule of Kupidini troop lnivi' boon moved to tlm Oireiin count mid nrc now ncuinMil on tin border. Diplomatic iH'KutiiitloiiH nrc Mill pro ittiliiiK ut Toklo. Tlii'ro do not relate lo tin cviu'iiiil Inn of Muiichurht by tin Itiirwliin troop, liut to the future of Con. Minister Discount It. Uinduu, On I. lO.-rTlii' Jiijiiunw mhiiMor hero, Huron lluyuidil, today iIcwtIIkmI thn iiniiutiui'omont mudo by the bunion Pally MiiII'h onrroniioiidonl ut Knlht, .Iniin, 1 1 tit t Huron IK ItiiMMi. tlu Itiiwlun mlulMor to Jiiikiii, had iri'M'iiliil n nolo to tlio .lajHinef nv iTiiiiwiit contt'iidliiK that .Iiihiii liml no jtixt rhrht to lutorveno In tin uucMlnu of tin eviicimtlon of Manchuria, mid cluirwcterliltiK tin iroxml imrllllnu of Conii Ik'1m4ii Ituwdii and Jiihii iih Ik 1 1 it: "fiiutnMlml iiikI mmurtliy of eon Mdcnitlou." ItnmrdliiK tin1 roixirt tlmt tin Kinwhni licet liml arrived ut Mil Hun PIhi, llaron llityahl ri'iiuirkl UiumIa liml only hImmiI .10 wuridilpx In tint whole fnr ouM, mid it would Ik n phyidcul liiiNHwlhlli ly on account of mwI and other HUpplic fur them to remain nt Mu Hun l'lm. It wihiM Ih the most nnllki'ly plum for them to no to men If ltuwdn contem plated hwlllltlif, nil It In u Willi cHy Mrlkimt dlMuuro of Jiiiii'm MronK iiiivhI Imno nt Tmt, In tin' Htraltn of Corcu. Ho fur iih Huron lluyiixlil known, It would In-equally nnnitwiim lilt' for tlii Juwint to ko to M.i Hun l'lm. (treat .Brit ftn II Jo Information., lnuloii) fort, 10. Tfu fortHitn ollloti iiiforniM tho Aiwoohitcd Prow tlmt It linn liiiinl nothing of the rojiortod pith erliiK of ItiiHfihui nrr)ii h ut Mu Hun l'lm. Tlio foreign olllii reiterates tlmt Hm udvltVN kIvi' no liulliiitlon of u Itus JtimpoM outbreak. Japan Df Irca War. I'urln, Oct. 10. Tlio I'utrle tcnluy, In u cixirittl illciwli-h from PuriHotitill, uiIi1IiiIhhI hii inturvU'iv with Alnxmi dnr Huvlnfkl, tlio HH-ri'tury of fomlKii uffulri. wtlli MIiiIcIit LaniMlorff, who. It Ih uIIkkihI, tMiki on tlio unthorlty of hlri chief of KuifO'JniHiiiM'o ri'lutioiiH, M. Huvlnxkl Ih utiotM uh wiylni: "Our UKuntunt Toklo luivo Inforniiit iih tlmt JiijHin ili'nlroM wur uiul Ih in I hi nil fur It. Wo hiivo nuoiiuh trmipH In Hlhurlu to ronlil till tlio JnNintm fon." ltcpinlliik' Tnrkuy uml lliitpurlii M. Huvlunkl wild tlio niiiintlH'tHtiin Htnilu ninl Atmtrln wiih Ktronitcrlliiini'viir, uml hu illil not In'IIkvi' war IkiIwivii tlioco two eountrlim woulil iK-rnir. AFTER PRESIDENT CRAZY MAN ATTfiMITS TO GNTfiK WIIITG IIOUSB. Wa lUavlly Armed and Fought the Of flceri Like a Demon One Officer Hurt In Making Arreit Pronounced ImanO and Placed In Aaylum Was AUo Wounded In Pltht. VOLCANO AQAIN ACTIVU. Mauna Lo, In the Inland of Hawaii, In Uruptlon for a Day, Honolulu, Oi't. 10. Tlio volcano of Muunii I.nu, on tlio Inland of Hawaii, Ih ukiiIii In u Htuto of activity. Tlio unii tlon Ik'k'iiii yi'Htcrday ut noon, uml vun mjiorUil hum liuluy. Whon tlio hlji Orniihy, from KuwoiHtlo, imnmil tin IhIuikI of Hawaii yttMunliiy, from the Htimmlt of tlio crater u vuttt column of Hinokn with llro IhiIow (UiwiuuIciI. Tlio iilHMMininco of tlio lava How ut Kllauoa Ih normal with mild uctlvlty. I'urthor uilvicoHHtiitDthut MuiiuuIoii'h nuthriHik Ih vory honvy. Tho llowlni? In vu inakcH ii Kruml hivcctanlc. I.xcur hIoiih uro IkiIiih arranged from Honolu lu. A wlmlimH hiohhuhu from Illlo to tho Atlvurllfor huj-h tho volcuno Ih very uctlvo, uml tho luvii How Ih koIiik to ward Kuhuku cattlu much. A iiich huuitor roportn that two HtrciiuiH of lava vury wldo nmy bo k-uh from Volcuno him), Klluui'ii uml nil nnrtH of tho 1 Komi plantation. Tho (low Ih vlulhlo In Hllo. It Ih hoiluvoil tho lava will hrciik out further down tho mountain. No iliiututlnuH or HiUlomoutH um on daiiKcrcd hy tho lava flow uml tho erup tion will ho without material tlumuKO. New Finance Suggestion. WiiHhliiKton, Oct. 10. HunroHuntii tlvo Hill, of Conuoctlcut, In u confer unco with tho proHlilimt tolny rojjurd lug llmiunlul loitiwiltlou, HiKgoHtod to tho prchldont that ho ndvocuto IckIhIh tlon lookiiiK'to tho uroutlon ly congrosH of a commlHHlou to InvcHtlnato tho mih joct uml roport upon tho nooil, 'If nny uxlHtod, of llminuliil lcglHlatlon. WaihlnKton, Oct. 7. A denperate liaud-to-hand encounter with an nimml iiiMne nin n, who wae dotornilnod to co 1'roildent HoomtoU In tho Tootlbtilo of tho Whl to Houfto occurred ihortlj Uiforo noon today. Tho man, who vo tile nntne as I'otor Hillot, and hie ( homo an Mlnnuapolln, won ovorpoweiod hy tho olTlcara on duty at tho White IIoum entrance and carried to a pollco van which had hocn nummonod. He wae placed In tho van In tlio cuatody of two oIIIcom. BeemlnK to ruallco thon, fcr tho flrat time, that ho wai under arrett, Klltot UKn a furloua etraggle wltli his enpt ora for liberty. Ho drew a rovolver nd attotnptod to shoot Offlcor Jamea Oleclo. Tho nfllcer grablxsl tils hand and wronchel the weapon from his grasp. Klllott's truglos wero bo florce, liowevor, that tlio two ofllcers In tho cramped quartern of tho n wirn unalile to orercomo him. 001 cor Cir cle then drew hln revolver and flrod two thota to attract atlontlon. Chief Usher Thomn Ktnno, and Offi cer I'arknr. o! thn Whlto llotire forco, who had uiiltod In carrying Klltot to the van, attractnl by thn sliotn, rushoil back to tho vehlclo and atslntod in overpowering him. In a strugglo with in tho van Klllot had broken a glass panol with his head, merely cutting hit head and face. OH), er Clsclo sur talnoil a serious cut on nls right arm, two Inches of floeh being cat out of tho fleshy part of tho arm. Ho suffered considerably from loss of blood, but his Injuries aro not sorfous. Tho van was hurried to the emergency hospital, whtro tho Inlurles of both Clsclo nnd Klllot wero dressed. "?" La to thin nltornoon'the police sur goons, after a careful examination of Klllot, certified that hn was Insane. An onler was issued for his removal to tho fit. KlUaboth hospital for tho In sane, Ho was removed late this after noon without trouble. W. S. IUSSV.L MM). Ux-I'ottmaster General Tints a Peace ful 12nd. lluflfllo, Oct. 8. Wilson 8. Illssoll, ox-postmaster goner!, died at 10:16 o'clock Inst night. At about noon ho mink Into n deep sloep, nnd It was with dlllkulty tlmt ho was arouoed at inter vals during the afternoon for nourish ment and medicine. The ond catno OHftlly and pcncitfully. Dr. Dowitt Bhorman, tlio physician, who 1ms been attending him dating hhrrocent illness, and members of the family were at his bodslde. Mr. DIbmII suffered from complica tions thought to be akin to Hrlght's disease, although not well understood. During tho latter part of his illncse, numerous messages of inquiry wero re colvod from ex-I'resldeut Cleveland nnd mornlxsrs of the cabinet In which Mr. Jllaaoll served as postmister y,un oral. I DO YOUR TRADING IN BEND I SAVE TIME SAVE MONEY Prices Same as Prineville Wilson Shannon lllfell was born in Now London, December 31. 1847. Katlyln childhood ho went to Iluffalo with his parents, returning to that city to practice law alter his graduation from Yale in 1800. Three years later lie lor mod a partnership with Lyman K. llass, Orovor Clovoland being ad mitted to tho firm after It had been in exlstanco a year. The name then be camo llass, Clovoland & ISIssell, con tinuing until Mr. Cleveland was elected president and Mr. lists went to Colorado, This necessitated tho rcor ganlatlon pt the firm, which was at tho tlmu of Mr. 11 1 swell's death Illssoll, Carey ft Cooko. Mr. Dltfoll was prominent in Demo cratic politics, having been many times a delegato to etato conventions, and a presidential elector In 1881. In 1800 lio was a member of theeommltteo that proposed an amendment to tho Judici ary articles of tho constitution of New York, rrelsdont Cleveland on March 0, 1803, appointed Mr. illssoll to tho office of postmaster general, which posi tion lie held until 1805, when ho reelgnsd. -... i POSTAL DEFICIT IS LAROQ. CASTRO UVQNINQ UP. Will Compel foreigner to Pay Taxes aad Duties Twice. Port of Spain. Island of Trinidad, Oct. 7, Emissaries of President Cas tro, of Vonoxuela, havo arrived at CIu dad Bolivar, Venezuela, with orders to collect forcibly not only tho taxes, but custom house duties already paid by Importers from May, 1003, to August 1, 1003, tho porlod during Which the revolutionists occupied thatcUy as gov ernment do facto. The amount de manded is about (1,000,000. Tho foroignora, especially tho firms of Dlolim A Co., German; Palaisl A Co., Italian, nnd Dalton A Co., Ameri can, Iiavo refused to pay, alleging that tho duties had been already legally paU. Monnros and voxhMoub tactics aro mployod against tho foreigners, llerr Hplck, a Gorman, rem cod to nay back duties, nnd a cargo of rum belonging to him, which was holng landed from n steamer, was pelted by tho government and sold nt public miction for nlmost nothing, The Gorman merchant, In this mnnnor, lest 121,000, Venezuelan morchnnts who return to pay, having no protection, nro imprisoned. A rolgn of terror oxlata ovorywhore at Cludtul Bolivar, uad coii60iiiontly trade Ih pnralyieil, Prosldont Castro's roprosonUitlvo nt Cimlad Bolivar Is reportod saying: "Germany nnd tho other foreign powers obliged tho Vonoxuelan govern ment to pay millions, Now it Is Von oxuola who forcos tho Gormans and other foroignora to rolmburso hor." Total Transactions Pais Billion Marie for the Flrtt Time. Wellington, Oct. 8. Henry A. Cos tlo, auditor of the postofllce depart ment, today completed tho trial balance for the fourth quarter of tho year, which allows a final announcement of tho Income and outgo of tho entire post al Hirvlco for the fiscal year ended June 30. The footings aro ns follows: Expenditures, 1138,784,487; re ceipts, 134,SL'4,4t3; deficiency, tV 500,041. Tho total financial transactions of the postal service foi tho year, includ ing tho money order systom, are $1, 020,731,408, thus for the first timo passing tho billion dollar mark. Compared witli last year's figures, tho aggregates aio; Increase in expen ditures, 113.076,271 j increaeo in re colpts, ?12,3I(l,20tJj Inctcaoein finan cial transactions, (12,600,172. During the six years of tho auditor's Incubruoncy the aggregate financial transactions which have been Bottled In tho bateau amount to (6,000,000,000. SULTAN'S DUUTORS ANORY. Storm Losses Gnormous, Torroon, Mex. Oct. 7. It la yet im possible to estimate tho dnmngo dona by thn recent Hood in tho Nncoa river vnllov but tho flguroa will boonormous. Tim destruction of crops up tho rlvor is so comploto that It is snfo to Bay the damage to cotton alone will reach $500,000, Because He Gives Liberally to 5t. Louis nxposltlon Cxhtblt. London, Oct. 7. Tho Tangier corres pondont of the limes aaya tho aultan of Morocco has given a second Installment of $50,000 to the American syndicate which Is undertaking tho Moorish ex hibit at tho St. Louis exposition. The correspondent adds: "This action on tho part of the aul tan creates moch criticism hero, aa the Moorish government, pleading tho ex isting crlslo, has ref-isod to conaldor or pay tho claims of the Europeans who have suffered loes of property through tho rebellion. "I loarn that the powers have agreed to loavo tho solution of tho existing crisis to Franco, who will give tho nec essary assistance to the sultan's govern ment whon their resources shall bo fin ished. Thuro la no question of n Fronrh protectorate, but Franco will naturally acquiro a preponderating in tluonco in Moorish politics." Royal Arch Masons In Session. Little Rock Ark. Oct. 8, Tho 3 2d trionninl convention of tho Gonornl Grand chnptor of ltoyal Arch Masons of tho UnlUd Gtntoa opened today. Tho report of Christopher G. Fox of Buffalo gonoral grand socrotary shows that tho totnl number of afUdavitod Royal Arch Mnsana ia 219,010, In tho Inst threo yoara the rocolpts wore (438, 831 and the oxpondlturos (374,442. Bend Mercantile Company incorporated $ Am Hm GRANT, Manager j Carries a Complete Stock of General r? Merchandise. (3 firrrr?c, Prnvicinnc Drv firwlc- J n At ft nnrl tfrf Gents' Furnishings, Stoves, Tinware, Saddlery, &e (s Harness tjtj6jCejtj6jj6jtW GENERAL 0UTF1TING SUPPLIES, ETC. AGENT FOR RUBEROID ROOFING Cheaper Than Shingles Doors, Window Sashes, Glass, Paints, Oils, Etc. $ BUTTER, EGGS AND FRUIT l i RonH Maitnanfilo P.nmnanu A UOIIM I1IUI uuiiuiu uuiiipunj I Wxll Street, Bend, Oregon. 2)(I(3)3(33)(S2(3)2)f3!)(D(2jJ) PRINEVILLE-SILVER LAKE STAGE LINE DICK VANDUVORT, Proprietor. CARRYING U. I MAIL AND PASSENGERS leaves Prlncvillo Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Freight and passon rcrs wnyblllod for llcnd, Lava, Roslaud nnd Silver Lake. Good rigs, careful lrivcm. C. I. WINNEK, Agent. THROUGH FROM BEND TO SHANIKO IN ONE DAY. shaNIKo-priheville JTAfiF I IMF PRINEVILLE-BEND O I rt U L L I If L BOOTH & CORNETT SCHEDULE SOUTHBOUND Ixnvo Shnnlko , Op. m Arrive Prinovillo 0 a. in Ixavo Prinovillo 1 p. in Arrive Bond. GsUOp.m NORTHBOUND Leave Bend fltSOn. m Arrive prinovillo 12:00 m Leave Prinovillo 1 p. m Arrive Shaniko liN.m FIRST CLASS ACCOMMODATIONS FOR THE TRAVELING PUBLIC PASSENGER AND FREIGHT RATES REASONABLE. CLAIMS ESTIMATED AND SOLD ESTIMATING! A SPEOIALTT Kirsa & HUINTER Timber Cruisers ami Land Locators BEND OREGON : SANFORD'S CASH STORE J CAHHIE8 A IO LINE OP ; Oeneral Merchandise, Groceries, Clothing, Furnishing Ooods Call on lllra Prices Right, SHANIKO OREQON