The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, September 25, 1903, Image 5

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    . ,
I'IiiIiktiic)', Win Hutu, tlm Only Mscnu
nlruri ArUtoimcr-IMiiitiiutrs Tulk
Hlicick Iriuly untl Hie I'll ka Walk In it
J'HViirll In Huulnly,
Tim Unroiii'M tin HimiH, more f u
inlllnrly known to tliu kuiiumI mlille
n h Mm. Krunk LcmIIc, In Iioiiiu from
Hurojiu mill It'll hiiiiiu IntereAtlnir
tliliiK" fibuiit Ihu "Hiinirt del" of I.iiii
dun. Kim t'Xprrfthcii ilcclik'il tllimn
jirovul of ninny of lint fniturcH now
filhtliiK In KmkIMi mirli't)'. I'ltltoc
rncy, ulio fumertH, In the only rrroj.
nixed iirlNtocmcy of ICiikIiiihI. Tim
TiinrrliiKii Kit me In liuiyctl on it nlrli'tly
llimiK'lul IhinId, mill m'ttli'iiiciiti nru
talked ulioiit Ionic hvforn I lie botrotlml
' of ynuiii: puriMiiiH fur wIhimi liencllt tint
iillliinco in pUililH'cl Alili'rk'iiii women
who llml It Iiiii(ihhIIiIi' to enter Koelety
In Now York win olitnln eimy neeium
lo the I.0111I011 Niniirt i't If they only
IMhwm lint niM'i'Diwiry nipltiil with
which lo luy nli'Kii to ItrllUh roynllty
mill nohlllty
"My hint trip nhronil, from whlrli I
havo Jimt ri'tiimril. him coiivlnrril me,"
aim culil, "Aini'rlrmi women who iiro
rrVt tly propi-r home frequently
rfjC,i ?r IhESi wxfitJ. irjPOJt
Mill). VHAMC
nut lii nn utli'rly iihiiiiiuh-M milliner
when thy dlaeover nn opixirtiiiilly to
hell thiMinMilvcn or their ihinuhtcrK to
home notilemnii or nrlNtocrntlc London
it. A million ilolhint U it mere ImKn
telle nowuilnyn when It coinen to jitir
chimin;; mi cIlKlhh) life tiinto In lint
Ky KiikIImIi rupllnl. Tho nioro you
jiny tho heller the article. No mnnll
lower nn iiecejtted. You don't Imvn
to be In tlu gui'cii'n aet to learn Unit.
"Tin KiiKlhdi know how to npprii'l
ti to our money Iwikn nn will nn our
beautiful woiui'ii. IxiudoiT mid I'nrln
uru IIIIimI to overflow Iiik with Auierl
caim wlu are very im-mlar Jtmt now
hf'VAUKo they Imvn heen approved by
KIiik Kdwiird, who Iiiih iilnuyx Iwn an
anient adiulter of Auierlenii women.
"KuKhiud limy Ihi AiiierlenuUliiK, hut
tho linhltN nml t'UNtoniN of tho niiuirt
nut urrofM tho Atlantic are revolting In
tho h of Amerlentnt of ri'llnriiirut
That dlHKUntlui; triivtwty on iIiiiiiIiik
known among tut iin tho 'cuke walk,' Ih
thiuoeil every jiIkIU by tho nrlHtoraiy
of ItiiKland. I do not iiipiiii to lull
iiiiito that tlm enke walk In not danced
here In America, hut It certainly In not
now taken up iin n fntl iiiiioiik our no
lift neta iin It In In Unclaiid.
There ncoiiin to he no ceiine of the
proprieties reKtirdliiK the (IImmihhIoii of
certain pliiiHt'M of widely which hid
nehloui Npokon of muting iih, hut which,
In London, you may hear young detnit
mitori iIIhi'IIhhIiik Id tho mont caiulld
way. Vlco In tho iibMrnol In hpeiily
ilUeiiimod, unit frciiueiitly foium tin
miIo topic of couvcrNiitlou at illnner
purtli'H whnro both men mid women
aro primiMit. Tho examplo In partly re
wpoiiNlblo for thU Mtato of iKTalrn.
"Drinking In Indulged In on a much
moro tmtipcrato ncalo In London than
It In hero, mid In fact I him It wiih
there n few yearn iiko. Tho iiIconI peo
plu luihlho only tho Unlit wlnen, mid
while you often xeo a dinner hiKlu
mid oud with clutiiipiiKUc, nluioNt never
do you hio n variety of wIiioh, while
llipielirH and coiiIIuIn am Noldoiu lined
mid hriiiidhiH and wIiIhUIch mo a lino,
lulely tabooed In pollto NOclely. Of
courwo, tho men drink tho NtroiiKor
llipiorN nftor tho women huvo loft tho
tublo nml HoiiKht tho mcIuhIoii of tho
"Much iih I inlKht Hay In honor of
tho bounty of tho Amurleuii woman, I
nuiHt coufcNM that thu KiikIUIi iniitron
outHhliicit , her In ouo reHieet. Hho
uiiilntuliiH until hIio In Ioiik pant mlddlo
llfo ii nioHt kIoiIoiu eomplix,loii. I
HuppoHo tho clliniito iIoon n reat deal
toward linprovliiK her complexion, hIiu
Is virtually utiiamliiK her fnco uvcry
day lu tho di'iuo foKH and ralim,
"Ohl 1 nearly foi'Kot to toll you that
KIiik Kdwtinl Ih really hi lovo with
queen Alexandra. IIo really cuuuot
forKi't how iittentlvo hIio wiib to him
durliiK' hlH hiHt IIIiiphs, mid, whllo ho
11(111 admires Lily Lunt'try and ovcu-
fmWSLWf " mui Z--vT JM'rlv-
W&w'W'Wmww a .
. 'n n , Jim i ir-. :ii , wSJii:us
'.'if i tsxrtVfilrdh
' i . f .-. r ' i,jr-rj'ffw
W u
M c
Morodtiet, the little ncutrnl dlHtrlct whom wlekt'diiiM linn intmed It
downfiill, In nn odd patch In the innu of Kuropc, nt tho Junction of I'nuila,
IIcIkIiihi " "( NcthcrlntidH. It l about a mile anil n Imlf iiminre, con
talun not more thnn a.tWi jK-oplr. and until 1814 wan a jmrt of Autrln. Xho
rcparccllin: if Kuropo after the downfall of Napoleon In 1815 reunited In an
nurceiueiit to lenvo tho little Ntrlp an neutral Kround, upon which all the ad
JoIiiIiib coiintrlew could mwL Ko the dUtrlct hnH been prnctlinlly a republic
until a few ilnya ago, when the lettlmc of KnmbllnB prlvllcKi'N by the council
men and the coiihcquent iluhnticliltiK of younj men from tho Murroundlu;
country led to dljilonmtlc "uoteii" lwtween (Jermany and IlclKlum and the
nnle of Cernmny'a claim to liclitluui. It I nld that Morenet will now bo
dlnelpllnml. taxed, wallowd up by llelglum, and her men forced to military
and other odloti nervlcc.
ktouAlly put hi ntaiup of approval on
another ehonen one, hi heart I wife In
the keeping of that ri'Ktl beauty, the
Tho tlth of ItaroneiiN dr Ilnxu.
which Mr. U-nllo ny nhe Iibn adopt
ed for luiNliie roii when nho did
not dimlre her iihiih' to appear Ixiforu
tlm iiublli', In an hereditary one. lln
ron de Hhxun wmn an ancentor of her
who came to tliht rountry to avoid the
perMiMitlon of the IltiKiienot.
is proud or not ancestry
The oldent "linuchter of tho Itevolu
tlon" In MrN. Kllxnheth Humnrr Andor
win, of Dover, Ma., formerly of Itox
bury. Mr. Audemon wa Iwrn lu 1808,
and I one of tho live member of the
xoclety llvlntc w-Iiono father fought In
tho revolution. Mr. Andenwi nimom
her tho Mlrrlnc time of 1812, l
tlioUKh but -I year of ago at the
time. The event wero calculated to
lcnn an lmprenitlon In her chtldlh
mind. Hhe relate ntorlei of all the
Kreat battle of tho revolution a they
wero told her by participant. Hhe
remember her father and grandfather
a they left home to Join tho continen
tal troop that forced the HrltUli out
of IloNtou. Mr. Andernou U proud of
her nnecHlorn. Her father wa IMwnrd
Huuiuer mid her mother Johanna Hum
tier, daughter of Iter Joseph Sumner,
of Hhrcwnbtiry Thu nho trace her
lineage through liotli of the fmnou
they can ee but very little. 1 up
pomt the eye of tho flub I wore, If
auythliiK, than the eye of the reptile.
Hut taking all the ttilngR Into con
nlderatlon, I am rouvlneed from little
thing I have olHwrved that the llsh I
a pretty wle member and tlrnt he at
leant know what I good for hint
when lie I confronted by the blunt It
Vie of nlirvlvlng or not aurvlvlug. Wliy
I It thata flnh alway flounder to
ward tho w-ater? Thnt' the ioliit I
linvii lu mind, and It 1 the one fact
nbovo all other thnt ha convinced
ino that the flub ha more aenne than
we think. I have never aoen a Huh
that would not flounder toward tho
"I know two amwer will Ik? mado
to thin uggetlou, One Is that there
I generally a lopo toward thu water,
and that hence tho force of gravity
determine the direction of the nh'
movement. And the other I a pri
me ry rertBon the matter of lntlncL
an distinguished from reason. Theno
explanation do not aaUify mo. In
tho flrt plce, I reject tho theory
which make a' difference between In
ntluct and reason. I canuot tell the
difference between the attribute!, o
much aro they alike. In tho second
place, I want to tell you that I have
Keen fish floundering up hill. Why?
Simply because they wero forced to
flounder up hill In order to get back
Into tho water. Doe a Huh know any
thnlg about direction and dlMnuce? I
think so, I hnvo seen them Jump and
flounder up hill, Inch after Inch, until
they got Iwck to tho edge of tho
Ntrenin out of which they had boon
Jerked. It may bo what omo of the
writer calMnntliict,' hut to save my
eoul I can't tell 'Instinct from what
wo aro nccUHtomed to regard a reason
lu higher form of life." Now Orlenn
Wf r" n r m
fnmllleN of Itevolutlniinry fame. Her
piiterual grand fat her. William Sum
ner, wiih n member of tho committee of
"((HTCfipondenee and hrtfety" of Itox
bury mid one of the ltoHton "Tea I 'ar
ty" on March 1, 1870. Mr. Sumner
In proud of the fact tliut her mother
hiiw (it'll. Washington. Through her
father she In related to (ovoruor In
ereiiNo Sunnier, and I heielf n find
coiinIii to CharlPN Sumner, .Mimsuchu
nettH' great nntl-Hhivery repreNontatlvo
lu tho United Statea .Senate. Tlm fur
nlturo lu her homo In of tho troubloim
time, nm every pleco Iiiih a history
of Its own.
Olit An(Ir Telia Ktnry to Trove IU
cnturtnl Iteoioiiltii; l'owcr,
"I'MnIicb havo moro hchho than they
mo credited with having," flnld mi old
angler, "and my oxporlenco has taught
mo not to put much faith in tho state
ment that thoy only know thlnga from
tho vibration duo to concussion. I
think thoy reason In souio way or oth
er, I don't know JiiHt how It Is. I nin
satlBtled that uaturo litis not been par
ticularly extravagant lit tho mutter of
giving Huh Intelligence Ilosldea, I
know that tholr eyes aro 'flat,' and
UroognUed III Tortralt.
Mihk Kauuy, who had Just taken hold
of n room lu an ltant Side school, say
tho Now York Tlmos, had been having
nhort talks with hor ehlldron on sub
ject which she thought would ho at
once IntoroNtlug and liiHtructtve.
One morning hIio tohl them about the
'three kingdoms." the mliiwal, the
egetabl and the nulmal. and explain
ed an Hlmpl.v mh h)io could the mooning
of each. Then, naming a number of
objects, she let tho children tell to
which kingdom each belonged. Thoy
greatly enjoyil tho oxcri'lse.
The u rat morning the talk wa along
the line of simple natural history,
"Now, children," she said, "let iih
hoc what j on remember about the ani
mal kingdom and the domestic animal
that belong to It. You have named
all the domestic animal hut one. Who
can tell me what that one Is? It ha
brlNlly hair, like dirt, and I fond of
getting Into the mud."
Miss Funny looked expectantly
around the room. "Can't you think,
Toininy?" xhe linked oncoumglngly.
"Yon'iii." was tlio shamefacctl reply.
"If me."
A CnrloiiN Case.
A horso belonging to n Missouri njnn
got a lump on It Jaw three year ago.
Itn owner had a veterinary surgeon
opcrato on the antmal tho other day
and he took out u hard, smooth sub
stance alMiit four Inchon long nnd an
Inch wide, resembllnjf n white stone.
Thoso who' have examined It say It Is
jwtrllled cohicob, Tho commonly ac
cepted theory Is that tho horse, while
eating, got a cob caught In Its mouth,
which slowly worked It way Into his
Jaw until It lodged Just beneath tho
skin. The animal uover seemed to
suffer from It presenee.Now York
1 i u
As n rule, when any one asks us to
stop and "chat" with" them, we feel a
disposition to be & aulet a a claw.
-T '''
Fibroid Tumors Cured.
A distressing case of Fibroid Tumor,
which baffled the skill of Boston doctors.
Mrs. Hayes, of Boston, Mass., in
the following letter tells how she was
cured, after everything else failed, by
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound,
Mr. IluycV Firnt Letter Appealing to Mrs. IMiikluuii for Help :
"Dr..ii Miis. Pinkham: I havo liccn tinder IJoston doctors' treat
ment for a Ions; time without any reliof. 'llwy tell me I havo a fibroid
tumor. I cannot sit down without great pain, and the sorenesa extondu
up my spine. I havo bearing-down pains both lmck and front. -My ab
domen Li swollen, nnd I have had .lowing1 spoils for three years. My ap
petite Is nol kxm1. I cannot walk or 1 on nty feet for any length of time.
"Tho HyinntomA of Fibnid Tumor given in your little book ac
curately describe my case, so I write to you for advice." (Signed) 3Irs.
E. F. IIayi, 252 Dudley St, (Koxbury) Bohton, 3Iass.
Note the result of Mrs. Pinkham's advice al
though she advised Mrs. Hayes, of Boston, to take
her medicine which she knew would help her
her letter contained a mass of additional instruc
tions as to treatment, all of which helped to bring
about the happy result
"Dnxn 31ns. Pinkiiam: Sometime ago I wrote to you describ
ing my symptoms and asked your advice. You replied, and I followed
all your directions carefully, and to-day I am a well woman.
u The use- of L,ydlu 12. IMnkliam's "Vegetable Compound entirely
expelled, tho tumor and strengthened my whole system. I can waLc
inUes now.
"JLydln E. Plnkliiun's Vegetable- Compound is worth f I vo dol
lars a droi. I adviso all women who are afflicted with tumors or
femalo troublo of any kind to give it n faithful trial." (Signed) Hits.
E. F. IIaye3, 25a Dudley St, (Iloxbury) Boston, Mass.
Mountain of gold could not purchase mich testimony or take
tho plnco of the health and happiness a lilch lij'dla 12. 1'iuklutui'a
Vegotablo Compound brought to Mrs. Hayes.
Such testimony should w accepted bj" all women as convincing
evidence that Lyilla 12. IMnkbam's Vegetable Compound stands
without a peer as a remedy for all tho diitresain ills of women ; all
ovarian troublos; tumors; inflammations ; ulceration, falling and dis
placements of tho womb; backache; irregular, suppressed or painful
menstruation. Surely tho volume and character of the testimonial let
tord wo aro daily printing in thu no wsjiapers can leave no room for doubt
Mrs. Hayes at her nbovo address will gladly answer any letter
which hick women may write for fuller information about her illness.
Her gratitude to Mrs. Pinkham and Lydia 12. IMnkbam's Vegetable
Compound is so genuine nnd heartfelt that sho thinks no trouble U too
reat for her to tako in return for her health and happiness.
Truly is It said that it is Lydia 12. IMnkbam's Vegetable Com
pound that is curing so many women, nnd no other medicine ; don't for
get tins wnon some druggist wants to sell you something olse.
FORFEIT I' wtmnnnl forthwith prtvlnc thooricinct l.llen ad ilnaurxf
their .h.ltit gninnit
1'inklif.m Mmlk. li.t. Co., T.ynn. llv.
Dut IteUoiuuitu, wblti trill tra
Ia.Uh K
tilled on Uxpcrlencc.
,lSa:,,, queried thu janitor, "dlil It
ever occur to you thnt bepears and pod
dlors am not tmMrBtitioin?"
"It never Uid," loplitsl tho elevator
"Well they'ro not," talil tho Janitor.
"It takoa more than aigu to keep
them out ol a building."
till Want Dellned.
Church -I see that HorlH wants eomu
ono to write eome advertising verses (or
(Jotliam Some nureery rhymes, evi
dently. Yonkers SUtecman.
Liver Pills
That's what you need; some
thing to cure your biliousness,
and reoulate your bowels. You
need Ayer's Pills. Vecetable:
. f i . -
?entiy laxative.
J. O. ijnOo.,, ttt.
Want vour moustache or henn
a beautiful brown or rich black? Ue
nrrrtn or tiromin oi i. , m . w. mum,
Locomotives of the World.
Tho world la eald to contain 09.000
I locomotlvos, of whiuh 50,600 are in
IT Vnll vrUh to ll your rnria lor cuth. eiul
IP lUU st.OOana full tMrlrtkii to tba
-. monthly Jourtul tmlilLlml lit the liitcrett
of Hcl Kltcml Aftnlni t xrgetl and mint
liiNuntUl iro( tuilafitullw We. Oltlre
Roluroon Aluclilno Co.
Toot of MorrUoit St., PortUn J, OrKon.
l'roin lUwker. Aulomfttle. Kit r'ceJert,
FaultteM Stump iMllrr. llJ horteiwwer with
tohert. Huckeye hvruilll Mahlnry, Kn
rlnei and ll-iller. Kit amt tttlckner Oaullna
Lncttira. Writ ut hu la waul of anythlnf
In luacblnory lino.
Hi) UK M HOOl. KOU Otitic. Ideal to
cation KxHrt teauhliie In all tie
)artiiiiit. Outdoor extirclo Ului
tratrd hook of lnfurmaiton eut oil ap
pllcatlon ELI3ANOK TGUUUTTS, IMnclpal.
- ' " -
P. N. U.
No SS-1901.
WHEN writing- to adTertUera pletul
uienlluu tUI papar. I
aaasgte Southwick Hay
JNBlauki v.n7 hJ wMBa 3f . . . i . . KTZP? .Jms aa
The Southwick has tho largvit capacity, 1 fasted and eaileit wotlor of aay Hay Vreu mado.
Band for catalogue. Mailed free.
Ftrl mnd ruroi
Par I Jam, Qrgmm