The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, September 04, 1903, Image 2

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    The Bend Bulletin
Untercd Merth i. ii. at neKhutea, Oregon,
i Mtin(lltM matter.
rDiumu KvmT ratitAV at tiMCHCtii,MO.
TT year - - -...-.. .Jl.
SU mouths ..-1 - i
Three month ....- ........ tj
(invariably In advance.!
Advertiser who with to change their advta
should have copy In not later thin Tuesday noon
preceding the itaue lu which change la detired.
SEPT. 4, 1903
A crank with a loaded revolver
in his pocket made a persistent ef
fort to see President Roosevelt and
was arrested and locked up Wed
nesday evening.
John W. Knowles, of LaGrande,
though backed by the entire Oregon
delegation in congress, didn't get
the registership of the land office
in his ovvn town. The plum went
to K. V, Davis, of Union, who was
recommended by ex-Congressman
Moody. This causes Knowles to
rush into print with a roar that rc
vcttls in every line the wind-jamming
politician. We fancy his back
ers are much disgusted over his per
formance. Here is another straw
to indicate the setting of the politi
cal wind against the Mitchell re
gime. If the anti-Mitchell republi
cans do not win in the next Oregon
elections present signs are greatly
misleading. The election of Ful
ton to the United States senate last
winter was the beginning of the end
of the Mitchellites, or softs, as they
were called when the money ques
tion led politics. It diove Multno
mah county into the Simon camp
and all that remains to be done now
is to transfer the paper title. The
rest of the state cannot combine
against Multnomah. One need not
be much of a prophet to see H. W.
Scott succeeding John Hippie
Mitchell in the United States sen
ate. Mr. Scott is not a product of
the Simon machine. Indeed, it is
.said that he and Mr. Simon do not
speak as they pass by. But there
is reason for the presumption that
Mr. Simon does not care to return
to the United States senate, that
that position is not'altogether con
genial to him, and. that he would
be willing to keep hands off that
office so long as he could knock out
his historic enemies and get control
of state politics. This would leave
Mr. Scott singularly free of polit
ical entanglements and give Oregon
a senator who would in every way
command respect for the state.
There ought to be a special stat
ute to prevent the pollution of the
Deschutes river, and perhaps other
Kastern Oregon streams. What
would become of the people in the
Deschutes valley if the river water
were to become unpotable? There
are no wells to supply the wants of
the people. It is river water or
nothing. That stream, now so pure
and cool and altogether delightful,
is likely to become polluted in the
course of time as the population of
tht valley increases and towns grow
Up on the edge of the river. All
sewage and animal refuse ought to
be kept out of the river. It is now,
under the circumstances of living
on the Deschutes, a moral crime if
not a legal one to make the river
a dumping ground for undesirable
matter ranging from kitchen refuse
to the carcases of defunct animals.
Neither ought this river to be paved
with tin cans and old stoves. The
law as it stands is not sufficient to
protect the Deschutes. We must
rely upon the sense of decency
among the people to serve until the
proper laws can be enacted.
George Schlecht, the popular
Bend newspaper man, was a Prine
ville visitor Saturday. He reports
Bend dead very dead. Prineville
But George came back next day
and then Bend resumed its wonted
liveliness. Bend is all right.
The county board of equalization
began its annual sitting at Prine
ville last Monday. The assessor,
having been employed until this
time in making up his roll, submits
it to the county board of equaliza
tion, which body makes any cor
rections that may be deemed just.
Thereupon it becomes an assess
ment roll and goes to the county
clerk for conversion into a tax roll.
Any person who does not appear
before the county equalization
board to see that his assessment U
properly made is estopped from en
joining" the collection of any tnx
that he may allege to be wrongful.
Old and New TownslteCnnal versus
County RoadStcfin Moved,
Prinuvillk Or.. Sent, a The
plat of the town of Bend was vncat-!
cd bv the county court yesterday, I
.. ...--.I-..
n tvlitint, rift Jir Pitor Itiitte He.
VelopUlCllt Company. Owner Of tlie'ofeiiii Hatch tii-oWnf, 'county of HlwUiie,
v.1nt Vn Into linil ), mid in lu
plat. o 101s mm oeen soia in iiil
old plat which had bceu
tiled lasi
n simple
year, so its vacation was
matter. It is understood that the
riew plat prepared in accordance
with a careful sun ey, will be filed
soon and lots may then be sold.
The county court this week also
made an order permitting the P. H.
D. Co. to build its irrigation canal
on the right-of-way of the county
road, shitting the roadway to one
side where there might be conflict
between them. The court also or
ders a review of the work of the
viewers who examined a route for
a proposed change of the county
road near Bend in July. The view
ers thought they were restricted in
their examination to the route that
had been stipulated for between I
Attorney Brink, for the petitioners,
and Mr. Reed, for the remonstrants.
,. , ., .....
I hey expressed the opintou that it
given tue liberty ot tue petition
they could find a new locution fur
the road that would avoid all ob
A. G. Richardson and I). F.
Steffa have moved their household
effects in from Bend and taken a
house for the winter. Mr. Steffa's
mother is expected to arrive soon
from the Cost and occupy the house
with them. The county superin
tendent has not in any way recog
nized Mr. Steffa as clerk at Bend
this year and there will probably be
no occasion for such recognition
hereafter. It is said that Mr. Steffa
may become identified with the
Crook County Journal.
Timber Land, Act Jane J. t';
V S. Land Office, The Dalle. Orrsen.
July jo, I9.
Notice ia hereby ftecn that lu ceruplUHcc a-lth
the prorialona oflhc Act of Coocreaa of Jane
If;, entitled, "An act lor the ule of timber Unda
10 the autea of California. Orecon, Nerada, and
Wa.hln jlcm Territory,' as extended to all the
public land ttatea by Act of Aueut 4, iVji, the
loUowlncaamed peraona hare bled ia thl office
their anorn aUtrmenU, to-wit.
Cbarte W Thorntharalte
of Leal.tou, county of Net Terce. atate of Idaho,
worn atatetnent No M. filed April . iom, for
the pure ha e of the cH ntX aec 3a and wii nwJ
ac9, tpita, r lie, r m
Chriatinc L Tbornthwalle
of Levittoo, county of Nea I'rrce. aute of Idaho.
arorn alatement No r. Med April ., lom, for
tbepurchaaoftbcaari( aec , tp i a, rile,
w m
That they will offer proof to ahow that the land
eooght la more raluable for Ita timber or atone
than for agricultural purpoaea, and to eatabUah
their cUlmt to uid land before the Kelatrr and
Kcceieer at The tMllea, Orejou, on baturday.
the jitb day of September. ipj.
They name aa wttncMcs John O Koae. Ttttle
Koae. Nellie Bureaaoa, Alfred Huriaaoa. of The
Dallrt, Orrxon. Charlea W Thornlhwalte. Chria
tinc L Thornthwaltc, of LewUtoo, Idaho. Jaaaea
11 llaner. oflknd. or
Any and alt peraona claiming adreraely the
aboTcdcacribcd land are retjuratcd to file their
ctaima In thia offlce on or before the aald jath
day 01 September, iwi.
NOLAN, RrglMer
Land Office at The Pallet, Oregon,
Aurutt IB. Kat
Notice la here
bv glren that the Mtowlng
1 bled notice of hla Intention to
named aettler haa
make commutation proof in aupport of hit claim,
and that aald proof will be made before J. J
Smith. County Clerk, at rrincrttlc. Oregon, 011
tuturday, September 10, lyoj. rii.
Lyman H. Hogera, of Howard, Orrgon.
11 KNoiD&S, lorlhenHne''aodae)( nc aec
36 and nwj nwW aec, tp 11 a, r 19 e. w ra.
He namea the following witneaara to prove hla
continuous residence upon and cultlratnu of uid
land, vis:
1 J Schmidt
Carlylc Iriaec. John V
Howard. Or
Hogg, Clyde C Hon. of Howard
U ft. Land Office. The Dalle., Orrgon,
August 9, iy.
Notice ia hereby rlren that In compliance with
the prorialona of the Act of Congrats of June 1,
1678. entitled, "Au act for the sale of timber landa
in the aute of California, Orrgon, Nerada, and
Washington Territory,"' as exteoded to all the
public land statra by Act of Aiigutt 4, , the
ioiowing.naraea persona nare filed I
In thitaOicc
tneir sworn ststements, lo-wlt.
Oeorge W. Gardner
of Duluth, county of St Louis, atate of Minne
sota; sworn statement No 174J, filed Mar ji, it.
for the purcbaacofthclola 1, land iacc6. tpio
a, rue, win.
lohn H. Rrliulde
of lllbbing, county of bl Louia, aUle of Mlnne
aota: aworn atatetnent No 1744, filed April 1, loy,
for the purcbaacofthcuHawU kWikU a
j and nejf nwf aec , tp s, r ij e, w m.
Minnie Jacobaon
ofComttock. county of liaron, sute of Wiaoan
ain. aworn atatement No i?tj. filed Mar , iui
for the purchase ofthcnwWaec 9, tp 19 a, r tie,
James A. Jennings
of 401 llanka are, West Superior, county of Doug
las, state of Wisconsin, sworn statement N0171J,
filed Mar it, toy, for the purchase of the ueW
aec t, tp jo s, r 1 1 e, w m.
That they will offer proof to allow that the land
aought la more valuablr-for ita timber or alone
!5tn &r.,,,ur,.1 1,uraes, and to e.taWl.h
IheircUlma to said land before W. A Hell V K
Commitsloner. at Prineville, Oregon, on Tliursi
day the 12th day of November, looj.
They name aawilneaaea John SBcliultre.of
Hibbing, Miuu, Orin J Cray, John A Tracy,
tileiiniMarah.oflleiid. (Jr. tieorge W Gardner,
of Duluth. Minn; Iw H Allingliam, Ora ruin
dtxU.r.:!! J I'almer, of Prineville. Or. Carl Jacob
son, Willard I, Coppernoll. ofliugrne. Or, Kleh
ard King, Wm II Jirock, John Irtota, ofllaud. Or
John McTaggart.ofThe Dalles, Or; IlcHJaniin I'
Campbell, liravs, Wath.
Any and I all persons claiming adversely the
atve-descTiUd lands are rcjutd to file their
clalnia In thia office on or before theaald lath day
01 not ember, ton.
MICHAHI, T. NOLAN, Kegitter.
Timber Land, Act June J, It;.
V. S. Land Office. The Dalles. Oregon,
. . June l. Iojj.
Notice It hereby given that In compliance rlth
theiiruvlilotiiofthe Artvl Conarest of June 1,
l;R, entitled, "An net for the aalctifllmlwr lamia
In the latr of California, Oregon, Nevada, ami
Wathlngton Territory ' aa extended to all the
fmbllc land atatea by Act of Atiituat 4, iNil. the
oUtming-uatncd pcrvouahave filed in llila office
their awont alaleniciite, lo-wlt
Ira W l-age
of Motiler, county of Ltncvln. atale t( Washing-
1 sworn pwicineni itu is, nreu jiuv J, "
for the purcha of the eH ncH l it ei ae
I '5. P . ' e,
' atate of WathlHgtoul awm alateinenl No 1J,
.,, Nor y 1V0J yB'r lnr ran4w ,h, wr.
U.m-U uwWamlut! arc O. Il II a, r to
e, in.
Martha Page
of apukane, county of npokauc, Male of Wath
tuston, "worn alalvmrut N llii flint Nrlvt m,
taw for the po. rebate of the w), K' anil nfo
m . tec tj, ti umtitf w m
That they will elfrrtKwftualiow that the land
uOkht U more valuable fur iW limine or alone
Ikah Kaa aliillliBl .i.iaaa aaa.l a, uliV.llk,
their claim, to ukl laud txbirr the Kegitter a ml at The Dallra. Oiccoii. on Wednesday.
the uthtUy ofOttobvr. rj
The. natur at wlltitwt Ilrai
rge ,n i)it,
lreC Meter, and Julia Tenn, of niwk,snc.
Wath: William II llrocV. of mint, Ort Martha A
Pare and Im. W l"ai, vi Mwlileri U'atli.
Any and all neraona lUlmlti adetatly the
atHKcleactlbed Uudf are t.-jMMlrtl t Air their thlieOiceoaor Ufore Iheuld i4lh day
of O tuber, tyil.
jyMtis MlCIIAKl. T NOl.AN, Mr.ltter.
Timber lmd, Art June J, I.
V S. Land t)!ce. The ntle. Oreron,
iaj-?j. iwvi
com nl la nee 1
Notice It hereby cleen that In comiilMitce llh
the prwrt.xmioroie Art of dii:rr r June J.
IS. eatitlel.
J. '
1 1
am an rortiK aairottiMtieriaaut
!'n.lh',u.,-'ril"'iu ". Ne
Wa.hinj.tiHi Teirltory. a rttrndeit
nauw und Mta hy Act of .nt.i t
IvniU OrrKuti, Nevada, and
la all the
rvuKie land tatea hr Act of AUWI 1, 1!. the
rHlelnc-itauel ixraona karc on Oct
17. v.
Ml In thl. oNke thetr awora UteiiwiiL, ta-ll
(leorne A Steele
ef Milan, county efH6ok.aae, atate af Wathlnj
Ian. awuea ttaUaaeHt N i7 foe the parchaw
of the at, at J, aad a ), m a. Ii. r w e,
lux M Carter
of Milan, enwity ef ntatVaae, late af WaM(
ten, Mrn xalrmcot
airmcot Mt, ijaa. rar ine niuiiti
me en aw
we. w ni
Ka.bery Carter
rMHaa. caamly af ttyaka
tUtr af Uaaltic
www, w. n vm.w.H.. a.w . vn .
af the ueV a.;).lpifa, rae, wm.
a ! lae the parehaw
Carr C. CeMao
if!Hkam, "
late M vx'a.litae.
awof n ttatewietil Na 11V1. It the narcKaie
ntm Na i
car 1
eiiae tit neM, sex n'( aaaivl laec t. tp a,
r lee. w m
That they wilt alTrrpraala thaw that the taad
two cat it aac ulausk (W lit limber ae ttaaie
than for agricultural puenwet, and la etal4tk
thetr ctaluts to td Uad Wferc the UtAAtt awl
Kecetver at Ttar Itatiat, tteeewn. on Thursday,
tbe th day ef ef UmUrr, hh4
They name as Mntta J V Oonitrtoa, C C
Cangtetati. it II Carter, flea Merle, I M Carter, af
Milan. Wa.h. Jaha J Dowlmg, af bfaakane.
Wa.h.asd Ira Istiam, ef Caaaden Watli
Any and all Krum aialatlng advrrtely the
a3e-dwnted Uadt ate rr4atinl ta lite thetr
rJalma In thia afhee n or bilarc the satd (4th
day af September, loo
u6-sii MICIIArIL T MILAN. Hrgittcr.
Desert Land, Vtaat l-ruef.
V R. Land Office. The Dalits, Oregon,
. 1 ugart , vU.
a that Mary Cvrut. ot
wnmiuinm,H sledTlietlCC OT lMtttHn
ta make proof au her deserl'land claim No mm,
lor the et nw. e'4 and Iota 1, . t and 4
se7, tpia. r 11 e. w-m. berc J J Smith.
Cuuaty Clerk, at mneviile. Oregon, on Tueatlay.
the th day of rwptemher, vy
nhe names the following witnesses to prove the
Cum pit te trrlajattw and irriamatleei of aald taHd
Andrew I Ruble, Walter KuWe. ef Culver, Or:
Henry WCarHn, Herbert (Ilaaer, af IHsters. Or.
Sll-tij MICHAKL T NOl.AN. Krgitlef.
Timber Land. Art June J. SJ-
V S I.aad O&ee, The IaUa. tiregwu.
jane y lyaj
Netlct ia hereby glrea lhat In eoainlianr with
the pravttuMtt of the Act of Com
ae Art of Lturm. of lua l
of J u ;
iM. eatitled. "Aa act the alc of limber tamta
lai the atatea of Calllwraua
Oregon. Nevada, and
Wa.hlagton Trrritorr
eatendrtt la an the
public land atatea by AH of August 4, lN, the
luHowlng-namcd ptraoat have utt Nov 17, iyw,
filed in thia elbcv thetr tuorn stalemetita, la-nit.
Cart I'redrriafcaQn
of CUrktton, county af Aaotln, title of Wash
ington: aworn statemeat Na in,.fr the pur
chateof the n( aec u. tp v) a, r 11 e w m.
Herat Nilaen
of I'erjuamlng, county of turaga, atate fif Michi
gan, aworn ttatemeut No iy9. far the peirahaae
of the ntW aec II. tploa, r 11 e, w m.
Hugo U'. II Kellgrefl
ofaarktton.coualyafAtotln, auteof Waahlng
ton: aworn atalement No ijal, fur the purcbate
of the set. seen, tp I? a, r II e, w ni
That they vitt orTer .proof la altow lhat
the land aought is more valuable for Its timber or
stone than far agrlcultaral portMavee, and la rs
Ubtlih their clalut tu said lautl h(ut t the K tatt
ler and Receiver at The lutlet. tirerou. on Pn
day, the J1 day of October. Mat
They name aa wdartwi Oliver Johnson.
Arat Aunr. Herat Nlltea. of reuuaming, Mich.
Hugo WII Kellgreoaad Carl PrtahrrlcVaon, of
CtaikttOH, Wath
Anv and all tieraoaa rUlttilnr sdvrfMlv the
abuveleacribed landi art rnjusslad to flic I heir
datmt in thia office w or before IbcaakJ 4day
af October, iyu-S7-C9
Timber Land, Art June J, UatL
t. S. Land OrTwe, The Dallra, Orrgon,
iay jr. w
compliance 1
Notice la hrrcbv rlren lhat In eomullancr with
me provitMmaoi I lie Act of Ubugr
--. -.-...-.... . . -T-
Ubuprasa au tunc 1.
of June
Ifft. entltlnl. "An art hr ihr tsirofflmbrr Ian
An act for (he sate of timber lamia
ill the atatea of Califarnla, Oregon. Nevada, and
Waahliigton Territory, ' aa extended to all the
puoiic isna aiaiea uy Act or Augutt 4, !, ine
iollowlng-uauicd peraoat hare on Oat 1, HM,
filed lu this office their awurn ilatemtsla, tu-wlt
James M Fleming
of The Dalles, vouuty of Wkku, atalr of Oregon,
attorn atalement No IM5. fortheawU aec i, tp
1-9 a, r IJ e. w m
, . . Chart., H. Kindt
ofrortland, county of Multnomah, stale of Ore
gun, sworn atalement No 1147, fur the putehaac
oflhc neU aecjt, Ipija. r i)c,wm.
Iirnctt V Maddox
ifl'oitUnd, county of Mullnoinah, atale rf Ore
gon, sworn atalement No 1148, for the purchase
of the oetf sec Jj, tp 19, file, w m.
. . Annie C Maildox
of 1'ortland, county of Mulliioiiiali, stale of Ore
gon, aworn atatement No 1J49, for the purchase
oflheae!i sec jj, tp ija. r tie, win.
Thatthey will offer woof lo ahow that the land
aought la more valuable for ita timber or alone
than for agricultural puriiotes, and to
their claiuia to aald laud Ufore the Kegitter and
Kecrivrr at The Dalles Oregon, 011 1'rlday, the
yl day of October, lyoj
They name aa vtltnette: Charles Kindt, Hr
nett VMvddox, Annie C Maddox, of I'ortlaiul,
Or: HmrajA Iteming, James M inemiiig.ofTlie
Dalles, Or.
Any and all personi claiming adreraely the
aboveMleseribcd land, are requoalrd to file thejr
culms In thia office ou or bcfoic the said lyl day
ofOatober, ij
Z. P.
General Commission
Prompt attention paid to tho.ic
C U n a 1 1 'ADftftarilla
2 II 111 1 KO" rTIrlcVI 1 IC
.. .
Leave ShuUiko 6 p. m.
Arrive Prineville 6 a. in.
Leave Prineville I p. in,
Arrive Bed 0:30 p. m.
First-Class Accommodaaions for (he Traveling Public
Unttaa N'trtt- MaxatRMamr.
The Pilot
c MCMa.
Tables AUpptictl with all
Hkm Kmlii SNH rMH.
Wholesale and Retail Liquor House
Pllieit ttrands of Liquor nnd Cl.'nr. Two tloorn South of Dante'
Carrying U. S. mail and passengers.
Leaves 1'rlncvltte MdimU), Wetliirinliiys niul Kritlas. FreiKlit anil
PaitsoliKUhi waybill, for Ikinl, I.hii, Rowlwiul, anil Silver Lake. Cootl
riK, careful ttrivcM,
C. I. WMNNHK, AkoiiI.
-muiata in
Furniture and Undertaking
Stoves, Wall Taper, Building Materials, Etc
Stock bOflrtltjil by llib tiny, week or month.
Fine Teams and Rigs, find Reasonable Rales.
I'iMl'Clnsi Pacilitiea for linlitlliiltr Itcnlorn nlul Commercial Travelcn.
Ouick Sen-ice mid Jiiitisfaclioli Cittnmutcetl.
Columbia Southern Motel.
Hot ntld cUltl Water oil boUt lloolSi Untlia for the use of,
Isvery modern cuilvblltellcg nl linlul.
The iliiiillg roOtll, Uildcr the dlrod sliiwrvision Of Mr. Kccncy, is n
very model of iiistefuli sjotla3 deKMisei mid tho ogrvlce b ctinnl to any
in the fltatei
All stngea dfFlvti nt and 13AW IhC &J.ilntLIil SoiHliQfjl.
Ji Alt KllilNlYa Praprkton
Forwarding Merchant
who favor mc with their patronage.
Stage Line
r ctiMNirrr.
Leave Bend 6:jo n, tti,
Arrive Prineville la in,
Leave Prineville 1 p. tu.
Arrive Shntiiko 1 a. in.
iMtkHst rttaiuvo w.
Butte Inn.
the Delicacies of the Season.
lux in ONiNtetawx
& Mby Feed Barn