J (. THE BEND BULLETIN. VOL. I. JIICND, OHJSGOST, FRIDAY, AUGUST 28, 1903. NO. 24. vc EVENTS OF THE DAY OATIinRnD FROM ALL PARTS OP THE TWO IIEAIISPIIEHGS. -Comprehensive Review of the Import- . . . il .t A W . ni Happenings 01 wio rail nni I'rcatntcd In Condensed Form, Mont Likely to Prove Interesting to Our Many Render. Lonl Hallsliiiry's condition In vory urnro. A David Olty, Nub,, man linn mar rlml his stopmotlutr. Tlio jtorr nro cotnldorlnK stops to ml thu uprising l .Mamlonla, ' I'lro In thn JUaumont, Toms, oil Holds dostrojed 160,000 worth o( prop uty. Umwral Jclui O. Mock, of Illinois, lias Ik'uii oloctod commander In clitul of thu (I. A. it. William V. Hulllvnn, n Missouri urn ator, han Ixntn found ttuilty of Krultlnn anil flrutl f 100. I.ondnni)ra woio tuiioh surprised t thu showing of Hlmtiirodk III. Tiny exported hnr to liaro a walkover. President Koonevolt will allow no discrimination In lavor of union inun by thn uovoriiiimnt, neither will ho op ponu thum in any way. A granite monuinont marking tho Ito of tho birthplace of thu lalu Presi dent Chester A. Arthur ha boon erect e4jU l-'alrflold. Vermont. The aultan of Deseon, Philippine Is land, ha apologised for Insulting thu Amorlcnn Hag, saying Ills craxy Kin wat rconolblo for tho outrage. Mayor Williams, of Portland, hi askrd Hocrotary Moody to rand onn or mora warvessole to tho rartland Imrlwr durltiK tho carnival in Bopleinbpr. Tho Marnliurg-Amsrlcan steamship ..-company will establish b lina on tho j'at'lnc ocean. ' , .s Thu kaiser of Germany will ask" tho Telchstag to provldu for nn increase In thu army of 30,000 men. Massachusetts Doinocrati may mn Oonoral M ilea for governor. It la said ho will accept tho nomlnntlon. Thn chamberlain of tho rxar of Hute la baa arrived in this country to ar range (or an exhibit at thu tit. Lou la fair. Pedro Alvarado, a Molxran, who, six year ago wa a laborer in a roiuu at 30 coiita n day, Im Just died, worth f 83, 000,000. A light between Turkish troop and rebola noar Mouaitlr resulted in tho imltan'a followers being repulsed with a loss of 210 man. Tho Itollanca mutt glvo Shamrock III 1 minute and 46 seconds itart on tho 30 inllo race on account o' a largor amount of CAIIVAM. A cloudburit at Corro l'lolro, Alia., wrecked tho itamp mill of thn principal gold inlno at that pinto and washed away $40,000 worth of (re. A heavy thunder storm in the Han Hornsrdluo valley, Cat., destroyed many fruit and tfiade treoi. Lightning struck n number of houses. Tho TranitMliliudppi congroaji li in session in Seattle. Turauy ha called for 62,000 men for eo'vlcu in Macedonia, Popo Plus lioa uiven (20,000 to bo distributed among tho poor of Homo. Thu two Kbhmh Oitlea are again suffering from thu effect of high water. Tho 37th national onrnmpmont of tho U. A. It. Is in trusalon nt Bun l'rnn cisco, lly thu collapso of thn uppnr dock of n Finish stoiuner 40 peoplo worn drewned. Tho Hussion Hoot has sailed forTurk. oy to unforru thu domnnd that slaying of consul bo avenged, Olilnn Iiuh agrood with the United Mates to open two' ports, thus main talnlng the opea door policy. Itootovolt wants Hoot to help him dofost hi Now York enomlea and will cailoreo him for nroaldont in 1008. A woalthy Davenport, la,, woman was klduapod and hold for tR0,000 ransom, but gave hor captors the slip and escaped. Vesuvius contlnuos nctlvo and Is sending smoke and (lnmo to a height of 4,000 tout. Lava Is flowing toward Ot tnjanio and Pompeii. WIND TOO LU1IIT. first Yacht Race Unfinished In Time Limit With Reliance Ahead. Now York, Auk. 21. Ono of the largest crowds uf sightseer and yachts men that uvoi nailed down to Handy Hook to witness an attempt of a for nlgn o'iphuntor to wrest from America tho yachting supremacy of tho world returned to New Ycrk last night dlssp pointed because tho aoa had refused a field of combat to thn racers. Never tholes, tho crowd wa jubilant in tho conviction that Kir Thomas Upton's latest challenger, liko tho two Wham rocks which had prncraJod hor, Was doomed to return to Kngland empty handed. Of courso tho raco yesterday was not conrlunlvu, owing to thu light and shifting character of thn air, but In a lnmllo leat to windward, a portion of which was milled In a driving rain, thu cup dofundor Hollanro showed hor heels to thu Hlmmrork III in commanding stylo, and that, too, in wenthor ran dltlons which were siippo! to Iw to thn pirtlcular liking of thn challenger. Thu Hhammrk did not turn tho outer mark, and them Is therefore, no way of knowing absolutely how badly shn was beaten, but It was estimated that hn was mora than a mile antetn, or about 10 minutes, In tho existing strength of tho wind, whon thu Hell anre rounded. As a ronlt of tho trial tho experts bollovo, blow high or blow low, thn Itulianco will win this, thu 13th, series for thn America's cup. Tho day wa a miserable ono. A mist lay over thn city and bay in thn mornlnir, and when tho stcat fleet of excursion steamers, steam yachts, tiu and sailing voxels reached thu starting lino, wl(oro tho racer were already Jockeying for a polllon, threatening clouds wore gathering ovor the Jersey highlands. Thn breezn waa not over six knots. Thn courso was rot IS miles fouthonst, straight down the Jersey coast, and nturn. TUHKI3Y OtVUS IN. Announces That' rivery Demand of Nu. ala Will II Met. Constantinople, Aug. 22. Towflk Paiha, the Turklxh foreign minister, yo'tnrday visited tho Husslan ombasa. dor and nntlflod him that too Turkish government accepted ail the ItiiHslan demands and lx-st'ed Hint tho Itulan sluailron Ira withdrawn from Turkish waters, The Itii'slan ripiadron arrived off Inlada, on the eastorn itMist of Kuro pean Turkey, yesteaday afternoon. Tho now of tho Impending arrival of the squadron hero it spreading not withstanding tho continued suppres sion of all telegrams and announce ments on tho subject. Tho soneral opinion of-thn Europeans here Is that the time has arrived for a vigorous ln terventlon and tho abandonment of all oml-moasuro. which arn recanted as the cause of the present rising According to the Turkish pfflcUl ro ports the strongest positions of thn in surgents aro at Kruievo, Merlhoro and Fiorina, Contrary to previous to ports, It is now stated officially that Kreihovo Is still occupied by the Inaur gents, Tho headquarters o( tho revolution ists aro n tho Porlstorl mnuntalns, in tho vlrVnity of Monasltr. Women and nhlldron aro not molested by thn insnr gents, who havo destroyed only fortl ilod dwellings occupied by rich Turks. JAPAN STILL rKHPARCS TOR WAR. Russia's Action In Corea Causea DKIcr ent Regiments to (lather. Victoria, R. O , Aug. SS.Jnnanero papers received by tho steamer Indro velll from Yoknhamn, to Auitust , dis cuss tho alleged imminence of war'nnd tell of continued military preparations. Thn Japan Advo.rMsorjw.VA thn J pan eso govornmont Is artivoly preparing for war, whether war comes or not. Thn mon of tho different roglmonts aro taking leave, of their famlllos and frlonds, and Formosa Is being filled with troops. Tho Japaneso pspor quotos a long in tervlow with W. II. Krnmm, an Amer ican mining export from Manohurlo, who, In hriof, said his observations in Manchuria showed him clearly that Russia Intended to keop Manchuria, and waa preparod to fight for tho terri tory. Hattleshlp Missouri Is Launched, flaltlmoro, Aug. 22. Tho MIsbouiI, a sister ship of tho Maine, built by tho National Mercantile Marine company, was ouccesjsfully launohod today. VETERANS MARCH TEN THOUSAND VETERANS IN THE LINE OP MARCH. Many Know It Is Their Lsit Tramp and StruggU Itravcly to Keep Up-Chccrs on livery Slde-Survlrors of Many Famous Regiments and Men From Nearly livery 5UU March. Pan Francisco, Aug. 21, Ten thous and survivors of thu civil war pissed In review today, inarching to tho martial tunes that Inspired them to endeavor 40 years Ago. Abovo the National col or, bcrno by evory marcher, proudly Heated, torn and tattered hattlo flags. These, with empty sleeves and limping gait, wore eloquent reminders of tho sorrow and glory of war. Unlike thu parade of yesterday, with thn quick marching time of youth, to day's procession was tho steady and measured tread of ago. At tho differ ent divisions passed along, wares of sentiment passed ovor marchors and spectator. Thoro are many still vigor ous in line, but they waited for tholr weaker comrades and thu column halted often on Its two-mllo con r so. "it's my last march." said many a irrlztled veteran as he started out. "It is now or never, and I am going to try." Ono bent old man, 70 years of ago, with the Wisconsin delegation, could not be dlrsuadod. ills gait grew slower from block to block, and ho would havo fallon had ho not been held up by two of Id companion. Two civilians stepped from tho spectat ors and ted him out of the line. In the long lino woro men from evry corner of the nstlon. Veterans who perhapi had enlisted In Maine, or in somo other far-away state, woro tho badges ol wostern commonwealths, showing tho growth of tho nation they fought tc keep intact. Of all tho states, California excepted, thu one that had tho lari(0ft number In line was Illinois, but lows was a close sec ond. V"V Almost evory delegation had an em blem. Ohio its buckeye, Connecticut Its wooden nutmeg Minnesota its loaf of bread, and so on Indefinitely. Iboro was something distinctive to each group. Tho men from Vermont, "tho Green Mountain Btato," boro n lino of seven green banners, each con taining a letter, tho whole spdllng tho namn of tho stato. Near the hoad of thn pnvesslon lode n veteran on a bicycle. Whenever thn marchers haltod he moved around like an export and kept pedaling away with tho samo case of a boy, until tho linn morotl on again. A gray-headed bugler sounded the calls for the Ohio delegation, and every time ho blew a blast tho crowd cheered. Oeneral Summer la Chief. Pan Francisco, Aug. 21. Tho veter ans of tho Spanish-American war and tho Philippine insurrection held a largely attended roil id n and camp-Qro tonight at their armory on Kills street. Previous to the arrival ol their gueris, tho election of officers was held, with the following remit: Commander in chlof, General Owen Bummers, of Orogon-, sonlor vlco com-' mander, Major P. T. PImo.n, of Call-! fornla; Junior vlco commander, Colouol J. L. McCllntock, of Aihona: Judge advocate genoral, General Wilder P. ' Metcalf, of Kansas; surgeon ponoral, Major Klmer 8. Hrown.of Washington;' chaplain general, Itov. Joseph S, Wool ley, of Itboilo Island; officer of tho day, . Lieutenant Hnrtmau, of Idaho. . LOW RATnS ARQ ORANTHD. Rattroada Do the Msndome Thing for Portland's Ulg Fall Cojnlval. Vory low rates havo been granted by tho railroads for Portland's big fall i carnival, Supbtornbor 14 to 20 Inclus ive, ami many from this section will l tako ndvnnU'O of this opportunity to visit Portland. Ton thousand dollars Is tho sum being oxponded by tho Multnomah Amatour Athlotln Club, under whoso auspices It is given, and the best attractions ovor brought to thn coait will bo boou. Evory day will bo a spocial day, and this In itself is an innovation in tho way of a carnival. Root Oil tor Gngland. Washington, Aug. 21. Secretary Root loft bore for Now York today and will sail for Kuropo to tako Ills neat as chairman of tho AlaBkan boundary commission, whloh meets in London Boptnmbor 3, Until tho first of 6ep tomlmr tho war department will be umior tho direction of Colonel Panuer, the assistant secretary, at which time General Olltver will succeed him. ,saa3cSa3a!S)cSa! DO YOUR TRADING IN BEND SAVE SAVE Prices Same Bend Mercantile Company incorporated Am Hm GRANT, Manager ft Carries a Complete Stock of General Merchandise suited to the needs of the Deschutes Valley m m o o Groceries, Provisions, Dry Goods, Ladies' and Gents' Furnishings, Stoves, Tinware, Saddlery, Harness j'j'j'j'j'j'iJ'j'j' GENERAL OUTFITING SUPPLIES, ETC.. AGENTS FOR RUBBEROLD ROOFING Cheaper Than Shingles All Branches of the Trade Handled in a Business Manner and with due re gard to the interests of our Cnstomers Bend Mercantile Company Wail Strmmt, G8&a83gS8&a2&2ES&&Besmi Shaniko Warehouse Co. SMANIKO. OREGON. Fireproof Building OOxc500 Foot Rully Equipped for Storing: and Forwarding Merchandise, Wool. Pelts, grain, Etc. DEALERS IN Lumber, Wood, Coal, Flour, Hay and Grain Special Attention (liven to Wool. First Class Baling and O railing Facilities. Ill Modern Improvements (or Handling; Stock Latest Patern of Stockyards. PROPRIETORS FRENCH & CO., BANKERS, Tho Dalles. MOORE BROS. W. LORD, The Dalles. B. F. LAUQIILIN, The Dalles. EJSS5aSK5BBH CLAIMS ESTIMATES AMD SOLD ESTIMATHtB A SPECIALTY KING, HUNTER & MARSH Thttkmr Ctulsmrs ami Lmml locators BEND OREGON rv SANFORD'S CAKtUKS A 11IQ LINK OP Oeneral Merchandise, Groceries, Clothing, Furnishing Ooods Call on lllot Prke Rlshi. SMANIKO 0 TIME MONEY as PrineviUe ft Bmnd, Qrmgm, ft mnrVTTTTTTTVTX CASH .QTnDP i! i ; " " : i OREQON J