Loss of Appetite Is lowiofv'tiillly, vigor or time, iiinllsoitcn n liertiiiMirir prostrating slckuetii, nils In why It n unions mid mont serious to I'poiito thut inllt ku-pupuud doing or gel IhiIiIiiiIIiiiiiiI, The I'fdt thing vim run ilu for Ion of dp petite U lu lika Hood's Sarsaparilla 1 1, will iiiitkn you rrndy t nt, HUs a rcl lili to your ruoil, nnd iimIM In It" iIIkckIIoii, Till gliut medicine rules nil Monmcli troulikN it ml IiiiIIiIii ti v (ho whole yntctn. OLD INDIAN IIATTM1 OP.OUND. Tokens ol peace rid War Pound In the Kcnnswlck Vallsy, Washlnglou. Wliorn llio great steel brldgo of tlia Northern I'aclllo railway spans tlm Columbia river, half way botwsan HK. Knuo aud Haatlle, Washington, and near Urn confluence of tlio Hunko and Columbia livers thorn was fuught sixty yuan ago a battle to tliu tlnatti botweeu two Indian tribes, probably the Cay iiki and the Wallahwallhs or the OlhollliH, which latter tribe was a rock loan ami thieving one. Ortat Irrigating Ultcb Completed. Tim railway company has recently cninplittetl a geat Irrigating ditch 26 miles long and 20 loot wide that la turning thli valley adjacent to the want bank ol the Columbia from a sage liruih piano Into what a low years uoncw will bo an orchard and gaden lot 20 miles square, with a climate peculiarly adapted, It li said, to rais ing "II rt of vegetables, berries, cachet, applet, plumt, chnrrlaa and alfalfa. In the tearing up process an old Indian buttle iriound hasboeu found on the tame spot whero Lewis and Clark, tho pioneer explorres, pitched their camp nd from which they pushed their way up tiroani to the mouth of tho Yakima river in tlm year 1805. famous dent rait I'ouiht Thtre. Thla la all historic ground at at a later date Grant and hhtrldan and other noted army olllcort wero tin tlonol In thla vicinity Grant In 18o2 3. Nherldan In IHIWi-O,' both of them taking part In repelling Indian upris ing. In thli old battle ground, and ilrst by meant of a well, them rran un earthed recently, skeletons, flint lock rifle, Indian beads, brss had get bear ing data of IH4U, broken hatchett, apear hnodt, elka teeth and a piece of cloth or matting spun from threads of weodt or hemp. Kver) thing went to thow that thlt part of the. Kennewlck valley wat at one and the tame time an old Indian battle and burying ground, at It It now known that the Indlant congregated here In great nuni lxre on account of the mild climate, es pecially during the winter montha l4wheu tho Inclement wratlier of the litghor altitudes drovo them into more hotpltnbla irglont. Once a Strong Trading I'ott. How many retideuta of Wuthlngtnn ttato know that the junction of the Wallawalla and Columbia rlvera wat, prior to the Visit ol Lewis alKl Clark, the clfo of a Ilndson Day company out, Ft. Wallawalla, now known a Wallula, and that on their nastbound trip on Anrll 'JO, 10, Lewia and Clark crossed the Ccltimbla river hero and encamped alout a mile from the Co lumbia, at the mouth of the "Walla wollah" rlvor. UOWa tttllt ffe efftr On Hundred bolliri Iteward for an tiMOl Cktttnti (but can uolttcurod brlialrf Catarrh Cutr. r. . CIIKNKY Co..Prop.1Todo,0. Wa Ihaundf tit(DJ, hare known J.Cfctoas forth til I5t?Y. ti'l Ullti lilm prrlt-tlr bonorllln Ml fcunnrn IraniMtluui and Rn. nrlallf abtsluctrrjr out auj obligations wad bylMrnrw. . Watt Tatux, Vfaolual Vrasilits.Telsde. Waloihu ICikx.hA Maavt, WbalsitJa Urnsjuii, Toledo, a nll'CUtrbC'r it Ukaulnl-rBallr.tetlni llrectlrea lb blood and taueoak lurftwiol Uiairitaai. rilc7tr tenia. ItoldkaU (roitlitt. TrllmonUIftf. Ufl'i raally ftll ar ika btit. Ueacrvcd tloaor. Drown Hat Kmlth named hit new country toalT Jouet Yet, ho cat It it "Snlxxll Hilrart," after that bruakfatt food he made bin fortune on. Detroit Freo l'rott. My Hair "I hid a very severe alckneii that took off all my hair. I pur chased bottle of Ayer'a Hair Vigor and It broutht all my hair back acaln." w, D. Qulnn, Marseilles, III. One thing Is certain, Ayer's Hair Vigor makes the hair grow. This is because it is a hair food. It feeds the hair and the hair grows, that's all there Is to it. It stops falling of the hair, too, and al ways restores color to gray hair. tl.Hlt.llll. All 4rantt. If jour dinciUt ctnuot lumilr yi, tand ua out dollar aud we will axpreit yoa about. Bt tuia and alve tb nam of lur uarttJDrofUct. Adilreu, ' J. C. X YKlt CO., Lowtll, Mm. aWaawaaatasaaSMtwJataltatBaal WSSNiWS Kxlinunllvo ti'tl for ywira hnv.c con vlncnl .loMcph Ji, Kcrroll Unit Niilphiito of iiliimliium U tin bi'Nt llruprooiliiK tur wood, I'ullkit ulihiilc or phoHplmtu ot nminiiiilii, which chirk Hiiiiu-h by omit ting iimmoiilii gi(H, tin? iiliiinlituin com pound funiiK nn Infanlhlc iind non-con-dm ting coii I lug, Tho Into dlHCuvery In alrawlirrrlca of diillcylk' livid, a nuwIIIv in neutH rlnu iiiiillmii, Iiiih mriiicd to confirm tho Idea that Hume bcrrlm urc u dittlrablu iirtl do of food for rhrumntlce. Tlm offrct of tho fruit cannot be due to thu toll- cyllc acid, however, na leea limn the liundrwllh of a grain lx- pound It fun ml. ImtKirtent twta of the fatal proiwr llmi of ciirlMiiilo oxldo In tln air huve been mndo by I'rof. Moneo at the Turin I'hyalologlcnl limtltule. A heroic tub Jrct wnt roiiflntHt tliref time in n hrr niellcnlly amliil Iron cIiuiiiIht, too air of which wna mixed llret wli 1-1UI3 ot rnrltonlc oxide, then with 1-JJH5, and laally with l'i'Ui. On the hint xiktI incut the man eiiiaed to hrcnthe. being rvatored wily by oxygen. While urging tluit the pronoaed lilo logical aurvey of the .North Hon ahould neck ineaiw of favoring llehwi nnd tholr f(Md Mipply, I'rof, W, C. Mclntoah de clare that no Importaut apcclen la lu dniigcr of iMfoliiIng extinct. Tho llaliea were not extcnnlnntcd by tho awnrtui of gigantic dcatruyeni of rtiittilan tlmra, wlien the ileeinictlon inuwt at Iciint have eiiiilil tluit of to-lny by man, and future extinction netd not bo fen riil. Alcohol la coming into ronaldcrablo uce for llluinlnntloii In Kruuce. The llnme In innde lumliioun by the itddl Hon of aurnclrnt rouloll or crude bon cine, or .the ordinary uon-lumtnoii flame It iimU to give lncniidaccnce tn h Welabuch mnntle. llie latter It tho more luitmrtaiit methiMl. Home lamp bnve fniui nlxty to eight hundred can-die-power, and the large ortnbli lampt, enrryiug their own lllnmtnnnt, a-ctii to have advantages over gaa or electricity for many purpose. The iH-et of the burners yield about thirty cnndlo-power houra per ounce of alco hol. TrU have recently been made on the Ilu. Ion and Maine and the Florida Kant I'onnt Hallruuda to determine the value of oil aa fuel for locomotive en glnce. On tho Klorldn Itallnind it was found, after n mouth'ii experlmciitlntr with a locomotive hauling lit regular lond, that )32.:i gnllone of oil did the work of one ton of conl. Another teat ahowt-d 131.8 gullotia of oil to In) equiv alent tn n ton of conl. In tho Itonton nnd Mulix- cxpcritueuta the ratio tvua HO.VU gallon of oil to one ton of conl. It wiin found that the engine could bo urged to a greater rapacity with nil than with coal, and thla with a ainolio I cm Arc, lly a singular chnnge of clrcum atnticea, tho gold minora of Hurting County, Ontario, Canada, who for yenrn were I milled lu trying to extmci the precloun metal fivut Ita matrix by the pruxence of nrnonlc lu the ore, liavo lately found the nreenlc to bo more prolitablo than the gold. Thla la due at oiico In the great purity of thu Cana dian a ironic, and to tho rapid oximiw tlon of the nravnlc dvponlta of Iuglnud nnd Germituy, At the anniv time, tho IntriKluctlod of a aucwaaful inethod Of M'parntlug the gold lucroaia tha profit of working thu Canadian doput lit, becaute every ton qf the ariwnlcal ore carrlnt from ft to fik) worth lf gold. HOLDINQ HIM TO HI8 WORD. It I)oa Not Vj to Make Too Hweep IiiK Hlatament. "My dear," said Mr. I'uffer, with tome dltumy, ua n Htuokltig cherry pudding wnt plnced on tho tablo lo foro him, "don't you think you nro sort of rtinutiig to cherrlea lately? Of courno 1 hope thut I mIiiiII nlwnya bo chrrlNhed by you, but when It cornea to cherrloH In aomo form every menl, Jiitt cherrlea or Mtuwed cherrlea or cherry plo or cherry pudding, I be llovu I could cheerfully domito noma of our eliorrloH to our lena fortuuntu nclghbora." "Well. John," anld Ida wife, eiilmly, "I aiipiioHu you remember what you mild when you IiinIhIiM on picking the cherries yoiiraelft" "Ah, Martini," mild Mr, lMiffer, com plncently, "thero wna a clean-cut, neat, workmanlike Job for you, In nplto of nil your fount and opposition, lu. Htoad of tho grnsH under tho troo be ing piled a foot deep with a llttor of loavoH, twigu and brnuchos broken from tho tree, nn It Invariably Is wlion you send n boy rampaging nfter tho fruit, I cleaned that troo without inly duuingo to It, and consoiucntly wltli hardly n ulnglo leaf to bo raked up off tho griiHii, And I got nil thu cherries without breaking any of my ariiiH or logH or nccka, iih you no cheer fully predicted, too. Still, whllo I admit I am proud of tho Job, I do not think It absolutely necessary to live In definitely upon tlioso cherries 1 guth erod," "You haven't enten n single ono out of tho fmv iiimrtH you gathered, John," tuld Mrs. I'liffer, potitively, "1 cunned nit of Uiem." "Wll, wlirro doca this satiety of cherries l'vo Iind iiilllctod upon mo for tho past two days come from, then?" demanded Mr. I'uffer. "Do you remember whnt you wild when I asked you if tho tviw you picked wero all It wns ponnlbio lo get from the tree, John?" asked Mrs. I'uf fer, with a twinkle In her eye. "Why, yo,-i." acknowledged Mr. I'ulTer, thoughtfully nnd tusplcloiisly, "What was It?" persisted his wlfo. the twinkle widening. "We-ell, I believe 1 sold that If any body could get any more otf that trr-o I'll eat thejn, stones, stems nnd overy thlug," admitted Mr. Tuffer reluct antly. "I hnvn't Inslstotl upon the stones and steins," said his wife, demurely. "13hi" exclaimed Mr. I'uffer. "Hut little Jliiiuiy Ilnllou got enough to Inst about three weeks longer at the rnto you nro eating them," continued Mrs. I'liffer, quietly. Mr. I'uffer solemnly helped himself to n lnrge, thick slab of tho pudding, and lHgan slowly stowing it awny. "Martha," he said, gravely, after n few minutes of this labor, "If I own up that I am n little Just n trifle too old nnd stout to pick cherries as well as I did when I wns n boy, don't you think tho hospital would appreciate a donation of some nice, luscious cher ries '"Youth's Companion. BOLD RODIN HOOD'S DAY. May 1 the Anniversary of III Death nf I lie Notad Woodtmau. All Immense lot of Ir-nses still date from May 1, says the New York Com mercial Advertiser, but not many of the lowers or Irsaec know that this Is simply an ndjouniment of a few duys fioni Ht. George's day, from which the lenses of their ancestors lined to run. This again dates from the more remote period when the dnte wns fixed at the time of one moon after the spring equinox. May day as a day for strike of workmen Is not a thing of recent years. It has the sanction of centuries, If of nothing else. May 1 is the day on which bold Itobln Hood wns bled to death by his treacherous rvlntlvc, and aped his Inst arrow, which marked where hla grave should be. The date la at least as cer tain as that on which Hemus made his unlucky Jump orcr the rising walls of Homo. Itobln Hood wns tho hero nnd mint of tho common people of Kugland, nnd for centuries tho May day festivities were Joined to celebra tions of bin deeds, and tn exultant pro phecies of tho day when conditions should ho equalized after the Ideal ot this knight of their own. It has lutppwied ever since that when tho run enters the sign of Taurus and Itobln Hood's day approaches, the aturtfy descendant nf his woodsmen, working at the mechanic's bench, fools a strange fever burning in his Wood He feels tlmt lie would like to have a reckoning with certain "rich earles" whom ho wots of. llo grows Impa tlent toward tho "fat bysshoppos nnd the arehbysubepva," and works him self Into such n fighting mood that If Interfered with ho would not hesi tnte to take a fall out of even the "hyo sheryffe of Xuttlnghnme." So he throws down hit. tools nnd hloa him off to Ihe "greni forest," where shaws bo sIhvh nnd shnrds full fair," to gether with u brass Imiid mid plenty of refreshments. IVrhup he will bring to ernis (lie proud Nonnnn who owns the sliop: pcrh nps not; anyway, he has his fun. The floral festivities or the day, in throe tlmea nnd In thlt country usunlly adjourned to the first Baturday lu May are a nut-viral of the old. Itoman festi vities lu honor of the goddess Flora Tho May queen Is Flora herself Im personated. The rigging up of a boy consort is an Impertinent nnd ridicu lous Innovation, which should, If pos able, bo abolished. A Mlaundursianillnfr. "Mr. Kidder thinks he's funny, snapped Mrs. Htnrvem. "I don't see what there Is about my tablo to make him Joke ko much." "No," replied tho sarcastic boarder; "there's hardly enough here to make a ctuinry bird do that." "A ennary bird? How can a canary bird Joktv?" "Oh, bog pardon. I thought you said 'choke.' " riilladelphla Press, An Industrious Ona Meter. "I'm tho gaH mans Just dropped nround to seo If you neod anytlrlug anything out of order; nuy complaints ngnlnst tho company." "No, I don't think I need anything Just now, but l'vo got a complaint. Tho meter workH too hard for tho con pany. My gnH bill 1b entirely too big." "Oh, wo don't call that a complaint Good morning. Now York Proas. Theaters in Now Vork. Thirteen now theaters, to cost ?8, 000,000, are being built lu Now York city. Once more tho umpire is doing hh annual stunt as n martyr. U. S. SENATOR FROM SOUTH CAROLINA Recommends Pe-ru-ria For Dyspepsia and Stomach Trouble I p m m ' t ' j i ap 'r-yas-ay w w " ; ' V 'if- -jf'-t $L Iix-Scnator M. C. Uutier. If you do not derive prompt and sat isfactory remits from the nse of Peru na, writ at once to Dr. Hnrtman, giv ing a full statement of yourcaeo and he will bo pleased to give you his valua ble ndvloo gratis. Address Dr. Hartrnan, Presidont of The Hartrnan Banltraium, Columbut, Ohio. Syrian Manners. In Syria pooplo never take off tholr raps or turbans when entering the house or visiting a friend, bat they al ways leave tholr shoes at tho door. Thero aro no mats or scrspers ontsldo, and the floors insido aro covered with expansive rugs, which in Moslem houses are kept very clean and used to kneel upon while praying. mui 'JL'lin Kind You llavo Always Bought hns borno tho Hlfoin turo or CluiH. II. Fletcher, and lias boon mndo under his personal Hupcrinlon for over HO years. Allow no ono to decolvo 3-011 In this. Counterfeits, Imitations and "Jnst-as-jrood" aro bntKxnerlmcnts, nnd endanger the Iicaltlt of Children Experience ngnlnst llxperimvnt. What is CASTORIA Cnstoria is n harmless mibstltuto for Castor Oil, Inro porlc. Drops and Soothluir Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphlno nor other Narcotio unbalance. It npro is its puamntce. It destroys AVorinn nnd allays Fovcrishncss. It cures Diarrhoea and AVI ml Colie. It relieves Teetliliifr Troubles, cures Constipation nnd riatuleney. It nsHluiilntes tho Food, reguhUcM tho Stomach and JJowels, (-ivin-r healthy nnd natural sleep Tho Children's Panacea Tho mother's Friend. The Kind You Have Always Bought Soars tho CAa)&cc&U In Use For Over 30 Years. SidCtiervous Ipeoraftfic ft a aostail j & ' ID CENTS. QMESJOi fimaft r.ouWtx$msi Catarrh of the Stomach Is Generally Galled Dyspepsia Something to Produce Artificial Diges tion is Generally Takon. Henoo Pepsin, Pancreatin and a Host of Other Digestive Demedies Has Beenjnvented. These Remedies Do Hot Reach tho Seat if Difficulty, Wtrrtk Is Really Catarrh. Ex-U. 8. Senator M. U. Butler from South Carolina, was senator from that state for two terms. In a recent totter to Tho Pernnn Medicine Co., from Washington, D. C, says: "I can recommend Peruna for dys pepsia and stomach trouble. I have ,becn using your medicine for a short period and I feel very much relieved. It Is Indeed a wonderful medicine be sides a good tonic." M. C. Butler. I Ihe only rational way to care dys i pepsla Is to remove the catarrh. . Perans cures catarrh. I'ermia does not produce artificial digestion. It cures catarrh and leaves the stomach to , perform digestion in a natural way. .This is vastly better and pa fer than re sorting to artificial methods. ' Peruua has cured more cases of djs , pepsla tban all other remedies com bined, simply because it cures catarrh wherever located. If catarrh Is lo cated in the hood. Perana cures it. If catarrh has fastened itself in the throat or bronchial tubes, Perana cures it. When catarrh becomes settled In tho stomach, Perana cures It, as well in this location a In any other. Perana is not simply a remedy for dyspepsia. Perana is a catarrh rem edy. Perana cures dyspepsia because it is generally dependent upon catarrh. Suspicious. l'm afraid my hneband doesn't love m any more," said the bride o! six months, with an overgrown sigh. "When did yoa discover the change?" " Whon I discovered that ho bad quit leaving any change in his pockots," replied the young wife sadly. Exchange. iatSSg3aKXSNNyXXHI Signaturo of Heaaacnes 9(b QUICKLYCURED BY mm k ... . ,' - Wf SI I j,i i