The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 21, 1903, Image 2

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    The Bend Bulletin
itultred March twj.
Hi trcoud-cUu matter.
t iKscltUtr, Oregon,
rtr year fi
Mi month.. je
Three months S
(Invariably In dvtinr.i
Advertisers who wish to change their advl
houM hve cojiy lu net tatt than Tuesday nwoti
preceding the Issue In which change I drsltrd.
AUG. 2t, 1903
Tlmlwr Lalnl, Act Juitr J, iSjS.
t'. 8. Mini Ofhcc. The IMlIc , tlrcgnit,
junet, H
the prut lnorine Actor Cutiktess or June 1,
17, entitled, "An nc rbr the mIc uf tluilwrrlaml
Notltr t hereby glttu that In ctiniidlAucr with
In the slate ofClifrnta. UntLuii. Nevada, ami
WHshliigtuii Trrtllary." extended to nil the
tmutlc land state ty Act uf August 4, igai, thr
rolleutug-niinti'd iron have nll In this unive
their sworn statement, to-wlt
lMnnl Hhy
of Lcavttirtoith. rumiH uf Cliilmi.itnle of Wash-
tHgluu, swtttii statement No IJftfl, Med lire .
:, l, 17 . r
The new withdrawal of public
land in Central Oregon will no far
toward discrediting the forest re
mtvc policy of the government.
People in full sympathy with the
forest reserve as hii institution do
not understand this new move and
cannot see any virtue in it. Nearly
nil the forest laud that is worth
taking in the withdrawn area has
passed from control of the govern-'
nicnt. This fact renders flic with
drawal, for forest purposes, little
less than farcical.
It is probable that many of the
rules of the laud department of the
government will be tested in Cen
tral Oregon, where the private
holdings are too large to be intim
idated. The statutes authorize in
general terms the making of rules
for the 'regulation of forest reserves,
but it is not believed that they war
rant so extensive and arbitrary an
interference with private property
rights :ts appears in the numerous
rules promulgated. Many of the
regulations will be swept away
when submitted to a protcr legal
The government furnishes an
illustration of the absurdity of the
recent withdrawal by overlooking
two townships in the forested area.
Towuships 22 and 23 south, range
9 east, were formerly in the Cascade
Range reserve. Last year they
were taken out, presumably because
they were not of a character to war
rant holdiug them in the reserve.
Now a hundred townships no better
forested have been withdrawn from
entry. This makes the manipula
tion of those townships look uot a
muc uueer. . . V
iu an ai uiac 111 iuc hii 1 cm num
ber of the North American Review,
Professor James P. Kimball, the
Uoted mining expert and engineer,
makes the following terse statement
of an indisputable fact:
Vpon the proclamation of forest raaeree.
whkh cancrti alt right of further entry there
upon under the general land Uw. land holder
and mine owner who reside in the reserved re
ta suddenly find themselves in a new and an
expected environment They are bound band
mmI foot to strange general rale and special or
der, under formal authority of thr secretary of
the interior, but administered primarily by bu
reau and division officer of thr department of
the interior, through local supervisory ogscers of
several grade, Hmr of whom may be turn-rem-dent
No ton ger a free agent, a an American
cftiien should be, the settler ta called upon to
submit hi avocation and daily act to (be (antral
of personal authority. exercised without form or
force of law. Totan4vp against thta, Imnllta
conflict with I'nitcd M'stes authority, which,
though unsupported by pecige law, ia not want
inn in mean for annoyance, sometime equally
effective a an Instrument for coercion. In a
contest with autlMrity, the settler's only recourse
i to a United State district court
This, it must be admitted, is from
a man not friendly to the forest re
serve system of this country, but it
is truth, nevertheless. The stat
utes oi congress do not bociti to
has been read
ittj. fur the purchase urine st ,
11 e, w in.
Ueurgc A. Watklns
of nseit rt. StatlTv, rauuty uf Kins, Mate of
Waantnatuui uiu utattnieul No i, Aku lc
4, lyua, fur the iitchac uf the Mtf wo It, ti 17
a, r it , w m. .
Malhla Klein
of Ate.mlrt. county of llaturU. tate af Minn-
eiia; awum MaUWeul .Vo iJt, Med Jan , lou,t.
for the iwrchax. uf the H wK nnd H K m
il, tp i;,r lie, in.
William Hay
ufllnnnah. rouuty uf Cavallr, Mate of Not tit
tMWuta, tinim statement No ijlt), hletl Jan 11,
ijmi, lor the purvhaae of the S h. h( ii
ana nn H nu ev 15, tp it . 1 lu e. w m.
That they ill utrir proof to ttiuw that the Uml
w.iKht 14 uiure ratuatne fi It timbrr or Mine
ihau for agrictiltutul turpoca, aud to e4(dih
their cUlmo to mid land Scfort the Kugtrtir and
Kecelver at The Hath . Oreguu, on FTtita) , the
Btli day ul NortHiber, tout
They name a tluiv Nkhola nmtth,
Thunui Tweet. M J Kletu. .Mfke Connor, of 1 hr
Italic. Dr. (teurg A Wattlui, ofneattle, Vh:
John MrMI, if Rend, (Jr. Il A rthay, of Uenven-
worth, VaJi. Ikmattt Mliaw, or KoitM Urore, Or.
Nrtin Mclulytr, 1'tter Nehmith, of Hannah.
X Dak.
Auy and all person cUlnilHe adrerulv the
aboer-deacribrd lawn are reunetted to 6le their
ufNorember, 11
Tlnitier liaii'li Act June J, lltjlt.
V. H. T.mM tinkf. The IMttea, Otegoti,
June 1.5, ijj.
Nellre la hcrehv Hrn tlntl In eomillnticc with
the iit.nii anhc Act nf Ciwijrej f June f,
Ifcrd, entltletl, "An ct (Ar Ihc snleoflliuherliinO
In IheMHtea JifCahltiil.. Oreuun, Ntvudn, anil
Vnhliitun Terrinx . ' twTeinlrd tu nil the
lmlillc Inml slate by f of Aiigntt 4, iM the
iolluwiug-iMWed iriiH liave lllnl In thl ulllee
their sHutii iUUiikiiI, toll
Ira W. IMrc
nf MuMer, ctmntyof liiiienliii'lnle ul Wa1tlniT
I01I1 sntirll stalauipilt Nu litt. ftletl Nu I. IUM.
rW the (wrclMic of the rH nc) ami iii el( ec
1 j. ip 1 , r Mc. w m
ltrtt C. Meyer
of llj llnleli t, tpi.kanr, runnty uf SHikane,
itatr f Wnsriliintua, 4otn tnteiueiit No I4U,
fireil Nuv 1, laaTi, hi the pnrche uf the wfi
uwtf, M nw jfnuJ nU " H " iu tp iS , r ta
e, w in.
Mstih IVac
of MHikane, itmnt) ut MHikaiie, talr uf Waih
liiltnn hwoth Ma (ten ul NI, nletl net M.
1 iu, h-i the piirvhsK fthe h self ami lilt
I n H aw J. tp ll , r 1 e, w hi,
That they will otfrt niuuf In show put Die Mini
wnultt linuf raluli: ll linilier ur ttintr
mi toeinni
tban fur aarlcHllunil mrMe,
their ctaiuM to uM Uml txrote
to establish
lb Regtiter and
Kacetirr at TIm liallr. DrrioHi on Wnlne.!)'
the Mtnaay OMXtuorr 11.
Thrj name a wttnow tleorgr It Taylor,
Crru v. Mryer, itnrl J alia fenny, ef fcwkaur,
Wash. Willuiw It lins. xfKeiKl, tH Matttaa A
I'nge ami lw W Fngr. of Mohler, Wh
Ant and all irrK lialmlnc adversely Ike
aborr-dewi Ibetl Un.1 are minuted tn file Itielr
claims In thta tHtiat a ur Ik fix t thitM itlll da
vi .'ur, law
General Commission 8 Forwarding Merchant
Prompt attclitioli jmiil to those who favor me With their patronage,
iKNirn coK.sirrr.
Stage Line
ilm In that ortkT on ur brfjre Ihc iMHt 6th day
r. iM.
MlClIAKf. T. NOLAN, KruMer,
Timber IjiikI, Art Jmir A. R8.
V. S. Uml OfHee, The Dalle. Oregon.
Jnue S, lOJ
Notice is hereby icn tht in cuauidiauce with
the ntoetsMMi of the Vet of Congreas of June y
i7, cntiikd. "Au act for the ask oftimbvr tait
in Ihc Male of California, Oregon. Nceada. aud
Washington Territory," a eaten dril to all the
public ksnd states by Act of Angnst 4, insi, the
ibtluwiug named person bare un Noe 17. ,
4kl In this ofRc their sworn statement, te-wit.
tMteer Johnson
of Pntuamittg. couuly of Haraga, stale of Michi
gan: sworn statement No irr. tar the nurchase
uf the t sr V and netf e swv 1 and swfj w I,
sec i, tp 19 s, r 11 r, w m
Atnt Anne
ofl'eqnaminc, county of Raran, state of Mlchl
gan. swotn ststrwenl No yj, fur the nntenaa
ofihcwttnwt, and seK w)j sec is and nett
ne( c 14. tp iy. r 11 v. w m
That they will offer wonf to show that the land
sought is more valuable fur ru timber or stone
ItCllAKI. T NOI1AN1 Hcgltlrr.
Tiinhtr I. il, Act June J. I;..
H. Land Oftcr, The lUtlrs, Orrewn,
wni at June 1.
jd, entitled, "An ait fur the sale of timber land
Notice It hereby rlfen that I
the fokiH ortli Art uf Ctmr
r IUtlr. Orrgn
Mat ta. 'o-J
nmmidMHce with
oi June
lu the Mate ofCallfurnla. Dregmi, Nevada, and
Washington Terrrlmy," a rxlrndnl Insll the
puMlc land tatra by Act uf Auaust 4, t. the
followlng-naHteu iietMO have on del 17. Hssr,
Died in lhl olfto their stalemeirt. to-wlt
(seorge A (Meele
of Milan, counter afnaokan. state of Washing
ton: sworn stNleuMM No j7. for the purchase
uf theahi self awlsti'swK sec j, tpit, r M e.
w m
Isaac M Carter
of Milan, county ul SHaksHe,
I.enve Sluiliiko 6 p. in.
Arrive Priucville 6 a. ut.
I.uuvc Priucville i p. in.
Arrive Hciitl A:ju p. in,
l.wivc lleud 6:jo a. m,
Arrive Pritiuville 12 in,
Leave Priucville 1 p. in.
Arrive Shntiiko 1 a. 111.
First-Class Accommodations for the Traveling Public
tale of M.hlne-
10 inn), mr ine
the fd"!,'. e)f Hrf and lot jmcj
ton, sworn su(nujnt !o is
in N
man lor agricultural miruuse.
. .. . .... ,. . 1 .
ncir cmim 10 nw mau neiure J
and to establish
M. Lawrence.
t' CommlswneT at IXs.-hute. IHeaun. on
-wuumay. ine na any ul August, ifat.
They name aa witnesses. Johnson and
Amt Aune, of IVnuamlag, lllch, Prank Ctaes.
Hktsard King. J 8f Hunter, of nrschutes, Or.
Any and all person claiming adsernety the
above-described lands are requested to Me their
claim in this ufgee on or Vrmc Use said ud da)
. Angnst, last.
iai MK'IIAKf. T. NOLAN, KegMer.
Attornty ami
Will atactic In all
court in Ihc state
V S. Conimlkmef.
Mud ftUBE aivl proof, of allfciiidSaxOfnce i
lrrrUltdllJttti.rt)w." r
have the scope that
into them hy administrative officers.
Whether the courts will uphold the
views of the officers who lmve made
the rules is a matter that is yet to
be determined.
A numerously-signud petition for
a money-order postofficc dt Uend
was sent in to the department a few
days ago. It requested the ap
pointment of A. II. Grant as post
master, 'the postofficc to be at the
store of the Bend Mercantile Com
pany. Postmaster Staots, of Des
chutes, got up . a remonstrance
against the establishment of the
proposed new postofiicc, which he
has also forwarded. Thus the sit
uation simmers down to this: The
people of Uend want n postofiicc
with better facilities than are now
enjoyed, and Deschutes docs not
want them to have it.
W, K. King and party, of Prine
ville, who a week ago went up to
Crane prairie, returned to Uend
yesterday, reporting huckleberries
decidedly scarce in that part of the
state. The party left here yester
day afternoon for the Sisters coun
try, intending to prospect thorough
ly for the berries there, aud also
probably on the headwaters of the
Max Wurzweiler left on Monday
morning's stage for Prineville.
Timber Land, Act Jane J. i7,
I. S. Load OnVc. The Halle. Oregon.
Jan , tuaj.
Notice Is hrreby given that In complnusce with
Iuc provisions oftne Act of Cunaress of June j,
17. tnUUed. "An act for the sale oftlmber lands
tat the stairs of California. Oregon, Nevada, and
Washington Territory," a extended to ail the
Bbiic land states by Act nr Angnst 4. lap,
lowing-nawed person have bled In thta 1
weir sworn statements. 10-wit
frank 1 Utile
of kottinean, county at MvUinean. state of North
iMkits. sworn statement No 1571, tied Dec at,
iyi. fur the purchase of the sw sec 4, tp 17 s, r
10 c, ia.
IsabeU I'raarr
of HMtineau, county ut Kottinean, stale of North
UskoU, sworn statement No 1371. Aled Hoc J,
low, for the purchase of the sX sec to, tp 17 s, r
as, w m.
Xaagie Praaer
of Bottineau, county uflsoUliMatt. state of North
rtskuu. sworn statement No 157) died Imc A.
Iua. for Ibr purchase of the toU .1 and 4 sec and
lot. 1 and ine, tp 17 . r 10 , w m.
Daniel I'raser
ofHottlnesu county of ttottiucaa, state of North
Imki.u sworn atatcmeut No 1377. "led Jon 1.
IPM (f the purchase of the self sec 9, In 1 s, r
i c. w m.
Andrew lohrndtw.
of tsottincan. county of Bottineau, state of North
Iwknta. sworn statement Mo 157a, tied Jan 1.
I9) (or the pntcBaat of the sw( sec o, tp 17 s, r
le c, w m.
Joseph P Praser
of Bottiueau, county of Bottineau state of North
Dakota; sworn statement No 1J70, Med Jan a,
ion, fur the purchase of the nK sec 4. tp 17 , r
ia e. w m.
That they will offer proof to show that the land
sought is mure valuable for its timber or stone
than for syncultuial puriMoes, aud to establish
their rlalgTs to said laud brforr thr Megiatcr and
Hecrlver at The tMlles, Oregon, on natorday, the
7th day of No ember. 'Vi-
They name a witnesses. Nkhobss ftmith,
Mike LcPagt., of The Dalles, Or, Maggie I'raarr,
Issbrllt Praser, I'rnuk J Ldlie, Joseph F Pmaer,
juou v atavcr, Amirvw lonuaton, imwsm
lesine, DauM fraaer oTHuttlncaH, N Dak
hubsir I'.riW
ot iiiian. county nspsiane, stale of waMng-
.wn, wTun wiiiitiiii w te-, m .nr rimim
oftne ncx sec J, tp m ., r K e. w m.
Carr C Congteton
of MiUn.conntyolBpbkane, stale nt M'a.hlng.
toa, swum HntcnuMit No ijai. for the parch
of the sH ncK, M)( rivr and bit 1 see 1, p 10 s,
rut, m
That they will ofT.-r pnwf to Show that the lan.1
sou hi h mote vabmbt for 11 limber or stone
than A agricultural purpusrs. and to establish claim to abl Und brforr the Heglster and
Keiiiverst The Ualtes, tHtgon, on Thursday,
the ath day nfneptewitier, iwaj
They name a Hlliinm I I' ConttrtiHi. C C
Conglrlon n H Carter, tieo Steele. I M Carter of
Miiaa. nasn, jonn J iNMiing. pt npokane.
Wash, and Ira Ishant. ufCamden ash
Any and all person cUlntlug adversely thr
alsrve-desrribedjsms are rvquealed to file Ihelr
claim in tht. oflic on r before the akl nib
oay ui neptemuer, raaa.
IL T NOUN. HegMer.
Ift Mnd, I'inal Proaf.
tf.'rX. fk OOcentlMn. Orvgun'.
August I J, 101
Notice Is hereby given that Mry Cyrn. l
Lansuou, Orm,l ItssL notice uf Intention
to make proof on her aseil-Und cialm Nu km,
lor Usee's nwfi.ct swf and lot 1, 4, and 4
see 7. tpiis. r 11 e. w g. before J J hsntth.
Cosiaty Clctk. at rvmevtHc. Oregon, on Tuesday,
the ;h day of neMembrr, IWJ.
be names the followtag wttaessrs to nruve Ike
ansHdeic Irrtjiatwm and rraiaMstton of said Is ltd
Andrew I Itubte. Walter KnMe. of Culver. Or.
Henry W Carlln, Herbert Glarer, of Msteta, Or
atl-stj MICIIAKL T. Nil LAN. Kk4ster
Timber Land. Act June 1, 17.
V. . Land omae, The IMtrs, txegou
Natter i hereby given that In com
June 1. iMg
wmtdUnca with
the iiroviMun oTlhc Act of Congress of June 1.
inya entmeu, -ah art roriHr saw el timber lands
il the
la the slate of California, Oregon, Nevada
Wnshlnitton Territory." as eslended to al
nubile land states by Act f Angnst 4, iftnt, the
iotloutng'Usraed iierson Imvc oil Nov 17, Kw,
Med in tnl Mee their sworn statement, to-wlt
of Poiuamlng, eonnly of luriii. state of Mtahl
gan: sworn statement No tin, fur Ihc imrchase
Carl Piedrrlektuii
f Ctarkaton, tBunty of A"tlii, state of Wash
ington; wwn statement No i.n, (r the mr
chase of the mwJ sec u tp 19 , r 11 r, w w.
nerni .-riltfll
of the nli sec 11, tiH;yr II e. w in.
HugoW II. Kellgren
of ClarLatoH, couuly of Asutln, state of Washing.
Ion; sworn statement Nu ijaB, for the purchase
of theseti sec 11, tp 19. r II c, w in
That they will tffrr prunf to bw that
the land sought Is murr valuable for It timber ur
stone than for agricultural urtosr, niul to es
Ubliab their claim lu mid land before the Kegi.
teraud Heceiserat Thr Dallca, Oregon, on I'M
uay, ine .ju oay 01 .ictuir, I9J
They name a wiinrsse.
Arnt Anne, liernl NiUen, of t'eiMMniln
I I'i
Oliver Joliiisou,
naming, nun
rtslcrkksuu, of
lingo W If Kellgren sn.l Carl
vwrKaion, irmi.
Any and all tiersun atalinlng adversrty the
abovclascribrsl lands srr rmUMis.1 tn filr ihnr
ctalm la thi office un or Ixfure I lie said l day
Any and all perauns claiming adversely the
abovr-dcscrlhc.1 lands are renueaiod to file Ihelr
claim in thi oMcc oil or before the said 7th day
of November, ion.
Laud Office at The Dalit, Oregon,
niuiusi ia. turn.
that Hi following.
I hereby given
1 filed notice of his luteiiltoH lo
named settler haa
make final ttroof in sunuurt ut hU .Ultu arul
Ihatsakl proof will be made liefore J. SI. Law
rence, , n. umiwMswnrr, ui IlescMUtM.Ureguii,
on fsalurday, Ikptamber 16, lvn, vU:
Adam KoUman, of llescliute, Oregon;
If liNoiiiu, for the 11M ncK. ,( nejf and
nrW cK sec , It. 17 , r 11 , w in.
fie n me the IuUowiuk witness to Jirove 111
coutinuou residence maw ami cnUlvulloiicifsaM
land, vii:
WiUiain II SlaaU, OvM W II Klley, John Klsc
wore, J I Weal, of Deschutes, Or
Mini Office at Tht Dalles, Oregon,
August 18, tooj.
Notice la hereby giren that the fulfowlng
named settler haa filed notice of Ills intention to
make commutation urouflu support of lilt claim,
aud tliah said itroui will In made bafore J. J.
Smith. County Cleric, at I'rliievllle, Oregon, on
oatutiUy, bvi)tinlr jt, lyot, Wz:
Lyman S. Kogers, of Howard, Oregon;
If It Np iiafi, for the 11M nelf gnd sejf ne sec
i"' m ssk , tp 13s, r is , w in
jic uaiiioa ine louuwiiiv Willi.
land, vtxl
William J Schmidt. Carlvle I.evlsae. Tnlm i
Hogg, Clyde C lion, of Howard, Or.
nil.sjj MICHA11L T. NOLAN, Utgtstcr.
fOlluwilllf witness tfi ttrave tils
eus resilience upou and cultlyutfonofsalil
of oeiouer, 190s.
f. NOLAN, Register
tsnssiisr iiik Dvn Wang.
The Pilot Butte Inn.-
A C.
UA. rOVlaf.
Tables supplictl uMth all the Ddlicnclat of the Stitiion.
MA tn CsfnTtMt
Wholesale and Retail Liquor House
Plncst Urand4 of l.litior and Clears. Two tloor South of Hank.
Carrying U. S. mail and passengers.
I.ivch Prlno'illtf .Slomliiys, V!iiu.Mliiy.s and Frkltij-jj. Froij-ht ami
Pastsungor.1 Wnyliilltfd for Buml, l.nVa, Kotjlnml, and Silvor I.iikc. Gwxl
rigs, careful driVcffl.
-HiisMsi m
Furniture and Undertaking
Stoves, Wall Paper, Building Materials, L:tc.
Tlmher Mini, At June 3, 17-
U. H. Land Office, The Dalle, Oregon,
May 17, vjb.
Notice 1 hereby gleeu that In initaiier with
the H-ojsioHoniif Ait of Cuugre of June j,
1H7I1. eiitltletl, "An art fr the saleof tlmlwr laiuU
in the state uf California, Orrgou, Ncvuda, and
Washlugtuii Territory, ' a estrmled to all the
iwUic land state liy Art of August 4, iku, the
following-named ersiiii hare on fct ij, i.i,
file.) In till office their sworn slnttmsnU, o-wit.
,. . .. J"' M I'lemlng
ofThe Iiallcs, county of Wasu, tale of f irrgon:
worn statement No 1 145 forllicswjf sec jt, ti
9 r ijr, win.
, Charlra I',. Klllilt
of I'ortland, county o Mulliiuiiiah, state of Ore
gon, awurn staienient i, 1147, fur the lmrchasc
oflhe nJf sec u, tp iVs. r (3 c, w lit.
Kriiest V Msddox
afroittaiHl, county of Miiltiiuinah, slate of Ore
gon; sworn suileiiieiit Nu 1348, for the iiialuic
of Hie nrf setjj, tpiys rijc, win,
Aunle c Maddux
of I'ortland, ivniiilyufMulliioiiiah, stale or Ore
gon; sworn ststriiieut ,o 134), for the immluitc
. un ) m jj, I iy ., r 1 j r, w III
Tluttthey will offer iroof to show that thelmid
souL-ut 1 more vsuui.ic for Its tiniMr or slune
tliafi for agricultural nurnone. uml In establish
their claim to said land neforc the Krul.lcr and
Keeeiver t The Dalle. Oregon, on Iflilay, the
1 day of October, ij
They mum- a nitiirsscs: Cliarlr Jf Kludl, I(r.
IIMaVr V f Qililriw Ainilss f 1I..1.U, nf t,..tln...l
" j, IMIiii v lilitlWs Ul (UIIUi,
Or; Hmma A lleiuliig, Jami M l'lrinlng.ofTlie
Any and all ncrson ilnlttiltiir adversely th
abovtHlarll land are requested lo file their
Clfilni In thi office 011 or befurc the said iy day
a7-o . MICIIAHI, T NOKAN, KcgUter.
& Redby Feed Barn
Sidck bUarded by the tiny, week or inoiitht
Fine Teams and Rigs, and 'Reasonable Rates. '
Pim-class facilities foF HaliilUiiK Irocntow nlid Cdnliiiurcial Travclow.
Quick Service alul Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Columbia Southern Hotel.
UA'l'nS i'UOM Jsi.fln UP P1JR DAY.
itdt alld bUUi Witl-r oil tioth flborrfi
ilaths for the ti$c of gliosts.
livery itlddtrii ccfilvSllilillch at liiuid.
The ditihlg ?33iil, liihlflf Hit' dift'cjL supervision of Mr. Keciicy, is a
very model of tasteful) Siotlaw elegance, nttd the Service is ciiual to any
ih the state. ' '
All stages dffi8 at add ic'aVe Hje ddlthiiuiii 3(Jiiihern,
di All KUIINUV, Propriator.