The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 14, 1903, Image 8

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? I
Has comotlown to us through tho ages
lllcu tho pyramids nml the sphinxes.
Itinnkca its itiwoiico known'by mnny
pligiia glandular tumors, bunches In the
nook, oiilniHHiiin (rnptinus, Inflamed
uymius. sore oars, rickets, cuuirrii, wast
ing ami rancral debility.
Sulfurera should titko
Hood's Sarsaparilla
The groat specific for scrofula, effecting
tho most rtoudcrlul, radical nml pertna
nont cures, lie sure to get Hood's.
The Kent Thine.
Von Quitx What loea your (rlcnil
writo? Verse? Novels? TranfrdienT
II. Kashe Gnat Scott, what do you
take him tor? An amateur. No,
plrl He writes advertisements of
coureol Now Orlcana Tlmos-Dcmo
"Now, witness," said tho lawyor,
"you eay that your hearing la Rood"
"Yea air."
"How good? Give me an lllustra
tlon. Can you hoar my watch tick?"
"No, air. It'a throe daya since I
raw you going into tho pawnshop, and
tho watch must have run down by tbia
Natural Conclusions.
"Ef dero'a milk in paradUedey mua'
havo cowo dar," said Uruther WIN
llama, "on ef dey got honey dar doy
ehnmut'liave bcos, on whar bees la
dey'a blossoms, on whar blosaoma ia
dey'a always watormolons in aoaton,
blots do LawUl"
Too Much Ambition.
"I can't underatand why you dis
charged my boy. You advertlcod for a
boy with ambition, and he"
"That's just it, madam that's lust
it. He watu't in tho place two daya
beforo be had his foot on my desk and
was smoking my clgara."
Sells Olblea anil Dice.
In Nassau street, near whero it merg
es into Park row, ia a little shop whose
proprietor evidently believes tiiat ho
is going to catch customers both "a
coming and a gwino." Ho has but a
email window for the display of his
wares, and In this are grouped Bibles,
prayer books, miniature roulette
wheels, dice and playing cards.
Unreasonable Slater.
Mamma tVby, Herbert, what in the
world ia the matter with eieter?
Herbert Aw wo waa Just a playln'
haunted house, an' she was the ghost,
an' I give her a littlo chain to awaller
eo'a abe would clank every time she
moved, an' now aho'e a-cryln' an' says
sho don't want to bo the ghoat any
more! Marfazino of Humor.
Speed of Waterspout.
A waterspout spins with enormous
speed. Its velocity at the sea level
baa been estimated at alx milos a minute.
Church Tenets and Long Life.
Mrs. Margareta Danleison of Cam
bridge, Minn., ia 132 years old. She
ia the mother of two Swedish Baptist
ministers ami ascribes her Jong life to
her strict adherence to Ute teneta of the
The Worst Kind of dnat.
"There's lota of different kinds of
gnata in tills world," remarked tho
man who had travolod some, "but tho
glint that says, when you ask him Into
a tobacco store to Imvo a cigar t 'Gltn
nw a pack o' cigarette,' comes, pretty
nigh to belli' tho pup of tiioni nil."
New Version.
Krnle Po thoy o1qhh1?
Kdith Yes, tholr parents paid tho
village blacksmith not to shoe their
horso, but thoy clopod In an atitotno
bilo. Krnle That was nice. I suppose
lovo laughs at blacksmltns as noil as
locksmiths.- Chicago News.
Too Rapid for Mm. ,
He f was hold up for a minuto or
two by Mrs. Talklngton Just now. I
Sho That so? What did she have1
to say? ,
Ho Geo whlext I haven't got a
stenographic memory. Philadelphia
For coughs anil colds there ia no better
medicine than I'lso's Cum for Consump
tion. Price "3 cents.
Passing Heller.
Misa Giddy What did ha say when
you told him I waa married?
Miss Spoil Well, ho soemed tur
Miss Giddy Did he ask to whom?
Misa Spelts No, but bo asked 'how
it happened.' Philadelphia Press.
"Now, then, young man," said Wil
lie's mother, "I won't let you play
rasenall again In a hurry, and you'll
get no supper tonight."
"Why, is supper all over?"
"You know voty well it is. You
raw mo at tho back gate and heard me
calling an hour ago."
"Why or I thought yer wtu Jest
applaudln' do two-bagger I made "
riTC trraanntlrCnrt NoAuorntrTeuinrai
rl 10 an.rBretilay'aua. ufllr.KW'iKrvai.Norc
ll.Morrr. Hrtul fur FrroSK IrtaltnttlraMtrrallia.
Vt. It, U. Kiln, UU..M1 Ant) L, l'Mtadripbla, l'a.
" iTyrfw
New crnft for tho Idlota who like to rock the boat. Ity thla design tho
IdloM can drown thcnisolvca without upsetting tholr companions, Chicago
Dally News.
A llrlght Student.
At a medical college homo studenta
wero being questioned In anatomy, and
one of them waa asked, "What musWea
have their origin in the popliteal
spaco" The bright student promptly
replied, "Well, there's that one with
the durned long namo, and I don't re
member the two others."
Till' Jlrltlsh Mcdlcnt .Toiirtml I Issuing, week by week, a
statistical study of cancer mortality, dealing with cancer
the various countries of tho civilised world. In n recent
I'nlteil State. Switzerland ntul Italy nre made the subject)
We efftrOne Hundred bollart Rewird for say
raae ol Catlarrb that can not be cured by LI all's
Catarrh Cure.
Y.i. CHENEY A Co.. Trope, Tolodo.O.
W the underilsoed.baTt known V. 1. cbeoey
fortbepa.t JSyrtn, and taller him jwrlrctlj
fcoaorablclB alljjU.lnttttrantacilnno and tin.
and ellrablelo carry outanr obligations made
Wwt & Tacaz. ,
WhoUaale Kruciiiu. Tcjrdo.
WaUlSo KlxxaNA MAkTi.v,
Wboletal Urugxnii, Toledo. O.
llrectlyon the blood and mueous tnrfteriol
ujoijuem. i-nceTM-prr bottit. bold brail
Jrnr1ti. TMttmonlalifrfr.'
UaiVt fatally I'M are tbe Uik
Toast Master (to chairman of public
dinner) Would you like to propose
your toast now, my lord, or should we
lt 'em enjoy themselves a bit linger?
A Good Beginning
If the blood is in good condition at the beginning of the warm season,
you are prepared to resist disease and are not apt to be troubled with boils,
pimples, blackheads and blotches, or the itching and burning-skin eruptions
that make one's life a veritable torment and misc y.
Now is the time to begin the work of cleansing and building up the
biooa ana strengthening me wcai:
places iu your constitution. During the
cold winter months we are compelled
to live indoors and breathe the impure
nir of badly ventiltttcd rooms and of
fices. We over-work and over-eat, and
get too little out-door exercise, and our
systems become clogged with impuri
ties and the blood a hot-bed of germs
and humors of every kind, and warm
weather is sure to bring a reaction,
and the poisonous matter in the blood
and system will break out iu boils and
pustules or scaly eruptions and red,
disfiguring bumps and pimples. Make
a good beginning this season by taking
a course of S. S. S. iu time; it will not
only purify your blood and destroy the
germs and poisons, but promotehealthy
action of the Liver and Kidneys and
give you a good appetite at a time
when you need it most.
S. S. S. improves the digestion and
tones tip the Stomach, and you are not
continually liaunted by the fear of
indigestion every time you eat, or
troubled with dtxziness, nervousness
and sleeplessness. There is no reason
to dread the coming of warm weather il you have your system well fortified
and the blood iu a normal, healthy condition. It is the polluted, sluggish
blood that invites disease germs, microbes and poisons of every kind and
bring on a long train of spring and summer ailments, break down the con
stitution, and produce weakuens, lassitude, and other debilitating disorders.
Eczema, Acne, Nettle-rash, Poison Oak and Ivy, and other irritating skin
troubles are sure to make their appearance unless the humors and poisons
are antidoteu ana the thin, acid blood
made rich and strong before the coming
of warm weather.
A course of S. S. S. now would be
a safe precaution and a good beginning
and enable you to pass in comfort
through the hot. sultrv months and
escape the diseases common to spring and summer. S. S. S. is guaranteed
purely vegetable and is recognized as the best blood purifier and the most in
vigoratiag and pleasant of all tonics. Write for our book on "The Blood and
Z bad a horrible
attack of bolls
that broke out all
over my body and
from which Z
could set no pos
olbls relief until
Z bopan taking
your nadielne,
and freu lay ox
perlanoo Z ean
eaitly say 8.D.O.
Is the bait blood
purine r In the world.
Xrs. U. 7. SMTTHMB,
While llvinir In ttkorxaan, Tex., Z be
earne a victim of Impure, wiUrr
blood. Z ran down in avoatlte and
narry; waa atarcalr able to set
about ead had to step off and rest
oooialonally. Z teok H.B.B.aad be
ran to Improve at ones, and alter a
tboroug-h course became strong: and
Z think B.B.B. the medicine Z
erer uaad as an appotlzer and sen
oral tonle. J. O. BOOTT,
811 Xallroad street, Bobii, (la.
statistics In
number tho
eta for discus
sion, Tho flciirva for this country arc taken from the twelfth census, nml.
of course, arc both Interesting mid Instructive. Cancer In the I'nlled Ntnte
Is said to have been the cause of 11),lr deaths, (Miilrnleiit to n rate of .1H.ll
per 100,000 llvlns Tho reeloiis show Ins the highest and lowent death rules
from cancer nml tumor were: lllxlient Pacific coast recloii, AMI per 111.000,
heavily timbered reslon In the Northwest. -KI.8 per 1().(K); NortliHisleru hill ,
and plateaus. 41 A ier 100.000; prairie reKton, -1.10 per; Atlantl
eoast region. 41.5 per 100,000. lowest (lulf const region, '.il'-' er
South Central Appalachian region, VO.0 per Ntinili A tin nt If omsI, I s. i '
per 100.000; south Interior plateaus. 18.1 per 100.000; MbHdMlppl Itlver heir,
11. a per 100.000. j
The death rate from cancer and tumor per 100.000 wru: White. IM.7; Chi t
nese. ID. I; ncKro. 48.0; ludlnti, HM.lI; forelKU-lHini. 121.0. It will thus he I
observed that the forvlcn-ltorn whltea are much more subject to cancer than I
nntlve-twiro whites, nml not only this, but those who have one foreign Inim
parent arc more llatilo to the disease tlmn the nntlve-lxirn whites. The sta
tlstlen also show that Jews contract cancer very frequently Iu the latter half
of life, and that the cancer rate U far higher Iu rural tlmn In urban district
The death rate from cancer of four of tho most Important American cities,
per lOO.ooi) llvlnr. all ages, Is as follows: Chlcaj.ii, ICI.,1; .New York, 01.7;
Philadelphia, 710; and Kan Francisco. ll'.'.O.
Notwithstanding the elTort that have Iteen made within the past few
years to trace the origin of cancer, It must, In truth, be confessed that but
a very small corner of the veil which covers Its secret has been lifted. !U
etiology Is yet to be discovered. Perhaps of nil the well-known disease
of modern life, our knowledge of cancer Is less than of any. The hopt-nil
fisiMire of the situation Is that almost all clvlllxeil, nations are vying with
each. other, and giving money and brain In the endeavor to miIvo thu cancer
I waa Rlvon up to die llli
quick, consumption. 1 then hewn
10 use ycr viitur " . a
Improved at once, and am now In FJ
perfect health."- Chat. E. Mart- I
inn, uiunsiuwn, n.
It's too risky, playing
with your cough.
The first thing you
know It will be down
deep In your lungs and
the play will be over. Be
gin early with Aycr's
Cherry Pectoral and stop
the cough.
Tim ilita l Ik., H., II. All
th.n it at fit cai. If ha loll. Jja aat
in iaa II. Ih a.a't Uka II. II knowt.
Ll U with Mm, W.illllnc,
Uoloi'Miin Mitchliiu Co.
HUoci:ss()U)iTO joii.v i-ooi.i:
I'aol a Mni I. on HI,, INxlland, Ortfon.
Ia,ailia llaiirh.i. AlltAinalln. Knlf lpa.lliiv.
Faulllo.t Hluinn Vultrr. In) hurntiaiwor wlili
two horort, lifkijri Hanmlll Macliliirrjr, K.II-.
flnvtaud Ikilloit Ml ami Mirk nor llln
nsliin Writ tit who u In want ol aujrthliij
la uiarhlntrr line.
Sour Sfomecli
in.f I woo U4iM4 trr t'AarA.
HK'I'l, I vlll OilOf UHkuMl lli.wln Ih. km,,.
Mr lli.r lea iht St4 tfcti a4 utj l4
n4 i . .lornoc nuaaio nit' tiiiralt
lc lo.raioU. I rl tu Mr !( So. alM .Ml
Ikom Milh oonoSclal rlli for war lowb
JO. KMIHUMU, Ml luiillott SU, at. Ilt, Mo.
I k. JKr bninnniib
Colleu Which fend It Graduate
Tlironulintit the World.
A school of which tho general public
knows little, but which Is exercising nn
enormous Influence throughout tho
world exists at Hprlnglleld, Mass. It
Is known as the International Young
Men's Christian Association Training
School and from It every year young
men, trained with almost military pre-
Plotit!. 1'altltDl. I'oifdl. Tttl (lond. tK
Ouwl, Motor sictt. Waait f llrl, IH, Be.lio.
l4srIWf Um4f MtfMf4CklMli4i1tJa t rt. til
iio-TO-iAC tnk!wrti!P
The Champion Draw Gut Mowor I
ure of life at tho Young Men's Chris
tian Association Training Hchool.
Atrnln ftiltf M,tl,,w1 Im llttliilln It, tit..'
prominence It gives to sports. While
In some other school nml colleges
there lias been talk of either limiting
the time devoted to or prohibiting cer
tain aporta, tho Young Men's Christian
Association Training Hchool not only
gives place In Its curriculum to the
best known sports, but I constantly
jfaVaUl eliaV JaraaaaE BaamflR luTl HllaBnrTVrHV-4
The Mower with Ih "Ml AW CUT"
"drawiiia the rutiliif bar fntm a i-iliil
ahoail, rau.iiiK ih nh--liloirM hard
r on Ih Rtonml.aiitl Hrlns lncitwl
-wer lor litijl ciiiiiiik.
lilt no "puohrul. '"t-tiihlii("thlr
frnm -tm. whon tlio mute rutlliir.
Ih mure Undone? for lb whocl. to IIU
lrm i h arund
Hrolrioiliil'' Th"llratr Cut" Cham
I'lon krif Ih whrolt nn tl.o (ruunil
and it the moot juwoiliil rulisr In I,.
Drill Hat many itinToliltnl loalurro
emd lor h vidutm ralalugu and cat
endar Mailrtl frr.
tint taJ Tttlo iUn I'MtUaJ. 0r(.
clslon for the work to which they havo
devoted their Uvea, nro sent out to
every quarter of tho habltnblo globe.
To India, to Australia, to China, Japan,
Canada, to all polnta In tho United
States and Kuropn, this achool aomU
each year Its graduntea to becamio ace
retnrlea and physical dlrectora-mom-hern
of tho big army of tho Young
Men'B Christian Association workers.
Hut the young men thus sent are not
all uatlvca of thla country by any
nutans. The training achool Ih rightly
called International. Kxperlenco Iiiih
phown to tho Youue Men's Cbrlstlnn
Aasoclatlon leadcra that native work
ers nro nblo to nccompllah more In n
given Held than u "i who must ftrat
adapt himself to tho wuya nnd ciih
torn of the people, Thla fact linn
brought to tho nchool studenta of near
ly every nationality. Visitors nro oh
tonlshcd to Hud full-blooded American
Indiana, any soiih of far off Syria,
swarthy Itallnna or Jolly littlo Japa
pursuing their studies Hide by sido
with some of tho best types of Ameri
can manhood tho North or South la
capable of producing.
The cosmopolitan charactor of tho
eighty odd studcuts enrolled Is a feat-
looking ntxiut for new on en that ahull
servo to develop new iiiiihcIch,
"Her children nro very bright."
"Indeed r
"Oil, very. The youngest, even, n
boy of four, Iiiih already mustered
tho rudimentary principles o( acleu
title play, and Is about to enter on
tlio study of tho moro nbMtrUHo forms,
Tho teachcra nt the kindergarten
frankly confess they never met with
equal precocity. Often children reach
tho ago of ton without having learned
to piny riclfiitlflcnlly."
An Obvious lurornnoo,
lie Now, there's n woman I enn't
help admiring. Hlio Is so easily autls
fled; has such plain tastes.
Sho I didn't know you know her.
Ho I don't; It's her husband I know.
Ilrooklyn Life.
Thoy say a l'anuum hat will last for
years, but It looks pretty tough lit tho
beginning of tho second season.
If a man trusts to luck for his
dinner ho will never be troubled with
the gout
IMsllIlUbLelL'bM m
lo lira. Sold br ilrurt lili. VH