The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 07, 1903, Image 4

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For the Fnr unit Oil Thonunilt of
Man Krerr Year Imperil Their Llres
The lloniiKt of ait Unfortunate
Not the least interesting right wit
nested by the visitor to San FraacUco
are the rocks covered witn seal,
which lie net far out In the bay awl
are easily discernible from the CMff
House. At time the pile of stone
and earth projecting share the water
are so Oiled with the smooth-furred
creatures that none of the rock is visi
bl e. The bay itself swarms with the
animals, which assemble ea these Seal
Rocks, a they are called, to bask In
the sunshine. Should the visitor at
tempt to study the animals at close
range he would find them extremely
Interesting. Of American animals
there is none more valaable or sought
after than the fur-seal aad no creat
ure of the numerous American a&lmal
family Is more Interesting or intelli
gent. They lire In the sea. but always
In the neighborhood of the coasts.
where they wage an Incessant war
fare on the fishes, which constitute
their principal food. They enjoy
climbing upon rocks and beaches along
the shore. When out of the water
they are Mxccedlugly watchful, and ap
pear to have sentinel to give notice
of the approach of an enemy, plung
ing into the water the moment any
danger approaches them. On land they
are very awkward. Their movements
are performed by the actions of the
strong muscle of the back. The crea
tures take hold by their forcpaw.
while they curve the back strongly
and thus draw forward the hind feet.
defence. .The limbs are short'frfrfrfr4rfr-4
moat enclosed within the body, little J tner m mr mice X
more than the feet projecting. J l0SI ,,,L QUKbb' J
A Creature of Commerce.
Though little known to science, tho www
seals have been long known to coin-' Tbt,TC urly no country lmlf n
meree and the pursuit of the animals worM ' in which the Occidental
fer their oils and skins forms no lu- traveler expects so much delight nnd
considerable source of national wealth. ,,,U8 adveaturo ns In Jnpnn.
Fleets of vcel of various sizes. Vct Brn"t Foxwoll has recently
manned by expert and hardy seamen, related n tale of terrible ndvcn.
annually leave the shores of Kurepe lurc experienced In Japan y nil
and America, bound either fer the Arc- KHgUshwoman but u few day after
tie melons. tJi vit of NVtrfmin.i. hw arrival, stie was staying nt n
land, w the desolate shore of extreme mt,c country village nmoiiR the hills,
South America, whence they return. ""'' lx9,i n oul ,n tla "rnlng
after loac vovares attended with In. ' mtem. me pain ran ncro
credible hardships, leaded with the Pnds, where there Is a wild
valuable product of the seal. Tht ' ni1 J01"' retch of country extend,
sealing craft generally start out about U for texn tallcai "ml h
the first of March. From 16 to 35 of omo W,,J floWcn, "rowing In tho
hands usually compose a crew, many , ta" M ,,cJ nr.r t0 k1!" V'C .
of whom are provided with large guns. unthinkingly, and press farther and
and the rest with stout clubs or bats. ftirlher ,nto th W",DK "I"5'0' h
warn n snort woman, aim u rracnrci
ntH)ve her head.
"If I had been a foot taller," she
Each man has also a pole or gaff, pro
vided with a hook at the end, to assist i
him In leaping from piece to piece '
when among loose Ice. Often It la
necessary to cut. with Ice saw, a
broad channel through the midst of
the harbor to the open sea; and as the
united crews of a sealing fleet some
times number 2.000 men. It may prop
erly be supposed that tho broad. Icy
plain displays a scene of no ordinary
animation and excitement. Once the
vessels are in the open sea. a day's
run will bring them to the edge of aa
Ice field, whero myriads of seals are
discovered with their new-born young.
The young produce an oil that la both
valuable and abundant and, as It taken
but a slight blow with a bat to kill
them, they are easily made captive.
The gun la used to shoot the old seals.
As soon as a seal Is killed and some
times even before a circular cut l
said, In telling her story, "I should
have laughed ami been out In a tnln
uto or two; but those few Indies bur
led me alive.
"Almost Instantly I felt sick, ns you
do at the beginning of mi earthquake;
for although I must have been quite
near tho path, yet with the grass nil
round above my heitd there was no
knowing what would happen. I might
be going right away at that very
moment, and the possibilities cnnie llku
a shock. I boileve I lost my hcinl at
once. I could not think, so I kept
moving one way, then another. Hut
merely pushing through this tall, tough
grass Is very tiring work, even if you
are on sloping ground and can Jmlgo
where you wilt come out; nnd when
it Is level all roeml, the heart Is taken
neck and a longitudinal one down the
belly to the tall. The skin with the
K"BSBBTaHBsHJamfl JV- & '
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?SBaB5B,5iMat-.'aTaMssssssstay'St- a- ' " "- .
VHMjaaSHfiBak " " 'ssjilaiar" '- aaaKatwer-Z?2!!!!5
BKrXFZBKttBKf -" -aTasl3KrTMilayaM-Tl
UlttMT I'KUir.YlllLi).
Hogue Hirer Valley Trats Promise Choice
From tho viewpoint of tho grain
miner ilnmo imturo Is lu n slnte of
revolt Ihln yenr In Houthern Orn(in,
tho il run th provnllliig for the ixist few
months having wofully reduced tho
nvorngo lu nil atunll gritins. it nl
nenra n If nature. imleiMi. rueiiei
nt innu'a porslitent pervorslou of soil
nnd cllmnto comlltlons lutetnltxl to
pruduci) nectar for tho gods, to tint
bnstir uses of growing provender for
kino or grnln for human kind or
other entile.
Tho orchards nnd nlfnlfn turndown,
however, nro yielding up such stores
of wealth ns only those realign who
nro familiar with existing conditions.
Apples nnd ixwir promise fancy rig
urea ngaln this year, In fact grower
look for record-breaking prices, owing
to partial fnlluro of fruit of ordinary
quality In the east Of courso the
fancy fruit for which this sectiou Id
distinguished Is not uxnrtlly In com
petition with ordlunry hnrrel stock,
but scarcity of tho Utter nrtlclo nt
ways enhances prices all round
Growers nre carefully (binning nnd
applying tho summer spray nt pres
ent, and favoring weather conditions
arc giving promise of quality sur
passing, perhaps, any former year in
tho history of tho local trade,
Willamette Valley Growers' Association
5sys J); Cent ilasls.
Tho Willamette Valley Prune Asso
ciation held nn Important meeting nt
Hnlnm last week. Delegates were In
attendnnco from Douglas. Iine, l.lnn.
Polk, Denton nnd Clncknmas coun
ties, and from Vancouver, Wash , and
was tho most ropresontntivo gather
Ing of the fruitgrowers of the North
west ever htM In that city Organi
zations nre already formed In Unu.
Denton. Douglas, Mnrlon and Ynmhlll
counties, and at Vancouver. Wash.,
and associations wilt bv formml nil
over the state and the northwest In
the near future. Tho plan under dls-
oil y(rtn flu ittnittlrti avnas it Iimvm nil
talnside. She slejit from exhaustion. ,hl, associations In the Northwest un-
and the next dsy followed a winding dor one secretary, so thnt It will be
mountain torrent over rocky land, her(lmnosslhlo for ono organization to tm
m, nf mil fnim thn fitatllllt. flint ntWV
me.r.! t 'h,:.?:,hn.,fi!T",l : n. - rrobabiy .
It was like being drowned."
It was not until sunset, after n
whole day In the blazing sun, without
food or water, constantly wandering,
constantly pushing nnd tearing at
stems no stiff and serrated thnt they
quickly make the bauds bleed, that she
walked suddenly out on to open ground
and fell falntiag In n lump. When
she recovered, stars were shining, and
she was alone ea an unknown mouu-
Sumpter District Mints Cleaned Up All
of IJDO.oOU.
lMlnmtes based on tlm production
of uro In tlit Humpler mlulug district
for tint jHint month give much greater
returns tlinu heretofore The deep
sinking operations carried on lu tmw
of llio ItHtdlng properties hnvo result
eil lu opening up n larger area of mill
ing territory nnd consequently an In
creased production ha resulttnl.
According io tho estimates thnt are
nt hnnd from tho best sources obtain
able, the Ilonnnzn Is until to hnvo climr
ed up during June. fSO.000; the North
Pole, 180.000; thn Columbia. 116,
000: (lolcondn, MB.000; the llmlger
iao.000. total. IK0.000. Thn produc
tion of tho lied Hoy Is variously stnt
h to bo from $21,000 to IW.OOO. npd
therefore should bu ndded to the to
tal production.
There aro many other properties
thnt nro constantly shipping ores
nwny for treatment nt smelters. It Is
Impossible to gel any figures ns to tho
value of these ores, ns no returns are
given from the smellers receiving
them, except to the owners, ami the
latter ns a rum nro opixmed to mnk
lug public these figures. It would tie
safo In fixing tho total at 1360.000 for
the month. This total Included the
cleanup from many claim In thn ills
trlct that am not ranking with Dm
big producer. This nlo Includes th
output of tho placers ns far as can
bo learned.
from her feet, only to llnd, t sun
down, that It bad led her to a narrow
gorge, without one Inch of foothold or
shore. The strmm daubed through In
a torrent that hopelessly barred the,
way. '
Ltght-headeil with terror, hunger and
weitrlnc, ihc crouched for a time In
despair, Tfcen she suddenly waded In
to the stream and stood until nfter
dawn waist-deep In water, while a
creating uniform scalo of prices for
all fruits on thn coast. The plnn met
with the approval of nil present and
nn effort will bo inn do to bring thn
condition about.
, Thu price of prunes this yenr Is fix
ed on n 24 cent basis.
The latter then form the point ef sup- surface fat is "scalped" off, forming rain-storm wlted upon her from above.
port and the head and forepaws are
pushed on by the straightening of the
body. The mode of progression Is
plainly laborious, and the seals sever
travel any great distasce oo land.
In only one genus is aa external ear
present and that genus Inhabits the
southern ocean. Yet the nerthera seals
bear well when under water aad are
easily attracted to the surface by a
noise. They generally travel la shoals
and are often seen in such numbers
in the northern seas as to appear like
a continuous mass. For the sake of
altogether a "pelt." This alone Is
taken and the carcass is left on the
ice. Barring accident a vessel In a lo
cality where seals are thick will have
its bold filled la tea days. The ad-
veMwe is fall of hazard.
Whim or lntlnct, she believed thnt by
the cool rufh and sting of the water
her reason aad strength were pre
served. The next day she retraced her weary
way along the watercourse Iwtck to
la the excitement of the pursuit after the heights; thence, fixing anew tho
the !. leap of terrific risk arc taken point to which she must direct her
frwa field to field, across yawning steps, she HK-ccxifiilly mtdu her way
chasms, whom; terrors are scarcely no- back to clvinzatlon. When nt length
tieed aad sometizaas night draws on, she reeled into the hut of n kindly
with the huater then first realizing Jniftne wmnn, she hud been four
that be Is many miles from his vckscI, days lot without food, and had walk-
and there is no clue to guide him rd until for fet were so torn nml
across Interminable icefield. With tho Inthuned it was thought 1ie must hnvo
setting sbd. the temperature has gone them amputated: but she fortunately
down and the bewildered voyager has regained hw henlth uncrippled.
to pass the night on unsheltered Ice.
in au atmosphere at zero. Frozen
limbs are frequently the result of
these exposures and individuals. In
I their attempts to return, often drop
through bole and are seen no more.
But this Is not all. Sometime a sud
den change of wind will separate
field of Ice on which the men nro
sealing and ere they are aware they
are driving far out to sea, belples
and hopeless.
respiration they appear now and then
on the surface, springing up with their
whole bodies out of water. Fishes,
crabs and aquatic birds disappear
when the seal gets hungry, Before a
gale of wind the seals are full of fro!
lc, Jumping and tumbling about, some
time throwing themselves entirely out
of water and performing many awk
ward gambols. At last they retire to
their wonted rocks or cavern and
there remain till the storm 1 over.
They nro extremely curious; If people
are passing In boat they often come
up very close, stare nt them and fol
low them a considerable time. When
a church bell ring for dlvino service
at some point on the coast, all the
seals within bearing swim directly for
the shore and remain while the bells
continue ringing, look about wonder
ingly, but never alarmed.
In appearance the seal i unique. Its
akin is clothed with thick, downy
wool. But as this would impede awift
motion, it is covered with an outer
coat of close, strong, shining hair. The
nostrils are closed at will. The orifice
of the ear can also be closed and the
eye Is furnished with a third eyelid,
which can be drawn across it a a
Alighted Too Himiii.
It had taken considerable persuasion
to Induce the old lady to trust herself
in nn automobile; but finally sho con
scntcd ItecaUHu, says the Automobile.
Magazine, she was anxious to reach
the bedside of her sick grandchild In
a village some twenty miles away.
The owner of tho big automobile,
who was touring through Long Island,
bad been very kind Hbout It. Ho
chanced to bo near -the station when
'I'Viak Sua I rLAaaivfeaKa m (!. I ... a. lis
' - ? ares' ?
lamentations he Insisted thnt sho
i should accompany blm. Ills route lay
through thnt particular ono of the half
ueness ana arrection. it may
taught to perform various tricks.
Washed Coins.
Queen Alexandra, it Is said, has a
great horror of the microbes. She will
In no case accept a piece of money un
til It has been thoroughly clenused,
dozen Long Island villages named
Hampton whero the sick grandchild
They started at last, and everything
Coming (ivents.
Ninth nnnual regatta, Astoria, Au
gust 19-21.
State fnlr. Hnlcm, September H-19.
Second Southern Oregon Dliirlct
fnlr. Kllgone, September 29-October 3.
Hummer association of thn North
west Indian agencies, Newport, Au
gust 1717.
Iwine county teaehurs' Institute. Hu
gene. August 4-S.
Klnmnth county fair, Klamath
Falls. October 0-0.
Good roads convention, Jackson
ville. August IS.
Fruitgrowers convention, Jackson
ville, August 16.
Tenchcirs' Institute, Tillamook, July
Old Folks' culebrntlon, I.n Grande.
Aueust 1.
Iloo I loo contctntllon, Portland,
Aueust 1.
Knights of Pvthla convention, As
torln, August 20-21.
Touchers' Institute, La Grande, Au
gust 17-21.
Oregon King Looking Up.
nn Oregon ...tig mine, which has
Inien shut down for several years on
account of litigation, I again hoist
ing ore. Thn management looking
for more mlnem and preparing u
tnnkn heavy shipments. Io give .
Mstory of this mine wow Id he to re.
peat that of other properties accident
ly. discovered, abandoned, relocated
nnd developed sufficiently to make a
trial shipment, which was found to
glvn surprising returns. Shipments
followed, which. after ittxlurnnr
charge for a CO-mllo wagon haul to
the then terminus of thn Columbia
Southern rallwny. which was helttr
extended southward, and freight (ram
mere to tne smmter nt Tooama, net
led over It 06 per ton.
Smiting Pletils of Polk County.
Kxcellont samples of hay and grnln
hnvo boon brought to Independence
this week. Ivorly onts nnd wprlng
whent have commenced to chnngo col
or, nnd tho bends of ench nro well
filled. Soma early hops hnvo boon
nxhlbltod In town, which nro three
fourth grown. Hay harvest Is oclng
pushed rapidly forward, and there Is
n Inrger acroagn In Polk county this
year than has ever been planted tie
foro. Tho fruit season for cherries
nnd berries has practlcnlly passed,
hut thn plums, prunes nnd npples are
just commencing to ripen.
Whenever a chick Is turned into hard yvetlt wt'11 unt"' ,n attempting to pus
cash for the queen's use the coin nro a wagon which occupied most of tho
plunged Into u basin and scrubbed lu road, tho Dying automobile went tiuex-
a lather of spirit of wine, water nnd pectcdly Into tho ditch, and rather vlo-
lunn uril,li linn Imi.ri ,l,f1 u f,.... lfntlV dCDOsltfd It OCCIlP.lllt III ltt
- 1', ......... ...... .,... HWMV.. .v., ----- . r
drop of carbolic ncld. After this
bath the coins nre placed In the royal
purso and her majesty I ready to start
out on her purchasing tour. Hut when
she tenders a coin In payment for any
article on which change I duo the
change 1 never on any account hand
ed to the queen, but la turned over
to her lady In waiting. At the end of
the shopping excursion all of the coin .
recolvul in the way of change rom
tradesmen are put into the microbe
destroying bath before they get into
the royal purse.
When a mother ha been away two
or three weeks, It I worth watching
her three or four little children when
she returns borne. You may not cry,
but the sight will make something
tremble inside of you-
adjoining field.
Recovering from tho shock, although
Minewhat confused from the rather
unusual method of alighting, the old
lady asked of the chagrined chauffeur:
"I this a-aa Hampton'"
"No, ma'am," ho managed to gasp;
"this la an accident."
"O dear!" said tho old lady. "Then
I hadn't oughter have got out here,
had IV
Consumption of Iron in Oermany.
In Germany the nnnnul consumption
of Iron per capita J 18 pound nnd
the production Just double that
After on angel reaches thirty-live
nnd wears an old wrapper across the
alley to borrow butter from a neigh
bor, sho look pretty tough.
Huckleberry Season Here.
Huckelborrles nro beginning to rip
en In thn foothlllH of tho Hlun moun
tains. Novnr before was thorn tirom-
Iho of such n bountiful crop there nH
In now presented. Tho sensor has
boon nn Ideal ono for their growth
There wnro no onrly frosts, nnd ns a
consequence nono worn bllchtcd.
Kvcry bush Is loaded, nnd already
parties nro being formed to go out
nnd gather tho luscious fruit.
Collecting Mining Dsta.
George B. Boos, of tho United
States Geological Survey, WnshlnR
ton, D, O., Is at Bakor City, nnd will
make n com plot o report of mining In
ICnstem Oregon, showing production,
cost of oporntlon, wages, etc. By net
of congress mlncownora nro compel
led to furnish Information undor pen
alty. Reany for Steel I) ridge.
Tho nnpronchoa nnd center pier for
Iho Lewis and Clark drnw brldgo nenr
Antorla hnvo boon completed and nro
ready for tho steel drnw whonJt nr
riven from tho enst. It has been on
tho road for several weeks and Is
expected within a few days,
Not I'noush Water.
Tho voters of tho proposed Util
Walln Walls river Irrigation district
near Frewator turned down the pro
position to form nn Irrigation
district by 89 to 62. the vot
ers living at thn upper end of tho dis
trict killing tho proposition on the
ground that thn river doe not glvn
enough water when nt low ebb for
lho. holding rlpnrlnn right, wherr
n If an Irrigation district worn form
ed Including both themselves nnd
thoso below them, they would have
Io divide what wnler wns with those
lelow thnm. A three-fifihs vote of
Ihe resident wns required to rarry
the establishment.
Hot Contest for Land.
A eontost of more than usual Impor
tance wa begun In the Oregon City
Ijind Office a few days ago. Import
ant Is thn contest because nn entire
section of heavily timbered land lo
cated near Corvnllls. Denton county.
Is Involved. It Is oatlmntml that the
section contains in.000,000 feet of
fine timber. Them aril four entry
mon. each having nhnl upon a qunrter
"ecllon, and thoro nre nn many con
testant on tho ground thnt Iho on
trymon abandoned nnd did not prove
up properly on the land,
Wheat Walla Walla, 77Q7cj val
ley, 7Pc.
rtarley Feed, $10.00 per ton: brew.
Ing, 120.
Flour Best grades, f 4.10 O C.A0;
grshsm 3.3oft3.76,
MUlitnffs llran, 23 per ton; mid
dlings, 127: shorts, 123 1 chop, $18.
Oals No. 1 whllo, $1.07 Q 1.075
gray, $1 05 percental.
Hay Timothy, $111020; clovor,
nominal; cheat, $1610 per ton.
Potatoes tost llnrbanks, 70076c
per sack; ordinary, 38Qo per cental,
growers' prices ; Morcod sweets, $3
3.B0 per cental.
Poultry Chickens, mixed, Ufll2o;
young, lflQ17Ko; iens, 12c; turkeys,
live, 10I2o dressed, HfllB0j durks,
M.00Q5.OO per dozen! enesn. tfl.nnria
fl.BO. ' '
Cheese Full cream, twins. 15K9
luo; Young America. loUiaifln; fart.
ory prices, Ittltfclet.
Butter Fancy creamerr. 2022Kn
per pound; extras, 33a; dairy, 209
82X05 store, 16c17.
Kfgs SOftZlo per dozen.
Hops Choice, InQHlo per pound.
Wool ValUy, 17Q18o; Kastern Or
egon, 12ftl6c; mohair, 8SQ37Xo.
Beef Gross, cows, 3tf4o, per
pound; steers, BQBKo; dressed, 7Xo.
Val 7XQ8C.
Mutton Gross, So per pound;
dressed, BXQOo.
Lambs Grots, 4 c per pound;
dreseed, 7c,
Hogs-rQross, OfflQJtfo per pound
dressed, 8K7e,
,i J