The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, May 22, 1903, Image 1

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VOL. 1.
KO. 10.
Cornprhnlve Review of ttia Import
ant Happening of th Pwt Wfc,
Presented In Cn4nH Fefwi, M
Likely to rrav laterestfeg 0"
Many Read,
Four mskol tnun hold up n saloon at
llolpor, Utah, ami r-ecun-d 9:1,000,
Tlio largo dim plant at Parko City.
Utnli, has boon destroyed by flro; loss,
Tho service of tliu women Immigra
tion inspectors nt Now York linvu been
Tho United State linn realized $10,.
170 from thooHl diamonds wilted (mm
JuIm Hunch In IBM).
Ilaytl Iiiih denied tho requenl of tlm
refugees nt KlngMon to return lioinu.
Most of them nru ilctlluto.
Tho Philippine government ho cute
tirm-od two MHlltiotM plays, ono In
.Manila mid ono nt Katangas.
George W. Clruhbi), of Martlnsvlllo,
hnit Until ductal coiniunndor of tho f u
dlana ilopnrtmont of tho U. A. It.
llrurw Jonn, n prominent Now Mox
Ico stockman, ha been hold In $10,000
ball for tho murder of Krnest Howoll. a
Goorgo II. Will to, viro-prcstdont of
tho Hindmaii, l'n., bank, win liecn
found nullty of conspiracy In wrecking
tho Institution.
Hobbora killed Arthur Merdao, of
Mncatliio, Iowa, for coming to tho as
alstanco of two rottaurant men they
wore holding up.
Tho Nicaragua!! mlnUtcr at Wachlng
ton lm received a cablegram which
Itup Uaily contradict tho recent repot tr. of
ton! Oenlow, colonial under sccro
tary, will succeed tho lato Hohert Wl.
liam llauhiiry an president of tho llrlt
Ixh board of agriculture.
Itlchard Ilonry Stoddard, tho noil
known out, In dead.
F. W. Holla decline to act ni umpire
in tho Venezuelan dliputo.
Armenians are again on tho march
and more masnacros are expected.
Tho United Httaos may reopen nego
tiations to socuro tho Nicaragua canal
Forest (Ire? In Pennsylvania are de.
troylng thousands of dollara north of
flno timber.
Tho recent llrltlih vlctorio add
100,000 square miles of torrltory to
King Kdwnrd'a possessions.
A commlttoo from tho f.lek observe-
. tory In California baa selected a alto for
an observatory near Santiago do Chllo.
Work on tho now $20,0110,000 term
inal ground of tho New York Central
will bo begun Juno 1'.', and 100 ad
jacent Now York reildoncea will bo va
cated by that tlmo.
. Tho Cuban iranalo I considering a
proposition for a government lotlory aa
a Bubatltuto for tho taxoH levied on
sugar, tobacco, etc., under tho now
soldiers' pay" law.
Union men In Omaha have secured
a swooping injunction oer tho bulness
men. They aro prevented from declar
ing boycotta, moot Inn to conspire
against atrlkcra or from discriminating
against doalora soiling them goods.
Tho power havo warned Turkoy not
to nioloat Ilulgarla.
Kmployea of tho Great Northern mil
nay havo voted to strike.
China Iiab broken oft discussion with
America of treaty opening ManchuHan
Buit for $1,000,000 back taxos linn
been filed agaluat tho Southern Faclflo
by tho stato of Kentucky.
Scarlet over has broken out among
tho 13,00 men on tho receiving ship
Columbia at tho Now York navy yard.
Two persona woro killed nnd ono sor
louaiy Injured at Hartford, Conn., by an
explosion resulting from tho boiling
' ovor of whalo oil.
Tho monitor Arkansas will bo unnblo
to proceod on her trip down tho Missis
slppi until next spring, unions thoro la
an unoxpoctod rleo in tho rlvor.
Tho Bocrotnry of agriculture has
raised tho stock qunrautlno, doctared
for frot and mouth dlscaeo, "which has
boon In effect sluco Novombor 27.
She Finds Herselt In a State of Practical
llankruptcy from Rebellion.
Waihlngton, May 16, A gloomy
picture of tho torrlblo plight in which
Colombia finds herself as tho result of
tho exhausting four years of rebellion
Is contained In a communication which
has roached this city from a source of
unquestionable reliability. Thorn) ad
vice stato that on March 1 laat tho
government gavo notice that it had
stopped tho isstio of papor money that
was flooding tho country and had
turned tho lithographic plntcs, from
which it was made, over to a commit
too compoaod of prominent momliori of
different political patties. Conse
quently tho government early In April
was almoat entirely without funds. It
had not enough to pay running ex
penses, to say nothing of foreign claims
and demands. Not a rent of Interest
had boon paid on tho national debt
since tho war commenced In 1800. Tho
claims growing out of tho recent revo
lution were assuming tromondous pro
portions, and an thoro woro no other
means of relief It was apparent that
Uio government mint again ho ru
course to tho lithographic stones and
start tho presses running again. More
over, It was tho general opinion that
oven tho small measure of relief which
might follow tho receipt of tho $10,
000,000 from tho United Mates on ac
count of the I'anama canal could not bo
obtained, as it was not exected that
cougreis would ratify tho treaty.
At ono tlmo last year, tho exchange
on New York was 23,000; that la to
ray, 23,000 Colombian dollars wcro re
quired to purchase $t worth of goods
in the United States. It was feared
tliat the rato would go oven hlghor
this summer, for thoro was over $!,
000,000 worth of this paper money
Moat, and It was oxpocted that f 600,
000,000 more would bo loaned Immedi
ately to py war expenw. Tho foreign
debt of 1BU0 amounted to f 12,700,000,
on which tho intoirst rate was first 2,,
and then threo per cent., but this In
terest has not been paid for several
years. It was tho general opinion, ac
cording to tho report, that tho Colom
bian trcvernment could not pay its
debts, and apprehension was expreaHHl
as to what might happen in cam tho
foreign creditors pushed for a final set
tlement of their claims.
Jacksonville Streets Navigable iinJ Kail
road Traffic illockcd.
Jacksonville, Fla., May 16. A heavy
northcaitor has been blowing for the
past few days, accompanied by driving
rains. I.ant night and this morning it
was unusually heavy. Itoports from
tho stato say that much damago has
liecn dono to turpentine camps and
phosphate plants.
Dig tides and heavy rain havo
flooded the lower portions of Jackson
ville, and boats aro being used on seve
ral streets. The terminal station and
all appioarhos aro three to five feet
under water. In tho railroad yards tho
waters are rushing through at six miles
an hour. Tho total rainfall for tho
past 24 hours was 8,4 Inches.
No trains havo arrived tcday. Ilo
ports from tho state say all railroads
aro in bad ahapo from tho flooding of
tracks. Tho storm is tho worst for
years. Many houses In tho nogro
loctlon were washod away.
Tho city la in total darknoss tonight,
the wator being a foot deep In tho elec
tric light power hou bo. Many nrldgos
In the country woro waahed away. Tho
total loss will probably not bo less
than $400,000.
Ilx.Alaskan Official (lives Testimony In
Boundary Dispute.
Honolulu, May 8, via Victoria, May
16. An Important nflldavlt in tho
matter of tho Alaskan boundary dis
pute has boon obtained by tho Ameri
can government from J, U. Smith, of
Ullo, Hawaii, who was United States
commissioner for tho district of Alasku
in 1807. Smith statos bis legal resl
donco, by ordor of tho president of tho
Unltod Btatos, was Dyoa, which la
within tho disputod torrltorj, and that
ho exorcised Jurisdiction with tho
knowlodgo and consent of tho Canadian
ofllolals both in Dyoa and Skagway.
In an interview published horo ho
stated that his authority was recog
nised b) tho Canadians, and with his
nfihlnvit Is submlttod a map which was
inado by him nnd a Canadian ofllcliil,
marking tho boundary lino of IlrltlBh
and Amorlcan Jurisdiction in accordanco
with tho Amorlcan contentions.
lie Repudiate That Country's Rcsponal
blllty for Late Oidraits-Say It Was
the Work of a few Irreconcilable
Ilulgarla Has No Ambition to Annex
London, May 10, Cabling from
Sofia, tho corrospodncnt of tho Dally
Nows says ho has had a long Interview
with 1'remler Drneff. The premier re
pudiated llulgarla'a responsibility for
tho Macedonian outbreaks, which ho
ssld were tho work of n few irroconcll
aides, and ho refuted Indignantly tho
chargo that Ulogarla hod winked at tho
revolutionists. Tho premier admitted
that tho liulgarlau army was strongly
In sympathy with tho movement. He
snld, however, that this sympathy
would not bo allowed to Interfere with
its loyaltv. Ho could not avoid seeing
Nirno accident might precipitate a war
involving titilgarin, but Ilulgarla would
not bo tho nggremor, mid in the event
of such a dUaster It Would not be hor
In ronclnslon, the correspondent
quotes Premier Daneff as paying ho
couiiholed Prince Ferdinand lo Ipmm sii
appeal to tho powers to intorveno in
behalf of Macedonia.
"Ilulgarla has no ambition to annex
Macedonia," ho said, "and tho exit
ing reform scheme is quite illuslonary."
Twenty Passengers Have to Flee In Their
Night CletMnr.
New Haven, Conn., May 10. Twen
ty passengers, including 10 ,nien and
four women, had to lltIn, jhelfl niaht
cloth I rs; early today from a burning
sleeping car at tho Union station. Tho
car was noar tho rear end of tho New
York, Now Haven k Hartford train,
which left Now York at 11 o'clock last
night for Honton. When tho train
roached horo at I o'clock tho sleeping
car was connected with a plpo which
supplies tho cars with gas and tho gas
supply wss turned on. Immediately
afterward a slight explosion was heard,
Haines burst out and tho car filled with
smoko. Tho passengers, daxod with
sleep and lull blinded by tho smoke,
rushod for tho doors. A woman was
knocked down and suffered a slight in
Jurv to liar back and right arm.
Tho blazo was finally uxtlngushed
and a hunt was made for tho pas
songers. Among thoe who said they
lost money was i). I) Kaplan, of Now
York, who raid ho loft about $30,000
In money and securities in the car.'
Aftor n search the wallet containing
tho niisMnc securities was found, and
Mr. Kaplan thon said ho had recovered
ovorytlilng except somo money which
was burned up In his clothes.
Tho handbags and clothing of most
of tho passengers was watersoakod.
Tho women passenger wero taken to a
hotel and tho men uere provided with
overalls nnd shoos.
Attorney Oeneral Will File a notion In
Supreme Court.
Washington, May 10 Authoritative
announcement was mado today of the
Intention of tho attorney general to
outer n motion in tho supremo court of
tho United Statos noxt Monday to ad
ranee tho hearing of tho Northern c
rurltles caso, the appeal of which was
docketed recently In that court. It is
altogether probablo that tho court
will grant tho motion, but it Is not
likely that tho court will tako action
on the motion before the sitting on
Juno 1, when the court will bo in ses
sion for the last tlmo during the pres
ent torrn. llonco thoro is no possibili
ty of tho argumont of tho 'case before
tnn court reconvenes on October 12.
As assigned casos nover aro hoard dur
ing the first week of a term, tho earli
est probablo dato for tbo hearing is
October 10.
Honor for Woman.
Washington, May 10. Tho war de
partment has received advices from
Manila that Miss Floy Gilmoro has
been anpointod assistant attorney gon
eral for tho government In tho Philip-
ntliAa Rlia Iri flin flrat. WAtnan Ataw
appointed to such an important legal
iiamuu, duo woitv m wiu rilllippillOH
as a stenographer, and attained her
prosont position by good work In tho
otllco of tho attorney genoral,
No More New Routes WfiriJe established
Until Alter July I.
Washington, May 14. Poatmaster
Genoral l'ayne today announced that
there would bo no more establishments
of rural froo delivery service until July
1, tho beginning of tho next fiscal year.
This Is one result of investigation of
postofllco affairs, and tho discovery that
at tbo present rale of Increaso of routes
there wilt bo a deficit of (20,000 in tho
rural froo delivery eervloe by tbo end
of this fiscal year. Instructions have
been glvon to Fourth Assistant Poat
maatei General Drlstow to curtail ex
penditures. It is not lntondod, how
over, that tho Investigation of proposod
routes shall be suspended, and the
Held work thoreforo will continue. Mr.
t'ayno estimates that tho total number
of rout os fairly entitled to be estab
lished In tho enttio country would bo
38,000, and at tho present rate of In
creaso this would be reached two years
Mr. Payno said tonight that ho had
asked tho civil service commlanion to
have its representatives make an in
vestigation of tho Washington post
ofllco, in addition to tho investigation
already made by postofllco inspectors.
He said this action was taken on ac
count of charges of violations of the
civil service law in that office. The
civil service men, he raid, will make
their report tomorrow.
New York Firm's Practical Plan for Pen
slotting Employes.
Now York, May 14. Tbo Gorbam
manufacturing company, the promi
nent silvenmitbs of New York and
(rrovldence, It. I., has recently put
Into operation a plan for pensioning
their 2,600 employes In factory and
stores which ha been most favorably
commented upon by leading sociolo
gists. Tho plan provldos that any employe
whoso record is satisfactory to the com
pany may bo placed upon a permanent,
pension roll, provided he has rerved
tho company for at toast 25 years, and
receive thereafter as long as he lives, a
pension equal to 1 per cent of his wage
at tho tlmo of retirement for each year
of sorvke. Thus a man who has been
with tho Gorham company 40 years
will receive an annual pension payable
In monthly Installments of 40 per cent
of tho amount ho was being paid at tho
time he retired.
Ample provision has been made by
tho company to create a permanent
pension fund without taxing tho em
ployes for the purpoeo. This is ono of
tho most generous, and at the same
tlmo practical, plans yet dovlsod for
profit sharing on an acceptable basis.
Short Circuit Caused the BUxe Panic
Among Passengers.
New Yorki May 14. Through a short
circuit under a rapidly running open
car on tho Third avenue line last night
a blazo was started which spread rapid
ly and quickly enveloped tho car. The
motorman, despite tho crios of the CO
or mora passengers to stop before they
woro burned to death, put on full
power, and those on board began to
Jump from the car. Tho conductor was
ono of the first to Jump. After running
tho car at full speed for three-quarters
of a mile tho motorman apparently
realized that his own life was threat
ened by tho florco flames so bo shut off
I i power, Jammed down the brako ard
leaped off, among the indignant out
cries of a large crowd which had gath
ered. Nearly every ono of tho passen
gers was moro or less seriously hurt.
Many Tons of Money Counted.
New York, May 14. Clerks from
tho treasury department, Washington,
havo completed the counting of many
tons of money In tho vaults of tho
United States subtreasury In Wall
strr-ot. Tho cash was found to bo cor
roct. Tho amount for which Hamilton
Fish, tho now assistant treasurer, be
comes responsible is $280,471,260, of
which 200,774,007 is in gold.
Ten Forts, Prisoners and Rifles Capture!
American Friendship U Freely Ex
tended to All Who Deserve It Troops
Behave Splendidly Congratulatory
Order to Pershing's Soldiers.
Washington, May 13. Tbo war de
partment has received tho following
dispatch concerning operations in the
Island of Mindanao:
"ManIIa,Mayll. Adjutant General,
Washington: Captain John P. Per
shlng has completed a circuit of Lake
Lanao, via the east coast, from Camp
Vicars. There was sharp fighting at
Taraca. Canlnrfxl 10 tnrim. mini nrl-
oners, 30 InnUccs and 60 rifles. All
outer aatlos Irlendly. Liberated pris
oners, destroyed hostile forts and Ian
tacas. Our loss, two killed and four
wounded. Every hostile Lanao datto
has now been chastised. AH Moros
know our friendship is valuable and is
freely extended to all who deservo It.
No property, savo hostilo forts, has
been moloited. Mnrn lahnr mttunr Inr
employment on tho roads and sholter
uauaings; lormer atxmi musned; tbo
latter progressing rapidly. Troops havo '
behaved splendidly, not only in con
loading with a fanatical rarago foe, but
a dreaded disease, and besides had to
construct many miles of road through
tropical Jungles. No more hostilities
are anticipated beyond occasional
Rear Ouard Attacked.
Manila, May 13. Straggling Moroe
attacked the tear guard of Captain
Pershing's column, near Bacolod,
Island of Mindanao, woundiBg Liea-jyW
tenant Itutegfes and one soldier. 'Tins
gnard killed all the attackers.
The latest reports place the number
of Moros killed at tho capture of Taraca
at 300.
Brigadier Genoral Sumner, command
ing the department ol Mindanao, has
issued a congratulatory order to Cap
tain Pershing's troops.
District of Alaska Discussed In OcelogU
ca! Survey Papers.
Washington, May 13. The United
States geological survey has in press
for early publication a paper on tbo
mineral reourcos of the Monnt Wran
gel district, Alaska, by Walter C. Men
dentiall and Frank O. Schrader. The
paper opens with a brief introduction
in which tho hiBtory of this now well
known copper district of Southern
Alaska is traced from the time of the
stamHvIo of 1808 to tho present. Tho
discussion of the mineral resources ot
the region Is then taken up and the
copper, gold, coal and other minerals
that are known to exist or have been
reported from tlmo to time, are treated
In turn. The information presented Is
the latest that Is available, having been
collected In great part in the course of
geologic investigations mado by tho
authors during tho season ot 1002.
The copper resources of the region
are first discussed. The copper deposits
occur in two somewhat widely separ
ated fields, lying along tbo southern
and northern slopes, respectively, of
the Mount Wrangol group of moon
tains, a lofty volcanio chain, which di
verges from tho St. Ellas range near
the Alaska-Canadian boundary and ex
tends 160 miles westward, ending ab
ruptly In tho Copper river valley.
Tho best known copper field Ilea
within tho southern area, and is gen
erally spokon of aa the Chitl&a copper
belt. The geologic history of this
bolt Is briefly reviewed with special
reference to tbo processes that havo
affected tho greenstones and llmo
etonoa within which the copper deposits
aro found. After this review, the var-
ious properties are described In detail,"
some of those that aro best known
being tho Elliott Crook group, tho Bo
nanxa claim, Just east of Kennicott
Glacier, and tho Nicolai propertiea in.
tho Nitina country.
Alleged Anarchist Arrested.
San Jose, Gal., May 13. Clay Tay
lor, fdlss Professor Plutto, was arrest
od by Detective Pickering this after
noon for supposed designs upon the life
of tho president. He has served three
terms in prison. It Is alleged ho wroto
to the president advising him not to
come here. He is also accused of ro
oont anarchistic utterances.