.JF- i -fn i i AfcJi ifqtirMtjaiM-. - m X tfirtsyt ,,r W 4 M Spring Humors 'Com to most pooplo ami cause ninny troubles, pimples, bolts an-J other eruptions, besides loss of appetite, .(hat tired feoltng, fit a of blllousucss, indigestion and headache Tlio sooner one gets rhl of thorn tho 'better, ami tho way to got rid ot tbcm i and to bnlld up tho systom that hu .suffered from them is to tako Hood's Sarsaparilla and Pills Forming in combination tho Sprint; Mcdtclna;xir cxceilrnct, of unequalled strength in purifying tho blood as hown by unequalled, radical and per manent euros of :Scrofula Salt Rheum :Scatd Head' Bolls, Pimple .All Kinds of Humor Psoriasis Blood Poisoning Rheumatism Catarrh Dyspepsia, Eta Accept no substitute, but bo tura to get llood's, sad got it today, i No Use at Alt. Ho (who has offended Per) Won't jrou look up at me? . So If I did. you'd kiss me again. Ho No; honest. I won't. ' Sho Then what's the use? CLEANLINESS AND dODLINDSS. -Whatcvrr You Do, Wise Brothers Advise Oood Teeth. "Cleanliness Is akin to Godllnesa," is a quotation front thn greatest book 'known to man, and It is as wldidy quotod as any saying over used. The reaon is found In the impreeidvo truth of tho assertion. At tho present time whan this coun try is patsing through an unprecedented period of prosperity, moro and more Attention is paid to the refinements pf civilisation crory day. If a man, or particularly a woman, is slovenly now in dress or personal care, they are lm imedlately noticed and severely crltl .clned: It is not bard as a rule to gain an in come boyond Immediate wants, nd the majority of people in the United States .are accumulating a nirplus. The peo ple as a ubolo are better dressed and better groomed than they wero twenty jears ago. Even the luxuries of fash ionable society are becoming the ne cetslties of the masses. , This is tho result of a great commer cial ago with all its benefits. Nothing is more conspicuous than a person's teeth. If they are good and white and clean then we are pleased. If they are discolored or missing tbea we arc repuleed. The tremendous blowing to humanity conferred by ad vanced methods of dental surgery is beat Illustrated by such an office as that of the celebrated Wise Brothers, in the Failing building, Portland, Oregon. Here teeth are filled or extracted abao- lutoly without pain. You can bo sup 1 plied with an entire new set of teeth at a ery moderate coat. There is no i moro trouble about getting your teeth 1 put in perfect order here tbsn you bavo at a restaurant in getting your dinner. Tho offices are a model tor anybody in point of daintiness and cleanliness. Let it be strenuously urged that, if you want to get a.ong in the world and be respected and desired by your ac quaintances, hare your teeth in good condition. There is no excuse for any one to delay when there aro such per fect places as the establishment of Wise Brothers at band. Tho cos?. Is slight. The pain Is noth ing. Popular Lecturer's Aim. "It Is your aim, of course." said his intlmato friend, "to mako people think." "No," replied the lecturer. In a burst of confidence, "my business Is to ; mako peoplo think they think or, ' rather, to mako them think I think they think." Chicago Trllfuno. Iatemted la Bujflcj? SomtthlD? GoadorUMc iai Dcuble ? MITCHELL & BEE LINE BUGGIES Are at the head of their clan for Comfort Eur RU'Dr Afftuwu DuriMlity WANT TO KNOW WHY? Aak for our llluitratrd pamphleti. Mailed free. MITCHELL, LEWIS S STAYER CO. 200-206 First St., PORTLAND, OR. Alao Spokane, Uolte. P. N. U. No, 18-190.3. H HEX writing- to aul vertlsers please HientloB tfiU paper. BATTLING AGAINST SOCIALISM. The Crtteaile of Father Helter Among Chlcnuo Labor Union. A movement Is on foot lu Chicago which should Interest worklnKiuen throtiKhout the United States, for It aim to form n coalition of church nml Irtlwr unlotw for the purpnse of crush Iiik socialism. At IIh head Is a strong character Father Anton ltcltcr, of tho Church of the Seven Dolor, of llutTnlo, where he aided In crushing socialism out of the union, lly means of lecture, personal appeals and general discussion of tho sulijcct, the man of the cloth who litis the good of liuuiiinlly at heart hope to persuade the lenders of tho labor organisations that there are un known dangers In socialistic teachings, and that If their unions are to have any ! ttifliimtiw tit wii ftitewa ttillat Is it t'itlil.. HiMiivtHV a' n s.uv.r'v; muni mv istws i-d. Father Ilcltcr argue, that Mate so cialism Is In con Met with the natural lawthe law that man may own prop erty, which Is older tharuhe state. "Man existed." he says, "before the state, and ho had a right to own before thrre ever was n slate. The state, tli re j fore, taunot rob hlin of the rights which he had before It came Into exlatence. This Is In full accord with the law of (Sod, Thou limit not covet thy neigh bor's good. The state has not the right to rob nny erson of bis natural rights or tho rights of his family. On the contrary, It Is the duty of the state to protect these rights. It Is for thcclllxru to pro duce and carry on the bulnciu, nnd II Is the duty ot the state to protc-t bint and his busbies, nnd to sre that nobody takes undue ndrnntage of him; that Justice and right be supreme, and that the weaker will not become the prey of the stronger." ! Father Writer's twar fit re on soclnllam has brought hlin International fume. I He Is a Hararlati by birth. Is VI years , of age and has llred lu Hiiffiilu mure than twenty-five rears. There he built n xirx).lXXJ edifice for the Church of the tfeven Dolors nnd a sehoolhousc which nccommodnto 1.MK) pupils. Yours ago 1. toot ,m the tudy of xoidnllhin. Ilnd- Ingtti the work of combating It a bnind Held lu which to exercise his rare gifts of logic. Ills writings and utteratuei hare attracted wldrtiprcttd munition through the United States, and hiidlm; Kuropcitu opponents of socialism long ago accorded hlin a forcinont fiosltlon ns an authority on the subject. TYPES Of WOMEN WAQE WORKERS. Corrected. "Hello!" cried tho Jovial fellow, ship ping Qrumpey on tho buck, "how aru you, old mauV" "Don't 'old man me," snapped Qrumpey, who was becoming touchy about his age. "I don't look like tho old man, do IV" "Well, no; Just this minute you look more like tho old hoy." -Philadelphia L'nssat. . Wliar. Ilotlicred Illiu. "No us? tcr grieve over spilled milk, IJre'r Wllllums," "I know dey nlu't; but dey dono stoltd my cow!" Atlanta Constitution, i 'I ' " -ij--jM--MMsjSMsasai ...i VftEauaaSHsaVaVaVal ' irMaBBfafafafafafafafaTi aBBTeVaV w BaTB-E'TeTeL a bK wtBb BBTBTBTei oaaBflBaWefBrV iBsMQtajS aLal BBbbbbbbB ' 5BaPLaBaaB tTit'tsibsssiLVsVfLr-u . v lSaSBrBriw'aaBBraBBraBF.i.tBBraaekSki L W aV?BBBaTBBBBBBBaakBaaBBBBtt.. x BJ jAfMstnHVK 1 .L!LBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBlBBaBBBBBVSkJ FATIIIII ANTOX IIUTr.lt. l'Mi)a90lBaatL I TVS m mtmmmmKstmmmmmmmmmmimMmmmmim I Health " For 25 yesra I have never missed taking Ayer's Sarsspsrllla every spring. It cleanses my blood, makes me feel strong, and does me good lit every way." John P. Hodnttte, Urooklyn, N.Y. Pure and rich blood carries new life to every part of the body. You arc invigorated, refreshed. You feel anxious to be active. Youbccomcstrong, stcndy,couragcous. That's what Ayer's Sarsaparilla will do for you. II.HatXlU. AlWrattUU. Aik liar dwlif what ha llilnka At A H.iMtui. IU konw. all ( IKIxiim nl4 fnOlt mfillc ln. rllew lilt aSttce ami wtlUbail,rWrt. J. U. ATBS CO., Uwall, Mui. The Charitable Sex. Ho What an exceptionally good complexion Mrs. Fortyodd has She Ych; It's too good to bo true. Cincinnati Kuqulror. """"" thh TttRnatiiANTs. Ttl. I..M.I H.l..l.l ...1.14.1am ... .... ...,. t 're the three great l.le Inaiitanre (1uniaiile oi ew ir, niirn land "inn inree (name. - During 1M3 the rotnlilntillnrreaae In nioiint tliiiurnro In force In Ornnii In Iheae three . com fault waa aJl.lifl Hi Hiirlns Ihe fume lime the IVnn Utiliut. t l'nlllil.lii. mmle.n IneresMiil ll.io.liln). , There at kimxI retmi (nr the i'Ulrlty lit , the fnn Mutual miiiI for tree onrrlhleit J bouktrl "Hurt amt hjr " H he fin an A llaimon, ' t enetal (fenti. Marnuaia bulMlnj, fotttaml, Oregon And That Ended Nora. Mrs Unfnlt Now. Norn, bo very careful of thlu cut glass punch howl. It cost n mint of money. Nora Indade. mum! Well, It's ralo tough. Huro an' I drapped It three times already an' nlver fazed It. CtTC rriDMnnr omm f tit r aOHt iN.rrt III aftar Aral lr' i..oflr SllaV.OtMl Xwtcrar. Sa.lfoePltKKsr4.0llrUlramla4tfwt. laa. ve.ll.ll.Kuaa.U4.uiarcti3urhUWaltala.ra Didn't Know What to Do. "Yes." said tho fashionable mother. "I waa dreadfully worried yesterday," "How was that?" "Why, the nurso went out and left mo alono with tho baby for nearly two hours." Chicago VotU UKArrfKSS U.M.OT HE CDRBB Ry local application!, aa they rannol reach the dlacaaed portion ot the ear. Tbeie la only oe way locurtaJDan.an. that la by couatltu tlonalreuiedlea. tiealneaa la rauitJ by an In flamed condition of the inncoua lluloa-of the Knatarblan Tube. When this tube itta In Baaed joa haves rurabllneaoand or Itnper feci hearinr, and when It la entirely cloaed rtealne.a laih teitilt, and tinleea the Inflamma tion can be taken out and thla tuboreainred to Ita normal conditio 11, hearing wlllDdaUoyed loreier: nlneraaei nut ol ten aierauaeil lit :i 1 caiarrn.wnirn It nothlns but an InOamed condition ol the mneouaeiirfaita. He will lite One Hundred IKillara for any eaaeol tiealiieulcanard by catarrh) thai can 1 nil can Bend for noibeeurriioy nairai.aiarrBi.ure. IrtfMitar Ire. F. J. CIIKNKY U CO., Toledo, a Bold by Ururstita. 7fio UsU'a fajally 1U are the beat. The Toothqruih. Bonk a new toothbrush for ten min utes In cold water and thoroughly dry Il beforo using, for then tho bristles -111 bo less likely to como out than If mis precaution wero omitted. m Wzw&?kaP& vSr-'.afcT , . , j -, Afcrc(ablc PrcpnralionrorAs slmllaling thcFoodarulBCrtiila ling ilvcStotoacrs andUowcls of Promotes DigcallonjCrtfcrfiir ness ami Rest. Contains nclilicr Omum.Morplune norImcxal, ISot "Nam c otic . fitfoufirSiKvnmmit imyJtm Sent' MxJut ftltuU litnl r Apetiecl Ilcrncdy for CtjfWBtw tlon t Sour Slouwh.Dlarrboca WorrMonvulsiotw.Fcvcrislv ftess rxl Loss or Sleep. MaHaBBKeMSeeSaaaaaaaaaaaaia-aw Facsimile Signature of new Yomc. ccact eopyw wrapper. aBBjBBDaBjBBBHBBBppuBBjtajeMsejaaBajeeiaajae T .oss t nw i "il.1 f 9. S7 lmVf v aW 4an MBak fcy mI Ml Hi V MBaat sti iMiiiraariW - '- '. ,,V,Ad i lkrn aMiiT-mmi aYSBTK. aflaTltJELn Bf aWTlVH nrKsVMaatt STSBM 'SW ji taVaVafMVIsBVl-aBVaPVaV!1saH4s iiumfl ? ftiimaiiiM Drat Aid to the Jilted. Toar up photograph ot tho Faith losa Orenturo. Figure up how much ho wna costing you nny way. Hum up hnr lovo lettors. Ilolloct upon her numerous faults. Iiieludlng nn nlwnys ovldont lack of good Judninont. If overythlng vise fnlU why just forgut horl Hyrncuao Hornld. Ten Minutes Late. Hill If you oxorclito for ton minutes overy morning when you get up, do you ktiowyWhat It will do to youT Jill Burn; make mo Into for break fast. Youkers titatofliunn, "The Kl an. Knot Kllchin Kind" nt atovei make nn inuke, miirll, aixil, aikua nr eicenlts heat Alnayi took lor Uailu luatk. The Real Thing. lie Did you over (too anything nt o-ciilled bargain sales that wan really cheap? Hho Yen; tho look on a man's faco who accompanied hU wlfo to one of them. Cincinnati Unrjulrer. Vor fort vrar'a l'lan'i Cure for Con. sumption has cured eoughs and oolds. At druggliti. l'rlcfl'.'3roni. Wnrtt vt. Old Hoarder That's a epioer looking butter dish. Mrs. Ilnshor. Mrs. Ilnshor Yes, and I'm awfully) I proud ot It, too, It has been In nuri inmiir ior murn ii nn a nuniireu yours. Old Hachelor Indeed! Hort of heir' looms, as It woro7 ABSOLUTE SECURITY, Genuino Carter's Uttle Liver Pills. Hluit lear Signatures 4e rsc-Statl Wrepeer Betew. Yary aaamU a4 a7 fak mm bcmw rM NtAlACHE. rix iiuinus. nn nuiutRcu. Fl T8RP1I LIVU. FIR CINtTIPATIH. rOR MU.IW SXIH. (CARTERS m ntllwCCIMPLflll 'J&.I avruoea nvMrti ParreJy CURE SICK HEAOAOHC. A Huiilan (Unknots. Tho 100 ruhlo nolo of llussls Is barred from top to bottom with all tho colors of tho rainbow, blended ns when shown through a prism. In tho center In bold relief stands a large, finely executed vignette of tho Km press Cnthorlno I This Is In black Tho other engraving Is not at all In trlcato or elaborate, but Is well done In dark and light brown anil black 1 Inks. Tlio Kind Yon Ilnvo Almtyn TJottglit, nnd tvlilclt Iiaa Iiocs. la itflo for over HO yearn, has liorao tlio Kltrnattiro olT -j7 i - nnd Iin boon nuulo tintlor Ms pctw r jJ&ty-f-JPv flonal mipcrvLilon ulnco Its liiflmcy, -uf?K -CCtoSWK Allov no ono to ,!ocolvo you In this. All Oountcrfolti, Irnltntlomi nnd,Just-na-troodBro Imtr Experiments that trlflo vitlt nnd endanger tlio liculth oC Jgftnita and Cldldrou Exiicrlcuco uuliibfc Kxpcrliuonta What Is CASTOR I A CaWtorbi Is a Imrmlcss ntibstitnto for Castor OH, Para gotlc, IropH nnd Boothlng Syrups. It la Fictumnt. Id 'contalnii neither Opium, Slorpltlno nor other Narcotia alMtanco Ita se in Its ernnrnntoo. It dentroyn Worms 4UMl fdhiyg Fovcrlfllincsfl. It curca Dlarrhooa and Wlnil OolICa It rcliovca Toothing1 Troubles, ctirow Conatlpatioa Hd Flatulency. It iiHHlmllfttoH tlio Food, rcKtihittiti tho JBfostmch and BowelH, glvlner licnlthy and nntural Mloofai XIm CltUt&rea'a) Faaacc The Mothcr'H Friend. OKHUIHK CASTORIA Bmuts the mW JmT aanaaM aisaaBeaBSaSaSBlSaSaMsalMsalsMf The Kind You Hare Always Bought In Uio For Over 30 Year. VMS eiNTawa eoavMNr, f araMAT srsctT, mw voaa errr.' Brt Uoihjrup.f.l tkxt OfsH HL tn Ume. IMI1 by rtfMyiill. W LET MONEY EARN MONEY. YimcaiiKPtlnlorfit en your iiiri'lin mini y (rum m and allll (larnltMfa'eaaltfini lad Mxrinl II In the H run nn llUl,llaw tour limner with In -lereat any ilay It will iaryuiiliilnreitlsal I hi i rniKKal Write lor arllriilai Nn (nailer how Utile, or niiwrimiriMiiieiiiniier foil have. It him M rant Jon uiuethlntr, il !! jr invrai- meiita in al Mimer loaned on linirnved rlty nn liiiriiveI rl arlne ifi'iirll nr farm tirnltftf I :' -... "i'7i Hiiiani aim an hi t aold Ij land for aa Urea tltl id aliliultur amt llmler land for nale rile lia today OREGON a PHILADELPHIA SECURITIES 00. McKay UutlJIntf. I'oftUnJ, Ortgon. X You can larrely tneream the yield ot X your e mo tir mlnsoiir aoilat (eilllli era, Write lor 'tlii, , ! 33! IL PER GENT OFF i 13 Or ill Packs! Sitds Fur orders of 1 .00 or morn (Thladoeaiint Inrtudo sraai aeedi or 4 Harden areda In quantity! . . 4 If lu tha inaikei write for irlal net j prlrea MANN, the SEEDMAN. '. ' i ISK I'rtMit Street. Purtliaiul. Urv. i Alcohol, Cpiura, Tobacco Using jw VVlte for LtturnATtD CmcmATta Pnrfiore(ytTtri nmrLsifuOat, nirprwe rvin JJr 1 I W. Lm Dtu0lma mmkmm mnd mmMm mwm jmn'm 64ymr Wmft (Hmnif. aaeiaf rroommmi mhmmm Ihmm mny thf aefwree aet rn vrttnti. -. ..-v .. ' $35,000 REWARD Wilt tw paiit to a arena whe cn mimvxn mi aumaiai. IlerauM tu DoagUs uiufacturer Is Ihe larzeat manufacturer he can bu lie can bur clinaix cheaper and produce hie tUor at a lower met Itisu other con-1 coma, which enable film' to sell ehwa fur S3.U) and eo.w enual In ore way to thine aold eli where fur 8 1 and J3.00. ! The TfcMalae amt nn. 1 Eel tauiilnir lite botlem alaa pruiucve abao. Irialihei mot DaallUaand will wet e than any olhar unaara iq the wet Id. Tha 4l hava more tliaa diU4 the ! Ante "t..wlti'Jl PTee lu eurwrtotttr. way no aiee W, LI)W(UaaliM atiulaod MTa tiuior. Stmttrm InerfoM aaaSalMl ai,oil,f il.Mt Im liMiMaai I'erui.ai au-v.oaa.uao.ww Aa-ainoraa.NSO.saa.TUInrwirrrarm. W. L. OOUOLSS AM OILT BOOK LINaT. Worth tMW Compared wlin Other Makee. 7 tT Imfrtii mm4 Amt He it IrtlHtn, Httf ratut Calf. tnim,f,t Cult, Cttlf, tie! HI, OeH Wt, ml latltMl Htnpina. fail Color fyairt. riOllrtn Th ou'na have W. U BOUOTJUI WSUIIUU uim an4 rtc aUaituden lxtloua. BU4I v null, aV titrtu llUt. fatahfrea, W. I- UOVUUXH. UHUUKTU.V, MAaUa. ALWAYS I ignaturs of Mi ISMS-BJSJJBy''asJBSSJSSJS f M - UNION MADS SK? saLsaaKsVt SHM HRKvKr7iu"AI r tsmtui''atm mu -Qeffy .' . . '"rdaasia