The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, April 24, 1903, Image 1

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Comprehensive Review of lite Import,
nut. Happening of the Hunt Week,
Presented In Condensed Perm, Mo
Likely to Prove Interesting to Our
Many Renders.
An Immense (low of all was struck
ut 1200 ,f cot In ft woll nt Hartford, 0
In now territory.
An otploxlou Iiiih occurred nt tint
military powder fnctory nnar Lisbon,
1'ortiiKnl. Several pcrsonH wore
8lr Chen Tung Mnn Chong, tlio now
CIiIikiho Minister, hns nconptcil tlio In
vitation of tlio WurM'M Fair Commis
sioners In participate In tlio dcdlca
lion nt tit. Louis,
Two carloads of tnllllnry tonta.
promised by tlio inllllln department
for tlio into of Immigrants have lni
rarely nt Winnipeg. Four toon hun
dred tuoro nro expected,
Canndn propones to rotnlllntn fn
Gorman tnrlff discrimination by add
I NIC ono third to the duty on' German
Import. Mnrtilnery for placer min
ing will lio ndmlttod free for ono yonr.
Tlio fust mull on ilm l.ouiiP-
Nashvlllo for Now Orleans, rnn Into
nn open mwiu-h near caslJHiorry Als..
nml was wrecked. Mall Clork Dono
van mid tlio Negro fireman worn kill
od. Knglnoor Wright nnd tunll clork
Ilyor. ISnton nnd Htrutlon woro pain
fully Injured.
The Crlpplo Creek Tunnel Trans
jKirtntlon ft Mining Compnny. of Crlp
plo Creek, Colo, iius obtained nn In
junction ngnlntt n number of mining
companies lo prevent tlieiu from driv
ing n big district tunnel tbroiiKli ono
of It4 claims. Tlio roiiipnuy bus also
broiiKltt milt against tliu Kl Paso Con
solldated Hold Mining Company far
witter supplied.
Kansas bank deposits now nniounl
to 130,000.000, or over $C0 for ovury
man, womnii nnd child In tho itatu.
Minnesota Ctirlitencd by Hill's Daughter
Large Crowd Present.
Now Ixmdnn, Conn., April 17. In
tlio prosonco of thousands of spocln
tora, including mnny visitors from
Now York, IloHtou and othor cltirn.
tho atcnniNlilp Minnesota, tlio largest
vessel over built In thin country nnd
(tin greatest enrgo carrier In tho
world, wit launched yesterday nt tlio
yardn of tho Kastcrn Shipbuilding
Compnny nt Oroton. Tho sponsor of
tlio mnininoth nhlp wns Mis Clnrn
Hill, daughter of J. J. Hill, pro-ildont
of tho Croat Northern Company, for
whom tho vossol wax built, to become
part of tho cornnnny'a ' Pacific nnd
Oriental carrying norvlco.
Ah tho InHt restraining link that
held tho nhlp to Kit plnco on tho wnyn
wan severed, Minn Hill broko n bottlo
or wino over tho nteol how and named
the craft the Mlnnoitotn. After tho
launching luueheati wnn nerved to the
gucHta of tho ahlpbulldlng company In
tho mold loft of the yard.
Final preparation for tho launching
or tho Minnesota were begun early In
tho day nt tho ynrd of tho Kastorn
Shipbuilding Compnny, In Oroton, tho
entire force Vlng busied In knocking
Hwny the heavy blocking nnd getting
every InHt detail In rendition far tho
Initial plunge ot the big ship Into the
wnter. While the preliminary work
wna going on thouaandii of people
from varlotiit vantage points watched
the Inbora of the men nnd viewed tho
imtnenno proportion of the Minnesota
nnd her sister vessel the Dakota,
which I to be launched n few month
Kvery trolley-car from Norwich, ve
hicle from tho iiiburbnn dltrlcta nnd
apodal train on the- New York. New
Haven ft Hartford Hond brought load
of spectators, nnd by 11 o'clock the
Mtreet bore tho nppennmcu of u uni
versity boat rnro. Tho weather was
cloudy. A stiff northeast gnlo wn
blowing, and tho air was chilly enough
in make heavy mat deslrnhlc.
The Mcthndltn propoHo to mergo the
Methodist Hook Concern of New1 York
nnd the Western Methodist Hook Con
cern ui Cincinnati ami inicagn.
Nearly 1300 wa found In joarchlng
n novel occupied liy Patrick Flynn
nenr Hslvldnre. N. J. He Was 82 year
old nnd n hermit. Ho was found dend.
Tire which stnrtod In tho Cnpltnl
Hotel nt Wewt Hnd, n summer resort
near Now Orltwn. I.n.. destroyed that
building nnd n number of buslnos
Iioiihos. Tho loss la $75,000.
Horlts from n Mast nt n cutting In
n llrnnx. New York City, street, broko
many windows, wrecked n house. In
jured a baby and seared a woman near
ly to death.
Two Hungarians were killed and two
Injured nt Pittsburg In a bolated ex
plosion of dyunmlto nt tha New Mount
Washington tunnel of tho West Lib
erty Traction Company.
The Washington thontnr nt Homo. N.
Y. was destroy! by fire. Tho loss Is
betweon $120,000 nnd $150,000. about
half covered by Insurance A score
of peoplo were Injured, when tho walls
of tho thoater fell.
An nnonymoun lottor, threatening to
burn the town"by lire nnd dynnmlto."
unless $2500 Is left nt n designated
place, Iiiim esusud ili"l excitement nt
Montgomery. Ind. THoro hnvo been
several Incendiary tiros there lntoly.
The body of Itonr-Admlrnl Oeorgo
F. llAlkunp wn burled with military
honors ut Arlington cometnry.
Hrlgndlor-Geiioral Frank I). Ilnldwlu
Iiih taken charge of the Department
of tho Colorado, succeeding Oonorul,
Frederick Funston,
Oovornor Penbody, of Colorado, linn
ordeiod the momburs of tho Denver
Tiro nnd Police Hoard to nnswor
chnrgos of malfeasanco nnd mlafcnB
unco In olllce In permitting gambling.
Tfie trial of Dr. Joseph Alexander,
of Indianapolis, on tho charge of
gravo-robblng bna been Indellnltely
postponed. bccnuHo the NegrooH un
der Indictment hnvo refused to tentl-
fy ngnlust him, .
A tornado In tho vicinity of llloc
ton, Ala., wrockod sovornl housos nnd
did canHldoruble datnueo to farming
property. Tho towna of Colcnnor nml
Onruey also suffered. No fatalities
woro roportod.
John Bhurmnn, n guard on tho Chi
cago Klovatod rallwny) wuh probably
fatally hurt nnd many pnsnonRorH
were shnkon up nnd badly frightened
wlioi? tho second oar of u wont-bound
train Jumped tho track.
Tho Moxlcan Ambassador has In
formed tho Htnto Dspnrtmunt that
tlckota nro holug no id In this country
for n lottory said to ho located In
San LuIh, Mox., whore tho Ambndsn
dor nays there la no lottery.
Subcommittee al Senators Appointed to
VUlt the Territory.
Washington, April 18. 8onator
Unvorldgo. ohnlrmnn of tho Committee
on Territories, has named Senator
Dllllnghntn. of Vermont. Hurnhnm, of
.New Hampshire. Nelson, of Minneso
ta, nnd PMtnmon, of Colorado, n sub
committee to visit Alaska this Sum
mer for tho purpose of making n thor
ough lot obligation of conditions In
that territory with u view to recom
mending legislation or nmondmonts to
existing laws to the Senate when It
Honnlor Nelson Is n member of the
Commllteo on Public Lund and Senn
lor PUeioii Is n member of the Com
mittee on Mines nnd Mining so that
the subcommittee will Include In Its
membership senuttrra familiar with
tho West. The sub-commlttco will,
have complete control of tho Inves
tigation to be made, the only sugges
tion made by tho commlttoo whon
tho hitter was bsforo It being that
there should be an inquiry on the
ground Into conditions In Alaska, as
It was felt that current Information
wns too monger nnd Indirect to ena
ble Congress to grnsp the nctunl con
ditions. Henrlns will bo held wher
ever tho sub-couimittte thinks host
and much personal Investigation will
take place.
Senator Hevorldgo will not ro to
Alnskn, nn ho purposos to take a rest
from labor of nil kinds up In tho
Maine forosta during July nnd August.
Specimens Prom Near Wllholt Springs
of Uxccllent Quality.
According to a report brought from
tho vicinity of Wllholt Springs, 25
miles east of Oregon City, In tho foot
hills of tho Cancado Mountains, and In
Clnckamas county, that portiontof tho
county is likely In the near future to
provo ono of tho greatest wealth-producing
sections of tlio county, t P. C.
Hnrstow, of that plnco, has a sample
of coal which ho says has been? taken
from n Icdgo Just unearthed on his
claim, which ho claims to lmve been
looking for for tho past 12 months.
The samplo that ho showod was al
most puro carbon, nnd wns as flno n
rpoclmon of tho "black diamond'" as
can bo found nnywhero between flip
two oceans. According to his story tho
vein Is from six to ten feet thick nnd
shows every Indication of being pop
It has long boon known that there
nro flno prospocts for coal In that sec
tion, nnd many samples of coal picked
up from tho hillsides hnvo been exhib
ited, but It Is said thnt this Is tbo first
find of any consequoncc, nnd It Is now
believed thnt claims that haro not
been filed on In that vicinity wilt soon
bo taken up.
As J.ho now olcctrlc railroad, for
which C. D. Lntourotto recently se
cured n franchise. Is supposed tn run
to tho vicinity or Wllholt Springs, It
is bollovod that this And will be In In
centive to hurry up tho building ot tbo
Examined 5altm Ur. f?
Dnvld U. Ogden. of Portland, in en
glnoor of tho Government Itlvr and
Harbor Dopartmont, was la Snymfanil
made soundings In tho WHInmctto
River near Balem to ascertain what
changes hnvo taken pl'ico in tho chan
nel. Ho also mndo such Investigations
as will bo ot uso to his odlco In caso
It should bo nocesiary to build n re
tetment In order to keep tho rivor In
Its channel.
Mormon Uatln Celestials Were Not the
Victims of Atob Violence,
United 8Utc8 District Attorney J.
H. Hall, of Portland, hus been in
Maker City Bovorol dnya mnklng In
quiry nbout nn alleged outrago per
petratcd on a lot of Chlnnmon cngngod
muling near Mormon Hasln last
aurnmor. It will bo remembered that
a lot of toughs mado a raid on the
wnucao piacer mlnoa over there and
robbed them of all their gold dust and
"uncx. -inrco of tho Chinamen were
badly Injured and several houses
It was not a mob but a raid of n lot
of thloves and robbers, who. tho bettor
o ntlmldato their victims, burned
tholr homos and assaultod tho In-
The Chincso government It IN un
derstood, has mono n claim against
111. fn?.? fr ,100-000 da"'Bos nnd
tkrL Z 'm0 pur',08 or ,00k,nK "P the
bSS-ittk" that " "
Had Uood Run.
The four-stamp mill recently Install
ed nt tho now Kremer & Palmer mine,
on Mount Rouben, has boon completed
and glvon l,ta trial run, with excellent
results. Tho Kromor & Palmer Is ono
of tho richest and most promising
mlnos of Southern Oregon, and Is an
other of tho properties of this mlponU
zono that Iiob arisen from n mcro pr s-I-oct
to a paying mica within the
course ot a fow months.
Was Caught Out of Season and All Packed
In fee.
Wntor Dalllffa Smlth.und Jones anC
Deputy Wurdon Webster were looking
for poachors near tho mouth of the
Clnckamas when they ran Into n ftn
a lot of salmon packed In Ic5 as their
eyes hnd seen for many a long dny
More thon 2:00 pounds wcro tnltor;
from tho pack anil shipped to" Port
land, whero they woro placed In cold
Aftor leaving this big flnd of sal
mon. tho men proceeded up the river
io iook ror a location for n flshway.
On tholr way they broko their onre
and woro forcod to boat ashore, and
almost undor their oyoa they discov
ered JO flno steolhoadB, which thoy appropriated.
Witness Say (lovcriior Offered lo Pa
, for (lucbel Murder.
Frankfort. Ky. April 17. FYntik
Cecil, who has been nwny from Ken
tucky since his Indictment last year
us necessary to tho murder of Gover
nor (loobel, and who recently surren
dered, gave some sonsutlonul testi
mony In the trial at Jamoa Howard to
day. Cecil corroborutod Culton,
Hrotighton, Ooldon and nthora as to
tho alleged conspiracy. Ho also said
that Caleb Powera, then Secretary of
State, told him that n man hnd bcon
secured to como horo from tho moun
tains to kill Ooobsl. If this man fail
ed to arrlvo Powers told him, ho (Ce
cil) would bo paid $2500 It ho would
tiro tho shot. Cocll nays hu docllnod.
Oovornor W. S. Taylor, ho tostlllod,
culled him into Ills prlvnto olllco and
told him tho snmo thing. Oovornor
Tnylor unld ho had saved $3500 from
his cnmpnlgu fund, nnd that lib would
pay Imiuedlutely, Oovornor Taylor
nlBo montlonod Youtaoy to tho wit
ness, nnd referred witneps to him.
Opium Smuggling In Montana.
, Havrn, Mont., April 18. Govern
ment olllclals bollevo thoy hnvo un
earthed tlio first caso of opium smug
gling brought to light on this section
of tho border lino In many mouths.
John Tegnu, omployed in Harlem, 14
nilloR onBt ot horo, as n bnrbor, la al
legod to hnvo boon caught in tho act
of conveying CO pounds of tho drug to
a rrionu in urout Kails, it is sn d
tunuggltng baa boon carried on In tho
vicinity across tho Canadian lino for
uomo tlmo.
Snotir Scares Orsnt Stockmen.
Thrco Inches of snow fell over most
of Ornnt county last week, ontulng
consldorablo alarm to tho scores of
stockmen who hnd just turned out on
tho rnngo. Skits of February have been
carried Into April this season, numer
ous scant falls of snow being Intor
mlnglcd with chill weather, tho com
bination proving rather trying on
stock. Ranchers now nro very anx
ious tor things to modornto.
n.M,!,8J0.nB,bee', known that "'man
usnine out of season u- hnin. i.i..t
Bed In In the ClacWnmn. i... ,i.. ,.
wna being carri on on such n large
acnlo was not droamo.1 of. and strenu
ous stops will do takon to stop It.
Hond Prrpusals Carrlrd.
At a SDUClal Dliu-tlnn l.ul.l I. n-i...
hnm.tOfl0t.? " tt PrPOtIon to UsUO
honds for tho purposo of constructlnr
ii ii .. X"""" """ crocung a City
Hall, tho City nail bonds cnrrlod by a
)oto of four to one. and tho sawm
oontiB nvo to one. Uoth IraprovemonU
..i uu oiunvu ai once.
Danish Commission Returns Much Dis
couraged With Conditions.
Washington. AdHI 14. Artvi. VA.
eclved here aro to tho effect that tho
loyal commission left 8L Thomns a
few days ago for Dqnmnrk In a pes
sfmlstlo frame of mind. After the
treaty of cession had bcon laid nsldo
tho Danish government, to placato
tho residents' of the Danish West In
dies and tho peoplo at homo who fa
vored cession to tho United States,
sent this commission to tho Islands to
devlso means for tho Improvement of
tho conditions of the Islnnders by tho
ro-ndjuslmcnf of ealarlco. tho stab
Ilshmcntof direct lines nf ntcnmihina
and changes In customs duties, which
i wun nopou migm rcconcllo tho Is
landers to thcJr retention by Den
mark. It now appears that tho com
mission waB vory much discouraged
, J..IUI. ik nw unu nrara, so ii is en
tirely posslblo that there will bo a
strong revival of tho cession move
ment Jn Denmark when they return.
Technically tho treaty of cession
ratified by tho United States Sen
ate Is pending before the Dan
ish Oovornmont, and If there Is
a chnngo In public feeling there
It may bo ratified and tho ces
sion complotod, providing the Rlgs
lag la called In special session
before July, when tho tlmo allowed for
exchange of ratifications oxplrts.
Date for ih Launching at Sn Pranclsco
, Sown io lie l-'lxcd.
Washington. April 14. Tho Navy
Department 'expects to be advised
Vrlthla a short time of tho dnto wtien
tho Union Iron Works, nt San Fran
tsco. will launch the cruiser Tacoma,
building at Its yards. Thin , la
always set py the shipbuilders, and
uiiiiruTou oy mo secretary of too
Navy. All arrangements lor tho at
tending ceremony in this Instance
will bo concluded between tho Union
Iron Worka and tbo reprcsentatlvo of
Tacoma. probably the Mayor, who will
also dofgnato thn young wonmnwha
Ta to christen tho now Vesael'BTIjtJ ""' '" "
'tarts on its flrtf nluni-n Intn IKS -
briny deep.
It Is hardly probablo that many rep
'esontatlves of the Department from
Washington will attend tno ceremony,
because of the distance although all
bureau chiefs and tho Secretary will
be Invited.
Pears for Clackamas County Prult.
Tho heavy hall storm of last week
did consldorablo damago to fruit In
different sections ot Clnckamas coun
ty, many of tho fruit troes being
In full bloom, nnd tho entire blossom
bolng knocked off tho trees. Tho
wonthor ot tho whole woek has bcon
Immoderately cold, and' It Is boltoved
that the fruit crop Is banly damaged.
if not entirely killed.
Wlfo flurdcrer Suicides.
John do Fa I co, tho Italian convict
who wns sorvlng a Ufa sontonco nt.tho
ponltcntlnry for killing his wlfo In
Portland on F6bruary 20 through Jeal
ousy, endod his oxistonco at tho prl&on
by cutting his throat nnd Hovering his
wlndplpo with nn Instrument known
as n coll knife, with a bludo about one
Inch long.
May Mako 100,000 Idle.
Chicago, April 10. On tho result of
a mooting to bo held tomorrow depqnda
tho question of n strlko which may In
volvo 100,000 workmen on tho Qront
Lakes. An ultimatum on wages Is to
bo prcaontod by tho package freight
hnndlors nt Chicago lo tho managers
of tho lake lines and labor contractors
who 3upply men for dock work along
tho Chicago, river. Tho domand Is
backed by tho International Long
shoremen's, Marino and Transport
Workoru' Association,
Wheat Walla Walla. 70(7-.-? hi.,-
Mem, 7o; valley, -6070c.
Barley Feed, $81.60 per ton: brew
Jng, $23.
floor IVst grade, $3.lt504.25;crah
am, $3.Q3.86. h
Millotnfls - Jlrsn, fl per ton;
mlddlltuw, $24:ehort, $lt.60s0
chop, $18.
Onts No. 1 white, $1.16 1.20
gray, il.l3,ji.l& percental.
.,Ilnr."T,moU,-v 1,C13.60; clover.
$10(911; dioat, $lil2 per ton.
Potatoes Host Hurlwnks, 60c ih,i
wck; ordinary, SriMtOo iwr r.t.i
growers' prices; Mercod sweets, f3Q
U.6U r cental.
Poultry-, Chickens, mixed. Hion.
young, ISQHcj hens, 120; turkevs.
iVAv.r " """" -UQTii'o; ducks,
$707.60 per doxen; geese, ICQ0 60.
Cheose-Full cream, twins, 1B
17o; Young America, 13 lake:
faotory prices, 1(31 Kc Jess.
Rutter . Faucy creamery, 22e per
pound; extras, Slo; dairy, SOtassc:'
Eggs 16giOJo per dozen.
Hops Oholco, VHfrWo ,r pound. '
Wool-Valley, m4'15o; Essteru
Oregon, 80l4)vo; mohair. 69nas
ileof Gross, cows, 8QU pe
pound; toorn. 4'j6j; dreaaod, 7?ia
Veal 88io. ,
Mutton OrOSS. 737JoC ler Fonnd
drep(Hl, 80o.
Lambs Grofs. 4o nor unurid!
dresKHl, 7Ke.
Hogfc fsVosn, 77Ko per pouml
'lrosEcd,88 (t.
Venerable Dr. MUbrm Passes Away In
Ills eightieth Year.
Uaiblngton, April 13.-It.r. Wlllarrl
Millmrn, fie venerable blind chaplain
of the United States senate, died in
-antu llarlwra. Cal., today. .Mr. Mil
burn, auonipanit-d by Mm two niece,
the Mlweit Tlmley, le'l Wai-hlngtou for
the I'm! tie coast about n ear l-o. TI,..
chaplain was In broken health. The-
nanpe Drought no proot in provement
In IiIh condition, and when congrtaa
met in December he forwanbd his res
ignstien to Washington, but It
never a-teI upon.
Mr. Mi I burn was twl.e elect! chsp
laln of congress, thn Urtt time in 1846,
when a little over Si jeurt of age. He
wns twice chaplain of tbe home of rep
rwKentatives and lanly chaplain of the
senate to which otlicn he was elected
In 1803.
Qcrmans Arrest QrniJuates of American
ScIiulI In Carullnes.
Boston. April 14. News of tho ar
rest of n numbor of nntlvo graduates
from a mission sohool at Ruk. ono of
tho Caroline Islands, by tho Captain
tt n Oorjnan warship, who carried
thoso in custody" to Ponapa. tho Boat
of tho German government, 300 miles
away, was received tminv iv i,.
American Hoard of Foreign Missions.
The advices were fnim TJnv wtiitn,,.
h. StliiBon. who snld tho nrrost wss
mndo on tho ground that tho natives
preach against tho Gorman govern
ment. Tho, natives woro solrod De
cember 2C. Thoy were still hold on
February 1C, tho dato of Mr. Stlnson's
The officials ortho American Board
liavo Informed the stntn nnnnrn,n
of tho nrrests, requesting that stops
tunuiu IVUK'ta ue lUKCn..
Sultan UaOly Scared.
Constantinople. Anrll 14. The
news of tho death of M. St. Chorblnn.
tho Russian nt Mltrovltza.
I-uropoan Turkey, who wna shot by
an Albanian sontlnol recently nt that
plnco has greatly alarmed tho au
thorities horo. who anticipate com
plications with Russln. Consular re
ports from Mnsastlr show that tho
hnarehlcal conditions nrnvniiino- th.r
aro bocomlng more ncutc Aasassl-
imiions or uotn Ohrlstlnns nnd Mus
solmnns nro increasing. In tho dis
trict of Prllen durlnir thn nnt i.
no loss than 60 Christiana wero killed
uj iuuaouiwuns,