j4-t6"-""l U7 h 1 i THE BEND BULLETIN. VOL. I. JllSND, OIUSGON, tfltlDAY, Al'IHT. JO, JDOtf. NO. 4. (jAaj WaJJ . EVENTS OF THE DAY 4JATIIRRM) PROM AL. PARTS OP TUB TWO UBMISPIIBRES. Comprtlicrttlve Review of the Import ant Happenings of the Past Week, Presented In Condensed Porm, Most Likely to Prove Interesting to Our Many Render. Tho Fertile, IJ. 0., coal trlko has IAhiii settled. President Itooaovolt has started on his western tour. Tim M'crot wrrvlco at Washington ha" lirtcovnrml two now counterfeit notes in circulation. Financiers of several nations nro TCttdr and willing to help Castro lijr lending Vcnoxuela inonej . Tho f 3,000,000 appropriate! by con grots for tho rollnf of tho Phlllppluo f-ovurnrnunt lion been disbursed The minora' now rvalo baa gono Into offcet In almost ovary slato. Advance will mean about 135,000,000 moro want's tbla year. It Isprobablothattho British Colum bia It-glslature, which 1ms Jtmt con vetted, will tako steps to provont Japan io from entcrlhg that country. Tho Can Joaquin river and tributaries In California ato rising rapidly, bridges havo been awopt away and groat dam mgo lo reported from Mvcrat sections. An agreement haa been reached at Seattle botwoen tho streot car company and ita striking employe, and cata are -gain running. Tho differences will bu o tiled by atbltratiou. 0. F. Hwlft. proaldent of the great beef pack If ik firm, la dead. German newspapcra reply to Dowey by criticising tho American navy. Eighteen Waterbury, Goon., strikers linvo been arrested for deadly SMaull. Noah Itaby, nu inmato of the poor Iioiiko of Middlesex county, Now J rey, ia 131 years old. Ho was born at Km tontown, N. J., on April 1, 1772. William Kollly, a patient In tho Itollovuo hospital, New York, has an inceatant laughing spell, whhh haa lasted flvo days, and tho doctors cannot explain it. When Mrs. N. I McQuown left a bank at Marlon, Iud., with III0O she lida jtiHt drawn tho money was stolen from bur jiocketbook, whloli Iiuiik from Jicr U'lt, by two men who had Ihjcii waiting for her. Tho title to omo ancient Irish gold ornamonta Is being contorted in the Jlrltlsh courts between tho crown and tho trustees of tho Ilrltlth inumium. JTIioy woro plowed up In tho Northwest of iroland in IHUtl, and wuro sold to tho museum for i00 pounds. Germans are angry at Dewey's criti cism of their navy. Senator Foster declared Paclflo coast man should bo (elected for vlco proal dent. Many pooplo havo lost tholr Uvea on account of tho last break In tho Missis slppi loveo. Tho Cuban senate lias ratified the re ciprocity treaty on tho promise of an extru session of congress. Itobbera dynamited the safe In tho pootoillca at,Lako Mills, Winnebago county, Iowa, securing several hundred dollars. At tho Invitation of tho Gorman gov ornment, a conference with tho object 61 founding an international solum lo as sociation will bo hold at Htrassburg from July 24 to July 28. It lo said that John W. Gatos Intends to retiro permanently from actlvo par tlolpatlon In tho Block market, and that in tho future ho will Uovoto mtioh of Ilia titno as ho will sparo to business to thoso concerns In which ho Is heavily interested. Privileges to construct a salt lake of 100 acres noacOopo May for it seaside roHort havo boon grantod to a company, which proposes to All 000 acres extend ing from Madison avonuo, Capo May, to Howell's point, and to construct an inlet to tho ocean fto that sou-going yachts may havo ontranco. A now system ot swelling (or min eral ores by the use of tho telophono is bolng tried at tho Toleacaa load mine, tin North Walos. Jamos McNeill Whlstlor, tho Amoil can artist, will rocoivo tho degree of doctor of laws at tho forthcoming Glas gow university graduation ceremonies, PM.BBIDUNT IN CHICAOO. I I'lrat Speech of the Western Tour Deals with Monroe Doctrine. Chicago, April 3. Hlx thousand In n hall, llio wonting capacity of which la but 6000, gnvo iiir.oiirnKoinnnt to Pre Idont Iloosovclt whon ho ateppud upon tho stngo of tho Auditorium last night. Tho great building haa hold many a throng, but novor ono tlmt wna moro unstinted In Its npplauno for any man than tho crowd that filled It lant night. From tho first floor to tho roof It wan packed to Its titmot capacity. ISvory ncmt wna occupied and, although tho aisle were kept clonr, nil tho spneo In tho lobbies and on tho stalrwuya wan tnkun, and oven tho passageway load ing to tho hall from tho lowor floor woro Jammed with hundroiU of men who wore utterly unable to hear a word of tho President's address. Tho following nro a few oitrncU from tho address, giving expression to tho sentiments of tho President on trVsn questions: "Our duty to nurselvos and to tho weaker republics who arc our neigh bors require ua to boo that noun of tho great military powora from across thn aeaa shall encroach upon the terri tory of tho American republics or ac quire control thereover "lloth powers (Great Hrltaln and Oormnnyi nssurrd us In explicit terms that thorn wna not tho allghteat Inten tion on tholr nnrt to vlolnto thn prin ciples of thn Monroe Doctrine, and thin assurnncn wn kept with an honorable good faith "Tho Monroo Doctrine la not Inter nntlonnl law and this la not necessary na long as It remains n cnnllnal foot uro of ittr foreign policy and as long na wo pontons both the will and tho strength to mnko It effective. "If thn American Nation will apeak softly end yet build, and keep at n pltrh of tho highest training, n thor oughly efficient navy, tho Monroo Doc trine will go far. "It la too lato to prepare for war when war haa conio. and If wo only preparo sufficiently, no war will over come." DIRECT WHtn TO WMITO HOUSE. "m Im. ,. 4i-. ,- nt PretWent Rooievelt Always In Communi cation with Washington. Washington. April 4 During his absence from Washington, President Itnosovelt will bo at nil hnura of tho ilny and night In eloiio touch with thn White House. Telegraphic communi cation will bo mnlntnlned between tho Preshlent'a party and Aaslstnnt Boo rotary ForoMor. who la In charge at tho White House, whom tho routine nxncutlvo huslnesa Is transacted. Bo foro leaving Washington Provident HooHovelt disposed ot prnctlrally nil questions relating to npoolntmonta: hut If the noreaslty should nrlso, ho will mnko nppolntnienlH while on his our Thoy will bo announced at the While House nnil not from tho Presi dent') train. Purine tho two weekH nnil two day tho Prcsldont will spend In tho Yel lowstone Park Secretary I,oeb will bo on tho aperlnl train, which will ho sidetracked at Clunnhar near tho on trnnco tn tho park. Ho will lo In dnlly communication with tho Presi dent through tho telephonic or tele rraphte systems In tho park, or by courier A direct wlro botwoen Clu nnhar nnd tho Whlto Houso will ho constantly nt his OIhdo.iiI. In tfio event of ncctdent tho Wjhlto Hoiibo will bo notlflod Instantly. naitTINO NEAR CAPITAL. Many Killed In Battle Near Santo Domln go Atlanta Is Watching. Santo Domingo. April 4. Tho Unltod 8tatca cruiser Atlanta arrived hero yesterday nnd established a alcnal sta tion on tho shore Sho will land mnrlnos If necessary A sovoro en cnuntor la reported to hnvo taken plnco yentordny botweor tho govern mont troona and tho rebels nt Ban An tonio do Ouerrn, about 20 miles from this city. It Id said that 14fi mon wero klllod or wounded. Tho rebels, while crossing tho rlvor this morning, woro nttnckod by tho government troops and an hour'a fighting ensued. Tho Clydo steamer Now York, from Now York, march 18,, which roached Ban Pedro do Mncorlu March 28, has not yot nrrlvod hero, and apparently haa boon prevented from procoodlng by tho authorities nt Macorls. All communication nnd nows from tho Interior Is Interrupted and busi ness la practically suspended. A quan tity of nrms nnd nmmunltlon was ship ped today on n gununnt, which la In tho hands of tho robols, for nn un known domination, Atlanta la On dual.. Washington, April 4. Tho Navy Do partmont today rocolvod a cnblogrnm from Commander Turner, command ing tho Atlanta at San Domingo, na fqllowa: "All quiet. Insurgonta In charge Reporta Indlcnto an attack by Govern ment troops. Communication la In- tnrruntod. Thla goes ovorland to Cotul." HAPPENINGS HERE IN OREGON WILL WASH OUT OOLD, a, W. Dart, o? John Day, Starting Up an Uxtcnslva Work. PJarer mining pronilws to Ixj an Im portant Industry in Grant county (lur ing tho coming mmeon. Fevcral minora haro already commonrod getting things In roadinesu for tho snmmor's run. What promises to 1m an excellent paying proposition la tho placer mine of G. W. Dart, which will be worked for tho flint tlmo this reason. Mr. Diirt has leased tho pipe, giants and all tho mining material belonging to tho Humboldt mining ccmpiny, and at present has a force of mon laying this pipo and vetting everything In readlnees for tho s.immor'i run, which will commenrn Immediately. Tho mlno Is situated on the west side of Canyon creek, between John Day and Canyon City, and nearly opposite Long gulch. Watnr will I) iiwxl from tho Humboldt ditch. Tho ditch will bo in chargo of 15ert Ktono. , It la tho intention to operate tho TUK LATK HENRY mlno 10 to 18 hours a day, according as tho lungth of tho days permit. Tho shifts of men will bo employed. Prosperous Hood River Valley. Though tho annual precipitation at Hood Itiver la about Srt Inches, irriga tion ia a vory impoitant factor In the prosperity of tho Hood Ulver valley, Hlnco irrigation camo into practical on a considerable ttcalo five years ago the population of the valley haa quad ruplcd, the price of land has incioawd 300 per cent and tho entire fruit ship ping business of that locality has growii up. Sixty thousand crates of straw berrlos (twodoxon boxes to tho crate) nnd 100 carloads of apples, of last year's production, have been shipped from that station, and largo quantities of ilno apples are still going forward to market. Irrigable Acreage Increased. The great abundance of snow In tho mountains haa resulted in ah increase in tho acreago of irrigable land that will bo placed uudor cultivation this season In Baker county. In many in stances tho lncrenso will amount to 50 or 00 per cent over Iatt year, and tnk lug tho ontlro county, tho Increimo will amount to fully 40 per cent thla year over last. Sale of Albany Woolen Mills. Arraugomonta havo been completed for tho sale of the Albany woolen mills to tho JUannockburn manufacturing company, of Portland. Tho stockhold ers of tho Woolen mills company will noon moot and ratify tho sale. This Is one of Albany's loading manufacturing concerns, and furnishes employment to a largo number of people, H(f v-iAifV, rfaBBl H? ';iHHB t flr i -4HniHBli d HH -vi -" JpbHI'HhH Rs f4afl is " IbRH IBbv ' fc,-1P JrP G ! ssssssssssssssssssssssssssasasssF I fwt f ( !K-i BV n 'iafflfSUp L laM- H''Rit fCV if w ''P Hr" c sP ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssP 'BEKKMMIKKtoS? T r lCll kT r' fmBfKSlUUBm New Warden at Penitentiary, C. W. James, who becamo superin tendent of tho Oregon enltentlary on April 1, has announced tho promotion of Kd McPherson from tho position of second warden to that of first warden. McPherson will succeed J. T. Janes, who ha held tho ponltion during the past four years. Tho vacancy caused by tho promotion of McPherson will bo filled by tho appointment of U. F. Johneon, of Uaker City Woodman Street Carnival. Tho Woodmen's street carnival and fair, to bo hold In Dallas Jnno 3, 4, 5 nnd (I, promlsra to bo a very successful affair. Tho CDpimittees nro all hard nt work and aro meeting with good succose. To Invoke Referendum. A number of mining men around Grants Pars aro giving assistance in the work oi Invoking tho referendum against tho mining corporation tax law rrontly paettd by the Oregon loglz lature. WIN8I.OW C'OKUirrr. PORTLAND MARKETS. Wheat Walla Walla, 72o bine- stem, 7778o5 valley, 77c. ttorley Feed, 123.60 per ton; brew ing, ,24. flour Best grade, 3.l'5Q4.25; grah am, $3.4f)Q3.85. Millstuffi Bran, flR per ton; middlings, 24; shorts, JH1.60Q20. chop, (18. Oats No. 1 white, 11.15 Q 1.20; gray, fl.12HQl.16 percental. Hay Timothy, 11Q12; clover, f 830; choat, OQ10 per ton. Potatoes Beat Bnrhanks, 6000c per sack; ordinary, 40Q50c per cental, growers' prices; Merced awoets, (2 2.26 per cental. Poultry Chickens, mixed, 1218c; young, 110120; hens, 12o; turkeys, llvo, 16ltlo; dreaoed, 1820o; ducks, (77.60per dosen; geoso, I7Q8.60. Cheoso Full cream, twins, 1QKQ 17Ho; Young America, 1718Ho; factory prices, IQIHc loss. Butter Fancy creamery, 8O032Ko por pound; extrns, S0o; dairy, 20 22Mc; store, 1618c. Eggs 14(3 15o per dosen. Hops Choice, 21Q23o per pound, Wool-Va!ley, 12K16o; Eastern Orogon, 814Kc; mohair, 2QQ28o. Bef Gross, cows, S3?40 per pound; steers, 4Q4?ic; dressed, 7?Xo. Veal 7Q8io. Mutton Gross, 4o per pound; dressed, 7C. Lambs Gross, 4o per pound; dressed, 7c Hosa Gross, 8 Wo per pound; dreea6d,77o. IN BURNINd FinttY PIT. fearful Plight of Sixteen Purnacemen Near PltUburg. Plltaburg, April 3. By an accident at furnace I of tho Edgar Thompson plant of tho Cnrneglo stool company at Braddock today six men were killed and ten are in tho hospital and aro, not oxpactod to recover. Fonr others In jured wont to their homos and are suffering from painful burns. Tho accident was caueed by a "hang" In tho furnace dropping and forcing largo quantities of white-hot dust down a large pipo into a pit where tho men wore at work. The victims were without means of escape, and all wero burned and blistered over their entire bodies. Largo fltrlps of flesh pooled off their bodioa when they wero pulled ont of the pit by fellow work men. Tho erica of agony of tho victim-, aa they wjithod In the lava-like stuff from which they were vainly trying to extricate themeelves could bo hoard over a block away. Hundreds oi workmen from otuor porta of tho plant rushed to tho reecuo and as quickly as possible .pulled the Injured men from tbo pit and carried them to tbo emergency hospital. The bodlen of the fatally burned woro blockunod or shredded In strips by tho white-hot metal dust that burned Into their flesh. Many of tho men bad largo blotches burned through the flesh, caused by largo rplashes of molten Iron that had struck them and burned through to tho bone. Furnace I is equipped with tbo fam ous electric skids that aro now nsed on all of the United States Steel corpora tion's blaRt furnace;. 5TRIKQ IN BUILDING TRADES. Thousands of Men Idle In All Part of the Eastern States. Kew York, April 3. A general strlko" in tho building trades, which It is be lieved will involve bet eon 16,000 and -0,000 men, and extending throughout Westchester county to tbo Connecticut border, was inaugurated today. The strike has extended to points further '' up New York state and to places In Connecticut. Tho contractors as well as the men are organized, and aro pre pared for a siege. Thv men In West chester county demand an eight-hour day, with Saturday half holiday, and tho following scale: Plumbers, 4 a day; lathers, f 4.20; carpenters, 3 GO; painter-, (3.28; bricklayers, matonaand plarters, $3.20; tlonerr, (3.28; and bench and machine men 117 a week. A proposition to meet the men half way was rejected. Work waa stopped on several now mansions along the round today, between 3,000 and 4,000 men falling to report for work. At Glenns Falls tho demand of tho employes of tho building trnda for a 25 per cunt Increase was acceded to. Two hundred electricians, copper workers and laborers employed in the New York stock exchange building went on strike today because thoy claimed that non-union electricians were wor-ing in tho building. At Orauge, N. J., 500 plumbers and 400 painters went on strike, demand ing an increase of wages and control of helpers. INSPECT CANAL ROUTB. Commissioners and Engineer to Prepare for Beginning Work. Washington, April 3. Tho Isthmian canal commission has appointed a sub commltteo to inspect tho proposed Pan ama canal routo with a view to com pleting tho preparations for tho trans fer ot the canal property to tho United Statos when tho final details for euch a transfer havo boon completed. Ihoy will bo accompanied by Major William Black, corps of engineer', who haa been relieved from command ot tho post at Washington barracks in order to serve under tho commission in connection with the purely engineer ing work of the canal. Major Black la an expert In canal engineering work, and ono of his duties will bo tho exe cution of a plan for tho Improvement ot tho sanitary conditions ot the canal route. He acquired much practical knowledge in that special branch oi engineering whllo serving as engineer oftlcor at Havana, where ho initiated Improvements which havo made that city cloan ami healthful, Tho proposed inspection of tho canal works and route will bo made ontirely under the auspices ot the oxistlng canal commission. The now Panama canal commission, under the terms of the act passed at tho last session of congress, prdbably will not bo namod until after the ratification of tho canal treaty by Colombia.