Newberg graphic. (Newberg, Or.) 1888-1993, December 21, 1922, Page FOUR, Image 4

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    ■ **
Largest Circulation In Yam hfll County
A beautiful line in all
delicate colon and white. ’
25c TO $4.00
Also a complete line of
correspondence cards.
Prescription Specialists
H. A. COOLEY, Prop.
Newbeig, Oregon
senior year at tpe O. A. C. at Cor­
vallis, beside whose body hers will
Alice E. Jones was born in Crceco, rest at Dayton, and Austin Poet, who
Iowa. March 19. 1851. She waa mar­ died in his senior year at the high
ried to Fred L. Post in January, school of Chelan, Wash.
18T0. Shortly afterward she ihoved
Funeral services were conducted
with her husband to Long Prairie. in Newberg by Rev. J. E f Strevey, a
Minnesota, where Mr. Post entered former pastor, when Mrs. Post re­
upon his first pastorate, as a mem­ sided at Chelan. Wash.
ber of the Minnesota conference.
--------- o
In 1883 they were transferred to
the Oregon conference o f the M. E.
church, and stationed upon the old
That the freshmen are out for the
•Hubbard circuit.
Among others they have served interclass championship was proven
Ipsoe®rates at Woodbunr, Molalla. by their 17 to 10 victory ever the
Dayton. Sheridan, Amity and Cor­ Fernwood club on Friday evening,
nelius, Banks being their last charge December 8. Due to the earliness of
the season, both quintets lacked
<■ the Willamette valley.
A little over a year ago she was team work and skill in basket shoot­
«attacked by a pronounced case of ing. Nevertheless, the freshmen
Bright’s disease and the pastorate showed that they are going to put
waa relinquished, while upon an ex­ up jome opposition in the Interclass
tended visit with her children with­ games. The lineup was as follows:
in the bounds of the Idaho conference Woodward and Pearson, forwards;
her health so far recovered she re­ Wilde, center; Jones and Brown,
quested to go into the pastorate guards.
again, and she and her husband were
Possibly we are not progressing in
sent to Cove. Oregon. A few weeks
o f most delightful experience with a our debate work as much as we de­
mast kind and sympathetic church, sire. but we are expecting to get to
when her dread disease broke out work as soon as the Christmas holi­
«afresh. She was taken to the home days are over.. No word has been re­
o f her daughter, Mrs. D. L. Behrens, ceived from LInfield as yet, but it is
a t Baker, where in spite of all physi­ thought that both Albany and Lin-
cians and care could accomplish, she field are planning on entering the
Triangulara this year. Those who
-*Ued December 12, at 9:30 p. m.
Because of domestic responsibili­ have given their namee as desiring to
ties Mr. and Mrs. Post spent several enter the tryouts are: Rlehard Ha­
years of their life outside the pas­ worth, Flora. Campbell, Harriett
torate. living near Dayton, Oregon, Hodgin, Cecil F. Hinshaw, Davis
and at Chelan. Washington, most of i Woodward. Howard Nottage, Helen
the time. To her death was but go- 1 Hester. Mary Elliott. Fred Yergen,
fng home and the meeting of those Ben Darling.
There Is still time for more to en­
gone before.
She leaves her husband and the ter. Since the freshman class is the
■©Bowing children: A. A. Poet, of largest in the college surely they
Newberg. Oregon; A. H. Poet of Che- I should have a larger representation
lan. Wash., Mrs. D. L. Behrens of than they now have.
---------- 0----- :----
Baker, Oregon, and Mrs. John Rob- j - '
«erts of Yakima, Wash. Two sons 1 INSURE with the Oregon Fire Re­
preceded her to the better land: lief Association and keep your money
Charles M. Post, who died in his at home.
S ltf
H oliday Greetings
The Q uality Store
P ortland, Oregon
Handling dairy cattle right, a big
factor in getting the best returns
for the money inveeted, calls for
both training and experience. These
can be had by s few dairymen who
enroll for the dairy herdsman's
course at O. A. C.. Jan. 2 to June
The students will be taught how
to house, feed, water, graze, corral,
stable, groom, milk and keep in
thriving condition the cows on which
profit In dairying depends. Each
man takes five cowa and a certain
number of calves which he must
bring through in good shape. He will
be told how beet to do each bit of
the whole job, and spend most of his
time doing it under supervision of
skilled specialists.
“ The college aims -to give enough
experience to every student that at
the end of the term it will not be
lack of experience if be is unable to
do the work required of him by the
practical breeder.” says P. M. Brandt,
head of dairy husbandry.
Up anti at work at half past four
in the morning, and from then on
till 6 or I in the evening with alter­
nate herd work, rest and instruc­
tion, the herdsmen are at It. This
program is daily for 5 and one-half
---------- o----------
In view of the fact that money
put into the Christmas Seals is spent
largely In a health educational pro­
gram with special reference to rais­
ing the health standard of the child­
ren of the state, endorsements of the
work of the Oregon Tuberculosis as­
sociation from the various educa­
tional leaders of the state, have
strong and special significance.
Money spent In interesting child­
ren in the formation of health hab­
its, in playing the game o f - health
and in the Valuation of health'- and
life itself, iq an investment with a
high rate of interest. Never has
Oregon been challenged to do more
along lines of disease prevention
and public health than at the pres­
ent time and with the sympathy and
M M L of
financial support of the O citizens
the state, this challenge will Be mei.
The sale of seals has started off
with a bang throughout the state.
Never before have such large re-or­
ders been received so early in the
campaign. Coos county has ordered
an additional $100 worth of seals:
Other re-orders include:
$800; Klamath county, $500; Yam­
hill county, $200; Umatilla. $200;
Washington. $300; Columbia county
$50. Letters of encouragement and
of plans for record sales are reach­
ing the headquarters in Portland,
from all sections of the state. The
Portland mall sale is the largest in
the history of the association.
f P l 0. A. 0. HAS MEETING
At a recent meeting of the exec­
utive committee of the Intercollegi­
ate Oratorical association of Oregon
the committee put Itself on record
as favoring the fonmatlon or a Pa­
cific end Northwestern Oratorical as­
sociation, including the stats asso­
ciations of Oregon. Washington, Ida­
ho, California and Montana. By
means of such an organization ora-
wlll be given a more important
In intercollegiate activttlee and
section of the country can he
represented in national con­
According to a plan formulated
by a group of college and university
men of this section, an annual con­
test would be held at one o f the
schools holding state honors. The lo­
cal expenses of the contest would be
taken care of by admission charges,
the surplus to go to the entertaining
college for the advancement of for­
ensics, ahd the deficit to he cared
for by the association, if necessary.
The prise money would be raised by
the assessment of a fee to each col­
lage In the association.
The committee expects to present
at the next meeting of the Ore-
kou association, a suggestion for a
permanent award to replace the med­
al,. which Is not' uniform, and which
has little appeal to the present day
student.— Crescent.
‘ ------- — — —
Dorit wait-
ft buzz-buzz
Red Grown"
Y ou d on 't have to waste time get­
ting started these cold mornings.
Y o u d o n ’ t have to wait for the
starter to warm up your engine.
AQ you have to do is to fill your
tank with "R ed Crown” and noth- ,
ing else.
' *...
"R ed Crown” vaporizes easily and
uniformly in zero weather. It de­
livers 100% power at the jum p o f
the spark.
Household Hints
To clean fur colisi* and cuffs, rub
thoroughly with corn meal soaked in
• I
The white braid on blue woolen
middies may be cleaned by sponging
with a solution of white soap. P ré «
and the middle will look like new.
F ill at th e R ed C row n sig n —at
service stations, garages and other
Notice Is hereby given that the un­
dersigned, Rosie Stewart, adminis­
tratrix with the will annexed of the
estate of John Bennett Stewart, de­
ceased, has filed her final account as
administratrix of said estate In the
County Court o f Yamhill County,
Oregon, and that said Court has ap­
pointed Tuesday, December 26, 1922,
at eleven o’clock A. M. of said day.
as the d§y and hour for the hearing
of objections to said final account
and the settlement thereof.
Now, therefore, all persons inter­
ested in the estate of said deceased
are hereby notified and required to
appear at the County Court Room at
tl)e Court House at McMinnville, said
County and State, at said time, to
then and there show cause, if any
there be, why Bald account should
not be settled, allowed, and approved,
and said estate forever and finally
settled. —»• -— - - •—-------
Dated November 2$. 1922.
Administratrix with the Will an­
— — —o ------------
nexed of thd estate of John Bennett
To whiten discolored clothes dis­ clothes-In and soak over night. When
Clarence Butt, attorney for estate.
solve one teaspoon of cream of tar­ washed they will ho almost as white
Date of 1st pub. Nov. 23, 1922.
tar in a quart of cold water. Put the as when new.
Date of last pub. Dec. 21, 1922.
Some Oregon orchardists make
money out of their orchards » » i
some don’t. Many factors— soils, lo­
cation, varieties, markets and others
— determine the profits/ and man­
agement is about the most import­
ant of all.
All phases of management from
cultivation to disposal of the crop—
spraying, picking, thinning, grad­
ing, packing— will be considered In
short courses at O. A. C. January
Vegetable gardening tor profit un­
der Oregon conditions, and study o f
Oregon plants and plant diseases will
also be given treatment j>ver the
We have assembled at this time rather a complete stock of high grade merchandise, in Shoes,
same period.
\ i
---------- (h --------- .
Clothing, Hats, Furnishings and Dry Goods, with Hew Merchandise arriving daily, and are offering
A few drops of turpentine added
to the rinsing water when washing
white silk hose, underwear, skirts,
them at lowest possible prices.
etc., prevents them from turning
lave Not Already
Ton will find a large range of suitable gifts for men,
women and children in prices that range from nominal to the
more expensive and elaborate. If yon have selected gifts from
ether than the jewelry line you cannot be sure that the recip­
ient will retain the pleasing memories of yonr gift through the
years to come.
Workingmen’s compensation com­
mission receipts for November in­
creased $13,629. Decrease in ex­
penses compared with same month
1921, f l l S l . Receipts for five
months increased 9118,763; op­
erating expense decreased $11,627.
Department to be made self-sus­
taining without expense to general
Ashland— New civic club building
Salem adopts $212,489.96
for 1923.
Westport to build $7,000 church.
Lane county ships 30,000 pounds
dressed turkey to San-Franacisco.
Foster—Survey started for proposed
electric logging railroad up South
Santlam .river to White City.
Pendleton planting 100 maple trees
on. Columbia highway.
Albany to get large new garage.
Tillamook— Site being prepared for
construction of armory.
Portland— Odd Fellows to build $200
000 temple.
Carlton— 378.000.000
sold for $1,000,000.
Portions of West Side Pacific high­
way in Polk county not yet paved
to be completed during the com-
satisfaction.. For the tardy buyer we offer a few suggestions
with the added thought that they merely represent the classes
from which yon can make hundreds of selections.
Wrist Watches
Men’s Suits
—D orian» B um . of New York, high okss makers
of All-Worsteds and Serges.. ' * '*7
$31.50 TO $35.00
Regular $45.60 Values
—Good weights and patterns, some with two
pain Knickers.
$5.95 TO $9.50
—Assortment in Wool and Woolnap, in plaids,
$4.50 TO $8.45
Men’s Hats
Belt Buckles
— Handbags and Suitcases Reasonable.
V. V. Gould
borne. • M
Portland’ s November building per­
mits amounted to $1.$5S.660.
Bend— Powell Butte Irrigation dis­
trict vote« $1,036,000 bonds to
Irrigate 13,000 acres.
Vernon 1* to get new depot.
Oregon’s outstanding debt. Sept. 2$,
was $60.13$,722.6$.
* ^ ,
— Latest Patterns and Designs.
$29.50 TO $82.50
Youths’ Suits
—Long Pants, good patterns.................. $18.50.
— With Two Pair Pants...................... . .$15.00
Ladies’ Unions
î ■
: * r
\ j
— “ Lady Dartmouth,” sleeveless, half sleeves,
long sleeves and ankle length; wool, and silk!
and wool.
$1.7* TO $2.95
Men’s Chippewa Shoes
— Twelve-inch, double Kip vamp, strictly hand­
Men’s Underwear
— Bradford’s “ All-Wool” Unions, in Buff, White
and Natural; $6.00 anywhere.
$4.50 AND $4.95 .
Scarf Pins
Fountain Pens
.. 1
Young Men’s Suits
— Reasonably prioed.
$1.40 TO $1.60
— Panama Last, a real dress shoo.
M m ’s Night Shirts and
Cuff Links
Men’s Genuine Kangaroo 1
C __
Boys ouits
— Recent buys enable us to sell a good bat for
$1.95. General Assortment $2.45 to $2.85.
“ Genuine Velours,’1 best colon, $7.00 values,
special, $4.50.
Jewelry—the gift that lasts—carries lasting
• . , ■ ,
.. •
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