T m N ew b erg G raphic Hsbcd la te ly and n o w the student bodw is being ta u g h t t o build letters in to w o rd s in accordance w ith the ancient And honorable architecture th a t has served us ao lo n g and so well. T h ey are th rou gh w ith “ thru,” th rou gh and through. .A.spell­ in g book con tain in g 5000 w ord s has been provided andtheclasses are learning the nom enclature o f 1 w ord s by means o f spelling bees preceded b y careful study. N o r hge «key spelling jaw -b reak in g w ords. R ath er th ey g o tn fo r t j ^ i m p l e . w o rd s th a t cultured * persons are a p t t o misspell every tim e,.th ey use them- F o r ex* am ple, such w ord s as eemetfcy,. H o g raisers w h o w ere sh ow - « * o i h,m '" * * * » - in g much discouragem ent and « in-KSknse o r licence finds 0 9 t r y in g t o sell o u t d e a n a s h o rt d * & < ^ t y spelling em bonpoint, tim e a g o , a te n o d o u b t fceUng embouchure or emberiamae. Ip b e tte r n o w , p ro vid ed th ey did n o t sacrifice th eir stock. The P o r tla n d L iv e S tock R ep o rter ways: “ H o g s a te clim bin g t o al- thtt* * * * * o t O rthographical decadence the m ost cultured w ould have t o v is it the d i e tio n a ty in order to spell “ lick* M i JEFFERSON ANO SOTHERN. • " " — — And Haw M m CKaraotar of Lord D m * dreary W m Creatod. The «tory of the production of “ Our American Cousin” has often been told, but a new light w m thrown upon the history of Lofd Dundreary when Joseph Jefferson related to me the following facts: ' It appears that Mr. Jefferson was at the time of. this production sup* posed to be suffering from consump­ tion. He told me that his doctors declared that his only hope wm to be in the fresh air M much as pod> sible; that actually his life depend­ ed upon ¡g He wm glad.therefoqy, «h en m y , father, joined Keene’s company, to discover that he wm passionately fond of riding. They hired a stable together ado purchased two horses. They shared the expense, which wm a serioM matter, m they were both merely stock actors. When the play of “ Our American Cousin” was read to' the company, m wm customary, my father wm se disheartened with : the pert for which he wm oaat-r-Lord Dun­ dreary, a second old man with only a few lines— that he determined to throw up his engagement and lea»« America. He had been-aoting far are all gone. ln r T c n o n lo e il a G ln g h a m w —Fast colors, large as­ sortment o f patterns, st per yard m o s t un kn ow n prices w ith rs- « * ■ » » " Which » the w a 7 the c r ip ts lig h t in m any places.” euphonists spell it. even if th a t Voile*— In p a p er. V ery su ggestive p a p e r head, friend B row n. H A V IN G QUITE A SPELL. To gw dowers that ate everte bloc O b. “ Emerald Iale!” 'eroso tbe foibe leas tide, W h et a fitting name fo r thee; F air Ireland! w ith thy emerald billa. colleges o f O regon - held some tim e ago, considerable tím e warn ta k en up in discussing the ques­ tio n o f simplified spelling, and a com m itte e was appointed t o w o r k ou t some s ort o f plan fo r plain white and figured, 96 inches wide, very pretty scenes they might have together. “ But I have no scenes,” said a y father.' “ 1 have only about ten lines." ^ “ We will have soenee,” said Jef­ ferson. “ We will make them.“ He persuaded the dejected Mr. Sothern to at least attend the fia t few rehearsals, and he did ao. Jef- fertfon wm aa good aa his word, of course, and Mias Keene w m indue-, ed to allow Lord Dundreary much liberty. My mother played Georgina, the part opposite my father, ana she and he worked up many, lines replies st borne and w en all« to introduce them into the pia “ My Remembrances,” by Bdwar Between Two Fires. ‘"The fads o f sovereigns with their How I long to scale thy rocky elifts. royal etiquette were frequently car­ ried to euch lengths,” says H.. T. Thy over groan hills to dim b; Dyer in “ Royalty In All Ages,” “ m To rest me sweetly by the sea, to make martyrs of them. What Oh, this were joy sublime! W hat joy to glide o'er Killam ey’a lakes! can be more ludicrous than the fol­ lowing: The palace wm on fire. A Killaraey! beautiful, fair! soldier who pew the king’s eiste 9 Whose waters cahn like mirrors lay was in her apartment and must in­ In tbe Emerald Island there. evitably have been consumed in a Bnt, ah, me! I ’ll be there only in my few minutes by f‘ the flames rushed dreams. in at the risk of his life and brought That joy will sorely ne’er be mine; her out. But Spanish etiquette was To press my feet to thy fair shores woefully broken, and the loyal sol­ And list to echoes that are thine. dier w m brought to trial and con- o f Reed C ollege, w h o is fath erin g th e m ovem ent had the p ro ­ g ra m s for the m eetin g printed all. “ th ru ” according tb his ideas o f “ reform ed speJHng.” to y «” * " ” T h e s e “ •pells” b rea k but ~m Sometime—for things that cannot be— v a rio u s sections ot the cou n try When we rest on the hills o f the “ Ero- a t in tervals bnt so for, n ot even V era Id Isle” In the midat o f the “ Jasper Sea.” th e irrepressible T e d d y w ith the lfrs. Mary D. Allen. b ig stick has been able to de- . Newberg, March 16. th ro n e Webster. T h e e d ito r o f the Graphic has n ever been able t o see where a g a m is t o be m ade in these a t­ tem p ts, an d unless som ething snore p rom trin g is show n by this com m ittee than has y et a; - peared, Pacific C ollege w ill not e a te r in to the com pact ao lon g a s tb e w rite r is a member of the b oard if he can prevent it. T b e fo llo w in g appeared re­ c e n tly in the O regonian which is w o r th readin g in this connec­ tio n : J f there are any Nobel a w a rd s th is yea r for distinguished ser­ v ic e in the interest of culture, hum an advancem ent and civiliza ­ tio n , let the w h ole sum be a w a rd e d to C olum bia U n iver­ s ity . In ad d ition we w ould rec­ om m en d the entire facu lty—e x ­ empting Professor M a tth e w s — t o r d e co ra tio n w ith the Iro n C ro ss , P ou r le M erite and Order o f th e Black E agle, first claM . P ot simplified spelling, euphoni­ o u s spelling and oth er form s o f «b r id g e d and corru pted o r th o g ­ r a p h y h ave been repudiated, but n o t b y special decree o r per­ s o n a l denunciation. Vitupera­ j tio n is n oth in g m ore than a flour 1 o f w ord s. C olu m bia U niversity | i h a i done m ore than t o ta lk .i j S p e llin g classes have bee* eatab- < Absolutely Pure ■atft fmi OrtMi •! Tartar lOILIM-RO PHOSPHITE drained to leath. The Spanish princess, however, in consideration 1 of tbe circumstance, condescended to pardon the soldier and saved hid life.” The Veiled Prophet. The veiled prophet, Mokanna (Hakim Ben Allah), whom Tom Moore made the subject o f his beau­ tiful poem, was a real character and not a mere poetic fiction. Mokanna lived in the eighth century. Pre­ tending to be an incarnation of God, he founded a sect in Kliorusaan which for a time was quite power­ ful. Rebelling against the caliph, he was for a time successful, but was subdued about 780, when he and the leading men under him took poison to escape the shame of a public execution. — New York American. Net Exactly First C l««». A stout old country lady with a parcel got into a first class carriage in Scotland A porter came to m e window ami asked: “ Are you first class, ma’am?” • “ Weei, I ’m, not exactly first claM, bnt I’ m pretty wee!, considerin', thank yon,” replied the old lady M thp train slowly moved out of the H o s ie r y —For ladies and children, in fast color«. W e have the largest stock and can give you the best in town. A sk values o f any to see our hosiery line in cotton or silk. N o trouble to show. C D n r r O i r C w you want Fresh Vegetables er U n V A / L n I L O anything in clean, fresh Groceries, it will pay yon to buy them at BAIRD’S. W e want your business and wUl dó our best to please you. Give us a triad. Free delivery. C A S H P A ID FO R EGGS E C . BAIRD steamer on Stsmboa] to coming nr* we.” Read that backward end Its meaning becomes dear. Obviously each n language should arotd long sen­ tences Popular Turkish doss, bnt Tbs Cataklll aqueduct system Is re­ Turkish writers Indulge In mighty markable m an engineering font One mazes that should be quite congenial o f tbe moot carious expedients that to German professor*.—London Cbron- the engineers contrived w m tbs cham­ per for storing dynamite. They had to have a large supply o f explosive at Good Q b i i i . hand, yet tbe law sternly prohibited A musical director tells a story o f any snch accumulation within tbe city the embarrassment evinced by a young limits o f New York, whoso It might woman at a rw-eptlon. glteo Mme. AN ENIGMA FOR POSTERITY; cases, find occasion to writs Rnfna Ghosts on some Important question and when bo received the reply wm unable to retd a word o f tt. so took the missive to Mr. Choate and askad him what be bad written Mr. Choate Scbnmann-Hetnk Tbe yonng woman replied. “ I never can rend my writing Finally to the dip bet ween tbs One was an enthusiastic admirer of tbe Hundred and Tenth street and tbs sougstress. and she bad often express­ after the In # * dry. bnt If yon tall mo One Hundred and Twenty-second street ed to the hostess her Intense desire to what It Is nbaot f wlH tsH yea what I shafts. 460 feet below the surf sen, n meet tbe celebrity. When, however, chamber was blasted oat o f the solid her tarn.came to be introduced to tbe rock. Ton entered this chamber from famous woman she waa so overcome the tunnel by a door that was always that she-test her self possession com­ d eer and well defined Idea as to what pletely Blushing deeoly and twisting about you want to bs in life. That tbs rings on her Augers, she managed everything to a young man.” “ I know It. ancle. I want to be n to emit. “ Ton—e r-e r—yoo sing I ba- doctor or n lawyer, or something like belleve. ” - Every body's ▲ single electric bulb w m suspend­ that” —Louisville Courier-Journal. ed ever tbe threshold A capacious Malleable Glass *f the Egyptians. iron boond chest not unlike n sar­ Value ef Retloenoe. Strabo and Joaepbtn both affirm that cophagus, contained tbe dynamite. “ What makes you think Stillwater la tbe Egyptian glau worker* were ao There was nothing else to the silent such a clever fallow? 1 never heard and gloomy chamber. I f the dyna­ well skilled In their art that they imi­ him aay anything more than *yaa’ or tated tbe a met by* t and other precious mite bad at any time exploded the _____ atones to p e rfection. Malleable. glass m *** "That's vrimt ebnvtuces me be la w m one o f tbe secret arts of the an­ have rushed first against the unyield­ • clever Jndgv -' ing walls o f rock and then, seeking cients. the formal* for making it being an outlet. It would have broken with diminishing force against those o f tbe zigzag passage. So carefully bad the engineers calcu­ lated tbe force of tbe explosion that they believed that wbat remained o f It on reaching the tunnel entrance would automatically close tbe half open door. No explosion took place to test tbe theory, and experimental proof woold bare cost the city 16.000 worth o f dynamite. Tbe passage from the tnnnel has been closed with solid concrete, bnt tbe huge cavern Is still there, hidden deep in thy rock on which the great city M bu^lt. Slowly, very »lowly. It w ill All up with a silent, motionless pool o f water,, never to reflect tbe faintest gleam of light In time, no She Hdded to her fellow pnsoflll- gers. “ They say a great dale ag’inst them porters, bnt that's a nice y --- a e -- s - . torcale*— 86 inches wide, in light R ice Cloth— In plain white and Since th e “ D istrict S ch ool” is t o be g iven soon, h o w w ou ld the T h e B en ton C o u n ty C ou rier is o u t w ith a.~ n ew head which «h ou rs the O regon A gricu ltu ral C o lle g e buildings in the back­ g ro u n d . W ith the success scored b y th e O. A. C. boosters in pull­ in g the chestnuts from the^state tre a s u ry a t each session o f the legislatu re, th a t i n s t i t w t i o n o u g h t t o m a i e A v e ry substantial W hite 10c, 12 l-2c and 15c It will pay you Muitk !nm ll w im u n p o nrt■ r t ©a MOTOR CARS W * have rec*iv*d * car load of the 1916 mod*! MAXWELLS. Come »in and look th*m ov*r, A REAL AUTOM OBILE at a MODERATE PRICE A car with PO W E R , E N D U R A N C E , SP E E D , B E A U T Y , F L E X IB IL IT Y , C O M P LE T E N E S S, A N D E C O N O M Y F O R O P E R A T IO N , x l a m gm a ug| a y « a Completely equipped, | L ' I F. 0. B. Newberg, m l j / Phone us for Demonstration. Jw [ T ■ ■ A A -1 P I 1 Phone W hite 199