.X ** T — S. S O I U I K I I N O U K G O N 1 IA 1 L K O A U . NEWBERG GRAPHIC.! i T o O p e n t'|> a M a r k e t f-ir t h e P r o d u c t s o f ■ ■ » — - t h e f e r t i l e C of| u tllu V a l le y . W M. JIlATf, 8. HUDSON Tlie Southern Oregon Company has engaged an engineer, and will commence HIATT A HOBSON, Editors and Prop’s. immediately to survey, locate and secure SATURDAY, APRIL 0, ISSO. N K lV It K lt G 'S C I T Y K I.K C T IU N . The city election passed off quietly I ant Monday. Kverylmdy was interested, but no rtndun excitement was manifested. *riis following are the officers elected : F. A. Morris, mayor; J. T. Smith, re­ corder; Samuel Hobson, treasurer; Levi Smith, street commissioner; A. T. Ha­ worth, marshal; N. K. Britt, surveyor; II. C. Hooper, Jesse llohson, R. Petti- jotin, Noah Ileater, B. C. Miles and N. C . Maris, council men. The bill incorporating tho town of Newberg was passed by tho last legis­ lature only a short time ago. This elec­ tion marks tho first step in the organiz- ution of the city government. Newlierg can now take its place as tlie peer of anv town in tlie slate, us far as energy, enter­ prise, is-rconlo ’e of growth, and good government are concerned. The ollicers vlected are all of Uieni, good men and we may expect some wholesome ordinances to be enacted and enforced. There are Tio flies on Newlierg; she means business and if tlie other towns in Yamhill comity don’t get a move on them wo will soon have the pleasure of recording tlie fact that this is tlie largest town in the county, as our citizens ure by far tlie most wide-awake, energetic, and enter­ prising. rights of way for the railroad across the isthmus. Manager Loggie thoroughly recognizes I lie importance of tho road, and it is owing to his representation that active work is being commenced. The building of this road will o|ien a market for products of the fertile lands of tho Co- quillo valley. There are thousands of acres of the richest lands in the world, iri the Coquille country, which have liecn allowed to remain idle, there being no market for tlie products. By connecting the bay and river with a railroad, run in connection w ith a line of steamers, which is the intention, quick trumqiortatiou can be had and perishable products will 1st forwarded in good condition to their des­ tination. Tlie road will build up a big business and prove a paying Investment. It will increase tlie value of 'lands and help more to develop the country than any other enterprise. It insincerely to lie hoped that no obstacle will be encount­ ered In the securing of rights of way. A project of this kind ought to bo encour­ aged, and every reasonable facility af­ forded for bringing it to a mccessful ter­ mination.—Goose Bay New,. ÉM M Tlie Monroe flouring mills uml grain I warehouse, day morning. 'ound Tues-, Just at midnight, Elmer Samuels, night watchman in (lie mill, stumbled and fell, breaking tho lantern i lie carried j All efforts to extinguish the] flames were futile. Only about 100 bar­ rels of flour were saved. j Tlie shed adjoining cuught fire and the entire inass of wheat was burnt, amount­ ing in value to some 17000, belonging to farmers, uninsured, and some 7000 bush­ ; els of wheat insured for 15000, sacks ! worth |d000, and ¡11500 worth of slioits, insured for ¡1200(1, belonging to Thomas Samuels, proprietor of a half interest ill tlie mill. The building anil machinery were only half insured, forf3000, by Tho­ mas Samuels as his Interest. Tlie value of the mill and machinery was fully $8000 —Oregonian. (¿u t'on o f tlie Ty | " - ~~ MISCELLANEOUS. N E W B E I ani H now G prepared S A to turnisti W MILL! situated atMonroe, Benton county, were burned to tlie wÊmmmmm MISCELLANEOUS. M en r o c f l o u r i n g M ilts H u n te d ALL KINDS OF BUILDING MATERIAL THE OREGON LAND CO., of Salem, Oregon, At my mill, 1 J-4 miles west of Newberg. Has Also I can deliver the same in Newberg or on board the cars at Dundee at a very low rate. for sale several hundred of the choicest residence lots in the city of Salem, and a splendid list of farming and fruit lands. Call on me before making your purchases and by so doing patronize home industries. W e M a k e n S p ecialty o f Sm all F r u it Furnis. JE S S E HOBSON. 11-6-1M. Send NEWBERG HARDWARE STORE, J. B. MOUNT, Proprietor. r l e *. I Make a Specialty of Tinning and Plumbing in all its Branches. Livery, Feed and Sale Stable. Double and Single Turnouts Board and Transient Stock Carefully Cared For. Newberg, Yamhill Co., Oregon. EVERYTHING NEW Newberg Furniture Store! TER M S R E A S O T V A 11 X,TC. O. C. WRIGHT, Manager. l-.f. J. D. TA UK ANT. E. C. T A R R A N T . J. D. Ta rra n t & Son, PROPRIETORS OF THE N ew berg F louring M ills. Best Flour and all kinds of Ground Feed kept Constantly on Hand. C ash T*aid lo r W h e a t . W e G u a ra n tee S a tisfaction to o u r C u stom ers. OREGON. NEWBERG, S. E. SMITH. T>. i:. H O L L O W A Y . MOORE BROS, THE DRUGGISTS, Also Agents for Four Brands of the O R G AN S Dealer in MILLINERY AND DRESSMAKING. A g r ic u ltu r a l Im p lem en t«, ■Wagons, A F u ll L in e o f Sitring: G oods. B u g g ie s , Cutting aud Fitting Promptly Done to Order. Price« Reasonable. P u m p s , e le . Call and See Us. M In J . T. S m ith ’s B u ild in g , N ew ­ b e rg , O regon . G. W. Hardwick & Son. Prop. N ew P hotographer oom over oore NEWBERG, b ir o , O sm io s . RESERVED SPACE H. C. H ald NEW DRUG STORE, Rooms Just Completed and Newly Furn­ ON M A IN ished. N ew b erg, ros tore OREGON. STREET. O re g o n . NEWBERG Real Estate AGE1TCY. Real Estate Bought and Sold. Farms Rented and Renta Collected. I have now on hand a large amount of D esira b le F a r m in g , D a ir y anti F r u it L a n ds FOB SALE. Persons Desiring Such Property Will do Well to Consult me. N. A. FOSTEER. 1-tf. N e w b k r o .O r e g o n . 11-2-241. J ". A l . CAMPBELL, H . W H IT M A N , TONSORAL ARTIST. S h avin g, H a ircu t tin g and Sham pooing, done in the latest anil most fashiona­ ble style of the art. F I N E S T C I C A R S IN T H E C I T Y . .J. A . C A M P B E L L . N ew berg, Or. WATCHMAKER:-: AND :-: JEWELER, in Moore Brothers’ Drug Store. Newberg-, O reg on . R epairing of W ntrlics. C lock» and J ew eler? Neatly Done and All W ork G uaranteed. R ep airin g o f Fine W atches a Specialty. 6-tf. N E W B E R G G R APH IC . SUBSCRIBE FOR IT. SEND IT TO YOUR EASTERN FRIENDS. Several hundred copieB now go east of tlie Rocky Mountains, and more copies to go. ---------O--------- THE GRAPHIC Is the best possible Advertising Agent. —o - Job w ork Done on Short Notice. CARDS, LETTER*HEADS, BIEL HEADS, CAP STATEMENTS, F o s t e r b il l s , a c .,* a c . Pr, ttiptly and fieatly etecute,!.-. T X DER T A K E R . OREGON, • S t ., ------FO R- (N ear R. R. D epot .) of the Mouse and Dust Proof Organ. X G W B K B C r, a in RAILROAD MADE, A. T. H A W O R TH , C all and see ns. P. M. CHRISTENSON. S. J. HOSKINS. SM ITH & H O SK IN S, BEDROOM, SETS, SAM U EL HOBSON SOFA LOUNGES, WIRE BED SPRINGS, SOFA BEDS Portrait & Landscape MATRESSES SOFAS, ARTIST. TABLES, CHAIRS, Portraits enlarged to life size and finished Ink or Water Colors, OIL CLOTH CARPETS, R in O avon India M B ., Dr.ro S . and all other articles kept in a first-class furn­ iture store. See our goods before purchasing elsewhere. PICTURE FRAMES MADE TO ORDER. Furniture delivered free of Charge to any place in the city. CONVENIENT, H ave ju s t com p leted an exten sive a d d ition to o n r h ouse, wn a re prep ared to a cco m m od a te re g u la r o r tra n sien t cu s to m e r« b e tter th an ev er b e fo r e . Just Received a New and 'Well Assorted Meals at all Hours. PATRONAGE SOLICITED. Stock of l-tf. BEST AND E 3 I O U S E , Proprietors. Z SMITH BROS. our hand­ ITEWBERG HOUSE -O - A young w oman in Washington who is at -----A - FULL X j IU S T IE j O F — the head of a typewriting establishment COOK STOVES, HARDW ARE. says that since the new administration HEATING STOVES, TINW ARE, came into power her business has in WINDOW GLASS, creased marvelously. The reason is that and every other article usually kept in a first-class each applicant for oflice thinks lie must Hardware Store. have his pa|ter typewritten. Tlie young --------- O --------- woman claims that each of her assistants lias earned an average of |70 a week since March 4. Sheadiarges an increase Cunt o f liiitt o r . over tlie usual rates to compensate for the It costs one man more to produce but­ hail spelling und writing, and lias nodifli — o- ter than it costs another Itei-aiue tlie ca­ m securing it.— Ex. pacity of tlie cows is different. A cow A ll K in ds o f K cp n irin g N eatly am i I’ rom ply Itone. C onic in The rush of people to Oregon is unprec a n d Sue my S tock. that yields 150 pounds of Imltcr a year is poor property, for she eats as moch and edeuted, nnd they iind their way to all J . b . M OUNT. l-tf. costs in all respects nearly as much as parts of Western and Eastern Oregon the cow that turns off 3 )0 pounds. A Forty immigrants from Kansas arrived Tin; Whittier, California W. C. T. U. dairyman in New York has cows I hat av­ at Forest Grove one day last week, look held a pul,lie entertainment Saturday erage 332 |*>nnds a year and lie figures mg for homes in Washington county evening, March 23. Tlie only attraction Unit his bntter costs, for all expense The like is tlie case with all oilier towns being a splendid program of literary ex­ items, 11'a cents a pound. A neighbor both in Oregon and Washington, and the ercises consistiag of orations, essays, dec­ may have cows of a low grade Unit yield crowd of new ’ coiners increases as tlie lamations and songs, fry rnninliert of the 150 pounds of butter. He feeds them spring opens. Many come with moder local Unions and Bands of 1I o | io . No and kcc|>s them, and is out as much ate means, intending to buy land. As a refreshments of any kind were served. rule, values are appreciating, but not on A collection was taken up at tlie close, money on n cow as the 332 pound herd; If they both sell their butter at 35 cents,, reasonably.Bit is reasonable to Itelieve dhc amount received was ♦AY40 one will average ♦lllt.Sd to the cow, and that those who come to locate now will Ncwhsrg is bound to grow and lie a the other |52.50. If each had fifteen cows Iind lietter bargains in land than those ‘ town of importance. The advertising one herd will yield 11743.43, nnd the who come later. Now is the time to lo­ •columns of the G n u 'll»' attest the fart other ♦787.50. If one cost 12 cents to cate on farms in Oregon.—Oregonian. ■that her business men uro not moss- make the other costs at least 25 cents backs.—Herald. Ex-Kenaior H. Davis and family Right you are. No town in Oregon It costs u little to.become owner of a val­ started on a Southern trip this morning. has buiness men who nro more wide uable herd, hut a few years of good At Wasliingtonfthey exjiect to be joined awake, progressive and energetic than breeding will soon make a fine grade by Mrs. Harrison, wife of tlie president, those of Newberg. And as a natural re­ herd, if Jersey or Gurnsev males are used and tier daughter, Mrs. McKee. They go Kept Constantly on Hand. sult this place is growing faster than any witli choice milkers of common stock. to Charleston, Jacksonville and St. Augus­ oilier town in the county. Last Tuesday It is surprising that so many intelligent tine.— twenty-eight immigrants arrived, and farmers in other respects shut their eyes Lumber receipts at San Francisco, Cal., m ore come every day. Nearly nil of at tlie value of improved stock. There whom duello to m ike their h >moa hero. is nothing—horses, cuttle, sheep, swine for February were 38,000,000 feet, an in­ or (ow ls—Unit will not pay great profit in crease of 4,000,000 over the same month T hrouoii tlie kindness of Mr. Wyman, money, ami more in genuine satisfaction of 1888. The prospects for foreign trade who formerly lived in New Zealand, we if well improved. -E x . this year are thought to ho good ; sharks were permitted to see a copy of tlie New in Australia are said to have run low, C a n n o n m l l u g f o r Italn. Zealand Herald of Feb. 25th, one of the witli prices well maintained. Tlie de­ l-tf. A rather peculiar |>ctitioii was pre­ leading papers puplhihed in Auckland. mand for I'acific ccast lumber is reported It is especially interesting as it contains sented to tlie Kansas house by Mr. Sher­ steadily increasing at Melbourne, Ade­ much news from Samoa. Tlie cilitor man of Rooks county. It was from 132 laide and Brisbane. Enlarged trade is strongly condemns Knglandfor complicity citizens of that county. They want the looked for with both east and west points. with Germany and warmly praises the legislature to make an appropriation for There is a generat commercial activity at United States tor its action in the matter thu purpose of experimenting ill tlie mat­ Valparaiso, which indicates that build­ In tlie course of one of its editorials it ter of securing artificial rainfall by means ing will show an increase, Buenos Ayres of cannonading. Tlie fietition w as ns fol­ says: is expected to take more lumber tills year It clc8s. He will tell you Unit because spiritors, Inis come out in all tlie darker otherwise it would not bo experienced, cities are not here now, they never will •color, from tlie firm action taken by our great relations, of the Anglo-Saxon race, and believing it would he wise for the he. Such limited vision of the future is Iho American nation, in compelling state of Kansas to make a reasonable ox- almost criminal were it not for the fact Germany to recede from the iswition l>criiiiciit in the matter of attempting to that just such men are the stepping which she had insolently taken in virtue produce artificial rainfall, would most slones for those who aro not so afflicted, o f tlie unliolv compact. re*|>ectfully ask you to make an appropria­ and who with confidence pass over them • A r a m t A r m y . tion out of the treasury for the pur|>ose of and secure the good things of tlie world With nearly 400,000 Veterans enrolled such experiments cither by cannonading in a locality that must from tlie mete 3n the organisation, standing shoulder to or otherwise as may he deemed best.” force of locality in the course of a few years lie as thickly |iopulated as the less ■ shoulder ami heart to heart, the republic - E x . favored Atlantic Seaboard, fait the near Uias ita own Grand Vriiiv, whose valor I l u l r n f o r F l r n t ( ' I akh I> i i i k S t o r n t . sighted nnd the blind Mink in tlicii own stud sacrilice it should never forget. When you want live cents worth of obscurity. We are satisfied we know a Each year thins tlie ranks. Each month limewater, always send a quart bottle. good thing when we see it, and that is in the old veterans are pissing away. But Always place the lathy on the counter l-tf. plain sight rigid here.— Aliordeen Herald. as long as there rein tin any survivors of and let him play with the scales w hile the splendid lent who went forth to save your medicine is lieing made up. The captain of tlie American barken- tlie Union it will still Ins the Grand Army Car passengers will please drum oil the tine Constitution cxihited pluck of no what ever its uiimticr.—Dos Moines showcase, and let their cigar ashes drop common order, in Samoan waters. Tlie Register. there, too. vessel arrived in Apia harbor during the I.on rii a T ra tio. Small children will please rub their absence of the Nipsk’ , and a party from Tlie practieal advantage to one who lias hands over tlie metal showcases and see the German corvette Olga attempted to search her for contraband articles. Tlie learned a trade was exemplified tin1 other how smooth they are. Dirty-faced youngsters w ill please try Constitution's commander, Captain ( ’ally •lav in tin* person of Patrick Glen eon, mayor of Ismg Island City. The appro­ to smell the perfumery through the show who only hail eight men on tioard, pluck- ] ilv informed (lie Germans Unit his was an priation for tlie maintenance of tlie water cases. NEW BERG, department, having run short, a number Bovs should not try to weigh more American vessel, anil that if they nttein- OREGON. of tlie men have !>een unpaid for some lliun one of their lists at a timo on Ilio pted to board ber they woiild la» flred D E A L E R S IN ii|M>n. Whethcr Ibis frighteded thè lime. The other day they simply said, counter scales. if they didn’t get their money, they would Gentlemen passing by are requested h Germana or no* is not stateti, but it is a ►luit down the «ruterwork,. Mayor Ulna- stop in and talk ami spit tobacco juice on lact lli.it thè American vesscl was noi DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, scardimi. —Te legnini. non, wlio lias attained faine of late t«y lus the floor. PAINTS. GIUS AND VARNISH, manfnl altack iqr idea of lands or con­ veniences when tliey are treat,si as if ' and get it. Free s|»>ortt is literally tsn-ome a nui­ Boys coining for castor oil should they are strangers, who shall Is* plun­ sance when Mrs l.ucv Parsons, Pie an- hsing eight or ten mora lw»ys along with dered. If an old resident beats a home- n-ehiat wnlow, inn address a crowd of them to weigh their lists white tlie cleik seeker well, harnesses up his team und «nen, urging that a revolution is ncces driven him around to when* tie can take is getting tlie oil. nary to «lestroy law a»-l ostler. While it Whim you gel two kinds of medicine, land, an impression is created in favor of is shameful that sin» sli v.n l he in iking Then* was lie sure sn.i m b tlie physic on vonr side the country and tlie people. such s|wecliea and her nrqier place is in­ and lake tlie lim-menl in tcaspoooiul a time when our .mn pcmHc were glad to side n( a jail, it M hrtlet poliey to treat sweetie such attentions. If g*-nd people doma.— IVa Moines Register. her utterances witli contempt and let her come hen* show them the l*est locations. .Vnfcit € At«*•»•(h O n W e l l. speechify rather than dignify her bv ar­ Bell nothing to them at speculative rest and 'rial. It is found that a little A San Francis,-« Chinaman who has prices and they will soon become neigh- opposition raises a great fury among an­ Icen thrice sentenced lo !»• hanged for Isirs and friends.— Ex. archists and gives them so nettling to munter and ws many tunes reprieved was clamor about, while in tiff-rence to their last week granted anew* trial, lie say* —John Edward* ami wife arrived in savings,treatingtlieni a* if III1* occa- lie nas no tear of reaching tlie gallows so Newberg this week, after a visit to rela­ sinned no (ear or apjevY-n-ion, disarms long as his money holds out. The moon- tives at Central Point, Oregon. Thor ♦ Item and makes them far less ha* inlul eyed celestial lias caught the spirit of our report a pleasant trip and are glad to gel muj J a n ^ c r » j \ — Ire^oi.in. .ituciicau lit iluuUuu.—Chicago ruse*. buik to Nvwla-rg in gissi health. for Price List and somely Illustrated Pamphlet. HIAÏTÜ& HOBSONl Editor» a id Prcpj.