) grants pass duly wednehdu , < xh rii i : ■■g* ■■■■ .11 ' ■, <* rollili 21», Him. 11 ■■■■■— —— GRANTS PASS DAILY COURIER Published Daily Except Sunday A. E. VOORHIES, Pub. and Propr Entered at postoffi e, Grant* Paa«. New Orleans Ore., aa aeoond class mail matter. Shipmrnt jüst arrived ADVERTISING RATES Molasses in Bulk Display apace. er cent of the crop. Dealers pre­ ish forces in the war. It is recalled dict there will be a serious shortage patrons will give the wholesaler and ing in a body. The business tnen of that the French have erected a'mon in the province this winter. the financier an insight that ought the city are to see the film at 5 ument inscribed "To the (Tnbnrie^l o’clock this afternoon. Dead." i Minins blanks—Courier office to work for a greater harmony and a more complete sympathy. There is nothing like knowing the man with whom you are dealing to break down the barriers of distrust and uncer- tainty. For this reason the visit of the members of the Portland Cham- her of Commerce last week was ’ worth all it cost the excursionists -X» and the communities that entertain­ ed them. But our friends from the I north must not think that a swing down the liue with a showing of the glad hand is going to cement the spirit of good fellowship without fur­ ther effort upon the part of both groups at interest. Southern Ore­ gon said she was anxious to forgive and forget. And so she is, whatever there may be in the past to forgive and forget. And no doubt there is much. It is forgiving a lot when the action of the Portland Chamber of Commerce in endorsing the .Mac- leay referendum of the Rogue river fish bill last fall is recalled, Here was a measure that all Southern Oregon was united upon, yet the Portand Chamber of Commerce put forth its best, or its worst, effort to defeat it. And the effort was suf-i fi< ient to bring about defeat. This new deal, however, will probably in-j dictate to the Chamber members tha* they keep their hands off the next time the Rogue fish question is at issue. hut not M» eriMjr t<- prove. This is easy for any furnace salesman WEDNESDAY, «M’IXHIKK 2», U» 1 »». evelopinó ci grecii^ iinciple ÆSS FIRST COST AND LESS FUEL r ». V MORE HEAT FOR LESS MONEY The fiend Johnson who went to l the penitentiary this week for the foul murder of his benefactress ad­ mits that he would not have been so| ready to take human life if the rope had not been taken out of the Ore- gon law. Score again for mf«guid- the ed sentiment that has mode way of the murderer easier. John- son expects some tender hearted f governor to turn him loose to prey I upon mankind again before a decade) 1 has passed. He ought to have paid I the extreme penalty. Genuine Libbey Cut Glass BE HERE ON SATURDAY I NO PIPES TO HEAT UP AND LESS TROUBLE MORE HEAT FOR LESS MONEY Name on every piece BARNES,‘The Jeweler Next dour First NaUou«l Hank H. P. 'ÌI uhi ln*|MHth Street, across from the Court House, is the WILLARI ’ SERVE i< STATION. Service Batteries for all ears. Phone 127 A. V- Hazelton Successor to C. A. I.inch TIRES We can ARSOLI TELY MAKE GOOD on that statement, I ms - hust we have set ure<1 the agaiM't lor tin- won­ derful new system called I B C. L. Hobart Company k’ * PIPELESS HEAT “Nature’s Way” A« indicated by the illustration, RADIO Engineers have taken the good points, only, from every RADIO known system of heating; they hive assembled them in perfect combination and called It Pipeless System— 9 A 21 I North Si,£h Street 1920 DODGE 1920 Made in the West to Fit Western Conditions It is noted that prospectors and miner« from every point of the com I pass are coming to Josephine county There is unlimited field here for their activities. The county respond­ ed grandly when the call for hrome ore went out. and that mineral was found here in unexpected quantities, 8o can other minerals lie found, and I capital will find here a golden op- portunity in developing some of these mineral deposits. Land value« all < ovoY the country «re rising by leaps and 'zounds. But the value rrfcjst be I in the land. The day when the buyer • can be fooled I* If you have any use for heat regardless of how you are now supplied you will want to ■’RADIO” Furnace you will want to know It and own it. Everyone who sees it can very soon realize its superiority and where it has been introduced it has taken the community by storm. Among the many RADIO PIPELESS Exclusive Feature? ere: The one-piece ash-pan of boiler-plate steel, to prevent dust, fumes and gasses from escaping to the room above; The extra large oval firebox for fuel up to 24 inches long and The water-pan or humidifier, which completely surrounds the firebox to assure ample moistening of the air; moist air at. 70 degrees feeling warmer, more comfortable and being more healthful than dry air at 78 degree«. Call and see it demonstrated or 'phone or write /er free i.llustrifed folder explaining it In detail, It convey« to you a message that is vital to the Health, Ffnanc'-s, Comfort and Convenience of yottr-