ITC Till? fX T HT 'IT? . . wwrwMTa-r-t rni?f T'Ttn mtw -r. . , . t rnlvereity of l" ..1 ft $11) (5C vou x.; i. in. ENGINE STEEL IIJCPOHT UtO.M IIIGIiWAV lK I'AUTMKXT IMMUTKH HTM V- J l UK IH NTIIO.NO KNOl'Glf SIDEWALK MAY ALSO BE BUILT 'tinty 'onrt Favorable U Wnlk If KuiiiIk Ar Available for Its Oint ruction . A letter from the engineering de partment of the stats highway com mission Jiixt received liy the county ourt brings the report of the de partment upon the ntool bridge crowing Wogue rlvr at tho no nth nd of Rlxth elret In thin city. The onglneors made an investlpa'tlon of the bridge for the puVpose of deter mining tho loud It could safely curry, and whether or not It would lie safe to pave the floor or the rldge. The report Indicates that the bridge will stand the paving, though the hi if fa wny department suggests that the nat of paring bo aa thin a Is con sistent with good construction In or rtor io lighten the loud aa much aa possible. In tho loiter from the highway coiumtHMlon'a bridge engi neer, the following HtiUomcnt con ' nrnlng the load which the bridge ero can carry appears: "We wish to advUe that our In Toilgttilon of th Jirldge vr Kngne river In the wise of the city of Cranta Vox shows that thin bridge la npalle of supiiortlnir 10 ton truck followed by a uniform loud of 6S rounds per square foot of roadway In addition to n suitable wooden lock and pat-Inn. While (his In con siderably less than, tho load for which our bridge are now bolus designed. It la quite sntlHfaiiory and would therefore recommend that jruu proceed with jour paving aa yaix originally conte mpluted." The counly court has alread asked for lilda for tho innierlul for laying' Ihn new floor upon tho bridge, and aa soon aa this la completed the pav ing will be laid by the highway de Twrtment. Tho 'building of a slduwall aloiiK one aide of the bridge la uIho receiv ing the oanutM cmiHldcrallon of the Munly authorities, and It In hoped that the walk can lie constructed at ERSAYS BRIDGE CAN E PAVED the tlmo the new flour Is laid. The ' county court 'him Indicated lt np- jnroval of the .building of the walk since it he report of the enKlneern. JContlaued onpaie S.) LARK EVANS, JITNEY Medford. Ore., Oct. 2H. Accord ing to telegrams received here by the sheriff, lark lOvans, a ipurob-'d Orrgon innltentlary tonvlct, for whom tho police all over Oregon and Waahlngtou have 'been on the look-out for weeks past Is under arrest at . Klamath Kails, and Sheriff Terrell has loft f ir the latter city to bring he l rlsoner 'back. If the man under arrest Is Evans, und It Is eald he answers the descrip tion completely and does not deny that hark Evans Is his name, 1t will not only dear up the sensational dronta Pass-Jacksonville Jitney rob bery oaae of September 13171. last, 'but may also unravel the Jacksonville mountain murder mystery of last -Miring, tho remain of the unldentl Tled victim of which .were found early In September on ft lonely mountain routh of Jacksonville with the afcull cmahed In. The Identity of the bold bandit, who with a young woman companion lridnapped W. O. White, the Grants irww Jitney owner, the evening of tSoptemiber 13, having hired him to IS UNDER ARREST AT tins RELEASED TO HIS ATTORNEY Ono .Man Only I Mil Willi the llau illta in ItimMMii of I'. H. Con aiibir A Kent Mexico Oily, Oct. 2K. The releaae of Wllllam Jenklna waa effooted by one louo man, Honor Meatre, penional attorney for Jenkins. The bund I U who were holding Jonklna for ran som aald that If friends of tho np turod man ppeared In force their prlaoner would be killed. Attornoy Meatre went In n automobile to the plaoa which the bandits had desig nated, and was taken Into a room where Jenkins was lying In bed. The money, f ISO, 000 in gofd, waa at once paid over, the receipt being signed by Krederko Cordova, the leader of tho bandit gang. Jenkins was suffering much from rheumatism which he had contracted by eleeplng upon the ground while being held In captivity, but he left the bandit camp suported niton the arm of his attorney. ;i:h:itvi. ruicMiiMj TO VISIT !. 'It'll' msT WaithlnKton, Oct. 2K. General I'ernhlng la planning a' tour of In apectlon of the war Industries built up duritic his absence, the purpose being to formulate recommendations to the war department as to what portion of thessj Industries should be maintained against another national emergency. The trip will take him to the Pacific coast. The date of dopurturo la not yot fixed. MOUNTAIN CLIMBING JCTI fienevu, Oct. 1!S. Mountain climb ing brought an unusually heavy crop of ai-cldenta this aeuson. One of the mom sensational occqrred on the dig Col a few days ago when two women slipped and fell Into a crev nsa 100 feet deep. Their male com pan Ion, unable to help, rushed for guides and. after seven hours' im prisonment, the women were extri cated, one dead at;d the other un conscious. On the aaimo day three oung couples had Just reached the sum mit of bulaln Peak, abovo Salvan, when a girl 21 years old collapsed and fell M0 feet. After an all night search guides found her body and carried It with greut difficulty to the village of IMartlgny. A climber named Iurlnch died at St. Morlu after a fall on Mount Ro satch. BANDIT SUSPECT, drive them to a canip near that city and then holding revolvers at his back and compelling him to drive them to ,' lonely -placo up an Isolated mountain road near Jacksonville whore they robbed him, bound him with ropos and left him, has been es tablished aa Lark Evans. Shortly after the robbery a deputy sheriff traced iKvnns and the woman to Olympia.AVash., where all trace of them was lost. A week later, Jiow ever, a Jitney driver was robbed ud der similar circumstances ly two men and a 'woman near Tacoma. Circumstantial evidence points that Evans and an eldorly man en route to look over and purchase a mining prospect near Ruoh, which is not fir away from -the mountain where the murder waa committed, stopped over night at the Throck-morte-n hotel at iRuch one night last spring. They lort next morning with tho Intention of returning In a day or no to .look over another mlnlna prospect near Ruch,lnce which time the eldorly man was never seen again (Continued on Paje 2) KLAMATH FALLS GRANTS PAAA, JOMCrHIXB OOriMTT, ORBGOX, Tl K80AV. CMTOIIKIl -M. PR IB ON IS PASSED Dry Measure to Become Vote in Senate Being Than The Necessary Washington, Oct. 28. The prohi bition enforcement bill was repassed by the eenate today over the presi dent's veto by a vote of 65 to 20, or oight more than the two-thirds ne cessary to make It effective not withstanding the presidential action. The section relating to war time prohibition becomes effective imme diately upon transmission to the state department. The dry leaders in congress, who were temporarily nonplussed 'by Wil son's action In vetoing the bill yes terday, were much encouraged when the house unexpectedly -passed the AH Tlflls, via 1arU, Oct. 28. The constituent assembly of the new re public of Georgia sitting as a par liament, has declared the output of manga none to lie a government mo nopoly. 'Private concerns may hold and 'mine the mineral, tiut the sale shall be made solely, through, the government treasury. This is de clared to be the most Important fin ancial step which tho republic ' has made. The aasenfbly has levied new taxes uKn small tradesmen which have caused Indignation. A porter is to pay uun rubles; a bootblack 1500 ruoles; a flower booth, 2300 rubles; a nan uiaraei, zuo, uuu rubles; a wine store '1.000.000 rubles. Mer chants declare that the lax is pro hibitive and that they will refuse IMiyment. AT Paris. Oct. 28. Marshal Joffre has returned from a visit to the oc cupied territory of Germany 'where he was received with the .greatest enthuslusin by the Belgian. Urltlsh, American and French soldiers. The Germans rendered to him the honor which heretofore had been reserved for the former emperors when the Marshal and Madame Joffre attend ed a performance at the MaVence opera house. It waa one of Wagner's operas, so repugnant to .Parisian civilians, that the first Marshal of iFra'nce honored with his presence. There has been a long established custom In' Germany that whenever the emperor attended the opera, no applause should begin until royalty gave the signal. The Germans awaited the marshal's good pleasure bofore manifesting their ap proval. Joffre did not applaud un til, the second act and the artiste' rendition of the iflret act was elven amidst complete silence. On the train returning to Paris, Joffre summoned the newspaper cor respondents who had accompanied him on his tour and one of them, a financial reporter 'broached the sub ject of exchange. The marshal list ened gravely while the expert ex plained to him why the dollar was worth nine francs and the nnund about 86 and then said: "It Is peculiar. During the war. between the allies, Wood was at par." . KTNO AI,HEUT IAYS HOMAGE Washington, Oct. 28. King Al bert, of the Belglalns, paid homage 'oday In the house of representatives o the American army, a "decisive 'actor" in determining victory. OVER PRES Law Despite Wilsons Action, 65 ' to 20, or Eigkt More Two - Thirds For Passage measure over the vote by a vote of 176 to 55, and put forth every efTort to get prompt action In the senate. Early In the day when an attempt waa made to call up the bill in the senate objection was made by several democrats, and a long parliamentary wrangle over rules ensued. Had the Wilson veto been allowed to stand, war time prohibition would ' have been brought to an end by presiden tial proclamation Immediately after the senate had ratified the German treaty, it waa said at the White House. ASKED BY DISTRICT 6 Itoad district No. 6, the district covering the lower river roads be tween the city' and the Dixie ranch. Is the latest to Join the procession of progress and ask that a special elec tion be called to provide for a tax levy for highway Improvement. The petition was filed today with the county court, and will he considered In the regular order of businessat the next meeting of the commission ers. The uetitlnn. wM,-h j. t f trn aA by taxpayers of the district aftepted, asks for the election to authorize a levy up to 10 mills on the dollar for the purpose or grading and graveling Its highways. Four of the 13 road districts of the county have now called these special road levy elec tions. E E Albuquerque, X. M., Oct. 28. grub-stake and murder figured In the fortune of iDamlan Cardoner, whose estate recently came before the United States circuit court of appeals of California, it meant a million to Cordoner because 'Harry Orchard was convicted of murder in the famous Moyer-Haywood-Petti-bone case which arose over the kill ing of Governor Frank Stueenberir. of Idaho. And Cardoner had nothing to do with the murder case either. It started back in 1S9S, when Or chard "awned" his Interest In the Hercules mine for a grub-stake. Car doner advanced Orchard about $1,- 000 worth, of food, tools and cloth ing. When Orchard was unable to make payment, Cardoner received his sixteenth Interest in the mine and from Its dividends was unable io rorsake the little country store he owned at iBurke, Idaho, and got to Spain where he brought a flour- spar mill and made a million. He died 1n the Canary Islands in Febru ary, I1915. - Mrs, Cardoner. who died at Albu querque in 'October, 1918, sold the Interest In the Hercules mine for 1350,000. In December, 1917, she brought suit at Coeur d'Alene, Ida ho, against the. purchasers, alleirlnc that her share dn the mine was worth $1,600,000. The court of aonealn held that the $350,000 sale was bind ing. The money from the Cardoner es tate goes to Mrs. Julio O. IPauchet vwiuviidib vuij jauniiLri Willi wife of a director in the Banca Ar nus, 'Barcelona, Spain, and of Pler rler et die Pas. A million on the grub-stake. ' ENT BILL DENT'S VETO T Seattle, Wash., Oc,t. 28. Varsity football equipment has soared in price during the past few years but tickets have remained almost the same, according to estimates made at the University of Washington here. In the "old days" of 1914 It cost the' student body 114.88 to out fit a pla'yer. This year the uniform of the varsity players cost 129.40 apiece. Shoes show the smallest percent age of advance, having gone np only 27 percent. Belts display the hieh- est, 200 per cent. Headgear, has Jumped 110 per cent, hose 129 per cent, jerseys 100 per cent and trou sers 92 jier cent. Five years ago the student body paid $8.75 for a football. This year the pigskin cost the organization $6. "Paris. Oct. 28. The bolshevik wireless claims that a counter of fensive made against the forces of General Tudenitch In the vicinity of Petrograd has been successful. It was also announced, that Dmitrorsk was captured trom Denlklne. A. E. F. LOST BAGGAGE There are at present approximate ly 150,000 pieces of lost baggage be longing to members of the A. E. F. on the government docks at Hobo ken, N. J. Much of this baggage is marked with names only and ca'nnot be forwarded to the owners. In all eases a new shipping address Is re quired. Claims should be addressed to "Lost Baggage Branch, Pier uo. 1, Hobokea, New Jersey." The man making the claim should give an accurate description of the missing iplece of property, his last military address, his correct home address, and other identifying Infor mation that might be helpful. The baggage will be forwarded at the government's expense If on hand at Hoboken, and Identification can be proven. Mrs. Moss, home service secretary of the Red Cross, will .be glad to give assistance In making these claims, or to Turnlsh further information. RHEIMS CATHEDRAL IS NOT DAMAGED BY GERMAN SHELLS BEYOND REPAIR Paris, Oct. '28. After all. , the Rhelms cathedral has not suffered from German bombardments and fire so much as was et first sup posed. Cardinal Uicon has told a representative ot the Paris Jntransi geant. The cardinal announced that divine service would he resumed In the cathedral from November 1 but the holy office will toe restricted to the altar of the Virgin and the am bulatory around It. These ,wlll ac commodate only about 1300 'persons. The Interviewer describes how he met the cardinal at Rhelms In a simply furnished apartment of the archleplscopal palace, with a shell hole In the wall. Cardinal Lucon, despite his 77 years, is a till hale and alert, and he Is en optimist. "Destroyed, my cathedral? Why, no," he said. "The damage is much more easily repairable than is gen erally believed. A few ancient parts, it is true, cannot Ibe replaced, but the beauty of the . cathedral lay, first. In its stained glafes; secondly, In Its sculptures', and thirdly, in Its statuary. ' 1 WHOLE JfCMBKK 8OT. MANY DROWNED WHEN STEAMER IKS AT PIER IXXEIt CITY OP Ml'SKEiGO.NtiOIS DOWX IX CHA.VVEIj at har. BOB KXTRAXCE LOST IS HOT. Screams of the Women 'Add to the Confusion During Attempts at Rescue Muskegon, Mich., Oct. 28. The number of dead as a result of the sinking of the Crosby liner, City of Muskegon, formerly the. City of Hol land, may never be known, but it is now placed anywhere from 12 to 30. The vessel struck the south pier at the channel entrance While trying to make the harbor, and was so badly damaged that she went down In four minutes. A gigantic wave caught the steamer unexpectedly, dashing her against the pier, following; stormy night upon- the water. The passengers were caught in their staterooms, and the screams of the women added to the confusion while attempts at rescue were being made. Some of the passengers escaped from thi sinking ship as she lay against (be pier, but how many went down may never ibe known as the passen ger list was lost with the ship. A number of members pf the crew are among those missing. BELGIANS TAKE OVER 400 U. S. LOCOMOTIVES Brussels, Oct. 28. The Belgian steel industry Is greatly handicapped by lack of transportation. About 20 blast furnaces which have been re paired since the withdrawal of the German forces could start work within the next six weeks if the ne cessary coke could .be obtained. .The taking over of 400 American locomo tives is being negotiated with a view to relieving the situation. ' Belgium Is supplying Rumania and Switzerland with coal in ex change for food and is arranging with Argentina for the shipment ot 50.000 tons of coal to that country monthly against returns of wheat cargoes. "Of the stained glass, nine-tenths has ibeen saved and brought to Paris. The remaining tenth can be restored by specialists, with the aid of much patience and a great (lumber of col ored photographs we have. As re gards the sculptures, we shall use the numerous moldings we have of them. Many have had to be restored anyway in the course of centuries, such as for instance, the large .piece representing the Assumption. That was restored In 1875. "As for the statuary, we have so many moldings that It will be easy to reproduce the damaged parts. The pillars, with their ornamented capi tals, have suffered little: only the two side doorways have been badly damaged by fire." "Was there not some talk of leav ing the cathedral as It was?" the re porter asked. "If the evidence ot Teutonlo bar barity have to be preserved, let them be kept In a private museum," re- ' plied the cardinal gravely.