i f AGB FOCB GRANTS PASS DAILY OOVIUKR WKIVtKMIlV, MTOHEIt 1KJ, I8li. i LOCAL nw Coats, new Sweaters Your Needs and Ours! You need safety tor four funds. You need some on to collect your checks. You need a safe means of paying bills. . You need bank accommodation In business some times. We need new depositors in order to increase our bus Iness yearly.- Left get together (or buslneae. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF SOUTHERN OREGON CJTMRAL RISEHVT.J I EVERY Ol'TIHMK 1AY 1XVITES YOU TO KODAK Don't waste the sunny after noons by being without Kodak and films. Make your Kodak Album a storehouse of plea sure for the long winter even tags which will soon be here. EASTMAN KODAKS AXD FILMS THE BEST MADE Stanton Rowell . Music and Photo House 507 BOO O St. All kinds of legal blanks at the Courier. BORX and Mrs.' Arthur King, on Applegate, a daughter. NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the County Court ot Josephine Coun ty, Oregon, will consider bids tor lumber necessary tor retlmbering ot the bridge, across Rogue River at Grants Pass, Oregon. The dimen sions may be obtained by applying at the County Clerk's office In Grants Pass, Oregon. All bids must be filed on or be fore the 29th day of October, 1919, at 10 o'clock a. m. The Court reserves the right to reject any or all bids or award the contract, according to the best In terests of the County. By order ot the County Court of Josephine County, Oregon. E. U COBCRN, County Clerk. Some small spiders build no webs, but leap on their pray like minute tigers. 11. U Wilson returned to Glandule today, after transacting business here. Attorney J. X. Johnston Is in Jacksonville on professional bus iness. Wlllard storage battery service sUtlon, 914 North Sixth St. 17tt Hal J. Slsty, ot the Yellow Horn quarts mine at Placer, went to Port hind last iiltriit on business. Mrs. Murlbutt and Mrs. Mullen ar rived this morning from Idaho and lef OD he stage for Crescout City Mid Eureka. Attorney O. S. Blanchard returned yesterday -from Portland, where he had been tor several days on profes sional 'business. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur and children arrived this morning ifrora Marcus. Wash., and wilt spend ,the winter here with Mrs. Wilbur's sisters, Misses Jessie- and' Helen ILayton; J. B. Bartlett of the Peoples Elec tric Store, Med ford, Ore., will .be In this territory, still selling Standard Electrical equipment same goods, better prices your needs will be given our utmost consideration. 75tf Mr. and Mrs. G. W, Thompson and daughter returned this morning from Goldendale, Wash., where they spent the past three weeks with rel atives and .friends. Mr. and Mrs. G. O. Ireland and children, of Portland, who were guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Web ber,. went to Glendale this morning. Mr. Ireland will return to this city in a tea- days. Mrs. Ireland and chil dren will return to Portland. Mrs. D. . Bodge, who has been In Michigan tor the past tour months, Is expected home tonight. She visited her old home and relatives at Grand Haven, liuddington and Detroit, and on the way home spent several davs with her -daughter In northern California. iut ore Earl Smith returned last night from Klamath (Kail. K hunting party composed ot Messrs. Casey, Maloney, iKred Col lins and Alex Watts left this morn ing tor the lower Illinois river country, expecting to remain out un til they secure the limit ot deer; and they expect to get several bears. Why Have a Tarty at Home When you can attend' tha- Hallo we'en dancing party. 03 Freight Wnxk Near Hugo Southbound, pameugor trains were delayed nearly two hours this morn ing, by a freight wreck near Ittigo, where eight to '10 cars wore off the track. The cars were a part of local freight No. .22R, due here at about 11 o'clock last night. A wrecker from Ashland wua sent to Hugo and cleared the track for traffic. It will require several days to clear mv the wreckage. Listen Here Toll your girl to not lot you tor get that big dance and welner futHT at Murphy Saturday nighti Ot Milking Final l'root W. S. LMacr'arland of Takllma, was in the city yesterday makioit final proof on his homestead near Takll-J ma. Ills wltnessos were John. Grant and Charles Owen. Crescent City for t.V Owing to the present excellent couditlon of the roads the Grants Pass Crescent City Stage Co. will take you to Crescent City or return tor $5. 75tt I'rim on WooL Dry slab wood $1 por tier, green slab .wood. $2.50 ier tier, delivered. A. U Edgerton's mill. OL'tf Tonight and Tomorrows-Matinee 3:30 and Evening . Admission Children 15c, Adults 30c War Tax included I N V I V 4 0 1 V ... ,VCV,' r v- V T 'J 4 'B. 4 HAVK YOU Ja-ER fl.U A HECIIET DIRE TO SEIIUTf VOK BURIED TREASURE? COME HAVe A GOOD TD1K WITH MARY PTOKFORD rX HER FUNNY SEARCH fH BURIED JITUJOXS SHOWN IX "CAPTAIX KIDD, JR." Klftry Picklord "CAPT. KIDD,. Jr." Hrenk ek-luMl lloaoe Yluilv Sunday some jiemon or per sons smashed the windows in the school house In District 'No. 47. nar Hugo. The act has stirred the Ire of the patrons of that district and the officers, whom it Is hinted have a clew to the guilty parties, muy make arrests at any time. Mr. GitrttMchtt Invites You To attend a Hallowe'en masque rade dancing party, Friday, October 31, at Waldorf Hull. Good music, cash irtzrs. Spectators and . lady dancers, 25c. Dance tickets I.I0. 0.". Hill Get Big llrwun Hear i On his way home from a hunting I expedition into bear ramp, Vernon i.. Hill killed a 400-pound brown bear on a hill near Sourgrasa camp, in the Callce district. Hill and Andy Hugging were returning w.lth the pack Jiorecs and camp equlppage when 'Hill spied tho bear on the mountain aide. Meeting of rn rnu lliii niiipini-nt There will be a special. buHlueHs meeting of the Pa ran entamimient, No. 29. I. O. K. IP. Friday nUht at 7:30. All members are requested to be present. 03 AiiMrlnn Dies ut County Home Xavln Schmidt, who was received at the county "hospital last Friday, died there last nlgiht. Nothing is known of him except his statement that he was an Austrian. He also claimed to have been picking ' fruit In Douglas county. In hla pockets were two drafts issued by the Gold Hill bank on a .Portland "bank, one for 3u and the other for 15.75. J. E. Bartlett Of the Peoples Electric Store Medford, Oregon,' will be in this ter ritory, still selling Standard F.itri. cal equipment same goods, better prices your needs will be given ou utmost consideration. 75tf J onteel Talc POWDER 25c ONTEEL PACB POWDER 50c JONTEEL COLD CREAM SOc JOXTEEL COMBINATION COLD ORH.VM 80t CLEMENS. Soils Drags and Books 33U 5fccd& and new fiats on Display MRS. E. REHKOPF GREAT THING Tailor Mude Clothes Give you a lot of atUIatactlon to know that it's your suit uud that It lauiado to if It you and does. No fuss, no worry, no after regrota It It's made by GEO S. CALHOUN 0U.1 U Htreot Fifteen year mI agnot It takes a woman, n woman only, to turn h ho:mc Into u liome. is no store In the land thai csn bo of more atxluuro in the furnishing of It than ours. We solicit the Imju It ltn and limpcctluii of women, who are par ticular about tfiolr furnlnhlnKS, hard to pleanu. W'e will pWhhp you. mmmmAmm I Dependable Quality - Prices Right in Hart, SchalTner & Marx Clothes at Peerless Clothing Co. Cash Clothiers "If Men Wear rU-We lime It" Vulcanizing Repair Work FIRST CLASH WOltK GU Alt ANTKED GOODItK II TIRES and TUBES Gasoline 20c Oil SOc and up AUTO SERVICE CO. GARAGE FOR SALE v 10 ton of first class Wheat Hay in stack. GEO. J. FOX at C. L. Hobart Company First Class Auto Electrician and Battery Repairman Passed iby itihe Board ot Auto Meohanic Examiners This Uw was made for your benefit, wliy not take advantage ot it BATTERIES OVERHAULED AXD RECHARGED "For anything (HIVECTRICAL see " E. A. ADAMS, Auto Electrician I'hono 66 500 South Sixth Street