Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931, September 02, 1919, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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tc :, hi;iTi;.MiiKii a. iimo
C Wilis 3
ifa T7W
Telephone Rates
And the prices which the public is asked
to pay for Telephone Service
Wo are fully e(uliipd for all kinds of battery
ork at reasonable pries consistent with flrt
class work.
Wbou In needuf a new battery buy the still-bitter
Wlllard, with thrnudnd rubber Insulation.
The Battery Shop
A. V. Hazel ton, Propr.
Classified Advertising
tum SALS
ANOEL CAKES 76 canta aacb; or
der' by phone. No. 190-J. 2tf
buy a 1). M.' C. K. welder for
future use. Sue Mr. Uotcher, the
tire man at Oranta I'aaa hotel, tf
00-AOKE BTOCK RANCH for aale;
bout 126 acre In cultivation;
considerable Irrigation; a utiles
from R. R. station; 1 V4 miles
from two schools; half cash, bal
ance low Interest. Addreee No
1061 care Courier. 86tf
KOU BALE- Save money In buying
the following: I'sed pipe,- all
sizes; bolting: ruble, Iron bom-a;
wood-saw outfits; tin we; saw
mil In : pUiiium; stub and saw duet
conveyors complete; bolts;
wedges; chains; pulleys; boilers
and en Kim; hoists; any and all
klnda of machinery and supplies;
we buy, soil and exchange ma
CO., KiiKene.- Ore. 61
NEW ('KIM It HOW IHXAT, about 14
fret, for sale. $8.00. Phone V.
A. Orlffln. 198-L. , 69
KOl'.VU Near Josi-hlne County
Hunk., service pin with two stars.
Owner will find mime ut Courier
office. r.
A'AiCIIHS 0-pack, at 2o: per-box
delivered.. I'hone 611-F-24.
look Runch, Merlin.
FOR BALE Two heifers, one I
montlis uiid one 3 months, boih
for f "r. Ilnth from (food cows.
A. Arlierts, Rd. No. 1, near county
home. 69
FOR SALE-10 gallon rlvlted, ksI
'vanlxed tank for carrying: - extra
KBBoJIiie. Brass fixtures; Unlit
and strong. Price H.tin. I'hone
162. . 69
FOR SAJjEVetrh, uray outs. chenJ,
rye, haled liny, rolled burTey. Krurnt
seed. Ralph Wnldo Elden. Med
ford. Ore. 65tf
WANTED iMon to work In lumber
camp or up-to-dnto sawmill.
Transportation furnished. For
particular Inquire at Rreen's
Crescent City stage office, Grants
Pass, Ore., near S. P. It R. dopot,
and express office. Phone 26. 48tf
MEN WANTED- Waller per dny, 5;
buckers. 14.76: limbers. 14. SO:
swampers, 4.60; truck tennmters.
'14.76; yarding teamster, $5; road
men, $4.60; top loaders, $6; board
tl per day. John II. Williams,
706 B street. " 74
WA'NTKD IJy couple, no children, a
furnished modern bungalow. Will
rent same for long period. Phone
44-J or address C. A. Swope, Hotel
Holland, Medford. SO
. L. QALBRAITH Insurance, any
kind. Rentals. Building and
Loan. ' Plate Glass Liability. 601
0 street. 84 tf
prompt service. City and country
trips. Safety first. Call Grants
Paaa Hotel, phone 31. Residence
phone J20-R. W. O. White. 790
It lias been said Goodness
is always on the inside
re good to look at but better
to tmoke. The mouthpiece,
the pure mais paper, the
choice tobacco blended just
right, give ou the cigarette
par excellence.
10 for 13c
The John Tollman Co. Branch
Skeletons of Extinct Bird.
Of the ten known i'xIkIIiik Hkcli lnii"
of the itreiil link In Hie world, the
I'nlli-d Stiites l Hie only country po
smmIiik I wo. tlreiiti-r HokIoii lum lliexe.
one lii'liig In.tlie IIIIIhi-iiui. of iIih Hus
ton Sorlwy of Niilunil lllxtory nnd
tln oilier In the lliirriird iinlvi'ilty
The Itosimi niliM-tiiii coiitulns aluo
an ejic of iliix extinct bird. In view
of llo fHd (Inn h slncle pkK tins
bronchi a m iiiKll B, iIiIh la con
Mdered a uioui vnlunlile relle.
This niiilitloKs KcH-blrd formerly was
illxtrlliiiti-d alone die northern run
and MiiiiiU of North America. In Its
cont of Milier I'otorlnK wllh a vest of
m y white It reeinlileil nothing; so
mil. h um H uliort iiinn In eveiiing dri.
SIiiih It urn fle,.h. the blnl, wa.
easily exlerinliiiitwl. Die natives relish
Iiir It us a food. It prylinlily was
wholly exterinltiHled by 1S44.
TAXI il'hone Hoses Confectionery,
No. 160, for taxi. Hurry calls at
any time. C. E. Oiikson. 36tf
PHOXB 262-R for Jitney, Luke or
Culler. Headquarters changed to
Spa, SOtf
J. 8. MucMt'RRAY Teacher of sing
inn. Write or apply at 716 Lee
Street. 28tf
DANIEL McFARLAND. civil engi
neer and surveyor. Residence
740 Tenth street, phone 211-Y.
E. C. MACY. O. M. U. First-class
dentistry. 109 H South Sixth
street. Grants Paaa, Oregon.
L. O. CLEMENT, M. D.. Practice
limited to diseases of the eye, ear,
nose and throat. Glasses fitted
Office hours 9-12, 2-6, or on ap
pointment. Phones, office 62; resi
dence 369-J. .
S. 1UGHHI1X!E. M. D. Physician
and aurueon. City or country calls
attended day or night. Phones,
residence, 369; office, 182. Sixth
and H streets'.
WANTBO (Hop pickers, at 1 cents
per pound. Begin September 1st.
tuveruanks Tarm. 69
WANTED Tp buy fresh cow. Must
give large quantity of'mllk. Phone
Peter Olson.. 62
HELP VANTBD In laundry, 720
Kast D street, or phone 383-L. 60
'W'ANTE'D A good cook stove, range.
Must be In good condition and rea
sonable. Give .price at once. Ad
' dress 1641, Courier. ' 69
WlANTEtD Man to work on ranch;
good 'wages, steady employment.
13. 8. Walls, Murphy, Ore. -59
A. A. WITI1A.M, M. 1). Internal
medicine and nervous dineanes,
624 Medical Bldt?., Portland. Ore.
Houra, 2 to 6 p. in., morning and
evening by appointment.
'Rooms 1 and 2 Schmidt Bldf.
Treats all diseases. Hours 9-11
a. m.i 1-6 p. m. . Phone S04-R.
E. j. IMIJJCK. M. D., Physician
and suygeon; office Schallhorn
block, phone 64-J; resldonce,
1004 (Lawnrldge, phone 64-U
Grants Pais.
DR. R. J. BBSTUiL, Veterinarian.
Residence 838 Washington boule
vard, phone 398-iK. . .
TliH WORLD MOVES; so do we.
Bunch Bros. Transfer Co. Phone
V. i. ISHiAM, drayage and transfer.
Safes, plnnos and furniture
moved, packed, shipped and stor
ed. Office phone J24-Y. Resi
dence phone 124-R. ,
Angora goats In tlmibor north of
; Appli-gate store; would drift to
ward Kubll's. Give information or
i return to K. J. KuMl, Murphy,
and receive reward, or 9 A. P.
' IJndlmr.if, Jiledford, Orc. . 0
ELECTRIC wrRINO and general
electrical work, repairing, house
wiring. C. C. Hurper. 315 North
Sixth street, phone 47.
&iiG 1111. lu HU ud U.U n.iacW
I V !i IiiaVonii iihanu lo. Z
Cm H Dti nnirrirT rurnuunrn.
Havana's High. Sounding Name.
The full mime of, tin. capital at
t'ulin Is Sun CtirlMtiilml lie la Hnhuna.
In is:4 a roynl decree conferred upon
Hie elly tile somiilliig title. "I.lave dH
Niii'vo .Miinilo y Anlciniirnl de Ins In
Has Oeeldelitalea," which siinilfles
;Key of the Now World and Bulwark
of the West Indies.' In emphasis,
the coat-of-iiriiis of the muult'lpnllty
bears a symbolic key and representa
tions of lite fortresses nf Morro, Punts
snd Fuerxa.
In HIV) the elty rose tt lie the com
mercial center of the SpimMi-Anierl-can
possessions, and the principal ren
der.vniis of the roynl fleets that car
rknl on the trnile monniMiIy hetwH
Spain and America.
First Malleabl Platinum.
The tlrst verltalile plniinuiii In cot
was made hy a French chemist. I'n
hHiienu. In 171. Cliarles 111 of Spain
had enllei him to Madrid nnd created
ii spei'lul I'liulr of mineralogy, pli.vsl-s
iinfl chemistry for him. In his lalioin
lory he found the secret of rendering
the new metul mallenlile, anil this Is
the way he revealed the fact to one
of his patrons: "Three months Inter,
at the home of the Count of Aniudn,
there appeared upon a table tin I mint
some 10 centimeters cube (about four
inches), with a beautiful metallic lus
ter; It was mallenlile ptiitluuiii." New
York Herald.
H. D. NORTON, Attorney-at-law.
Practices in all State and Federal
Courts. First National Bank Bldg.
Q. W.- COiiVIG. Attorney-at-law.
Grants Pass Banking Co. Bldg.
Grant Pass, Oregon.
E. S. VAN DYKE, Attorney. Prac
tices in all courts. First National
Bank Bldg.
0. S. BLANCH A RD, Attorney-at-law.
Golden Rule Bldg. Phone 270.
Grants Pass, Oregon.
C. A. SIDLER, Attorney-at-law. Ma
sonic Temple, Grants Pass, Ore.
GEO, H. DURHAM, Attorney-at-law,
referee In . bankruptcy, Masonic
Temple, Grants Pass, Oregon.
Phone 1S6-J.
First National Bank Bldg., Grants
Paaa. Oregon.
The California and Oregon
uoast ttauroad company
Effective Nov.. 19, 1918.
Trains will run Tuesday, Thursday
and Saturday
Leave Oranta Paaa :.l P. M
Arrive Waters Creek.. 2 P. M.
Leave Waters Creek 3 P. M
Arrive Grants Pass.......... 4 P. M.
For Information regarding freight
and passenger rates call at the office
of the company, Lnndbnrg building j
or telephone J3J.
To lip just and reasonable, telephone rates or prices
must cover the costs or rendering the service and leave
a profit that will attract to the telephone industry a con
tinuing supply of capital which is constantly required
for extensions and improvements. -
If rates yield more or less than such amount they
are not just. Tf they yield more they are excessive and
unreasonable. If they yield less they are unreasonable
and are against public interest because they result in a
deteriorated service and capital is no longer attracted
but directed to other industries that are more profitable
and possibly the products of many such industries are of
less importance o the public.
The present rates we believe to be just and reason
able. They were approved by the Postmaster General
and are effective by Act of Congress. .
These rates are now being reviewed by the Public
Service Commission of Oregon, which body assumes juris
diction since the government turned back the telephone
properties to private ownership.
The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company
the full price ,you paid
for B-se. if it
doss not please your
taste t no matter hovj
much you tee used
out of the c aii.