MUSMY, AKJIHT 25. 3 HANTS PAHS DAILY COURIER AGH TURKS AGRICULTURAL LIME tM- ,hmM "PP'lBd rly fall and winter UKUbK NOW to avoid delay In shipment. Price $2.60 per ton fob at (iold Hill Minimum order 80 tons. Cash with order OREGON STATE LIME BOARD A. B. COKDLEY. SECRETARY, CfjRVALLIS. OREGON Best Mot oi' Oils We Mr fully equipped fur all 'kind of fcuttery work at reasonable urlmw consistent With first lna work. Whim Id newli.f a new battery buy the till-better W'lllard, with threaded rubber Inmilatlon. The Battery Shop A. V. Ilatelton, Hropr. Classified Advertising M)K HAIJC ANGEI. CAKBS-M5 cents each; or der by phone, No. 180-J. 2tf GET YOlMt TIRK8 WKNDKD and buy a D M. C. K. welder for future use. See Mr. Oolcher, the tire man at Grants I'aee hotel, tt 12 ACIMCS oak, madrone, fir and pine, on railroad In Jerome Prairie. Will lake wood In pay ment atuuipage. I'bone 270. 83lf Tt RENT APARTMENTS unl room for rent. !an Apttrtinintit, M.'j North Sixth trctil. 54 mi-km,ankoi E. L. GALBRAITH Insurance, any kind. Rentals. Building and I-oan. Plate Glaaa Liability. iOI G street. Mtf Cn-ACRB STOCK RANCH for sale; about 125 acres In cultivation; considerable Irrigation; 2 miles from R. R. station; 1 V miles from two schools; half cash, bal ance low Interest. Address No. 10S2 car Courier. 86tf KOTl 9AI.K -woiid bund lumber. Flooring a:nd ahlplup $l'i pvr M. Common $12.50 per M. Call J. 1). StlnchuuKh, phone 14 9-U 55 IXK 8A1.K - Stave niom-y In buying the following; t'sod pipe, all iltni; belting; cubic, iron bono; wood-saw outrun; aws; saw mills; planers; xluti and saw dust ronvoyorn complete; bolts; wedges; rhulnit; pulleys; boilers and engines; hoists: any and aU kinds of machinery and supplies: we buy. sell and exchange ma chinery. ORIXiON MAOI1UNKHY (X).. Kngeim. Ore. 01 FOR SALB- Imroc and Berkshire pigs. 15 heul stock hogs. Upper river road. W. 8. Tucker, R. P. D. No. 2. Box S. 56 FOR SALIC One pony .liurneHs, and rubber tired buggy. Cheap for qulck'sal. Mrs. iM. C. Anient. 57 UliKCTKIOAIi WORK ELBCPHIC WDMVO and general electrical work, repairing, house wiring. C. C. Harper, 31ft North Sixth street, phone 47. WAMTKI) WANTED llotisokeeper. Mimt be a woman of refinement, not over 40 years of ago. lAddres Solus, care Courier. 39tf WANTED 50 hop pickers August 30 at old IU117.JUI yard, 11 miles west of city, north side of river. Apply J. K Vlnlln, lid. No. 2, Grants Pans. 4fitf WANTKI) Mcfwcngor boy, good wages. Fine opportunity to learn the business for an amhltlous boy. Must have bicycle and be over 10 years of age. Apply Western Union Tel. Co.. 48tf WANTED LMen to work In lumber calnp or up-to-dato sawmill. Transportation furnished. For particulars Inquire at Brenn's Crescent City stage office, Grants Pass, Ore., near S. P. R. R. depot, and express office. Phone 26. 48tf MEN WAjNTED iFal I e r per day, $5; buckers, $4.75; limbers, $4.50; wnmpers, $4.50; truck teamsters, ' - $4.75; yarding toamster, $5; road , men, $4.50; top loaders, $5; board $1 per day. John H. Williams, -700 B street. . 74 WANTBI Waitress wantedat the Pnnnma' Cafe. ' 56 LOST LOOT -Surveying outfit. Short & Ma hoii aneroid and a ill nr ton pock et trunslt In lout her field bag; $20 rewnrd for return. Address No. 1485 care Courier. 65 FOUND FOtiNU-olO , ring. Owner can ' ' by deHo.rlhing rjim and J)a,ylna.f.or..1a')d. .53 I'l.KARK return Jliney l.uke don't care for the money stolen from lilin hut he wants the gink to re turn his pocket day book. He needs It in his business. 53 i'SK the White line taxi for prompt service. City and country trips. 8afety first Call Grants Pass Hotel, phone 19b. Residency phone 320-R. W. G. White.' 790 TAXI--fl'hone Hoses Confectionery, No. 1C0. for taxi. Hurry rails at any time. C. E. Otlkson. 35tf IUO.VH 262-R for Jitney Luke or Cutler. Headquarters changed to Spa. 50lf ' MIMICAL INKTKKTION J. S. MacM intftA Y Teacher of sing ing. Write or apply at "It Iee Street. 28tf CIVIL. KNGINKKH DANIHL McFAJlLAND. civil engl . neer and surveyor. Residence 740 Tenth street, phone 211-T. HKNTI8TS K. C. MACY. D. M. D. First-class (Imitlutry. 109 South Sixth street, Grants Pass, Oregon. I'1IY8H1AN8 I." O. OUS.MENT. M. D.l Practice limited to diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat. Glasses fitted. Office hours 9-12, 2-5, or on ap pointment. Phones, office 62; resi dence 359-J. snoUGllRIDGKrM. i7 "Physician and surgeon. City or country calls attended day or night. Phones, residence, 369; office, 182. SlKth and H streets. A. A. WITMAiM. M. D. Internal medicine and nervous diseases, 903 Corbett Bldg., Portland, Ore. Hours 10 to 12 a. in.; 2 to 4 p. m. DR. W. T. TOMiPIUNS, T. Rooms 1 and 2 Schmidt Bids. Treats .all diseases. Hours 9-12 a. m.; 1-5 p. m. Phone 304-R. K. jTBTlJitCK, M. D... Physician and surgeon; office Schallhorn block, ' phone 6 4 -J; residence, 1004 lLawnridge, phone 54-L, 'Grants iPafcs. , VETERINARY SCRGBON DR. R. J. BEST U1.., Veterinarian. Residence 838 'Wnehlngton boule vard, phone 398-iR. , MIIAYAGE AND TRANSFER THE WORLD MOVES; so do we. Bunch (Bros. Transfer Co. Phone 39741. fTo. JSUiAM, drayage and transfer. Safes, pianos and furniture moved, paCked, shipped and stor ed. Office phone 124-Y. Resi dence phone 124-R. CHICHESTER S PILLS W. TIIK IHAMOND BRANDT A . i.adui AK your uruniiiror a a 'hlihe-lr ItUmnnd DrandA !V iu lud kmi Uuid in rum A V n tmui, mlctl with hliM RH1mh. V V1 V.'l ink no thrr. Ilujr fit IU Jf IHAHINT I' ft AMI FILL N A' ViinwnjjiintiiSTSFVtRl TBUV LI.H. fur 5 iwiyskelUhlt i;(ililSTS?Vr.RVH'HERr CORRECT lubricants are the most economical some times in the beginning always in the end. The engine of your car is the propelling power. It is the most important single part And it is highly probable that the oils you use exert a larger influence on your engine than any other feature. Protection for Your Engine SSSSSSSSSSSSSB SiHaWMHMI Keep your car out of the repair shop by keeping the right oil in your engine. Hie right oil need not hi the most expensive. But it is oil that has been tested. It has been proved by its action on many cars in many kinds of service. 'That is the lind of oil we sell. You can make no mis take in filling up here always. v f i Making Two VIM. Cora Grow Ears of Where Only One Grew Before Not jfettinjr the rshl amount of rain at the right limr, jH one of the principal causes of c-rop fnilurr. 'JliU is part history, however, on thousands or profitable, farms throuffl,t the country. hese farms use Klcclric Power, and motor driven puni)S allow irrigation in the right """""" mm m wie right lime. There are suitable C.-R Motors for running the nmrhines in the Barn, in the Diry, and iu the Field. Almost OVfrV tfSitlr nn,l 1 on a frm can be done more rapidly, more econmnw-slly and m re snMy with Electric I owcr, than jn mij. 0ther w,y Our Power it at your command at any t;me, da, or riht, throuehout th year. California-Oregon Power Co. Prompt Service-CertaLmSaiisJactioT, Fashion Garage and Machine Shops J. F. Burke & Son THE UNIVERSITY OF OREGON SCHOOLS SHD DIMmim TIM Uatmritr tadate tbm OoDwa LiUr&tar. Sdaaca aa4 ttaa Alt, mad tt roraudi. Arealtartawi. JoaiaalM Com- moul punim A imatifsl mmpm. tmcmtOm tt atrial IMk. moitn UeMOm. low aoM, vita tmmt waoctaattla far aalf-kala. "alalxka tor rarrbadr." a naQr Iwendc ataoIb1 unaaa actra.- baetara. ioan and Mnae. THE REGISTRAR, UMVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, OREGON. Five Dollars Reward Five dollars reward will be paid for the arrest and conviction of any one stealing the Dally Couriers from resldrncrs or mall boiss Constipation upsets the entire sys tem cauung serious illnesses to the human family. Don't worry Hollls- ters Rocky Mountain Tea will drive out constipation, regulate the bowels, tone the stomach, purify, cleanse. Without fall give it a thorough trial. .Ktiveiores at ths Co re- OQliw YOU Oon't Have to Suffer BACKACHE? Feeling tired? Shooting psint in lidei? Anklei twollen? Joints ttiff? Mutcleiaore? Do you Ice I bilious and out o( torn? Have you dark pouches under your ryes? Do you leel that you are growing old? Are you annoyed st night with sleep disturbing bladder irregularities? Would you like to know of a good rem edy (or kidney trouble, the cause of most oi these symptoms and ailments? The best good-health insurance known is to keep the kidneys and urinary tract in the proper condition to do their work of filtering and throwing out from the blood stream, uric acid and poisons that settle throughout the system when the kidneys fsil in their work. pieygdneypffls will (one urfc and invigorate your kidneys. They ban'uh backache and other lymptomi oi weak and ditordered kidney. Tby atart yov rUht toward good health. They aootbe and haal the bladder and rojulttc the liver. Why auffer when auch well known remedy out be had with to Hill effort ? Mr. Effie B. Kleppe, Ave rill, Minnesota, write: ' 1 waa al Farfto Sanitarium (or three week at one time and two weeks at another time for rheumatiam j'fF-Pw and kidney trouble and got no cim, nuu vu hi return uuiiisj I batsa mait Holer Kidney Pilli and touod immedlala relict and hnut half hnttl NimnlMMl th cure. I always nave them on hand sod uas Ihem whta I (eel any pain la my back. SOLI) EVERYWHERE The California and Oregon Coast Railroad Company TIME CARD Effective Nov. 19, 1918. P JLaSS E Hl TT Ml aVaai -. TIRE ALE 1? Trains will run Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Leave Grants Pass 1 P. M Arrive Water Creek 2 P. M. Leave Waters Creek .' 3 P. M Arrive Grants Pass 4 P. M. For Information regarding freight and passenger rates call it the oftioe of the company, Lund!ury building, or telephone 13). - JiSJS cHa Firestone Tires 6000 Mile: 30x 3 Smooth Tread $12 30 x31 Non Skid $18 C. L. Hobart Co. XI it M