Tt KHimYAt Ul KT 12. 1810. tiltA.Vftt VASH DAILY UOfKlfcK -AGE TI1RKH KITKKVIHOIW A POINTED Special! A good valley flour at $2.80 per Sack 49 pounds Pardee's Classified KOK HALK ANGBI, CAKKS 76 cents each; or der by phone, No. 180-J., 2tf OET YOUIt TI11K8 MKNDKD and buy a D. W. C. K. welder for future use. dee Mr. Outcher, the tire man at Omnia I'm hotel, tf 12 AC1U&9 oak, madrono, fir and pine, on railroad In Jerome Prairie. Will take wood In pay ment slumpege. Phone 270. 83tf on-ACIlE STOCK RANCH for aale; about 125 acres In cultivation: considerable Irrigation; 2 ml lea from 11. R. tuition ; 1 mile from two achoola; half cash, bal ance low Interest. - Address No, 1062 care Courier. 86tf fX)R SALE Singer sewing machines on easy terms. Machines rented and old machines taken In part payment. C. A. Chapman, 245 8. Central avenue, Medford. ' tocal beadquartor Orants Pass Hard ware. ltf rX)ll SAUK Two good burrows with pack saddles and harness. Inquire Itymer, T.07 L street, r Drsnts Pass. Ore. 4 2 roil 8AIK Jlulrk touring car. six cylinder. 1917 model, good me chanics! condition and Kood tires. Price $1000. "For further partic ulars call T. M. Stott, phone 131 or 219J. 86 FOR 8AIJ'.v-One icood all-piiriose mnre, 14 head of goats, cheap. A. K. Bnrhatt. Rogue Rlvor. Ore. 4 4 Wil 4VLu Fine slew k ranch, al falfa hay and stork, 15 miles from Orants Pass. Situated In the 'lMMt part of Applcgute valley. .Phono Ike Vincent, I'rovolt. 4 4 FOU SALB Two small olilcken houses. Inquire of Miss Russell, Corner Munzutiita Ave., and Mer ' II n road. 40tt nm S.V1..K--House Bargains 0 room house, 2 lots, West D street, $400. 7-room house, largo lots, iHhiini street, $450. 7-room house, two acres, Rogue River Ave., $600. G-room house, 1 lot. $400, North Second street. See owner of property, Stng Cigar Store. Otto J. Knlpa. 45 JTWl ' 8A1 JKTwo"Kas"olliie double drum hoists. One Velle truck and trailer, longing blocks, cable, etc. One two-third yard revovllng shovel. M. V. Am out. 45 TOH -aAM-VKxtra fine 1r7lKn"ted (blackberries, $1.25 for 1G box orate. Deliveries Tuesdays n'lid Thursdays. H. T. D. No. 1, '.Rox 11, -iChas. W. Hjanvbrecht. 46 MracKLLANnoue B. ! OALBRA1TII -toanranoe, uj kind. Rentals. Building and Loan. Plate Glass Liability. 4 O street. Mtf TAXI DAILY JITNEY to Selma, Kerby and Waldo. Leaves Grants Pass dally at 9:30 a. m. Everett Hogue, phone 317. 317 USE THE WHITE ONE TAXI FOR prompt service. City and, country trips. Safety first. Call Grants Pass Hotel, phone 39b. Residence phone 320-R. W. O. White. 790 IF YOU WANT TO GET THEIRE, call 22-J. Two common old Fords. We are on the Job anywhere and anytime. Palace Taxi Co. Wyatt and Cutler. . Jitney Luke. 60tf TAXl-rilhone iRosos Confectionery, No. 160, for taxi. Hurry calls at , timfi. V. B. Gllkson. 35 tf Grocery Advertising TO KKNT rVH RENT Two or more house keeping rooms with private bath, on North Seventh and A streets. Buitablo. for students, teachers, business women, or Just plain married folks. Mrs. Herbert Avery. North Seventh und A. 4 3 AANTKD WANTK1) -Men to work In lumber 'snip or up-to-date sawmill. Transportation furnished. For 'particulars iuquire at fir oca's Crescent City stuge office, Grants Pass, Oro., near 8. I. R. R. depot und express office. Phone 26. 32tf WANTIJU-liousekenper. Must be a womun of refinement, not over 40 yeurs of age. Address Solus, care Courier 39tf V'ANTJ-:i Saw mandrel and aaw, small one preferred. Address Pe ter Tanger. at. F. D. No. 2. Box 106. Grants Pass. Ore. 45 KALKKMA.V WANTKI ARB YOU a sui-eessful sulesmun working among farm trade? Or are you ambitious o become one? IH you want to earn $2T0 to $350 a month, -wholesaling groceries to farmers? Steady demand. Yearly repeater. Same territory. Car re quired. H. Hunting. Hox 2090, Portland, Oregon. 52 HKNTI8TS E. C. MACY. D. M. D. First-class dentistry. 109 South. Sixth street, Orants J'aas. Oregon. PHYSICIAN'S I.. O. OIJJMRNT, M. 'D., Practice limited to diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat. Glasses fitted. Office hours 9-12, 2-5, or on ap pointment. Phones, office 62; resi dence 359-J. . 8. LOlKHriUDOE, M. O. Physician and surgeon. City or country calls attended day or night. Phones, residence. 369;, office. 183. Sixth and H streets. A. A. WITIEAM, M. D. Internal medicine and nervous diseases, 903 Corbett Bldg., Portland. Ore. Hours 10 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 4 p. m. DR. W. T. TOMlPKINS. S. T. 'Rooms 1 and 3 Schmidt Bids. Treats all diseases. Hours 9-12 a. m.; 1-5 p. m. Phone 304-R. Ml'HICAL INSTRl'CTION J. 8. MacMURRiA Y Teacher of sing ing. Write or apply at 716 Lee Street. 28tf HLKCTRIOA-L .WORK ELECTRIC WIR1NQ and general electrical work, repairing, house wiring. C. C. Harper. SIS North lxth street, phone 47. . tf VITKRITVAKV -8 1' It O RON OH. 'R, J.' BEWT'tilL, Veterinarian. Office t rsideauB. ItioDe 806-R. -r , DKAYAGR AND TKANSKKH rHR WORLD MOVES; so do w. Bunch Bros. Transfer Co. Ptaoo 897-R. F. Q. ISHAM, drayage and transfer Bates, ilanos and ' furnltnr moved, packed, shipped and stor ed. Office phone 124-Y. Resi dence phone, 184-R. CIVIL ENOIM3HR DANIEL MoFAiMvAiND, civil engi neer and surveyoT". ' Residence 740 Tenth attest, phone 24 t-Y, ' Wfu Reality always surpasses imagination IMPMALES MOUTHPIC.CK CIGADLTTXS leave nothing to your imag ination. They're mild and rich, fragrant and cool. The fine tobacco, cooling mouth piece and tnaia paper wrap ping make them the real lliing. I0orl3c Tli John Bollnian Co. Branch MmiImwhi (Continued from page 1) brotherhoods had not indorxed rector (iennrul Hines. "But I'll Kay this," ho added, we could have secured the man .1)1- "If we wanted 1 doubt seriously if ho would have gono us fur In his efforts to operate successfully the roads as Mr. Hliies." The Plumb plan was denounced In the senate today by Senator Myers, democrat, of Montana, ss an attempt to "sovlellxe" Apierlcan Industry. "There bus long been conducted an insidious effort to teach bolshe vlsm snd anarchism In this country," said S'tiator Myers. "I have won dered -who would take It upon him self to put In, concrete form the Is sue of 'bolshevlsm. As long as it was abstract, I feared no danger. The veil of mystery has been lifted. I am sorry to say that It fulls to the railroad brotherhoods to present mi concrete test of bolshevlsm against Americanism. I am ready to meet that test to sacrifice notn my po litical and physical strength if n cessary rather thun be a party to sovletlzlng this country's Indus tries." "The issue now is bolshevlsm against Americanism. It cannot be dodged or side-stepped. There is no middle ground." Washington. Aug. 12 The Plumb plan for trl -partite control of the railroads Is "vicious"' and there Is nothing akin to It outside of bolshe- vikl Russia, Senator Pomerene, dem oorat, Ohio, declared In a letter sent to officials of the railroad brotherhoods In Ohio and made pub lic here today. Declaring the .plan was "worse than socialism." Senator iPomerene' said the American people would never approve It "or. anything akin to It," and added: "The public doos not wunt to be skinned, but If It must 1e skinned it will make little difference whether It Is by Wall street or by the meth ods provided for In the proposed Plumb plan." 'lAgenta .Authority to Sell" 'book of 50 blanks, 50c, Courier office. Eczema Wash A touch ot T). D. D. to any eranna sore or hrlilns eruption Ddvmi II be sbta to rnt six! up oiico mure. Think )mt a touchl Is It worth rryinsi' Ovt a trinl bottle today, ttt. one ami Yrmr eat it Um Ant bottle dun not relieve you. ID). B. ID. M. Clemens, Druggist ATTORNEYS H. D. NORTON, Attorney-at-law. Practices In all State and Federal Courts. First National Bank Bldg. Q. W. C04VVKJ, Attorney-at-law. Grants Pass Banking Co. Bldg. Grants Pass, Oregon. E. S. VAN DYKE, Attorney. Prac tices In all courts. First National Bank Bldg. O. 8. BLANCH A RD, Attorney-at-law. Golden Rule Bldg. Phone 270. Grants Pass, Oregon. C. A. 8IDLER, Attorney-at-law. Ma sonic Temple, Grants Paaa, Ore. JEO. H. DURHAM, Attorney-at-law. referee In bankruptcy. Masonic Temple, Grants Pass, Oregon. . Phone 135-J. TAMES T. CHINNOCK. Lawyer. First National Bank BWg., Grants Paa. Oregon. PROPERLY PROUD OF HOTEL Cltixsns of Alexandria. Ls Have R'UM to 3oast of Their Mj nlficent Csravanssry. Alexiindrln. f,s.. Is known lliroiigh. out the Honth as the little town with the big hotel. Strangers alwsys re insrli the Incongruity of tile metropol. Itan edifice apparently fullen by acrl dent Into this unlet little place. It seems Hint In Alexandria's ante hotel days, a wealthy, man snd his small dog were stopping at the town Inn. One day the Innkeeper and guest hsd a lively argument over the dog. Ill owner replied that he and his dog would not be among those present at the Inn In the future and departed proudly, Intimating darkly that the Innkeeper would be sorry. He then msde good his threat by building a hotel such as Alexandria bad never dreamed of seeing, snd here dog and twister took up their residence snd gathered to themselves all the tran sient trsde of the town. Alexandria wears Jts hotel proudly, trifle self-consciously. It Is the show place of the town snd Its as sertive stone grandeur commands re spect snd deference. A town thst boasts a hotel Inclosing marble halls endlnit In s grand staircase snd a Xpnnlxh patio adorned with a fountain as an extra attraction must atime an air of dignity In keeping with Its lnimrlnuce. Alexandria's other claim to notice Is the fact that only s few years ago the Lnulsluna legislature conducted a series of spirited srgumenti ss to the removal of the state capital from Baton Rouge to Alexandria. In the end Alexandnlu lost oat and was forced to console Itself with the fame It acquired from Its big hotel. EXPLAINS CAUSE OF MYOPIA Physician Asserts It Is Caused by Ob struction of Outflow of Lymph, Dus to Muscular Effort The assumption that close applica tion Is the cause of myopia or near sightedness Is not regsrded as a sat isfactory explanation. In a recent num ber of the lancet the theory Is advo cated by Dr. Ethrldge Green that the rrlmary and essential cause is an ob struction of the outflow of the lymph. The obstruction rosy be produced by severe muscular effort, such as lifting teavy weights, when a feeling of ten s'on Is always experienced ks the eyes, which appear. In extreme cases, to be stoning from the besd. This Is more espi-clally the reuse of progres sive myopia amopg warehouse men. porters and others whese work In volves excessive effort, while wit those engaged In sedentary occupa tions the form of exercise taken may be responsible, as, wrestling, rowing, digging and also coughing. Tims when signs of commencing myopia appear anything likely to Increase the intraoc ular tension should be avoided. There Is no need to avoid reading. Houses of Presidents. In ciiunci tliiu wilh the efforts to re store the hlrtliplnce of Theodore Roose velt, at 28 Knsf Twentieth mreet. New York. It is recalled that ss in tempt was made several yvnrs iigo in acquire the old honne In which ' President .lames Mniiny died. The pro.bvt never got beyond Hie placing in HsXi of u memorial tablet on the miut. The old hnue. one of the srcluile structures In the city, und iiiik-Ii the noise tbrnugli yeurs of iie"ct. Is on the nortbweoi corner of Ijilayi-tte and Prince streets. Kor years the lower ortlon was used as s Junk simp. It still presents the cliunicterlsili's of Uie well-to-do residence during the early part of the Inst century three irles high, with dormer windows protruding from the nttle. The house was tmllt by Siiiiiui-1 1.. Gouverneur. who. mar ried one of Monroe's daughters. The Green Eyed Monster. Kurope's growing Jealousy of iner Icn Is revealing Itself- more plainly every day. Kven France is not im mune from Hie propaganda of the green-eyed monster, for l.e Matin, one of the largest and most influential of Paris nevspaiers, bus come forward with the assertion that' 'he Jnasr. hand Idea old nut originate in the United States, bur that l-'rench cats were trained to emit the same kind of dis cords more than a century ago. We expect to he informed next that the Declaration of Independence was copied from u French almanac, and that Abraham Lincoln's famous Gettys burg oiutiou woo sveoud priaa at a French high school commencement In ;he era of Louis XIV. Where Gasoline Can't Go. The automobile may have won at Verdun, says the billets and remounts division, hut the horse Has wor. mora victories thun he has hairs on his top knot for, sny they, no victory could have been ataiiied, no push could have succeeded, unless the horse was on the Job to pull the guns forward, to take up the rations, the water, the am munition, through mud where trucks could not go, or over shell-swept ground equally. Impassable for the gusollne vehicle. Stars and Stripes. Five Dollars Reward ; ' Five dollars reward will he paid for the arrest and conviction of any one stealing the Dally Couriers from residences Of Ball Washington, lAug. 12. Among the appointment ot supervisors to day for the 1 920 census were: Ore gon, second district, Wm. A. iTer rall, of Wasco; third district, Wil liam D. Bennett of Portland. ;AY HLATKII Foil XKXT AMBASSADOR London, Aug. 12. It is under stood nere that Viscount Gray, of Falloden, former head of the British foreign office, may be the next Brit ish ambassador to the United States. The California and Oregon Coast Railroad Company TIME CARD Effective Nov. 19, 1918. Trains will run Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Leave Grants Pass Arrive Watera Creek.. Leave Watera Creek Arrive Grants Pass ... ..1 P. M ...2 P. M. ...3 P. M P. M. For Information regarding freight and passenger rates call at the. office of the company, Lundburg building, or telephone 131. We are fully equipped for all kinds. ot battery work at reasonable prices consistent with first class work. When In needof a new battery buy the still-better Willard, with threaded rubber insulation. Ihe Battery Shop A. V. Hazelton, Propr. A Real Sale ot Used Cars ' . Let's Go 1 1918 MAXWELL, "A PEACH" 1 1917 CHALMERS SPEEDSTER . 1 -1917 OVERLAND 1 1918 CHEVROLET 1 1919 CHEVROLET. BRAND NEW 1 1917 MAXWELL ROADSER ' s 1 1917 SAXON SIX ' COLLINS AUTO COMPANY 511 H Street Phone 317 Ofie power chain The Gasoline ! C. D, Fies, Special Agent n iLri When you're hot and thirstysoy ' ) 1 Hires ii Jf -V ROOT BEER ; ! ; IllJl At any place where soft beverages are sold. ' III! ' ml Bottled In 3 sixes TO THE HENRY WEINHARD PLANT f A Corvallis, 'Aug. 11. "A few littl. pigs for sale" waa the announcement' put In the tf'orvallls Gazette-Times by George Armstrong, Benton county farmer. The O-T of July 11 gives the sequence as follows: "In truth he didn't know how many he was going to for sale,' but two litters totaling 18 pig came along and from that advertisement which cost him' f 1.20 he sold 17 of those little pigs at $9 a head. How la that for pigs and advertising?" KKUS MADE WHOLESALE AltKKSTS AT PETISOGRAD Washington, Aug. 12. It is re ported that bolshevlkl Invaded all the consulates and legations at Pet rograd and Moscow and .arrested foreigners by the wholesale early In June. All kinds of lecat blanks at the Conrter "Red Crown" ha a contin uous, uniform chain of boil- ing points which give easy starting, power ana mileage. Mixture have "holes" in die chain. Look for the Red Crown sign before you fill. ' ITANDARD OIL COMPANY Ibsulsrua) Standard Oil Co., Orants Pass