AGE TWO GRANTS PASS DAILY COURIER toit t hit iat OUB opli spit ash. rate ay Ine s i! 191 m fro ! : it le i e i i PKi si I ' ie' ; 318 "5 EHffiS PASS DAllt COURIER, Published Dally Except Sunday , . A. YOORHIE8, Pnb. tud Propr. ' statered at poetofflee. Grants Put,! Of., second class mall matter. ADVERTISING RATES Display apace, per Inch 15c Local-personal column, pr line.. 10c Headers, per line Be DAILY COURIER Br mJl or carrier, per yer....6.00 1 . By mall or .carrier, per month .60 ; , ' . WEEKLY COURIER j By mail, per year ..-.. $1.00: aTEHBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS' The Associated Preaa la axel naively ! entitled to the ue tor repeMiceaoa, ot all new dispatches credited to tt or all otherwise credited In tl paper and also the local newa pub lished herein. All rtghta ot republication ot pe dal dispatches herein are reserved. FRIDAY, Jl'-NE 20, 1910. e . OREGON WEATHER Fair; cooler east portion to- night; easterly winds. THAT 11AP FROM KLAMATH One of our loyal citliens has taken offense at the statement ot a Klamath Falls man who, after a vis it to our city, returned home and aid to the Klamath Fall i tea: "Grants Pass is a beautiful city of fine homes, magnificent lairns, beautiful flowers, splendid streets, and all that out no money, no life, no business." Well, there is at least satisfaction In knowing what some of our visit ors think ot us, .but all visitors here w do not share the Klamath Falls ni man's 'Views. Let us admit that the city could be livelier socially, but it 'P Je a fafct, as well as a matter ot y - ffl pride, that the same firms have been pt doing business right here "at the ' j same old stand" for years and are 4 still making money. , " Now as to the money part of it, i It is also a fact and a matter of In pride that Grants Pass has been one of the first cities to go "over the J'itop" in all the Liberty loan drives I and the last big Victory cajnpaign. do Tee, we were first, and the figures eoshow that Klamath Falls lagged aad Aojy behind the procession. This is not jaaid In derogation to that hustling e jefty, Jrot merely to open the Klam- 3 cam iiuu man s eyes, urania . rasa urgs not as dead as pictured. th Xrue -we have not Klamath's mil- fons of misquetos nor her zero ! o t a feather In winter, but the Rogne fiver valley is Messed with a cM vlctnate superior to that of Southern lvf"3aUfornia. nt &T THE COYOTE MENACE lO Tl ruc Numerous complaints have been ' s tpade this year to the effect that; theoyotes are making sheep and poul-1 ; a"try , raising in some districts un-j ,tIe rofitable to the ranchers. One i leepman reports the loss of 12 eforjieep within one month by coyotes. but Wle Josephine county has not suf- con?red from depredations of these 1 v98ta as has some other Oregon mntles, yet the loss has 'been keen- felt in several instances. From A report from Marshfleld states .111 i at the coyote menace Is so great n Curry county that the sheep In s so istry is threatened and ranchers In en i K me sections are disposing of their ng t cke. The report says coyotes were ind. st aeen in Curry about five years o and that despite efforts to erad .te the animal they have stea'dlly Teased In number. They are more tnerons than ever before along ) coast. rhe eradication of coyotes Is a tllsh subject, since the only way lear the country of them 1s toy ting out poison. This would k nicely were It not for the fact t many valuable dogs are polson 'iby such proceedings. If some ingement could be ' planned reby two or more weeks each ng could foe set aside as a poison . od and every rancher put out rte poison , the animals might disposed of. Dogs would have e tied up during such period, places marked so all untouched You May Have MANY YEARS TO LIVE BIT IR SI RE AXU MYR XOW CVCIMIIKKS OA.NTALOVPKS KINNEY & TRUAX GROCERY Ql'ALITY AXI) SRRVICR poison could be picked up and des troyed after the poison campaign was over. Only an united and thorough campaign would accomplish the pur posea campaign similar to the dig' ger squirrel drive. Extra precau tion would have to be exercised in handling the poisoned bait, and it is a matter that farmers and stork growers themselves must agree upon and engineer. Miss Ada; Alger's dream of victory has been shattered. She la the 14 year, old girl of Victoria. B. C. who was told that she recently broke the world's record tor the 100-yard dash, In 9H seconds. And now the truth has leaked oat that the watch used was faulty; but the little girl made the run In 10 4 sec onds, which in itself is a.' splendid record even for an adult athlete. IT Tirana .Albania, June 20. Thou sands ot Albanian men and women are now proudly wearing American pajamas day and night. When the American Red Cross representatives came to Albania the people were clothed in rags and tatters. Miles and miles ot unbleached muslin sent to (Albania by the Am erican people have ibeen cut up ty native women in the Red Cross workshops and made into garments. In one of these workshops an Amer ican girl retains as a souvenir the blouse of an Albanian -who now reports American pajamas. This shirt is composed of 287 scraps of cloth and like the average collection of rags worn by Albanians looks like MEDFORD, OREGON We specialize in diseases 'of Woman, the Stomach and Nutritional Disorders Eat Well -Feel Well-Do Well It all depends on what grown-lcs you buy, Where you buy them, and what yon pay for them. If you buy GOO!) groceri,- you eat well. If you eat wnll you feel well. If you feel well you do Well in your bUHinewt affairs. Can we tell you of a better reiuwin why you whouM buy your groceries from us? Every one knows of the hlKh Htjuidard of our good. They all know of the low prices we charge. Mort people trado with u, anywuy. Why not you? J. PARDEE, Grocer TOMATOES HEAD LKTTICK an old fashioned American rrnxy quilt. American women are conducting welfare classes among the Albanian children, teaching them English, hy giene, providing them with a special diet and clothing them. The little victims or the war also euro being taught American games and how to play, an art they seem to have lost. You can't cover blackheads, pimples, red spots on the face wltb powder: they're bound to be seen don't worry or spoil your temper, take Holllster's Rocky .Mountain Tea each week'twill banish them thru the blood, the only sure way. 35c Sabln's Drug Store. Adv. FRENCH AXXIOl'8 FOR TRIAL OF WM. HOHKXZOLLKIIX Puiria. June 19. Second only to the question as to whether the Ger mans will sign the peace treaty In the minds ot French people today was the subject of bringing William Hohenzollern to trial. Even should the former katser evade the ordeal of facing an Inter national tribunal, the Germans If they accept the revised terms mast formally acknowledge bis liability to answer for the nigh crime against civilization. Printing that pleases We do It! Courier Job Department. For Sick Headache Constipation, Indigestion, Sour Stomach, Biliousness, Bloating, Gas, Coated Tongue, take that wholesome physic FOLEY CATHARTIC TABLETS Art promptly. Never diaappoinL Mild and gentle in action. Do not gripe or nauseate. No costive after effect. Mi. Sweat Clary. Ant V.i "I hd bS neadacba and took two Foley Calhat ic Tablata, la a abon whila, my baad wopped a hint." SOLD EVERYWHERE I TO HELP CRIPPLED GIRL San Francisco, June 30. The en tire city government of San Fran cisco, from the mayor, the board of supervisors, through the personnel of every department Including the courts, the police, fire, school, slrcc cleaning and public works depart niotits. are at work for a little crip pled woman crippled by the city which. In som measure, now Is try ing to recompense her for the af fliction It brought on tier. Some months aao Miss Miiry Scan Ion, young, pretty and In the full enjoyment or life was standing on the porch of lier little home. The clang of the gong on a fire engine rushing to a tire suddenly was heard. At express speed 1t rounded a curve near the Scanlon home. Something failed to work properly and the dri ver lost control. The next Instant it had crashed into tne tVanlon porch. A few minutes later Mary Scanlon was lifted out of the wreck age, bleeding and unconscious. For weeks she hovered, between lite and death at a hdspltal. Youth prevailed, but when Mary came out she did so on crutches which shel will have to use all her life, for a leg had been taken from her no thtut i she might live. Then 1t was found there wns nothing In the charter of San Fran cisco which provided compensation for this particular emergency. Of ficially, the city could do nothing to help her but unofficially It de termined that 'Mary Scanlon wus en titled to all the aid that could be given her. The mayor called the members of his city government Into conclave and the entire business' of the me tropolis stood still while It was de termined what could be done. On June 21 the city great civic auditorium will be the scene of a monster benefit for 'Mury. Nearly 30,000 tickets already have been sold for U. Every actor and actress In the city had volunteered his or her services. Those who cannot get Into the auditorium will be taken care of In the wide stretches of the civic center which will be turned Into a monster ball room where vol unteer bands will play tor dancing far Into the morning hours. "The city will not. fall you Miss St-anlon." said the mayor to the lit tle woman a few days ago at a pub lic reception held In her honor, "she has your interest at henrt and will look after yon." NOT THE SPIRIT BUT THE PRICE THAT HURT Brest, J.une 20 A doughboy step ped into a Brest store last night and asked to see some harmonicas. As the iolrt'er picked up one, Inspector! it minutely, wiping the edge of It with his coat sleeve before putting It to his mouth, there, starting at him as if In letters of fire were the printed words: "Made in Germany." "I though 'Made In Germany' wus 'pas bon' in France," he said to the storekeeper. "Zat is so," interrupted the Frenchman suavely, "but we buy zem, before sse war." The doughboy threw the harmon ica on the counter and sauntered out. "That is the right spirit," said the correspondent, "one should not trade with ithe enemy before peace is signed." "Right spirit, nothing." replied the dougihboy, "this bird wanted 14 for this harmonica which he admits he ibougjit 'before the war. They were worth 50c then." One of the best and surest ways to build up more and big ger industries in Oregon is to support the industries we have. '"Success breeds success." The success of ithe industries we have not only causes them to grow, ibut also attracts new industries meaning MORIO PAYROLL .MONEY to circu late in Oregon. ASSOCIATED rSDHSTRI K8 OF OREGON ' 1 Let lis make your watch over into a wrist watch BARNES, 8, P. Time Inspector TAXI UTV AM TWO PALACE HOTEL JITN'KV 1.1 Kh: A! rl'TLEK I'llO.NK USED CARS 1918 Maxwell 1917 Oakland Six 1917 Maxwell Chalmers Touring Car One Ford Truck Have your loons wheels tightened a WORK Gt'ARANTKKO COLLINS AUTO COMPANY Battery Shop Hpot Lights at various prices. Luggage Carriers Junt the thing for plinlca. Motorist Coveralls and Ithvlng Glove. Let us toll you how to make your mohair or aaasoe top look like now or let us do It for you, A full line of Uruaawlrk and HOY A I, COKD CAHI.NUtt. Our Battery Bervioa Is free We are pleased to tell yo what your battery needs to make it do what It is la. tended to do. t We are dnmoautraliiig the atlonsl 8Hirk Plug Come sad see It. Battery Shop I MM Save the iveep your Shoes Neat LIQUIDS and PASTES FOR BLACK.WHITE ,TAN AND OX-EL00D(0ARK BROWNlSHOES r.l-.OAI.ur IIXP.IUM.JU i tiu, tu. MtO, N.t . AN IRRITABLE, fault uUC to a oisoracrea stomach. A man with good digestion is nearly always good natured. A great many have been permanently cured of stom ach troubles by Chamberlain's Tablets after years of suffering. These tablets strengthen the stomach and enable it to perform its functions naturally. .j uui, "cy oniy The Jeweler Ne door Mrst .National Hank ttH NTUV t'AIW Specials Leather and finding disposition is often cost a quarter. li r All m "iwwn 1 1 I