Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931, April 30, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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WKDM-XltAY. APItlli HO, 1011).
Published Dally Except Sunday;
A. E. VOORHIES, Pub. and Propr
Catered at poatoffice, Qranu Paaa,
Or., aa second class mall matter.
Display apace, per inch 15c
Local-personal column, per line.. 19c
Header, par Una So
By mall or carrier, per year (6.00
By mall or carrier, par month .60
By mall, par year ,...... i.00
. The Associated Preaa ta exclusively
entitled to the use tor repubiloathM
of all newt d la patch ea credited to It
or .all otherwise credited In this
paper and alao the local news pub-
Uahed nerelm
All rights of republication of pe
dal dispatcher herein are awe
Fair; continued warm in in-
terlor. Gentle, variable winds,
The Victory loan over the Unite 1
Slates ia coming along nicely. Te
atate of Oregon, outside of Portland,
ia orer the top and many counties
and cities over the country have
made similar progress. However, it
is everybody's duty to take out
' bonds, and you will never be sorry if
your name is in the list. Some pre
dict that If it is left for the banks
to make up the greater portion of
the loan quota money will be scarce.
That may be. Even though the
banks have guaranteed the quota, it
Is your duty as- an American citizen
to buy bond.
But the loan will be raised. How
foolish It Is to fear the sanity and
good sense of the American people is
plainly seen in this instance. For
weeks grumblings end forebodings
have been heard about this loan.
.Everybody had heard someone say
he wasn't going to take as much as
he took before. Everybody had
hoard "it would surely drag. People
were "forced" to take the other
loans. This time they just wouldn't
And business waa bad and getting
wone and so on to the point where
the listener felt that if that was the
state the country was in he might
Just aa well go and "Jump in the
drink" and have it over with.
upon this stage, set with weeping
willows, while the orchestra was
playing the mnllygrubbers' march
and the despondent drag and the
dark, dark indigo dirge, the curtain
rose on April 21.
And what happened. Miss Victory
Liberty Loan smiled once, and the
audience began digging right down
Into Its pockets.
The American - people are pretty
much Yankee after all. They like
to put on a long face and growl, but
when the time comes for action they
are ready. The heart of the Ameri
can people beats warm and true.
The head is full of good sound wis
dom and sense. Anyone who really
feels afraid they won't rise to do the
right thing when they feel that the
right tftne has come Is a poor stu
dent of national psychology.
And it's a fact that the Victory
loan Is a mighty good Investment.
Quality Tint .
Mrs. Ed. Wallace, who has return
ad from an extended visit at fort
land, states that she witnessed the
airplane accident In that city which
occurred on April II. She la positive
that the propeller was shot from the
airplane, having heard , the shot
fired. The blade, when It tell to the
ground, barely missed striking a
woman's head. '
Mrs. Wallace enjoyed a ride over
the Columbia highway, visited Sea
side, and was in attendance at a
meeting in Portland of the Knights
and Ladles of Security when S00
candidates were Initiated.
All kinds of legal blanks at th
The Josephine County Chapter of
the American Red Cross invites the
citizens of Josephine county to Join
in extending a reception and dance
to the returned soldiers and sailors,
on 'Friday evening, May 2, at 8
o'clock, at the courthouse, as a
means of publicly expressing our ap
preciation of the sacrifices these
"boys have made dn entering the ser
vice of our country during the war.
Soldiers and sailors are urged to
' attend In uniform. Dancing end re
freshments will he free to the sol
diers and sailors, but ' a nominal
charge will (be ' made to others to
- help defray expenses. ' i
Ford Parts
We make It a point that every business transaction with our
patrons shall be satisfactory. We want each one to feel that they
are free to come to us In all matters where our experience and ad
vice will be of value and assistance.
When we speak of the "Service" rendered to customers we
mean the best service, all that you reasonably expect from your
bank. Our service includes a hundred and one little details, all
of which go to make -of our patrons, "satisfied customers."
If you have had no business with this bank, we feel confident
you will appreciate the Service we can render.
Josephine County Bank
Give Your Car
a Spring Tonic
Winter use is hard on cars, as winter
work is hard on individuals.
Your car needs a "tonic" and general
overhauling and dressing up before the
spring rush of travel sets in.
We are Car Doctors
Bring your car to us and we will see
that every little piece is in first-class work- ,
ing orderr ready to make good.
Fashion Garage and Machine Shops
J. F. Burke & Son
i H
THOUSANDS OF WOMEl J cu&r miserably from
1 pcnodt attack; of headache, never dreaming
that a permanent cure may be had. Headache
nearly alwf.ys re.l:s from some disorder cf the
stomach, liver or bowels. 1 !:e Chamberlain's
Tablets. They will correct these disorders and
there will, be eg mere Ucidache. Many have been
permanently erred by Chamberlain's Tablets. .
The skeluton of a lnun was found
Just acros the line In Oregon Sun
day by a party of picnickers from
Butte Creek valley, and It la thought
to be the re in a I in of a trapper who
lost his life in Ixwer Klamath lako
in the latter part of November, 1916.
Joseph F. WeUel, of Yreka, waa u
mnmbor of the party that made the
grewaomo find.
The trapper who waa lost two
years ago, according to the Yreka
News, started from lairds ranch In
this county to cross the froien Inke
with a sled to which a sail had been
attached. Shortly after ho loft, a
stiff south wind arose which broke
np the Ice on the lake, and the sup
position is that the man made for
the tules at the edge of the water
and abandoning his outfit tried to
walk through the shallow water. He
moat have become exhausted and on
stopping to rest waa froien to death,
ss the skeleton waa found In a lying
position with one leg crossed over
the other.
The tules In this neighborhood
were burned early In the spring and
no trace of clothing was left. A pair
of pliers and two pocket knives were
found with the bones. Identifica
tion was made by some gold bridge
work which had been done on the
man's teeth. The sheriff of Klam
ath county, Oregon, waa notified of
the find. Ashland Tidings.
waster, while she .was working for a
living In John llolund's rate.
IVrry followed Mary to her apart
ment, but lloliiml, who liivmlj her,
dottplto his moral clinr.r'lor, Inliir
vened. lie wmh Knocked out ly
Perry, and Mnry. mukliK him ho
llow that lie had killed the euro pro
prietor, secured his roiiroiloti or tilt
crime for which her hiihhund who
nerving time. Then Holsnd recover
ed mid with a change of heart
K noil to help In freeing young
lloweii from pilitou while Terry wag
urrnnteil, t
This la the plot of ' Quh knantl"
the now lorntliy Hullon photoplay
which will lie Hliuwn st the Joy
theatre tonight. It Is a Paramount
picture, produced 'by Thomas II. lnoe
and directed hy Victor U HoliorUln-gor.
LOST April 4. straw sult-cass with!
rope handle. Reward for return
to Crescent City Stage office. 55
WANTED Dishwasher at Josephine J
Hotel. 63tfi
ALFALFA farm with sheep on
shares. Big money maker every I
year. 190 acres finest river bot-,
torn soil with Irrigation water!
rights paldy for, on Rogue river, i
nine miles from Medford, good '
roads, attractive farm house, Ideal
home. Farm priced for Immedi
ate pale. Owner will give pur
chawer 100 head of fine yearling
ewes on shares. 55 seres In young,
leveled alfalfa; 60 acres excellent
corn and grain land. Price $19.
000, easy terms to responsible par
ties. Rosenberg Bros., owners,
Medford Hotel. Medford, Ore. ' f7
' Beds, stoves, gua plute, carpet,
chairs, refrigerator, light fixtures,
go rart, and other articles. Mrs.
D. B. Reynolds, 811 D street. 55
WANTED A lady to keep house for
throe. Reasonable wages and . a
good home., eo. Walton, Dryden,
Oregon. CO
GOOD partly furnished hoime to
rent, 724 North Sixth street. Key
at house next door. 60
FOR SA4jE Tomato and early cab
bage plants. Call evenings 1301
A street. Phone 140-R. Mrs. A.
Meier. se
FOR SALE A three year Old". 3'A-
gallon, gentle, ROO-lb. Holsteln
cow, $55. A lf0-lb. sow and five
25-lb. pigs, $45. L. M. Mitchell.
Murphy, Oregon. 56
Dorothy Ihilton in "Quicksands"
To save her husband from prison.
because of a charge she believes to
be false, Mary Bowen pretends to
succumb to Alan iPerry, a young
Keep Fit
'T'O be in perfect phyaical -Condition,
1 to be well and strong, to have energy
end vigor to keep fit li the joy aa
well at the duty of every pcrion.
li you want to keep fit, don't neglect
the firat symptom of kidney trouble.
Act promptly at the first ilgnof pulfineu
under .yea. floatinf tpcckj, backache, pain, la
tide., swollen or .tin ioiatl, rheumatic paina.
Uerantfed kidney tail to do their work prop
erly, and aa a reault waato and poltonous matter
la permitted to polluto iho blood ureaa inatcad
of bcioi cipeUcd fron tbe ayitain.
fcelp overworked weelr or deranfed kidney
efid bladder by their tonic, inv.AorattnJ, healing
Mellon, They are mad of ll pureit and best
medicine procurable and ire compounded In
ttrict conformity with National and Stale pur
food dm law.. They have helped ibouaandaof
men and women,
' Coll fi P.'CobLam, Erie, Pa., wrltet. "Ai a
-hem h( j ark not prone 10 the uta nf drills, but
I mutt tav that I have, been lorced lu yield in
hvor of roley Kid nay Fill. lhc!i Uv dene
.- .e ao much good I eannot recomoieod them too
Hlily,i I thank you fur. the-cuulte derivoti
HTOuli u
- M 1MB HaMd
ITI'U'l I Yah in,TA
. - m v jr v & in mT fc
iMmmA More Monev
Tssrssr vvnenvouDuv
The Most Economical
Best in Quality
Also Packed in 3 tb. and 1 lb. Can
The Dayton Airless Tire
A Tire as good aa your Ford
It la neither soll or pneumatic requires no pumping, cannot unc.
ture or blow-out, and will outwear any tire on the market
This Is a Tire that I am rou! to luuiile autl to Introduce them mm
offering Sieclnl inducements until May Hrd
508 South Sixth Street
Adjoliiln Oxford Hotel
In every wardrobe there U a
soiled Kitrment too gMl to
throw away and not nice
enough to wear. Our buNluews
is, at slight cost, to make Junt
such a Rnrtnrnt wewrable
again, and we do It.
We Call For and Deliver
The Wardrobe Cleaners
Amos F. Williams. Proprietor
Suggestive Therapeutics
Practiced by
DIl. W. T. TOMPKINS, 8. T.
MENT KNOWN TO SCIENCE for the relief and cure of Headache
Stomach, Liver and Kidney trouble; Rheumatism, Constipation In
fantile Paralysis and all Female Complaints, Heart, Lung and Throat
trouble; all Dlsoases of the Eye; Cancer, Uoltre, lipllepsla, Asthma
Nervousness or any Chronic disease. SUOGESTIVE THERAPEU
TICS PROPERLY APPLIED to a diseased body Is positive, sure and
permanent in Its results.
Office room 1 and 2, 802 South Sixth Street, Grants Pas Oregon
Phone 804-It "
In order to secure more room, 1 have moved my stock of second-hand
goods to tbe brick Store room,. No. 614 South Slxtri 3t.
Automobiles ami Accessories Buggies Wagons Farm Imple
ments Hlg stock always on hand ,
K. Timmons