pagt rovn URANT8 PASS IJrULY COl'RIKK Fill DAY, APRIL Id, 1010. PEPTONA -Willi HELP rou Peptona, the beat tonic wa ell. gives you Extract of Cod Liver Oil, the blood enriching tonic effect of Iron and Man ganese, and the nourishment ot Malt. Peptona Is a scientific pre paration, of time proves value; -Is pleasant to take and does not nauseate or disturb sensl ' live stomachs. " v' r Recommended as an aid la convalescing from colds.-sod in ' the rebuilding of run down systems. For Bale Only by M. CLEMENS j PER52NflL SB LOCAL Save Your 'r i Eyes We canhelp you by filling diem with glasses.' Letcher & Son Optometrists F. S. Bramwell Is transacting bus-j tness at Klamath Palls today. "Allen's Foot Ease." Sabin has it. Mrs. P. W. Lemer, of Gold Hill, was In the city today. Lou Schmltt, ot Oaielle, Cal., Is at the Oxford. Special cut prices on Furniture. Rugs and Bedding at Helmer's. 45 Col. Samuel A. Klpheart, of Port land, is In the city. Don't fatl to see the new mlllener at Mrs. M. P. Anderson's. 70S E St F. C. Bramwell returned last night from a 'business trip to San Fran c-isco. . r The lowest prices on Fnrnlturs In Southern Oregon, quality considered at Helmer's. 5 F. W. Reld, who has been mining at Waldo, has accepted a position as operator of the road roller on the Schell paving contract. Call Grants Pass hotel for White Line Taxi. S W. 'M. Cowley, of the Copper King mine, his Just returned from an inspection trip to that property and Intends to leave tonight for his home at Seattle. ' New Una ot Easter millenary at Mrs. M. P. Anderson's this week. 708 E street. ' 6 Colonel Hugh T. Reed. II. S. A., Is expected to arrive here Saturday morning on a short visit to his broth er, H. B. Reed, on the Cloverriot farm at Althouse. Mrs. E. A. Falrchlld and nieces, the iMlsses Kinsley, ot Chicago, who have 'been in Grants Pass for the past four months, leave tonight for Portland to Join Mr. Falrchlld, who is employed In the steel shipyards. A free lecture will be delivered by Charles I. Ohrenstein, C. S. B., or SyracTuse, N. Y., 'Member of the Board ot Lectureship ot the Mother Churoh, The First Church of Christ. Scientists, in Boston. Massachusetts, at the Opera iHouse. April 20 at 8 o'clock. First Church ot Christ. Scientists, ot Grants Pass cordially Invites you to attend. 45 , Rev. W. D. Fenton-ot Corvallls, district superintendent ot ths M. E. Church South, arrived this afternoon and will spent Sunday at Williams. J. H. Harrington, wife and two children returned to Ashland this afternoon after visiting the former's mother. Mrs. U M. Harrington, and his sister, Mrs. Ryan. C. H. Woolley, of Portland, who with Mrs. Woolley has been spending several days with the latter's moth er. Mrs. George Slover, loft this af ternoon for San Francisco. Mrs Woolley. who was recently ordained a Pentlcostal minister, will leave for San Francisco In a tea- days. JOY TOXIGHT and SATURDAY'. " Enid Bennett in Tuss and Feathers' A rough miner sends his motherless daughter to the llg city for "education." She falls plump into the hands of a clever gentleman crook who has his own ideas of ' how a pretty girl should be "educated:' Bat Miss Hay seed stays straight' and teaches Mister Crook a thing or two. Come and see her do it. . . V "" ' Whose Little Wife arc You" SUNDAY and MONDAY . Admission- 15c jrtid SOc - William S. Hart A- t; w In V .. .. : ri. "Border Wireless" "He's there with a smile, for his fuce Is lit with the ar dor of love- Can you Imagine 'Bill' Hart helpless with a bunch of flowers In his hands and faced !y the alrl he loves?" Billy's Baby "Floods of Fortune" BILLY PARSON'S COMEDIES Introducing the a timely subject on Irrigation Pay Your Bills By Check It is the safest way. ' It is the easiest way. V It is the popular way, The man who pays his bills by check always has a re ceipt for tihe money paid. The canceled check tells the story. ' Better open a checking account with us today, even though it be but a small one, for a beginning. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF SOUTHERN OREGON JSMBAt BBSBBVsJ ' EBYSTEPtaH ' Angel Cnkra Saturday Moore Baking Co. ' 45 Servicea Tonight at St. Luke's There will !be services at St Luke's Episcopal church this even ing at 8 p. m., to whloh an Invita tion la extended to all. Rev. P. K Hammond, vicar in charge. Another Good Time At .Mrs. Goettsche's dancing party Saturday at the Waldorf hall. Tick- eta 75c. 4s 2tO From Forewt Service Forest Supervisor Macduff has re ceived notice that the forest service has allotted 200 to be used In co operating with settlers along . the Illinois river In repairing the roal constructed down that river by the California Chrome Company from Selma. Completes Hood Ig The forest service has Just com pleted a road log from Grants Pass to Cave Camp, at the end ot the wa;-, on road on the West Fork of Wit Hams creek and at the beginning of the trail to the Oregon Caves. It con templates making a road log to the Caves by way of Kerby and the Suck er creek route. A road log from Grants Pass to Crescent City was recently completed. Christian Science Lectui Sunday, April 20, by Charles I Ohrenstein, C. S. B., of Syracuse, X. Y. Opera house, 8 p.m. 46 EASIER PROGRAM AT 1ST METHOD Easter program ot M. E. church Sunday, April 2Q. ; Morning Service Hymn by congregation. , Prayer. s S. Anthem "Sing tor the Day , 'is Breaking." Scripture lessoa. Offertory .Mrs. Sabln. Solo "Hosanna,-" ..Mr. Parsons. Sermon. ' ('vetting Service Hymn. Prayer. Anthem "Let the Heaven's Be Glad."1 Easter thoughts by Rov. Wlra. Solo J. M. Isham. Offertory Mrs. Sabln. Solo "Nearer My God to Thee," by Mrs. P. A. IJnch. Heading Airs. Sam Raker. Quartotte "Judgment and Calvary" by Mesdames Llnrh and Knapp, Messrs. Stonaker and Dunn, with solo by Mr. Dunn. Solo "Alleluia. He Is Risen," by Mrs. Arthur Wlble. Anthem "He Is Risen." Duet "Easter Day," by Mrs. Knapp and Mrs. Llnrh. Solo "Behold, The Risen King," by Mrs. Bert Barnes, with violin ob llgato by fKtn Barnes. Anthem 'Triumphantly Sing." 1918 Ford, fine conditioq - $385T 1915 Ford Roadster, new tires $325 Other Bargains Our second hand oars an) aa represented when you buy from us you get our guarantee C. U HOBART CO. 003 a Street Select Your New Suit Today with delivery to suit your pei-Mina! convenience ami havti It tailored for you Individually by Prices truly renNonnbln GEO S. CALHOUN Kscliulve local dealer Field (iliiNMes Returned V, A. Griffin today received by registered mail from Washington, the field glasses which he loanod the government more than a year ago. At the time they were sent to Washington Mr. Griffin received a re ceipt and later on a check for fl for rent In case the glasses were re turned, or payment in case they were lost. 'Mr. Griffin was 'glad to loan the glasses to the government but Is rejoiced to have them returned. HORN PETERSON To Mr. and Mr. Peter Peterson, Friday, April IS, a son. I Pabcolin Floor Covering And ioM Scat Art HUirea lire cleaned the Modem Way No heavy sweeping or bmling Jiut go over tliem M-ralonally Willi a wet mop and they smile bark at you clean and bright and HMnitary. All sine and the Prices am right at Holman's Furniture Store CAIll) OK TIIA.NKH Oregon IJfe lluya The Oregon Ufo Insuranco com- I " pany. through their district man-! Wo wish to thank our friends for agor, A. fl. Cornell, have purchased j th'r sympathy and the flowers $1,000 worth of Victory loan bonds. This is the first sale of Victory bonds reported In Grants Pass, but the Ore gon Life Is always to the front. given In our trouble. FRANK LKBT and DAl'GIITKR. clasilfl (1 rds brine rai'tlts Former G. P. Woman Marries Married in Seattle at the First Presbyterian church by the Rev. Dr. Matthews, Mrs. Maynie E. Banfield ot Portland, Ore., formerly of Grants Pass, to Geo. B. Cropp, ot Christ Church, Mew Zealand. 'Mr. Cropp was formerly a mining operator ot Alaska and until recently engaged In the lumber business In Oregon. The couple spent their honeymoon at Vic toria, B. C, and are now residing at 195 E 84th street, Portland, Ore. Would You Economize? Then buy letter paper by the ream; 500 sheets for $1. Courier office. . . 4Hf Fisherman Is Pined Stewart Taylor, of Winchester, was arrested at that place yesterday afternoon by Game Warden Herring- ton, who discovered the young man In the act of angling too near the dam to.' comply with the law, Mr. Taylor was brought to this city i and when arraigned before Judge I. B. Riddle entered a plea of guilty and was fined In the sum ot $25, which was promptly liquidated. Roseburg Review. Saturday, April 19 , Keep your eye on Takilma You know Dance. 45 Sent Here for Burial- Byron R. Moore, former realdenf of Grants Pass, died in Portland April 17, and the body will be brought to Grants Pass for burial. It Is expected to arrive in the morn ing and the funeral will be held at Hall's chapel at 9:30 with Interment in the Granite - Hill cemtery. Mr. Moore was a veteran of the Civil war, and has a daughter, Mrs. Lewis, residing at Rogue River, and a son, F. E. Moore, at Eureka, Cal. - Auto Owners Have your oar washed and polish ed. We have an erpert and prices are right. Collins Auto Co. 31tf Fishermen's Lock H. E. Gethlng, who has charge of handling' the salmon for local fish ermen, states that the Rogue Is up two or three feet and Is still rising. Poor luck is reported the past two or three days. Only two boats made the run last night ibut bad S poor luck, because the high water'makes it almost impossible to handle net. The fishermen may not try, again before Sunday or Monday. " " . Shoes in Latest Modes Are Now on Display Shoes that make friends and retain them. The name Utz & Dunn on a shoe stands for high quality and absolute re liability. 1 ThatV why we take pride in recommending them. New styles and nobbier ones we never offered are now oil sale and , we're sure you will be delighted with the variety of patterns and the array of colors. Not only the comfortable feeling, but the graceful custom lines, the pleasing fit and the detail of finish, will make these your choice. Over $2,000 worth of Utz & Dunn fine dress shoes, oxfords and pumps received this week. Black, white, brown and tan. Fine kid, calf and patent leather. The Golden Rule