Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931, March 08, 1919, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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SATl ltDAV, MAIUil H, 1010.
Continued Use
of Cheap Lenses
Will Ruin
the Eyes
That Is
Why We Use
Only Lenses
Made From
First Quality
Optical Glass.
Letcher & Son
FOR TRADE 160 acres in the Im
parial Valley, 4' miles from Holt
Yllle. Fenced and cross-fenced
farm house and lots ot shade
trees. . Now planted to barley, to
be harvested latter part of Aprlt,
and to he followed by cotton or
corn. Will trade for Rogue River
Taller farm what have yon got?
Isaac Beet 11
JOS. MOS3 AGBNCT Fire insur
ance, plate glass liability insur
ance. 204 Sixth street tf
(Continued from page 1)
FOR RENT House and three or six
acres, eastern part ot town. House
. semi-furnished if desired. Mrs. A.
J. Klocker, Medford, Ore. SO 2 2
WANTED House cleaning and any
' other job work. Zenon H. Lajohn.
Address No. 412 care Courier. 11
IF YOU want to increase your alfal
fa, clover, wheat' and corn crops
use super-phosphate or land plas
ter. For sale by Oregon Cement
Sewer Pipe ft Tile Co. 15
HOME Located in Grants Pass
.' In desirable location, 1012 North
Ninth street Will sell this place
for $500. which is just half what
It cost me. $100 down and $10
per month, 6 per cent Interest.
Cheaper for cash. I have acre,
beat soil and good house. Clear of
Incumbrances. . Owner, E. H. Mc
Mullen, Route S, Box 64A, Van
couver, Wash. 15
LOST-Chauffeurt badge. Finder
please leave at Courier office, care
No. 418. 11
who signed up a new member would
be given a dtnner free at his hotel
and of course the new member will
be entitled to dine with the member
who ropes him in. This announce
ment was greeted with vigorous ap
plause and there was a wild scramble
tor new members.
A committee of three was appoint
ed to send a telegram to R. A.
Booth, who has tendered Ms resig
nation, ss a member of the state
hlshway commission, asking him to
reconsider his action and remain as
a member ot this Important board.
Governor Olcott has also requested
Mr. Booth to remain on the highway
At this juncture came shouts
from all parts of the house "Let's
eat." and a rush was made for the
tables containing various kinds of
dellctons sandwiches, pickles and
coffee. It was not a business meet
ing In the true meaning of the word,
but almost the entire evening was
given over to pleasure and It was
a, success an evening ot fun which
everyone present thoroughly en-
Grants Pass can stand more such
get-together affairs, and those who
perpetrated the trick demonstrated
that they are not sleeping.
CALVERT To Mr. and Mrs. Don
ald Calvert. Friday, March 7, a
JOHNSTON To Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Johnston! Friday, March 7, a son.
We wish to thank the many friends
for the kindness shown during the
illness and death ot our beloved
wife and daughter, and for the beau
tiful floral offerings. .
FOR SALE Fine young ,cow, tests
5.6 butter fat. Robert McCIaskey,
R. F. D. No. 2, Gran to Pass. 15
FOR SALE All kinds of household
goods, including blrdseye maple
bedroom set, oak buffet, morris
chair, refrigerator, wringer, lawn
mower, garden tools, etc. Phone
368-Y. or call 315 C street. '15
WANTED TO BUY A sound, gentle
horse, about 1200 or 1300 lbs. Al
o good, fresh milch cow. Address
No. 428 care-of Courier. n
Bihr often have yon heard that sad
Cry front the victims ot disease. Per
haps the disorder has gone too far for,
help, bat oftener it is just in its first
stages and the pains and ache are only
nature' first cries for help. Do not
despair.- rind out the cause and give
nature all the help yon can. and she
will repay 70a with health. Look after
the kidneys. The kidneys are the most
overworked organs of the human body,
and when they fail in their work of
filtering and throwing ol the poison
that constantly accumulates in the ays
tern, everything goes wrong. GOLD
MEDAL Haarlem OH Capsules will
give almost immediate relief from kid
ney and bladder trouble and their kin
dred ailments. They, wU tree your
body from pain in abort order. But be
sure to get GOLD MEDAL. Look for
the name on every box. In three sizes,
sealed package. Money, refunded if
they do not help you.
d Joy Theater
Sunday and Monday
In Her Newest Artcraft Picture
"Johanna Enlists'
She lives on a lonely farm, does Mary Pickford
in this picture, and then the soldiers came.
; Never a beau before and now Lovers three! A
hardy aristocratic Captain, a handsome Lieutenant,
and a peppery private! Who gets her? Bet you
can't guess. The private knows he is heavily handi
capped and calls the lieutenant "a piece of cheese"
which naturally gets him introduced to Guard
House", followed by a Court Martial. The Captain is
the Prosecutor in the case, but Cupid addles the
brains of everybody concerned and event
ually Mary Pickford rides away on a gun carriage
to be married.
Gus bind left this morning for
Halt. Cal.. to remain some weeks.
Garden seeds at Cramer Bros. 10
Sweet peas at Cramer Bros. 10
Uenj. M. Collins sient the day In
Medford on business.
Garden tools at Cramer Bros. 10
Charley Hanson, now of Rose
burg, Is in the city today.
Lime, Milestone and sulphur tor
spraying. Rogue River Hardware
Co. N 15
James tfnrtln made a business
trip to Leland today.
Couch covers at Helmer's. 10
Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Huntley left
last night for Riverside, Wash., to
spend several weeks. .
'Lut." Sabln has it. 10
Lawn seed at Cramer Bros. 10
Mr. and Mrs. O. D. McCalllster ar
rived this afternoon from Roseburg
to spend Sunday with the latter's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Martin.
Poultry supplies at Cramer Bros.
Incubators and brooders at Cra
mer Bros. 10
Fred A. Williams, member ot the
public service commission, was In
Medford this afternoon and will re
turn tonight to spend Sunday with
his family.
Use Alasbastlne tor walls. Rogue
River Hardware Co. ' 15
Mrs. Glenn Knedler and two chil
dren arrived this morning from Cas
per. Wyo., to Join Mr. Knedler, who
Is employed at The Meadows.
New cane poles at Rogue River
Hardware Co. 15
James Logan and little daughter,
of Medford, were In the city today.
Mrs. George Thompson went to
Roseburg this morning to visit rela
tives. Simmon's Steel Beds at Helmer's.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McJlnsey. par
ents of Mrs. Ed. Eldrldge, left this
morning for Richardson Springs, In
the hope of benefitting Mrs." McJln
sey's health.
Deltox Grass Rugs at Halmer's.
Rev. J. R'. LInlnger arrived this
morning from Corning, Cal., and will
remain over two Sundays. He will
preach at Bethany Presbyterian
church tomorrow, both morning and
White llrtwd, Whole Whent
And rye bread, fresh Moore's. 10
Mooting at Spent Hall
The grange meeting at 8penre
hall last night drew a large crowd
and a rousing good ttme is reported.
County Agent C. D. Thompson and
Mls Ruth Corbott, county demon
stration agent, both spoke at the
meeting, after which some flue stere
opttcon views ot farming scenes
were shown by Mr. Thompson. A
big dance followed the picture show.
EHrt Magneto Kopitlrlni
If yon have trouble with your
Magneto; or It does not give the
motor the pop It should. Rend it to
us and we wjll make It as good as
new. Starting and lighting Motors
and Generators repnlred or rewound.
Ford magnets recharged and made
good as new at a fraction ot their
original cost. Prices reasonable. F.
E. Smith ft Co., Suthorlln. Ore. 13
Ito Social at Xrw
At New Hope schoolhouae Friday
evening, March 14.' Program: good
time; everyou.0 Invited. Oontlemen
bring cash ladles bring boxes. 15
Hnlcomb In Serious Condition
. Word romos from Portland thai
A. C. Holcomb, of the Peerless Cloth
ing Co., who went to Portland two
weeks ago to consult a specialist, is
In the Good Samaritan hospital and
U In a serious condition.
nine Lodge Rpoclnl
Tuesday night, March 11, work In
the Master Mason degree. Supper
at 6:30. All visiting brothers are
cordially Invited. . 10
Working for Ttnketball
The scholars at the New . Hope
school are Interested In basketball
and are anxious to secure an outfit,
They have decided to give a basket
social next Friday and will devote
the proceeds for the purchase of a
ball. The youngsters have made ar
rangements themselves and wilt
conduct the affair. Mrs. Cplesttne
Honbs is the teacher.
Ttrnnswlrk Tires
Have your battery inspected be-
fore the roads get good. Battery
Poultry fence at Cramer Bros. 10
Pruning tools at Crsmer Bros. 10
Mrs. Fred Mensch left last night
for Portland to visit her sister and
to be with her husband, who will be , Shop.
engaged in the office of the surveyor j
general. He Is at present in Klam- Ttmaght Here for Burial
ath Falls on government business. I The body of Gordon B. Stephen
Gold Seal (Congoleum) Rugs at son, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce
Helmer's. " 10 j Stephenson, was brought to this city
rrom itoseourg tnis afternoon
Mary Pickford Has Three Leading
Mary Pickford has -three leading
men In her support In her newest
Artcraft picture, ."Johanna Knllsts,"
which wlU be presented at the Joy
theatre Saturday and Sunday. At
least there are three Important male
roles, but as Douglas MacLean wins
Mary In the closing scenes, he Is of
ficially designated as the lead. The
service was held at the Christian
church, Rev. Charles Drake conduct
Ing the service. Interment was at
the Granite Hill cemetery. Gordon
Steohenson was born March . 14,
1912, and died at Roseburg March
7. of dlptherta.
Change Your Oil Tail Merit
To electric small cost. Battery
shop. 11
Attention Elks
, All who can attend the conven-
other roles are taken by Emory t)on t0 be neil at Treka Saturday
March 15, pieaaj report to William
Johnson and Monte Blue, two well
known Juveniles. It Is the third
Plckford-Artcraft film directed by
William D. Taylor and "Mary's
Lambs," officially known as the
143rd regiment, United States Field
Artillery, figure prominently In the
During the filming of the picture
Miss Pickford was awarded the hon
or of leading the grand march at the
biggest dance ever given In the west
a Red Cross open-air hall given by"
the Los Angeles Produce Exchange.
The ball occurred at the Los Ange
les Wholesale. Terminal, the largest
place of its kind In the world, the
dancers occupying the center of the
tremendous court where the truck
gardeners come to sell their produce
to the commission men. There were
15,000 In attendane, with 2,500
couples In the grand, march, which
was headed by Miss Pickford and
Dustln Farnum.
Take One.'
"Olllee Window" of the Dully Chron
icle of I,ondon was once told a pleas
lug little anecdote of Diune Agnes
Weston, the friend of sailors, concern
ing Jam torts. Some lady helper at a
xullors' rest hnd been mistaken enough
to Imud the suitors tracts while they
were having n meal. Miss Weston ad
vised that some better method should
be adopted. The tracts were then
placed In a pile on the buffet counter,
with a curd Inscribed, "Please take
one." A sullor with a sense of fun
transferred the card to a dish of Jam
tarts, and, as the rush to the buffet be
gan, the servers were amazed to see
sailor aftef sailor lift a tart and walk
away, while the tracts remained In an
undiminished pile. Christian Science
before Monday
Contract Rejected-
Two contracts tor road Improve
ment were rejected yesterday by
the state highway commission,, one
of them being for the Wolf Creek'
Grave -Creek section of the Pacific
highway. The commission will ask
for new bids for this section at their
meeting on March 26. At this meet
ing the commission will also take
up the re-gradlng of Smith hill, In
an. endeavor to cut the grade from
8 per cent to E per cent.
All Oddfellows and "llebekahs
And their families are requested
to be present at the I. O. O. F. hall
on Wednesday evening, March 12,
1919, to meet the grand master and
have a good time, T. T. Dean, sec
retary. 11
Amethysts for Mourning.
Amethysts will 'be niuch worn In
this country during the post-war pe
riod Hi mourning Jewelry. Amethysts
and jet are the most widely used
mourning stones. The vogue of ame
thysts In the mourning was fixed after
the Frnnro-Prusslan war, when thn
gems became popular In France ami
An abundance of good amethysts ore
found In the mountain region of the
western United Stntes. The best ame
thysts come from Carnhny, In India,
from Ceylon. Persia and Siberia. There
are also large amethyst mines In
Uriiguuy. The war, which curtailed
Imports of all gems to the United
Stiiti'H. cave American amethysts a wld
er iiuirket Hum they ever had before
New Spring Hats
Arriving Every Day
503 G St.
Holman's Furniture Store
Iron IknlM, full hUc, ft and up tu 'M
(old Seal, Congoleum Hug, 013 slw, $1(1
All stwl IW-d Spring. 20 your (iuarantw, $7.30
All cotton Mattrewat-M, full Me, Vi to -0
All goods deliver! In (ity imlt Out of (own order jwrktxl to
The returned cancelled chock is the
most positive proof that the bill is paid. I'm y
by check and be protected. - .
We solicit your account, .subject to
check. " " '
Josephine County Bank
Monday Is
A WAV, allotment of these nationally-known and
nationally favored Wirthmor Waists will go
on sale tomorrow. Beginning rvith the March issue,
will carry a series of advertisements . telling the
Wirthmor Story, of tho unique plan under which
Wirthmor Waists arc made and sold, of the whole
some and happy conditions atnid which they are pro
duced, and just why we are able to sell Waists of
such splendid, never-disappointing quality at a price
, so extremely moderate. "
' $1 .0 1116 same new styles at the
p x ,vv same iow price the nation over
Because of the many great economics of the Wirth
mor Plan, Wirthmor Waists alwavs represent the
very maximum of value at the price, such values as
you would ordyiarily expect to find only in more ex
pensive models, and that always make 'them true to
their name, WORTH MORE.
Wirthmor Waists Can Be Sold in Just One
Store in Every City and They Are .
- V