Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931, March 04, 1919, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    TUCHDAV, MARCH 4, 1010.
A Great Risk toCarry Much Money
What l the uh of Ukiug the ureal rink entailed by currying
on your portion law uma of money when you travelf Prudence
point Ilia way to Bafoty. The purchaae of our Travolera Chocha
' assure Bonirlly for awry dollar of your fund.
Thea Tavolers Checke era readily caabed by Bteamahlp Com-,
panlea, Railroad Companle. In Hotel, Hanks, Bankera and
Commercial Ilouaea. For aale by ua In convenient denomination.
Josephine County Bank
Lathe Work
lotteries r'liargel, rr pal red, bought and ailil.
AU Klnda of. Machine Wsrk
Carl Gentner
I'hone 10
The Wardrobe
V a
We Call For and Deliver
Our Vulcanizing Plant
la the moat complete plant It does the bet work.
Tlila U what It look like
lt na do tnint of your Ore repairing AU work car
rles an unlimited Rimrnntco.
Auto Service Go.
, . Tliono 324-J ...
oiiooalta Oxford Hotel 805 South lxth Street
Y. W. G, ft. OPENS
Tea and Club Rooms Opened for
American Women.
Mlaa Charlotte Nlven, Dlreeter of Ital.
Ian Work, Prepare for Influx f
American Woman 8tudanta.
Italy la now Included In the war
work of the American V. W, C. A.
Mlaa Mabel Warner of Hnllna, Kan.,
and Chicago left I'arla a few daya ago
for Uome, where ahe will be In charier
of a Hostess Ilouae for American girl
employed there by the American Bed
Cross, the Embassy and the new Tu
berculoala Commission. Mlaa Warner
haa been director of the Y. W. C. A.
riostess Houae at Brest, France.
Mlaa Warner will open a tea room
and club rooms where the American
women con gather for aoclal tlmea,
Koine la harboring a refuge population
of about 40,000 and accommodation
are difficult to find.
The work In Home waa atarted aa a
direct result' of the appeal cf Mlaa
Charlotte Nlven, one of the National
Y. W. C. A. secretaries of Iltily. who la
pending a few month In, Kronen aa
advisor in the French work. ,
Miss Nlven'a drenma of Y. W. C. A
Federal Food Inapectora Watch Fao
torlea Making Product Much
Being Shipped Oversea.
Classified Advertising
FOR, BALE CHEAP 40 acrea, 6
mile from town on the Crescent
City road. Mra. W. H. H. Taylor,
421 West L street. 25
work In Italy Include the maintenance
of a residence for i.on-Itnllnn women,
who, ahe fwl. will come to Itiily In
great number after the war to atudy
tutialc and art.
"1 believe at Oil time auch a project
I particularly Important becauae wo-
men from olher counlrlea should be
I enoounnred to come to Italy to replace
I the, great number of Herman women
I who flooded Italy In the paat, many of
them inld nuenta-of their govern
ment," Mlaa Nlven anld In discussing
her idana. '
I Mlaa Nlven haa naked the Anierlenn j
! Y. W. C. A. to' aid the Itnllan Assocln-
tlon In establishing a center, iierhnp
I at Genoa, with two American secreta
ries, with physical and recreational
training, to act aa a training school for
Italian women. In connection with II
hi'r plan would Include a Hostesa House
for glrla passing through the city or
employed there. Such, a center would
become eventualy the center for all
Y. W. C. A. work In Italy, both Italian
and foreign.
In her formal appeal for help for the
Cnlone Crlatlana Dello Glovnnl . (the
Italian name for Young Women's
Christian Association) Mix Nlven hns
emphasized two facta, the poverty of
the Italian Association on the one hand
and the need anil opportunity on tlio
other for an American program in
Italy at the present time,
Mlaa Nlven'a favorite way of Illus
trating the friendliness of the Italian
Woman to America I by. telling Ui
story of the Italian mother who said
he had taken down the picture of the
Madonna which had hung for many
yeara over her bed i nd was putting In
its place one of President Wilson.
"In our work In the rnlone we have
lacked trained leadership aa well as
the material resource to give such
training. We hnve had no means to
buy modern equipment. Consequently
We hnve not the visible result of
American and British work,
"Feeble aa our work may be, It la
not useless. Mnny glrla In all parts of
Italy have told ua how . much the
Unlone meant In their Uvea. Itallau
glrla are tnuchlngly grateful for the
smallest effort. They respond eagerly
to friendliness.
"There 1 no other agency doing In
Italy what the association I trying to
do." .
Miss Nlven haa spent the paat aeven
yeara In work with the Italian women,
atnrtlng aa 'director of a hostel, or
boarding home for Itnllan women stu
dents, at Florence. . She la an Amerl
can from New York, where ahe waa
onetime head of the Chrlatudora Set
tlement House.
(Prepared by the United State Depart
ment of Agriculture.)
Federal food Inspectora of the Unit
ed State department of agriculture
are giving epecial attention to fac
tories where milk la condensed or
evaporated for use of the allied
armies and for consumer at home.
Condensed or evaporated milk Is a
moat Important article of food even In
peace tlmea. It la used by bakeries
and confectioneries, and In . feeding
bablea and Uto aide, as well a being
used as a general substitute for fresh
mflk wherever the raw milk cannot be
obtained In sufficient quantity or pur
ity. In time of war, evaporated milk be
comes a necessity, because It can be
tranitorted with ease and will keep a
reasonable time under' conditions
where It la Impossible to obtain or
keep fresh milk. As much a 80 per
cent of the output of many large fac
tories is being ahlpped overseas for
the use of the allied armies.
Inspectors examine the sanitary
condition of factories where jnllk Is
condensed or evaporated, sterilized
and canned. Samples of the raw milk
aa received at the factories are taken
for analysis by chemists and bac
teriologist to aee that It la clean and
wholesome and that It possesses the
proper proportion of butterfat and oth
er Ingredients. The processes of evup-
AHtllitn etnrlllvatlnn nflfl mnnltlff n TP
studied ; samples of the finished evap- f
oroieu protiuci are taaeu ior examina
tion In order that It may be. deter
mined whether the evaporated milk
has been condensed to the proper con
stituency, contain the right food ele
ments, and Is clean and wholesome.
The contents of the cans are weighed
and, compared with the amount stated
on the labels, the lubels on the cans
are critically studied to see that there
Is no misbranding or false statements
made regarding the quantity, the qual
ity, or the strength of the evaporated
Inspectors of the various states co
operate with the. federal food inspec
tors In this work. The federal food
and drugs act applies only to ship
ments of foods thnt enter Interstate
or foreign commerce. State Inspectors
hnve Jurisdiction over products made
and sold wholly within the state.
The Joint authority of the federal
and state Inspectors often enables
them, working together, to correct
abuses which either working alone
could not reach. Adulterated or mis-
branded condensed milk, when shipped
Into interstate or foreign commerce,
may be seised under the federal food
and drags act, and the manufacturer
or other responsible party may be
prosecuted under the criminal sections
of the law. The state food Inspectors
hnve authority, under the law of some
states, to require Insanitary factories
to close until put Into sanitary condi
Evaporated or condensed milk, aa
defined for the guidance of the officials
in enforcing the food, and drugs act
must be made from whole, fresh, clean
milk, and contain not less than 25.0
per cent of total solids, and not less
than 7.8 per cent or mug rat.
FOR SALE Small ranch 83 1-3
acrea; 20 cleared, rest matured
timber, aprlng water. Place fine
for small dairy, orchard, tracking
or poultry. Houses, barn and
aheda. Small cash payment, bal
ance 6 yeara 6 per cent. Descrip
tion upon request. C. H. Coraon,
Oranta Paaa, Ore. IS
FOR SALE Portable six horae pow
er gasoline operating American
well drill. t. S. Morrison, Lie
land, Ore. 09
JITNEY SERVICE Any where, any
time. Phone Mocha Cafs 181-R,
Otto J. Knlpa, Residence 14-Y.
SECOND HAND good of every des
cription bought and aold. A. J.
. Powers, 408 South Sixth street tf
ANGEL CAKES 75c. Phone 190-J.
TIRES Uaed Urea bought and aold.
Anto Service Co. Phone 824-J, op
posite Oxford hotel. 18
E. L. OALBRAITH, Insurance, rent
als a specialty. Acreage, Building
and Loans. 609 O street, Launer's
old location. U
egga for batching, $1 per aettlng
of 15. Mra. C. O. Gillette, phone
261-J. 09
electrical work, repairing, house
wiring. C. C. Harper, 315 North
Sixth atreet, phone 47. - tf
FOR SALE Six room house on
paved street, modern. Include
range, (hades, etc. Terms It
wanted, also Ford auto la first
class condition some household
goods. N. O. Clark, 802 Lawn
rldge Ave. 10
Montague. Cal. Will be at the
Hotel Josephine for a few daya. 23
WANTED TO BUY Busy Bee pho
nograph records. Anyone having
same for sale address 382 care of
Cornier. 10
The California and Oregon
Coast Railroad Company
HEMSTITCHING and plcotlng at 10
cents a yard All work guaran
teed. The Vanity Shop, Medford,
Ore. 158
NOTICE Is hereby given that I will
not be responsible for any debts
contracted by my wife, Alice Bo
hannan. (Signed) H. Bohannan,
Grants-Pass, March 3, 1919. 07
THE. PICTURE MILL lor One photo
graphs. Open dally except Sun
day from 10 a. m. to 5 p. m. Sun
day, sittings by appointment only.
Phone Mill, 283-R. or residence
Effective Nov. 19. 1918.
Train will run Tuesday, Thursdsj
and Saturday
Leave Grants Pass... 1
Arrive Water Creek 2
Lesve Watsra Creek 3
Arrive Grsnta Pass . 4
For Information regarding freight
and passenger rates call at the office
of the company, Ltindbiirg building
or telephone 131.
. B. MaoMURRAY Teac&er of elng
Ing. Write or apply at 718 Lea
Street tf
With Minimum Amount of Grain 8ub-
atltutea Muat Be Furnished
Legume Hay Favored.
(Prepared by the United States Depart
ment of Agriculture.)
To feed the dairy herds well, with
the minimum of grain, substitutes
must be furnished for at Jeast part of
the grain. With a good pasture aunng
Qermsntown Y. W. C. A. Tralne Wom
an for Reconstruction Work
Among Soldiers.
Educational courses to prepare wom
en as aides In the rehabilitation or
wounded soldiers have been opened at
tha Germantown, Pa., Young Women'
Christian Association, , , ,', , ; ,
A reconstruction msssnge course,
lectures In anatomy, physiology, mus
cle work and. remedial movement .mas
sage, tneory una practice, eiecrroiner-
npy and hydrotherapy are given by
doctors and nurses, who also super
vise practical work at the Y. W. C A.
and at hospitals. The courses are rec
ognised by the Surgeon General.
Similar courses hnve also been open
ed In the New York City Central
Branch Y. W. C. A., where a specialty
Is made of brush-making with a view
to training women as teachers tor re
construction hospitals. -
iMlMsi Him
Daily Health Talks
People get tick because they go away
from Naiare, and the only way to get
well i to go back. Something grows ont
of the ground in the form of vegetation
to cure almost every ill. Some of these
vegetable growths are understood by
man, and some ara not Animate, it
would seem, know what to do when
they ara sick better than men and
women. , Observers have noted that a
sick horse, dog or eat will atop eating
food and seek oat some vegetable
growth in the field or yard, which, when
found and eaten, often restores appetite
and health. Haven't yon seen these
animala do this very thing yourself 7
Dr. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y., long
since found the herbs and roots pro
vided try Nature to -overcome constipa
tion, and he had these vegetables col
lected and made up of Mayapple, leaves
of Aloe, root of Jalap, into little white
sugar-coated pills, that be called Dr,
Pierce' Pleasant Pellets. Ton must
understand that when your intestine
are stopped np, poisons and decayed
and these are carried ' by the blood
throughout your body. Thua does
your head ache, yon get disty, yon
can't Bleep, yonr akin may break oat
yoar appetite declines, yon get tired
and despondent As a matter of fact,
yon may get aick all over. . Don't you
aee bow useless all this suffering isT
All that is often needed is a few of
Dr. Pieroe's Pleasant Pellets, which he
has placed in all drag stores .for. yonr
convenience and health. Try them by
all means. They are probably the very
thing you need right now.
U O. CLEMENT. M. D.. Practice
limited to diseases of the eye, est,.
Coie and throat Glassea fitted.
Office hours 9-12, 2-5. or on as- .
pointment Office phone it, resi
dence phone 859-J.
S. LOUGHRIDQE. M. D., Physician
and surgeon. City or country ealla
attended day or night Residency
phone 869; office . phone 182
Sixth and H, Tuff Bldg.
. A. WITHAM, M. D. Internal
medicine and nervoaa, disease:
908 Corbett Bldg.. PorUand. Ore
Hours 10 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 4 p. m.
E. C. MACT. D. M. D. Firsi-fiaaa
dentistry. 109 South Sixth
street Grants Pass. Oregon..
DR. C. E. JACKSON, D. M. D., suc
cessor to Dr. Bert Elliott Over
Golden Rule Store. Phone 6.'
!R. R. J. BESTDL. veterinarian
Offlee. residence. Phone 306-R.
kinds of drayage and transte.
werk carefully and promptly done
Phone 181-J. Stand at freight
depot A. 8hads. Prop.
THB WORLD MOVES; so do we.
Bunch Bros. Transfer Co. Phoce
197-R. ,
T. G. I8HAM, drayaga and transfer.
Baft, pianos and furniture
moved, packed, ahlppea ana nor-
ed. "Office phone 124-T.V
dehce phone. 124-R.
3R . . ?
: &dW4 n
1 -f V- T,
i7 V. J
' 8uiptclou.
"Have you got a lawyer looking af
ter; yonr Interest I". "Nominally; but
I rather think he haa his eye on my
mlnclpnl." Boston Evening ; Tran
script. ., ; : ::.
Field of Soybeana, a . Good , Homa-
Grown Feed Rich In Protein for
Dairy Cowa.
;iii entire summer and with rich corn
ullnge tinrt flrst-clnss. legume' haV for
vii.ter feei.inK. Rood dairy i will
yield a beavy flow of milk at a mini
mum of cost. Clover, alfalfa, cowpea,
soybean, ,'itervet bean or other legume
liny, when fed with good sllnge, win
inalntnkY a medium production of , milk
lit a relatively low cost' Under' ordl-
COLTfQ Hb "WILLIAMS, - Attorney:
ai-Law. GraaU .Paaa analog a-o.
Bdg..ranta Pass. -Oregon,
nary farnf conditions It Is not to be
expected that legume hay will take the
place of the entire grnln ration, tor
If It Is substituted In part terco n'ar
titles of irraln will bp released for Ti"
in food.
B. 8. VAN DYKE. Attorney.-Prao-;
lib In slli: 6art. ' First Nauonaa
Bank Bldg.
Adler-i-ka Helps Son!
"My son had Inflamation of boweto
and wa greatly bloated (with gas)
After giving Adler-I-ka he la com,
oletelv CURED. Doctors did . no
good." (Signed) M. Gerhard, Ferdi
nand, Ind. . ; "
One dose Adler-l-ka relieves sour
stomach, gas and constipation . IN
STANTLY. Removes ALL foul mat
ter which poisons . system. , . Often
CURES constipation. Prevents, ap
vendlcltis. We have sold Adler-l-ka,
many..years. ,lt is a nuure,or puc.K
thorn,',cascara,, glycerine, and " nine
other simple drugs. National Drug
D. NORTON. Attorney-at:law.
Practices In all State and Federal
Courts. First National Bank Bldg.
a 'BLANCH ARD. Attorney
Lw. Golden ::Rule ' BuHdlna
Phone' 870.. 'Grants Paaa. Oregon.
tdrnsys. ;,Art ,' Bln- fnoa'
ti-J. Practice In all courts; 1am
board attorneya.
. A. 8IDLER. Attorney-at-Law. rt
e(ee 'in " bankruptcy. ManU
temple, Oranta Pass. Ore.
OEO. H. .DURHAM, ;atlorney , , -.
riferee In hankruptoy, ...Masonic
'Temple, -Grants; Pass. Ore. .'Phone
; 136-J.
: Flrat , aUonal Bank ' buuaing.
: GfrasU . Pass,'-Oregon.
: Printing -that ' pleaaes-We !do lit
Courier "Job "Depiirtnie'nt