Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931, February 25, 1919, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Tl lCHDAV. Kfclllll'ARY M, JOltt.
First Aid
To Injured and
Neglected Eyes
Letcher & Son
Here is your opportunity to Insure
gainst exnbtrrmssins errors in pelUac
proouadatioo and poor choic of
words. Know the memnina; of puniioc
war terms. Increase your efficiency,
which results la power and iucccsi.
DICTIONARY is an all-knowing
teacher, a universal question
answerer, made to meet your
needs. It is in doily uso by
hundreds of thousands of suc
cessful men a&d women ibo world over.
4M.M0 Words. 2700 Peers. HH II.
lustrations. 12,000 Bloftraphlciil En
tries. 30. Sott Osogrsphical Subjects.
OtsND nm, (Hie hest Award)
PTimw-FajifiD xlxpooitioa.
SGCLU tat EdUl-TAPa Ulowss.
WRITE tor Sprrtmen Pairs. FREE
Pocket Maps il you asms litis psscr.
Springfield, Mas-, U.S. A.
mm mm journey
(Continued from page 1.)
npon the stone floor, their heads
fcuried in the laps of their sleeping
husbands. For a time sleep had mer
cifully dulled their misery. Others,
stolid, but with an unforgettable
look of bewildered despair, sat upon
their belongings staring vacantly be
tore them. The air in the place was
horrible and overpowering.
Two old men, weak and trembling
from sickness and privation, staggard
outside to get a breath of fresh air.
The effort was too much for them.
Struck by an icy gust of wind they
eank groaning and fainting on the
There are In Russia today many,
very many, similar cases of which
the above Is a true (ilcture. These
poor people living peacefully in the
heart of Immense Rjssia are the In
nocent victims of the great war. Rus
sia today is prostrate and helpless
and in this hour of woe turns to the
people of the United States for com
passion, guidance and help.
(The above dispatch was sent by
a correspondent of the Associated
Press, who made a 3.000 mile jour
ney to get first-hand Information for
the outside world.)
65 Loganberries
Are used to flavor one
Jiffy-Jell dessert. The juice
is condensed and sealed in
a vial.
This is one of our best
fruit flavors. Compare it
with the old-style quick
gelatine desserts. - -
10 Flavor, of Your Croctr't
3 Pacha ft for 28 Ctntt m
I). B. Reynold went to Glondale
this morning.
Mrs. J. .H. Rankin returned this
morning from Roscburg.
James Logan and little daughter,
of Medford, were in the city today.
Mr. and Mrs. DeWltt returned this
morning from a visit at Portland.
V. S. Maxwell left lor Portland
last night to attend the automobile
Geo. E. Lundburg returned this
morning from a business trip to
Portland and Taroina.
Gordon Griffin, of Medford, is in
the city tor a tew days with his fath
er. IT. A. Griffin. ..
Mr. and Mrs, E. G. Weber leave
tonight fdr Katchikan, Alaska for
a visit with Mrs. Weber's parents.
Musterole Cold Cream. Sabin has
It 100
Mrs. H. K. Preston left this morn'
ing tor her home at Portland, after
spending a week or more with her
mother, Mrs. Wm. Fallin.
W. J. Sturges ami wife, who' visit
ed relatives here tor the past two
weeks, went to Medford this after
noon. . .
G. H. Carner went to Eugene this
morning. He will also go to Port
land on business and then to Camp
Lewis for a visit with his son, Tyr-
rel Carner, who will soon be dis
charged from the service.
H. A. Gray of Portland, who- has
been visiting his brother, Fred
Uham, went to Medford this morn
ing. Mr. and Mrs. A-. E. Everton are in
the city for a few days. They were
at San Francisco to visit Mr. Ever
ton's brothers, Ernest and Elmer,
who are in the Southern Pacific hos
Mr. and Mrs. , W. W. Hough of
Buhl,' Idaho, arrived here this morn
ing from California where they spent
the last two months, and will visit
the former's, brother, W. O. Hough,
whom he has not seen "for 35 years.
Ben F. Collins today received a
wire from his son, Fred Collins,
stating that he would arrive home
tomorrow morning from Camp Tay
lor, Ky. He arrived In New York
January 14 and was discharged at
Camp Taylor. He was a member of
Battery E, 2nd Field Artillery.
E. E. Rorapaugh representing Mor
ris Bros.' investment securities spent
several days in the city and reports
having had a good business, making
several bond sales. Mr. Rorapaugh
was a former resident of Grants Pass
and still retains property interests
Juneau, Alaska, Jan. 31. (By
mall.) Plans for the restocking ot
Alaska with herds of musk ox, an
anin;al extinct in the territory since
1850, are being worked out by Gov
ernor Thomas Riggs, Jr. The musk
ox, besides being one of the choicest
food animals that Inhabit the north,
produces about 15 pounds of wool
annually. In 1850, according to
Governor Riggs, the natives killed
the last of the musk in Alaska and
the animal since that time has leen
extinct in this territory. Great herds
of them abound in the northern Can
adian provinces however, and Gover
nor Riggs Is striving for the purchase
of a number of these herds by the
territorial government.
Peking, China, Feb. 25. Premier
Chin Nun-hsun said today that
"China Is very grateful to President
Wilson and the United States dele
gates In Paris, and that the whole
Chinese nation wished to thank the
United States through the Associated
Press." i
China Intends to publish all secret
agreements she made during the
war. .
Paris, Feb. 25. Premier Clemen
ceau's progress Is such that he Is
now classified as convalescent and
will seon be able to return to work.
Several arrests have been made of
those having Inclinations similar to
those of Emile Cottln, his assailant.
If yoii have anything to sell try
la classified ad. .
rYch Breed lily
Moore Baking Co.
Attention Uoy ScouU of Amork-a--Meellng
tonight at 7:10, Chamber
of Commerce. Be prompt. Bring
annual registration toe ot 35 cents.
Electric Work
Phone 90. Medford.
Pauls Electric
Service at PrenbyUn-ian Church-
Key. J..R. Liuulngor ot Corning,
Calif, will be In the .city later in the
week and will preach at the Presby
terian church Sunday, March 2, nnd
also on the following Sunday.
Commence Now s
To plan on going to Murphy Sat
Mirday night, March 1. It will be
lonesome everywhere else. ' 01
Butter Pat Higher .
The buttertat price this morning!
is reported as KB cents. v
Royal A rth SpeeliU
A special convocation ot Reaines
chapter No. 28 R. A. M., will be
held Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. Work
in Mark Master and Past Master de
grees. By order of F. M. Huyler,
H. P. . ioo
Minor Arretted j
One of the local boys under 21
years of age, w,as arrested last night
on the charge of smoking cigarettes
He appeared before Justice Hoiman
this forenoon and paid a $5 fine.
.Milk J Vices Reduced
Beginning March 1: $3 per month
lor quarts; 11.75 for pints. Anna
M. Lewis, phone 244-R; F. Y. Quick,
phone 609-F-ll. 01
Workjrm Glendale Cutoff-
John Hampshire went to .Glen
dale this morning to commence op
erations . on his grading contract
from the Douglas county line to the
Jacques place. , There -will be about
125 men at work on this stretch or
road in a few days.
Marine Bond Letter Paper
Five hundred sheets of 16-ltj. Ma
rine bond paperletter size, for 90c:
100 sheets for 20ef 20-lb. stock. 25c
per 100 sheets. Closing out' this
brand. Courier. . . 99tf
Axhliuid IMoneer Dies ut 90
Bethuel H. Hatch, a resident of
Ashland for over 30 years died last
Friday after a lingering lllnes, at the
age of 90 years and 9 months. ' Mr.
Hatch was a native' ot New Tork
state where he grew to manhood
and was united in marriage to Miss
M. E. Hyde In 1867 Christmas of
last year this devoted conple -celebrated
their golden wedding at their
home on Granite street. Since that
date Mr. Hatch had .been gradually
failing In health, and death was not
Ship Hogs Saturday
We will ship another car of hogs
on Saturday, March 1. Anyone hav
ing hogs ready for market kindly
notify us before Saturday. Temple
Market.' Oi
Continued .from Page One.)
These measures proposed the follow
ing increases; - . .
Insurance commissioner from. $3,
000 to $3,600 a year; state veterin
arian from $2,400 to a minimum of
$2,400 and a maximum Of $3, COO;
corporation commissioner from $3,
000 to $4,200; Increase for state en
gineer, from $3,000 to $3,600; state
superintendent of schools from $3,-
000 to $3,600 and in addition sev
eral bills to increase the salaries ot
district attorneys. " .
The '16 senators who warded off
the hands of the officials seeking to
dip deeper into the state's coffers
were: Dlmlck, Eddy, FarrelL" Gill,
Laclm-iundr1" LaFollett, . Nickelsen,
Patterson, Porter, Smith of Coos and
Curry; 8mltb,, of Josephine; Strayer,
Thomas, -Wood, Eberhard and Hus
ton. With the hope that this pha
lanx; might be broken, motions to
recess until Monday were frequent,
but the .negative vote smothered the
San' Francisco, Feb., 2 5. Starting
today drinl of whiskey costs 28
cents in all parts of the country
where the so-called first-class saloon
exists. .... ... . M
Washington, Feb. 25. The trend
toward belter agricultural education
Is nowhere . rotloctoil more clearly
than In the work ot the federal board
tor vocational education among the
disabled soldiers, sailors and in a
rlnes. . The number ot boys who
have been rained on farms ot the
non-progressive type is considerable,
and a largo proportion ot them now
desire to receive specialised educa
tion in order that thoy may go back
to the old home place, pull It out
ot the hnphaxnrd rut and put It on
a paying basis.
The sights these boys have seen
in France where the' thrifty French
farmer has brought intuhslve cult!
vatlon to a science to whore almost
unbelievable amounts are raised on
small acreage ' have undoubtedly
made a strong Impression upon our
returned soldiers. They have de
elded after all, scientific agriculture
and management, at which the av
erage farmer Is Inclined -to scoff,
really is something of actual value.
Many of these men are badly dis
abled and will never again be able
to rely upon brute strength, which
before the war was their chief and
only asset. They have now 'become
convinced that mere strength does
not amount to much and that it Is
the expert knowledge and ability to
direct which does county most great
ly. This education Is given them
absolutely free by the United States
government. They are sent to the
best agricultural schools In the coun
try, paid a supply allowance of $65
a month while pursuing their stud
ies, and all other expenses 'are de
frayed by the federal board. The
board ts especially anxious to get in
touch with farm boys who have re
turned and found themselves unable
to make progress , without special
training, and all letters of Inquiry
are welcomed by the board, the ad
dress of which Is Washington, D. C.
It has been designated by congress
to have entire charge of the voca
tional re-education and placement ot
disabled soldiers, sailors and ma
rines. Dawson, Y. T., Feb. S. A league
for the development of Yukon terri
tory to be known as the Yukon De
velopment League,- has been organ
ized by leading mining operators.
merchants and business men of Daw
son. The purpose of the league will
be to secure Yukon's share of the
war indemnities and development of
the territorial mining resources. The
league already has petitioned the
Canadian government requesting
construction of a railway to connect
Yukon territory with one of the Ca
nadian transcontinental lines.
NI-.W V ... V
FOR SALE CHEAP 40 acres, 6
miles from town on the Crescent
City road. Mrs. W.' H. H. Taylor,
421 West L street. 25
WAITRES3 WANTED Apply at the
Oxford. ' lOOtf
ELECTRIC WIRING, and general
electrical work, repairing, . house
wiring. C. C. Harper, 607 E 8t
phone 47. tt
WANTED Second hand piano. Musi
. he cheap. Address No. 34 4 care
ot Courier. -105
FOR BALE 40 acres Improved,
. eight acres lnjsiiltlvatlon, house,
i barn, milk house, tool house,
' some good fruit trees, school
"grounds adjoin place. Price, $800
': if taken at once. Call or address
J. S. Harvey, 850 North Seventh
street. '-.' - ,. 05
Adler-i-ka Did It
"I had pain in the pit of my stom
ach, no appetite, sour-stomach and
very, much gas. 'Doctors could not
help me. The FIRST dose of Adler-
i-ka helped me." (Signed) Henry
Welp, Lake View, Iowa.
, One dose Adler-i-ka relieves sour
stomach, gas and constipation IN
STANTLY. Empties BOTH , upper
and .lower bowel, flushing ENTIRE
alimentary canal. Removes ALL
foul matter which ' poisons system.
Often CURES . constipation. Pre
vent, appendicitis. We have sold
Adler-lka many years. 'It ts a mix
ture of buckthorn, cascara,' glycer
ine and nine other simple drugs.
National Drug Store.
Mr. and Mrs. G. 11. Huxlo, ot Phoe
nix, pareuts of II. C. Iloxls of Ash
land, have done their best not their
bit tor their country during the
past great war, About two weeks
ago news came to them ot the death
ot their son, Private 1-eroy lloxto,
who was born at William and who
died with pneumonia In a French
hospital. This sad tidings followed
shortly after the news had reached
them that two other sons, Ralph and
Will, had glvon their lives for their
country on November 11, the day ot
th signing of the armistice. These
two y (win j men with another brother,
Frank, were members ot the 21st In
fantry, Four sons given to the ser
vice of their country and three of
them paying the supeme ssorlflce of
their lives Is a record to which all
honor la given. Ashland Tidings.
Vt DolUrs Reward
- Five dollars reward will be paid
for the arrant and conviction of any
one stealing the Dally Courlors from
residences or mail boxes.
Silk Slipover
Don't Forget We Deliver the Goods
Full Line Of Groceries
Garden Seeds, Pea Seeds, Onion Sets
Poultry Food, Wheat, Shelled Corn
,. , . Whole and Ground Barley
Price and Quality Guaranteed
' 202 South Sixth Street
G. W. Ring -
Will be at the Hotel Josephine for a few days
"Kec crown" gives greater mile.
age because it is correctly made,
straight-distilled, all-refinery
gasoline. Look for the Red
Crown sign before you filL
C. D. FIK8, Special Agent
"The Sign of ,
The Cross"
Thn rit turo Hurt
hi Two rn Ago
.Is :i.J...- ,m 'J
Ice and Ribbon Trimmed
of Chiality
V.... ' NrVUX .,.
fltamlnrd Oil Co., Grants Pass