4 MONDAY, 1'KIUUTAHY 21, 1010. OKA NTS PASS DAILY COCKIER PA3B THREE Classified Advertising YANKEES POPULAR IN NORTHERN FRANCE ? I, it 1,1 I I FOR BALE STRAYED POULTRY HKra Tin? Atiierlrnn doughboy lum rnnied American cliniliiln shown In this picture friendly Ytmk nilenvorliig to slmw their i ' RELIGIOUS CULT MAY SPREAD ablsm Freed From Persecution Through ths Downfall of tht Turk ish Power in Palestine. With the hreaklnK of the Turkish power In Palestine another religion cult line hwn liberated from persecu tion Unit of Uiihnlmn. or Hnlliii. The li-mler of this ilrltiinl movement Is Ahilul flnhu. or AIiIihh ICflTi-mll. ne he la vem-mliy known. This religion bs first rminili'd liy Itiilin'o'llnh, ihe fa ttier of the presi-m Ifinler. mill h i !iime III" nli to prem-ll ll ilurtrliiea lii'fiire ill,, world. I Mie In Ihe Hlllnu'on I iii of ilii ninveini'iii to Ihe Nliim re Melon. Ai'ilul tliilm ?vns luiprUoiied hy the "iilliin of Turkey. liu feiired hi tincliiii". mid u Iw-pt u irtH"iier In Him ri.rt'ex tif Akkn. nenr llnlfn. fin III vi-nrn. t'pmi Ills relenxe III I'.MIH, You'll -Get if t :1. iTs? :.kl , rT ' -I 'X V " r f Hie nxtwm nnd love of lh? prusiinl of Kr-nee. In Hrleulles-sur-r.nr the Is Interested in a pair of wooden shoes, whlli' tho peaHanta surround the upprcrlntlon for his docd mid make lilm nt home. when a mild -oiitliutloiial form of government wui vHtiiliilshed in Tur key, Ituhn traveled through France and Englnnd preaching his doctrines, also coming to the United Htiites. in 11)12. Abdul llnhn strove to be railed the "servant of humanity." While In the Orient he won msny friends hy caring fur the Kirk mill npprt-KHiHl. iiml ainouK the ninny iltles iilven him hy his nelKh hors was one vMpeciully siillel to him. miniely "Kaltier of the I'oor." While in this country he esinhllxheil colonies nf supiwrters of his lenchlnus In Chi cago and Kennxlin. Wis. Ills teach ings have a clone relation with those of Christianity aud u'udulsiu. Muskral Stops Train. The marshes tirouud the Boston Maine railroad ysrils in Itoston are full' of tnuskrats. Charley Drown, a 3S3H Spend the Money! the Most Out of It! Every year you spend a large proportion of the money you get. So much for clothing. So much for shoes. So much for things to eat, house furnishings, garden seeds and tools and what not. ' There's one sure way to jjet the most for your money. Know what you want before you go to buy. HEAD ADVERTISEMENTS, The advertisements you read will tell you what is new and good. They will give you the latest ideas and improvements. They will help you to live better and dress better at less cost. ' If you think of it, you'll be surprised, at the world of interest and the wealth of news ideas you'll find in read ing advertisements. ' v; j . I . ' Advertisements are the daily record of progress. They ' are the report to you of the manufacturers and merchants who work for you, telling what has been accomplished for vour benefit.1' .;' '. J. ' " 0'vq , . t. ',.1 VS.' i . , . -i - a . 'Vis "s yard brakomun, has been realizing orer 1100 a sen son since the war hy shoot ing rata on his spare time and selling the fur, which now commands a high price. Brown has been known to shoot a muskrat from the top of a moving freight car with a rifle. A short time ugo n muskrat tied up the Interlocking switch system at slg nnl tower C. The big rnt crawled into the swltchpolnts to eat out the grenne used to luhrlrtttH the switches Just as the lever man In the lower tried to close the switch (or a fast express pat-' scnger train. The rat had wedKed In so close the switch wouldn't close and the plant was tied up. The mechiinlc found the rat wedged Into the points and crushed Into a mass of fur and flesh. All kinds of Commerolal Printing at the Courier Office. . GREEN FEEDS FOR POULTRY There It Muelj in Proper Curing and Handling BeeU and Mangel Wurzels Also Good. If yon have fed clover or alfalfa to poultry in Ita green state or dry yon know It valne. If you have not used It ss a hen feed do so this winter. even If you huve to buy some; and In future seasons you will luy in good supply. There Is much in cur ing and handling this food to have It rliflit for herJs. If It has been' done properly, cut Into one-quurter-lnch lengths, and pluce It In a tub or bar rel, then turn on steiim or hot water, which at once hrlnxs buck the aroma of the harvest field. Next spread out In the mixing box and sift on some comment, middlings and anlmul meal, salt a little and you have as good a mess for laying hens as can be pre pared. In some respects alfulfa la better than Clover. It Is very rich In protein, yields more In a year than , clover, and hens tike It better. For poultry it should never be al lowed to become woody. A trood field nf alfalfa will produce more hen feed I than the smite amount of space put Into any other crop. Next In order for a dependnble win ter food come beets and mangel-wur- tela. There ore different sorts, red, yellow and white. All moke a good winter hen feed. They are composed largely of water, hut It makes an ex cellent winter food, being easily grown and kept and Is very handy to feed. By feeding plenty of green food to the hens In winter there la a profit de rived In two ways. The hens will be more healthy, therefore lay better, nnd by working It Into the dully ration the j cost of feeding the flock Is lessened considerably. HINTS ON HANDLING POULTRY Among Other. Things for Farmer ta Remember Is That Male Doesn't ' Influence Number of Eggs. (Prepared by the United States Depart ment of Agriculture.) It Is urged that all farmers and poultrymen adhere strictly to the fol lowing principal rules In handling their poultry and eggs: L Keep the nests clean; provide one nest for every four hens. 2. Gather the eggs twice dally. 8. Keep the eggs in a cool, dry room or cellar. 4. Market the eggs at least twice week. Q. Sell, kill or confine all mule birds as soon as the batching season is over, tl Tifian mm" pi On Hundred Hens Should Be on Every Farm,, 1 so as to produce Infertile eggs. The male bird has no effect on the number of eggs produced. MISSION OF OYSTER SHELL Not Given to Supply Grit, Uut to Make Bone, Muscle and Feathers Help Out Ration. ' Many poultry growers, espeally beginners, have the Impression that oyster shells make a good grit for fowls, but such Is not the case. Oyster shells, In some respect do help to grind the fowl' food, but the chief mission I to make bone, muscle and feathers. They form the shell of the egg, or assist In this matter and at the same time aid in making: a complete ration when,' fowls are ted charcoal and grit together with their grain ra tions. If you keep them before the hens and do not feed fat-producing feeds, they will prevent soft-shelled eggs nnd keep them from acquiring the egg-eating habit, which is one of the greatest losses ever experienced , by any poultryman. In almost every feed given to fowls we find a shortage ot ash.' The oyster shells supply this want of ash and the hens lay their full Quota of eggs. Fuller' Earth In Big Demand. : Fuller's earth' Is worth more per ton Ik -the United States than the ore from many large gold mines now paylnf handsome dividends. ' Florida to tt leading producer. 1 - FOR SALE Good ateam power plant for saw mill or any pur pose. Bee J. J. Morton. 90tf FOR SALE Nice home, corner lot, cheap for cash or pay part down, east terms. Oarage, wood house, chicken house, well, city water. Bargain if taken at once. Apply 902 K street. 02 FOR 8ALB One Jersey-Guernsey cow coming fresh In two weeks, $75; one mare and colt, $75; one steel wheel wagon with hay rack; one nve passenger car at your own price. These have to be sold so call and see me. P. E. Tan gen, three miles west of city on Cres cent City road. 03 TO RETT FOR RENT Partly furnished cot. tage at 321 Jlogue River Avenue; three rooma and sleeping porch, good well and one-balf acre of land, barn; $5.00 per month. Key at 402 Rogue River Ave. 07tf FOR RENT OR SALE Our resi dences at 801 and 811, North 6th St., eight and ten dollars a month. Will sell either or both. Make me an offer. John Summers, Leba non, Oregon. 40tf FOR RENT House and three vr six acres, eastern part of town. House semi-furnished If desired. Mr. A. J. Klocker, Medford, Ore. SO 22 FOR RENT Two residences on North Seventh street Will sell or trade for farm - property. In quire Mrs W. H. Quaif, 832 North Seventh street. . 03 WAXTKP WANTED to bay a good gentle horse, sound and true, weight about 1,300, chunky built Peter Olsen, phone 500-R-2. 01 WANTED TO RENT until October 1, a furnished house. Address No. 316 care Courier. 02 CATTLE WANTED G. W. King, Montague, Cal. Will be at the Hotel Josephine for a few days. 23 TO EXCHANGE -4- WILL TRADE 7-passenger Stude - baker automobile, good tires, good condition, for work horses and harness.- L. Engle, 801 North , Sixth street. . ." . 100 The California and Oregon Coast Railroad Company TIME CARD Effective Nov. 19. 1918. Trains will run Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday ' Leave Grants Pass ......1 P. .M Arrive Waters. Creek . 2 P.. M Leave Waters Creek S P. M. Arrive Graats Pass 4 P. M For information regarding freight and passenger rates call at the office of the company, Lundburg building or telephone 131. . " PUlala Br i IMI MU? "aKitos IAMAMB ItRAR riLU, tm M b m SL GktM. lleaa tt MjhM SOLO Bt DRL-GOISTS EVUnWMLSE AVERAGE YEARLY EGG RECORD About 130 Per Hen I Good Estimate Result From Flock Properly Cared For. About ISO eggs per hen Is a fair av erage for the yearly egg record. A flock properly cared for should pro duce about one third as many egga as there are hens, during the months of December. January and February. But He Fought for Germany. Th tmth of the adase as to the world being a small place after all 1 aptly Illustrated In an Incident which befell J.'Hensall French of Philadel phia, who Is engaged in Y. ftl. U. A. work In the American expeditionary fnrcM in France. In a letter Mr. French atates that while close to the firing line several hundred German prisoners were being conveyed on mo it tn the rear. The prisoners were under guard, and aa they passed along one ot them called out in Engusn, nnn! Mr. ITrench. how do you do?" "Rlht wen." retorted Mr. French. "but how is It that you know mer vih rwmnnded the orlsoner. I have nfton waited uron you at the Belle- :vue-8tratford," and with a wav of hi hand he passed along witn nis com panions to the rear of the fighting Hn. , ' . ' If yea have aartal&g u' sell try ESTRAYED There came to my en closure four head of cattle be tween 2 and 4 year old, on wearing bell. Owner can secure animals by paying charge. A. Bartlett. Phone 167-L. 01 MIHCKIiLANKOU JITNEY SERVICE Any where, any time. Phone Mocha Cafe 181-R. Otto J. Knlps, tleslderic 148-Y. 23S GEO. H. PARKER, dealer In all kind of nursery atock; 13 year In the business. 403 West D St., phone 285-Y. Grant Pass. 81tf SECOND HAND goods of every des cription bought and sold. A. J. Powers, 408 South Sixth street tf ANGEL, CAKES 75c. Phone 190-J. 4tf TIRES Used tires bought and sold. Auto Service Co. Phone 824-J, op posite Oxford hotel. 19 E. L. GALBRAITH, insurance, rent al specialty. Acreage, Building and Loans. 609 G street, Laaner'a old location. tf PHOTO 8TCDIO THE PICTURE MILL for fine photo graph. Open dally except San day from 10 a. m. to 6 p. m. San day sittings by appointment only. Phone Mill. 283-R, or residence 140-J. 57tl MUSICAL INSTRUCTION S. MacMURRAT Teacher of sing ing. Write or-apply at 71 Le Street . . tf PHYSICIANS L. O. CLEMENT. M. D., .Practice limited to disease of the eye, ear, nose and throat. Glasses fitted. Office boar 9-12, 2-6. or on ap pointment Office phone 62. resi dence phone 359-J. 3. LOUGHRIDuk, M. f nysiciaa and surgeon. City or country call attended day or night Realdener phone 169; office phone 18S 8tith and H. Tuff Bidg. A.A. WITHAM. M. D. Inter! . medicine and nervous disease; 903 Corbett Bidg., Portland. Or. Hoar 10 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 4 p. m.. .VETERINARY SURGEON DR. R. . Office, J. BESTUL, Veterinarian residence. Phone 305-R. DENTISTS E. C. MACT. D. M. D. Flrst--laaei dentistry. 109 South Slxtk street Grants Pass. Oregon. DR. C. E. JACKSON, D. M. D., sno ceaeor to Dr. Bert Elliott Ore Golden Role 8tor.,Phon) . DRATAGB AND TRANS EH COMMERCIAL TRANSFER CO. Al kind ot drayage and transtea work carefully and prompUy don Phone 181-J. Stand at freight depot A. Shade. Prop. THE WORLD MOVES; o do w. Bunch Bro. Transfer Co. rnoa 397-R. F. G. 1SHAM, drayage and transfer Safe. planoa and fnraltur . moved, packed, shipped and stor ' d, Office phoo' 124-T. Resi dence phone, 124-Jt. ATTORNEYS H. D. NORTON, Attorny-aww. PraoUoe la all Btat and Federal Coart. Flrt NaUonal Bank Bidg. OOLVIG ft WILLIAMS, Attorney- at-Law. Graats Pas Banking co. Bidg., Grant Pass. Oregon. . B. 8. VAN DYKE, Attorney, rra tlo la all court. First National Bank Bidg. O. 8. BLANCHARD, Attorney at Law. Golden Rule omiuina Phone 370. Grant Pass, Oregon. BLANCHARD ft BLANCHARD. A toraey. Albert Bidg. Pno 316-J. Practice In all court: lam . beard attorney. a A. SIDLE R, Attorney-aH-aw, ret- ere in " bankruptcy. Masowe temple, Grants Pasa. Or. . GEO. H. DURHAM, attorney at law. referee In bankruptcy, Masonle Temple, Grant Pas, Ore. Phone JAMES T.f CHINNOCK, Lawyer, ' Pint National iBank building. Grant Paaa, Oregon. PrteUag that pleases We do it! Courier J Bepartaeat. a .eiaatflea ,.. A