DAILY ItOQVB RIYKIl COURIEIl TIUHSDW, OCrOIIKIt II, 1015. Daily Rogue River Courier. PACK TWO A. E. VOORHIE3, Pub. and Prop. WILFORD ALLEN, Editor v Entered at the Grants Pass, Or kod. Postofflco m second-class mail matter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Tear. Six Month .15.90 S.00 1.50 .60 Three Months One Month ....1 Parable la Adtaac. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1915. OREGON WEATHER f Pair tonlAt'and Friday: cool- er tonight; westerly winds. THE WAR LOSS EIGHT MILLION. .Figurine the wastage of men In millions tor one year of war seems almost beyond the point ot credulity, bat that Is what one ot the best In formed mOltary mn ot the United States has Just done. General Francis Greene of the United States army in an address before, the New, Tort State Historical society has estimated the total losses of the first year of the war(to be elf ht millions of pea. General Greene calls Us estimate an nnielltsnttess.?. Ha estimates the killed at J.086,000, the wounded at S.36,000, the missing at 2,505,000, with a total of 7,997.000. I He has divided the totals up as follows: Great Britain, S9S,000; France, 1,400.000; Russia", 2,800.000; Italy. 85.000; Belgium. 80.000; Serbia, 70,000; total allied losses, 4.167,000. Germany. 1,900,000; Austria Hungary, 1.800,000; Turkey, UO. '000; total for the central powers S, 830,000. This is probably as nearjTe8t, and through him Harry M. and correct as it Is possible to estimate .Percy D. Hillls, nephews, became from the facts and figures available. enta for the Plymouth minister, ... v ... I who a few Sundays ago told bis con- As the war progresses each of the . had 8hattered combatants develops a greater effl-' nI ideals. clency in killing, and If It lasts an- j Flushed with his first year's sue other year, as It now seems certain, cess, Hillls entered into some larger the thought naturally arises what j contracts. Ferguson charged, lndud- v ,1 ,, ,oi. ing one to boy certain coal and tim- will be the toll In the coming twelve . a J A ber lands on Graham island for (400,- months? j 000; a contract to buy timber licenses It doesn't seem that humanity, no on Moresby island for 1140,000; on matter what the national or racial Quatsino sound tor $180,000, and on teellng. can calmly look on and conn- Wka sound for 190.000. Fergu- v .I,,..,. .i..t,tar 0I charged that Hillls paid only a tenance sneh wholesale slaughter. v . ... 'small cash deposit on them and this The aims and ambitions of the ibelll- ma,n,y wJth . Dorrowed nOBer. gerents will be defeated by their utter Following filing of Ferguson's affl exhaustlon at the end of the war If ( davit. Supreme Court Justice Kelly the present death and disability rate. granted an adjournment of the case is maintain!. The victor will have Wil October Counsel 1 tor the , . .minister assailed the affidavit as paid a price wihch will be equal to ml8,eadlng and glanderous." defeat and the vanquished will have and asked tjme to mtfc9 an adequate little vigorous virile manhood left reply. with which to begin the work of re- ' construction and national regenera - HrniRntna On.rfl The west is not to see the heroes of the world series baseball after all. A mere matter of lack ot a guarantee of $15,000 stands in the way, and the ball tossers will sulk in their tents. The two teams that headed the big eastern leagues owe something to the public, and if that public wanted them to tour the country they should take; some of the financial chances. It Is me interest oi me inaiviausi in me game that makes it profitable enough that a good ball player can build up a bank account faster than the pre sident of the United States. If public interest dies, the Speakers, the Cobbs and the Fosters will have to go back to laying bricks and sweeping streets. That bean-eating Hooper is some goer. It might be well to investigate his family tree and see, If he is not distantly connected with a certain John Austin Hooper, who also knew how and wlien to travel, . About the only thing the. Courier tai name as being more perfect than a day in June Is a Rogue valley day In October. ' IIOOZE VOTED OUT OF MONTANA COUNTY Hillings, Mont., Oof. 14. The count early today Indicated that Rich land county went dry overwhelmingly at yesterday's local option election. Prayer for a dry victory was offer ed at the national W. C. T. U. con vention In Seattle yesterday.- ' Coffee The airtight tins in which Schilling's Best is packed are safety deposit boxes for coffcc-trcasure. Treasure? Isn't the flavor of fine coffee treasure? What's coffee for! We put-in the flawr and tea) it tight against esca and intrusion. We money lack the result : Schillings Best.' CHARGE REV, HILLIS rKIUIUo III tAol New York. 6cC14.--Charges that Rev. Newell Dwight Hillls, Plymouth church pastor of Brooklyn, victimised friends through' dealings la north west land tracts, were filed today by Frank Ferguson, former chairman of the church (board of trustees. Ferguson attacked Hillls' motives 'in seeking an order compelling Fer guson to account for certain money. Ferguson made an affidavit that Hillls persuaded many friends, both in and out of the ministry, to buy his British Columbia timber proper ties when he began his investments In 1906. The pastor began with only three to five thousand dollars, but by quick sales ran up a huge gain. Hillls' brother, W. A. Hillls. of Cleveland, was prevailed upon to In- HOLD McMINXVILLE PAIR WHILE PROBING KILLING McMinnville, Oct. 14. Seldom has this section of Oregon been so stirred as it was today over the arrest of William Branson, 22 years old, and Mrs. William Booth, 80, in connection with the murder of the woman's hus band last Friday at-Willamlna. Booth was shot to death. Following a preliminary hearing at jWlllamlna yesterday, at which it de- EVERY DROP" TJlnrkHiAfctovo Polish different ItctrM not I dry out ; en tw oac j to I on All iff! tia s-i gut uur muocy's wjcuu Black Silk Stove Polish l( Mt rtr nrmt arnumlnil.lmt K tHIS nt,Klklutn tnntciinnulWoblnlnnlwilkinr othar pAxh. Hlrk S ik HUv tviuh not rub off -II Imm Ium lima n Vmg t rolnry DolUU-io It mtm yua ttoio, work and moiKi1. T 1 . .,M. KJl.k L.. . nkforllladihllk! IMIm't thaboftatunpollah rMavcr aarnardaalarwulitiaiai foot notwr, BUck Silk Slav Polk 1 1. . a. I: fill l. 'U ' V1UM$l!k Air Drying iron Knamalon arataal. r fatara, al'va-pinaa,ani ajilo f mobila tin rima, fnnmU ruatiot. Try It. . Uaa Black Silk Mafal fri, Mb furaUvrwiirt,i,)ckal,tlfi wara or brnaa. It work fl'ilHcla. aaailr and lnaa brilliant aurtKM, It kaa no equal luruaooutiiKmuuia, BLACK BILK 8TOVK POLISH . For sule at IWMilK ItlVKIt HAItDWAItE The Dig Ited Front Y'saitiE i iir'niaii-r" tkhi v. mm THE SCHILLING'S FORGED 5cJ.&P. Coats Thread 3C i $15.00 Ilea's J All 7 He Ginghams ... 'All 10o Ginghams All 10c Outing Flannel ... AH 1 1 H o Outing Flannel leei All Wool All ItHo Percales' All IS H Seersucker ...1 All 85c All 1 So All He $20.00 Kupen heimer Suits and Coats go at $3.60 to r $5.00 Boys' Suits, All Wool, 2 pair Knicker Pants $3.75 Z&C Green veloped that Booth had accused bis wife of undue Intimacy with young Branson, both were being held in the jail here awaiting the action of the grand Jury. : Branson 1b charged with the actual commission of the crime and Mrs. Booth with being an accomplice. Both prisoners are members of pioneer families. Mrs. Booth Is the mother of four children. Attor Donate.) Cup For Autoista. Vincent Artor doiiuteil n Inrue silver cup to be given fur the Inuuiturul nice meeting of flic new Hhceimheuil Roy (N. Y.i suto stx'edwsy mid sports sreni on" Oct. 2. ' -U ' ' 1 GOTHIC me new arrow; COLLAR IT FITS THE CRAVAT ctycTT. smsaooy a co., iwo.,i MNAH For the Second Successful Week of l'w lluui a wwk thla store has Ikxmi crowded and em, aad every ponton tia enjoyed lmiiiense aavings ou their iuitliM. Many families have purrtiMMHl Uwlr winter supply of Dry Goods, Clothing and Mioes, at prkea below what they could have secured la the big dojmrtment stores of the cities, . : T and Saturday, October Are the fliuU days of the second week and nuwy lines have been reduced further la order to retdlao all the rash possible before Saturday tUU EXTRA SPECIALS FOR THESE TWO DAYS: Yard, Goods .Oc c 7c 9c ......... Be Bath Robe Flannel Crepe Plissa ... Curtain Bcrtm nlMMM..NMMM.M..MM 9t , All 60c Wool Challla .....aitc All 10c Wool Serge .20c All SSeWool Checks ... 22c All 68c Wool Plalda .48 $1.45 Wool Checks. 64-Inch BHc $1.65 Wool Poplin, navy blue. f 1.89 $1.00 Black Unfinished Worsted, 6Mnch..49c 75c Silk Poplin, 56-Inch . OOc $1.50 Skinners Lining Batia $1.15 $1.65 Crepe de Chine. 91.89 $1.00 Velvets, all colors .. 09c SScSuaburst Silk .19c 25c Foundation Silk - ISc LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES $1.50 Children's Shoes, 12 to 2H 9-1.1S $1.75 Children's Shoes, 5 to 3.... - 91.4S $2.00 Children's Shoes, 3 to 2 91.03 $2.50 Ladles' Shoes - 91.H5 $3.00 Ladiea's Shoes 92.1S $3.60 Udlea' Shoea 92.8S $4.00 Ladles' Shoes , 9.93 $4.61 Pumps aadSUpperscholce91.9S LADIES' UNDERWEAR 10e Vests . ...-"c 15c Vests 36e Union Suits - 19c 50c Union Suits, high neck, long sleevea.....10c $1.00 and $1.25 Union Suits, high neck, long sleeves .... ..V $1.50 Wool Non-Shrlnkable Union SuiU....OHc $2.50 Wool Non-Shrlnkable Union Suta-.$1.43 1 lot ot Children's Underwear, heavy, choice He $1.00 and $1.25 Wool Union Suits for children - c 25c Ruben Infants' Vests -..17 Wc 1 lot Infants' Hose, vslues to 26c c 15o Infant Hose 11c 36c Children's Holeproof Hose ....:10c 25c Onyx, for children - lc lOo Ladies' Hose .7c 15c Ladles' Hose ..lOc 25c Ladies' Onyx Hose - 19c 60o Ladles' Onyx Hose, regular and out Sizes ) a30c HATS AND CAPS $1.25 and $1.60 Caps, choloe - fc $1.60 HsU . 91.13 $2.00 Hats ...J1.48 $2.50 Hats -91.H8 Trading Stamps Tltll'I-K TRAGEDY IS KN ACTED AT ST. IIEI,EN8 , St. Helens, Ore., Oct. 14. W. E. Stout, 45 years old,' at noon today shot and klllod his divorced wife and her sister, Mrs. S. M. Todd, set fire to the Stout homo, In which the traRedy was enacted, tired three shots at the city marshal, who was prosent to prevent trouble, and then killed himself. Mrs. Stout secured a divorce a year and a half ago, and It was understood that she was to have boon married again soon. . Accompanied by the city marshal and Mrs. Todd, Stout and his former wife went to their old home to divide family property. The city marshal was asked to remain outside . Soon several shots, were beard In the upstairs of the home and Stout appeared at the window and fired at the marshal. The bullets did not take effect. . . Stout then left tho window, set flro to the clothinK In a closet and shot himself, The flro was enwlly ex tlnculHhcd and Stout, his divorced wife and her sister wore found dead, Uroepass notices, printed on cloth, I nt the Courier office, t, Bedding $1.60 Coraforts.t.....' 9fle $3.00 Comforts, 73x84 91.90 $3.(0 Comforts, 71x84 ...,.-.....-....9SI.48 $1.28 Double Blankets, 'select stock Mc $1,60 Double Blankets. 66x80......... ...91.13 $1.76 Ulanketa. pink, blue, tan plalds..,91..19 $4.60 Wool Blankets 93.80 $1.00 Bed Spreads . : 99c $1.19 Bed Spreads ... 4 &e Sheets. 72x90 ... 99c $1.00 Sheets. $1x90 . 90c 16e Pillow Cases ...... 7c 26e Pillow Cases ... lOe Cotton Batting 15c Cotton Batting 25c Cotton Batting 26c Silk Ties 60c Silk Ties ) ajaajsi UNDERWEAR 66o Boys' Ribbed Union Suits, 12 to 16 years - .,..41c $1.00 Wool Union Closed Crotch for boys -73c $1.25 Wool Union Closed Crotch, 12 to 16 years, at 3c 36c Men's Batbrlgian SiW 60c Men's Baibrlgn -...sue 60c Men's Heavy Klbbed....- 3Uc 60o Men's Fleeced Lined flc $1.00 Wool Underwear 73c 76c Union Stilts p..3c $1.00 Union Suits, closed crotch 73c $1.60 Union Suits 91.13 $2.00 Wool Union, closed crotch 91.3U MEN'S SHIRTS 60o Wash Shirts I.. ...;........JtOc 75oOolf Shirts 49c $1.00 Milton ft Goodman Heavy Work Shirts, in black, gray, tin...... 73c $1.00 Dress Shirts, soft and starched cuffs '.' .............73c MEN'S HOSE lOolIose, black and tan......"..... '...7c 15c Hose, black and tan - 1k 26c Onyx Hose 10c 25c Cashmere, guaranteed 4-thread hoel and toe lftc 35 Onrden Cashmere 2.1c 60c Qorden Round Ticket Cashmere Hose..B3c MISCELLANEOUS FURNISH INGS FOR MEN 25c Silk Tics , MtHNaiNMHt 50c Silk Tics 39c 25c Boston and Paris Gartcrs..-15c 25c Double Grip Garters -....19c 10c Arm Bands 7c Given During These ssjpjsrpai WEHTKltN TOTH OF DIAMOND BTAIW IT IN THE AlU Philadelphia, Oct. 14. The pro posal for a f 15,000 Kimrantee for the Red Sox and Phillies today held up final arranKements for their propound trip to the Pacific coast. If a tele gram Is rocelved from President Dorry of the San Francisco club, on whose grounds the teams, will play, guaranteeing thnt the players will re ceive $18,000, the trip will be made. Old-Fashioned Gou ' Just what ybu need for that . ' tickling in the throat Demaray ' SALE 15 and 16 ' $6.00 Coatsfor MO! Jir Uii Ladies, and Patch IS $4.45 .IOC ...OC .lie 17tsC $12.50 Coats for Ladies, cor- duroy & boucle blue and brown $22.50 Ladies' Suits, Stylecraft, all new fall models Two Days Presidents Unnln and linker or the Sox and Phillies are backing up the players' demands and will not con sider any other proposition. Robert Mcltoy, secretary of the na tlonnl commission, Is here with Unnln and Baker, awaiting Derry's reply, so arrangements for a sche: dule can be made if tho guaranteo is given. Old papers, 6c per package, at the Courier aflce. . Drops 2-OBL 9 Drug and 5 ' . Stationery Store 6c Ginghafrs, 4C Iw Ginghams 6c 1 , i !!8.75