George Halt made Bcaverton a very pleasant call last week. .npOTJ A RriTTQ I brothers have been abused by the; in .Jackson Hole. v.uuinciii utilll llliICO, 111' - 1 1 IU 1U 1 1 7 IltlW. Illlll Quite a number arc going to tlie hills, and some to the coast, from this nlaoe. ages wish to hunt let them sU on and every day sec mw denatures. This the rpervps " ' seasou so far na ut 1)eel very warm, County Official Paper. They are good 1 nojlndinns.jiow, nud their . hmienta- i doubt, but it is s matter which is j lions are "out of order. If the sav-' only for sentiiuenUliots and poets SSURD EVERY THURSDAY BY ; Th Argns Publishing Company. , lie Only Democratic Paper in Wash- j to deplore. When one has lived a itiffton County. j number of years in contact with the dusky race, he naturally has but little time to meditate over the wrongs and abuses heaped.- upon poor Lo. The red devils are aptly named, and the fires of hell will oc casionally break out in them to the extent that some few hundred lives of worthy men and women, and in nocent children, are lost. From the Rtitered at the Post-oflice at Hillsboro, t ,,, ,1 . , . .. . , ireKon.ascondlas mail matter. ixl aspect it matters not to the average human being whether or SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. Single copy rive ceuU. On year, 1.00. Hi x months cents. THrse months 36 eenta. THURSDAY. AUG 1. 1895. THE COMING CAMPAIGN'. It will in a be many months be ore the eampjiign for the next presi lential race. For many years there las been no such confusion in party ines ns there is tt this hour. There 8 but one acknowledged isuo, and oth the democrats and republicans re at division on this, the issue of i further coinage of silver. The igbt ia waging in both organiza ions, and the conventions will be 'ery interesting. True, President Cleveland and Secretary of the Treasury Carlisle are striving their itmost to controvert the sentiment f free coinage of silver within deni- icratic ranks, and their conversions ire not noted for insignificance, roin a numerical standpoint. The 0 :tudy of financial political econo ny is a deep one and Cleveland md Carlisle, as citizenp, have as veil grounded rights for their indi vidual Miffs, ns any citizen, but heir power and position does not nakt Iheir position any the more eiiaWt, It way be possible that ree ooinage will be unwise, but it s a fact that the control of the honey market where it now lies, doing much to build the senti nent as against a single gold stand ard, and for further coinage of sil ver, nnd it is a fact that, today, withstanding the figh by po itical power and the press which eposes any change in finance, were to come to a vote, free coinage )f silver, at least of the American nod net, would carry. When the campaign .'is here, it mould be the duty of the democra cy to allow no ridicule or covert xprcKsions to change their att:tude in this question, nor should the party adhere to free silver policy limply as a vote catcher. This ireat conservator of national prin ;iples. which has had longer life han any party in existence, and yet mown less official power, is too pa rotic, too', grand, too willing a istentr to the voice of the people io not heed it. It is an opinion well Sounded that something should be I01.W to check the power now held y, Wall street bankers, who in ;ur.n are supported by English cap iat. It is not, as the gold stand ard press emj hatically states, a wove to hoist a depreciated dollar lpon the people this free silver nove but it is a move to circum vent a condition which tray be ised at any time to put the gold Jolbir to a premium and hold it .here. Free coinage could not and ould not depreciate the gold dol-;ar-neither will it drive gold from not we as a people have invaded their domain. The one thing to consider, is.'that one good Cauca sian life is worth any number of Savages, for it is conceded that education in the Indian is almost universally lost. TheJackson Hole trouble furnishes another object lesson for him who is always la menting over the unrighteous con duct of the whites to the noble red man and his fellow people. The eternal kicker is a bad man for any community. He'll kick at what his neighbor does, what he says, what he is gobig to do,what the county, city, state, government, and whole world is doing, or going to do, and when it comes time for him to die, he will kick harder than ever. There is one grert consola tion in running a newspaper. Its editor is kicked so much and hears so infernally much kicking, that he has no time to indulge in the habit himself, thereby becoming a placid sort of machine, having no ambition, no hope, but that of a square meal occasionally, and a re served seat in the glorious, beauti ful, sublime sometime, thirty days after death. The application of civil service rules to U. S. pension agents, by Cleveland, is one of the best moves ever made by the president. Presi dent Cleveland, as a public officer, always had thecourageofhisconvio lions, and thathehas been a fearless advocate of reform when inexecuiive capacity of any kind whatever, is a mat ter of record. j but look out for the hot wave this sum mer month. J 1) Fleck's family left for the Xestiic ca Monday of this week. J PeLetts has been quite ill for the past tew days and is again confined to his room. COUNTY NEWS CENTERVILLE. tt tin is u.i: os iv? :;ve ami unlimited roincicc m silver, '.he product of American mines, I at the old ratio of 1 6 of silver to i of j gold, is the only solution of and! remedy for the disturbed and uns itis fuctory condition of trade, manufac ture p.nd general business of the coun- j try. The surreptitious act of 187;,, ' divcrcing silver and gold in our mone tary system, was a crime of untold 1 m.i,' nifmV. It lrnc th. vmL.Bt I. I,l . U. ....... . I ..., ,. . 4 " " ""IVV.ll KII1U last week. They say that In ironeral the ! class legislation 111 favor of the yield is (rood, althouRh in some places it wenlthu n(riint th nmi,,,,,... ,,r is not turning out as well as expected. wea""y against . tne producers ot M Wren has fully recovered from his! wealth. and hostile to the prosperity ; recent illness, j of the United States Tt u- an iPAGIFIG UNIVERSITY niiiKi: coi.i i-oi: covhsm Classical, Scientific, Literary. SCHOLLS. Some one told an Iowa newspa per man that democracy was dead. He couldn't see it that way and this is what he wrote: WHEN WILL DEMOCRACY DIE ? When the lion eats grass like an ox. And the fishworm swallows the whale; When the robins knit woolen socks, And the hare is outrun by the snail; When serpents walk uoriirht like man. And the doodle bugs travel like frogs; When grasshoppers feed like the hen, And feathers are found on hogs; When Thomas cats swim in the air, And elephants roost on trees; When insects in summer are rare, And snuff never makes people sneeze; When fish creep over dry land, And mules on velocipedes ride; When foxes lay eggs in the sand, And women in dress take no nride- When Dutchmen no longer drink beer, And girls get to preaching on time; When billy-goats butt from the rear, And treason no longer is crime; When humming birds bray like an ass, And limburger smells like cologne; When plowshares are made out of glass, And the hearts of true Texans of stone; When ideas grow in populists' heads, And the wool on the hydraulic 1am, Then the Democratic party will be dead, And the country won't be worth a d n. Hesse Brothers are haulinsr post tim ber, preparatory to improving their rences on tueir larms. Thomas Tucker and Eugene Daut are in the neighborhood threshing this week for our husbandry. Deputy Bradford, of the Shrievalty, us uown in mis section Monnay. Mr LaRue, our merchant, started for aqmna bav Monday in search of health and pleasure. D B Emerick made a business trip to roruanu anu musDoro 11119 week. W J Grimes is at present looking after the business interests of Mr LaRue du ring the latter's absence. The Misses Pearl and Cora Schmeltzer Miss Candle, Grace Wallan and Nellie LaRue visited at Mountain Sunday, the guests 01 miss juouie Aimer. Mr and Mrs E C Hunt were the guests ofTJ Wallan, Sunday. We understand that Messrs Wallan & Sutton have sold their boom of logs to the Tualatin Lumbering Co, which is a good deal for them having had them on the market for a long time. Mr Eddie Groat of this place was a guest at MtSide Sunday last. Miss Mollie Miller is visiting with Mrs LaRue this week. Miss Cutts arrived from the east re cently and will reside with her sister, MrsJEGoudie, of Good Luck bend. H Collier and family of Laurel, visited with Mr and Mrs LaRue Sunday. Bathing seems to be the popular pas time with our youth, and black and tan is the color for suits. Opera glasses will next be in demand. Wilbur Shook and brother f West Chehalem , were in Scholls Monday. The Hatchet and Independent corres pondent was a visitor at Mrs J D Rpwells Sunday. The surprise party at C. H. Hhuic hard's one evening last week was well attended and greatly enjoyed by the young people. There is a verv uowerflil ioniriii on ihu Xehalein river. As 1111 illustration, V H Coram and YV W Marsh wore drawn thither. Saturday evening last, the seiiind time this month. They returned some time Sunday night. John and Walter Lyons returned Sun-1 vigorously denied, ... mKui iium n Hum mtjn UUUIIK aim fishing trip in the Unit Creek country. of treason because done at the instance of a European syndicate and for bribe j money, "giving aid and comfort to 1 , . , , . , eur country's enemies." To shield ; the' guilty parties, the well authemi-! ) am'I ty 0 11' been! Will ;.'UJ (I M I'MIK Al'AI'KM'V pit p.uvs for College nod uuc a thwt sh ling lish Education; the best preparation for Teachinu or Uusiurss. All expenses verv low. Hoard and rooms at the Ladies' Hall, : to 4 per week, including electric light and bent. The College Donnitoi v, under excellent management, fur nishes board and room at Wfr per week. Hoard and room in private familits. '... r)0 and upwards. Many stu dents relll rooms and board themselves at a lot il cost not to exceed 1. .( per week. The fall lerm begins- Septem ber IS. For full particulars address, thomas McClelland, ForeM drove, Oicpni, Until you have seen a Coast Steel dear .Maniffd. bv Const Carriage v Wagon Co. cated facts, often published, have bi ('oast ( 'iii ri-ii'i-s anil Itni'eics n 1 . A. . - T!n i l The Enquirer will continue to ex- are best value for lc;st money; Fred Kimocht ami hisdogran aniuok of Pose this unpardonable crime unii) ii' nww,hcS.other,tay Hm' U, H right and justice are done the people . , i by the full restoration of silver to its Assessor's Report. old companionship with gold. We j need the assistance of the people in disseminating the truth, to which end i 01 wc invite all in your selection of pa- pers for the coming season to include CK.S'SVS RKPOHT.- Legal voters 4,044 Males, 21 years and upwards, 425)5 " under 21 and over 10. . . 1,915 " under 10, 2,040 Females over 18 , 3,5)3 " under 18 and over 10, . . 1,!04 Females under 10 2,015 llisC'iiint on Prices but no Discount on the (ioods. , Particulars of Williams Bros., Hillsfoot o, Ore, M. M. Davis, Assignee Coast Carriage Si Wagon Co., Corvallis, Ore. Total population SMITH & BOWMAN, the Enquirer, that costs only $1.00 a ATTHRlMirVQ AT T A W year. (Issued twice a week.) j 1 OKINL YbA 1 -LA W, Liberal commissions and cash re wards given lo club raisers. Sample TI1K DELTA Notarial worK aim umveyanciug. liooinsU 7 Moi'isait lllk,, llillslioni. Ore, CORNELIUS. ;he country that idea ia nonsense 3it it would hstve a restraining in Juerice on gold, and such a one that no financial panic could make the yellow dollar worth more than any Hher dollar. It is amusing, yet pitiful in the Jxtreme fb note the abuse and ridi jule going the rounds of the "sound iioney" press, and the fact that ;hese articles constitute their argu ment is sufficient evidence their case a a weak one. The populists, who iiave ever held for the paper dol itir, although advocating free and unlimited coinage of gold and eil irer, are now recognizing the ireakueM Of the gold standard posi iion, and ire now strenuously push ing tla fre coinage issue, in hopes )f hatching strength from both parties. That it may take r-ome drength frolu them is true, but lolhing to fpeak of, unless they lis ke a sweeping change in their platform. As the great artisan of lrttioniil econouiic cult, for the con lervnt ion of principles dear to the nibses, the democratic party must ind will tnke hold of this question 11 the coining campaign, and noth- ng but a telurii of normal trade I'luiions, and complete march to iniversal national prosperity with n the next few months, will jire rtA it, The value of a good county fair cannot be over-estimated. It shows that the people of the county appre ciate substantial effort in progress ive farming, and it shows conclu sively to the world what that pro gression is. It behooves Hillsboro, as the county seat, and having the necessary grounds to see that a good fair is assured this fall. Looking at it from a purely selfish motive it will keep thousands of dollars in the county which would otherwise goto Portland to the exposition. No county in the state could get up a better exhibit, show better live stpek, or push to a grand fi nale such an institution than Wash ington county, and no people in the lyirtbwest would Diore cheerfully support such an undertaking. By all means, let us have a county fair, and let it be a good one. Warnie Lee and his father left for the Nehalem on a fishing trip last Monday. Peter lacauot and daughter. A B T.p-- is and wife and Mrs Anna Miller visited David's Hill last Sunday. Charley Dodds and L Limien attended the dance at Greenville Saturday night. F S Byers traded his prooertv near Manning for the Arthur Watrous prop erty in the south part of town. Mr By ers will become a resident of Cornelius. Geo Hancock and wife and cousin left Monday for East Dairy creek fcr a few days outing. Albei t Wilcox is still very low. Lyman Wilcox-came in on Monday's train from Eastern Oregon to visit his parents and brothers. Our genial landlord, J R Miller, has a very sore eye as yet. Pate Wells and family and Nate No land and family drove up to the Gales Creek store Saturday for an outing. We hear that Elder Anderson baptised 27 persons last Sunday at the Gales Creek camp meeting. Mrs Sness is numbered among the sick this week. Dr Smith is attending her, E E Nickerson came out Monday from the Nehalem country. The most interesting feature of the report is that which gives the production for the year 1894, to. gether with other valuable miscel lany. MISCKI.LAN'KOVS REPORT. Acreage under cultivation, 65,286 No bushels wheat raised,. .267,202 No bushels oats, 581, OSS Barley and rye, 17,172 No tons hay, 36,023 " bushels' corn, 1,249 " butter and cheese sold 487,578 "do eggs sold, 232,006 " bbls flour manufactured, 12,266 hops raised, 525,288 " bushels potatoes,. . .: . .305,158 " apples , . 66,488 " prunes and -plums 8,034 il bu. pears, , 6,037 grapes, 136,270 " bti. tomatoes, 785 " lb bacon cured 478,091 " $J wool produced, 39,642 " bead sheep in county,. . 7.024 swine " horses, " mules, " " cattle " $ strawberries, 40,71-1 " Ini.-hi Is onions 54,203 feel lumber nianf'd,. . .9,17(000 15 362 ' C0P'es ree' Enquirer Company, i. r Cincinnati, u. HIS Cor. 2d 4 Wash'tou J. NORTHRUP, Newly Furnished j and Renovated, i A first-class table and all accommodations for the convenience of guests. . . . TAILORING AND REPAIR SHOP. Cleaning and Repairing neat- ir neat- I , ly done. Charges reasons- fee lers at 1 N oie. L,eave all or Schulmerieh fit Son. 5.806 5,777 124 9.871 Dead Letter List. The following is the list of letters re maining in the Hillsboro post office un claimed: Paulsel , J A All letters not called for by Aug 10, 1895, will be sent to tlte dead letter of fice. One cent will be charged on each letttr called for. Mary A. Brown, P. M. FOREST GROVE. Thb man who said "Indiana are otk when dead" knew what he was alking about, arid would have made The Quadrant cases have been appealed to the United States high er coucts, and if is to be hoped that the government will win. On these lands there are many settlers who located in good faith, and as the railroad did not perform its part of the contract they should be al lowed to remain, and the land should revert to the United States. In reply to the chairman of the Democratic State Central Com mittee, requesting an opinion as to the advisability of holding a state convention soon, Hon. S. B. Huston has stated that he thinks a conven tion would be untimely. That this is a poor season of the year to get a representative aggregation of dem ocrats together, and that what few would convene would doubtless be divided to some extent: Under these circumstances Mr. Himfn.. thinks the time for a meeting in opportune. , The gold fever has struck this region and prospectors are out on every hand. The Dilley excitement still ke ps up and many are under various pretexts exam ining the surrounding country. Mr C Fritz of the Pacific Coast Engra ving Co, is in town again after a trip of several weeks in the interest of his com pany. He visited many up river points and secured a great deal ot work. Arrangements have been made for the machinery for the new L H Albert & Co flouring mill. It will be of the very lat est improved and best manufacture, and will arrive some time in this month for placement. Mr Christian, a former business pian of this place, returned Tuesday from the southern Oregon country where he has oeen prospecting lor some months. He has a placer and a quartz claim down in that section and exhibits some fine spec imens from each. Dr C B Smith, of Clackamas county, o uiEiiivci ui me iasi legislature, passed through the city last week enroute for the Tillamook country. Prof Garrison and family have been spending several days in and around Amity, his location of pioneer days. Mrs Lott, c.f Gaston, drew $160 on a pens. on cnecK tne ot ner flav in th n iv and the next morning she discovered it had mysteriously disappeared. A search for the money, both home and at this place proved fruitless. Mr and Mrs Thomas Roe, Mrs E H Marsh, Misses Anna Roe and Belle Clark and Chas Shattuck started Tuesday for a few days outing. C E Deichman, of Hillsboro, as D I) o m, installed officers of Washington, No 48, 1 O O P, the other evening. He was assisted by Past Grand Humphrey, and Noble Grand Wilkes of Hillsboro. Quarterly Teachers' Examination, NOTICJ5 is hereby given that for tho, purpose of making an examination of an persons who may oiler themselves a candidates for teachers of the schools of uus county, tne uounty School Superin tendent thereof will hold a public exami nation in the County court house at Hills boro, at 1 o'clock p 111, on the 2d Wednes day in August, the 14th. Candidates for stale tinners should mvsent llipmsclvpa ,m Friday, the 16th. Dated this 81st day of July, 18ft). Austin Cbaio, ouniy bciiooi superintendent of Wash ington county, Oregon. 19-2 Pays to Trade with U. S. trr. xr. xn S. O. HUSTON, ATTORN EY-AT-L AW, A N II NOTARY PUBLIC. floomS Union lllock, HIllslHiro, Or PA.1RETT 4 ADAMS, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. 11 loms (land T Central Iltock, HilUboro, Or. T. II. TONGUE, ' ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, In it. i.;iin block, Hillsboro, Orgon. .: DRUG :: STORE u (Next Door llryaii l.niillaw Co.) Main Street, II 1 1 Inborn. VV. D.VVOOD, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office In Clieiietto Row. Kosldanoa, cornei' I'imi ami Main streets, Hillsboro, Oregon. S. T. LINKLATER, M. B.C.M. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Ollli e at Hi'iidi'iico Kasl of Court House. C. B. DROWN, JTJKNT1ST, lin.LSItoltO, OKKfJOX. (If)Ml ( ItOWN mid ItHItXIM work a specialty. ALL WORK tiuitroiitocd. Hoouis 1 mid 2 Morgan Kloek, Oki'ick IIoiius: Front a, si. to 4. r. m. A line line of Toilet Article, lttiMlics, I'oinliN, l'erl'tiines, Patent Medicines and Mpeelal attention given to (utility and Accuracy, v-ticinc esusr r 'if THli OHRONIOI.K mik with tht rw "wn In Hi United HUM "" THK OIIHONICU: hu ns niJonlh. Cx-IO, THK CIIMOMICLK-S T.Iwulilo luml, , III UtMl UK mot mlua,!,, H ljoetl N.WI1U, to U..I nd .plr!,, tt MHori.,, ton burn pn in to country. -mH :!.' R0N ICLK lw" 1 "111 b, the Iti.ud uil cluuilun of lh iwiiil,, u JMuMOMtUiuttloiu. ctlquo. o,1rp.,r..lrall.oroj 11 wlu "wtal-'aWm St w.rruiu iwumi la muii Sealed Proposals for Wood. SEALKD proposals for furnishing 80 cords of first-class fir wood will be re ceived ut the office of the Shrievalty, at the County court house in Hillsboro, Washington County, Oregon, until AugiiHt 10, 1802. Said wood to be delivered at the Court House on or before the 15th day of September, 1805. H. P. Ford, Sheriff. BOCIBTIBS. Phamix Lodee No. u. K. of P mects in Odd Fellow's hall on Mon day evening of each week. Montezuma Lodge No. 50, 1.6, f9ff O. F. meets Wednesday even- IngsatS o'clock in their hall. Tuality Lodge No. 6. A.F. & A.M meets 1 every Saturday night on or aller full moon of each morith. rCourtTualatin,No.7974A.O.F.ofA 2 "1f5teiyt'ry, Tuesday evening In' C-3 Odd Fellows hall at 8 o'clock. feHillsboro Lodge No. 6i,A.O.U.W , moots every second and fourth Tues inn- uaj civeuiiig in cue month. VWashington Encamptuent No. u, Se .VVf.V meets on second and f fourth Friday of each month. 6fi Hillsboro Lodge No. 17, 1. O.G. T fejSy neets in thoir hall Saturday 8 d. m. . 1VAT1 ATamnL. C 1 " . SilLte?.. 73, P. of H iu Huu ouun uays at l m. HnisDoro Kebekah Lodge No 54 I O i-t J-," Tet iD ,odd Fellows' Hali 1st, ted Saturday evening of each month. Washington County Rod and KTHiS"." Clu meets in Morgan Block um.v.mj ui muu montn ata p. m. Viola Tent, No 18, K O T M. meets in Odd Fellows' Hall on Second and Fourth lnutwluy evenings 01 each month. Vis iting Knights cordially invited to attend, rpORKNT.--A large cottage with three X lots in North side addition tit $5 per muiim. enquire at this ottice. Fine Clothes Do not make a man. But they go a long way towards keeping a man's respect for himself and that of others for him. It Doesn't Cost Any More To dress neatly than it does to go with an ill-fitting coat or baggy trousers. All You Have To tlo is to deal with a first class firm like. Schulmerieh & Son, F. A. BAIT.EV, M.D. F. J. BAIL V, B.S.M.O. DRS. F. A. AND F.J. BAILEY, Physicians, Surgeons and Accouchers. Office in TTIlliihnrn Ph..m.. T..l I donee soutn-west comor UaNulino tiitd hocond. All calls promptly attended day or night. J JAMES PHILLIPPB TAMI2SIE, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Surgeon Southern Pacific Ha it road To. Consultation In Fronch or English, otllee and residence south of Main nearStlBt.. Uilluboro, Or. . ' WILKES BROS. ABSTRACTORS and SURVEYORS. Conveyancing and fine map work a specialty. Lindsay Block, two doom north ot the poHtofflce. Second St., Hillaboro, Or. u il TheNewChronicIe ttnildinff 1 1 ITioa, F. Oakes, Henry C. Pttyn.i, M Henry C. Kouso, Uecieven, ORTHERN PACIFIC R. R. BEAVERTON. Some of Portland's papers are making a great deal of fuss about n excellent Indiri agent. - The red eorae 17 Indians having been killed ' friends, Mrs Case, formerly a teacher in the city school here, was spending a few days in our midst last week. Mr and Mrs Squires of Greenville, passed through here Monday. Mrs Josie Taylor of Portland, was in TO RENT. A nice little cottaga within one block of the business nnrl. of I.humi at 7 per month : Knqure at, this "fflce or 01 W . jj, i norne. ANDERSON & TUPPER, (Succe&.jr to C R Mead) EXPRESS! Makes regular trips to Portland on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, re turning on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sat nrdsvs. All business entrusted to him will be promptly and carefully attended town this week, visiting relatives and Tv-2LBlLOT'5,!2Ta5!e- 1 Ifn : , "'V or ni ijeuiorcrg, or at The Arous. R U N 5 Pullman Sleeping Cars Elegant Dining Cars Tourist Sleeping Cars 8T. PAUL IS. Jle.NHIL, Iluce ver. TO THE EAST . . ..Gives the choice of. . . . TWO TllA SSCONTIKHNTA L ROUTES on THE DAILY ' ONLY $6.70 A YEAR The Weekly Chronicle -THR- Northern By. - Fiicific lly. TO VIA SPOKANE MINNEAPOLIS AND ST PAUL DENVER OMAHA AND KANSAS CITY MINNEAPOLIS OULUTH FARGO GRAND FORKS CROOKSTON WINNIPEG HELENA and BUTTE TO CHICAGO SVASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA NEW VORK J0STON AND ALL f-CINTS EAST anj SOUTH '"I' information, limn cards, mnns unA 'lekelh. cull on of wtile ' P- CL'ARITON, Aat, Cenl, Pass Ageal' t-ORTLANO ,OR. 2B5 Morrison Street. LOW RATES TO A U EASTKIIN OlTtlCS Of, inn Steamer Leave Portland Every Vive Days .... FOR..,, SAN FRANCISCO For full details call on or address: VV H HUttLoURT, Oen'l Pass Agent Portland, Oregon. Administrator's Notice, ATotlce is hereby iriveii that. Hie linHnv ll signed has been duly appointed ad-! Knife and Weekly three month.... niiiiiairuioi- 01 tne estate ot w. M. Uiidnoy, deceased, by tho County Court of Wash ington county, Oiegon. -and bus duly qualified as such administrator. All per sons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same to tne at tho law office of S. II. Huston, In Hills- wiu, nun n-oper voucners wiiluii six ; months from this date. ' j Dated at Hillsboro, Oregon, this 10th day I of July. 1805. J, K. Ptirdy.- i Adiiunislrator of the estate of W. M, Uud-! Greatest Weekly in the Country. THE WKEKLV OHRONtOLK, the most brtl Hunt and complete Weekly Newspaper In th iv.irld, prlnte renulnrly 70 colnmn. or lKht irnwi if New, Literature and jeinral tifuriinuio,i ilBOKmagiilflvent Agrlrultnnl Depurtmen 1.50ForlEYE4R lnclndl'if pniiuge) to mj part of th, Vnlled HlHtea, Coned and Mexico. SAMPLE COPIES SENT FREE. Do You Want Any -or TH GREAT PREMIUMS The Weekly Chronicle? READ THE LIST: Vntl Prist, Sporting Outfit and Weekly en yew u 71 Sowing Mtchtne and Weekly one year 32 00 Wlncheiter 44-callner Ride and Weekly one year mm.. 14 HO Target Hide, 93-oallber, and Weekly one year. i'latol and Weekly on year.., I so" Map of the United State. Canada and Meileo, and Weekly one year 9 00 Pocket Alia and Weekly alt month.....,.,... gs 71 The above Rate Include the Prepay, event of Poataa-e oa tbe Paper. ADDItKSS M. H. dm VOTJNt. (opntors. F. Chronicle, SAN FHANCISCO, OAL The Circulation of the CHBONICLH k equal to Hi at of ALL THE OTHEfl i Man Francisco Horaintr PaDAra Cgm