The Argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1894-1895, November 08, 1894, Image 2

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It. M.i.n'CHELL, Editor.
' J. A BO WEN, Manager.
THE ARGU3 Co., P.ilithtr.
Single copy live cents.
One year, $1.00.
Six months 00 cents. -.
Thwo months 35 conts.
Special Advertising. Special Rates.
r ..' . j
Published weekly cverv Thursday evn-I
lug, Kasi side of Seceml st Hillsbort Or. j
iCntnxi at thr Post-office at Hillsboro, t
Oregon, Secuml-cliis man niawer.
'Nil KSDAY NOV. 8,' tS'4.
, fin v thip i an off jour.
Weavt-r w.i lr.lly left in Iowa,
WiWn iis Ii fcaM l'r congress.
: Tlw -!eoti)!i TuiM(l;iy was r Wa
terloo lor demount ti-.
The state f Washington went re
publican .by it large majority.
Morton of Nnw York downed D.
i. Hill by a cool 140,1)00 voles. ,
The elections are over, now for
business ftil renewed prosperity.
V "dilver)ii.k" liuuv' of Missouri,
was defeated by goidlmy; republi-
Governor-elect Lord is r said to
)itive a gotnl-fited Senatorial Hes iiv
his bonnet.
For the first liuid in a hundred
, years lammuny loses control of the
jsily otNew York.
The next house will stand 232
republicans, 120 democrats, 1 sil
ver, and 3 populists.- :
It it marvelous how the senate ri
al candidates-tumble over each oth
er to get into the free silver camp.
'flie republicans fused with their
dearly beloved populist brethren,
' and carried North Carolina. The
republicans got 3 congressmen and
the populists got soup.
Kansas has repudiated populism
and woman suffrage, and has again
been swallowed by the gold bug re
publican party 30,000 strong blect
mg eight congressmen , and the en
tire state ticket. ; "
r . After the drubbiug our
ic crow-bird got Tuesday he is bard-
' ly fit for presentation, but we hope
that during the gol times that are
to follow ho will fatten up and be
- able to make respectable crow two
. years hence.
Au undertaker of Kansas was re
cently ii r rested and held to bail in
the sum of j-M) for a violation of
the prohibitory law. Several
fearohes were Hindu for illicit liqu
ors befo-u they were found.; They
were finally diwoverod tin the cof--:
fnis luid caskets.. 'V
On Novembei 1st;' 1894, Govern
or Fennover issued the following
Thanksgiving - proclamation: "I
hereby appoint the last Thursday
of this month a llianksgiving holi
day. 'In the day of prosperity be
joyfuly but in the day of adversity
consider.' Ecelesiastes vii. 14."
There was a time when Oregon's
.a. leading daily gave a. true index of
-.the timet? by its editorials, but that
day is past, and the day will noon
. have gone by when it shall be call-
. i i - I i ,- ntt
N eu me leaning utttiyt ino news
eoluinns of the pr'S and the edi
torial columns of independent and
. democratic papers are full of inter
esting ituitis concerning ''business
activities while tlieOregoliian and
papers of a like ilk have a marked
contrast between their news and
editorial columns, v
We hitve received volume 1,
number 1, of the Woodland Times,
fiublisped by the Woodland pub
ishing eonipaiiy. W. 0. Cluw, .for.
' inerly of The Auacs is editor in
- chief. It is it vr rv newfv four cnl-
uuin folio, the same style and size
. as the hist tuis of 1 he .-Altai's.
Prom it' we Jc.rn that George Clif-
-, khmuu .llie're in 'toe .black
smith buiiif p. while T. JJ. Adams
former iei.:il(jnt;ol' thicoiiuty is a
" candidate fur enunty school nuper
.. inteuduiit n( U'iu lilss ei'iinty. Prof.
Adiims live ai Ti Midair, and will
Iw renieinbi'ti i! ji? having ta tight
school ht Fore.-I 'ivv. .
' This week no prorent tie Views of
Senator Mitchell mi thniver qii(i
.lioii us reported. byatU daily Sun:
i IfW hom do iTiivor as the republican
-'jireaidentiaj stal dard bearer iu 196?"
nvsponded Sei.ator John H. Mitchell, of
Oregon, repeating the interrogatory pro
pounded to liim by the Times-Sun core
li r-drtt. "iWeir," paid he ferther, "1
shouldr.wlHii tx'.e coaits for liomihat
iug, favor il esctiou of that man who
then, ai, u.i ciju.'s.aiices and conditions be
ing cartiuiy LoiiBiutred, would seem to be
the most avuilable, the most likely to Unite
the party and win the race. ' his being j
au, it preuaps soinewna- premature to
; express any ppinion or preference now.
"- ""' vi .1101,1,131114
ivsaersoi our 'pary ana an 01 wnose :
(.met have been discussed m5re or less,
' in connection with the next nomination', 1
my one of whom would be entirelv ,
. mu,Lui iv uic fnriBvnajj, ..blk.ii as j kuu several teruiit as united states sen
Uarfisoil of Indiana'; Rec-4 of Maine, ator from the great state ot Pennsyl
4 IcJCiBley cf Ohio, Morton, Tracy and I vnnia with great credit to himself, his
' yiatt of New Vnk,"Hoar of Massachu ) party and the country Ifelectcd presi
4tt, All.son vf Iowa, Curtly in of Illinois, ' dent, he would not regard himself greater
Manderaon of . ebr.iska, Teller of Colo- ' than his party, Mid would bow with be
rado, Cameron of Pennsylvania and t coming deference to the will of his party
several others, and either of whom, if
elected, would doubtless make a good
J president. But, notwithstanding the
i ninny blunders and breaking of pled
i ges ou the patt of the democratic party.
now in power, anu tuc many tiucui.
they have furnished of their incompe
tency, I am not one of those who believe
the republicans have, under any and all
circumstances, a walk-over tn tbqo; net
do I believe they can confidently hop
tn mrmn mwpr men. notwimsLanuintr
all that has been ilone oy tne present
democratic administration to warrant it,
without the most prudent and careful
management, not only in the .selection
I of standard-bearers, but in the formul
I ation of the declaration of principles np-
i . i . i . : i 1. .. . . .1 . . . .
ed.' :'-'-' : ' "';""'.- '
"By the action of the present Congress
the tariff issue ib in a measure eliminated.
True, it is the doctrin of protection to
American interests, and American labor
is now, as it always has been, and must
ever continue tole, one of the cardinal
principles of the republican party, and
one which must cot be obscured or lost
sight of by any or all issues however
vital they may be to the best interests
of our country; and the great injustice
done t04iuny of the great industries of
this country by recent democratic legis
lation, and the fearful onslaught made
on the wageworkers of this country by
that legislation, must and surely will be
corrected whenever the republican party
again aucceewo power. But while this
is all so, thegruTissue, vitally important
as it is, mustnoTbe permitted to obscure
other equally important issues, upon the
correct determination of which depend.
tn niv judgment, not only the supremacy
of the republican partv, but the future
welfare and prosperity of the country. .-
"In my judgment, the money question
is one not only equal to, but in many re
spects tunmtely greater importance, as
affecting more people than that of the
tariff. The present seemingly irrepress
ible conflict now on, not only in this
Sonntry but through the world between
the advocates of the single-gold standard
and those of real bimetolism, must not
for one moment, if we would court success
in the next presideutal campaign, be
subordinated or minimized in interest or
importance to that other equally irreprs
sible conflict between the doctrins of pro
tection and free" trade. ,v
"The doctrins of the gold standard and
free trade are win outgrowths of the
great monetary and Commercial power
of the creditor nations of the world.
They are doctrins, each of them so per
nicious to the best interests of this coun
try that all of the energy of every moral
and political power of every citizen of this
country snouia Dearrayea. against mem
Thev are each doctrins flaorantlv in.
itnical to the best interests of the people
of this country , and hostile to our civili
zation and national welfare.. They con
stitute the destiuctive weapons by which
imperial England deals deadly blows at
American interests and prosperity, and
which enable her to continue to wield
without serious opposition the commerc
ial end momentary sceptre of the world.
Just as long as this government gives,
its sanction, either expressly or implied
ly, to these baneful doctrins, so potent
as agencies in maintaining the commerc
ial and momentary supremacy of Great
Britain, and so destructive to American
interests, just so long do we relinquish
two of the highests attributes of sovere
ignty the right to prescribe for ourselves
a commercial and monetary policy one
adapted to our own interests, and which
tends to the protection of bur national
and indievdual welfare, just so long will
we be in a sense a vassal of Great Britain,
paying annually into her exchequer and
those of her creditor people hundreds of
millions ot dollars..
"In my judgment that party, whether
republican or democratic, which goes in
to the next presideutal contest, either
pledged to the singel-gold standard or on
a platform containing a broad straddle
on the money question,; one susceptible
of different constructions, in the exoect-
atiou of deceiving the great majority of
me people, ana witn a candidate who is
unwilling to be understood as beinir un
alterably opposed to the perpetuation of
uic suiigic-gutu aiaimuru in mis country,
and in favor of the full constitutional re-
monetization ot silver, the coinage of
uuiu gom ana silver on equal terms at
the existing ratio, will be defeated. .
"The republican party of this country
is in favorof honest money, of an honest
dollar, but this honest monev' this honest
dollar must not be and cannot be confin
ed to the gold dollar alone, silver and pap.
ermoney .each having by virtue of eovern
mental authority a legal tender function,
must have recognition, and gold and
silver, and not gold alone, must be rec
ognized as the money of ultimate redem
ption. A gold dollar and gold coin
generally which have appreciated largely,
as has our gold dollar since the demone
tization of silver, a dollar which prior to
its demonetization could be bought with
three-quarters of a bushel of wheat, or
iour: pounos ot wool, and which now
costs three bushels of wheat and 20 lhs
of wool, is not au honest, but a dishonest
dollar. : The republican party wants no
fiat money, no inflation, no such mone
tary policy as will unjustly or wrongfnly
disturb values, no dishonest dollar, either
of gold, silver or paper, but a sound fin
ancial system based upon the money of
ine constitution, gold and silver. The
republican pary must be willing to treat
suver in mis country as a money metal
and not merely as a commodity. Other.
wise in my judgment real prosperity can
not and will not come to us and other.
wise the republ'can party cannot hope,
iii my judgment, to regain power. Pro
tection to American interests and Amer
ican labor and bimetalism in its onlv
true sense, that is, coinage into money of
uum gum aim suver on equal terms as
to coinage unoer tne existing ratio, and
the use thereof as money, the one equal
in value and debt paying power to an in
terchangeable with the other, .dollar for
dollar, should, in my judgment, be the
battle cry of the republican party In 1896
Aim in mis view 01 tne case, it the con
veanon were to ne held
unw nf all iUa
j.-.j .-,..j . '
usungmsnea men wnose names are How
being canvassed in connection with the" T v";". ' w?ln
republican nominatiou for; president
regard Senator Don Cameron, of Pen
nsylvania, as by all odds the logical and
most available candidate , He is a true
American, a protectionist in every sense
of the term. He is a binietalist 'in the
only true sense of that term. He is un
alterably opposed to the perpetuation of
tne single gold standard in this country.
He is right on the great question of ex-
r.1..rt:..n . 1. : . , ,
i..uiniS iivuj mis uuuniry unuesiraole
immigration. He favors the earlv con
struction of the Nicaragua canal, in which
the people of the Pacific coast, and in.
deed of the whole country, are so vitally
nterested. He favors liberal appropria-n'
Hons for the improvement of rivers and
narnors. in a word, lie is an American
in every sense of the term, with a public
record behind him fully iustifvinV that
appellation, and all that I have just said of
aim. Mr. Cameron is, persoulay, S man
not only of distinguished lineage and s
nuuiig iiicutamy, uui is possessed ot an
unlimited supply of what is generally
known as 'good common sense,' He is
level headed. He lias filled the position
of secretary of war under General Grant
I . ...
as expressed in the national congress
whenever constitutionally expressed by
leeislative action, whether such action
Ulint oe in entire ai-vum ui uui w uu 110
individual opinion. He has behind him
the great state of Pennsylvania, which
would in the event of his nomination,
. . 1 ... . : . . . i . .. . u . : . u
roll up a majority of 200,000 for the re
publican ticket. He would carry every
3te west . of the ' Missouri river. If
cte4, as he certainlv would be, his ad
ministration would be modeled after
those of Grant., 't would be character
ized bv unostentation and plain sense, by
rugged honesty and proper consevatism,
a vigerous, inteligent foreign and domes
tic policy, and his administration would,
in my humble judgment be one that
would command the respect and admi
ration of the people of tins country, irre
spective of partv. Hadl4 therefore the
naming ot a candidate, were the convent
ion to be held tomorrow. I would name
Don Cameron, of Pennsylvania, on a
platform on the lines I have indicated.
What I miaht deem best to be done two
years hence I will not pretend to say, nor
"do I presume it makes any difference, as
doubtless my wishes or judgment, either
now or hereafter, will not be worth con
sidering on that important subject.
Washington, D. C.Oct. 31, 1894
That the continued silence of
president Cleveland concerning the
New York campaign is not pleasing
to the average democrat it is use
less to deny. True, it iS not to late
for him to say a god. word for the
nluckv fieht that , senator Hill is
making, but. nothing that ho can
now say will, in the opinion of ex
perience J campaigners, do as much
good to the party in that state as a
few words Bnoken earlier in the
campaign would have done, under
ordinary .circumstances it would
not be considered necessary for the
president to say that he wishes to
see the ticket nominated by his
party in any state elected, but in
New York, even aside from the
known personal relations existing
between the president and S-Mintor
Hill, there are peculiar circum
stances which made such an exp
ression of .-opinion desirable, .not
only for its. effect upon the vote
cast for the state ticket but to aid
the democratic candidates in the
congressional districts. v .
Although no stock is taken here
in the claim of the government of
Germany that its decree prohibiting
the importation of American cuttle
and dressed beef Was issued liecause
there was Texas fever in tw6 cargoes
of American cattle, lately carried
to that country, the department of
agriculture has taken steps to in
vesttgate the claim. If it be true,
as bcleived, that Germany's renl
reason is to retaliate, liecause of the
differential duty on her sugar impos
ed by the new tariff, somebody ' has
blundered and the plunder may di?
feat the intention, nfrevly
Bed to repeal that duty at the coin
ing session of congress i ' ' ;v i
. rieprcseniitiye .Davy,' of X.a. was
in ashmgtoti on buhness. several
days ngo, savs the talk about elect
ing several republican coiigressiiien
from that state, wtikli rcptililicans
are iiidulaing in, strikes liiin ns
being very absurd. He thinks tin
only district in whicli the -reyoltu p
sugar planters' are. Htimerous n
influential enouijli to ham even 1
fighting chance of defeating the
democrntic candidate for congress
is the Second, and that the demo
crats will eary that by a very small
margin. The- other five congres
sional districts, he snyi, will be
certain lo no democratic, as uual
It is difficult to see where ,tbe
republicans are to make the gains
necessary tn deprive the democrats
of the present large majority in the
house, when the ret nrns of the
careful canvas made bv democrats
in every ' section of the country
now being received by the democrat
ia congressional campaign eommit
te, are studied, From Indiana,,
where tlie republicans are claiming
evervthing, comes the! news that
the democrats will certainly carry
ten ot the eleven congressional di
tricts carried hy them it) 1892, a d
have a good chance to carry the
eleventh: from Wisconsin, where
ridiculous :lninis , have also been
fmade by republicans, comes thr de
claration that th democrats will be
certain to curry five of the six dis
tricts thpy carried 111 '92, with
fighting chimce iu two -other din
tricts, and from Not th Carolina,
where the republicans And populists
tin ve formed a fusion w hich at one
time did look dangeroug,'coines the
assurance that the legislature,
which will elect two U. , w-nators
Will certainly hts democratic, and
that the congressional4 delegahoi
win pe solid ty uemocratic, a gain
ol one lnenber.
Senator Faulkner, who, in tuldit
ion to the knowledge he has ac-
n;ru. DI i, ,1:. , , .......
iT810ni", campnign committee, k no wi
tS district as welt as ' the voters
personaly and ibnroufhly, says lie
regards cnairman wtis'itis re-elect
ion to congress as being well nigh
certain, and he. would reenrd it as
certain were it not for the fear that
large stints of money, which report
says has been contributed by tht
protected manufacttiri'fs who are so
nnxinus to defeat Mr.. '.Wilson, .will
, 7, I T
0,e8- 1
be spent in the i-utwright purchase
re is no law providing
lor a registration of votprs 111 .West
Virginia, cnnsfquently there is
someoppnrturiil v for the . manipu
lation of n.. large crooked floatiiigl
vote. However nenator. I'liulkner
says this danger will lie niiiiimizcd
by the vigilence of tlni.TenMKTiUs!'
Ot' course no iiiud-tnit- of visilenee
can prevent a legal voer from sell
ing his vote, if he be so disposed,
but thev can be d- tt'eted . a ml 1i1JlI
!,.. 1 .1.-1.. 1. ... 9-r 1 1
kiicv nun vneii-- uriuers pumsiiea,
and they will be. wflerbver ftosaible,
"If I were asked, said a domocrui
of national reputntion," to crilicie
the work done V f, the democratic ,
coiipres8ional c:i B",iWliitn- committee, i
tins year, T know of but one thing ;
with which I would find fault. I i
!. Ibinlr Mi ft,niimtttf li-ia made '
aon t Ititnn Mi commune mane
the fusion of the republicans Wltll
the populiVt in six i-tates tn widely
, ' . ,. t
kiif.wn in some si-ctions "f tne
Country a it should. I think deni-!
ocratio votes would have been made I
in tin' Middle and Eastern States,
if in no other section, by widely ml-
vertuing the fnct thnt the roimbli-i
iin! wi-r iiiiiHirtiii. notitilist iMiid-!
I . 1 .... . . 1
ulates for congress in irutma,
North Carolina; Georgia, Alabama,
Arkansas and Toxas.whtle members
of thftsame PVty were asKing tne
tr M tltti .business men if other
states on the ground that it was
the only party which believed in nn
honest and sound financial system.
The American people do not beloive
in hypoeraoy. in politics or in any
thing else, and it would have paid
the democrats to have shown up
this republican duplicity."
That's the record of our Wcbfoot
Corn Cure; it never fails wherever
tried. " A corn is about the worst
thing on foot, and a very disagree
able fellow to travel with. Don't
invite him to stick to you by neg
lecting to use our corn cure. Time
doesn t make his acquaintance
more pleasant or his removal any
easier.. The time to attack a com
is on its first appearance, by an
immediate adplication of our Web
foot Corn Cure. When "used, this
unfailing remedy will remove com
speedily and put nn end to a pain
ful annoyain e. - We, also have a
complete line of perfumes and toilet
articles at the I'hnrmacv.
At this eenson of the yenr are
njinropriate-aiel right. Sclml
merich .fr Bon cjtpr.epa thanks
Good Wishes
Tothe host of patrons who
have favored them with their
' orders. The season of Thanks
giving calls for especial atten
tion, and we are happy . to
think that to
Schulmerich & Son's
t The Thanksgiving season trade
lasts the year through. Come
and see their latest bnrgaitis. '
Quarterly Examination.
THE FOUKTH Quarterly Teachers Kx
uniimttion for 1804 will be held in
Hillsboro iu the court house, coiiiiiiene-
mg Wednesday, November 14th, at 1
o'clock p. 111, Those applying for State
PaK'rs niuy come Friday, November Kith,
at U o'clock a, 111. . Wm. A. Ilosn,
32 County School Superintendent.
Laku Orrics At Ohkhok City, Obeqon i
' . October 24, 18i4.
NOTICK f hereby given that the ap
proved fftt'il survey of .!&wnship I
boiith, Hwioefr?'e8t; baafiieeii. received
Iroiti the snT.v&y.ur gene'ruljof Oregon, and
on December 12, ' 1894,' at 9 o'clock a.
111. on f aid day.. said list will be tiled in
this othce and th land then in embraced
will be subject to entry 011 and after said
. Hoiikht A. Mim.kk, Kegister,
82-6 : Pktek Fauubt, Iteceiver,
. Notice For Publication.
' "Land OmcE Ar Okeooh Oitv, Obeoom)
" October 27, lM.f
VTOTICK is herebVidven that the follow.
11 lug-named settler has filed notice of
111s intention to make huul proof 111 tup
port of his claim, and that said proof will
be made before the County Clerk of Wash,
ington Co., at Hillsboro, Or., 011 Deu. 14,
1894, viz:
Alexander Raymond,
H. E, No. Olbti, tor the 8. li. y. of 8. Ii. V.
Wen. 83, B. W. oi tf. W. Sec. 84, T. 2 N.
R. 5 VV. and W. of N. W. Sec. 8, T. 1
N., It. 6 W.
11 u names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon and
cultivation of, said land, viz:
IV U. Ornie, of Gales Creek, Or..
S 0. Lilly, . . " . '
H. W. Her. '.''" ' "
.Antoa Powell, " " "
llOHERT A. MILLER, Itegister.
NOTICK U hereby given' that tlie un
dersigned has beiMi appointed admin,
iairntor of the estate of I'atrick McQuudo,
deceatied. All person'- having claims
against suld estate are rraulred to nresent
',".e "'''iL'11'1!!,' i,u"?1;or wi'h
vouchers at the ortke of Tni Anmm ut.
HillslKiro, Oregon, within six months.
ironi tlie last puhllcattoii ot this notice.
i- .:,(RoV.) CHARLK8 J. O'HEtLLy,
, .7. . .4r"-iMirator,
-jo-oTrCK Ta hwrfty given that, I the- uudur- j
IN siisimd have bo'on by the County Court 1
J.;,;,,, plH)imei tutrix of th lasti
will and U-stiiiii-iit ot Louis Kiv,d-crajMd.
H,m havequalllnl as ciifh -;utrix. All 1
)is h-xin)C rluillm ugainct the white
f Louis Hoy, dewamd, am hereby wlt-l
Hod t.. piWnt the Mine to ma vtlf tuo :
proi-er vouchor, a thJWa" V8 ul ,,ar"
a Adams, in liilwu?rmW with!
in six month from the dale hereof. . j
A VTi tl, last !
will and tmtiiiieni of Umia Kny,diteaed.
-rx- .1. r......... 11....... ,.f
L gon, fur Washington t'imiity.
il. I.. jiimnermttii, I'launiii,
Cleo. W. Uibson mid
ltimnK. (lilimm. DulVmdiintM.
To Geo. W. Uilmin, one of the above
nilinvd del'eiidunta.
. Inthenuniuufthv -State of Urrgim you
ar coiiui'itiuleil to ioHnr and unxwvr
I plitiiitiir s emu plaint in tlio uliovn entilleil
1 court and cauxe liy Monday the 5th day of
November, 1WH, mo miihu uoing in nrai
liny ol the next roguliir tirm of wild court
ill'tWtliewrviotjot thissiiiiinioii!uion youi
Ami if you fall to so appvur Hlu' 'ni"ir,
the pluliititl' wilt tuke jiul(iiivnt uuuliiMt
you for the sum nf $lU0,with interest thvre
011 since llecnnilwr 1, IStU, at the rate of 10
iier cent. ot luiimni, ami the sum ot VJJ,
attornovs tees and for the costs anil li.
tmrseniciits of this action uiiil iilso Unit tne
following described rail estate, the proper.
tvof said dotemliint tieo.W.
Ilia Northeast tiimrtur of Section S2,
Townships, North, Kunge 2 West of the
Will. Mer Washington county, Oregon,
be sold In the manner provided by law and
the proceeds applied to the tuitismction ot
plaintiff's Maid judgment, And for such
other relief ns to the court may uppear
This suiiimmiR lfA'C't io 1 you by
publication by oiiljSVf the Hon. 11. 1'. Cor
nelius,.! mlge of tlitn ounty Court of Wash
ington County, Ori'xnu. llatuil at t'hiim
bera, at llilUboro, Oregon, this f.')toinbr
IS, im.
S, H. Huston and Hbntos Howman,
28 tt , Attorneys fur Plaimilf.
N the Circuit Court of the bttito of Ore
gon for Washington County.
Antoiiie l.etard, flaintill I
Anuetro I.ebard, Defeudunt.)
To Annette l.t'bunl, the ubovo mvmed de
fendant;' In the name of the State of Oiogou, you
lire required to appear 111 the above
named court iu tlut iibovu entitled
suit, and iinswer the complaint therein
tiled against yon, by Monday, the ttlth day
of November, ism, which lii-stdayiif
the next regular term of said . oiirt follow
ing the expnui 1011 ot the time prescribed
fortiie publication of this summons. And
if you fail so to answer, for want thereof
the plaintilt will apply to the oiirt for the
relief df ma nded in said complaint, to-wlt :
that the mamugu ami liiiirauge contract
now existing between you and the
pluiutitf be dissolved, ami that such other
and further decree ho mailt) as may he
This summons Is served by publication
by virtue of no order ma'le by the Hon
Thomas A. Mcliridu, Judge of the above
named court, made iu upon court and dat
ed the Nth day of October, ISItl.
H. Ii. Hi'bton and Denton Bowman.
21W1 Attorneys for Plaintiff.
NOTICE Is hereby given to oil whom it
may concern : That the undersigned
will present the following petition to the
County Court of Washington County, Ore
gon, on Wednesday the 7th day of Novem
ber, 1894. W. M.M11.LK,
APPLICATION for Unuor License. To
the Honorable County Court of Wash
ington county, Oregon. We the under
signed residing in and legal voters of Co
lumbia precinct. Washitigion county, Or
egon, and constituting together an actual
majority of such legal voters, do rcsiieul
fullv pray that 11 license to sell, spirituous,
malt mid vinioiis liquors in less quantities
t'lan one gallon, lo be granted to W. M.
Miller, of the precinct, county and state
aloiesnid lor the period ol six months.
Hated at (Jlencoe, Oregon, Sept. HI), 1M94.
Names. N. H, Jones, G, Hardy, K. C.
Phillips, F. Parrot, C. W. Parrot, W. ,1.
Hi ley, J. O.Dobbins. S. J". lttirletv, W. C.
Portlimaun, Pnmk Itounelli, W k. l.nsh,
W. P. Kreeimin, Kugeue Held, 10. lloge,
John I.. Hunt J. Hogt, Julius Miller, A.
K. Watson, W. Jl. Miller. M. M. Dclaiiev.
R. Sandford, W. I). Satterlee, W. II. Ad-
aius, v. lianK, Vi. 1 uglow, John M. liar
ny, W. H. Miller, J. P. Essner, Tom Wit
lis, JoeKssntr, J. C. Uufertv. W. 1. U:-egg
V. Keenan, Ouy Smitli, W. T. llollenhcck,
Win. llarmes, Kied Steiner, John Smith,
jurist jsyit, jonti k. Mnuth, K. H. Koni'
phry, J. li. McNcw, C. W. I.eighow, Sam
uel O. Holnian, Robert Rice, Ira Kniiis. J
T. DeHord, W. W. Townsend, O. W. Mor
gan, Tews, T. H. Williams, IewisIIawk.
T. 11. Jones, Peter J. Hermans, Oeorge W.
Kelley, Anie MeCrdev, David Hice,JoTi!i
Vanderwall, Cleorgii a, Kuiuager, J. VIipy,4
u. j. jincKiey, 1.. .Morris, vvasii, ioncs,
Jet Loiiir. W. A. Long. W. II.
Mays, Ij. B. Mays, 10. II. Pudgeit'G. Jnck
son, It. liurtcli, lleni'iv iiuins ried
Klieuht, T. Paulsi 11, Christ Carl, JlfLuck,
Aiitone J, Vandchey, Siuith,Jacol J,
Smith, J. if. T ownsend, Julius Jorgens,
Etf Schiefcliii, C. J. Muir, C. Tenuk, J.
Kreudentnol, H. luurd Kestner, P. II.
VanDchey, II. VanDi'iiberg, 0. W. Her
mens, Peter llermens, Peter Krieger, A.J.
Stewart, Ltmis Hermens, Adrian Van Den
Heuvef, Charles Meeks, K, C. Mays, E. P,
Cornelius, H.T. Johnson, Chus. Jleac.ham,
W. C. Jackson. 28-5
In the circuit court of the State of Oregon
for Washington county:.
Chas. A. Field,
P, M. GriHitli, M. L.
Griffith and Amos
(iritlith, defendants.
To F. M. Griffith, Amos Grillith and es
pecially to M. I.. Griffith, the where
abouts of the latter one of the above
named defendants being unknown, us
tenants in common of the hereinafter
described real estate and also to all per
sons, unknown, having, or claiming to
have, an interest or estate in the prop
erty hereinafter described: ,
Oregon you are hereby required to ap
pear and answer the complaint filed
against you iu the above entitled court and
cause 011 or before Monday, the 2flth day of
November, ISM, which is the first day of
the next regular term of said court next
following the six weeks publication of this
summons, and if you fail to answer, for
want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the
court for the relief demanded in his com
plaint, to-wit: fofa decree as follows:
1'biit the real estate described hereinafter,
to-wit i The .north half of the donation
hind claim of Amos Griffith and his now
deceased wife, Maria T. Griffith, in sections
live (5) and eight (8) in township two (2)
south, range two (2) west of Willamette
Meridian containing 101) 50-100 acres more i
or less, situate in the county of Washing
ton, and state of Oregon owned and pos
sessed at present iu common and undi
vided ownership by the above naircd
persons, Amos Griffith as the husband,
and the other parties in this suit as
children and . heirs at law h or heic
representatives of Maria Griffith,:
who died intestate within said county
and state; the above described real estate
shall be partitioned share and nhurc alike
among her heirs-at-law and their legal rep
resentatives, namely: one share to I';;
M. Griffith und one ehare to- the1
plaintiff herein us successor In interest of
Wni, A. Griffith, and one share to your
self, or,, if a partition of Biiid tract of' land
could not be had without material Injury 1
to the interests of the parties then 6r u
sale of saWfyremiHes and a,divlsion 'of the
proceed' ytwflen" said -'parties "according :
tOjJhe' pectiva righU.- i'i" "
Thursuhnnoiis Is published by order of
iroti. T, A. McBride, iudgeof said court,
die& .October 8, 18M. A. Hchdtk.
.t... Attorney for ulaiiitilV.
Notice for Publication. ,
t.Mit Omea atOkkoon Citv, Oa.t
(h'totwr4, l.H'H.1
NOTICE ia hereby given Unit the following-named
Nctller bus II led notice
of his intention to uiiike linal iroof in sun
lxirtof his claim, and that said proo) will
ho made l-rore the County Clerk ol Wash
ington county -t Hillsboro, Oregon, 011
November Kl. 1HIH, vlut
Mlllant V. Vriwby,
II. K. No. si.V lor the S W N K l,i H !s
W ,Hec27 T2N It ft .
llu names the following witnewes to
prove his continuous residence upon and
cultivation of aaid hind, vis:
Zona It. Hay ne, of tlalea l it i K, ijr.
Mutt Slmruley, " '' "
M. Iythnnw, ! '
It. M. Collins, " " ,' .
2H1 ItoHKRT A. M1I.I.KH, ItcglstOI".
Notice for Publication.
Lank OnricB at Oricoon Citv. On.l
Oi'totu-r i, lKW.t
NOTICK i- hereby given that the fol-lowiiig-nuineilselilcr
bus tiled notice
of his intention to imike Dual proof in im
port of his chiini, and thul said proof will
be lonil bel'oru the County Clerk of Wash
ington eountv, at lllllsuoro. Oiikoii. on
November vin:
eiiux I), Haynes,
11. E. No. Km for the N W N K 1, N W N
W Vi, Hec '-'7, 8 W 1 8 W 1 Sec & I' $ N, It
.1 ".
He names the following wit to
prove hlscotitlnuons residence upon and
culliiution of Htiid land, vi.:
Millard K. Crjsbv, ol liiden Creek, Or. s
Thou an Meyoruft, " " ''
Swiintoli Uateuiun, " " "
Mil. Collins, "
'.ilMI' HniiKur A, MttiM ft, r.''gisUi'.
Notice For Publication.
Ijakr Orrn s at Orimos Citv, Ok.I
(Sep. 27, IWM.i
"VfOTICE is hereby given that the follow-
Imr.iiamed settler has Hied notice of his
intention to make tinal nroof in suimort of
I is claim, and that sain proel will immniie
before the County Clerk ol W iislnngton
county at Hillsboro, Or , on Novemhcr2t.
1SHI. viat ,
Qlllnlln Ttinnoek,
II. 10. No. TM, lor the H. K. Ii seo 4, T 2
N, H2W.
He nitincs the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon mid
cultivation of said land, viz:
(leorge Zimmerman, nf Olencoe, Ogu.
John K. Zimmerman,' " "
Itolvert 8uivice, " "
Ki-ed Meyer, Dixie, "
2S- Robkiit A. Mii.i.KH, tietjister.
Notice for Publication,
Hep. 27, WM.t I
NOTICK is hereby given Unit the follow j
ing-nauied settler bus Hied notice of;
his intention to make li mil proof In sup-'
port of his claim and that said proof will
be made before the County Clerk of Wash-'
lii(-ton county, at Hillsboro, Or., uu No
vember 111, IHU4, vi: I
.1 owe iih Cum 1 bell,
II. E. No.7i,"J(, lorthe N V H Sec 2, T t X, j
11 R W. I
He names the following witnesses lo I
prove his Continuous residence upon and I
1 ullivtition of Mid land, vis: '
J. T. Fletcher, of dales Creek, Ore. i
W. S. Her, ' ' "
J-. Ii. IOVillB, " " "
Cicero Ilines, " ' " " .
.(Mi UoiimiT A., llegistcr.
Notice for Publication.
liAW OrrU-K at Okkhon Citv, Oh.)
Sep. 27, IWII.i
"VfOTlCK is hereby given that' the follow-
XI liig-ui
ir-uiiinetl settler has II led notice of I
his intention to make tinal proof In sup-j
ixirt ol liLs claim, and that said Drool' will j
be made before the County Clerk of Wash
ington county, at Hillsboro, Ore,, 011 No
veiubr2l, WH. vi:
Jacob Dalilnileii,
H. E. No. 78"r, for the W S H '4 and ii
S W 4 Kec. 7 T 'I N , IU W.
urove hi -ool,iiiiioiis rcsiiiioice noon and
llo mimes (tie loiiowing witnesses to
cultivation of nld land, via; v.-
John McKachen. of Manning, Ore.
llermann Hunger, "
John Martens, of Ilaywurd, Ore.
George Kessler, " '
-28-0 KohkiitA. Mii.i.kk, Itegister..
Notice for Publication,
f.ASt) Okfu'KAT OuKiio.t City, On.l
" Sep. -'7, iMM.f
NOTICE Is hereby given that the follow-iug-nained
settler hua tiled notice of
his intention to make linal proof in fuih
port of his claim, and that snid proof will
be made before the County C'ioikof Wasli
ington county, at Hillsboro. Or., 011 Nov.
21, MM, viz:
Hermann Hunger,
II. E. No. 727H, for the K H S K Scc..8
and N N K H Hoc, 17, T 2 N, It i W
tie names me loinming winiessen 10
UP"U Um!
tXXiXroffin.'inK.Ore. '
JiicohDahiuden, of llayward Ore.
He names the loiiowing witnesses; to
wluim? Re s le r.
- . . . . ... . .
ItOUKIIT A. .MII.1.IB. lil-guiler
Notice, for Publication.'
' . Land Okkicr at On: cidn Citv.'Or.i
' . -'. fep 27, m.
XfTlCK is hereby given I huttise follow'
Xl ing-nntaiud settler hits 11 1 ot i notice of
IiIh Intention to make final iToofiu sup
port of his claim, and thai said proof will
be made before the County Clerk of Wash
ington county, ut Uiljlsburo, Or., 011 No
vember 22, 1894, "in:, , 1
Wlllta li, Tr.owe,
II . E. No. 71X11. for. the 8W Sec. 15, T 8
X, II 5 W.
He names the loiiowing w
prove ills continuous residence
cultivation of aaid land, viz:
linesscH to
ce upon ml
Daniel Patton, of Glenwood, Oi
lid. lluildleson, "
Nuthun J. Goodwin, " m "
.Max iiurknoizt'i',
Notice far Publicatnn.
Land Ori'ten at Okkuom C-ty
' S). 27, 18
NOTICE is hereby given that, tlw
lowing-naiiied setter has tiled 111
S). 27, 18W
ic fol
intlcn of his intention ti make fluid proof iu
Hlllinort of his claim, noil it, i,t. tut ,.,.r
will be made Indole the County Clerk of
Washington county, at Hillsboro, Ore , on
November 22. 181)1, viz:
Mat Bhelble,
H. K. No. 10257 for the S U N W yt, 8 M
N K X Sec 35, T 2 N, II 5 W.
He numes the following witn 'sacs to
prove his continuous residence upon and
cultivation of said land, viz:
John Holsler, of Galeg Creek, Ore.
Wm. H. Lydu, , " - " . ,
Henry Janson, " "
8. S. liateman, " - ' "
28-0 . K011F.RT A., Register,
AdministrBtrix'a Notice.
NOTICE Is hereby given that the un
dersigned ndiuiiilstrarrix of the estnto
of George Hoss, deceased, has Hied her
tlliul account in the County Court of the
Stnto of Oregon for Washington county
und that said court has tlxed Monday, the
12th day ,:f November, 1804, at the court
room iu Hillsboro, county and state afore
said, at the hour of 10 o'clock 11. m. of said
day us the time and place for the hearing
of objections to aaid account, and the lin
al settlement of said estate.
Hillsboro, October 8, 1804,
. , ; , , Km' M, Hons, .
Adniinistrat rixol the estate of George lions
deceased ng
Administratorf' Notice.
1 r .. r-. if . iin j'. ' ''
JQtT V;" "V giJlen that the under. ;
.... '"vV'"- njr iiieuouniy Liiuri
oi Vf"' j .yi Oregoir, appointed
ij'g-- " W'yfr te ,f Charles 'I'.
'HM .lidnly qualilied us
W:Mi t ablins ngaiiiNt
mi4ttiifif-wt.Mifl4 present
them .to we, Witi)iief vouchers, ut the
law office of 8. D. Huston in Hillsboro,
Oregon, within six months from this date.
PMed ut Hillsboro, Orcgo.,, this October
8, 1894. Twomas Talbotv
Administrator ol the estate of Charles T.
.eep, (leceasca. s
K. A. & V. i. Halleyi physlcUns.
Hun eit ,v, Adam, atCy-al-Uiw;
C It. ltrowii. IH-ntist, wueiird.
KASTKIt Mtl.MNKK.Ncc nil.
11. H. rer, linieer, see ad.
Hlllslioro IMiarinaejf, see ad,
Hlllalioro Meat Matsjaet, see ad.
V. S. Helille, llakei,' Main at, siy
H, II. HiiHlon, att'y-iit-lHW t aw ml.
J. U KnlKhti insiirinieo.iut, see ail,
W. A. Iittlillaw, Mireli::!it,aeiiiid.
H. T. lilllKimcr, pnyitieiani nay uo.,
(. It. r'pencei', Itatliei', see ad.
rii hulinei teh Koir. koii. iihIhr, j
Heliiilmmleti S . Um-hi Imlelieis. "
J. II. Hmllh, lli.vjir neoiid, .'
1'. It. 'ionitue, aiiy-iit-!aw him ud.
Jaines I'htnipe.Taiiilenle. M. I),
' H. I'litci-nuhrei', Jeweler, si'i) ml.
Wiley At lleimls.Clty l.lvery.see ltd.
W. II. Wood, pliyaleluiil w ml.'
W J. Wall, iiiusle tcneheri ceo ail.
Vllke4 llros. mirveyoin.sop ml.
RiHiinfl Union HlwV, UUUtro, Ore,
tUiiiiH diiud 7 Central ItJoeW.
Hlllalioro, Ore,
In Moiuan BloeV,
Hillsboro, Oregon.
W. D.W0OD, M. D.
Oftleo In Chnnette How. Rnaldonos,
corner Flint and Main streets, HliUboro,
Office In Hlllslxiro Pharmaey. Real,
donee east of Court Houan. Olfloa houra
from 9 a. 111. to (I p. m. at Pharmacy when
not visiting: before and after that time at
"1 residence.
F. A. BAII.KY, M.D. F. J. BA1LHY, K.R.M.D.
Physicians, Surgeons and Accouchen.
Office In Hlllaboro Pharmacy.' Kosl
denco aoutn-waat corner llasollnn and
Second, AU calls promptly attended day
or night. ,
Rurcoon Southern Pact fin Ralliiiad Co.
' Consiillatlon in French or English. (lllce
and residence south of Main near ltd at.,
j Hlllaboro, Or.
Conveyancing and nne map work a
j P1"!'5':
Llndaay Block, two doon north of the
f.Ax.n CROWN ami IlitMHIK wurfc IV.
I Aioclaltv. AMi M'ObK tillarenti C(l.
i lloeiie.i 1 and 2 alnriptli llleek,
Okkick Houitti: .'win 8 a m, tu4. r. .
rpt) ItKST.-A hiriLi) cotnige with tlnee
I lots tn North .side addition at ft per
mouth. Enquire ut this ofn,
IOHSAt-li or trade it good UK Inch
. wagon will sell cheap lor em!:, -or wilt
trade for mPch cow. Lmmlra M this olllc'V
rpt) KKN'T.- Three rooms in j.rlmteresi
A deuce liuif biisiie ss nan ol town. No
children wanted.
$2. it r iiionth, t all
at IliWolllto.
TO RENT. A uic little cottage within
one block "f the huiiiiiess pint ol'low'ii
at $7 per month i . Empire lit inis 'tllc.u or
of W.W T'borue.
. v m.. olvt 1.',., I 1,1
fB W",' of good Vcleam'.o rnlt at
" '.:J, ' , .' .
Dl.OW W.N!K.0.--'Jho iiarties wh.:
X took W. it. .u.-kHotrsr PM111I1 I'lo'.v
i.'otn his gardeti s ime time thW sunnner
1 will save 1 rouble hy returning the same at
once, . ' 81-:il
W.VSTKI,T,Sittm'lli.ii 1.11 farm by man
11111I wife v,l ho Ivlnkfreii. 'vVuni
111 1 to do house nun k. 11:11.1 10 wbrk 011
farm, Iniinlie at Argus ollice or itddii'ss
Hox No. 104, Hillsboro. a
Al.Ii persons knowing themselves In
debted to Dr. K. M. Uobinson are
hereby requested to call and settle within
I lie next iW days, or the accounts will be
placed In the bauds of an attorney for col
lection. )it. M. ltotiiMsoN, lleuviu'tou,
Oregon, . 20-5
T70K HAI,E.- lly It. V. Howard, of Cor-
111 uus, sevctity-rive licits in tracts to
I tiit purcbaser. Price Irom (il0to 40 per
acre, inis limn ls.lecnteil. mile north
; east of Cornelius. Klne liuiturgraiu land.
'I'wDiitj-live acres of heaver dam. : Gooit
house, .well and other iniprovelui'iits..
I Good ni-clmrd of ithoiir 200 thrift v Imai'lntr
: irtes.
C. R. MEAD'S ,
Makes rniriilnr Hi) n '.to Portland en.
.ii'innays, euneaci j r, 11 fl liidsvs, le
I'liuing 011 Tiuwdiij,T l.i.i Hinvs mid Si t
;lny. All IniMtiieKH li iin ltd to hint
will be promptly and (iniit.ily iitiimlid
to. . .Freight und pxp rem immnmHi'.'
Leave ordnrs with fil in, ,.r 1 1 I.idftirdV,
or at Tnn A mum,. . "
WH OR OVB OBAliBMI aa sell
yon maehlaM eheaoar t&an imhii
Bet elMwhars, Tha ROW BOIHB la
ar beat, bat we ehM-Mff klB4
aek the OLinUX, MDMAh mmi
ther Hick Arm ValTIflekel riaui -A
Sewing Haeklnee far $11.00 .
Call oar agmt writ as. Wa
want rar tnie, an if pwbmt torai
and qaare4ealln will wl wewlU
hava IHlWa ehallente tn rH t
Srodnee It BBTTKU IO.f I ewlns
aehlM far $10.00, ar $U9.
Sewlnt Baehlna for $IM an f
an bar front no, ar ut , v1
11 1
t ' i
i'. 51V;.V .... 5;
-4 :
'',;';..vr"'"4"k .'i :-
n aftfct o;